1 /*
2  * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
3  *
4  * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
5  * © 2009 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
6  *
7  * commands_parser.c: hand-written parser to parse commands (commands are what
8  * you bind on keys and what you can send to i3 using the IPC interface, like
9  * 'move left' or 'workspace 4').
10  *
11  * We use a hand-written parser instead of lex/yacc because our commands are
12  * easy for humans, not for computers. Thus, it’s quite hard to specify a
13  * context-free grammar for the commands. A PEG grammar would be easier, but
14  * there’s downsides to every PEG parser generator I have come across so far.
15  *
16  * This parser is basically a state machine which looks for literals or strings
17  * and can push either on a stack. After identifying a literal or string, it
18  * will either transition to the current state, to a different state, or call a
19  * function (like cmd_move()).
20  *
21  * Special care has been taken that error messages are useful and the code is
22  * well testable (when compiled with -DTEST_PARSER it will output to stdout
23  * instead of actually calling any function).
24  *
25  */
26 #include "all.h"
28 // Macros to make the YAJL API a bit easier to use.
29 #define y(x, ...) (command_output.json_gen != NULL ? yajl_gen_##x(command_output.json_gen, ##__VA_ARGS__) : 0)
30 #define ystr(str) (command_output.json_gen != NULL ? yajl_gen_string(command_output.json_gen, (unsigned char *)str, strlen(str)) : 0)
32 /*******************************************************************************
33  * The data structures used for parsing. Essentially the current state and a
34  * list of tokens for that state.
35  *
36  * The GENERATED_* files are generated by generate-commands-parser.pl with the
37  * input parser-specs/commands.spec.
38  ******************************************************************************/
40 #include "GENERATED_command_enums.h"
42 typedef struct token {
43     char *name;
44     char *identifier;
45     /* This might be __CALL */
46     cmdp_state next_state;
47     union {
48         uint16_t call_identifier;
49     } extra;
50 } cmdp_token;
52 typedef struct tokenptr {
53     cmdp_token *array;
54     int n;
55 } cmdp_token_ptr;
57 #include "GENERATED_command_tokens.h"
59 /*
60  * Pushes a string (identified by 'identifier') on the stack. We simply use a
61  * single array, since the number of entries we have to store is very small.
62  *
63  */
push_string(struct stack * stack,const char * identifier,char * str)64 static void push_string(struct stack *stack, const char *identifier, char *str) {
65     for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
66         if (stack->stack[c].identifier != NULL)
67             continue;
68         /* Found a free slot, let’s store it here. */
69         stack->stack[c].identifier = identifier;
70         stack->stack[c].val.str = str;
71         stack->stack[c].type = STACK_STR;
72         return;
73     }
75     /* When we arrive here, the stack is full. This should not happen and
76      * means there’s either a bug in this parser or the specification
77      * contains a command with more than 10 identified tokens. */
78     fprintf(stderr, "BUG: commands_parser stack full. This means either a bug "
79                     "in the code, or a new command which contains more than "
80                     "10 identified tokens.\n");
81     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
82 }
84 // TODO move to a common util
push_long(struct stack * stack,const char * identifier,long num)85 static void push_long(struct stack *stack, const char *identifier, long num) {
86     for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
87         if (stack->stack[c].identifier != NULL) {
88             continue;
89         }
91         stack->stack[c].identifier = identifier;
92         stack->stack[c].val.num = num;
93         stack->stack[c].type = STACK_LONG;
94         return;
95     }
97     /* When we arrive here, the stack is full. This should not happen and
98      * means there’s either a bug in this parser or the specification
99      * contains a command with more than 10 identified tokens. */
100     fprintf(stderr, "BUG: commands_parser stack full. This means either a bug "
101                     "in the code, or a new command which contains more than "
102                     "10 identified tokens.\n");
103     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
104 }
106 // TODO move to a common util
get_string(struct stack * stack,const char * identifier)107 static const char *get_string(struct stack *stack, const char *identifier) {
108     for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
109         if (stack->stack[c].identifier == NULL)
110             break;
111         if (strcmp(identifier, stack->stack[c].identifier) == 0)
112             return stack->stack[c].val.str;
113     }
114     return NULL;
115 }
117 // TODO move to a common util
get_long(struct stack * stack,const char * identifier)118 static long get_long(struct stack *stack, const char *identifier) {
119     for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
120         if (stack->stack[c].identifier == NULL)
121             break;
122         if (strcmp(identifier, stack->stack[c].identifier) == 0)
123             return stack->stack[c].val.num;
124     }
126     return 0;
127 }
129 // TODO move to a common util
clear_stack(struct stack * stack)130 static void clear_stack(struct stack *stack) {
131     for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
132         if (stack->stack[c].type == STACK_STR)
133             free(stack->stack[c].val.str);
134         stack->stack[c].identifier = NULL;
135         stack->stack[c].val.str = NULL;
136         stack->stack[c].val.num = 0;
137     }
138 }
140 /*******************************************************************************
141  * The parser itself.
142  ******************************************************************************/
144 static cmdp_state state;
145 static Match current_match;
146 /*******************************************************************************
147  * The (small) stack where identified literals are stored during the parsing
148  * of a single command (like $workspace).
149  ******************************************************************************/
150 static struct stack stack;
151 static struct CommandResultIR subcommand_output;
152 static struct CommandResultIR command_output;
154 #include "GENERATED_command_call.h"
next_state(const cmdp_token * token)156 static void next_state(const cmdp_token *token) {
157     if (token->next_state == __CALL) {
158         subcommand_output.json_gen = command_output.json_gen;
159         subcommand_output.client = command_output.client;
160         subcommand_output.needs_tree_render = false;
161         GENERATED_call(&current_match, &stack, token->extra.call_identifier, &subcommand_output);
162         state = subcommand_output.next_state;
163         /* If any subcommand requires a tree_render(), we need to make the
164          * whole parser result request a tree_render(). */
165         if (subcommand_output.needs_tree_render)
166             command_output.needs_tree_render = true;
167         clear_stack(&stack);
168         return;
169     }
171     state = token->next_state;
172     if (state == INITIAL) {
173         clear_stack(&stack);
174     }
175 }
177 /*
178  * Parses a string (or word, if as_word is true). Extracted out of
179  * parse_command so that it can be used in src/workspace.c for interpreting
180  * workspace commands.
181  *
182  */
parse_string(const char ** walk,bool as_word)183 char *parse_string(const char **walk, bool as_word) {
184     const char *beginning = *walk;
185     /* Handle quoted strings (or words). */
186     if (**walk == '"') {
187         beginning++;
188         (*walk)++;
189         for (; **walk != '\0' && **walk != '"'; (*walk)++)
190             if (**walk == '\\' && *(*walk + 1) != '\0')
191                 (*walk)++;
192     } else {
193         if (!as_word) {
194             /* For a string (starting with 's'), the delimiters are
195              * comma (,) and semicolon (;) which introduce a new
196              * operation or command, respectively. Also, newlines
197              * end a command. */
198             while (**walk != ';' && **walk != ',' &&
199                    **walk != '\0' && **walk != '\r' &&
200                    **walk != '\n')
201                 (*walk)++;
202         } else {
203             /* For a word, the delimiters are white space (' ' or
204              * '\t'), closing square bracket (]), comma (,) and
205              * semicolon (;). */
206             while (**walk != ' ' && **walk != '\t' &&
207                    **walk != ']' && **walk != ',' &&
208                    **walk != ';' && **walk != '\r' &&
209                    **walk != '\n' && **walk != '\0')
210                 (*walk)++;
211         }
212     }
213     if (*walk == beginning)
214         return NULL;
216     char *str = scalloc(*walk - beginning + 1, 1);
217     /* We copy manually to handle escaping of characters. */
218     int inpos, outpos;
219     for (inpos = 0, outpos = 0;
220          inpos < (*walk - beginning);
221          inpos++, outpos++) {
222         /* We only handle escaped double quotes and backslashes to not break
223          * backwards compatibility with people using \w in regular expressions
224          * etc. */
225         if (beginning[inpos] == '\\' && (beginning[inpos + 1] == '"' || beginning[inpos + 1] == '\\'))
226             inpos++;
227         str[outpos] = beginning[inpos];
228     }
230     return str;
231 }
233 /*
234  * Parses and executes the given command. If a caller-allocated yajl_gen is
235  * passed, a json reply will be generated in the format specified by the ipc
236  * protocol. Pass NULL if no json reply is required.
237  *
238  * Free the returned CommandResult with command_result_free().
239  */
parse_command(const char * input,yajl_gen gen,ipc_client * client)240 CommandResult *parse_command(const char *input, yajl_gen gen, ipc_client *client) {
241     DLOG("COMMAND: *%.4000s*\n", input);
242     state = INITIAL;
243     CommandResult *result = scalloc(1, sizeof(CommandResult));
245     command_output.client = client;
247     /* A YAJL JSON generator used for formatting replies. */
248     command_output.json_gen = gen;
250     y(array_open);
251     command_output.needs_tree_render = false;
253     const char *walk = input;
254     const size_t len = strlen(input);
255     int c;
256     const cmdp_token *token;
257     bool token_handled;
259 // TODO: make this testable
260 #ifndef TEST_PARSER
261     cmd_criteria_init(&current_match, &subcommand_output);
262 #endif
264     /* The "<=" operator is intentional: We also handle the terminating 0-byte
265      * explicitly by looking for an 'end' token. */
266     while ((size_t)(walk - input) <= len) {
267         /* skip whitespace and newlines before every token */
268         while ((*walk == ' ' || *walk == '\t' ||
269                 *walk == '\r' || *walk == '\n') &&
270                *walk != '\0')
271             walk++;
273         cmdp_token_ptr *ptr = &(tokens[state]);
274         token_handled = false;
275         for (c = 0; c < ptr->n; c++) {
276             token = &(ptr->array[c]);
278             /* A literal. */
279             if (token->name[0] == '\'') {
280                 if (strncasecmp(walk, token->name + 1, strlen(token->name) - 1) == 0) {
281                     if (token->identifier != NULL) {
282                         push_string(&stack, token->identifier, sstrdup(token->name + 1));
283                     }
284                     walk += strlen(token->name) - 1;
285                     next_state(token);
286                     token_handled = true;
287                     break;
288                 }
289                 continue;
290             }
292             if (strcmp(token->name, "number") == 0) {
293                 /* Handle numbers. We only accept decimal numbers for now. */
294                 char *end = NULL;
295                 errno = 0;
296                 long int num = strtol(walk, &end, 10);
297                 if ((errno == ERANGE && (num == LONG_MIN || num == LONG_MAX)) ||
298                     (errno != 0 && num == 0))
299                     continue;
301                 /* No valid numbers found */
302                 if (end == walk)
303                     continue;
305                 if (token->identifier != NULL) {
306                     push_long(&stack, token->identifier, num);
307                 }
309                 /* Set walk to the first non-number character */
310                 walk = end;
311                 next_state(token);
312                 token_handled = true;
313                 break;
314             }
316             if (strcmp(token->name, "string") == 0 ||
317                 strcmp(token->name, "word") == 0) {
318                 char *str = parse_string(&walk, (token->name[0] != 's'));
319                 if (str != NULL) {
320                     if (token->identifier) {
321                         push_string(&stack, token->identifier, str);
322                     }
323                     /* If we are at the end of a quoted string, skip the ending
324                      * double quote. */
325                     if (*walk == '"')
326                         walk++;
327                     next_state(token);
328                     token_handled = true;
329                     break;
330                 }
331             }
333             if (strcmp(token->name, "end") == 0) {
334                 if (*walk == '\0' || *walk == ',' || *walk == ';') {
335                     next_state(token);
336                     token_handled = true;
337                     /* To make sure we start with an appropriate matching
338                      * datastructure for commands which do *not* specify any
339                      * criteria, we re-initialize the criteria system after
340                      * every command. */
341 // TODO: make this testable
342 #ifndef TEST_PARSER
343                     if (*walk == '\0' || *walk == ';')
344                         cmd_criteria_init(&current_match, &subcommand_output);
345 #endif
346                     walk++;
347                     break;
348                 }
349             }
350         }
352         if (!token_handled) {
353             /* Figure out how much memory we will need to fill in the names of
354              * all tokens afterwards. */
355             int tokenlen = 0;
356             for (c = 0; c < ptr->n; c++)
357                 tokenlen += strlen(ptr->array[c].name) + strlen("'', ");
359             /* Build up a decent error message. We include the problem, the
360              * full input, and underline the position where the parser
361              * currently is. */
362             char *errormessage;
363             char *possible_tokens = smalloc(tokenlen + 1);
364             char *tokenwalk = possible_tokens;
365             for (c = 0; c < ptr->n; c++) {
366                 token = &(ptr->array[c]);
367                 if (token->name[0] == '\'') {
368                     /* A literal is copied to the error message enclosed with
369                      * single quotes. */
370                     *tokenwalk++ = '\'';
371                     strcpy(tokenwalk, token->name + 1);
372                     tokenwalk += strlen(token->name + 1);
373                     *tokenwalk++ = '\'';
374                 } else {
375                     /* Any other token is copied to the error message enclosed
376                      * with angle brackets. */
377                     *tokenwalk++ = '<';
378                     strcpy(tokenwalk, token->name);
379                     tokenwalk += strlen(token->name);
380                     *tokenwalk++ = '>';
381                 }
382                 if (c < (ptr->n - 1)) {
383                     *tokenwalk++ = ',';
384                     *tokenwalk++ = ' ';
385                 }
386             }
387             *tokenwalk = '\0';
388             sasprintf(&errormessage, "Expected one of these tokens: %s",
389                       possible_tokens);
390             free(possible_tokens);
392             /* Contains the same amount of characters as 'input' has, but with
393              * the unparseable part highlighted using ^ characters. */
394             char *position = smalloc(len + 1);
395             for (const char *copywalk = input; *copywalk != '\0'; copywalk++)
396                 position[(copywalk - input)] = (copywalk >= walk ? '^' : ' ');
397             position[len] = '\0';
399             ELOG("%s\n", errormessage);
400             ELOG("Your command: %s\n", input);
401             ELOG("              %s\n", position);
403             result->parse_error = true;
404             result->error_message = errormessage;
406             /* Format this error message as a JSON reply. */
407             y(map_open);
408             ystr("success");
409             y(bool, false);
410             /* We set parse_error to true to distinguish this from other
411              * errors. i3-nagbar is spawned upon keypresses only for parser
412              * errors. */
413             ystr("parse_error");
414             y(bool, true);
415             ystr("error");
416             ystr(errormessage);
417             ystr("input");
418             ystr(input);
419             ystr("errorposition");
420             ystr(position);
421             y(map_close);
423             free(position);
424             clear_stack(&stack);
425             break;
426         }
427     }
429     y(array_close);
431     result->needs_tree_render = command_output.needs_tree_render;
432     return result;
433 }
435 /*
436  * Frees a CommandResult
437  */
command_result_free(CommandResult * result)438 void command_result_free(CommandResult *result) {
439     if (result == NULL)
440         return;
442     FREE(result->error_message);
443     FREE(result);
444 }
446 /*******************************************************************************
447  * Code for building the stand-alone binary test.commands_parser which is used
448  * by t/187-commands-parser.t.
449  ******************************************************************************/
451 #ifdef TEST_PARSER
453 /*
454  * Logs the given message to stdout while prefixing the current time to it,
455  * but only if debug logging was activated.
456  * This is to be called by DLOG() which includes filename/linenumber
457  *
458  */
debuglog(char * fmt,...)459 void debuglog(char *fmt, ...) {
460     va_list args;
462     va_start(args, fmt);
463     fprintf(stdout, "# ");
464     vfprintf(stdout, fmt, args);
465     va_end(args);
466 }
errorlog(char * fmt,...)468 void errorlog(char *fmt, ...) {
469     va_list args;
471     va_start(args, fmt);
472     vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
473     va_end(args);
474 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])476 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
477     if (argc < 2) {
478         fprintf(stderr, "Syntax: %s <command>\n", argv[0]);
479         return 1;
480     }
481     yajl_gen gen = yajl_gen_alloc(NULL);
483     CommandResult *result = parse_command(argv[1], gen, NULL);
485     command_result_free(result);
487     yajl_gen_free(gen);
488 }
489 #endif