1 // Scintilla source code edit control
2 /** @file LexDataflex.cxx
3  ** Lexer for DataFlex.
4  ** Based on LexPascal.cxx
5  ** Written by Wil van Antwerpen, June 2019
6  **/
8 /*
9 // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
11 A few words about features of LexDataflex...
13 Generally speaking LexDataflex tries to support all available DataFlex features (up
14 to DataFlex 19.1 at this time).
18 Folding is supported in the following cases:
20 - Folding of stream-like comments
21 - Folding of groups of consecutive line comments
22 - Folding of preprocessor blocks (the following preprocessor blocks are
23 supported: #IFDEF, #IFNDEF, #ENDIF and #HEADER / #ENDHEADER
24 blocks),
25 - Folding of code blocks on appropriate keywords (the following code blocks are
26 supported: "begin, struct, type, case / end" blocks, class & object
27 declarations and interface declarations)
29 Remarks:
31 - We pass 4 arrays to the lexer:
32 1. The DataFlex keyword list, these are normal DataFlex keywords
33 2. The Scope Open list, for example, begin / procedure / while
34 3. The Scope Close list, for example, end / end_procedure / loop
35 4. Operator list, for ex. + / - / * / Lt / iand
36 These lists are all mutually exclusive, scope open words should not be in the keyword list and vice versa
38 - Folding of code blocks tries to handle all special cases in which folding
39 should not occur.
43 The list of keywords that can be used in dataflex.properties file (up to DataFlex
44 19.1):
46 - Keywords: .. snipped .. see dataflex.properties file.
48 */
50 #include <stdlib.h>
51 #include <string.h>
52 #include <stdio.h>
53 #include <stdarg.h>
54 #include <assert.h>
55 #include <ctype.h>
57 #include "ILexer.h"
58 #include "Scintilla.h"
59 #include "SciLexer.h"
61 #include "WordList.h"
62 #include "LexAccessor.h"
63 #include "Accessor.h"
64 #include "StyleContext.h"
65 #include "CharacterSet.h"
66 #include "LexerModule.h"
68 using namespace Scintilla;
GetRangeLowered(Sci_PositionU start,Sci_PositionU end,Accessor & styler,char * s,Sci_PositionU len)71 static void GetRangeLowered(Sci_PositionU start,
72 		Sci_PositionU end,
73 		Accessor &styler,
74 		char *s,
75 		Sci_PositionU len) {
76 	Sci_PositionU i = 0;
77 	while ((i < end - start + 1) && (i < len-1)) {
78 		s[i] = static_cast<char>(tolower(styler[start + i]));
79 		i++;
80 	}
81 	s[i] = '\0';
82 }
GetForwardRangeLowered(Sci_PositionU start,CharacterSet & charSet,Accessor & styler,char * s,Sci_PositionU len)84 static void GetForwardRangeLowered(Sci_PositionU start,
85 		CharacterSet &charSet,
86 		Accessor &styler,
87 		char *s,
88 		Sci_PositionU len) {
89 	Sci_PositionU i = 0;
90 	while ((i < len-1) && charSet.Contains(styler.SafeGetCharAt(start + i))) {
91 		s[i] = static_cast<char>(tolower(styler.SafeGetCharAt(start + i)));
92 		i++;
93 	}
94 	s[i] = '\0';
96 }
98 enum {
99 	stateInICode = 0x1000,
100 	stateSingleQuoteOpen = 0x2000,
101 	stateDoubleQuoteOpen = 0x4000,
102 	stateFoldInPreprocessor = 0x0100,
103 	stateFoldInCaseStatement = 0x0200,
104 	stateFoldInPreprocessorLevelMask = 0x00FF,
105 	stateFoldMaskAll = 0x0FFF
106 };
IsFirstDataFlexWord(Sci_Position pos,Accessor & styler)109 static bool IsFirstDataFlexWord(Sci_Position pos, Accessor &styler) {
110 	Sci_Position line = styler.GetLine(pos);
111 	Sci_Position start_pos = styler.LineStart(line);
112 	for (Sci_Position i = start_pos; i < pos; i++) {
113 		char ch = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i);
114 		if (!(ch == ' ' || ch == '\t'))
115 			return false;
116 	}
117 	return true;
118 }
IsADataFlexField(int ch)121 inline bool IsADataFlexField(int ch) {
122 	return (ch == '.');
123 }
ClassifyDataFlexWord(WordList * keywordlists[],StyleContext & sc,Accessor & styler)126 static void ClassifyDataFlexWord(WordList *keywordlists[], StyleContext &sc, Accessor &styler) {
127 	WordList& keywords = *keywordlists[0];
128 	WordList& scopeOpen   = *keywordlists[1];
129 	WordList& scopeClosed = *keywordlists[2];
130 	WordList& operators   = *keywordlists[3];
132 	char s[100];
133 	int oldState;
134 	int newState;
135 	size_t tokenlen;
137     oldState = sc.state;
138 	newState = oldState;
139 	sc.GetCurrentLowered(s, sizeof(s));
140 	tokenlen = strnlen(s,sizeof(s));
141 	if (keywords.InList(s)) {
142 		// keywords in DataFlex can be used as table column names (file.field) and as such they
143 		// should not be characterized as a keyword. So test for that.
144 		// for ex. somebody using date as field name.
145         if (!IsADataFlexField(sc.GetRelative(-static_cast<int>(tokenlen+1)))) {
146 	      newState = SCE_DF_WORD;
147 	    }
148 	}
149 	if (oldState == newState) {
150 		if ((scopeOpen.InList(s) || scopeClosed.InList(s)) && (strcmp(s, "for") != 0) && (strcmp(s, "repeat") != 0)) {
151 			// scope words in DataFlex can be used as table column names (file.field) and as such they
152 			// should not be characterized as a scope word. So test for that.
153 			// for ex. somebody using procedure for field name.
154 			if (!IsADataFlexField(sc.GetRelative(-static_cast<int>(tokenlen+1)))) {
155 				newState = SCE_DF_SCOPEWORD;
156 			}
157 		}
158 		// no code folding on the next words, but just want to paint them like keywords (as they are) (??? doesn't the code to the opposite?)
159 		if (strcmp(s, "if") == 0 ||
160 			strcmp(s, "ifnot") == 0 ||
161 			strcmp(s, "case") == 0 ||
162 			strcmp(s, "else") == 0 ) {
163 				newState = SCE_DF_SCOPEWORD;
164 		}
165 	}
166 	if (oldState != newState && newState == SCE_DF_WORD) {
167 		// a for loop must have for at the start of the line, for is also used in "define abc for 123"
168 		if ( (strcmp(s, "for") == 0) && (IsFirstDataFlexWord(sc.currentPos-3, styler)) ) {
169 				newState = SCE_DF_SCOPEWORD;
170 		}
171 	}
172 	if (oldState != newState && newState == SCE_DF_WORD) {
173 		// a repeat loop must have repeat at the start of the line, repeat is also used in 'move (repeat("d",5)) to sFoo'
174 		if ( (strcmp(s, "repeat") == 0) && (IsFirstDataFlexWord(sc.currentPos-6, styler)) ) {
175 				newState = SCE_DF_SCOPEWORD;
176 		}
177 	}
178 	if (oldState == newState)  {
179 	  if (operators.InList(s)) {
180 		  newState = SCE_DF_OPERATOR;
181 		}
182 	}
184 	if (oldState != newState) {
185 		sc.ChangeState(newState);
186 	}
187 	sc.SetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
188 }
ColouriseDataFlexDoc(Sci_PositionU startPos,Sci_Position length,int initStyle,WordList * keywordlists[],Accessor & styler)190 static void ColouriseDataFlexDoc(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, WordList *keywordlists[],
191 		Accessor &styler) {
192 //	bool bSmartHighlighting = styler.GetPropertyInt("lexer.dataflex.smart.highlighting", 1) != 0;
194 			CharacterSet setWordStart(CharacterSet::setAlpha, "_$#@", 0x80, true);
195 			CharacterSet setWord(CharacterSet::setAlphaNum, "_$#@", 0x80, true);
196 	CharacterSet setNumber(CharacterSet::setDigits, ".-+eE");
197 	CharacterSet setHexNumber(CharacterSet::setDigits, "abcdefABCDEF");
198 	CharacterSet setOperator(CharacterSet::setNone, "*+-/<=>^");
200 	Sci_Position curLine = styler.GetLine(startPos);
201 	int curLineState = curLine > 0 ? styler.GetLineState(curLine - 1) : 0;
203 	StyleContext sc(startPos, length, initStyle, styler);
205 	for (; sc.More(); sc.Forward()) {
206 		if (sc.atLineEnd) {
207 			// Update the line state, so it can be seen by next line
208 			curLine = styler.GetLine(sc.currentPos);
209 			styler.SetLineState(curLine, curLineState);
210 		}
212 		// Determine if the current state should terminate.
213 		switch (sc.state) {
214 			case SCE_DF_NUMBER:
215 				if (!setNumber.Contains(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '.' && sc.chNext == '.')) {
216 					sc.SetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
217 				} else if (sc.ch == '-' || sc.ch == '+') {
218 					if (sc.chPrev != 'E' && sc.chPrev != 'e') {
219 						sc.SetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
220 					}
221 				}
222 				break;
223 			case SCE_DF_IDENTIFIER:
224 				if (!setWord.Contains(sc.ch)) {
225 					ClassifyDataFlexWord(keywordlists, sc, styler);
226 				}
227 				break;
228 			case SCE_DF_HEXNUMBER:
229 				if (!(setHexNumber.Contains(sc.ch) || sc.ch == 'I') ) { // in |CI$22a we also want to color the "I"
230 					sc.SetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
231 				}
232 				break;
233 			case SCE_DF_METATAG:
234 				if (sc.atLineStart || sc.chPrev == '}') {
235 					sc.SetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
236 				}
237 				break;
239 				if (sc.atLineStart || IsASpaceOrTab(sc.ch)) {
240 					sc.SetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
241 				}
242 				break;
243 			case SCE_DF_IMAGE:
244 				if (sc.atLineStart && sc.Match("/*")) {
245 					sc.Forward();  // these characters are still part of the DF Image
246 					sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
247 				}
248 				break;
250 				// we don't have inline comments or preprocessor2 commands
251 				//if (sc.Match('*', ')')) {
252 				//	sc.Forward();
253 				//	sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
254 				//}
255 				break;
257 				if (sc.atLineStart) {
258 					sc.SetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
259 				}
260 				break;
261 			case SCE_DF_STRING:
262 				if (sc.atLineEnd) {
263 					sc.ChangeState(SCE_DF_STRINGEOL);
264 				} else if (sc.ch == '\'' && sc.chNext == '\'') {
265 					sc.Forward();
266 				} else if (sc.ch == '\"' && sc.chNext == '\"') {
267 					sc.Forward();
268 				} else if (sc.ch == '\'' || sc.ch == '\"') {
269 					if (sc.ch == '\'' && (curLineState & stateSingleQuoteOpen) ) {
270  				    curLineState &= ~(stateSingleQuoteOpen);
271 					sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
272 					}
273 					else if (sc.ch == '\"' && (curLineState & stateDoubleQuoteOpen) ) {
274  				    curLineState &= ~(stateDoubleQuoteOpen);
275 					sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
276 					}
277 				}
278 				break;
279 			case SCE_DF_STRINGEOL:
280 				if (sc.atLineStart) {
281 					sc.SetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
282 				}
283 				break;
284 			case SCE_DF_SCOPEWORD:
285 				//if (!setHexNumber.Contains(sc.ch) && sc.ch != '$') {
286 				//	sc.SetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
287 				//}
288 				break;
289 			case SCE_DF_OPERATOR:
290 //				if (bSmartHighlighting && sc.chPrev == ';') {
291 //					curLineState &= ~(stateInProperty | stateInExport);
292 //				}
293 				sc.SetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
294 				break;
295 			case SCE_DF_ICODE:
296 				if (sc.atLineStart || IsASpace(sc.ch) || isoperator(sc.ch)) {
297 				sc.SetState(SCE_DF_DEFAULT);
298 				}
299 				break;
300 		}
302 		// Determine if a new state should be entered.
303 		if (sc.state == SCE_DF_DEFAULT) {
304 			if (IsADigit(sc.ch)) {
305 				sc.SetState(SCE_DF_NUMBER);
306 			} else if (sc.Match('/', '/') || sc.Match("#REM")) {
307 				sc.SetState(SCE_DF_COMMENTLINE);
308 			} else if ((sc.ch == '#' && !sc.Match("#REM")) && IsFirstDataFlexWord(sc.currentPos, styler)) {
309 				sc.SetState(SCE_DF_PREPROCESSOR);
310 			// || (sc.ch == '|' && sc.chNext == 'C' && sc.GetRelativeCharacter(2) == 'I' && sc.GetRelativeCharacter(3) == '$') ) {
311 			} else if ((sc.ch == '$' && ((!setWord.Contains(sc.chPrev)) || sc.chPrev == 'I' ) ) || (sc.Match("|CI$")) ) {
312 				sc.SetState(SCE_DF_HEXNUMBER); // start with $ and previous character not in a..zA..Z0..9 excluding "I" OR start with |CI$
313 			} else if (setWordStart.Contains(sc.ch)) {
314 				sc.SetState(SCE_DF_IDENTIFIER);
315 			} else if (sc.ch == '{') {
316 				sc.SetState(SCE_DF_METATAG);
317 			//} else if (sc.Match("(*$")) {
318 			//	sc.SetState(SCE_DF_PREPROCESSOR2);
319 			} else if (sc.ch == '/' && setWord.Contains(sc.chNext) &&  sc.atLineStart) {
320 				sc.SetState(SCE_DF_IMAGE);
321 			//	sc.Forward();	// Eat the * so it isn't used for the end of the comment
322 			} else if (sc.ch == '\'' || sc.ch == '\"') {
323 				if (sc.ch == '\'' && !(curLineState & stateDoubleQuoteOpen)) {
324 				  curLineState |= stateSingleQuoteOpen;
325 				} else if (sc.ch == '\"' && !(curLineState & stateSingleQuoteOpen)) {
326 				  curLineState |= stateDoubleQuoteOpen;
327 				}
328 			    sc.SetState(SCE_DF_STRING);
329 			} else if (setOperator.Contains(sc.ch)) {
330 				sc.SetState(SCE_DF_OPERATOR);
331 //			} else if (curLineState & stateInICode) {
332 				// ICode start ! in a string followed by close string mark is not icode
333 			} else if ((sc.ch == '!') && !(sc.ch == '!' && ((sc.chNext == '\"') || (sc.ch == '\'')) )) {
334 				sc.SetState(SCE_DF_ICODE);
335 			}
336 		}
337 	}
339 	if (sc.state == SCE_DF_IDENTIFIER && setWord.Contains(sc.chPrev)) {
340 		ClassifyDataFlexWord(keywordlists, sc, styler);
341 	}
343 	sc.Complete();
344 }
IsStreamCommentStyle(int style)346 static bool IsStreamCommentStyle(int style) {
347 	return style == SCE_DF_IMAGE;
348 }
IsCommentLine(Sci_Position line,Accessor & styler)350 static bool IsCommentLine(Sci_Position line, Accessor &styler) {
351 	Sci_Position pos = styler.LineStart(line);
352 	Sci_Position eolPos = styler.LineStart(line + 1) - 1;
353 	for (Sci_Position i = pos; i < eolPos; i++) {
354 		char ch = styler[i];
355 		char chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
356 		int style = styler.StyleAt(i);
357 		if (ch == '/' && chNext == '/' && style == SCE_DF_COMMENTLINE) {
358 			return true;
359 		} else if (!IsASpaceOrTab(ch)) {
360 			return false;
361 		}
362 	}
363 	return false;
364 }
GetFoldInPreprocessorLevelFlag(int lineFoldStateCurrent)368 static unsigned int GetFoldInPreprocessorLevelFlag(int lineFoldStateCurrent) {
369 	return lineFoldStateCurrent & stateFoldInPreprocessorLevelMask;
370 }
SetFoldInPreprocessorLevelFlag(int & lineFoldStateCurrent,unsigned int nestLevel)372 static void SetFoldInPreprocessorLevelFlag(int &lineFoldStateCurrent, unsigned int nestLevel) {
373 	lineFoldStateCurrent &= ~stateFoldInPreprocessorLevelMask;
374 	lineFoldStateCurrent |= nestLevel & stateFoldInPreprocessorLevelMask;
375 }
ClassifyDataFlexPreprocessorFoldPoint(int & levelCurrent,int & lineFoldStateCurrent,Sci_PositionU startPos,Accessor & styler)377 static int ClassifyDataFlexPreprocessorFoldPoint(int &levelCurrent, int &lineFoldStateCurrent,
378 		Sci_PositionU startPos, Accessor &styler) {
379 	CharacterSet setWord(CharacterSet::setAlpha);
381 	char s[100];	// Size of the longest possible keyword + one additional character + null
382 	GetForwardRangeLowered(startPos, setWord, styler, s, sizeof(s));
383 	size_t iLen = strnlen(s,sizeof(s));
384 	size_t iWordSize = 0;
386 	unsigned int nestLevel = GetFoldInPreprocessorLevelFlag(lineFoldStateCurrent);
388 	if (strcmp(s, "command") == 0 ||
389 		// The #if/#ifdef etcetera commands are not currently foldable as it is easy to write code that
390 		// breaks the collaps logic, so we keep things simple and not include that for now.
391 		strcmp(s, "header") == 0) {
392 		nestLevel++;
393 		SetFoldInPreprocessorLevelFlag(lineFoldStateCurrent, nestLevel);
394 		lineFoldStateCurrent |= stateFoldInPreprocessor;
395 		levelCurrent++;
396 		iWordSize = iLen;
397 	} else if (strcmp(s, "endcommand") == 0 ||
398 		strcmp(s, "endheader") == 0) {
399 		nestLevel--;
400 		SetFoldInPreprocessorLevelFlag(lineFoldStateCurrent, nestLevel);
401 		if (nestLevel == 0) {
402 			lineFoldStateCurrent &= ~stateFoldInPreprocessor;
403 		}
404 		levelCurrent--;
405 		iWordSize = iLen;
406 		if (levelCurrent < SC_FOLDLEVELBASE) {
407 			levelCurrent = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE;
408 		}
409 	}
410 	return static_cast<int>(iWordSize);
411 }
ClassifyDataFlexWordFoldPoint(int & levelCurrent,int & lineFoldStateCurrent,Sci_PositionU lastStart,Sci_PositionU currentPos,WordList * [],Accessor & styler)414 static void ClassifyDataFlexWordFoldPoint(int &levelCurrent, int &lineFoldStateCurrent,
415 		Sci_PositionU lastStart, Sci_PositionU currentPos, WordList *[], Accessor &styler) {
416 	char s[100];
418 	// property fold.dataflex.compilerlist
419 	//	Set to 1 for enabling the code folding feature in *.prn files
420 	bool foldPRN = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.dataflex.compilerlist",0) != 0;
422 	GetRangeLowered(lastStart, currentPos, styler, s, sizeof(s));
424 	if (strcmp(s, "case") == 0) {
425 		lineFoldStateCurrent |= stateFoldInCaseStatement;
426 	} else if (strcmp(s, "begin") == 0) {
427 		levelCurrent++;
428 	} else if (strcmp(s, "for") == 0 ||
429 		strcmp(s, "while") == 0 ||
430 		strcmp(s, "repeat") == 0 ||
431 		strcmp(s, "for_all") == 0 ||
432 		strcmp(s, "struct") == 0 ||
433 		strcmp(s, "type") == 0 ||
434 		strcmp(s, "begin_row") == 0 ||
435 		strcmp(s, "item_list") == 0 ||
436 		strcmp(s, "begin_constraints") == 0 ||
437 		strcmp(s, "begin_transaction") == 0 ||
438 		strcmp(s, "enum_list") == 0 ||
439 		strcmp(s, "class") == 0 ||
440 		strcmp(s, "object") == 0 ||
441 		strcmp(s, "cd_popup_object") == 0 ||
442 		strcmp(s, "procedure") == 0 ||
443 		strcmp(s, "procedure_section") == 0 ||
444 		strcmp(s, "function") == 0 ) {
445 			if ((IsFirstDataFlexWord(lastStart, styler )) || foldPRN) {
446 			levelCurrent++;
447 			}
448 	} else if (strcmp(s, "end") == 0) {  // end is not always the first keyword, for example "case end"
449 		levelCurrent--;
450 		if (levelCurrent < SC_FOLDLEVELBASE) {
451 			levelCurrent = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE;
452 		}
453 	} else if (strcmp(s, "loop") == 0 ||
454 				   strcmp(s, "until") == 0 ||
455 				   strcmp(s, "end_class") == 0 ||
456 				   strcmp(s, "end_object") == 0 ||
457 				   strcmp(s, "cd_end_object") == 0 ||
458 				   strcmp(s, "end_procedure") == 0 ||
459 				   strcmp(s, "end_function") == 0 ||
460 				   strcmp(s, "end_for_all") == 0 ||
461 				   strcmp(s, "end_struct") == 0 ||
462 				   strcmp(s, "end_type") == 0 ||
463 				   strcmp(s, "end_row") == 0 ||
464 				   strcmp(s, "end_item_list") == 0 ||
465 				   strcmp(s, "end_constraints") == 0 ||
466 				   strcmp(s, "end_transaction") == 0 ||
467 				   strcmp(s, "end_enum_list") == 0 ) {
468 	//		lineFoldStateCurrent &= ~stateFoldInRecord;
469 			if ((IsFirstDataFlexWord(lastStart, styler )) || foldPRN) {
470 				levelCurrent--;
471 				if (levelCurrent < SC_FOLDLEVELBASE) {
472 					levelCurrent = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE;
473 				}
474 			}
475 	}
477 }
ClassifyDataFlexMetaDataFoldPoint(int & levelCurrent,Sci_PositionU lastStart,Sci_PositionU currentPos,WordList * [],Accessor & styler)480 static void ClassifyDataFlexMetaDataFoldPoint(int &levelCurrent,
481 		Sci_PositionU lastStart, Sci_PositionU currentPos, WordList *[], Accessor &styler) {
482 	char s[100];
484 	GetRangeLowered(lastStart, currentPos, styler, s, sizeof(s));
486     if (strcmp(s, "#beginsection") == 0) {
487 		levelCurrent++;
488 	} else if (strcmp(s, "#endsection") == 0) {
489 			levelCurrent--;
490 			if (levelCurrent < SC_FOLDLEVELBASE) {
491 				levelCurrent = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE;
492 			}
493 	}
495 }
FoldDataFlexDoc(Sci_PositionU startPos,Sci_Position length,int initStyle,WordList * keywordlists[],Accessor & styler)497 static void FoldDataFlexDoc(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, WordList *keywordlists[],
498 		Accessor &styler) {
499 	bool foldComment = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.comment") != 0;
500 	bool foldPreprocessor = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.preprocessor") != 0;
501 	bool foldCompact = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.compact", 1) != 0;
502 	Sci_PositionU endPos = startPos + length;
503 	int visibleChars = 0;
504 	Sci_Position lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos);
505 	int levelPrev = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent) & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK;
506 	int levelCurrent = levelPrev;
507 	int lineFoldStateCurrent = lineCurrent > 0 ? styler.GetLineState(lineCurrent - 1) & stateFoldMaskAll : 0;
508 	char chNext = styler[startPos];
509 	int styleNext = styler.StyleAt(startPos);
510 	int style = initStyle;
511 	int iWordSize;
513 	Sci_Position lastStart = 0;
514 	CharacterSet setWord(CharacterSet::setAlphaNum, "_$#@", 0x80, true);
516 	for (Sci_PositionU i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) {
517 		char ch = chNext;
518 		chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
519 		int stylePrev = style;
520 		style = styleNext;
521 		styleNext = styler.StyleAt(i + 1);
522 		bool atEOL = (ch == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (ch == '\n');
524 		if (foldComment && IsStreamCommentStyle(style)) {
525 			if (!IsStreamCommentStyle(stylePrev)) {
526 				levelCurrent++;
527 			} else if (!IsStreamCommentStyle(styleNext)) {
528 				levelCurrent--;
529 			}
530 		}
531 		if (foldComment && atEOL && IsCommentLine(lineCurrent, styler))
532 		{
533 			if (!IsCommentLine(lineCurrent - 1, styler)
534 			    && IsCommentLine(lineCurrent + 1, styler))
535 				levelCurrent++;
536 			else if (IsCommentLine(lineCurrent - 1, styler)
537 			         && !IsCommentLine(lineCurrent+1, styler))
538 				levelCurrent--;
539 		}
540 		if (foldPreprocessor) {
541 			if (style == SCE_DF_PREPROCESSOR) {
542 				iWordSize = ClassifyDataFlexPreprocessorFoldPoint(levelCurrent, lineFoldStateCurrent, i + 1, styler);
543 			//} else if (style == SCE_DF_PREPROCESSOR2 && ch == '(' && chNext == '*'
544 			//           && styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2) == '$') {
545 			//	ClassifyDataFlexPreprocessorFoldPoint(levelCurrent, lineFoldStateCurrent, i + 3, styler);
546 				i = i + iWordSize;
547 			}
548 		}
550 		if (stylePrev != SCE_DF_SCOPEWORD && style == SCE_DF_SCOPEWORD)
551 		{
552 			// Store last word start point.
553 			lastStart = i;
554 		}
555 		if (stylePrev == SCE_DF_SCOPEWORD) {
556 			if(setWord.Contains(ch) && !setWord.Contains(chNext)) {
557 				ClassifyDataFlexWordFoldPoint(levelCurrent, lineFoldStateCurrent, lastStart, i, keywordlists, styler);
558 			}
559 		}
561 		if (stylePrev == SCE_DF_METATAG && ch == '#')
562 		{
563 			// Store last word start point.
564 			lastStart = i;
565 		}
566 		if (stylePrev == SCE_DF_METATAG) {
567 			if(setWord.Contains(ch) && !setWord.Contains(chNext)) {
568 				ClassifyDataFlexMetaDataFoldPoint(levelCurrent, lastStart, i, keywordlists, styler);
569 			}
570 		}
572 		if (!IsASpace(ch))
573 			visibleChars++;
575 		if (atEOL) {
576 			int lev = levelPrev;
577 			if (visibleChars == 0 && foldCompact)
579 			if ((levelCurrent > levelPrev) && (visibleChars > 0))
581 			if (lev != styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent)) {
582 				styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev);
583 			}
584 			int newLineState = (styler.GetLineState(lineCurrent) & ~stateFoldMaskAll) | lineFoldStateCurrent;
585 			styler.SetLineState(lineCurrent, newLineState);
586 			lineCurrent++;
587 			levelPrev = levelCurrent;
588 			visibleChars = 0;
589 		}
590 	}
592 	// If we didn't reach the EOL in previous loop, store line level and whitespace information.
593 	// The rest will be filled in later...
594 	int lev = levelPrev;
595 	if (visibleChars == 0 && foldCompact)
597 	styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev);
598 }
600 static const char * const dataflexWordListDesc[] = {
601 	"Keywords",
602 	"Scope open",
603 	"Scope close",
604 	"Operators",
605 	0
606 };
608 LexerModule lmDataflex(SCLEX_DATAFLEX, ColouriseDataFlexDoc, "dataflex", FoldDataFlexDoc, dataflexWordListDesc);