1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
4 ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
5 **
6 ** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
7 **
9 ** Commercial License Usage
10 ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
11 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
12 ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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24 **
26 **
27 ****************************************************************************/
29 #include <QtQml/qqmlengine.h>
30 #include <QtQml/private/qqmlengine_p.h>
31 #include <QtQml/private/qqmlmetatype_p.h>
32 #include <QtQml/private/qqmlopenmetaobject_p.h>
33 #include <QtQuick/private/qquickevents_p_p.h>
34 #include <QtQuick/private/qquickpincharea_p.h>
36 #ifdef QT_WIDGETS_LIB
37 #include <QApplication>
38 #endif // QT_WIDGETS_LIB
40 #include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
41 #include <QtCore/QDir>
42 #include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
43 #include <QtCore/QSet>
44 #include <QtCore/QStringList>
45 #include <QtCore/QTimer>
46 #include <QtCore/QMetaObject>
47 #include <QtCore/QMetaProperty>
48 #include <QtCore/QDebug>
49 #include <QtCore/QJsonDocument>
50 #include <QtCore/QJsonParseError>
51 #include <QtCore/QJsonValue>
52 #include <QtCore/QJsonArray>
53 #include <QtCore/QJsonObject>
54 #include <QtCore/QProcess>
55 #include <QtCore/private/qobject_p.h>
56 #include <QtCore/private/qmetaobject_p.h>
58 #include <QRegularExpression>
59 #include <iostream>
60 #include <algorithm>
62 #include "qmltypereader.h"
63 #include "qmlstreamwriter.h"
65 #ifdef QT_SIMULATOR
66 #include <QtGui/private/qsimulatorconnection_p.h>
67 #endif
69 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
70 #  if !defined(Q_CC_MINGW)
71 #    include <crtdbg.h>
72 #  endif
73 #include <qt_windows.h>
74 #endif
76 namespace {
78 const uint qtQmlMajorVersion = 2;
79 const uint qtQmlMinorVersion = 0;
80 const uint qtQuickMajorVersion = 2;
81 const uint qtQuickMinorVersion = 0;
83 const QString qtQuickQualifiedName = QString::fromLatin1("QtQuick %1.%2")
84         .arg(qtQuickMajorVersion)
85         .arg(qtQuickMinorVersion);
87 QString pluginImportPath;
88 bool verbose = false;
89 bool creatable = true;
91 QString currentProperty;
92 QString inObjectInstantiation;
94 }
enquote(const QString & string)96 static QString enquote(const QString &string)
97 {
98     QString s = string;
99     return QString("\"%1\"").arg(s.replace(QLatin1Char('\\'), QLatin1String("\\\\"))
100                                  .replace(QLatin1Char('"'),QLatin1String("\\\"")));
101 }
103 struct QmlVersionInfo
104 {
105     QString pluginImportUri;
106     int majorVersion;
107     int minorVersion;
108     bool strict;
109 };
matchingImportUri(const QQmlType & ty,const QmlVersionInfo & versionInfo)111 static bool matchingImportUri(const QQmlType &ty, const QmlVersionInfo& versionInfo) {
112     if (versionInfo.strict) {
113         return (versionInfo.pluginImportUri == ty.module()
114                 && (ty.majorVersion() == versionInfo.majorVersion || ty.majorVersion() == -1))
115                 || ty.module().isEmpty();
116     }
117     return ty.module().isEmpty()
118             || versionInfo.pluginImportUri == ty.module()
119             || ty.module().startsWith(versionInfo.pluginImportUri + QLatin1Char('.'));
120 }
collectReachableMetaObjects(const QMetaObject * meta,QSet<const QMetaObject * > * metas,const QmlVersionInfo & info,bool extended=false,bool alreadyChangedModule=false)122 void collectReachableMetaObjects(const QMetaObject *meta, QSet<const QMetaObject *> *metas,  const QmlVersionInfo &info, bool extended = false, bool alreadyChangedModule = false)
123 {
124     auto ty = QQmlMetaType::qmlType(meta);
125     if (! meta || metas->contains(meta))
126         return;
128     if (matchingImportUri(ty, info)) {
129         if (!alreadyChangedModule) {
130             // dynamic meta objects can break things badly
131             // but extended types are usually fine
132             const QMetaObjectPrivate *mop = reinterpret_cast<const QMetaObjectPrivate *>(meta->d.data);
133             if (extended || !(mop->flags & DynamicMetaObject))
134                 metas->insert(meta);
135         } else if (!ty.module().isEmpty()) { // empty module (e.g. from an attached property) would cause a (false) match; do not warn about them
136             qWarning() << "Circular module dependency cannot be expressed in plugin.qmltypes file"
137                        << "Object was:" << meta->className()
138                        << ty.module() << info.pluginImportUri;
139         }
140     } else if (!ty.module().isEmpty()) {
141         alreadyChangedModule = true;
142     }
144     collectReachableMetaObjects(meta->superClass(), metas, info, /*extended=*/ false, alreadyChangedModule);
145 }
collectReachableMetaObjects(QObject * object,QSet<const QMetaObject * > * metas,const QmlVersionInfo & info)147 void collectReachableMetaObjects(QObject *object, QSet<const QMetaObject *> *metas, const QmlVersionInfo &info)
148 {
149     if (! object)
150         return;
152     const QMetaObject *meta = object->metaObject();
153     if (verbose)
154         std::cerr << "Processing object " << qPrintable( meta->className() ) << std::endl;
155     collectReachableMetaObjects(meta, metas, info);
157     for (int index = 0; index < meta->propertyCount(); ++index) {
158         QMetaProperty prop = meta->property(index);
159         if (QQmlMetaType::isQObject(prop.userType())) {
160             if (verbose)
161                 std::cerr << "  Processing property " << qPrintable( prop.name() ) << std::endl;
162             currentProperty = QString("%1::%2").arg(meta->className(), prop.name());
164             // if the property was not initialized during construction,
165             // accessing a member of oo is going to cause a segmentation fault
166             QObject *oo = QQmlMetaType::toQObject(prop.read(object));
167             if (oo && !metas->contains(oo->metaObject()))
168                 collectReachableMetaObjects(oo, metas, info);
169             currentProperty.clear();
170         }
171     }
172 }
collectReachableMetaObjects(QQmlEnginePrivate * engine,const QQmlType & ty,QSet<const QMetaObject * > * metas,const QmlVersionInfo & info)174 void collectReachableMetaObjects(QQmlEnginePrivate *engine, const QQmlType &ty, QSet<const QMetaObject *> *metas,  const QmlVersionInfo& info)
175 {
176     collectReachableMetaObjects(ty.baseMetaObject(), metas, info, ty.isExtendedType());
177     if (ty.attachedPropertiesType(engine) && matchingImportUri(ty, info)) {
178         collectReachableMetaObjects(ty.attachedPropertiesType(engine), metas, info);
179     }
180 }
182 /* We want to add the MetaObject for 'Qt' to the list, this is a
183    simple way to access it.
184 */
185 class FriendlyQObject: public QObject
186 {
187 public:
qtMeta()188     static const QMetaObject *qtMeta() { return &staticQtMetaObject; }
189 };
191 /* When we dump a QMetaObject, we want to list all the types it is exported as.
192    To do this, we need to find the QQmlTypes associated with this
193    QMetaObject.
194 */
195 static QHash<QByteArray, QSet<QQmlType> > qmlTypesByCppName;
197 static QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> cppToId;
199 /* Takes a C++ type name, such as Qt::LayoutDirection or QString and
200    maps it to how it should appear in the description file.
202    These names need to be unique globally, so we don't change the C++ symbol's
203    name much. It is mostly used to for explicit translations such as
204    QString->string and translations for extended QML objects.
205 */
convertToId(const QByteArray & cppName)206 QByteArray convertToId(const QByteArray &cppName)
207 {
208     return cppToId.value(cppName, cppName);
209 }
convertToId(const QMetaObject * mo)211 QByteArray convertToId(const QMetaObject *mo)
212 {
213     QByteArray className(mo->className());
214     if (!className.isEmpty())
215         return convertToId(className);
217     // likely a metaobject generated for an extended qml object
218     if (mo->superClass()) {
219         className = convertToId(mo->superClass());
220         className.append("_extended");
221         return className;
222     }
224     static QHash<const QMetaObject *, QByteArray> generatedNames;
225     className = generatedNames.value(mo);
226     if (!className.isEmpty())
227         return className;
229     std::cerr << "Found a QMetaObject without a className, generating a random name" << std::endl;
230     className = QByteArray("error-unknown-name-");
231     className.append(QByteArray::number(generatedNames.size()));
232     generatedNames.insert(mo, className);
233     return className;
234 }
237 // Collect all metaobjects for types registered with qmlRegisterType() without parameters
collectReachableMetaObjectsWithoutQmlName(QQmlEnginePrivate * engine,QSet<const QMetaObject * > & metas,QMap<QString,QList<QQmlType>> & compositeTypes,const QmlVersionInfo & info)238 void collectReachableMetaObjectsWithoutQmlName(QQmlEnginePrivate *engine, QSet<const QMetaObject *>& metas,
239                                                QMap<QString, QList<QQmlType>> &compositeTypes, const QmlVersionInfo &info) {
240     const auto qmlAllTypes = QQmlMetaType::qmlAllTypes();
241     for (const QQmlType &ty : qmlAllTypes) {
242         if (!metas.contains(ty.baseMetaObject())) {
243             if (!ty.isComposite()) {
244                 collectReachableMetaObjects(engine, ty, &metas, info);
245             } else if (matchingImportUri(ty, info)) {
246                 compositeTypes[ty.elementName()].append(ty);
247             }
248        }
249     }
250 }
collectReachableMetaObjects(QQmlEngine * engine,QSet<const QMetaObject * > & noncreatables,QSet<const QMetaObject * > & singletons,QMap<QString,QList<QQmlType>> & compositeTypes,const QmlVersionInfo & info,const QList<QQmlType> & skip=QList<QQmlType> ())252 QSet<const QMetaObject *> collectReachableMetaObjects(QQmlEngine *engine,
253                                                       QSet<const QMetaObject *> &noncreatables,
254                                                       QSet<const QMetaObject *> &singletons,
255                                                       QMap<QString, QList<QQmlType>> &compositeTypes,
256                                                       const QmlVersionInfo &info,
257                                                       const QList<QQmlType> &skip = QList<QQmlType>()
258                                                       )
259 {
260     QSet<const QMetaObject *> metas;
261     metas.insert(FriendlyQObject::qtMeta());
263     const auto qmlTypes = QQmlMetaType::qmlTypes();
264     for (const QQmlType &ty : qmlTypes) {
265         if (!matchingImportUri(ty,info))
266             continue;
267         if (!ty.isCreatable())
268             noncreatables.insert(ty.baseMetaObject());
269         if (ty.isSingleton())
270             singletons.insert(ty.baseMetaObject());
271         if (!ty.isComposite()) {
272             qmlTypesByCppName[ty.baseMetaObject()->className()].insert(ty);
273             collectReachableMetaObjects(QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine), ty, &metas, info);
274         } else {
275             compositeTypes[ty.elementName()].append(ty);
276         }
277     }
279     if (creatable) {
280         // find even more QMetaObjects by instantiating QML types and running
281         // over the instances
282         for (const QQmlType &ty : qmlTypes) {
283             if (!matchingImportUri(ty, info))
284                 continue;
285             if (skip.contains(ty))
286                 continue;
287             if (ty.isExtendedType())
288                 continue;
289             if (!ty.isCreatable())
290                 continue;
291             if (ty.typeName() == "QQmlComponent")
292                 continue;
294             QString tyName = ty.qmlTypeName();
295             tyName = tyName.mid(tyName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')) + 1);
296             if (tyName.isEmpty())
297                 continue;
299             inObjectInstantiation = tyName;
300             QObject *object = nullptr;
302             if (ty.isSingleton()) {
303                 QQmlType::SingletonInstanceInfo *siinfo = ty.singletonInstanceInfo();
304                 if (!siinfo) {
305                     std::cerr << "Internal error, " << qPrintable(tyName)
306                               << "(" << qPrintable( QString::fromUtf8(ty.typeName()) ) << ")"
307                               << " is singleton, but has no singletonInstanceInfo" << std::endl;
308                     continue;
309                 }
310                 if (ty.isQObjectSingleton()) {
311                     if (verbose)
312                         std::cerr << "Trying to get singleton for " << qPrintable(tyName)
313                                   << " (" << qPrintable( siinfo->typeName )  << ")" << std::endl;
314                     collectReachableMetaObjects(object, &metas, info);
315                     object = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine)->singletonInstance<QObject*>(ty);
316                 } else {
317                     inObjectInstantiation.clear();
318                     continue; // we don't handle QJSValue singleton types.
319                 }
320             } else {
321                 if (verbose)
322                     std::cerr << "Trying to create object " << qPrintable( tyName )
323                               << " (" << qPrintable( QString::fromUtf8(ty.typeName()) )  << ")" << std::endl;
324                 object = ty.create();
325             }
327             inObjectInstantiation.clear();
329             if (object) {
330                 if (verbose)
331                     std::cerr << "Got " << qPrintable( tyName )
332                               << " (" << qPrintable( QString::fromUtf8(ty.typeName()) ) << ")" << std::endl;
333                 collectReachableMetaObjects(object, &metas, info);
334                 object->deleteLater();
335             } else {
336                 std::cerr << "Could not create " << qPrintable(tyName) << std::endl;
337             }
338         }
339     }
341     collectReachableMetaObjectsWithoutQmlName(QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine), metas, compositeTypes, info);
343     return metas;
344 }
346 class KnownAttributes {
347     QHash<QByteArray, int> m_properties;
348     QHash<QByteArray, QHash<int, int> > m_methods;
349 public:
knownMethod(const QByteArray & name,int nArgs,int revision)350     bool knownMethod(const QByteArray &name, int nArgs, int revision)
351     {
352         if (m_methods.contains(name)) {
353             QHash<int, int> overloads = m_methods.value(name);
354             if (overloads.contains(nArgs) && overloads.value(nArgs) <= revision)
355                 return true;
356         }
357         m_methods[name][nArgs] = revision;
358         return false;
359     }
knownProperty(const QByteArray & name,int revision)361     bool knownProperty(const QByteArray &name, int revision)
362     {
363         if (m_properties.contains(name) && m_properties.value(name) <= revision)
364             return true;
365         m_properties[name] = revision;
366         return false;
367     }
368 };
370 class Dumper
371 {
372     QmlStreamWriter *qml;
373     QString relocatableModuleUri;
375 public:
Dumper(QmlStreamWriter * qml)376     Dumper(QmlStreamWriter *qml) : qml(qml) {}
setRelocatableModuleUri(const QString & uri)378     void setRelocatableModuleUri(const QString &uri)
379     {
380         relocatableModuleUri = uri;
381     }
getExportString(const QQmlType & type,const QmlVersionInfo & versionInfo)383     QString getExportString(const QQmlType &type, const QmlVersionInfo &versionInfo)
384     {
385         const QString module = type.module().isEmpty() ? versionInfo.pluginImportUri
386                                                        : type.module();
387         const int majorVersion = type.majorVersion() >= 0 ? type.majorVersion()
388                                                           : versionInfo.majorVersion;
389         const int minorVersion = type.minorVersion() >= 0 ? type.minorVersion()
390                                                           : versionInfo.minorVersion;
392         const QString versionedElement = type.elementName()
393                 + QString::fromLatin1(" %1.%2").arg(majorVersion).arg(minorVersion);
395         return enquote((module == relocatableModuleUri)
396                        ? versionedElement
397                        : module + QLatin1Char('/') + versionedElement);
398     }
writeMetaContent(const QMetaObject * meta,KnownAttributes * knownAttributes=nullptr)400     void writeMetaContent(const QMetaObject *meta, KnownAttributes *knownAttributes = nullptr)
401     {
402         QSet<QString> implicitSignals = dumpMetaProperties(meta, 0, knownAttributes);
404         if (meta == &QObject::staticMetaObject) {
405             // for QObject, hide deleteLater() and onDestroyed
406             for (int index = meta->methodOffset(); index < meta->methodCount(); ++index) {
407                 QMetaMethod method = meta->method(index);
408                 QByteArray signature = method.methodSignature();
409                 if (signature == QByteArrayLiteral("destroyed(QObject*)")
410                         || signature == QByteArrayLiteral("destroyed()")
411                         || signature == QByteArrayLiteral("deleteLater()"))
412                     continue;
413                 dump(method, implicitSignals, knownAttributes);
414             }
416             // and add toString(), destroy() and destroy(int)
417             if (!knownAttributes || !knownAttributes->knownMethod(QByteArray("toString"), 0, 0)) {
418                 qml->writeStartObject(QLatin1String("Method"));
419                 qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("name"), enquote(QLatin1String("toString")));
420                 qml->writeEndObject();
421             }
422             if (!knownAttributes || !knownAttributes->knownMethod(QByteArray("destroy"), 0, 0)) {
423                 qml->writeStartObject(QLatin1String("Method"));
424                 qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("name"), enquote(QLatin1String("destroy")));
425                 qml->writeEndObject();
426             }
427             if (!knownAttributes || !knownAttributes->knownMethod(QByteArray("destroy"), 1, 0)) {
428                 qml->writeStartObject(QLatin1String("Method"));
429                 qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("name"), enquote(QLatin1String("destroy")));
430                 qml->writeStartObject(QLatin1String("Parameter"));
431                 qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("name"), enquote(QLatin1String("delay")));
432                 qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("type"), enquote(QLatin1String("int")));
433                 qml->writeEndObject();
434                 qml->writeEndObject();
435             }
436         } else {
437             for (int index = meta->methodOffset(); index < meta->methodCount(); ++index)
438                 dump(meta->method(index), implicitSignals, knownAttributes);
439         }
440     }
getPrototypeNameForCompositeType(const QMetaObject * metaObject,QList<const QMetaObject * > * objectsToMerge,const QmlVersionInfo & versionInfo)442     QString getPrototypeNameForCompositeType(
443             const QMetaObject *metaObject, QList<const QMetaObject *> *objectsToMerge,
444             const QmlVersionInfo &versionInfo)
445     {
446         auto ty = QQmlMetaType::qmlType(metaObject);
447         QString prototypeName;
448         if (matchingImportUri(ty, versionInfo)) {
449             // dynamic meta objects can break things badly
450             // but extended types are usually fine
451             const QMetaObjectPrivate *mop = reinterpret_cast<const QMetaObjectPrivate *>(metaObject->d.data);
452             if (!(mop->flags & DynamicMetaObject) && objectsToMerge
453                     && !objectsToMerge->contains(metaObject))
454                 objectsToMerge->append(metaObject);
455             const QMetaObject *superMetaObject = metaObject->superClass();
456             if (!superMetaObject) {
457                 prototypeName = "QObject";
458             } else {
459                 QQmlType superType = QQmlMetaType::qmlType(superMetaObject);
460                 if (superType.isValid() && !superType.isComposite())
461                     return convertToId(superMetaObject->className());
462                 prototypeName = getPrototypeNameForCompositeType(
463                             superMetaObject, objectsToMerge, versionInfo);
464             }
465         } else {
466             prototypeName = convertToId(metaObject->className());
467         }
468         return prototypeName;
469     }
dumpComposite(QQmlEngine * engine,const QList<QQmlType> & compositeType,const QmlVersionInfo & versionInfo)471     void dumpComposite(QQmlEngine *engine, const QList<QQmlType> &compositeType, const QmlVersionInfo &versionInfo)
472     {
473         for (const QQmlType &type : compositeType)
474             dumpCompositeItem(engine, type, versionInfo);
475     }
dumpCompositeItem(QQmlEngine * engine,const QQmlType & compositeType,const QmlVersionInfo & versionInfo)477     void dumpCompositeItem(QQmlEngine *engine, const QQmlType &compositeType, const QmlVersionInfo &versionInfo)
478     {
479         QQmlComponent e(engine, compositeType.sourceUrl());
480         if (!e.isReady()) {
481             std::cerr << "WARNING: skipping module " << compositeType.elementName().toStdString()
482                       << std::endl << e.errorString().toStdString() << std::endl;
483             return;
484         }
486         QObject *object = e.create();
488         if (!object)
489             return;
491         qml->writeStartObject("Component");
493         const QMetaObject *mainMeta = object->metaObject();
495         QList<const QMetaObject *> objectsToMerge;
496         KnownAttributes knownAttributes;
497         // Get C++ base class name for the composite type
498         QString prototypeName = getPrototypeNameForCompositeType(mainMeta, &objectsToMerge,
499                                                                  versionInfo);
500         qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("prototype"), enquote(prototypeName));
502         QString qmlTyName = compositeType.qmlTypeName();
503         const QString exportString = getExportString(compositeType, versionInfo);
505         // TODO: why don't we simply output the compositeType.elementName() here?
506         //       That would make more sense, but it would change the format quite a bit.
507         qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("name"), exportString);
509         qml->writeArrayBinding(QLatin1String("exports"), QStringList() << exportString);
510         qml->writeArrayBinding(QLatin1String("exportMetaObjectRevisions"), QStringList() << QString::number(compositeType.minorVersion()));
511         qml->writeBooleanBinding(QLatin1String("isComposite"), true);
513         if (compositeType.isSingleton()) {
514             qml->writeBooleanBinding(QLatin1String("isCreatable"), false);
515             qml->writeBooleanBinding(QLatin1String("isSingleton"), true);
516         }
518         for (int index = mainMeta->classInfoCount() - 1 ; index >= 0 ; --index) {
519             QMetaClassInfo classInfo = mainMeta->classInfo(index);
520             if (QLatin1String(classInfo.name()) == QLatin1String("DefaultProperty")) {
521                 qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("defaultProperty"), enquote(QLatin1String(classInfo.value())));
522                 break;
523             }
524         }
526         for (const QMetaObject *meta : qAsConst(objectsToMerge)) {
527             for (int index = meta->enumeratorOffset(); index < meta->enumeratorCount(); ++index)
528                 dump(meta->enumerator(index));
530             writeMetaContent(meta, &knownAttributes);
531         }
533         qml->writeEndObject();
534     }
getDefaultProperty(const QMetaObject * meta)536     QString getDefaultProperty(const QMetaObject *meta)
537     {
538         for (int index = meta->classInfoCount() - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
539             QMetaClassInfo classInfo = meta->classInfo(index);
540             if (QLatin1String(classInfo.name()) == QLatin1String("DefaultProperty")) {
541                 return QLatin1String(classInfo.value());
542             }
543         }
544         return QString();
545     }
547     struct QmlTypeInfo {
QmlTypeInfoDumper::QmlTypeInfo548         QmlTypeInfo() {}
QmlTypeInfoDumper::QmlTypeInfo549         QmlTypeInfo(const QString &exportString, int revision, const QMetaObject *extendedObject, QByteArray attachedTypeId)
550             : exportString(exportString), revision(revision), extendedObject(extendedObject), attachedTypeId(attachedTypeId) {}
551         QString exportString;
552         int revision = 0;
553         const QMetaObject *extendedObject = nullptr;
554         QByteArray attachedTypeId;
555     };
dump(QQmlEnginePrivate * engine,const QMetaObject * meta,bool isUncreatable,bool isSingleton)557     void dump(QQmlEnginePrivate *engine, const QMetaObject *meta, bool isUncreatable, bool isSingleton)
558     {
559         qml->writeStartObject("Component");
561         QByteArray id = convertToId(meta);
562         qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("name"), enquote(id));
564         // collect type information
565         QVector<QmlTypeInfo> typeInfo;
566         for (QQmlType type : qmlTypesByCppName.value(meta->className())) {
567             const QMetaObject *extendedObject = type.extensionFunction() ? type.metaObject() : nullptr;
568             QByteArray attachedTypeId;
569             if (const QMetaObject *attachedType = type.attachedPropertiesType(engine)) {
570                 // Can happen when a type is registered that returns itself as attachedPropertiesType()
571                 // because there is no creatable type to attach to.
572                 if (attachedType != meta)
573                     attachedTypeId = convertToId(attachedType);
574             }
575             const QString exportString = getExportString(type, { QString(), -1, -1, false });
576             int metaObjectRevision = type.metaObjectRevision();
577             if (extendedObject) {
578                 // emulate custom metaobjectrevision out of import
579                 metaObjectRevision = type.majorVersion() * 100 + type.minorVersion();
580             }
582             QmlTypeInfo info = { exportString, metaObjectRevision, extendedObject, attachedTypeId };
583             typeInfo.append(info);
584         }
586         // sort to ensure stable output
587         std::sort(typeInfo.begin(), typeInfo.end(), [](const QmlTypeInfo &i1, const QmlTypeInfo &i2) {
588             return i1.revision < i2.revision;
589         });
591         // determine default property
592         // TODO: support revisioning of default property
593         QString defaultProperty = getDefaultProperty(meta);
594         if (defaultProperty.isEmpty()) {
595             for (const QmlTypeInfo &iter : typeInfo) {
596                 if (iter.extendedObject) {
597                     defaultProperty = getDefaultProperty(iter.extendedObject);
598                     if (!defaultProperty.isEmpty())
599                         break;
600                 }
601             }
602         }
603         if (!defaultProperty.isEmpty())
604             qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("defaultProperty"), enquote(defaultProperty));
606         if (meta->superClass())
607             qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("prototype"), enquote(convertToId(meta->superClass())));
609         if (!typeInfo.isEmpty()) {
610             QMap<QString, QString> exports; // sort exports
611             for (const QmlTypeInfo &iter : typeInfo)
612                 exports.insert(iter.exportString, QString::number(iter.revision));
614             QStringList exportStrings = exports.keys();
615             QStringList metaObjectRevisions = exports.values();
616             qml->writeArrayBinding(QLatin1String("exports"), exportStrings);
618             if (isUncreatable)
619                 qml->writeBooleanBinding(QLatin1String("isCreatable"), false);
621             if (isSingleton)
622                 qml->writeBooleanBinding(QLatin1String("isSingleton"), true);
624             qml->writeArrayBinding(QLatin1String("exportMetaObjectRevisions"), metaObjectRevisions);
626             for (const QmlTypeInfo &iter : typeInfo) {
627                 if (!iter.attachedTypeId.isEmpty()) {
628                     qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("attachedType"), enquote(iter.attachedTypeId));
629                     break;
630                 }
631             }
632         }
634         for (int index = meta->enumeratorOffset(); index < meta->enumeratorCount(); ++index)
635             dump(meta->enumerator(index));
637         writeMetaContent(meta);
639         // dump properties from extended metaobjects last
640         for (auto iter : typeInfo) {
641             if (iter.extendedObject)
642                 dumpMetaProperties(iter.extendedObject, iter.revision);
643         }
645         qml->writeEndObject();
646     }
writeEasingCurve()648     void writeEasingCurve()
649     {
650         qml->writeStartObject(QLatin1String("Component"));
651         qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("name"), enquote(QLatin1String("QEasingCurve")));
652         qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("prototype"), enquote(QLatin1String("QQmlEasingValueType")));
653         qml->writeEndObject();
654     }
656 private:
658     /* Removes pointer and list annotations from a type name, returning
659        what was removed in isList and isPointer
660     */
removePointerAndList(QByteArray * typeName,bool * isList,bool * isPointer)661     static void removePointerAndList(QByteArray *typeName, bool *isList, bool *isPointer)
662     {
663         static QByteArray declListPrefix = "QQmlListProperty<";
665         if (typeName->endsWith('*')) {
666             *isPointer = true;
667             typeName->truncate(typeName->length() - 1);
668             removePointerAndList(typeName, isList, isPointer);
669         } else if (typeName->startsWith(declListPrefix)) {
670             *isList = true;
671             typeName->truncate(typeName->length() - 1); // get rid of the suffix '>'
672             *typeName = typeName->mid(declListPrefix.size());
673             removePointerAndList(typeName, isList, isPointer);
674         }
676         *typeName = convertToId(*typeName);
677     }
writeTypeProperties(QByteArray typeName,bool isWritable)679     void writeTypeProperties(QByteArray typeName, bool isWritable)
680     {
681         bool isList = false, isPointer = false;
682         removePointerAndList(&typeName, &isList, &isPointer);
684         qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("type"), enquote(typeName));
685         if (isList)
686             qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("isList"), QLatin1String("true"));
687         if (!isWritable)
688             qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("isReadonly"), QLatin1String("true"));
689         if (isPointer)
690             qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("isPointer"), QLatin1String("true"));
691     }
dump(const QMetaProperty & prop,int metaRevision=-1,KnownAttributes * knownAttributes=nullptr)693     void dump(const QMetaProperty &prop, int metaRevision = -1, KnownAttributes *knownAttributes = nullptr)
694     {
695         int revision = metaRevision ? metaRevision : prop.revision();
696         QByteArray propName = prop.name();
697         if (knownAttributes && knownAttributes->knownProperty(propName, revision))
698             return;
699         qml->writeStartObject("Property");
700         qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("name"), enquote(QString::fromUtf8(prop.name())));
701         if (revision)
702             qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("revision"), QString::number(revision));
703         writeTypeProperties(prop.typeName(), prop.isWritable());
705         qml->writeEndObject();
706     }
dumpMetaProperties(const QMetaObject * meta,int metaRevision=-1,KnownAttributes * knownAttributes=nullptr)708     QSet<QString> dumpMetaProperties(const QMetaObject *meta, int metaRevision = -1, KnownAttributes *knownAttributes = nullptr)
709     {
710         QSet<QString> implicitSignals;
711         for (int index = meta->propertyOffset(); index < meta->propertyCount(); ++index) {
712             const QMetaProperty &property = meta->property(index);
713             dump(property, metaRevision, knownAttributes);
714             if (knownAttributes)
715                 knownAttributes->knownMethod(QByteArray(property.name()).append("Changed"),
716                                              0, property.revision());
717             implicitSignals.insert(QString("%1Changed").arg(QString::fromUtf8(property.name())));
718         }
719         return implicitSignals;
720     }
dump(const QMetaMethod & meth,const QSet<QString> & implicitSignals,KnownAttributes * knownAttributes=nullptr)722     void dump(const QMetaMethod &meth, const QSet<QString> &implicitSignals,
723               KnownAttributes *knownAttributes = nullptr)
724     {
725         if (meth.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal) {
726             if (meth.access() != QMetaMethod::Public)
727                 return; // nothing to do.
728         } else if (meth.access() != QMetaMethod::Public) {
729             return; // nothing to do.
730         }
732         QByteArray name = meth.name();
733         const QString typeName = convertToId(meth.typeName());
735         if (implicitSignals.contains(name)
736                 && !meth.revision()
737                 && meth.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal
738                 && meth.parameterNames().isEmpty()
739                 && typeName == QLatin1String("void")) {
740             // don't mention implicit signals
741             return;
742         }
744         int revision = meth.revision();
745         if (knownAttributes && knownAttributes->knownMethod(name, meth.parameterNames().size(), revision))
746             return;
747         if (meth.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal)
748             qml->writeStartObject(QLatin1String("Signal"));
749         else
750             qml->writeStartObject(QLatin1String("Method"));
752         qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("name"), enquote(name));
754         if (revision)
755             qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("revision"), QString::number(revision));
757         if (typeName != QLatin1String("void"))
758             qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("type"), enquote(typeName));
760         for (int i = 0; i < meth.parameterTypes().size(); ++i) {
761             QByteArray argName = meth.parameterNames().at(i);
763             qml->writeStartObject(QLatin1String("Parameter"));
764             if (! argName.isEmpty())
765                 qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("name"), enquote(argName));
766             writeTypeProperties(meth.parameterTypes().at(i), true);
767             qml->writeEndObject();
768         }
770         qml->writeEndObject();
771     }
dump(const QMetaEnum & e)773     void dump(const QMetaEnum &e)
774     {
775         qml->writeStartObject(QLatin1String("Enum"));
776         qml->writeScriptBinding(QLatin1String("name"), enquote(QString::fromUtf8(e.name())));
778         QList<QPair<QString, QString> > namesValues;
779         const int keyCount = e.keyCount();
780         namesValues.reserve(keyCount);
781         for (int index = 0; index < keyCount; ++index) {
782             namesValues.append(qMakePair(enquote(QString::fromUtf8(e.key(index))), QString::number(e.value(index))));
783         }
785         qml->writeScriptObjectLiteralBinding(QLatin1String("values"), namesValues);
786         qml->writeEndObject();
787     }
788 };
790 enum ExitCode {
792     EXIT_SEGV = 2,
794 };
printUsage(const QString & appName)796 void printUsage(const QString &appName)
797 {
798     std::cerr << qPrintable(QString(
799                                  "Usage: %1 [-v] [-qapp] [-noinstantiate] [-defaultplatform] [-[non]relocatable] [-dependencies <dependencies.json>] [-merge <file-to-merge.qmltypes>] [-output <output-file.qmltypes>] [-noforceqtquick] module.uri version [module/import/path]\n"
800                                  "       %1 [-v] [-qapp] [-noinstantiate] -path path/to/qmldir/directory [version]\n"
801                                  "       %1 [-v] -builtins\n"
802                                  "Example: %1 Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 2.0 /home/user/dev/qt-install/imports").arg(
803                                  appName)) << std::endl;
804 }
readDependenciesData(QString dependenciesFile,const QByteArray & fileData,QStringList * dependencies,const QStringList & urisToSkip,bool forceQtQuickDependency=true)806 static bool readDependenciesData(QString dependenciesFile, const QByteArray &fileData,
807                                  QStringList *dependencies, const QStringList &urisToSkip,
808                                  bool forceQtQuickDependency = true) {
809     if (verbose) {
810         std::cerr << "parsing "
811                   << qPrintable( dependenciesFile ) << " skipping";
812         for (const QString &uriToSkip : urisToSkip)
813             std::cerr << ' '  << qPrintable(uriToSkip);
814         std::cerr << std::endl;
815     }
816     QJsonParseError parseError;
817     parseError.error = QJsonParseError::NoError;
818     QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(fileData, &parseError);
819     if (parseError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
820         std::cerr << "Error parsing dependencies file " << dependenciesFile.toStdString()
821                   << ":" << parseError.errorString().toStdString() << " at " << parseError.offset
822                   << std::endl;
823         return false;
824     }
825     if (doc.isArray()) {
826         const QStringList requiredKeys = QStringList() << QStringLiteral("name")
827                                                        << QStringLiteral("type")
828                                                        << QStringLiteral("version");
829         const auto deps = doc.array();
830         for (const QJsonValue &dep : deps) {
831             if (dep.isObject()) {
832                 QJsonObject obj = dep.toObject();
833                 for (const QString &requiredKey : requiredKeys)
834                     if (!obj.contains(requiredKey) || obj.value(requiredKey).isString())
835                         continue;
836                 if (obj.value(QStringLiteral("type")).toString() != QLatin1String("module"))
837                     continue;
838                 QString name = obj.value((QStringLiteral("name"))).toString();
839                 QString version = obj.value(QStringLiteral("version")).toString();
840                 if (name.isEmpty() || urisToSkip.contains(name) || version.isEmpty())
841                     continue;
842                 if (name.contains(QLatin1String("Private"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
843                     if (verbose)
844                         std::cerr << "skipping private dependecy "
845                                   << qPrintable( name ) << " "  << qPrintable(version) << std::endl;
846                     continue;
847                 }
848                 if (verbose)
849                     std::cerr << "appending dependency "
850                               << qPrintable( name ) << " "  << qPrintable(version) << std::endl;
851                 dependencies->append(name + QLatin1Char(' ')+version);
852             }
853         }
854     } else {
855         std::cerr << "Error parsing dependencies file " << dependenciesFile.toStdString()
856                   << ": expected an array" << std::endl;
857         return false;
858     }
859     // Workaround for avoiding conflicting types when no dependency has been found.
860     //
861     // qmlplugindump used to import QtQuick, so all types defined in QtQuick used to be skipped when dumping.
862     // Now that it imports only Qt, it is no longer the case: if no dependency is found all the types defined
863     // in QtQuick will be dumped, causing conflicts.
864     if (forceQtQuickDependency && dependencies->isEmpty())
865         dependencies->push_back(qtQuickQualifiedName);
866     return true;
867 }
readDependenciesFile(const QString & dependenciesFile,QStringList * dependencies,const QStringList & urisToSkip)869 static bool readDependenciesFile(const QString &dependenciesFile, QStringList *dependencies,
870                                 const QStringList &urisToSkip) {
871     if (!QFileInfo::exists(dependenciesFile)) {
872         std::cerr << "non existing dependencies file " << dependenciesFile.toStdString()
873                   << std::endl;
874         return false;
875     }
876     QFile f(dependenciesFile);
877     if (!f.open(QFileDevice::ReadOnly)) {
878         std::cerr << "non existing dependencies file " << dependenciesFile.toStdString()
879                   << ", " << f.errorString().toStdString() << std::endl;
880         return false;
881     }
882     QByteArray fileData = f.readAll();
883     return readDependenciesData(dependenciesFile, fileData, dependencies, urisToSkip, false);
884 }
getDependencies(const QQmlEngine & engine,const QString & pluginImportUri,const QString & pluginImportVersion,QStringList * dependencies,bool forceQtQuickDependency)886 static bool getDependencies(const QQmlEngine &engine, const QString &pluginImportUri,
887                             const QString &pluginImportVersion, QStringList *dependencies,
888                             bool forceQtQuickDependency)
889 {
890     QString importScannerExe = QLatin1String("qmlimportscanner");
891     QFileInfo selfExe(QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath());
892     if (!selfExe.suffix().isEmpty())
893         importScannerExe += QLatin1String(".") + selfExe.suffix();
894     QString command = selfExe.absoluteDir().filePath(importScannerExe);
896     QStringList commandArgs = QStringList()
897             << QLatin1String("-qmlFiles")
898             << QLatin1String("-");
899     QStringList importPathList = engine.importPathList();
900     importPathList.removeOne(QStringLiteral("qrc:/qt-project.org/imports"));
901     for (const QString &path : importPathList)
902         commandArgs << QLatin1String("-importPath") << path;
904     QProcess importScanner;
905     importScanner.start(command, commandArgs, QProcess::ReadWrite);
906     if (!importScanner.waitForStarted())
907         return false;
909     importScanner.write("import ");
910     importScanner.write(pluginImportUri.toUtf8());
911     importScanner.write(" ");
912     importScanner.write(pluginImportVersion.toUtf8());
913     importScanner.write("\nQtObject{}\n");
914     importScanner.closeWriteChannel();
916     if (!importScanner.waitForFinished()) {
917         std::cerr << "failure to start " << qPrintable(command);
918         for (const QString &arg : qAsConst(commandArgs))
919             std::cerr << ' ' << qPrintable(arg);
920         std::cerr << std::endl;
921         return false;
922     }
923     QByteArray depencenciesData = importScanner.readAllStandardOutput();
924     if (!readDependenciesData(QLatin1String("<outputOfQmlimportscanner>"), depencenciesData,
925                              dependencies, QStringList(pluginImportUri), forceQtQuickDependency)) {
926         std::cerr << "failed to process output of qmlimportscanner" << std::endl;
927         if (importScanner.exitCode() != 0)
928             std::cerr << importScanner.readAllStandardError().toStdString();
929         return false;
930     }
932     QStringList aux;
933     for (const QString &str : qAsConst(*dependencies)) {
934         if (!str.startsWith("Qt.test.qtestroot"))
935             aux += str;
936     }
937     *dependencies = aux;
939     return true;
940 }
compactDependencies(QStringList * dependencies)942 bool compactDependencies(QStringList *dependencies)
943 {
944     if (dependencies->isEmpty())
945         return false;
946     dependencies->sort();
947     QStringList oldDep = dependencies->constFirst().split(QLatin1Char(' '));
948     Q_ASSERT(oldDep.size() == 2);
949     int oldPos = 0;
950     for (int idep = 1; idep < dependencies->size(); ++idep) {
951         QString depStr = dependencies->at(idep);
952         const QStringList newDep = depStr.split(QLatin1Char(' '));
953         Q_ASSERT(newDep.size() == 2);
954         if (newDep.constFirst() != oldDep.constFirst()) {
955             if (++oldPos != idep)
956                 dependencies->replace(oldPos, depStr);
957             oldDep = newDep;
958         } else {
959             const QStringList v1 = oldDep.constLast().split(QLatin1Char('.'));
960             const QStringList v2 = newDep.constLast().split(QLatin1Char('.'));
961             Q_ASSERT(v1.size() == 2);
962             Q_ASSERT(v2.size() == 2);
963             bool ok;
964             int major1 = v1.first().toInt(&ok);
965             Q_ASSERT(ok);
966             int major2 = v2.first().toInt(&ok);
967             Q_ASSERT(ok);
968             if (major1 != major2) {
969                 std::cerr << "Found a dependency on " << qPrintable(oldDep.constFirst())
970                           << " with two major versions:" << qPrintable(oldDep.constLast())
971                           << " and " << qPrintable(newDep.constLast())
972                           << " which is unsupported, discarding smaller version" << std::endl;
973                 if (major1 < major2)
974                     dependencies->replace(oldPos, depStr);
975             } else {
976                 int minor1 = v1.last().toInt(&ok);
977                 Q_ASSERT(ok);
978                 int minor2 = v2.last().toInt(&ok);
979                 Q_ASSERT(ok);
980                 if (minor1 < minor2)
981                     dependencies->replace(oldPos, depStr);
982             }
983         }
984     }
985     if (++oldPos < dependencies->size()) {
986         *dependencies = dependencies->mid(0, oldPos);
987         return true;
988     }
989     return false;
990 }
operator <<(std::wostream & str,const QString & s)992 inline std::wostream &operator<<(std::wostream &str, const QString &s)
993 {
994 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
995     str << reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(s.utf16());
996 #else
997     str << s.toStdWString();
998 #endif
999     return str;
1000 }
printDebugMessage(QtMsgType,const QMessageLogContext &,const QString & msg)1002 void printDebugMessage(QtMsgType, const QMessageLogContext &, const QString &msg)
1003 {
1004     std::wcerr << msg << std::endl;
1005     // In case of QtFatalMsg the calling code will abort() when appropriate.
1006 }
operator <(const QQmlType & a,const QQmlType & b)1009 static bool operator<(const QQmlType &a, const QQmlType &b)
1010 {
1011     return a.qmlTypeName() < b.qmlTypeName()
1012             || (a.qmlTypeName() == b.qmlTypeName()
1013                 && ((a.majorVersion() < b.majorVersion())
1014                     || (a.majorVersion() == b.majorVersion()
1015                         && a.minorVersion() < b.minorVersion())));
1016 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])1019 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
1020 {
1021 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(Q_CC_MINGW)
1022     // we do not want windows popping up if the module loaded triggers an assert
1024     _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG);
1025     _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG);
1026     _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG);
1027 #endif // Q_OS_WIN && !Q_CC_MINGW
1028     // The default message handler might not print to console on some systems. Enforce this.
1029     qInstallMessageHandler(printDebugMessage);
1031 #ifdef QT_SIMULATOR
1032     // Running this application would bring up the Qt Simulator (since it links Qt GUI), avoid that!
1033     QtSimulatorPrivate::SimulatorConnection::createStubInstance();
1034 #endif
1036     // don't require a window manager even though we're a QGuiApplication
1037     bool requireWindowManager = false;
1038     for (int index = 1; index < argc; ++index) {
1039         if (QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[index]) == "--defaultplatform"
1040                 || QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[index]) == "-defaultplatform") {
1041             requireWindowManager = true;
1042             break;
1043         }
1044     }
1046     if (!requireWindowManager && qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty("QT_QPA_PLATFORM"))
1047         qputenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORM", QByteArrayLiteral("minimal"));
1048     else
1049         QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts, true);
1051     // Check which kind of application should be instantiated.
1052     bool useQApplication = false;
1053     for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
1054         QString arg = QLatin1String(argv[i]);
1055         if (arg == QLatin1String("--qapp") || arg == QLatin1String("-qapp"))
1056             useQApplication = true;
1057     }
1059 #ifdef QT_WIDGETS_LIB
1060     QScopedPointer<QCoreApplication> app(useQApplication
1061             ? new QApplication(argc, argv)
1062             : new QGuiApplication(argc, argv));
1063 #else
1064     Q_UNUSED(useQApplication);
1065     QScopedPointer<QCoreApplication> app(new QGuiApplication(argc, argv));
1066 #endif // QT_WIDGETS_LIB
1068     QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR));
1069     QStringList args = app->arguments();
1070     const QString appName = QFileInfo(app->applicationFilePath()).baseName();
1071     if (args.size() < 2) {
1072         printUsage(appName);
1073         return EXIT_INVALIDARGUMENTS;
1074     }
1076     QString outputFilename;
1077     QString pluginImportUri;
1078     QString pluginImportVersion;
1079     bool relocatable = true;
1080     QString dependenciesFile;
1081     QString mergeFile;
1082     bool forceQtQuickDependency = true;
1083     bool strict = false;
1084     enum Action { Uri, Path, Builtins };
1085     Action action = Uri;
1086     {
1087         QStringList positionalArgs;
1089         for (int iArg = 0; iArg < args.size(); ++iArg) {
1090             const QString &arg = args.at(iArg);
1091             if (!arg.startsWith(QLatin1Char('-'))) {
1092                 positionalArgs.append(arg);
1093                 continue;
1094             }
1095             if (arg == QLatin1String("--dependencies")
1096                     || arg == QLatin1String("-dependencies")) {
1097                 if (++iArg == args.size()) {
1098                     std::cerr << "missing dependencies file" << std::endl;
1099                     return EXIT_INVALIDARGUMENTS;
1100                 }
1101                 dependenciesFile = args.at(iArg);
1103                 // Remove absolute path so that it does not show up in the
1104                 // printed command line inside the plugins.qmltypes file.
1105                 args[iArg] = QFileInfo(args.at(iArg)).fileName();
1106             } else if (arg == QLatin1String("--merge")
1107                        || arg == QLatin1String("-merge")) {
1108                 if (++iArg == args.size()) {
1109                     std::cerr << "missing merge file" << std::endl;
1110                     return EXIT_INVALIDARGUMENTS;
1111                 }
1112                 mergeFile = args.at(iArg);
1113             } else if (arg == QLatin1String("--notrelocatable")
1114                     || arg == QLatin1String("-notrelocatable")
1115                     || arg == QLatin1String("--nonrelocatable")
1116                     || arg == QLatin1String("-nonrelocatable")) {
1117                 relocatable = false;
1118             } else if (arg == QLatin1String("--relocatable")
1119                         || arg == QLatin1String("-relocatable")) {
1120                 relocatable = true;
1121             } else if (arg == QLatin1String("--noinstantiate")
1122                        || arg == QLatin1String("-noinstantiate")) {
1123                 creatable = false;
1124             } else if (arg == QLatin1String("--path")
1125                        || arg == QLatin1String("-path")) {
1126                 action = Path;
1127             } else if (arg == QLatin1String("--builtins")
1128                        || arg == QLatin1String("-builtins")) {
1129                 action = Builtins;
1130             } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-v")) {
1131                 verbose = true;
1132             } else if (arg == QLatin1String("--noforceqtquick")
1133                        || arg == QLatin1String("-noforceqtquick")){
1134                 forceQtQuickDependency = false;
1135             } else if (arg == QLatin1String("--output")
1136                        || arg == QLatin1String("-output")) {
1137                 if (++iArg == args.size()) {
1138                     std::cerr << "missing output file" << std::endl;
1139                     return EXIT_INVALIDARGUMENTS;
1140                 }
1141                 outputFilename = args.at(iArg);
1142             } else if (arg == QLatin1String("--defaultplatform")
1143                        || arg == QLatin1String("-defaultplatform")) {
1144                 continue;
1145             } else if (arg == QLatin1String("--qapp")
1146                        || arg == QLatin1String("-qapp")) {
1147                 continue;
1148             } else if (arg == QLatin1String("--strict")
1149                        || arg == QLatin1String("-strict")) {
1150                 strict = true;
1151                 continue;
1152             } else {
1153                 std::cerr << "Invalid argument: " << qPrintable(arg) << std::endl;
1154                 return EXIT_INVALIDARGUMENTS;
1155             }
1156         }
1158         if (action == Uri) {
1159             if (positionalArgs.size() != 3 && positionalArgs.size() != 4) {
1160                 std::cerr << "Incorrect number of positional arguments" << std::endl;
1161                 return EXIT_INVALIDARGUMENTS;
1162             }
1163             pluginImportUri = positionalArgs.at(1);
1164             pluginImportVersion = positionalArgs[2];
1165             if (positionalArgs.size() >= 4)
1166                 pluginImportPath = positionalArgs.at(3);
1167         } else if (action == Path) {
1168             if (positionalArgs.size() != 2 && positionalArgs.size() != 3) {
1169                 std::cerr << "Incorrect number of positional arguments" << std::endl;
1170                 return EXIT_INVALIDARGUMENTS;
1171             }
1172             pluginImportPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(positionalArgs.at(1));
1173             if (positionalArgs.size() == 3)
1174                 pluginImportVersion = positionalArgs.at(2);
1175         } else if (action == Builtins) {
1176             if (positionalArgs.size() != 1) {
1177                 std::cerr << "Incorrect number of positional arguments" << std::endl;
1178                 return EXIT_INVALIDARGUMENTS;
1179             }
1180         }
1181     }
1183     QQmlEngine engine;
1184     if (!pluginImportPath.isEmpty()) {
1185         QDir cur = QDir::current();
1186         cur.cd(pluginImportPath);
1187         pluginImportPath = cur.canonicalPath();
1188         QDir::setCurrent(pluginImportPath);
1189         engine.addImportPath(pluginImportPath);
1190     }
1192     // Merge file.
1193     QStringList mergeDependencies;
1194     QString mergeComponents;
1195     if (!mergeFile.isEmpty()) {
1196         const QStringList merge = readQmlTypes(mergeFile);
1197         if (!merge.isEmpty()) {
1198             QRegularExpression re("(\\w+\\.*\\w*\\s*\\d+\\.\\d+)");
1199             QRegularExpressionMatchIterator i = re.globalMatch(merge[1]);
1200             while (i.hasNext()) {
1201                 QRegularExpressionMatch m = i.next();
1202                 mergeDependencies << m.captured(1);
1203             }
1204             mergeComponents = merge [2];
1205         }
1206     }
1208     // Dependencies.
1210     bool calculateDependencies = !pluginImportUri.isEmpty() && !pluginImportVersion.isEmpty();
1211     QStringList dependencies;
1212     if (!dependenciesFile.isEmpty())
1213         calculateDependencies = !readDependenciesFile(dependenciesFile, &dependencies,
1214                                                       QStringList(pluginImportUri)) && calculateDependencies;
1215     if (calculateDependencies)
1216         getDependencies(engine, pluginImportUri, pluginImportVersion, &dependencies,
1217                         forceQtQuickDependency);
1219     compactDependencies(&dependencies);
1222     QString qtQmlImportString = QString::fromLatin1("import QtQml %1.%2")
1223         .arg(qtQmlMajorVersion)
1224         .arg(qtQmlMinorVersion);
1226     // load the QtQml builtins and the dependencies
1227     {
1228         QByteArray code(qtQmlImportString.toUtf8());
1229         for (const QString &moduleToImport : qAsConst(dependencies)) {
1230             code.append("\nimport ");
1231             code.append(moduleToImport.toUtf8());
1232         }
1233         code.append("\nQtObject {}");
1234         QQmlComponent c(&engine);
1235         c.setData(code, QUrl::fromLocalFile(pluginImportPath + "/loaddependencies.qml"));
1236         c.create();
1237         const auto errors = c.errors();
1238         if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
1239             for (const QQmlError &error : errors)
1240                 std::cerr << qPrintable( error.toString() ) << std::endl;
1241             return EXIT_IMPORTERROR;
1242         }
1243     }
1245     // find all QMetaObjects reachable from the builtin module
1246     QSet<const QMetaObject *> uncreatableMetas;
1247     QSet<const QMetaObject *> singletonMetas;
1249     // this will hold the meta objects we want to dump information of
1250     QSet<const QMetaObject *> metas;
1252     // composite types we want to dump information of
1253     QMap<QString, QList<QQmlType>> compositeTypes;
1255     int majorVersion = qtQmlMajorVersion, minorVersion = qtQmlMinorVersion;
1256     QmlVersionInfo info;
1257     if (action == Builtins) {
1258         QMap<QString, QList<QQmlType>> defaultCompositeTypes;
1259         QSet<const QMetaObject *> builtins = collectReachableMetaObjects(&engine, uncreatableMetas, singletonMetas, defaultCompositeTypes, {QLatin1String("Qt"), majorVersion, minorVersion, strict});
1260         Q_ASSERT(builtins.size() == 1);
1261         metas.insert(*builtins.begin());
1262     } else {
1263         auto versionSplitted = pluginImportVersion.split(".");
1264         bool ok = versionSplitted.size() == 2;
1265         if (!ok)
1266             qCritical("Invalid version number");
1267         else {
1268             majorVersion = versionSplitted.at(0).toInt(&ok);
1269             if (!ok)
1270                 qCritical("Invalid major version");
1271             minorVersion = versionSplitted.at(1).toInt(&ok);
1272             if (!ok)
1273                 qCritical("Invalid minor version");
1274         }
1275         QList<QQmlType> defaultTypes = QQmlMetaType::qmlTypes();
1276         // find a valid QtQuick import
1277         QByteArray importCode;
1278         QQmlType qtObjectType = QQmlMetaType::qmlType(&QObject::staticMetaObject);
1279         if (!qtObjectType.isValid()) {
1280             std::cerr << "Could not find QtObject type" << std::endl;
1281             importCode = qtQmlImportString.toUtf8();
1282         } else {
1283             QString module = qtObjectType.qmlTypeName();
1284             module = module.mid(0, module.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')));
1285             importCode = QString("import %1 %2.%3").arg(module,
1286                                                         QString::number(qtObjectType.majorVersion()),
1287                                                         QString::number(qtObjectType.minorVersion())).toUtf8();
1288         }
1289         // avoid importing dependencies?
1290         for (const QString &moduleToImport : qAsConst(dependencies)) {
1291             importCode.append("\nimport ");
1292             importCode.append(moduleToImport.toUtf8());
1293         }
1295         // find all QMetaObjects reachable when the specified module is imported
1296         if (action != Path) {
1297             importCode += QString("\nimport %0 %1\n").arg(pluginImportUri, pluginImportVersion).toLatin1();
1298         } else {
1299             // pluginImportVersion can be empty
1300             importCode += QString("\nimport \".\" %2\n").arg(pluginImportVersion).toLatin1();
1301         }
1303         // create a component with these imports to make sure the imports are valid
1304         // and to populate the declarative meta type system
1305         {
1306             QByteArray code = importCode;
1307             code += "\nQtObject {}";
1308             QQmlComponent c(&engine);
1310             c.setData(code, QUrl::fromLocalFile(pluginImportPath + "/typelist.qml"));
1311             c.create();
1312             const auto errors = c.errors();
1313             if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
1314                 for (const QQmlError &error : errors)
1315                     std::cerr << qPrintable( error.toString() ) << std::endl;
1316                 return EXIT_IMPORTERROR;
1317             }
1318         }
1319         info = {pluginImportUri, majorVersion, minorVersion, strict};
1320         QSet<const QMetaObject *> candidates = collectReachableMetaObjects(&engine, uncreatableMetas, singletonMetas, compositeTypes, info, defaultTypes);
1322         for (auto it = compositeTypes.begin(), end = compositeTypes.end(); it != end; ++it) {
1323             std::sort(it->begin(), it->end());
1324             it->erase(std::unique(it->begin(), it->end()), it->end());
1325         }
1327         for (const QMetaObject *mo : qAsConst(candidates)) {
1328             if (mo->className() != QLatin1String("Qt"))
1329                 metas.insert(mo);
1330         }
1331     }
1333     // setup static rewrites of type names
1334     cppToId.insert("QString", "string");
1335     cppToId.insert("QQmlEasingValueType::Type", "Type");
1337     // start dumping data
1338     QByteArray bytes;
1339     QmlStreamWriter qml(&bytes);
1341     qml.writeStartDocument();
1342     qml.writeLibraryImport(QLatin1String("QtQuick.tooling"), 1, 2);
1343     qml.write(QString("\n"
1344               "// This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library.\n"
1345               "// It is used for QML tooling purposes only.\n"
1346               "//\n"
1347               "// This file was auto-generated by:\n"
1348               "// '%1 %2'\n"
1349               "\n").arg(QFileInfo(args.at(0)).baseName(), args.mid(1).join(QLatin1Char(' '))));
1350     qml.writeStartObject("Module");
1352     // Insert merge dependencies.
1353     if (!mergeDependencies.isEmpty()) {
1354         dependencies << mergeDependencies;
1355     }
1356     compactDependencies(&dependencies);
1358     QStringList quotedDependencies;
1359     for (const QString &dep : qAsConst(dependencies))
1360         quotedDependencies << enquote(dep);
1361     qml.writeArrayBinding("dependencies", quotedDependencies);
1363     // put the metaobjects into a map so they are always dumped in the same order
1364     QMap<QString, const QMetaObject *> nameToMeta;
1365     for (const QMetaObject *meta : qAsConst(metas))
1366         nameToMeta.insert(convertToId(meta), meta);
1368     Dumper dumper(&qml);
1369     if (relocatable)
1370         dumper.setRelocatableModuleUri(pluginImportUri);
1371     for (const QMetaObject *meta : qAsConst(nameToMeta)) {
1372         dumper.dump(QQmlEnginePrivate::get(&engine), meta, uncreatableMetas.contains(meta), singletonMetas.contains(meta));
1373     }
1375     QMap<QString, QList<QQmlType>>::const_iterator iter = compositeTypes.constBegin();
1376     for (; iter != compositeTypes.constEnd(); ++iter)
1377         dumper.dumpComposite(&engine, iter.value(), info);
1379     // define QEasingCurve as an extension of QQmlEasingValueType, this way
1380     // properties using the QEasingCurve type get useful type information.
1381     if (pluginImportUri.isEmpty())
1382         dumper.writeEasingCurve();
1384     // Insert merge file.
1385     qml.write(mergeComponents);
1387     qml.writeEndObject();
1388     qml.writeEndDocument();
1390     if (!outputFilename.isEmpty()) {
1391         QFile file(outputFilename);
1392         if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
1393             QTextStream stream(&file);
1394             stream << bytes.constData();
1395         }
1396     } else {
1397         std::cout << bytes.constData() << std::flush;
1398     }
1400     // workaround to avoid crashes on exit
1401     QTimer timer;
1402     timer.setSingleShot(true);
1403     timer.setInterval(0);
1404     QObject::connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), app.data(), SLOT(quit()));
1405     timer.start();
1407     return app->exec();
1408 }