1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        sizer.h
3 // Purpose:     interface of wxStdDialogButtonSizer
4 // Author:      wxWidgets team
5 // Licence:     wxWindows licence
6 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10     @class wxSizer
12     wxSizer is the abstract base class used for laying out subwindows in a window.
13     You cannot use wxSizer directly; instead, you will have to use one of the sizer
14     classes derived from it. Currently there are wxBoxSizer, wxStaticBoxSizer,
15     wxGridSizer, wxFlexGridSizer, wxWrapSizer and wxGridBagSizer.
17     The layout algorithm used by sizers in wxWidgets is closely related to layout
18     in other GUI toolkits, such as Java's AWT, the GTK toolkit or the Qt toolkit.
19     It is based upon the idea of the individual subwindows reporting their minimal
20     required size and their ability to get stretched if the size of the parent window
21     has changed.
23     This will most often mean that the programmer does not set the original size of
24     a dialog in the beginning, rather the dialog will be assigned a sizer and this
25     sizer will be queried about the recommended size. The sizer in turn will query
26     its children, which can be normal windows, empty space or other sizers, so that
27     a hierarchy of sizers can be constructed. Note that wxSizer does not derive
28     from wxWindow and thus does not interfere with tab ordering and requires very little
29     resources compared to a real window on screen.
31     What makes sizers so well fitted for use in wxWidgets is the fact that every
32     control reports its own minimal size and the algorithm can handle differences in
33     font sizes or different window (dialog item) sizes on different platforms without
34     problems. If e.g. the standard font as well as the overall design of Motif widgets
35     requires more space than on Windows, the initial dialog size will automatically
36     be bigger on Motif than on Windows.
38     Sizers may also be used to control the layout of custom drawn items on the
39     window. The wxSizer::Add(), wxSizer::Insert(), and wxSizer::Prepend() functions
40     return a pointer to the newly added wxSizerItem.
41     Just add empty space of the desired size and attributes, and then use the
42     wxSizerItem::GetRect() method to determine where the drawing operations
43     should take place.
45     Please notice that sizers, like child windows, are owned by the library and
46     will be deleted by it which implies that they must be allocated on the heap.
47     However if you create a sizer and do not add it to another sizer or
48     window, the library wouldn't be able to delete such an orphan sizer and in
49     this, and only this, case it should be deleted explicitly.
51     @section wxsizer_flags wxSizer flags
53     The "flag" argument accepted by wxSizerItem constructors and other
54     functions, e.g. wxSizer::Add(), is an OR-combination of the following flags.
55     Two main behaviours are defined using these flags. One is the border around
56     a window: the border parameter determines the border width whereas the
57     flags given here determine which side(s) of the item that the border will
58     be added.  The other flags determine how the sizer item behaves when the
59     space allotted to the sizer changes, and is somewhat dependent on the
60     specific kind of sizer used.
62     @beginDefList
63     @itemdef{wxTOP<br>
64              wxBOTTOM<br>
65              wxLEFT<br>
66              wxRIGHT<br>
67              wxALL,
68              These flags are used to specify which side(s) of the sizer item
69              the border width will apply to.}
70     @itemdef{wxEXPAND,
71              The item will be expanded to fill the space assigned to the item.}
72     @itemdef{wxSHAPED,
73              The item will be expanded as much as possible while also
74              maintaining its aspect ratio.}
75     @itemdef{wxFIXED_MINSIZE,
76              Normally wxSizers will use GetAdjustedBestSize() to determine what
77              the minimal size of window items should be, and will use that size
78              to calculate the layout. This allows layouts to adjust when an
79              item changes and its best size becomes different. If you would
80              rather have a window item stay the size it started with then use
81              @c wxFIXED_MINSIZE.}
83              Normally wxSizers don't allocate space for hidden windows or other
84              items. This flag overrides this behaviour so that sufficient space
85              is allocated for the window even if it isn't visible. This makes
86              it possible to dynamically show and hide controls without resizing
87              parent dialog, for example. (Available since 2.8.8.)}
88     @itemdef{wxALIGN_CENTER<br>
89              wxALIGN_CENTRE<br>
90              wxALIGN_LEFT<br>
91              wxALIGN_RIGHT<br>
92              wxALIGN_TOP<br>
93              wxALIGN_BOTTOM<br>
94              wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL<br>
95              wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL<br>
96              wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL<br>
97              wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL,
98              The @c wxALIGN_* flags allow you to specify the alignment of the item
99              within the space allotted to it by the sizer, adjusted for the
100              border if any.}
101     @endDefList
103     @library{wxcore}
104     @category{winlayout}
106     @see @ref overview_sizer
107 */
108 class wxSizer : public wxObject
109 {
110 public:
111     /**
112         The constructor.
113         Note that wxSizer is an abstract base class and may not be instantiated.
114     */
115     wxSizer();
117     /**
118         The destructor.
119     */
120     virtual ~wxSizer();
122     /**
123         Appends a child to the sizer.
125         wxSizer itself is an abstract class, but the parameters are equivalent
126         in the derived classes that you will instantiate to use it so they are
127         described here:
129         @param window
130             The window to be added to the sizer. Its initial size (either set
131             explicitly by the user or calculated internally when using
132             wxDefaultSize) is interpreted as the minimal and in many cases also
133             the initial size.
134         @param flags
135             A wxSizerFlags object that enables you to specify most of the above
136             parameters more conveniently.
137     */
138     wxSizerItem* Add(wxWindow* window, const wxSizerFlags& flags);
140     /**
141         Appends a child to the sizer.
143         wxSizer itself is an abstract class, but the parameters are equivalent
144         in the derived classes that you will instantiate to use it so they are
145         described here:
147         @param window
148             The window to be added to the sizer. Its initial size (either set
149             explicitly by the user or calculated internally when using
150             wxDefaultSize) is interpreted as the minimal and in many cases also
151             the initial size.
152         @param proportion
153             Although the meaning of this parameter is undefined in wxSizer, it
154             is used in wxBoxSizer to indicate if a child of a sizer can change
155             its size in the main orientation of the wxBoxSizer - where 0 stands
156             for not changeable and a value of more than zero is interpreted
157             relative to the value of other children of the same wxBoxSizer. For
158             example, you might have a horizontal wxBoxSizer with three
159             children, two of which are supposed to change their size with the
160             sizer. Then the two stretchable windows would get a value of 1 each
161             to make them grow and shrink equally with the sizer's horizontal
162             dimension.
163         @param flag
164             OR-combination of flags affecting sizer's behaviour. See
165             @ref wxsizer_flags "wxSizer flags list" for details.
166         @param border
167             Determines the border width, if the flag parameter is set to
168             include any border flag.
169         @param userData
170             Allows an extra object to be attached to the sizer item, for use in
171             derived classes when sizing information is more complex than the
172             proportion and flag will allow for.
173     */
174     wxSizerItem* Add(wxWindow* window,
175                      int proportion = 0,
176                      int flag = 0,
177                      int border = 0,
178                      wxObject* userData = NULL);
180     /**
181         Appends a child to the sizer.
183         wxSizer itself is an abstract class, but the parameters are equivalent
184         in the derived classes that you will instantiate to use it so they are
185         described here:
187         @param sizer
188             The (child-)sizer to be added to the sizer. This allows placing a
189             child sizer in a sizer and thus to create hierarchies of sizers
190             (typically a vertical box as the top sizer and several horizontal
191             boxes on the level beneath).
192         @param flags
193             A wxSizerFlags object that enables you to specify most of the above
194             parameters more conveniently.
195     */
196     wxSizerItem* Add(wxSizer* sizer, const wxSizerFlags& flags);
198     /**
199         Appends a child to the sizer.
201         wxSizer itself is an abstract class, but the parameters are equivalent
202         in the derived classes that you will instantiate to use it so they are
203         described here:
205         @param sizer
206             The (child-)sizer to be added to the sizer. This allows placing a
207             child sizer in a sizer and thus to create hierarchies of sizers
208             (typically a vertical box as the top sizer and several horizontal
209             boxes on the level beneath).
210         @param proportion
211             Although the meaning of this parameter is undefined in wxSizer, it
212             is used in wxBoxSizer to indicate if a child of a sizer can change
213             its size in the main orientation of the wxBoxSizer - where 0 stands
214             for not changeable and a value of more than zero is interpreted
215             relative to the value of other children of the same wxBoxSizer. For
216             example, you might have a horizontal wxBoxSizer with three
217             children, two of which are supposed to change their size with the
218             sizer. Then the two stretchable windows would get a value of 1 each
219             to make them grow and shrink equally with the sizer's horizontal
220             dimension.
221         @param flag
222             OR-combination of flags affecting sizer's behaviour. See
223             @ref wxsizer_flags "wxSizer flags list" for details.
224         @param border
225             Determines the border width, if the flag parameter is set to
226             include any border flag.
227         @param userData
228             Allows an extra object to be attached to the sizer item, for use in
229             derived classes when sizing information is more complex than the
230             proportion and flag will allow for.
231     */
232     wxSizerItem* Add(wxSizer* sizer,
233                      int proportion = 0,
234                      int flag = 0,
235                      int border = 0,
236                      wxObject* userData = NULL);
238     /**
239         Appends a spacer child to the sizer.
241         wxSizer itself is an abstract class, but the parameters are equivalent
242         in the derived classes that you will instantiate to use it so they are
243         described here.
245         @a width and @a height specify the dimension of a spacer to be added to
246         the sizer. Adding spacers to sizers gives more flexibility in the
247         design of dialogs; imagine for example a horizontal box with two
248         buttons at the bottom of a dialog: you might want to insert a space
249         between the two buttons and make that space stretchable using the
250         proportion flag and the result will be that the left button will be
251         aligned with the left side of the dialog and the right button with the
252         right side - the space in between will shrink and grow with the dialog.
254         @param width
255             Width of the spacer.
256         @param height
257             Height of the spacer.
258         @param proportion
259             Although the meaning of this parameter is undefined in wxSizer, it
260             is used in wxBoxSizer to indicate if a child of a sizer can change
261             its size in the main orientation of the wxBoxSizer - where 0 stands
262             for not changeable and a value of more than zero is interpreted
263             relative to the value of other children of the same wxBoxSizer. For
264             example, you might have a horizontal wxBoxSizer with three
265             children, two of which are supposed to change their size with the
266             sizer. Then the two stretchable windows would get a value of 1 each
267             to make them grow and shrink equally with the sizer's horizontal
268             dimension.
269         @param flag
270             OR-combination of flags affecting sizer's behaviour. See
271             @ref wxsizer_flags "wxSizer flags list" for details.
272         @param border
273             Determines the border width, if the flag parameter is set to
274             include any border flag.
275         @param userData
276             Allows an extra object to be attached to the sizer item, for use in
277             derived classes when sizing information is more complex than the
278             proportion and flag will allow for.
279     */
280     wxSizerItem* Add(int width, int height,
281                      int proportion = 0,
282                      int flag = 0,
283                      int border = 0,
284                      wxObject* userData = NULL);
286     /**
287         Appends a spacer child to the sizer.
289         @param width
290             Width of the spacer.
291         @param height
292             Height of the spacer.
293         @param flags
294             A wxSizerFlags object that enables you to specify most of the other
295             parameters more conveniently.
296     */
297     wxSizerItem* Add( int width, int height, const wxSizerFlags& flags);
299     wxSizerItem* Add(wxSizerItem* item);
301     /**
302         This base function adds non-stretchable space to both the horizontal
303         and vertical orientation of the sizer.
304         More readable way of calling:
305         @code
306         wxSizer::Add(size, size, 0).
307         @endcode
308         @see wxBoxSizer::AddSpacer()
309     */
310     virtual wxSizerItem *AddSpacer(int size);
312     /**
313         Adds stretchable space to the sizer.
314         More readable way of calling:
315         @code
316         wxSizer::Add(0, 0, prop).
317         @endcode
318     */
319     wxSizerItem* AddStretchSpacer(int prop = 1);
321     /**
322         This method is abstract and has to be overwritten by any derived class.
323         Here, the sizer will do the actual calculation of its children's minimal sizes.
324     */
325     virtual wxSize CalcMin() = 0;
327     /**
328         Detaches all children from the sizer.
330         If @a delete_windows is @true then child windows will also be deleted.
332         Notice that child sizers are always deleted, as a general consequence
333         of the principle that sizers own their sizer children, but don't own
334         their window children (because they are already owned by their parent
335         windows).
336     */
337     virtual void Clear(bool delete_windows = false);
339     /**
340         Computes client area size for @a window so that it matches the sizer's
341         minimal size. Unlike GetMinSize(), this method accounts for other
342         constraints imposed on @e window, namely display's size (returned size
343         will never be too large for the display) and maximum window size if
344         previously set by wxWindow::SetMaxSize().
346         The returned value is suitable for passing to wxWindow::SetClientSize() or
347         wxWindow::SetMinClientSize().
349         @since 2.8.8
351         @see ComputeFittingWindowSize(), Fit()
352     */
353     wxSize ComputeFittingClientSize(wxWindow* window);
355     /**
356         Like ComputeFittingClientSize(), but converts the result into window
357         size. The returned value is suitable for passing to wxWindow::SetSize()
358         or wxWindow::SetMinSize().
360         @since 2.8.8
362         @see ComputeFittingClientSize(), Fit()
363     */
364     wxSize ComputeFittingWindowSize(wxWindow* window);
366     /**
367         Detach the child @a window from the sizer without destroying it.
369         This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call Layout()
370         to update the layout "on screen" after detaching a child from the sizer.
372         Returns @true if the child item was found and detached, @false otherwise.
374         @see Remove()
375     */
376     virtual bool Detach(wxWindow* window);
378     /**
379         Detach the child @a sizer from the sizer without destroying it.
381         This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call Layout()
382         to update the layout "on screen" after detaching a child from the sizer.
384         Returns @true if the child item was found and detached, @false otherwise.
386         @see Remove()
387     */
388     virtual bool Detach(wxSizer* sizer);
390     /**
391         Detach a item at position @a index from the sizer without destroying it.
393         This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call Layout()
394         to update the layout "on screen" after detaching a child from the sizer.
395         Returns @true if the child item was found and detached, @false otherwise.
397         @see Remove()
398     */
399     virtual bool Detach(int index);
401     /**
402         Tell the sizer to resize the @a window so that its client area matches the
403         sizer's minimal size (ComputeFittingClientSize() is called to determine it).
404         This is commonly done in the constructor of the window itself, see sample
405         in the description of wxBoxSizer.
407         @return The new window size.
409         @see ComputeFittingClientSize(), ComputeFittingWindowSize()
410     */
411     wxSize Fit(wxWindow* window);
413     /**
414         Tell the sizer to resize the virtual size of the @a window to match the sizer's
415         minimal size. This will not alter the on screen size of the window, but may
416         cause the addition/removal/alteration of scrollbars required to view the virtual
417         area in windows which manage it.
419         @see wxScrolled::SetScrollbars(), SetVirtualSizeHints()
420     */
421     void FitInside(wxWindow* window);
423     /**
424        Inform sizer about the first direction that has been decided (by
425        parent item).  Returns true if it made use of the information (and
426        recalculated min size).
427     */
428     virtual bool InformFirstDirection(int direction, int size, int availableOtherDir);
431     //@{
432     /**
433         Returns the list of the items in this sizer.
435         The elements of type-safe wxList @c wxSizerItemList are pointers to
436         objects of type wxSizerItem.
437     */
438     wxSizerItemList& GetChildren();
439     const wxSizerItemList& GetChildren() const;
440     //@}
442     /**
443         Returns the window this sizer is used in or @NULL if none.
444     */
445     wxWindow* GetContainingWindow() const;
447     /**
448        Set the window this sizer is used in.
449     */
450     void SetContainingWindow(wxWindow *window);
452     /**
453        Returns the number of items in the sizer.
455        If you just need to test whether the sizer is empty or not you can also
456        use IsEmpty() function.
457     */
458     size_t GetItemCount() const;
460     /**
461         Finds wxSizerItem which holds the given @a window.
462         Use parameter @a recursive to search in subsizers too.
463         Returns pointer to item or @NULL.
464     */
465     wxSizerItem* GetItem(wxWindow* window, bool recursive = false);
467     /**
468         Finds wxSizerItem which holds the given @a sizer.
469         Use parameter @a recursive to search in subsizers too.
470         Returns pointer to item or @NULL.
471     */
473     wxSizerItem* GetItem(wxSizer* sizer, bool recursive = false);
475     /**
476         Finds wxSizerItem which is located in the sizer at position @a index.
477         Use parameter @a recursive to search in subsizers too.
478         Returns pointer to item or @NULL.
479     */
480     wxSizerItem* GetItem(size_t index);
482     /**
483         Finds item of the sizer which has the given @e id.
484         This @a id is not the window id but the id of the wxSizerItem itself.
485         This is mainly useful for retrieving the sizers created from XRC resources.
486         Use parameter @a recursive to search in subsizers too.
487         Returns pointer to item or @NULL.
488     */
489     wxSizerItem* GetItemById(int id, bool recursive = false);
491     /**
492         Returns the minimal size of the sizer.
494         This is either the combined minimal size of all the children and their
495         borders or the minimal size set by SetMinSize(), depending on which is bigger.
496         Note that the returned value is client size, not window size.
497         In particular, if you use the value to set toplevel window's minimal or
498         actual size, use wxWindow::SetMinClientSize() or wxWindow::SetClientSize(),
499         not wxWindow::SetMinSize() or wxWindow::SetSize().
500     */
501     wxSize GetMinSize();
503     /**
504         Returns the current position of the sizer.
505     */
506     wxPoint GetPosition() const;
508     /**
509         Returns the current size of the sizer.
510     */
511     wxSize GetSize() const;
513     /**
514         Hides the child @a window.
516         To make a sizer item disappear, use Hide() followed by Layout().
518         Use parameter @a recursive to hide elements found in subsizers.
519         Returns @true if the child item was found, @false otherwise.
521         @see IsShown(), Show()
522     */
523     bool Hide(wxWindow* window, bool recursive = false);
525     /**
526         Hides the child @a sizer.
528         To make a sizer item disappear, use Hide() followed by Layout().
530         Use parameter @a recursive to hide elements found in subsizers.
531         Returns @true if the child item was found, @false otherwise.
533         @see IsShown(), Show()
534     */
535     bool Hide(wxSizer* sizer, bool recursive = false);
537     /**
538         Hides the item at position @a index.
540         To make a sizer item disappear, use Hide() followed by Layout().
542         Use parameter @a recursive to hide elements found in subsizers.
543         Returns @true if the child item was found, @false otherwise.
545         @see IsShown(), Show()
546     */
547     bool Hide(size_t index);
549     /**
550         Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at @a index.
552         See Add() for the meaning of the other parameters.
553     */
554     wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index, wxWindow* window,
555                         const wxSizerFlags& flags);
557     /**
558         Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at @a index.
560         See Add() for the meaning of the other parameters.
561     */
562     wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index, wxWindow* window,
563                         int proportion = 0,
564                         int flag = 0,
565                         int border = 0,
566                         wxObject* userData = NULL);
568     /**
569         Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at @a index.
571         See Add() for the meaning of the other parameters.
572     */
573     wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index, wxSizer* sizer,
574                         const wxSizerFlags& flags);
576     /**
577         Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at @a index.
579         See Add() for the meaning of the other parameters.
580     */
581     wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index, wxSizer* sizer,
582                         int proportion = 0,
583                         int flag = 0,
584                         int border = 0,
585                         wxObject* userData = NULL);
587     /**
588         Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at @a index.
590         See Add() for the meaning of the other parameters.
591     */
592     wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index, int width, int height,
593                         int proportion = 0,
594                         int flag = 0,
595                         int border = 0,
596                         wxObject* userData = NULL);
597     /**
598         Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at @a index.
600         See Add() for the meaning of the other parameters.
601     */
602     wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index,
603                         int width,
604                         int height,
605                         const wxSizerFlags& flags);
607     wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index, wxSizerItem* item);
609     /**
610         Inserts non-stretchable space to the sizer.
611         More readable way of calling wxSizer::Insert(index, size, size).
612     */
613     wxSizerItem* InsertSpacer(size_t index, int size);
615     /**
616         Inserts stretchable space to the sizer.
617         More readable way of calling wxSizer::Insert(0, 0, prop).
618     */
619     wxSizerItem* InsertStretchSpacer(size_t index, int prop = 1);
621     /**
622         Return @true if the sizer has no elements.
624         @see GetItemCount()
625      */
626     bool IsEmpty() const;
628     /**
629         Returns @true if the @a window is shown.
631         @see Hide(), Show(), wxSizerItem::IsShown()
632     */
633     bool IsShown(wxWindow* window) const;
635     /**
636         Returns @true if the @a sizer is shown.
638         @see Hide(), Show(), wxSizerItem::IsShown()
639     */
640     bool IsShown(wxSizer* sizer) const;
642     /**
643         Returns @true if the item at @a index is shown.
645         @see Hide(), Show(), wxSizerItem::IsShown()
646     */
647     bool IsShown(size_t index) const;
649     /**
650         Call this to force layout of the children anew, e.g.\ after having added a child
651         to or removed a child (window, other sizer or space) from the sizer while
652         keeping the current dimension.
653     */
654     virtual void Layout();
656     /**
657         Same as Add(), but prepends the items to the beginning of the
658         list of items (windows, subsizers or spaces) owned by this sizer.
659     */
660     wxSizerItem* Prepend(wxWindow* window, const wxSizerFlags& flags);
662     /**
663         Same as Add(), but prepends the items to the beginning of the
664         list of items (windows, subsizers or spaces) owned by this sizer.
665     */
666     wxSizerItem* Prepend(wxWindow* window, int proportion = 0,
667                          int flag = 0,
668                          int border = 0,
669                          wxObject* userData = NULL);
671     /**
672         Same as Add(), but prepends the items to the beginning of the
673         list of items (windows, subsizers or spaces) owned by this sizer.
674     */
675     wxSizerItem* Prepend(wxSizer* sizer,
676                          const wxSizerFlags& flags);
678     /**
679         Same as Add(), but prepends the items to the beginning of the
680         list of items (windows, subsizers or spaces) owned by this sizer.
681     */
682     wxSizerItem* Prepend(wxSizer* sizer, int proportion = 0,
683                          int flag = 0,
684                          int border = 0,
685                          wxObject* userData = NULL);
687     /**
688         Same as Add(), but prepends the items to the beginning of the
689         list of items (windows, subsizers or spaces) owned by this sizer.
690     */
691     wxSizerItem* Prepend(int width, int height,
692                          int proportion = 0,
693                          int flag = 0,
694                          int border = 0,
695                          wxObject* userData = NULL);
697     /**
698         Same as Add(), but prepends the items to the beginning of the
699         list of items (windows, subsizers or spaces) owned by this sizer.
700     */
701     wxSizerItem* Prepend(int width, int height, const wxSizerFlags& flags);
703     wxSizerItem* Prepend(wxSizerItem* item);
705     /**
706         Prepends non-stretchable space to the sizer.
707         More readable way of calling wxSizer::Prepend(size, size, 0).
708     */
709     wxSizerItem* PrependSpacer(int size);
711     /**
712         Prepends stretchable space to the sizer.
713         More readable way of calling wxSizer::Prepend(0, 0, prop).
714     */
715     wxSizerItem* PrependStretchSpacer(int prop = 1);
717     /**
718         This method is abstract and has to be overwritten by any derived class.
719         Here, the sizer will do the actual calculation of its children's
720         positions and sizes.
721     */
722     virtual void RecalcSizes() = 0;
724     /**
725         Removes a child window from the sizer, but does @b not destroy it
726         (because windows are owned by their parent window, not the sizer).
728         @deprecated
729         The overload of this method taking a wxWindow* parameter
730         is deprecated as it does not destroy the window as would usually be
731         expected from Remove(). You should use Detach() in new code instead.
732         There is currently no wxSizer method that will both detach and destroy
733         a wxWindow item.
735         @note This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take
736               place, call Layout() to update the layout "on screen" after
737               removing a child from the sizer.
739         @return @true if the child item was found and removed, @false otherwise.
740     */
741     virtual bool Remove(wxWindow* window);
743     /**
744         Removes a sizer child from the sizer and destroys it.
746         @note This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take
747               place, call Layout() to update the layout "on screen" after
748               removing a child from the sizer.
750         @param sizer The wxSizer to be removed.
752         @return @true if the child item was found and removed, @false otherwise.
753     */
754     virtual bool Remove(wxSizer* sizer);
756     /**
757         Removes a child from the sizer and destroys it if it is a sizer or a
758         spacer, but not if it is a window (because windows are owned by their
759         parent window, not the sizer).
761         @note This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take
762               place, call Layout() to update the layout "on screen" after
763               removing a child from the sizer.
765         @param index
766             The position of the child in the sizer, e.g. 0 for the first item.
768         @return @true if the child item was found and removed, @false otherwise.
769     */
770     virtual bool Remove(int index);
772     /**
773         Detaches the given @a oldwin from the sizer and replaces it with the
774         given @a newwin. The detached child window is @b not deleted (because
775         windows are owned by their parent window, not the sizer).
777         Use parameter @a recursive to search the given element recursively in subsizers.
779         This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place,
780         call Layout() to update the layout "on screen" after replacing a
781         child from the sizer.
783         Returns @true if the child item was found and removed, @false otherwise.
784     */
785     virtual bool Replace(wxWindow* oldwin, wxWindow* newwin,
786                          bool recursive = false);
788     /**
789         Detaches the given @a oldsz from the sizer and replaces it with the
790         given @a newsz. The detached child sizer is deleted.
792         Use parameter @a recursive to search the given element recursively in subsizers.
794         This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place,
795         call Layout() to update the layout "on screen" after replacing a
796         child from the sizer.
798         Returns @true if the child item was found and removed, @false otherwise.
799     */
800     virtual bool Replace(wxSizer* oldsz, wxSizer* newsz,
801                          bool recursive = false);
803     /**
804         Detaches the given item at position @a index from the sizer and
805         replaces it with the given wxSizerItem @a newitem.
807         The detached child is deleted @b only if it is a sizer or a spacer
808         (but not if it is a wxWindow because windows are owned by their
809         parent window, not the sizer).
811         This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place,
812         call Layout() to update the layout "on screen" after replacing a
813         child from the sizer.
815         Returns @true if the child item was found and removed, @false otherwise.
816     */
817     virtual bool Replace(size_t index, wxSizerItem* newitem);
819     /**
820         Call this to force the sizer to take the given dimension and thus force
821         the items owned by the sizer to resize themselves according to the
822         rules defined by the parameter in the Add() and Prepend() methods.
823     */
824     void SetDimension(int x, int y, int width, int height);
826     /**
827         @overload
828      */
829     void SetDimension(const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
831     /**
832         Set an item's minimum size by window, sizer, or position.
834         This function enables an application to set the size of an item after
835         initial creation.
837         The @a window or @a sizer will be found recursively in the sizer's
838         descendants.
840         @see wxSizerItem::SetMinSize()
842         @return
843             @true if the minimal size was successfully set or @false if the
844             item was not found.
845     */
846     //@{
847     bool SetItemMinSize(wxWindow* window, int width, int height);
848     bool SetItemMinSize(wxWindow* window, const wxSize& size);
850     bool SetItemMinSize(wxSizer* sizer, int width, int height);
851     bool SetItemMinSize(wxSizer* sizer, const wxSize& size);
853     bool SetItemMinSize(size_t index, int width, int height);
854     bool SetItemMinSize(size_t index, const wxSize& size);
855     //@}
857     /**
858         Call this to give the sizer a minimal size.
860         Normally, the sizer will calculate its minimal size based purely on how
861         much space its children need. After calling this method GetMinSize()
862         will return either the minimal size as requested by its children or the
863         minimal size set here, depending on which is bigger.
864     */
865     void SetMinSize(const wxSize& size);
867     /**
868         @overload
869      */
870     void SetMinSize(int width, int height);
872     /**
873         This method first calls Fit() and then wxTopLevelWindow::SetSizeHints()
874         on the @a window passed to it.
876         This only makes sense when @a window is actually a wxTopLevelWindow such
877         as a wxFrame or a wxDialog, since SetSizeHints only has any effect in these classes.
878         It does nothing in normal windows or controls.
880         This method is implicitly used by wxWindow::SetSizerAndFit() which is
881         commonly invoked in the constructor of a toplevel window itself (see
882         the sample in the description of wxBoxSizer) if the toplevel window is
883         resizable.
884     */
885     void SetSizeHints(wxWindow* window);
887     /**
888         Tell the sizer to set the minimal size of the @a window virtual area to match
889         the sizer's minimal size. For windows with managed scrollbars this will set them
890         appropriately.
892         @deprecated This is exactly the same as FitInside() in wxWidgets 2.9
893         and later, please replace calls to it with FitInside().
895         @see wxScrolled::SetScrollbars()
896     */
897     void SetVirtualSizeHints(wxWindow* window);
899     /**
900         Shows or hides the @a window.
901         To make a sizer item disappear or reappear, use Show() followed by Layout().
903         Use parameter @a recursive to show or hide elements found in subsizers.
905         Returns @true if the child item was found, @false otherwise.
907         @see Hide(), IsShown()
908     */
909     bool Show(wxWindow* window, bool show = true,
910               bool recursive = false);
912     /**
913         Shows or hides @a sizer.
914         To make a sizer item disappear or reappear, use Show() followed by Layout().
916         Use parameter @a recursive to show or hide elements found in subsizers.
918         Returns @true if the child item was found, @false otherwise.
920         @see Hide(), IsShown()
921     */
922     bool Show(wxSizer* sizer, bool show = true,
923               bool recursive = false);
925     /**
926         Shows the item at @a index.
927         To make a sizer item disappear or reappear, use Show() followed by Layout().
929         Returns @true if the child item was found, @false otherwise.
931         @see Hide(), IsShown()
932     */
933     bool Show(size_t index, bool show = true);
936     /**
937        Show or hide all items managed by the sizer.
938     */
939     virtual void ShowItems(bool show);
941 };
944 /**
945     @class wxStdDialogButtonSizer
947     This class creates button layouts which conform to the standard button spacing
948     and ordering defined by the platform or toolkit's user interface guidelines
949     (if such things exist). By using this class, you can ensure that all your
950     standard dialogs look correct on all major platforms. Currently it conforms to
951     the Windows, GTK+ and Mac OS X human interface guidelines.
953     When there aren't interface guidelines defined for a particular platform or
954     toolkit, wxStdDialogButtonSizer reverts to the Windows implementation.
956     To use this class, first add buttons to the sizer by calling
957     wxStdDialogButtonSizer::AddButton (or wxStdDialogButtonSizer::SetAffirmativeButton,
958     wxStdDialogButtonSizer::SetNegativeButton or wxStdDialogButtonSizer::SetCancelButton)
959     and then call Realize in order to create the actual button layout used.
960     Other than these special operations, this sizer works like any other sizer.
962     If you add a button with wxID_SAVE, on Mac OS X the button will be renamed to
963     "Save" and the wxID_NO button will be renamed to "Don't Save" in accordance
964     with the Mac OS X Human Interface Guidelines.
966     @library{wxcore}
967     @category{winlayout}
969     @see wxSizer, @ref overview_sizer, wxDialog::CreateButtonSizer
970 */
971 class wxStdDialogButtonSizer : public wxBoxSizer
972 {
973 public:
974     /**
975         Constructor for a wxStdDialogButtonSizer.
976     */
977     wxStdDialogButtonSizer();
979     /**
980         Adds a button to the wxStdDialogButtonSizer. The @a button must have
981         one of the following identifiers:
982          - wxID_OK
983          - wxID_YES
984          - wxID_SAVE
985          - wxID_APPLY
986          - wxID_CLOSE
987          - wxID_NO
988          - wxID_CANCEL
989          - wxID_HELP
990          - wxID_CONTEXT_HELP
991     */
992     void AddButton(wxButton* button);
994     /**
995         Rearranges the buttons and applies proper spacing between buttons to make
996         them match the platform or toolkit's interface guidelines.
997     */
998     void Realize();
1000     /**
1001         Sets the affirmative button for the sizer.
1003         This allows you to use identifiers other than the standard identifiers
1004         outlined above.
1005     */
1006     void SetAffirmativeButton(wxButton* button);
1008     /**
1009         Sets the cancel button for the sizer.
1011         This allows you to use identifiers other than the standard identifiers
1012         outlined above.
1013     */
1014     void SetCancelButton(wxButton* button);
1016     /**
1017         Sets the negative button for the sizer.
1019         This allows you to use identifiers other than the standard identifiers
1020         outlined above.
1021     */
1022     void SetNegativeButton(wxButton* button);
1024     virtual void RecalcSizes();
1025     virtual wxSize CalcMin();
1026 };
1030 /**
1031     @class wxSizerItem
1033     The wxSizerItem class is used to track the position, size and other
1034     attributes of each item managed by a wxSizer.
1036     It is not usually necessary to use this class because the sizer elements can
1037     also be identified by their positions or window or sizer pointers but sometimes
1038     it may be more convenient to use it directly.
1040     @library{wxcore}
1041     @category{winlayout}
1042 */
1043 class wxSizerItem : public wxObject
1044 {
1045 public:
1046     /**
1047         Construct a sizer item for tracking a spacer.
1048     */
1049     wxSizerItem(int width, int height, int proportion=0, int flag=0,
1050                 int border=0, wxObject* userData=NULL);
1052     //@{
1053     /**
1054         Construct a sizer item for tracking a window.
1055     */
1056     wxSizerItem(wxWindow* window, const wxSizerFlags& flags);
1057     wxSizerItem(wxWindow* window, int proportion=0, int flag=0,
1058                 int border=0,
1059                 wxObject* userData=NULL);
1060     //@}
1062     //@{
1063     /**
1064         Construct a sizer item for tracking a subsizer.
1065     */
1066     wxSizerItem(wxSizer* sizer, const wxSizerFlags& flags);
1067     wxSizerItem(wxSizer* sizer, int proportion=0, int flag=0,
1068                 int border=0,
1069                 wxObject* userData=NULL);
1070     //@}
1072     /**
1073         Deletes the user data and subsizer, if any.
1074     */
1075     virtual ~wxSizerItem();
1077     /**
1078         Set the window to be tracked by this item.
1080         The old window isn't deleted as it is now owned by the sizer item.
1081     */
1082     void AssignWindow(wxWindow *window);
1084     /**
1085         Set the sizer tracked by this item.
1087         Old sizer, if any, is deleted.
1088     */
1089     void AssignSizer(wxSizer *sizer);
1091     //@{
1092     /**
1093         Set the size of the spacer tracked by this item.
1095         Old spacer, if any, is deleted.
1096     */
1097     void AssignSpacer(const wxSize& size);
1098     void AssignSpacer(int w, int h);
1099     //@}
1101     /**
1102         Calculates the minimum desired size for the item, including any space
1103         needed by borders.
1104     */
1105     virtual wxSize CalcMin();
1107     /**
1108         Destroy the window or the windows in a subsizer, depending on the type
1109         of item.
1110     */
1111     virtual void DeleteWindows();
1113     /**
1114         Enable deleting the SizerItem without destroying the contained sizer.
1115     */
1116     void DetachSizer();
1118     /**
1119         Return the border attribute.
1120     */
1121     int GetBorder() const;
1123     /**
1124         Return the flags attribute.
1126         See @ref wxsizer_flags "wxSizer flags list" for details.
1127     */
1128     int GetFlag() const;
1130     /**
1131         Return the numeric id of wxSizerItem, or @c wxID_NONE if the id has
1132         not been set.
1133     */
1134     int GetId() const;
1136     /**
1137         Get the minimum size needed for the item.
1138     */
1139     wxSize GetMinSize() const;
1141     /**
1142         Sets the minimum size to be allocated for this item.
1144         If this item is a window, the @a size is also passed to
1145         wxWindow::SetMinSize().
1146      */
1147     void SetMinSize(const wxSize& size);
1149     /**
1150         @overload
1151      */
1152     void SetMinSize(int x, int y);
1154     /**
1155         What is the current position of the item, as set in the last Layout.
1156     */
1157     wxPoint GetPosition() const;
1159     /**
1160         Get the proportion item attribute.
1161     */
1162     int GetProportion() const;
1164     /**
1165         Get the ration item attribute.
1166     */
1167     float GetRatio() const;
1169     /**
1170         Get the rectangle of the item on the parent window, excluding borders.
1171     */
1172     virtual wxRect GetRect();
1174     /**
1175         Get the current size of the item, as set in the last Layout.
1176     */
1177     virtual wxSize GetSize() const;
1179     /**
1180         If this item is tracking a sizer, return it.  @NULL otherwise.
1181     */
1182     wxSizer* GetSizer() const;
1184     /**
1185         If this item is tracking a spacer, return its size.
1186     */
1187     wxSize GetSpacer() const;
1189     /**
1190         Get the userData item attribute.
1191     */
1192     wxObject* GetUserData() const;
1194     /**
1195         If this item is tracking a window then return it. @NULL otherwise.
1196     */
1197     wxWindow* GetWindow() const;
1199     /**
1200         Returns @true if this item is a window or a spacer and it is shown or
1201         if this item is a sizer and not all of its elements are hidden.
1203         In other words, for sizer items, all of the child elements must be
1204         hidden for the sizer itself to be considered hidden.
1206         As an exception, if the @c wxRESERVE_SPACE_EVEN_IF_HIDDEN flag was
1207         used for this sizer item, then IsShown() always returns @true for it
1208         (see wxSizerFlags::ReserveSpaceEvenIfHidden()).
1209     */
1210     bool IsShown() const;
1212     /**
1213         Is this item a sizer?
1214     */
1215     bool IsSizer() const;
1217     /**
1218         Is this item a spacer?
1219     */
1220     bool IsSpacer() const;
1222     /**
1223         Is this item a window?
1224     */
1225     bool IsWindow() const;
1227     /**
1228         Set the border item attribute.
1229     */
1230     void SetBorder(int border);
1232     /**
1233         Set the position and size of the space allocated to the sizer, and
1234         adjust the position and size of the item to be within that space
1235         taking alignment and borders into account.
1236     */
1237     virtual void SetDimension(const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
1239     /**
1240         Set the flag item attribute.
1241     */
1242     void SetFlag(int flag);
1244     /**
1245         Sets the numeric id of the wxSizerItem to @e id.
1246     */
1247     void SetId(int id);
1249     /**
1250         @todo docme.
1251     */
1252     void SetInitSize(int x, int y);
1254     /**
1255         Set the proportion item attribute.
1256     */
1257     void SetProportion(int proportion);
1259     //@{
1260     /**
1261         Set the ratio item attribute.
1262     */
1263     void SetRatio(int width, int height);
1264     void SetRatio(wxSize size);
1265     void SetRatio(float ratio);
1266     //@}
1268     /**
1269         Set the sizer tracked by this item.
1271         @deprecated This function does not free the old sizer which may result
1272         in memory leaks, use AssignSizer() which does free it instead.
1273     */
1274     void SetSizer(wxSizer* sizer);
1276     /**
1277         Set the size of the spacer tracked by this item.
1279         @deprecated This function does not free the old spacer which may result
1280         in memory leaks, use AssignSpacer() which does free it instead.
1281     */
1282     void SetSpacer(const wxSize& size);
1284     void SetUserData(wxObject* userData);
1286     /**
1287         Set the window to be tracked by this item.
1288         @deprecated @todo provide deprecation description
1289     */
1290     void SetWindow(wxWindow* window);
1292     /**
1293         Set the show item attribute, which sizers use to determine if the item
1294         is to be made part of the layout or not. If the item is tracking a
1295         window then it is shown or hidden as needed.
1296     */
1297     void Show(bool show);
1298 };
1302 /**
1303     @class wxSizerFlags
1305     Container for sizer items flags providing readable names for them.
1307     Normally, when you add an item to a sizer via wxSizer::Add, you have to
1308     specify a lot of flags and parameters which can be unwieldy. This is where
1309     wxSizerFlags comes in: it allows you to specify all parameters using the
1310     named methods instead. For example, instead of
1312     @code
1313     sizer->Add(ctrl, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
1314     @endcode
1316     you can now write
1318     @code
1319     sizer->Add(ctrl, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border(wxALL, 10));
1320     @endcode
1322     This is more readable and also allows you to create wxSizerFlags objects which
1323     can be reused for several sizer items.
1325     @code
1326     wxSizerFlags flagsExpand(1);
1327         flagsExpand.Expand().Border(wxALL, 10);
1329         sizer->Add(ctrl1, flagsExpand);
1330         sizer->Add(ctrl2, flagsExpand);
1331     @endcode
1333     Note that by specification, all methods of wxSizerFlags return the wxSizerFlags
1334     object itself to allowing chaining multiple methods calls like in the examples
1335     above.
1337     @library{wxcore}
1338     @category{winlayout}
1340     @see wxSizer
1341 */
1342 class wxSizerFlags
1343 {
1344 public:
1345     /**
1346         Creates the wxSizer with the proportion specified by @a proportion.
1347     */
1348     wxSizerFlags(int proportion = 0);
1350     /**
1351         Sets the alignment of this wxSizerFlags to @a align.
1353         This method replaces the previously set alignment with the specified one.
1355         @param alignment
1356             Combination of @c wxALIGN_XXX bit masks.
1358         @see Top(), Left(), Right(), Bottom(), Centre()
1359     */
1360     wxSizerFlags& Align(int alignment);
1362     /**
1363         Sets the wxSizerFlags to have a border of a number of pixels specified
1364         by @a borderinpixels with the directions specified by @a direction.
1365     */
1366     wxSizerFlags& Border(int direction, int borderinpixels);
1368     /**
1369         Sets the wxSizerFlags to have a border with size as returned by
1370         GetDefaultBorder().
1372         @param direction
1373             Direction(s) to apply the border in.
1374     */
1375     wxSizerFlags& Border(int direction = wxALL);
1377     /**
1378         Aligns the object to the bottom, similar for @c Align(wxALIGN_BOTTOM).
1380         Unlike Align(), this method doesn't change the horizontal alignment of
1381         the item.
1382     */
1383     wxSizerFlags& Bottom();
1385     /**
1386         Sets the object of the wxSizerFlags to center itself in the area it is
1387         given.
1388     */
1389     wxSizerFlags& Center();
1391     /**
1392         Center() for people with the other dialect of English.
1393     */
1394     wxSizerFlags& Centre();
1396     /**
1397         Sets the border in the given @a direction having twice the default
1398         border size.
1399     */
1400     wxSizerFlags& DoubleBorder(int direction = wxALL);
1402     /**
1403         Sets the border in left and right directions having twice the default
1404         border size.
1405     */
1406     wxSizerFlags& DoubleHorzBorder();
1408     /**
1409         Sets the object of the wxSizerFlags to expand to fill as much area as
1410         it can.
1411     */
1412     wxSizerFlags& Expand();
1414     /**
1415         Set the @c wxFIXED_MINSIZE flag which indicates that the initial size
1416         of the window should be also set as its minimal size.
1417     */
1418     wxSizerFlags& FixedMinSize();
1420     /**
1421         Set the @c wxRESERVE_SPACE_EVEN_IF_HIDDEN flag. Normally wxSizers
1422         don't allocate space for hidden windows or other items. This flag
1423         overrides this behaviour so that sufficient space is allocated for the
1424         window even if it isn't visible. This makes it possible to dynamically
1425         show and hide controls without resizing parent dialog, for example.
1427         @since 2.8.8
1428     */
1429     wxSizerFlags& ReserveSpaceEvenIfHidden();
1431     /**
1432         Returns the border used by default in Border() method.
1433     */
1434     static int GetDefaultBorder();
1436     /**
1437         Aligns the object to the left, similar for @c Align(wxALIGN_LEFT).
1439         Unlike Align(), this method doesn't change the vertical alignment of
1440         the item.
1441     */
1442     wxSizerFlags& Left();
1444     /**
1445         Sets the proportion of this wxSizerFlags to @e proportion
1446     */
1447     wxSizerFlags& Proportion(int proportion);
1449     /**
1450         Aligns the object to the right, similar for @c Align(wxALIGN_RIGHT).
1452         Unlike Align(), this method doesn't change the vertical alignment of
1453         the item.
1454     */
1455     wxSizerFlags& Right();
1457     /**
1458         Set the @c wx_SHAPED flag which indicates that the elements should
1459         always keep the fixed width to height ratio equal to its original value.
1460     */
1461     wxSizerFlags& Shaped();
1463     /**
1464         Aligns the object to the top, similar for @c Align(wxALIGN_TOP).
1466         Unlike Align(), this method doesn't change the horizontal alignment of
1467         the item.
1468     */
1469     wxSizerFlags& Top();
1471     /**
1472         Sets the border in the given @a direction having thrice the default
1473         border size.
1474     */
1475     wxSizerFlags& TripleBorder(int direction = wxALL);
1476 };
1479 /**
1480     Values which define the behaviour for resizing wxFlexGridSizer cells in the
1481     "non-flexible" direction.
1482 */
1483 enum wxFlexSizerGrowMode
1484 {
1485     /// Don't resize the cells in non-flexible direction at all.
1488     /// Uniformly resize only the specified ones (default).
1491     /// Uniformly resize all cells.
1493 };
1495 /**
1496     @class wxFlexGridSizer
1498     A flex grid sizer is a sizer which lays out its children in a two-dimensional
1499     table with all table fields in one row having the same height and all fields
1500     in one column having the same width, but all rows or all columns are not
1501     necessarily the same height or width as in the wxGridSizer.
1503     Since wxWidgets 2.5.0, wxFlexGridSizer can also size items equally in one
1504     direction but unequally ("flexibly") in the other. If the sizer is only
1505     flexible in one direction (this can be changed using wxFlexGridSizer::SetFlexibleDirection),
1506     it needs to be decided how the sizer should grow in the other ("non-flexible")
1507     direction in order to fill the available space.
1508     The wxFlexGridSizer::SetNonFlexibleGrowMode() method serves this purpose.
1510     @library{wxcore}
1511     @category{winlayout}
1513     @see wxSizer, @ref overview_sizer
1514 */
1515 class wxFlexGridSizer : public wxGridSizer
1516 {
1517 public:
1518     //@{
1519     /**
1520         wxFlexGridSizer constructors.
1522         Please see wxGridSizer::wxGridSizer documentation.
1524         @since 2.9.1 (except for the four argument overload)
1525     */
1526     wxFlexGridSizer( int cols, int vgap, int hgap );
1527     wxFlexGridSizer( int cols, const wxSize& gap = wxSize(0, 0) );
1529     wxFlexGridSizer( int rows, int cols, int vgap, int hgap );
1530     wxFlexGridSizer( int rows, int cols, const wxSize& gap );
1531     //@}
1533     /**
1534         Specifies that column @a idx (starting from zero) should be grown if
1535         there is extra space available to the sizer.
1537         The @a proportion parameter has the same meaning as the stretch factor
1538         for the sizers (see wxBoxSizer) except that if all proportions are 0,
1539         then all columns are resized equally (instead of not being resized at all).
1541         Notice that the column must not be already growable, if you need to change
1542         the proportion you must call RemoveGrowableCol() first and then make it
1543         growable (with a different proportion) again. You can use IsColGrowable()
1544         to check whether a column is already growable.
1545     */
1546     void AddGrowableCol(size_t idx, int proportion = 0);
1548     /**
1549         Specifies that row idx (starting from zero) should be grown if there
1550         is extra space available to the sizer.
1552         This is identical to AddGrowableCol() except that it works with rows
1553         and not columns.
1554     */
1555     void AddGrowableRow(size_t idx, int proportion = 0);
1557     /**
1558         Returns a ::wxOrientation value that specifies whether the sizer flexibly
1559         resizes its columns, rows, or both (default).
1561         @return
1562             One of the following values:
1563             - wxVERTICAL: Rows are flexibly sized.
1564             - wxHORIZONTAL: Columns are flexibly sized.
1565             - wxBOTH: Both rows and columns are flexibly sized (this is the default value).
1567         @see SetFlexibleDirection()
1568     */
1569     int GetFlexibleDirection() const;
1571     /**
1572         Returns the value that specifies how the sizer grows in the "non-flexible"
1573         direction if there is one.
1575         The behaviour of the elements in the flexible direction (i.e. both rows
1576         and columns by default, or rows only if GetFlexibleDirection() is
1577         @c wxVERTICAL or columns only if it is @c wxHORIZONTAL) is always governed
1578         by their proportion as specified in the call to AddGrowableRow() or
1579         AddGrowableCol(). What happens in the other direction depends on the
1580         value of returned by this function as described below.
1582         @return
1583             One of the following values:
1584             - wxFLEX_GROWMODE_NONE: Sizer doesn't grow its elements at all in
1585               the non-flexible direction.
1586             - wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED: Sizer honors growable columns/rows set
1587               with AddGrowableCol() and AddGrowableRow() in the non-flexible
1588               direction as well. In this case equal sizing applies to minimum
1589               sizes of columns or rows (this is the default value).
1590             - wxFLEX_GROWMODE_ALL: Sizer equally stretches all columns or rows in
1591               the non-flexible direction, independently of the proportions
1592               applied in the flexible direction.
1594         @see SetFlexibleDirection(), SetNonFlexibleGrowMode()
1595     */
1596     wxFlexSizerGrowMode GetNonFlexibleGrowMode() const;
1598     /**
1599         Returns @true if column @a idx is growable.
1601         @since 2.9.0
1602     */
1603     bool IsColGrowable(size_t idx);
1605     /**
1606         Returns @true if row @a idx is growable.
1608         @since 2.9.0
1609     */
1610     bool IsRowGrowable(size_t idx);
1612     /**
1613         Specifies that the @a idx column index is no longer growable.
1614     */
1615     void RemoveGrowableCol(size_t idx);
1617     /**
1618         Specifies that the @a idx row index is no longer growable.
1619     */
1620     void RemoveGrowableRow(size_t idx);
1622     /**
1623         Specifies whether the sizer should flexibly resize its columns, rows, or both.
1625         Argument @a direction can be @c wxVERTICAL, @c wxHORIZONTAL or @c wxBOTH
1626         (which is the default value). Any other value is ignored.
1628         See GetFlexibleDirection() for the explanation of these values.
1629         Note that this method does not trigger relayout.
1630     */
1631     void SetFlexibleDirection(int direction);
1633     /**
1634         Specifies how the sizer should grow in the non-flexible direction if
1635         there is one (so SetFlexibleDirection() must have been called previously).
1637         Argument @a mode can be one of those documented in GetNonFlexibleGrowMode(),
1638         please see there for their explanation.
1639         Note that this method does not trigger relayout.
1640     */
1641     void SetNonFlexibleGrowMode(wxFlexSizerGrowMode mode);
1643     /**
1644        Returns a read-only array containing the heights of the rows in the sizer.
1645     */
1646     const wxArrayInt& GetRowHeights() const;
1648     /**
1649        Returns a read-only array containing the widths of the columns in the sizer.
1650     */
1651     const wxArrayInt& GetColWidths() const;
1653     virtual void RecalcSizes();
1654     virtual wxSize CalcMin();
1656 };
1659 /**
1660     @class wxGridSizer
1662     A grid sizer is a sizer which lays out its children in a two-dimensional
1663     table with all table fields having the same size, i.e. the width of each
1664     field is the width of the widest child, the height of each field is the
1665     height of the tallest child.
1667     @library{wxcore}
1668     @category{winlayout}
1670     @see wxSizer, @ref overview_sizer
1671 */
1672 class wxGridSizer : public wxSizer
1673 {
1674 public:
1675     //@{
1676     /**
1677         wxGridSizer constructors.
1679         Usually only the number of columns in the flex grid sizer needs to be
1680         specified using @a cols argument. The number of rows will be deduced
1681         automatically depending on the number of the elements added to the
1682         sizer.
1684         If a constructor form with @a rows parameter is used (and the value of
1685         @a rows argument is not zero, meaning "unspecified") the sizer will
1686         check that no more than @c cols*rows elements are added to it, i.e.
1687         that no more than the given number of @a rows is used. Adding less than
1688         maximally allowed number of items is not an error however.
1690         Finally, it is also possible to specify the number of rows and use 0
1691         for @a cols. In this case, the sizer will use the given fixed number of
1692         rows and as many columns as necessary.
1694         The @a gap (or @a vgap and @a hgap, which correspond to the height and
1695         width of the wxSize object) argument defines the size of the padding
1696         between the rows (its vertical component, or @a vgap) and columns
1697         (its horizontal component, or @a hgap), in pixels.
1700         @since 2.9.1 (except for the four argument overload)
1701     */
1702     wxGridSizer( int cols, int vgap, int hgap );
1703     wxGridSizer( int cols, const wxSize& gap = wxSize(0, 0) );
1705     wxGridSizer( int rows, int cols, int vgap, int hgap );
1706     wxGridSizer( int rows, int cols, const wxSize& gap );
1707     //@}
1709     /**
1710         Returns the number of columns that has been specified for the
1711         sizer.
1713         Returns zero if the sizer is automatically adjusting the number of
1714         columns depending on number of its children. To get the effective
1715         number of columns or rows being currently used, see GetEffectiveColsCount()
1716     */
1717     int GetCols() const;
1719     /**
1720         Returns the number of rows that has been specified for the
1721         sizer.
1723         Returns zero if the sizer is automatically adjusting the number of
1724         rows depending on number of its children. To get the effective
1725         number of columns or rows being currently used, see GetEffectiveRowsCount().
1726     */
1727     int GetRows() const;
1729     /**
1730         Returns the number of columns currently used by the sizer.
1732         This will depend on the number of children the sizer has if
1733         the sizer is automatically adjusting the number of columns/rows.
1735         @since 2.9.1
1736     */
1737     int GetEffectiveColsCount() const;
1739     /**
1740         Returns the number of rows currently used by the sizer.
1742         This will depend on the number of children the sizer has if
1743         the sizer is automatically adjusting the number of columns/rows.
1745         @since 2.9.1
1746     */
1747     int GetEffectiveRowsCount() const;
1749     /**
1750         Returns the horizontal gap (in pixels) between cells in the sizer.
1751     */
1752     int GetHGap() const;
1754     /**
1755         Returns the vertical gap (in pixels) between the cells in the sizer.
1756     */
1757     int GetVGap() const;
1759     /**
1760         Sets the number of columns in the sizer.
1761     */
1762     void SetCols(int cols);
1764     /**
1765         Sets the horizontal gap (in pixels) between cells in the sizer.
1766     */
1767     void SetHGap(int gap);
1769     /**
1770         Sets the number of rows in the sizer.
1771     */
1772     void SetRows(int rows);
1774     /**
1775         Sets the vertical gap (in pixels) between the cells in the sizer.
1776     */
1777     void SetVGap(int gap);
1779     virtual wxSize CalcMin();
1780     virtual void RecalcSizes();
1781 };
1785 /**
1786     @class wxStaticBoxSizer
1788     wxStaticBoxSizer is a sizer derived from wxBoxSizer but adds a static box around
1789     the sizer.
1791     The static box may be either created independently or the sizer may create it
1792     itself as a convenience. In any case, the sizer owns the wxStaticBox control
1793     and will delete it in the wxStaticBoxSizer destructor.
1795     Note that since wxWidgets 2.9.1 you are encouraged to create the windows
1796     which are added to wxStaticBoxSizer as children of wxStaticBox itself, see
1797     this class documentation for more details.
1799     Example of use of this class:
1800     @code
1801         void MyFrame::CreateControls()
1802         {
1803             wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel(this);
1804             ...
1805             wxStaticBoxSizer *sz = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, panel, "Box");
1806             sz->Add(new wxStaticText(sz->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY,
1807                                      "This window is a child of the staticbox"));
1808             ...
1809         }
1810     @endcode
1812     @library{wxcore}
1813     @category{winlayout}
1815     @see wxSizer, wxStaticBox, wxBoxSizer, @ref overview_sizer
1816 */
1817 class wxStaticBoxSizer : public wxBoxSizer
1818 {
1819 public:
1820     /**
1821         This constructor uses an already existing static box.
1823         @param box
1824             The static box to associate with the sizer (which will take its
1825             ownership).
1826         @param orient
1827             Can be either @c wxVERTICAL or @c wxHORIZONTAL.
1828     */
1829     wxStaticBoxSizer(wxStaticBox* box, int orient);
1831     /**
1832         This constructor creates a new static box with the given label and parent window.
1833     */
1834     wxStaticBoxSizer(int orient, wxWindow *parent,
1835                      const wxString& label = wxEmptyString);
1837     /**
1838         Returns the static box associated with the sizer.
1839     */
1840     wxStaticBox* GetStaticBox() const;
1842     virtual wxSize CalcMin();
1843     virtual void RecalcSizes();
1844 };
1848 /**
1849     @class wxBoxSizer
1851     The basic idea behind a box sizer is that windows will most often be laid out
1852     in rather simple basic geometry, typically in a row or a column or several
1853     hierarchies of either.
1855     For more information, please see @ref overview_sizer_box.
1857     @library{wxcore}
1858     @category{winlayout}
1860     @see wxSizer, @ref overview_sizer
1861 */
1862 class wxBoxSizer : public wxSizer
1863 {
1864 public:
1865     /**
1866         Constructor for a wxBoxSizer. @a orient may be either of wxVERTICAL
1867         or wxHORIZONTAL for creating either a column sizer or a row sizer.
1868     */
1869     wxBoxSizer(int orient);
1871     /**
1872         Adds non-stretchable space to the main orientation of the sizer only.
1873         More readable way of calling:
1874         @code
1875         if ( wxBoxSizer::IsVertical() )
1876         {
1877             wxBoxSizer::Add(0, size, 0).
1878         }
1879         else
1880         {
1881             wxBoxSizer::Add(size, 0, 0).
1882         }
1883         @endcode
1884     */
1885     virtual wxSizerItem *AddSpacer(int size);
1887     /**
1888         Implements the calculation of a box sizer's minimal.
1890         It is used internally only and must not be called by the user.
1891         Documented for information.
1892     */
1893     virtual wxSize CalcMin();
1895     /**
1896         Returns the orientation of the box sizer, either wxVERTICAL
1897         or wxHORIZONTAL.
1898     */
1899     int GetOrientation() const;
1901     /**
1902         Sets the orientation of the box sizer, either wxVERTICAL
1903         or wxHORIZONTAL.
1904     */
1905     void SetOrientation(int orient);
1907     /**
1908         Implements the calculation of a box sizer's dimensions and then sets
1909         the size of its children (calling wxWindow::SetSize if the child is a window).
1911         It is used internally only and must not be called by the user
1912         (call Layout() if you want to resize). Documented for information.
1913     */
1914     virtual void RecalcSizes();
1915 };