1 /*
2  * tkUnixScale.c --
3  *
4  *	This file implements the X specific portion of the scrollbar widget.
5  *
6  * Copyright (c) 1996 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
7  * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Scriptics Corporation.
8  *
9  * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
10  * this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
11  */
13 #include "tkInt.h"
14 #include "tkScale.h"
16 #if defined(_WIN32)
17 #define snprintf _snprintf
18 #endif
20 /*
21  * Forward declarations for functions defined later in this file:
22  */
24 static void		DisplayHorizontalScale(TkScale *scalePtr,
25 			    Drawable drawable, XRectangle *drawnAreaPtr);
26 static void		DisplayHorizontalValue(TkScale *scalePtr,
27 			    Drawable drawable, double value, int top,
28 			    const char *format);
29 static void		DisplayVerticalScale(TkScale *scalePtr,
30 			    Drawable drawable, XRectangle *drawnAreaPtr);
31 static void		DisplayVerticalValue(TkScale *scalePtr,
32 			    Drawable drawable, double value, int rightEdge,
33 			    const char *format);
35 /*
36  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
37  *
38  * TkpCreateScale --
39  *
40  *	Allocate a new TkScale structure.
41  *
42  * Results:
43  *	Returns a newly allocated TkScale structure.
44  *
45  * Side effects:
46  *	None.
47  *
48  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
49  */
51 TkScale *
TkpCreateScale(TCL_UNUSED (Tk_Window))52 TkpCreateScale(
53     TCL_UNUSED(Tk_Window))
54 {
55     return (TkScale *)ckalloc(sizeof(TkScale));
56 }
58 /*
59  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
60  *
61  * TkpDestroyScale --
62  *
63  *	Destroy a TkScale structure. It's necessary to do this with
64  *	Tcl_EventuallyFree to allow the Tcl_Preserve(scalePtr) to work as
65  *	expected in TkpDisplayScale. (hobbs)
66  *
67  * Results:
68  *	None
69  *
70  * Side effects:
71  *	Memory is freed.
72  *
73  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
74  */
76 void
TkpDestroyScale(TkScale * scalePtr)77 TkpDestroyScale(
78     TkScale *scalePtr)
79 {
80     Tcl_EventuallyFree(scalePtr, TCL_DYNAMIC);
81 }
83 /*
84  *--------------------------------------------------------------
85  *
86  * DisplayVerticalScale --
87  *
88  *	This function redraws the contents of a vertical scale window. It is
89  *	invoked as a do-when-idle handler, so it only runs when there's
90  *	nothing else for the application to do.
91  *
92  * Results:
93  *	There is no return value. If only a part of the scale needs to be
94  *	redrawn, then drawnAreaPtr is modified to reflect the area that was
95  *	actually modified.
96  *
97  * Side effects:
98  *	Information appears on the screen.
99  *
100  *--------------------------------------------------------------
101  */
103 static void
DisplayVerticalScale(TkScale * scalePtr,Drawable drawable,XRectangle * drawnAreaPtr)104 DisplayVerticalScale(
105     TkScale *scalePtr,		/* Widget record for scale. */
106     Drawable drawable,		/* Where to display scale (window or
107 				 * pixmap). */
108     XRectangle *drawnAreaPtr)	/* Initally contains area of window; if only a
109 				 * part of the scale is redrawn, gets modified
110 				 * to reflect the part of the window that was
111 				 * redrawn. */
112 {
113     Tk_Window tkwin = scalePtr->tkwin;
114     int x, y, width, height, shadowWidth;
115     double tickValue, tickInterval = scalePtr->tickInterval;
116     Tk_3DBorder sliderBorder;
118     /*
119      * Display the information from left to right across the window.
120      */
122     if (!(scalePtr->flags & REDRAW_OTHER)) {
123 	drawnAreaPtr->x = scalePtr->vertTickRightX;
124 	drawnAreaPtr->y = scalePtr->inset;
125 	drawnAreaPtr->width = scalePtr->vertTroughX + scalePtr->width
126 		+ 2*scalePtr->borderWidth - scalePtr->vertTickRightX;
127 	drawnAreaPtr->height -= 2*scalePtr->inset;
128     }
129     Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, drawable, scalePtr->bgBorder,
130 	    drawnAreaPtr->x, drawnAreaPtr->y, drawnAreaPtr->width,
131 	    drawnAreaPtr->height, 0, TK_RELIEF_FLAT);
132     if (scalePtr->flags & REDRAW_OTHER) {
133 	/*
134 	 * Display the tick marks.
135 	 */
137 	if (tickInterval != 0) {
138 	    double ticks, maxTicks;
140 	    /*
141 	     * Ensure that we will only draw enough of the tick values such
142 	     * that they don't overlap
143 	     */
145 	    ticks = fabs((scalePtr->toValue - scalePtr->fromValue)
146 		    / tickInterval);
147 	    maxTicks = (double) Tk_Height(tkwin)
148 		    / (double) scalePtr->fontHeight;
149 	    if (ticks > maxTicks) {
150 		tickInterval *= (ticks / maxTicks);
151 	    }
152 	    for (tickValue = scalePtr->fromValue; ;
153 		    tickValue += tickInterval) {
154 		/*
155 		 * The TkRoundValueToResolution call gets rid of accumulated
156 		 * round-off errors, if any.
157 		 */
159 		tickValue = TkRoundValueToResolution(scalePtr, tickValue);
160 		if (scalePtr->toValue >= scalePtr->fromValue) {
161 		    if (tickValue > scalePtr->toValue) {
162 			break;
163 		    }
164 		} else {
165 		    if (tickValue < scalePtr->toValue) {
166 			break;
167 		    }
168 		}
169 		DisplayVerticalValue(scalePtr, drawable, tickValue,
170 			scalePtr->vertTickRightX, scalePtr->tickFormat);
171 	    }
172 	}
173     }
175     /*
176      * Display the value, if it is desired.
177      */
179     if (scalePtr->showValue) {
180 	DisplayVerticalValue(scalePtr, drawable, scalePtr->value,
181 		scalePtr->vertValueRightX, scalePtr->valueFormat);
182     }
184     /*
185      * Display the trough and the slider.
186      */
188     Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, drawable,
189 	    scalePtr->bgBorder, scalePtr->vertTroughX, scalePtr->inset,
190 	    scalePtr->width + 2*scalePtr->borderWidth,
191 	    Tk_Height(tkwin) - 2*scalePtr->inset, scalePtr->borderWidth,
193     XFillRectangle(scalePtr->display, drawable, scalePtr->troughGC,
194 	    scalePtr->vertTroughX + scalePtr->borderWidth,
195 	    scalePtr->inset + scalePtr->borderWidth,
196 	    (unsigned) scalePtr->width,
197 	    (unsigned) (Tk_Height(tkwin) - 2*scalePtr->inset
198 		- 2*scalePtr->borderWidth));
199     if (scalePtr->state == STATE_ACTIVE) {
200 	sliderBorder = scalePtr->activeBorder;
201     } else {
202 	sliderBorder = scalePtr->bgBorder;
203     }
204     width = scalePtr->width;
205     height = scalePtr->sliderLength/2;
206     x = scalePtr->vertTroughX + scalePtr->borderWidth;
207     y = TkScaleValueToPixel(scalePtr, scalePtr->value) - height;
208     shadowWidth = scalePtr->borderWidth/2;
209     if (shadowWidth == 0) {
210 	shadowWidth = 1;
211     }
212     Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, drawable, sliderBorder, x, y, width,
213 	    2*height, shadowWidth, scalePtr->sliderRelief);
214     x += shadowWidth;
215     y += shadowWidth;
216     width -= 2*shadowWidth;
217     height -= shadowWidth;
218     Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, drawable, sliderBorder, x, y, width,
219 	    height, shadowWidth, scalePtr->sliderRelief);
220     Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, drawable, sliderBorder, x, y+height,
221 	    width, height, shadowWidth, scalePtr->sliderRelief);
223     /*
224      * Draw the label to the right of the scale.
225      */
227     if ((scalePtr->flags & REDRAW_OTHER) && (scalePtr->labelLength != 0)) {
228 	Tk_FontMetrics fm;
230 	Tk_GetFontMetrics(scalePtr->tkfont, &fm);
231 	Tk_DrawChars(scalePtr->display, drawable, scalePtr->textGC,
232 		scalePtr->tkfont, scalePtr->label,
233 		scalePtr->labelLength, scalePtr->vertLabelX,
234 		scalePtr->inset + (3 * fm.ascent) / 2);
235     }
236 }
238 /*
239  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
240  *
241  * DisplayVerticalValue --
242  *
243  *	This function is called to display values (scale readings) for
244  *	vertically-oriented scales.
245  *
246  * Results:
247  *	None.
248  *
249  * Side effects:
250  *	The numerical value corresponding to value is displayed with its right
251  *	edge at "rightEdge", and at a vertical position in the scale that
252  *	corresponds to "value".
253  *
254  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
255  */
257 static void
DisplayVerticalValue(TkScale * scalePtr,Drawable drawable,double value,int rightEdge,const char * format)258 DisplayVerticalValue(
259     TkScale *scalePtr,	/* Information about widget in which to
260 				 * display value. */
261     Drawable drawable,		/* Pixmap or window in which to draw the
262 				 * value. */
263     double value,		/* Y-coordinate of number to display,
264 				 * specified in application coords, not in
265 				 * pixels (we'll compute pixels). */
266     int rightEdge,		/* X-coordinate of right edge of text,
267 				 * specified in pixels. */
268     const char *format)		/* Format string to use for the value */
269 {
270     Tk_Window tkwin = scalePtr->tkwin;
271     int y, width, length;
272     char valueString[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE];
273     Tk_FontMetrics fm;
275     Tk_GetFontMetrics(scalePtr->tkfont, &fm);
276     y = TkScaleValueToPixel(scalePtr, value) + fm.ascent/2;
277     if (snprintf(valueString, TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE, format, value) < 0) {
278 	valueString[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE - 1] = '\0';
279     }
280     length = (int) strlen(valueString);
281     width = Tk_TextWidth(scalePtr->tkfont, valueString, length);
283     /*
284      * Adjust the y-coordinate if necessary to keep the text entirely inside
285      * the window.
286      */
288     if (y - fm.ascent < scalePtr->inset + SPACING) {
289 	y = scalePtr->inset + SPACING + fm.ascent;
290     }
291     if (y + fm.descent > Tk_Height(tkwin) - scalePtr->inset - SPACING) {
292 	y = Tk_Height(tkwin) - scalePtr->inset - SPACING - fm.descent;
293     }
294     Tk_DrawChars(scalePtr->display, drawable, scalePtr->textGC,
295 	    scalePtr->tkfont, valueString, length, rightEdge - width, y);
296 }
298 /*
299  *--------------------------------------------------------------
300  *
301  * DisplayHorizontalScale --
302  *
303  *	This function redraws the contents of a horizontal scale window. It is
304  *	invoked as a do-when-idle handler, so it only runs when there's
305  *	nothing else for the application to do.
306  *
307  * Results:
308  *	There is no return value. If only a part of the scale needs to be
309  *	redrawn, then drawnAreaPtr is modified to reflect the area that was
310  *	actually modified.
311  *
312  * Side effects:
313  *	Information appears on the screen.
314  *
315  *--------------------------------------------------------------
316  */
318 static void
DisplayHorizontalScale(TkScale * scalePtr,Drawable drawable,XRectangle * drawnAreaPtr)319 DisplayHorizontalScale(
320     TkScale *scalePtr,		/* Widget record for scale. */
321     Drawable drawable,		/* Where to display scale (window or
322 				 * pixmap). */
323     XRectangle *drawnAreaPtr)	/* Initally contains area of window; if only a
324 				 * part of the scale is redrawn, gets modified
325 				 * to reflect the part of the window that was
326 				 * redrawn. */
327 {
328     Tk_Window tkwin = scalePtr->tkwin;
329     int x, y, width, height, shadowWidth;
330     double tickInterval = scalePtr->tickInterval;
331     Tk_3DBorder sliderBorder;
333     /*
334      * Display the information from bottom to top across the window.
335      */
337     if (!(scalePtr->flags & REDRAW_OTHER)) {
338 	drawnAreaPtr->x = scalePtr->inset;
339 	drawnAreaPtr->y = scalePtr->horizValueY;
340 	drawnAreaPtr->width -= 2*scalePtr->inset;
341 	drawnAreaPtr->height = scalePtr->horizTroughY + scalePtr->width
342 		+ 2*scalePtr->borderWidth - scalePtr->horizValueY;
343     }
344     Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, drawable, scalePtr->bgBorder,
345 	    drawnAreaPtr->x, drawnAreaPtr->y, drawnAreaPtr->width,
346 	    drawnAreaPtr->height, 0, TK_RELIEF_FLAT);
347     if (scalePtr->flags & REDRAW_OTHER) {
348 	/*
349 	 * Display the tick marks.
350 	 */
352 	if (tickInterval != 0) {
353 	    char valueString[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE];
354 	    double ticks, maxTicks, tickValue;
356 	    /*
357 	     * Ensure that we will only draw enough of the tick values such
358 	     * that they don't overlap. We base this off the width that
359 	     * fromValue would take. Not exact, but better than no constraint.
360 	     */
362 	    ticks = fabs((scalePtr->toValue - scalePtr->fromValue)
363 		    / tickInterval);
364 	    if (snprintf(valueString, TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE, scalePtr->tickFormat,
365 		    scalePtr->fromValue) < 0) {
366 		valueString[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE - 1] = '\0';
367 	    }
368 	    maxTicks = (double) Tk_Width(tkwin)
369 		    / (double) Tk_TextWidth(scalePtr->tkfont, valueString, -1);
370 	    if (ticks > maxTicks) {
371 		tickInterval *= ticks / maxTicks;
372 	    }
373 	    tickValue = scalePtr->fromValue;
374 	    while (1) {
375 		/*
376 		 * The TkRoundValueToResolution call gets rid of accumulated
377 		 * round-off errors, if any.
378 		 */
380 		tickValue = TkRoundValueToResolution(scalePtr, tickValue);
381 		if (scalePtr->toValue >= scalePtr->fromValue) {
382 		    if (tickValue > scalePtr->toValue) {
383 			break;
384 		    }
385 		} else {
386 		    if (tickValue < scalePtr->toValue) {
387 			break;
388 		    }
389 		}
390 		DisplayHorizontalValue(scalePtr, drawable, tickValue,
391 			scalePtr->horizTickY, scalePtr->tickFormat);
392 		tickValue += tickInterval;
393 	    }
394 	}
395     }
397     /*
398      * Display the value, if it is desired.
399      */
401     if (scalePtr->showValue) {
402 	DisplayHorizontalValue(scalePtr, drawable, scalePtr->value,
403 		scalePtr->horizValueY, scalePtr->valueFormat);
404     }
406     /*
407      * Display the trough and the slider.
408      */
410     y = scalePtr->horizTroughY;
411     Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, drawable,
412 	    scalePtr->bgBorder, scalePtr->inset, y,
413 	    Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*scalePtr->inset,
414 	    scalePtr->width + 2*scalePtr->borderWidth,
415 	    scalePtr->borderWidth, TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN);
416     XFillRectangle(scalePtr->display, drawable, scalePtr->troughGC,
417 	    scalePtr->inset + scalePtr->borderWidth,
418 	    y + scalePtr->borderWidth,
419 	    (unsigned) (Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*scalePtr->inset
420 		- 2*scalePtr->borderWidth),
421 	    (unsigned) scalePtr->width);
422     if (scalePtr->state == STATE_ACTIVE) {
423 	sliderBorder = scalePtr->activeBorder;
424     } else {
425 	sliderBorder = scalePtr->bgBorder;
426     }
427     width = scalePtr->sliderLength/2;
428     height = scalePtr->width;
429     x = TkScaleValueToPixel(scalePtr, scalePtr->value) - width;
430     y += scalePtr->borderWidth;
431     shadowWidth = scalePtr->borderWidth/2;
432     if (shadowWidth == 0) {
433 	shadowWidth = 1;
434     }
435     Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, drawable, sliderBorder,
436 	    x, y, 2*width, height, shadowWidth, scalePtr->sliderRelief);
437     x += shadowWidth;
438     y += shadowWidth;
439     width -= shadowWidth;
440     height -= 2*shadowWidth;
441     Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, drawable, sliderBorder, x, y, width, height,
442 	    shadowWidth, scalePtr->sliderRelief);
443     Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, drawable, sliderBorder, x+width, y,
444 	    width, height, shadowWidth, scalePtr->sliderRelief);
446     /*
447      * Draw the label at the top of the scale.
448      */
450     if ((scalePtr->flags & REDRAW_OTHER) && (scalePtr->labelLength != 0)) {
451 	Tk_FontMetrics fm;
453 	Tk_GetFontMetrics(scalePtr->tkfont, &fm);
454 	Tk_DrawChars(scalePtr->display, drawable, scalePtr->textGC,
455 		scalePtr->tkfont, scalePtr->label,
456 		scalePtr->labelLength, scalePtr->inset + fm.ascent/2,
457 		scalePtr->horizLabelY + fm.ascent);
458     }
459 }
461 /*
462  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
463  *
464  * DisplayHorizontalValue --
465  *
466  *	This function is called to display values (scale readings) for
467  *	horizontally-oriented scales.
468  *
469  * Results:
470  *	None.
471  *
472  * Side effects:
473  *	The numerical value corresponding to value is displayed with its
474  *	bottom edge at "bottom", and at a horizontal position in the scale
475  *	that corresponds to "value".
476  *
477  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
478  */
480 static void
DisplayHorizontalValue(TkScale * scalePtr,Drawable drawable,double value,int top,const char * format)481 DisplayHorizontalValue(
482     TkScale *scalePtr,	/* Information about widget in which to
483 				 * display value. */
484     Drawable drawable,		/* Pixmap or window in which to draw the
485 				 * value. */
486     double value,		/* X-coordinate of number to display,
487 				 * specified in application coords, not in
488 				 * pixels (we'll compute pixels). */
489     int top,			/* Y-coordinate of top edge of text, specified
490 				 * in pixels. */
491     const char *format)		/* Format string to use for the value */
492 {
493     Tk_Window tkwin = scalePtr->tkwin;
494     int x, y, length, width;
495     char valueString[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE];
496     Tk_FontMetrics fm;
498     x = TkScaleValueToPixel(scalePtr, value);
499     Tk_GetFontMetrics(scalePtr->tkfont, &fm);
500     y = top + fm.ascent;
501     if (snprintf(valueString, TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE, format, value) < 0) {
502 	valueString[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE - 1] = '\0';
503     }
504     length = (int) strlen(valueString);
505     width = Tk_TextWidth(scalePtr->tkfont, valueString, length);
507     /*
508      * Adjust the x-coordinate if necessary to keep the text entirely inside
509      * the window.
510      */
512     x -= width / 2;
513     if (x < scalePtr->inset + SPACING) {
514 	x = scalePtr->inset + SPACING;
515     }
517     /*
518      * Check the right border so use starting point +text width for the check.
519      */
521     if (x + width >= (Tk_Width(tkwin) - scalePtr->inset)) {
522 	x = Tk_Width(tkwin) - scalePtr->inset - SPACING - width;
523     }
524     Tk_DrawChars(scalePtr->display, drawable, scalePtr->textGC,
525 	    scalePtr->tkfont, valueString, length, x, y);
526 }
528 /*
529  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
530  *
531  * TkpDisplayScale --
532  *
533  *	This function is invoked as an idle handler to redisplay the contents
534  *	of a scale widget.
535  *
536  * Results:
537  *	None.
538  *
539  * Side effects:
540  *	The scale gets redisplayed.
541  *
542  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
543  */
545 void
TkpDisplayScale(ClientData clientData)546 TkpDisplayScale(
547     ClientData clientData)	/* Widget record for scale. */
548 {
549     TkScale *scalePtr = (TkScale *)clientData;
550     Tk_Window tkwin = scalePtr->tkwin;
551     Tcl_Interp *interp = scalePtr->interp;
552     Pixmap pixmap;
553     int result;
554     char string[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE];
555     XRectangle drawnArea;
556     Tcl_DString buf;
558     scalePtr->flags &= ~REDRAW_PENDING;
559     if ((scalePtr->tkwin == NULL) || !Tk_IsMapped(scalePtr->tkwin)) {
560 	goto done;
561     }
563     /*
564      * Invoke the scale's command if needed.
565      */
567     Tcl_Preserve(scalePtr);
568     if ((scalePtr->flags & INVOKE_COMMAND) && (scalePtr->command != NULL)) {
569 	Tcl_Preserve(interp);
570 	if (snprintf(string, TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE, scalePtr->valueFormat,
571 		scalePtr->value) < 0) {
572 	    string[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE - 1] = '\0';
573 	}
574 	Tcl_DStringInit(&buf);
575 	Tcl_DStringAppend(&buf, scalePtr->command, -1);
576 	Tcl_DStringAppend(&buf, " ", -1);
577 	Tcl_DStringAppend(&buf, string, -1);
578 	result = Tcl_EvalEx(interp, Tcl_DStringValue(&buf), -1, TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL);
579 	Tcl_DStringFree(&buf);
580 	if (result != TCL_OK) {
581 	    Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, "\n    (command executed by scale)");
582 	    Tcl_BackgroundException(interp, result);
583 	}
584 	Tcl_Release(interp);
585     }
586     scalePtr->flags &= ~INVOKE_COMMAND;
587     if (scalePtr->flags & SCALE_DELETED) {
588 	Tcl_Release(scalePtr);
589 	return;
590     }
591     Tcl_Release(scalePtr);
594     /*
595      * In order to avoid screen flashes, this function redraws the scale in a
596      * pixmap, then copies the pixmap to the screen in a single operation.
597      * This means that there's no point in time where the on-sreen image has
598      * been cleared.
599      */
601     pixmap = Tk_GetPixmap(scalePtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
602 	    Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin), Tk_Depth(tkwin));
603 #else
604     pixmap = Tk_WindowId(tkwin);
605 #endif /* TK_NO_DOUBLE_BUFFERING */
606     drawnArea.x = 0;
607     drawnArea.y = 0;
608     drawnArea.width = Tk_Width(tkwin);
609     drawnArea.height = Tk_Height(tkwin);
611     /*
612      * Much of the redisplay is done totally differently for horizontal and
613      * vertical scales. Handle the part that's different.
614      */
616     if (scalePtr->orient == ORIENT_VERTICAL) {
617 	DisplayVerticalScale(scalePtr, pixmap, &drawnArea);
618     } else {
619 	DisplayHorizontalScale(scalePtr, pixmap, &drawnArea);
620     }
622     /*
623      * Now handle the part of redisplay that is the same for horizontal and
624      * vertical scales: border and traversal highlight.
625      */
627     if (scalePtr->flags & REDRAW_OTHER) {
628 	if (scalePtr->relief != TK_RELIEF_FLAT) {
629 	    Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, scalePtr->bgBorder,
630 		    scalePtr->highlightWidth, scalePtr->highlightWidth,
631 		    Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*scalePtr->highlightWidth,
632 		    Tk_Height(tkwin) - 2*scalePtr->highlightWidth,
633 		    scalePtr->borderWidth, scalePtr->relief);
634 	}
635 	if (scalePtr->highlightWidth != 0) {
636 	    GC gc;
638 	    if (scalePtr->flags & GOT_FOCUS) {
639 		gc = Tk_GCForColor(scalePtr->highlightColorPtr, pixmap);
640 	    } else {
641 		gc = Tk_GCForColor(
642 			Tk_3DBorderColor(scalePtr->highlightBorder), pixmap);
643 	    }
644 	    Tk_DrawFocusHighlight(tkwin, gc, scalePtr->highlightWidth, pixmap);
645 	}
646     }
649     /*
650      * Copy the information from the off-screen pixmap onto the screen, then
651      * delete the pixmap.
652      */
654     XCopyArea(scalePtr->display, pixmap, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
655 	    scalePtr->copyGC, drawnArea.x, drawnArea.y, drawnArea.width,
656 	    drawnArea.height, drawnArea.x, drawnArea.y);
657     Tk_FreePixmap(scalePtr->display, pixmap);
658 #endif /* TK_NO_DOUBLE_BUFFERING */
660   done:
661     scalePtr->flags &= ~REDRAW_ALL;
662 }
664 /*
665  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
666  *
667  * TkpScaleElement --
668  *
669  *	Determine which part of a scale widget lies under a given point.
670  *
671  * Results:
672  *	The return value is either TROUGH1, SLIDER, TROUGH2, or OTHER,
673  *	depending on which of the scale's active elements (if any) is under
674  *	the point at (x,y).
675  *
676  * Side effects:
677  *	None.
678  *
679  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
680  */
682 int
TkpScaleElement(TkScale * scalePtr,int x,int y)683 TkpScaleElement(
684     TkScale *scalePtr,		/* Widget record for scale. */
685     int x, int y)		/* Coordinates within scalePtr's window. */
686 {
687     int sliderFirst;
689     if (scalePtr->orient == ORIENT_VERTICAL) {
690 	if ((x < scalePtr->vertTroughX)
691 		|| (x >= (scalePtr->vertTroughX + 2*scalePtr->borderWidth +
692 		scalePtr->width))) {
693 	    return OTHER;
694 	}
695 	if ((y < scalePtr->inset)
696 		|| (y >= (Tk_Height(scalePtr->tkwin) - scalePtr->inset))) {
697 	    return OTHER;
698 	}
699 	sliderFirst = TkScaleValueToPixel(scalePtr, scalePtr->value)
700 		- scalePtr->sliderLength/2;
701 	if (y < sliderFirst) {
702 	    return TROUGH1;
703 	}
704 	if (y < sliderFirst + scalePtr->sliderLength) {
705 	    return SLIDER;
706 	}
707 	return TROUGH2;
708     }
710     if ((y < scalePtr->horizTroughY)
711 	    || (y >= (scalePtr->horizTroughY + 2*scalePtr->borderWidth +
712 	    scalePtr->width))) {
713 	return OTHER;
714     }
715     if ((x < scalePtr->inset)
716 	    || (x >= (Tk_Width(scalePtr->tkwin) - scalePtr->inset))) {
717 	return OTHER;
718     }
719     sliderFirst = TkScaleValueToPixel(scalePtr, scalePtr->value)
720 	    - scalePtr->sliderLength/2;
721     if (x < sliderFirst) {
722 	return TROUGH1;
723     }
724     if (x < sliderFirst + scalePtr->sliderLength) {
725 	return SLIDER;
726     }
727     return TROUGH2;
728 }
730 /*
731  * Local Variables:
732  * mode: c
733  * c-basic-offset: 4
734  * fill-column: 78
735  * End:
736  */