1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        confbase.h
3 // Purpose:     declaration of the base class of all config implementations
4 //              (see also: fileconf.h and msw/regconf.h and iniconf.h)
5 // Author:      Karsten Ballueder & Vadim Zeitlin
6 // Modified by:
7 // Created:     07.04.98 (adapted from appconf.h)
8 // RCS-ID:      $Id: confbase.h 61872 2009-09-09 22:37:05Z VZ $
9 // Copyright:   (c) 1997 Karsten Ballueder   Ballueder@usa.net
10 //                       Vadim Zeitlin      <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
11 // Licence:     wxWindows licence
12 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
14 #ifndef   _WX_CONFBASE_H_
15 #define   _WX_CONFBASE_H_
17 #include "wx/defs.h"
18 #include "wx/string.h"
20 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxArrayString;
22 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 // constants
24 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 /// shall we be case sensitive in parsing variable names?
28   #define  wxCONFIG_CASE_SENSITIVE       0
29 #endif
31 /// separates group and entry names (probably shouldn't be changed)
33   #define   wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR     wxT('/')
34 #endif
36 /// introduces immutable entries
37 // (i.e. the ones which can't be changed from the local config file)
39   #define   wxCONFIG_IMMUTABLE_PREFIX   wxT('!')
40 #endif
42 #if wxUSE_CONFIG
44 #include "wx/string.h"
46 /// should we use registry instead of configuration files under Windows?
47 // (i.e. whether wxConfigBase::Create() will create a wxFileConfig (if it's
48 //  false) or wxRegConfig (if it's true and we're under Win32))
49 #ifndef   wxUSE_CONFIG_NATIVE
50   #define wxUSE_CONFIG_NATIVE 1
51 #endif
53 // Style flags for constructor style parameter
54 enum
55 {
60     wxCONFIG_USE_SUBDIR = 16
61 };
63 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 // abstract base class wxConfigBase which defines the interface for derived
65 // classes
66 //
67 // wxConfig organizes the items in a tree-like structure (modeled after the
68 // Unix/Dos filesystem). There are groups (directories) and keys (files).
69 // There is always one current group given by the current path.
70 //
71 // Keys are pairs "key_name = value" where value may be of string or integer
72 // (long) type (TODO doubles and other types such as wxDate coming soon).
73 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxConfigBase
76 {
77 public:
78   // constants
79     // the type of an entry
80   enum EntryType
81   {
82     Type_Unknown,
83     Type_String,
84     Type_Boolean,
85     Type_Integer,    // use Read(long *)
86     Type_Float       // use Read(double *)
87   };
89   // static functions
90     // sets the config object, returns the previous pointer
91   static wxConfigBase *Set(wxConfigBase *pConfig);
92     // get the config object, creates it on demand unless DontCreateOnDemand
93     // was called
94   static wxConfigBase *Get(bool createOnDemand = true)
95        { if ( createOnDemand && (!ms_pConfig) ) Create(); return ms_pConfig; }
96     // create a new config object: this function will create the "best"
97     // implementation of wxConfig available for the current platform, see
98     // comments near definition wxUSE_CONFIG_NATIVE for details. It returns
99     // the created object and also sets it as ms_pConfig.
100   static wxConfigBase *Create();
101     // should Get() try to create a new log object if the current one is NULL?
DontCreateOnDemand()102   static void DontCreateOnDemand() { ms_bAutoCreate = false; }
104   // ctor & virtual dtor
105       // ctor (can be used as default ctor too)
106       //
107       // Not all args will always be used by derived classes, but including
108       // them all in each class ensures compatibility. If appName is empty,
109       // uses wxApp name
110   wxConfigBase(const wxString& appName = wxEmptyString,
111                const wxString& vendorName = wxEmptyString,
112                const wxString& localFilename = wxEmptyString,
113                const wxString& globalFilename = wxEmptyString,
114                long style = 0);
116     // empty but ensures that dtor of all derived classes is virtual
117   virtual ~wxConfigBase();
119   // path management
120     // set current path: if the first character is '/', it's the absolute path,
121     // otherwise it's a relative path. '..' is supported. If the strPath
122     // doesn't exist it is created.
123   virtual void SetPath(const wxString& strPath) = 0;
124     // retrieve the current path (always as absolute path)
125   virtual const wxString& GetPath() const = 0;
127   // enumeration: all functions here return false when there are no more items.
128   // you must pass the same lIndex to GetNext and GetFirst (don't modify it)
129     // enumerate subgroups
130   virtual bool GetFirstGroup(wxString& str, long& lIndex) const = 0;
131   virtual bool GetNextGroup (wxString& str, long& lIndex) const = 0;
132     // enumerate entries
133   virtual bool GetFirstEntry(wxString& str, long& lIndex) const = 0;
134   virtual bool GetNextEntry (wxString& str, long& lIndex) const = 0;
135     // get number of entries/subgroups in the current group, with or without
136     // it's subgroups
137   virtual size_t GetNumberOfEntries(bool bRecursive = false) const = 0;
138   virtual size_t GetNumberOfGroups(bool bRecursive = false) const = 0;
140   // tests of existence
141     // returns true if the group by this name exists
142   virtual bool HasGroup(const wxString& strName) const = 0;
143     // same as above, but for an entry
144   virtual bool HasEntry(const wxString& strName) const = 0;
145     // returns true if either a group or an entry with a given name exist
Exists(const wxString & strName)146   bool Exists(const wxString& strName) const
147     { return HasGroup(strName) || HasEntry(strName); }
149     // get the entry type
GetEntryType(const wxString & name)150   virtual EntryType GetEntryType(const wxString& name) const
151   {
152     // by default all entries are strings
153     return HasEntry(name) ? Type_String : Type_Unknown;
154   }
156   // key access: returns true if value was really read, false if default used
157   // (and if the key is not found the default value is returned.)
159     // read a string from the key
160   bool Read(const wxString& key, wxString *pStr) const;
161   bool Read(const wxString& key, wxString *pStr, const wxString& defVal) const;
163     // read a number (long)
164   bool Read(const wxString& key, long *pl) const;
165   bool Read(const wxString& key, long *pl, long defVal) const;
167     // read an int
168   bool Read(const wxString& key, int *pi) const;
169   bool Read(const wxString& key, int *pi, int defVal) const;
171     // read a double
172   bool Read(const wxString& key, double* val) const;
173   bool Read(const wxString& key, double* val, double defVal) const;
175     // read a bool
176   bool Read(const wxString& key, bool* val) const;
177   bool Read(const wxString& key, bool* val, bool defVal) const;
179   // convenience functions returning directly the value (we don't have them for
180   // int/double/bool as there would be ambiguities with the long one then)
181   wxString Read(const wxString& key,
182                 const wxString& defVal = wxEmptyString) const
183     { wxString s; (void)Read(key, &s, defVal); return s; }
Read(const wxString & key,long defVal)185   long Read(const wxString& key, long defVal) const
186     { long l; (void)Read(key, &l, defVal); return l; }
188     // write the value (return true on success)
Write(const wxString & key,const wxString & value)189   bool Write(const wxString& key, const wxString& value)
190     { return DoWriteString(key, value); }
Write(const wxString & key,long value)192   bool Write(const wxString& key, long value)
193     { return DoWriteLong(key, value); }
Write(const wxString & key,int value)195   bool Write(const wxString& key, int value)
196     { return DoWriteInt(key, value); }
Write(const wxString & key,double value)198   bool Write(const wxString& key, double value)
199     { return DoWriteDouble(key, value); }
Write(const wxString & key,bool value)201   bool Write(const wxString& key, bool value)
202     { return DoWriteBool(key, value); }
204   // we have to provide a separate version for C strings as otherwise they
205   // would be converted to bool and not to wxString as expected!
Write(const wxString & key,const wxChar * value)206   bool Write(const wxString& key, const wxChar *value)
207     { return Write(key, wxString(value)); }
209   // permanently writes all changes
210   virtual bool Flush(bool bCurrentOnly = false) = 0;
212   // renaming, all functions return false on failure (probably because the new
213   // name is already taken by an existing entry)
214     // rename an entry
215   virtual bool RenameEntry(const wxString& oldName,
216                            const wxString& newName) = 0;
217     // rename a group
218   virtual bool RenameGroup(const wxString& oldName,
219                            const wxString& newName) = 0;
221   // delete entries/groups
222     // deletes the specified entry and the group it belongs to if
223     // it was the last key in it and the second parameter is true
224   virtual bool DeleteEntry(const wxString& key,
225                            bool bDeleteGroupIfEmpty = true) = 0;
226     // delete the group (with all subgroups)
227   virtual bool DeleteGroup(const wxString& key) = 0;
228     // delete the whole underlying object (disk file, registry key, ...)
229     // primarily for use by uninstallation routine.
230   virtual bool DeleteAll() = 0;
232   // options
233     // we can automatically expand environment variables in the config entries
234     // (this option is on by default, you can turn it on/off at any time)
IsExpandingEnvVars()235   bool IsExpandingEnvVars() const { return m_bExpandEnvVars; }
236   void SetExpandEnvVars(bool bDoIt = true) { m_bExpandEnvVars = bDoIt; }
237     // recording of default values
238   void SetRecordDefaults(bool bDoIt = true) { m_bRecordDefaults = bDoIt; }
IsRecordingDefaults()239   bool IsRecordingDefaults() const { return m_bRecordDefaults; }
240   // does expansion only if needed
241   wxString ExpandEnvVars(const wxString& str) const;
243     // misc accessors
GetAppName()244   wxString GetAppName() const { return m_appName; }
GetVendorName()245   wxString GetVendorName() const { return m_vendorName; }
247   // Used wxIniConfig to set members in constructor
SetAppName(const wxString & appName)248   void SetAppName(const wxString& appName) { m_appName = appName; }
SetVendorName(const wxString & vendorName)249   void SetVendorName(const wxString& vendorName) { m_vendorName = vendorName; }
SetStyle(long style)251   void SetStyle(long style) { m_style = style; }
GetStyle()252   long GetStyle() const { return m_style; }
254 protected:
IsImmutable(const wxString & key)255   static bool IsImmutable(const wxString& key)
256     { return !key.IsEmpty() && key[0] == wxCONFIG_IMMUTABLE_PREFIX; }
258   // return the path without trailing separator, if any: this should be called
259   // to sanitize paths referring to the group names before passing them to
260   // wxConfigPathChanger as "/foo/bar/" should be the same as "/foo/bar" and it
261   // isn't interpreted in the same way by it (and this can't be changed there
262   // as it's not the same for the entries names)
263   static wxString RemoveTrailingSeparator(const wxString& key);
265   // do read/write the values of different types
266   virtual bool DoReadString(const wxString& key, wxString *pStr) const = 0;
267   virtual bool DoReadLong(const wxString& key, long *pl) const = 0;
268   virtual bool DoReadInt(const wxString& key, int *pi) const;
269   virtual bool DoReadDouble(const wxString& key, double* val) const;
270   virtual bool DoReadBool(const wxString& key, bool* val) const;
272   virtual bool DoWriteString(const wxString& key, const wxString& value) = 0;
273   virtual bool DoWriteLong(const wxString& key, long value) = 0;
274   virtual bool DoWriteInt(const wxString& key, int value);
275   virtual bool DoWriteDouble(const wxString& key, double value);
276   virtual bool DoWriteBool(const wxString& key, bool value);
278 private:
279   // are we doing automatic environment variable expansion?
280   bool m_bExpandEnvVars;
281   // do we record default values?
282   bool m_bRecordDefaults;
284   // static variables
285   static wxConfigBase *ms_pConfig;
286   static bool          ms_bAutoCreate;
288   // Application name and organisation name
289   wxString          m_appName;
290   wxString          m_vendorName;
292   // Style flag
293   long              m_style;
294 };
296 // a handy little class which changes current path to the path of given entry
297 // and restores it in dtor: so if you declare a local variable of this type,
298 // you work in the entry directory and the path is automatically restored
299 // when the function returns
300 // Taken out of wxConfig since not all compilers can cope with nested classes.
301 class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxConfigPathChanger
302 {
303 public:
304   // ctor/dtor do path changing/restoring of the path
305   wxConfigPathChanger(const wxConfigBase *pContainer, const wxString& strEntry);
306  ~wxConfigPathChanger();
308   // get the key name
Name()309   const wxString& Name() const { return m_strName; }
311   // this method must be called if the original path (i.e. the current path at
312   // the moment of creation of this object) could have been deleted to prevent
313   // us from restoring the not existing (any more) path
314   //
315   // if the original path doesn't exist any more, the path will be restored to
316   // the deepest still existing component of the old path
317   void UpdateIfDeleted();
319 private:
320   wxConfigBase *m_pContainer;   // object we live in
321   wxString      m_strName,      // name of entry (i.e. name only)
322                 m_strOldPath;   // saved path
323   bool          m_bChanged;     // was the path changed?
325   DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxConfigPathChanger)
326 };
329 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
330 // the native wxConfigBase implementation
331 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 // under Windows we prefer to use the native implementation
334 // wxIniConfig isn't native anywhere after droping win16 in wxWidgets 2.6
335 #if defined(__WXMSW__) && wxUSE_CONFIG_NATIVE
336     #define wxConfig  wxRegConfig
337 #else // either we're under Unix or wish to use files even under Windows
338   #define wxConfig  wxFileConfig
339 #endif
341 #endif // wxUSE_CONFIG
343 /*
344   Replace environment variables ($SOMETHING) with their values. The format is
345   $VARNAME or ${VARNAME} where VARNAME contains alphanumeric characters and
346   '_' only. '$' must be escaped ('\$') in order to be taken literally.
347 */
349 WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxString wxExpandEnvVars(const wxString &sz);
351 /*
352   Split path into parts removing '..' in progress
353  */
354 WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE void wxSplitPath(wxArrayString& aParts, const wxChar *sz);
357 #endif
358   // _WX_CONFIG_H_