1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        filename.h
3 // Purpose:     interface of wxFileName
4 // Author:      wxWidgets team
5 // Licence:     wxWindows licence
6 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10     The various values for the path format: this mainly affects the path
11     separator but also whether or not the path has the drive part
12     (as under Windows).
14     See wxFileName for more info.
15 */
16 enum wxPathFormat
17 {
18     wxPATH_NATIVE = 0,      //!< the path format for the current platform.
19     wxPATH_UNIX,
20     wxPATH_BEOS = wxPATH_UNIX,
21     wxPATH_MAC,
22     wxPATH_DOS,
23     wxPATH_WIN = wxPATH_DOS,
24     wxPATH_OS2 = wxPATH_DOS,
25     wxPATH_VMS,
27     wxPATH_MAX   //!< Not a valid value for specifying path format
28 };
30 /**
31     Different conventions for human readable sizes.
33     @see wxFileName::GetHumanReadableSize().
35     @since 2.9.1
36 */
37 enum wxSizeConvention
38 {
39     /// 1024 bytes = 1KB.
42     /// 1024 bytes = 1KiB.
43     wxSIZE_CONV_IEC,
45     /// 1000 bytes = 1KB.
46     wxSIZE_CONV_SI
47 };
50 /**
51     The kind of normalization to do with the file name: these values can be
52     or'd together to perform several operations at once.
53     See wxFileName::Normalize() for more info.
54 */
55 enum wxPathNormalize
56 {
57     //! Replace environment variables with their values.
58     //! wxFileName understands both Unix and Windows (but only under Windows) environment
59     //! variables expansion: i.e. @c "$var", @c "$(var)" and @c "${var}" are always understood
60     //! and in addition under Windows @c "%var%" is also.
61     wxPATH_NORM_ENV_VARS = 0x0001,
63     wxPATH_NORM_DOTS     = 0x0002,  //!< Squeeze all @c ".." and @c ".".
64     wxPATH_NORM_TILDE    = 0x0004,  //!< Replace @c "~" and @c "~user" (Unix only).
65     wxPATH_NORM_CASE     = 0x0008,  //!< If the platform is case insensitive, make lowercase the path.
66     wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE = 0x0010,  //!< Make the path absolute.
67     wxPATH_NORM_LONG =     0x0020,  //!< Expand the path to the "long" form (Windows only).
68     wxPATH_NORM_SHORTCUT = 0x0040,  //!< Resolve the shortcut, if it is a shortcut (Windows only).
70     //! A value indicating all normalization flags except for @c wxPATH_NORM_CASE.
71     wxPATH_NORM_ALL      = 0x00ff & ~wxPATH_NORM_CASE
72 };
74 /**
75     Flags for wxFileName::Rmdir().
76  */
77 enum
78 {
79     /// Delete the specified directory and its subdirectories if they are empty.
80     wxPATH_RMDIR_FULL = 1,
82     /**
83       Delete the specified directory and all the files and subdirectories in it
84       recursively.
86       This flag is obviously @b dangerous and should be used with care and
87       after asking the user for confirmation.
88      */
90 };
92 /**
93     Flags for wxFileName::Exists().
95     @since 2.9.5
96  */
97 enum
98 {
99     wxFILE_EXISTS_REGULAR   = 0x0001,  //!< Check for existence of a regular file
100     wxFILE_EXISTS_DIR       = 0x0002,  //!< Check for existence of a directory
101     /**
102         Check for existence of a symlink.
104         Notice that this flag also sets ::wxFILE_EXISTS_NO_FOLLOW, otherwise it
105         would never be satisfied as wxFileName::Exists() would be checking for
106         the existence of the symlink target and not the symlink itself.
107      */
108     wxFILE_EXISTS_SYMLINK   = 0x1004,
109     wxFILE_EXISTS_DEVICE    = 0x0008,  //!< Check for existence of a device
110     wxFILE_EXISTS_FIFO      = 0x0016,  //!< Check for existence of a FIFO
111     wxFILE_EXISTS_SOCKET    = 0x0032,  //!< Check for existence of a socket
112     wxFILE_EXISTS_NO_FOLLOW = 0x1000   //!< Don't dereference a contained symbolic link
113     wxFILE_EXISTS_ANY       = 0x1FFF,  //!< Check for existence of anything
114 };
116 /**
117     The return value of wxFileName::GetSize() in case of error.
118 */
119 wxULongLong wxInvalidSize;
122 /**
123     @class wxFileName
125     wxFileName encapsulates a file name.
127     This class serves two purposes: first, it provides the functions to split the
128     file names into components and to recombine these components in the full file
129     name which can then be passed to the OS file functions
130     (and @ref group_funcmacro_file "wxWidgets functions" wrapping them).
131     Second, it includes the functions for working with the files itself. Note that
132     to change the file data you should use wxFile class instead.
133     wxFileName provides functions for working with the file attributes.
135     When working with directory names (i.e. without filename and extension)
136     make sure not to misuse the file name part of this class with the last
137     directory. Instead initialize the wxFileName instance like this:
139     @code
140     wxFileName dirname( "C:\mydir", "" );
141     MyMethod( dirname.GetPath() );
142     @endcode
144     The same can be done using the static method wxFileName::DirName():
146     @code
147     wxFileName dirname = wxFileName::DirName( "C:\mydir" );
148     MyMethod( dirname.GetPath() );
149     @endcode
151     Accordingly, methods dealing with directories or directory names like
152     wxFileName::IsDirReadable() use wxFileName::GetPath() whereas methods dealing
153     with file names like wxFileName::IsFileReadable() use wxFileName::GetFullPath().
155     If it is not known whether a string contains a directory name or a complete
156     file name (such as when interpreting user input) you need to use the static
157     function wxFileName::DirExists() (or its identical variants wxDir::Exists() and
158     wxDirExists()) and construct the wxFileName instance accordingly.
159     This will only work if the directory actually exists, of course:
161     @code
162     wxString user_input;
163     // get input from user
165     wxFileName fname;
166     if (wxDirExists(user_input))
167         fname.AssignDir( user_input );
168     else
169         fname.Assign( user_input );
170     @endcode
172     Please note that many wxFileName methods accept the path format argument
173     which is by @c wxPATH_NATIVE by default meaning to use the path format
174     native for the current platform.
175     The path format affects the operation of wxFileName functions in several ways:
176     first and foremost, it defines the path separator character to use, but it
177     also affects other things such as whether the path has the drive part or not.
178     See wxPathFormat for more info.
181     @section filename_format File name format
183     wxFileName currently supports the file names in the Unix, DOS/Windows,
184     Mac OS and VMS formats. Although these formats are quite different,
185     wxFileName tries to treat them all in the same generic way.
186     It supposes that all file names consist of the following parts: the volume
187     (also known as drive under Windows or device under VMS), the path which is
188     a sequence of directory names separated by the path separators and the full
189     filename itself which, in turn, is composed from the base file name and the
190     extension. All of the individual components of the file name may be empty
191     and, for example, the volume name is always empty under Unix, but if they
192     are all empty simultaneously, the filename object is considered to be in an
193     invalid state and wxFileName::IsOk() returns false for it.
195     File names can be case-sensitive or not, the function wxFileName::IsCaseSensitive()
196     allows determining this. The rules for determining whether the file name is
197     absolute or relative also depend on the file name format and the only portable way
198     to answer this question is to use wxFileName::IsAbsolute() or wxFileName::IsRelative()
199     method.
201     Note that on Windows,"X:" refers to the current working directory on drive X.
202     Therefore, a wxFileName instance constructed from for example "X:dir/file.ext"
203     treats the portion beyond drive separator as being relative to that directory.
204     To ensure that the filename is absolute, you may use wxFileName::MakeAbsolute().
205     There is also an inverse function wxFileName::MakeRelativeTo() which undoes
206     what wxFileName::Normalize(wxPATH_NORM_DOTS) does.
207     Other functions returning information about the file format provided by this
208     class are wxFileName::GetVolumeSeparator(), wxFileName::IsPathSeparator().
211     @section filename_construction File name construction
213     You can initialize a wxFileName instance using one of the following functions:
215     @li wxFileName::wxFileName()
216     @li wxFileName::Assign()
217     @li wxFileName::AssignCwd()
218     @li wxFileName::AssignDir()
219     @li wxFileName::AssignHomeDir()
220     @li wxFileName::AssignTempFileName()
221     @li wxFileName::DirName()
222     @li wxFileName::FileName()
223     @li wxFileName::operator=()
226     @section filename_tests File name tests
228     Before doing other tests, you should use wxFileName::IsOk() to verify that
229     the filename is well defined. If it is, FileExists() can be used to test whether
230     a file with such name exists and wxFileName::DirExists() can be used to test
231     for directory existence.
232     File names should be compared using the wxFileName::SameAs() method or
233     wxFileName::operator==(). For testing basic access modes, you can use:
235     @li wxFileName::IsDirWritable()
236     @li wxFileName::IsDirReadable()
237     @li wxFileName::IsFileWritable()
238     @li wxFileName::IsFileReadable()
239     @li wxFileName::IsFileExecutable()
242     @section filename_components File name components
244     These functions allow to examine and modify the individual directories
245     of the path:
247     @li wxFileName::AppendDir()
248     @li wxFileName::InsertDir()
249     @li wxFileName::GetDirCount()
250     @li wxFileName::PrependDir()
251     @li wxFileName::RemoveDir()
252     @li wxFileName::RemoveLastDir()
254     To change the components of the file name individually you can use the
255     following functions:
257     @li wxFileName::GetExt()
258     @li wxFileName::GetName()
259     @li wxFileName::GetVolume()
260     @li wxFileName::HasExt()
261     @li wxFileName::HasName()
262     @li wxFileName::HasVolume()
263     @li wxFileName::SetExt()
264     @li wxFileName::ClearExt()
265     @li wxFileName::SetEmptyExt()
266     @li wxFileName::SetName()
267     @li wxFileName::SetVolume()
270     @section filename_operations File name operations
272     These methods allow to work with the file creation, access and modification
273     times. Note that not all filesystems under all platforms implement these times
274     in the same way. For example, the access time under Windows has a resolution of
275     one day (so it is really the access date and not time). The access time may be
276     updated when the file is executed or not depending on the platform.
278     @li wxFileName::GetModificationTime()
279     @li wxFileName::GetTimes()
280     @li wxFileName::SetTimes()
281     @li wxFileName::Touch()
283     Other file system operations functions are:
285     @li wxFileName::Mkdir()
286     @li wxFileName::Rmdir()
288     @section symlink_behavior Behavior with symlinks
290     wxFileName instances can store the path to symlinks on systems that support them.
291     When the path is for a symlink, the behavior of the following methods can be modified
292     to either operate on the symlink itself or on the file the link points to.
294     @li wxFileName::FileExists()
295     @li wxFileName::DirExists()
296     @li wxFileName::Exists()
297     @li wxFileName::SameAs()
298     @li wxFileName::GetTimes()
300     By default, those functions will operate on the target of the link, but they can be
301     made to operate on the link itself by calling wxFileName::DontFollowLink(). The current
302     link-following mode can be examined by calling wxFileName::ShouldFollowLink().
304     The wxFileName::ResolveLink() method can be used to get the absolute path for the target
305     of the symlink.
307     @library{wxbase}
308     @category{file}
309 */
310 class wxFileName
311 {
312 public:
313     /**
314         Default constructor.
315     */
316     wxFileName();
318     /**
319         Copy constructor.
320     */
321     wxFileName(const wxFileName& filename);
323     /**
324         Constructor taking a full filename.
326         If it terminates with a '/', a directory path is constructed
327         (the name will be empty), otherwise a file name and extension
328         are extracted from it.
329     */
330     wxFileName(const wxString& fullpath,
331                wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
333     /**
334         Constructor a directory name and file name.
335     */
336     wxFileName(const wxString& path, const wxString& name,
337                wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
339     /**
340         Constructor from a directory name, base file name and extension.
341     */
342     wxFileName(const wxString& path, const wxString& name,
343                const wxString& ext,
344                wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
346     /**
347         Constructor from a volume name, a directory name, base file name and extension.
348     */
349     wxFileName(const wxString& volume, const wxString& path,
350                const wxString& name,
351                const wxString& ext,
352                wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
354     /**
355         Appends a directory component to the path.
357         This component should contain a single directory name level, i.e. not
358         contain any path or volume separators nor should it be empty, otherwise
359         the function does nothing and returns false (and generates an assert
360         failure in debug build).
362         Notice that the return value is only available in wxWidgets 2.9.5 or
363         later.
364     */
365     bool AppendDir(const wxString& dir);
367     /**
368         Creates the file name from another filename object.
369     */
370     void Assign(const wxFileName& filepath);
372     /**
373         Creates the file name from a full file name with a path.
374     */
375     void Assign(const wxString& fullpath,
376                 wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
378     /**
379         Creates the file name from volume, path, name and extension.
380     */
381     void Assign(const wxString& volume, const wxString& path,
382                 const wxString& name,
383                 const wxString& ext,
384                 bool hasExt,
385                 wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
387     /**
388         Creates the file name from volume, path, name and extension.
389     */
390     void Assign(const wxString& volume, const wxString& path,
391                 const wxString& name,
392                 const wxString& ext,
393                 wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
395     /**
396         Creates the file name from file path and file name.
397     */
398     void Assign(const wxString& path, const wxString& name,
399                 wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
401     /**
402         Creates the file name from path, name and extension.
403     */
404     void Assign(const wxString& path, const wxString& name,
405                 const wxString& ext,
406                 wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
408     /**
409         Makes this object refer to the current working directory on the specified
410         volume (or current volume if @a volume is empty).
412         @see GetCwd()
413     */
414     void AssignCwd(const wxString& volume = wxEmptyString);
416     /**
417         Sets this file name object to the given directory name.
418         The name and extension will be empty.
419     */
420     void AssignDir(const wxString& dir,
421                    wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
423     /**
424         Sets this file name object to the home directory.
425     */
426     void AssignHomeDir();
428     /**
429         The function calls CreateTempFileName() to create a temporary file
430         and sets this object to the name of the file.
432         If a temporary file couldn't be created, the object is put into
433         an invalid state (see IsOk()).
434     */
435     void AssignTempFileName(const wxString& prefix);
437     /**
438         The function calls CreateTempFileName() to create a temporary
439         file name and open @a fileTemp with it.
441         If the file couldn't be opened, the object is put into
442         an invalid state (see IsOk()).
443     */
444     void AssignTempFileName(const wxString& prefix, wxFile* fileTemp);
446     /**
447         The function calls CreateTempFileName() to create a temporary
448         file name and open @a fileTemp with it.
450         If the file couldn't be opened, the object is put into
451         an invalid state (see IsOk()).
452     */
453     void AssignTempFileName(const wxString& prefix, wxFFile* fileTemp);
455     /**
456         Reset all components to default, uninitialized state.
457     */
458     void Clear();
460     /**
461         Removes the extension from the file name resulting in a
462         file name with no trailing dot.
464         @see SetExt(), SetEmptyExt()
465     */
466     void ClearExt();
469     /**
470         Returns a temporary file name starting with the given @e prefix.
471         If @a prefix is an absolute path and ends in a separator, the
472         temporary file is created in this directory; if it is an absolute
473         filepath or there is no separator, the temporary file is created in its
474         path, with the 'name' segment prepended to the temporary filename;
475         otherwise it is created in the default system directory for temporary
476         files or in the current directory.
478         If the function succeeds, the temporary file is actually created.
479         If @a fileTemp is not @NULL, this wxFile will be opened using the name of
480         the temporary file. Where possible this is done in an atomic way to ensure that
481         no race condition occurs between creating the temporary file name and opening
482         it, which might lead to a security compromise on multiuser systems.
483         If @a fileTemp is @NULL, the file is created but not opened.
484         Under Unix, the temporary file will have read and write permissions for the
485         owner only, to minimize security problems.
487         @param prefix
488             Location to use for the temporary file name construction. If @a prefix
489             is a directory it must have a terminal separator
490         @param fileTemp
491             The file to open, or @NULL just to get the name
493         @return The full temporary filepath, or an empty string on error.
494     */
495     static wxString CreateTempFileName(const wxString& prefix,
496                                        wxFile* fileTemp = NULL);
498     /**
499         This is the same as CreateTempFileName(const wxString &prefix, wxFile *fileTemp)
500         but takes a wxFFile parameter instead of wxFile.
501     */
502     static wxString CreateTempFileName(const wxString& prefix,
503                                        wxFFile* fileTemp = NULL);
506     /**
507         Returns @true if the directory with this name exists.
509         Notice that this function tests the directory part of this object,
510         i.e. the string returned by GetPath(), and not the full path returned
511         by GetFullPath().
513         @see FileExists(), Exists()
514     */
515     bool DirExists() const;
517     /**
518         Returns @true if the directory with name @a dir exists.
520         @see FileExists(), Exists()
521     */
522     static bool DirExists(const wxString& dir);
524     /**
525         Returns the object corresponding to the directory with the given name.
526         The @a dir parameter may have trailing path separator or not.
527     */
528     static wxFileName DirName(const wxString& dir,
529                               wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
531     /**
532         Turns off symlink dereferencing.
534         By default, all operations in this class work on the target of a
535         symbolic link (symlink) if the path of the file is actually a symlink.
536         Using this method allows turning off this "symlink following" behaviour
537         and apply the operations to this path itself, even if it is a symlink.
539         The following methods are currently affected by this option:
540             - GetTimes() (but not SetTimes() as there is no portable way to
541               change the time of symlink itself).
542             - Existence checks: FileExists(), DirExists() and Exists() (notice
543               that static versions of these methods always follow symlinks).
544             - IsSameAs().
546         @see ShouldFollowLink()
548         @since 2.9.5
549     */
550     void DontFollowLink();
552      /**
553         Calls the static overload of this function with the full path of this
554         object.
556         @since 2.9.4 (@a flags is new since 2.9.5)
557      */
558     bool Exists(int flags = wxFILE_EXISTS_ANY) const;
560     /**
561         Returns @true if either a file or a directory or something else with
562         this name exists in the file system.
564         Don't dereference @a path if it is a symbolic link and @a flags
565         argument contains ::wxFILE_EXISTS_NO_FOLLOW.
567         This method is equivalent to @code FileExists() || DirExists() @endcode
568         under Windows, but under Unix it also returns true if the file
569         identifies a special file system object such as a device, a socket or a
570         FIFO.
572         Alternatively you may check for the existence of a file system entry of
573         a specific type by passing the appropriate @a flags (this parameter is
574         new since wxWidgets 2.9.5). E.g. to test for a symbolic link existence
575         you could use ::wxFILE_EXISTS_SYMLINK.
577         @since 2.9.4
579         @see FileExists(), DirExists()
580      */
581     static bool Exists(const wxString& path, int flags = wxFILE_EXISTS_ANY);
583     /**
584         Returns @true if the file with this name exists.
586         @see DirExists(), Exists()
587     */
588     bool FileExists() const;
590     /**
591         Returns @true if the file with name @a file exists.
593         @see DirExists(), Exists()
594     */
595     static bool FileExists(const wxString& file);
597     /**
598         Returns the file name object corresponding to the given @e file. This
599         function exists mainly for symmetry with DirName().
600     */
601     static wxFileName FileName(const wxString& file,
602                                wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
604     /**
605         Retrieves the value of the current working directory on the specified volume.
606         If the volume is empty, the program's current working directory is returned for
607         the current volume.
609         @return The string containing the current working directory or an empty
610                 string on error.
612         @see AssignCwd()
613     */
614     static wxString GetCwd(const wxString& volume = wxEmptyString);
616     /**
617         Returns the number of directories in the file name.
618     */
619     size_t GetDirCount() const;
621     /**
622         Returns the directories in string array form.
623     */
624     const wxArrayString& GetDirs() const;
626     /**
627         Returns the file name extension.
628     */
629     wxString GetExt() const;
631     /**
632         Returns the characters that can't be used in filenames and directory names
633         for the specified format.
634     */
635     static wxString GetForbiddenChars(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
637     /**
638         Returns the canonical path format for this platform.
639     */
640     static wxPathFormat GetFormat(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
642     /**
643         Returns the full name (including extension but excluding directories).
644     */
645     wxString GetFullName() const;
647     /**
648         Returns the full path with name and extension.
649     */
650     wxString GetFullPath(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE) const;
652     /**
653         Returns the home directory.
654     */
655     static wxString GetHomeDir();
657     //@{
658     /**
659         Returns the representation of the file size in a human-readable form.
661         In the first version, the size of this file is used. In the second one,
662         the specified size @a bytes is used.
664         If the file size could not be retrieved or @a bytes is ::wxInvalidSize
665         or zero, the @c failmsg string is returned.
667         Otherwise the returned string is a floating-point number with @c
668         precision decimal digits followed by the abbreviation of the unit used.
669         By default the traditional, although incorrect, convention of using SI
670         units for multiples of 1024 is used, i.e. returned string will use
671         suffixes of B, KB, MB, GB, TB for bytes, kilobytes, megabytes,
672         gigabytes and terabytes respectively. With the IEC convention the names
673         of the units are changed to B, KiB, MiB, GiB and TiB for bytes,
674         kibibytes, mebibytes, gibibytes and tebibytes. Finally, with SI
675         convention the same B, KB, MB, GB and TB suffixes are used but in their
676         correct SI meaning, i.e. as multiples of 1000 and not 1024.
678         Support for the different size conventions is new in wxWidgets 2.9.1,
679         in previous versions only the traditional convention was implemented.
680     */
681     wxString
682     GetHumanReadableSize(const wxString& failmsg = _("Not available"),
683                          int precision = 1,
684                          wxSizeConvention conv = wxSIZE_CONV_TRADITIONAL) const;
686     static wxString
687     GetHumanReadableSize(const wxULongLong& bytes,
688                          const wxString& nullsize = _("Not available"),
689                          int precision = 1,
690                          wxSizeConvention conv = wxSIZE_CONV_TRADITIONAL);
691     //@}
693     /**
694         Return the long form of the path (returns identity on non-Windows platforms).
695     */
696     wxString GetLongPath() const;
698     /**
699         Returns the last time the file was last modified.
700     */
701     wxDateTime GetModificationTime() const;
703     /**
704         Returns the name part of the filename (without extension).
706         @see GetFullName()
707     */
708     wxString GetName() const;
710     /**
711         Returns the path part of the filename (without the name or extension).
713         The possible flags values are:
715         - @b wxPATH_GET_VOLUME:
716         Return the path with the volume (does nothing for the filename formats
717         without volumes), otherwise the path without volume part is returned.
719         - @b wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR:
720         Return the path with the trailing separator, if this flag is not given
721         there will be no separator at the end of the path.
723         - @b wxPATH_NO_SEPARATOR:
724         Don't include the trailing separator in the returned string. This is
725         the default (the value of this flag is 0) and exists only for symmetry
726         with wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR.
728         @note If the path is a toplevel one (e.g. @c "/" on Unix or @c "C:\" on
729               Windows), then the returned path will contain trailing separator
730               even with @c wxPATH_NO_SEPARATOR.
731     */
732     wxString GetPath(int flags = wxPATH_GET_VOLUME,
733                      wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE) const;
735     /**
736         Returns the usually used path separator for this format.
737         For all formats but @c wxPATH_DOS there is only one path separator anyhow,
738         but for DOS there are two of them and the native one, i.e. the backslash
739         is returned by this method.
741         @see GetPathSeparators()
742     */
743     static wxUniChar GetPathSeparator(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
745     /**
746         Returns the string containing all the path separators for this format.
747         For all formats but @c wxPATH_DOS this string contains only one character
748         but for DOS and Windows both @c '/' and @c '\' may be used as separators.
750         @see GetPathSeparator()
751     */
752     static wxString GetPathSeparators(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
754     /**
755         Returns the string of characters which may terminate the path part.
756         This is the same as GetPathSeparators() except for VMS
757         path format where ] is used at the end of the path part.
758     */
759     static wxString GetPathTerminators(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
761     /**
762         Returns the path with the trailing separator, useful for appending the name
763         to the given path.
765         This is the same as calling
766         @code
767         GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR, format)
768         @endcode
769     */
770     wxString GetPathWithSep(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE) const;
772     /**
773         Return the short form of the path (returns identity on non-Windows platforms).
774     */
775     wxString GetShortPath() const;
777     /**
778         Returns the size of the file If the file does not exist or its size could
779         not be read (because e.g. the file is locked by another process) the returned
780         value is ::wxInvalidSize.
781     */
782     wxULongLong GetSize() const;
784     /**
785         Returns the size of the file If the file does not exist or its size could
786         not be read (because e.g. the file is locked by another process) the returned
787         value is ::wxInvalidSize.
788     */
789     static wxULongLong GetSize(const wxString& filename);
791     /**
792         Returns the directory used for temporary files, for current user. Same as
793         wxStandardPaths::GetTempDir().
794     */
795     static wxString GetTempDir();
797     /**
798         Returns the last access, last modification and creation times.
799         The last access time is updated whenever the file is read or written
800         (or executed in the case of Windows), last modification time is only
801         changed when the file is written to.
802         Finally, the creation time is indeed the time when the file was created
803         under Windows and the inode change time under Unix (as it is impossible to
804         retrieve the real file creation time there anyhow) which can also be changed
805         by many operations after the file creation.
807         If no filename or extension is specified in this instance of wxFileName
808         (and therefore IsDir() returns @true) then this function will return the
809         directory times of the path specified by GetPath(), otherwise the file
810         times of the file specified by GetFullPath().
811         Any of the pointers may be @NULL if the corresponding time is not needed.
813         @return @true on success, @false if we failed to retrieve the times.
814     */
815     bool GetTimes(wxDateTime* dtAccess, wxDateTime* dtMod,
816                   wxDateTime* dtCreate) const;
818     /**
819         Returns the string containing the volume for this file name, empty if it
820         doesn't have one or if the file system doesn't support volumes at all
821         (for example, Unix).
822     */
823     wxString GetVolume() const;
825     /**
826         Returns the string separating the volume from the path for this format.
827     */
828     static wxString GetVolumeSeparator(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
830      /**
831         This function builds a volume path string, for example "C:\\".
833         Implemented for the platforms which use drive letters, i.e. MSW only.
835         @since 2.9.0
837         @param drive
838             The drive letter, 'A' through 'Z' or 'a' through 'z'.
840         @param flags
841             @c wxPATH_NO_SEPARATOR or @c wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR to omit or include
842             the trailing path separator, the default is to include it.
844         @return Volume path string.
845     */
846     static wxString GetVolumeString(char drive, int flags = wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);
848     /**
849         Returns @true if an extension is present.
850     */
851     bool HasExt() const;
853     /**
854         Returns @true if a name is present.
855     */
856     bool HasName() const;
858     /**
859         Returns @true if a volume specifier is present.
860     */
861     bool HasVolume() const;
863     /**
864         Inserts a directory component before the zero-based position in the
865         directory list.
867         As with AppendDir(), @a dir must be a single directory name and the
868         function returns @false and does nothing else if it isn't.
870         Notice that the return value is only available in wxWidgets 2.9.5 or
871         later.
872     */
873     bool InsertDir(size_t before, const wxString& dir);
875     /**
876         Returns @true if this filename is absolute.
877     */
878     bool IsAbsolute(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE) const;
880     /**
881         Returns @true if the file names of this type are case-sensitive.
882     */
883     static bool IsCaseSensitive(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
885     /**
886         Returns @true if this object represents a directory, @false otherwise
887         (i.e. if it is a file).
889         Note that this method doesn't test whether the directory or file really
890         exists, you should use DirExists() or FileExists() for this.
891     */
892     bool IsDir() const;
894     /**
895         Returns @true if the directory component of this instance is an existing
896         directory and this process has read permissions on it. Read permissions
897         on a directory mean that you can list the directory contents but it
898         doesn't imply that you have read permissions on the files contained.
899     */
900     bool IsDirReadable() const;
902     /**
903         Returns @true if the given @e dir is an existing directory and this process
904         has read permissions on it. Read permissions on a directory mean that you
905         can list the directory contents but it doesn't imply that you have read
906         permissions on the files contained.
907     */
908     static bool IsDirReadable(const wxString& dir);
910     /**
911         Returns @true if the directory component of this instance
912         is an existing directory and this process has write permissions on it.
913         Write permissions on a directory mean that you can create new files in the
914         directory.
915     */
916     bool IsDirWritable() const;
918     /**
919         Returns @true if the  given @a dir is an existing directory and this
920         process has write permissions on it.
921         Write permissions on a directory mean that you can create new files in the
922         directory.
923     */
924     static bool IsDirWritable(const wxString& dir);
926     /**
927         Returns @true if a file with this name exists and if this process has execute
928         permissions on it.
929     */
930     bool IsFileExecutable() const;
932     /**
933         Returns @true if a file with this name exists and if this process has execute
934         permissions on it.
935     */
936     static bool IsFileExecutable(const wxString& file);
938     /**
939         Returns @true if a file with this name exists and if this process has read
940         permissions on it.
941     */
942     bool IsFileReadable() const;
944     /**
945         Returns @true if a file with this name exists and if this process has read
946         permissions on it.
947     */
948     static bool IsFileReadable(const wxString& file);
950     /**
951         Returns @true if a file with this name exists and if this process has write
952         permissions on it.
953     */
954     bool IsFileWritable() const;
956     /**
957         Returns @true if a file with this name exists and if this process has write
958         permissions on it.
959     */
960     static bool IsFileWritable(const wxString& file);
962     /**
963         Returns @true if the filename is valid, @false if it is not initialized yet.
964         The assignment functions and Clear() may reset the object to the uninitialized,
965         invalid state (the former only do it on failure).
966     */
967     bool IsOk() const;
969     /**
970         Returns @true if the char is a path separator for this format.
971     */
972     static bool IsPathSeparator(wxChar ch,
973                                 wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
975     /**
976         Returns @true if the volume part of the path is a unique volume name.
978         This function will always return @false if the path format is not
979         wxPATH_DOS.
981         Unique volume names are Windows volume identifiers which remain the same
982         regardless of where the volume is actually mounted. Example of a path
983         using a volume name could be
984         @code
985             \\?\Volume{8089d7d7-d0ac-11db-9dd0-806d6172696f}\Program Files\setup.exe
986         @endcode
988         @since 2.9.1
989     */
990     static bool IsMSWUniqueVolumeNamePath(const wxString& path,
991                                           wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
993     /**
994         Returns @true if this filename is not absolute.
995     */
996     bool IsRelative(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE) const;
998     /**
999         Make the file name absolute.
1000         This is a shortcut for
1001         @code
1002         wxFileName::Normalize(wxPATH_NORM_DOTS | wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE |
1003                               wxPATH_NORM_TILDE, cwd, format)
1004         @endcode
1006         @see MakeRelativeTo(), Normalize(), IsAbsolute()
1007     */
1008     bool MakeAbsolute(const wxString& cwd = wxEmptyString,
1009                       wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
1011     /**
1012         This function tries to put this file name in a form relative to
1013         @a pathBase.
1014         In other words, it returns the file name which should be used to access
1015         this file if the current directory were pathBase.
1017         @param pathBase
1018             The directory to use as root, current directory is used by default
1019         @param format
1020             The file name format, native by default
1022         @return @true if the file name has been changed, @false if we failed to do
1023                 anything with it (currently this only happens if the file name
1024                 is on a volume different from the volume specified by @a pathBase).
1026         @see Normalize()
1027     */
1028     bool MakeRelativeTo(const wxString& pathBase = wxEmptyString,
1029                         wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
1031     /**
1032         Creates a directory.
1034         @param perm
1035             The permissions for the newly created directory.
1036             See the ::wxPosixPermissions enumeration for more info.
1037         @param flags
1038             If the flags contain @c wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL flag, try to create each
1039             directory in the path and also don't return an error if the target
1040             directory already exists.
1042         @return Returns @true if the directory was successfully created, @false
1043                 otherwise.
1044     */
1045     bool Mkdir(int perm = wxS_DIR_DEFAULT, int flags = 0) const;
1047     /**
1048         Creates a directory.
1050         @param dir
1051             The directory to create
1052         @param perm
1053             The permissions for the newly created directory.
1054             See the ::wxPosixPermissions enumeration for more info.
1055         @param flags
1056             If the flags contain @c wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL flag, try to create each
1057             directory in the path and also don't return an error if the target
1058             directory already exists.
1060         @return Returns @true if the directory was successfully created, @false
1061                 otherwise.
1062     */
1063     static bool Mkdir(const wxString& dir, int perm = wxS_DIR_DEFAULT,
1064                       int flags = 0);
1066     /**
1067         Normalize the path.
1069         With the default flags value, the path will be made absolute, without
1070         any ".." and "." and all environment variables will be expanded in it.
1072         Notice that in some rare cases normalizing a valid path may result in
1073         an invalid wxFileName object. E.g. normalizing "./" path using
1074         wxPATH_NORM_DOTS but not wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE will result in a
1075         completely empty and thus invalid object. As long as there is a non
1076         empty file name the result of normalization will be valid however.
1078         @param flags
1079             The kind of normalization to do with the file name. It can be
1080             any or-combination of the ::wxPathNormalize enumeration values.
1081         @param cwd
1082             If not empty, this directory will be used instead of current
1083             working directory in normalization (see @c wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE).
1084         @param format
1085             The file name format to use when processing the paths, native by default.
1087         @return @true if normalization was successfully or @false otherwise.
1088     */
1089     bool Normalize(int flags = wxPATH_NORM_ALL,
1090                    const wxString& cwd = wxEmptyString,
1091                    wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
1093     /**
1094         Prepends a directory to the file path.
1095         Please see AppendDir() for important notes.
1096     */
1097     void PrependDir(const wxString& dir);
1099     /**
1100         Removes the specified directory component from the path.
1102         @see GetDirCount()
1103     */
1104     void RemoveDir(size_t pos);
1106     /**
1107         Removes last directory component from the path.
1108     */
1109     void RemoveLastDir();
1111     /**
1112         If the path contains the value of the environment variable named @a envname
1113         then this function replaces it with the string obtained from
1114         wxString::Format(replacementFmtString, value_of_envname_variable).
1116         This function is useful to make the path shorter or to make it dependent
1117         from a certain environment variable.
1118         Normalize() with @c wxPATH_NORM_ENV_VARS can perform the opposite of this
1119         function (depending on the value of @a replacementFmtString).
1121         The name and extension of this filename are not modified.
1123         Example:
1124         @code
1125             wxFileName fn("/usr/openwin/lib/someFile");
1126             fn.ReplaceEnvVariable("OPENWINHOME");
1127                     // now fn.GetFullPath() == "$OPENWINHOME/lib/someFile"
1128         @endcode
1130         @since 2.9.0
1132         @return @true if the operation was successful (which doesn't mean
1133                 that something was actually replaced, just that ::wxGetEnv
1134                 didn't fail).
1135     */
1136     bool ReplaceEnvVariable(const wxString& envname,
1137                             const wxString& replacementFmtString = "$%s",
1138                             wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
1140     /**
1141         Replaces, if present in the path, the home directory for the given user
1142         (see ::wxGetHomeDir) with a tilde (~).
1144         Normalize() with @c wxPATH_NORM_TILDE performs the opposite of this
1145         function.
1147         The name and extension of this filename are not modified.
1149         @since 2.9.0
1151         @return @true if the operation was successful (which doesn't mean
1152                 that something was actually replaced, just that ::wxGetHomeDir
1153                 didn't fail).
1154     */
1155     bool ReplaceHomeDir(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
1157     /**
1158         Find the absolute path of the file/directory that is pointed to by this
1159         path.
1161         If this path isn't a symlink, then this function will return the current
1162         path. If the path does not exist on disk, An empty wxFileName instance
1163         will be returned.
1165         @note This is only supported on Unix-like platforms (e.g. wxGTK, wxOSX),
1166               on other platforms (e.g. wxMSW) this function just returns the
1167               current path.
1169         @since 3.1.5
1171         @return The absolute path that the current symlink path points to.
1172     */
1173     wxFileName ResolveLink();
1176     /**
1177         Deletes the specified directory from the file system.
1179         @param flags
1180             Can contain one of wxPATH_RMDIR_FULL or wxPATH_RMDIR_RECURSIVE. By
1181             default contains neither so the directory will not be removed
1182             unless it is empty.
1184         @return Returns @true if the directory was successfully deleted, @false
1185                 otherwise.
1186     */
1187     bool Rmdir(int flags = 0) const;
1189     /**
1190         Deletes the specified directory from the file system.
1192         @param dir
1193             The directory to delete
1194         @param flags
1195             Can contain one of wxPATH_RMDIR_FULL or wxPATH_RMDIR_RECURSIVE. By
1196             default contains neither so the directory will not be removed
1197             unless it is empty.
1199         @return Returns @true if the directory was successfully deleted, @false
1200                 otherwise.
1201     */
1202     static bool Rmdir(const wxString& dir, int flags = 0);
1204     /**
1205         Compares the filename using the rules of this platform.
1206     */
1207     bool SameAs(const wxFileName& filepath,
1208                 wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE) const;
1210     /**
1211         Changes the current working directory.
1212     */
1213     bool SetCwd() const;
1215     /**
1216         Changes the current working directory.
1217     */
1218     static bool SetCwd(const wxString& cwd);
1220     /**
1221         Sets the extension of the file name to be an empty extension.
1222         This is different from having no extension at all as the file
1223         name will have a trailing dot after a call to this method.
1225         @see SetExt(), ClearExt()
1226     */
1227     void SetEmptyExt();
1229     /**
1230         Sets the extension of the file name.
1232         Setting an empty string as the extension will remove the extension
1233         resulting in a file name without a trailing dot, unlike a call to
1234         SetEmptyExt().
1236         @see SetEmptyExt(), ClearExt()
1237     */
1238     void SetExt(const wxString& ext);
1240     /**
1241         The full name is the file name and extension (but without the path).
1242     */
1243     void SetFullName(const wxString& fullname);
1245     /**
1246         Sets the name part (without extension).
1248         @see SetFullName()
1249     */
1250     void SetName(const wxString& name);
1252     /**
1253         Sets the path.
1255         The @a path argument includes both the path and the volume, if
1256         supported by @a format.
1258         Calling this function doesn't affect the name and extension components,
1259         to change them as well you can use Assign() or just an assignment
1260         operator.
1262         @see GetPath()
1263      */
1264     void SetPath(const wxString& path, wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
1266     /**
1267         Sets permissions for this file or directory.
1269         @param permissions
1270             The new permissions: this should be a combination of
1271             ::wxPosixPermissions enum elements.
1273         @since 3.0
1275         @note If this is a symbolic link and it should not be followed
1276               this call will fail.
1278         @return @true on success, @false if an error occurred (for example,
1279                 the file doesn't exist).
1280     */
1281     bool SetPermissions(int permissions);
1283     /**
1284         Converts URL into a well-formed filename.
1285         The URL must use the @c file protocol.
1286         If the URL does not use @c file protocol
1287         wxFileName object may not be good or may not exist
1289         @since 3.1.3
1290     */
1291     static wxFileName URLToFileName(const wxString& url);
1293     /**
1294         Converts wxFileName into an URL.
1296         @see URLToFileName(), wxFileName
1298         @since 3.1.3
1299     */
1300     static wxString FileNameToURL(const wxFileName& filename);
1302     /**
1303         Sets the file creation and last access/modification times (any of the pointers
1304         may be @NULL).
1306         Notice that the file creation time can't be changed under Unix, so @a
1307         dtCreate is ignored there (but @true is still returned). Under Windows
1308         all three times can be set.
1309     */
1310     bool SetTimes(const wxDateTime* dtAccess,
1311                   const wxDateTime* dtMod,
1312                   const wxDateTime* dtCreate) const;
1314     /**
1315         Sets the volume specifier.
1316     */
1317     void SetVolume(const wxString& volume);
1319     /**
1320         Return whether some operations will follow symlink.
1322         By default, file operations "follow symlink", i.e. operate on its
1323         target and not on the symlink itself. See DontFollowLink() for more
1324         information.
1326         @since 2.9.5
1327     */
1328     bool ShouldFollowLink() const;
1330     //@{
1331     /**
1332         This function splits a full file name into components: the volume (with the
1333         first version) path (including the volume in the second version), the base name
1334         and the extension.
1336         Any of the output parameters (@e volume, @e path, @a name or @e ext) may
1337         be @NULL if you are not interested in the value of a particular component.
1338         Also, @a fullpath may be empty on entry.
1339         On return, @a path contains the file path (without the trailing separator),
1340         @a name contains the file name and @a ext contains the file extension
1341         without leading dot. All three of them may be empty if the corresponding
1342         component is. The old contents of the strings pointed to by these parameters
1343         will be overwritten in any case (if the pointers are not @NULL).
1345         Note that for a filename "foo." the extension is present, as indicated by the
1346         trailing dot, but empty. If you need to cope with such cases, you should use
1347         @a hasExt instead of relying on testing whether @a ext is empty or not.
1348     */
1349     static void SplitPath(const wxString& fullpath,
1350                           wxString* volume,
1351                           wxString* path,
1352                           wxString* name,
1353                           wxString* ext,
1354                           bool* hasExt = NULL,
1355                           wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
1356     static void SplitPath(const wxString& fullpath,
1357                           wxString* volume,
1358                           wxString* path,
1359                           wxString* name,
1360                           wxString* ext,
1361                           wxPathFormat format);
1362     static void SplitPath(const wxString& fullpath,
1363                           wxString* path,
1364                           wxString* name,
1365                           wxString* ext,
1366                           wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
1367     //@}
1369     /**
1370         Splits the given @a fullpath into the volume part (which may be empty) and
1371         the pure path part, not containing any volume.
1373         @see SplitPath()
1374     */
1375     static void SplitVolume(const wxString& fullpath,
1376                             wxString* volume,
1377                             wxString* path,
1378                             wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
1381     /**
1382         Strip the file extension.
1384         This function does more than just removing everything after the last
1385         period from the string, for example it will return the string ".vimrc"
1386         unchanged because the part after the period is not an extension but the
1387         file name in this case. You can use wxString::BeforeLast() to really
1388         get just the part before the last period (but notice that that function
1389         returns empty string if period is not present at all unlike this
1390         function which returns the @a fullname unchanged in this case).
1392         @param fullname
1393            File path including name and, optionally, extension.
1395         @return
1396             File path without extension
1398         @since 2.9.0
1399     */
1400     static wxString StripExtension(const wxString& fullname);
1402     /**
1403         Sets the access and modification times to the current moment.
1404     */
1405     bool Touch() const;
1407     /**
1408         Returns @true if the filenames are different. The string @e filenames
1409         is interpreted as a path in the native filename format.
1410     */
1411     bool operator!=(const wxFileName& filename) const;
1413     /**
1414         Returns @true if the filenames are different. The string @e filenames
1415         is interpreted as a path in the native filename format.
1416     */
1417     bool operator!=(const wxString& filename) const;
1419     /**
1420         Returns @true if the filenames are equal. The string @e filenames is
1421         interpreted as a path in the native filename format.
1422     */
1423     bool operator==(const wxFileName& filename) const;
1425     /**
1426         Returns @true if the filenames are equal. The string @e filenames is
1427         interpreted as a path in the native filename format.
1428     */
1429     bool operator==(const wxString& filename) const;
1431     /**
1432         Assigns the new value to this filename object.
1433     */
1434     wxFileName& operator=(const wxFileName& filename);
1436     /**
1437         Assigns the new value to this filename object.
1438     */
1439     wxFileName& operator=(const wxString& filename);
1440 };