1 /****************************************************************************
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3 ** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
4 ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
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6 ** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
7 **
9 ** Commercial License Usage
10 ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
11 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
12 ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
13 ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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27 **
28 ****************************************************************************/
30 #ifndef UIPIMPORTER_H
31 #define UIPIMPORTER_H
33 #include <QtQuick3DAssetImport/private/qssgassetimporter_p.h>
35 #include <QtCore/QTextStream>
37 #include "uipparser.h"
38 #include "uiaparser.h"
42 class UipPresentation;
43 class ReferencedMaterial;
44 class ComponentNode;
45 class AliasNode;
46 class UipImporter : public QSSGAssetImporter
47 {
48 public:
49     UipImporter();
51     const QString name() const override;
52     const QStringList inputExtensions() const override;
53     const QString outputExtension() const override;
54     const QString type() const override;
55     const QString typeDescription() const override;
56     const QVariantMap importOptions() const override;
57     const QString import(const QString &sourceFile, const QDir &savePath, const QVariantMap &options, QStringList *generatedFiles) override;
59 private:
60     QString processUipPresentation(UipPresentation *presentation, const QString &ouputFilePath);
61     void processNode(GraphObject *object, QTextStream &output, int tabLevel, bool isInRootLevel = false, bool processSiblings = true);
62     void checkForResourceFiles(GraphObject *object);
63     void generateMaterialComponent(GraphObject *object);
64     void generateAliasComponent(GraphObject *reference);
65     void generateAnimationTimeLine(QTextStream &output, int tabLevel, UipPresentation *presentation = nullptr, ComponentNode *component = nullptr);
66     void generateStatesFromSlides(Slide *masterSlide, QTextStream &output, int tabLevel);
67     void generateComponent(GraphObject *component);
68     void writeHeader(QTextStream &output, bool isRootLevel = false);
69     void generateApplicationComponent(const QString &initialPresentationComponent, const QSize &size);
70     void generateQmlComponent(const QString componentName, const QString componentSource);
71     void processOptions(const QVariantMap &options);
72     bool checkBooleanOption(const QString &optionName, const QJsonObject &options);
73     double getRealOption(const QString &optionName, const QJsonObject &options);
75     QVector<QString> m_resourcesList;
76     UiaParser m_uiaParser;
77     UipParser m_uipParser;
78     UipPresentation *m_presentation;
80     QString m_sourceFile;
81     QDir m_exportPath;
82     QVariantMap m_options;
83     QStringList m_generatedFiles;
85     // per presentation
86     QVector <ReferencedMaterial *> m_referencedMaterials;
87     QVector <AliasNode *> m_aliasNodes;
88     QVector <ComponentNode *> m_componentNodes;
89     QVector<QDir> m_qmlDirs;
90     bool m_hasQMLSubPresentations = false;
92     // options
93     bool m_createProjectWrapper = false;
94     bool m_createIndividualLayers = false;
95     float m_fps = 60.f;
96 };
100 #endif // UIPIMPORTER_H