1{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3import Test.Tasty
4import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
5import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
7import PipeChan
8import Connection
9import Marshalling
10import Ciphers
11import PubKey
13import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
14import Data.Maybe
15import Data.Default.Class
16import Data.List (intersect)
18import qualified Data.ByteString as B
19import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
20import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
21import Network.TLS
22import Network.TLS.Extra
23import Network.TLS.Internal
24import Control.Applicative
25import Control.Concurrent
26import Control.Concurrent.Async
27import Control.Monad
29import Data.IORef
30import Data.X509 (ExtKeyUsageFlag(..))
32import System.Timeout
34prop_pipe_work :: PropertyM IO ()
35prop_pipe_work = do
36    pipe <- run newPipe
37    _ <- run (runPipe pipe)
39    let bSize = 16
40    n <- pick (choose (1, 32))
42    let d1 = B.replicate (bSize * n) 40
43    let d2 = B.replicate (bSize * n) 45
45    d1' <- run (writePipeA pipe d1 >> readPipeB pipe (B.length d1))
46    d1 `assertEq` d1'
48    d2' <- run (writePipeB pipe d2 >> readPipeA pipe (B.length d2))
49    d2 `assertEq` d2'
51    return ()
53chunkLengths :: Int -> [Int]
54chunkLengths len
55    | len > 16384 = 16384 : chunkLengths (len - 16384)
56    | len > 0     = [len]
57    | otherwise   = []
59runTLSPipeN :: Int -> (ClientParams, ServerParams) -> (Context -> Chan [C8.ByteString] -> IO ()) -> (Chan C8.ByteString -> Context -> IO ()) -> PropertyM IO ()
60runTLSPipeN n params tlsServer tlsClient = do
61    -- generate some data to send
62    ds <- replicateM n $ do
63        d <- B.pack <$> pick (someWords8 256)
64        return d
65    -- send it
66    m_dsres <- run $ do
67        withDataPipe params tlsServer tlsClient $ \(writeStart, readResult) -> do
68            forM_ ds $ \d -> do
69                writeStart d
70            -- receive it
71            timeout 60000000 readResult -- 60 sec
72    case m_dsres of
73        Nothing -> error "timed out"
74        Just dsres -> ds `assertEq` dsres
76runTLSPipe :: (ClientParams, ServerParams) -> (Context -> Chan [C8.ByteString] -> IO ()) -> (Chan C8.ByteString -> Context -> IO ()) -> PropertyM IO ()
77runTLSPipe = runTLSPipeN 1
79runTLSPipePredicate :: (ClientParams, ServerParams) -> (Maybe Information -> Bool) -> PropertyM IO ()
80runTLSPipePredicate params p = runTLSPipe params tlsServer tlsClient
81  where tlsServer ctx queue = do
82            handshake ctx
83            checkInfoPredicate ctx
84            d <- recvData ctx
85            writeChan queue [d]
86            bye ctx
87        tlsClient queue ctx = do
88            handshake ctx
89            checkInfoPredicate ctx
90            d <- readChan queue
91            sendData ctx (L.fromChunks [d])
92            byeBye ctx
93        checkInfoPredicate ctx = do
94            minfo <- contextGetInformation ctx
95            unless (p minfo) $
96                fail ("unexpected information: " ++ show minfo)
98runTLSPipeSimple :: (ClientParams, ServerParams) -> PropertyM IO ()
99runTLSPipeSimple params = runTLSPipePredicate params (const True)
101runTLSPipeSimple13 :: (ClientParams, ServerParams) -> HandshakeMode13 -> Maybe C8.ByteString -> PropertyM IO ()
102runTLSPipeSimple13 params mode mEarlyData = runTLSPipe params tlsServer tlsClient
103  where tlsServer ctx queue = do
104            handshake ctx
105            case mEarlyData of
106                Nothing -> return ()
107                Just ed -> do
108                    let ls = chunkLengths (B.length ed)
109                    chunks <- replicateM (length ls) $ recvData ctx
110                    (ls, ed) `assertEq` (map B.length chunks, B.concat chunks)
111            d <- recvData ctx
112            writeChan queue [d]
113            minfo <- contextGetInformation ctx
114            Just mode `assertEq` (minfo >>= infoTLS13HandshakeMode)
115            bye ctx
116        tlsClient queue ctx = do
117            handshake ctx
118            d <- readChan queue
119            sendData ctx (L.fromChunks [d])
120            minfo <- contextGetInformation ctx
121            Just mode `assertEq` (minfo >>= infoTLS13HandshakeMode)
122            byeBye ctx
124runTLSPipeCapture13 :: (ClientParams, ServerParams) -> PropertyM IO ([Handshake13], [Handshake13])
125runTLSPipeCapture13 params = do
126    sRef <- run $ newIORef []
127    cRef <- run $ newIORef []
128    runTLSPipe params (tlsServer sRef) (tlsClient cRef)
129    sReceived <- run $ readIORef sRef
130    cReceived <- run $ readIORef cRef
131    return (reverse sReceived, reverse cReceived)
132  where tlsServer ref ctx queue = do
133            installHook ctx ref
134            handshake ctx
135            d <- recvData ctx
136            writeChan queue [d]
137            bye ctx
138        tlsClient ref queue ctx = do
139            installHook ctx ref
140            handshake ctx
141            d <- readChan queue
142            sendData ctx (L.fromChunks [d])
143            byeBye ctx
144        installHook ctx ref =
145            let recv hss = modifyIORef ref (hss :) >> return hss
146             in contextHookSetHandshake13Recv ctx recv
148runTLSPipeSimpleKeyUpdate :: (ClientParams, ServerParams) -> PropertyM IO ()
149runTLSPipeSimpleKeyUpdate params = runTLSPipeN 3 params tlsServer tlsClient
150  where tlsServer ctx queue = do
151            handshake ctx
152            d0 <- recvData ctx
153            req <- generate $ elements [OneWay, TwoWay]
154            _ <- updateKey ctx req
155            d1 <- recvData ctx
156            d2 <- recvData ctx
157            writeChan queue [d0,d1,d2]
158            bye ctx
159        tlsClient queue ctx = do
160            handshake ctx
161            d0 <- readChan queue
162            sendData ctx (L.fromChunks [d0])
163            d1 <- readChan queue
164            sendData ctx (L.fromChunks [d1])
165            req <- generate $ elements [OneWay, TwoWay]
166            _ <- updateKey ctx req
167            d2 <- readChan queue
168            sendData ctx (L.fromChunks [d2])
169            byeBye ctx
171runTLSInitFailureGen :: (ClientParams, ServerParams) -> (Context -> IO s) -> (Context -> IO c) -> PropertyM IO ()
172runTLSInitFailureGen params hsServer hsClient = do
173    (cRes, sRes) <- run (initiateDataPipe params tlsServer tlsClient)
174    assertIsLeft cRes
175    assertIsLeft sRes
176  where tlsServer ctx = do
177            _ <- hsServer ctx
178            minfo <- contextGetInformation ctx
179            byeBye ctx
180            return $ "server success: " ++ show minfo
181        tlsClient ctx = do
182            _ <- hsClient ctx
183            minfo <- contextGetInformation ctx
184            byeBye ctx
185            return $ "client success: " ++ show minfo
187runTLSInitFailure :: (ClientParams, ServerParams) -> PropertyM IO ()
188runTLSInitFailure params = runTLSInitFailureGen params handshake handshake
190prop_handshake_initiate :: PropertyM IO ()
191prop_handshake_initiate = do
192    params  <- pick arbitraryPairParams
193    runTLSPipeSimple params
195prop_handshake13_initiate :: PropertyM IO ()
196prop_handshake13_initiate = do
197    params  <- pick arbitraryPairParams13
198    let cgrps = supportedGroups $ clientSupported $ fst params
199        sgrps = supportedGroups $ serverSupported $ snd params
200        hs = if head cgrps `elem` sgrps then FullHandshake else HelloRetryRequest
201    runTLSPipeSimple13 params hs Nothing
203prop_handshake_keyupdate :: PropertyM IO ()
204prop_handshake_keyupdate = do
205    params <- pick arbitraryPairParams
206    runTLSPipeSimpleKeyUpdate params
208prop_handshake13_downgrade :: PropertyM IO ()
209prop_handshake13_downgrade = do
210    (cparam,sparam) <- pick arbitraryPairParams
211    versionForced <- pick $ elements (supportedVersions $ clientSupported cparam)
212    let debug' = (serverDebug sparam) { debugVersionForced = Just versionForced }
213        sparam' = sparam { serverDebug = debug' }
214        params = (cparam,sparam')
215        downgraded = (isVersionEnabled TLS13 params && versionForced < TLS13) ||
216                     (isVersionEnabled TLS12 params && versionForced < TLS12)
217    if downgraded
218        then runTLSInitFailure params
219        else runTLSPipeSimple params
221prop_handshake13_full :: PropertyM IO ()
222prop_handshake13_full = do
223    (cli, srv) <- pick arbitraryPairParams13
224    let cliSupported = def
225          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
226          , supportedGroups = [X25519]
227          }
228        svrSupported = def
229          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
230          , supportedGroups = [X25519]
231          }
232        params = (cli { clientSupported = cliSupported }
233                 ,srv { serverSupported = svrSupported }
234                 )
235    runTLSPipeSimple13 params FullHandshake Nothing
237prop_handshake13_hrr :: PropertyM IO ()
238prop_handshake13_hrr = do
239    (cli, srv) <- pick arbitraryPairParams13
240    let cliSupported = def
241          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
242          , supportedGroups = [P256,X25519]
243          }
244        svrSupported = def
245          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
246          , supportedGroups = [X25519]
247          }
248        params = (cli { clientSupported = cliSupported }
249                 ,srv { serverSupported = svrSupported }
250                 )
251    runTLSPipeSimple13 params HelloRetryRequest Nothing
253prop_handshake13_psk :: PropertyM IO ()
254prop_handshake13_psk = do
255    (cli, srv) <- pick arbitraryPairParams13
256    let cliSupported = def
257          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
258          , supportedGroups = [P256,X25519]
259          }
260        svrSupported = def
261          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
262          , supportedGroups = [X25519]
263          }
264        params0 = (cli { clientSupported = cliSupported }
265                  ,srv { serverSupported = svrSupported }
266                  )
268    sessionRefs <- run twoSessionRefs
269    let sessionManagers = twoSessionManagers sessionRefs
271    let params = setPairParamsSessionManagers sessionManagers params0
273    runTLSPipeSimple13 params HelloRetryRequest Nothing
275    -- and resume
276    sessionParams <- run $ readClientSessionRef sessionRefs
277    assert (isJust sessionParams)
278    let params2 = setPairParamsSessionResuming (fromJust sessionParams) params
280    runTLSPipeSimple13 params2 PreSharedKey Nothing
282prop_handshake13_psk_fallback :: PropertyM IO ()
283prop_handshake13_psk_fallback = do
284    (cli, srv) <- pick arbitraryPairParams13
285    let cliSupported = def
286            { supportedCiphers = [ cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256
287                                 , cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM_SHA256
288                                 ]
289            , supportedGroups = [P256,X25519]
290            }
291        svrSupported = def
292            { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
293            , supportedGroups = [X25519]
294            }
295        params0 = (cli { clientSupported = cliSupported }
296                  ,srv { serverSupported = svrSupported }
297                  )
299    sessionRefs <- run twoSessionRefs
300    let sessionManagers = twoSessionManagers sessionRefs
302    let params = setPairParamsSessionManagers sessionManagers params0
304    runTLSPipeSimple13 params HelloRetryRequest Nothing
306    -- resumption fails because GCM cipher is not supported anymore, full
307    -- handshake is not possible because X25519 has been removed, so we are
308    -- back with P256 after hello retry
309    sessionParams <- run $ readClientSessionRef sessionRefs
310    assert (isJust sessionParams)
311    let (cli2, srv2) = setPairParamsSessionResuming (fromJust sessionParams) params
312        srv2' = srv2 { serverSupported = svrSupported' }
313        svrSupported' = def
314            { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM_SHA256]
315            , supportedGroups = [P256]
316            }
318    runTLSPipeSimple13 (cli2, srv2') HelloRetryRequest Nothing
320prop_handshake13_rtt0 :: PropertyM IO ()
321prop_handshake13_rtt0 = do
322    (cli, srv) <- pick arbitraryPairParams13
323    let cliSupported = def
324          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
325          , supportedGroups = [P256,X25519]
326          }
327        svrSupported = def
328          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
329          , supportedGroups = [X25519]
330          }
331        cliHooks = def {
332            onSuggestALPN = return $ Just ["h2"]
333          }
334        svrHooks = def {
335            onALPNClientSuggest = Just (\protos -> return $ head protos)
336          }
337        params0 = (cli { clientSupported = cliSupported
338                       , clientHooks = cliHooks
339                       }
340                  ,srv { serverSupported = svrSupported
341                       , serverHooks = svrHooks
342                       , serverEarlyDataSize = 2048 }
343                  )
345    sessionRefs <- run twoSessionRefs
346    let sessionManagers = twoSessionManagers sessionRefs
348    let params = setPairParamsSessionManagers sessionManagers params0
350    runTLSPipeSimple13 params HelloRetryRequest Nothing
352    -- and resume
353    sessionParams <- run $ readClientSessionRef sessionRefs
354    assert (isJust sessionParams)
355    earlyData <- B.pack <$> pick (someWords8 256)
356    let (pc,ps) = setPairParamsSessionResuming (fromJust sessionParams) params
357        params2 = (pc { clientEarlyData = Just earlyData } , ps)
359    runTLSPipeSimple13 params2 RTT0 (Just earlyData)
361prop_handshake13_rtt0_fallback :: PropertyM IO ()
362prop_handshake13_rtt0_fallback = do
363    ticketSize <- pick $ choose (0, 512)
364    (cli, srv) <- pick arbitraryPairParams13
365    group0 <- pick $ elements [P256,X25519]
366    let cliSupported = def
367          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
368          , supportedGroups = [P256,X25519]
369          }
370        svrSupported = def
371          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
372          , supportedGroups = [group0]
373          }
374        params0 = (cli { clientSupported = cliSupported }
375                  ,srv { serverSupported = svrSupported
376                       , serverEarlyDataSize = ticketSize }
377                  )
379    sessionRefs <- run twoSessionRefs
380    let sessionManagers = twoSessionManagers sessionRefs
382    let params = setPairParamsSessionManagers sessionManagers params0
384    let mode = if group0 == P256 then FullHandshake else HelloRetryRequest
385    runTLSPipeSimple13 params mode Nothing
387    -- and resume
388    sessionParams <- run $ readClientSessionRef sessionRefs
389    assert (isJust sessionParams)
390    earlyData <- B.pack <$> pick (someWords8 256)
391    group2 <- pick $ elements [P256,X25519]
392    let (pc,ps) = setPairParamsSessionResuming (fromJust sessionParams) params
393        svrSupported2 = def
394          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
395          , supportedGroups = [group2]
396          }
397        params2 = (pc { clientEarlyData = Just earlyData }
398                  ,ps { serverEarlyDataSize = 0
399                      , serverSupported = svrSupported2
400                      }
401                  )
403    let mode2 = if ticketSize < 256 then PreSharedKey else RTT0
404    runTLSPipeSimple13 params2 mode2 Nothing
406prop_handshake13_rtt0_length :: PropertyM IO ()
407prop_handshake13_rtt0_length = do
408    serverMax <- pick $ choose (0, 33792)
409    (cli, srv) <- pick arbitraryPairParams13
410    let cliSupported = def
411          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
412          , supportedGroups = [X25519]
413          }
414        svrSupported = def
415          { supportedCiphers = [cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256]
416          , supportedGroups = [X25519]
417          }
418        params0 = (cli { clientSupported = cliSupported }
419                  ,srv { serverSupported = svrSupported
420                       , serverEarlyDataSize = serverMax }
421                  )
423    sessionRefs <- run twoSessionRefs
424    let sessionManagers = twoSessionManagers sessionRefs
425    let params = setPairParamsSessionManagers sessionManagers params0
426    runTLSPipeSimple13 params FullHandshake Nothing
428    -- and resume
429    sessionParams <- run $ readClientSessionRef sessionRefs
430    assert (isJust sessionParams)
431    clientLen <- pick $ choose (0, 33792)
432    earlyData <- B.pack <$> pick (someWords8 clientLen)
433    let (pc,ps) = setPairParamsSessionResuming (fromJust sessionParams) params
434        params2 = (pc { clientEarlyData = Just earlyData } , ps)
435        (mode, mEarlyData)
436            | clientLen > serverMax = (PreSharedKey, Nothing)
437            | otherwise             = (RTT0, Just earlyData)
438    runTLSPipeSimple13 params2 mode mEarlyData
440prop_handshake13_ee_groups :: PropertyM IO ()
441prop_handshake13_ee_groups = do
442    (cli, srv) <- pick arbitraryPairParams13
443    let cliSupported = (clientSupported cli) { supportedGroups = [P256,X25519] }
444        svrSupported = (serverSupported srv) { supportedGroups = [X25519,P256] }
445        params = (cli { clientSupported = cliSupported }
446                 ,srv { serverSupported = svrSupported }
447                 )
448    (_, serverMessages) <- runTLSPipeCapture13 params
449    let isNegotiatedGroups (ExtensionRaw eid _) = eid == 0xa
450        eeMessagesHaveExt = [ any isNegotiatedGroups exts |
451                              EncryptedExtensions13 exts <- serverMessages ]
452    [True] `assertEq` eeMessagesHaveExt  -- one EE message with extension
454prop_handshake_ciphersuites :: PropertyM IO ()
455prop_handshake_ciphersuites = do
456    tls13 <- pick arbitrary
457    let version = if tls13 then TLS13 else TLS12
458    clientCiphers <- pick arbitraryCiphers
459    serverCiphers <- pick arbitraryCiphers
460    (clientParam,serverParam) <- pick $ arbitraryPairParamsWithVersionsAndCiphers
461                                            ([version], [version])
462                                            (clientCiphers, serverCiphers)
463    let adequate = cipherAllowedForVersion version
464        shouldSucceed = any adequate (clientCiphers `intersect` serverCiphers)
465    if shouldSucceed
466        then runTLSPipeSimple  (clientParam,serverParam)
467        else runTLSInitFailure (clientParam,serverParam)
469prop_handshake_hashsignatures :: PropertyM IO ()
470prop_handshake_hashsignatures = do
471    tls13 <- pick arbitrary
472    let version = if tls13 then TLS13 else TLS12
473        ciphers = [ cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
474                  , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
475                  , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA
476                  , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CBC_SHA
477                  , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1
478                  , cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1
479                  , cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256
480                  ]
481    (clientParam,serverParam) <- pick $ arbitraryPairParamsWithVersionsAndCiphers
482                                            ([version], [version])
483                                            (ciphers, ciphers)
484    clientHashSigs <- pick $ arbitraryHashSignatures version
485    serverHashSigs <- pick $ arbitraryHashSignatures version
486    let clientParam' = clientParam { clientSupported = (clientSupported clientParam)
487                                       { supportedHashSignatures = clientHashSigs }
488                                   }
489        serverParam' = serverParam { serverSupported = (serverSupported serverParam)
490                                       { supportedHashSignatures = serverHashSigs }
491                                   }
492        shouldFail = null (clientHashSigs `intersect` serverHashSigs)
493    if shouldFail
494        then runTLSInitFailure (clientParam',serverParam')
495        else runTLSPipeSimple  (clientParam',serverParam')
497-- Tests ability to use or ignore client "signature_algorithms" extension when
498-- choosing a server certificate.  Here peers allow DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1 but
499-- the server RSA certificate has a SHA-1 signature that the client does not
500-- support.  Server may choose the DSA certificate only when cipher
501-- DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1 is allowed.  Otherwise it must fallback to the RSA
502-- certificate.
503prop_handshake_cert_fallback :: PropertyM IO ()
504prop_handshake_cert_fallback = do
505    let clientVersions = [TLS12]
506        serverVersions = [TLS12]
507        commonCiphers  = [ cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1 ]
508        otherCiphers   = [ cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
509                         , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA
510                         , cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1
511                         ]
512        hashSignatures = [ (HashSHA256, SignatureRSA), (HashSHA1, SignatureDSS) ]
513    chainRef <- run $ newIORef Nothing
514    clientCiphers <- pick $ sublistOf otherCiphers
515    serverCiphers <- pick $ sublistOf otherCiphers
516    (clientParam,serverParam) <- pick $ arbitraryPairParamsWithVersionsAndCiphers
517                                            (clientVersions, serverVersions)
518                                            (clientCiphers ++ commonCiphers, serverCiphers ++ commonCiphers)
519    let clientParam' = clientParam { clientSupported = (clientSupported clientParam)
520                                       { supportedHashSignatures = hashSignatures }
521                                   , clientHooks = (clientHooks clientParam)
522                                       { onServerCertificate = \_ _ _ chain ->
523                                             writeIORef chainRef (Just chain) >> return [] }
524                                   }
525        dssDisallowed = cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1 `notElem` clientCiphers
526                            || cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1 `notElem` serverCiphers
527    runTLSPipeSimple (clientParam',serverParam)
528    serverChain <- run $ readIORef chainRef
529    dssDisallowed `assertEq` isLeafRSA serverChain
531-- Same as above but testing with supportedHashSignatures directly instead of
532-- ciphers, and thus allowing TLS13.  Peers accept RSA with SHA-256 but the
533-- server RSA certificate has a SHA-1 signature.  When Ed25519 is allowed by
534-- both client and server, the Ed25519 certificate is selected.  Otherwise the
535-- server fallbacks to RSA.
537-- Note: SHA-1 is supposed to be disallowed in X.509 signatures with TLS13
538-- unless client advertises explicit support.  Currently this is not enforced by
539-- the library, which is useful to test this scenario.  SHA-1 could be replaced
540-- by another algorithm.
541prop_handshake_cert_fallback_hs :: PropertyM IO ()
542prop_handshake_cert_fallback_hs = do
543    tls13 <- pick arbitrary
544    let versions = if tls13 then [TLS13] else [TLS12]
545        ciphers  = [ cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256
546                   , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128GCM_SHA256
547                   , cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256
548                   ]
549        commonHS = [ (HashSHA256, SignatureRSA)
550                   , (HashIntrinsic, SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA256)
551                   ]
552        otherHS  = [ (HashIntrinsic, SignatureEd25519) ]
553    chainRef <- run $ newIORef Nothing
554    clientHS <- pick $ sublistOf otherHS
555    serverHS <- pick $ sublistOf otherHS
556    (clientParam,serverParam) <- pick $ arbitraryPairParamsWithVersionsAndCiphers
557                                            (versions, versions)
558                                            (ciphers, ciphers)
559    let clientParam' = clientParam { clientSupported = (clientSupported clientParam)
560                                       { supportedHashSignatures = commonHS ++ clientHS }
561                                   , clientHooks = (clientHooks clientParam)
562                                       { onServerCertificate = \_ _ _ chain ->
563                                             writeIORef chainRef (Just chain) >> return [] }
564                                   }
565        serverParam' = serverParam { serverSupported = (serverSupported serverParam)
566                                       { supportedHashSignatures = commonHS ++ serverHS }
567                                   }
568        eddsaDisallowed = (HashIntrinsic, SignatureEd25519) `notElem` clientHS
569                              || (HashIntrinsic, SignatureEd25519) `notElem` serverHS
570    runTLSPipeSimple (clientParam',serverParam')
571    serverChain <- run $ readIORef chainRef
572    eddsaDisallowed `assertEq` isLeafRSA serverChain
574prop_handshake_groups :: PropertyM IO ()
575prop_handshake_groups = do
576    tls13 <- pick arbitrary
577    let versions = if tls13 then [TLS13] else [TLS12]
578        ciphers = [ cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
579                  , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA
580                  , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
581                  , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1
582                  , cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256
583                  ]
584    (clientParam,serverParam) <- pick $ arbitraryPairParamsWithVersionsAndCiphers
585                                            (versions, versions)
586                                            (ciphers, ciphers)
587    clientGroups <- pick arbitraryGroups
588    serverGroups <- pick arbitraryGroups
589    denyCustom   <- pick arbitrary
590    let groupUsage = if denyCustom then GroupUsageUnsupported "custom group denied" else GroupUsageValid
591        clientParam' = clientParam { clientSupported = (clientSupported clientParam)
592                                       { supportedGroups = clientGroups }
593                                   , clientHooks = (clientHooks clientParam)
594                                       { onCustomFFDHEGroup = \_ _ -> return groupUsage }
595                                   }
596        serverParam' = serverParam { serverSupported = (serverSupported serverParam)
597                                       { supportedGroups = serverGroups }
598                                   }
599        isCustom = maybe True isCustomDHParams (serverDHEParams serverParam')
600        mCustomGroup = serverDHEParams serverParam' >>= dhParamsGroup
601        isClientCustom = maybe True (`notElem` clientGroups) mCustomGroup
602        commonGroups = clientGroups `intersect` serverGroups
603        shouldFail = null commonGroups && (tls13 || isClientCustom && denyCustom)
604        p minfo = isNothing (minfo >>= infoNegotiatedGroup) == (null commonGroups && isCustom)
605    if shouldFail
606        then runTLSInitFailure (clientParam',serverParam')
607        else runTLSPipePredicate (clientParam',serverParam') p
610prop_handshake_dh :: PropertyM IO ()
611prop_handshake_dh = do
612    let clientVersions = [TLS12]
613        serverVersions = [TLS12]
614        ciphers = [ cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1 ]
615    (clientParam,serverParam) <- pick $ arbitraryPairParamsWithVersionsAndCiphers
616                                            (clientVersions, serverVersions)
617                                            (ciphers, ciphers)
618    let clientParam' = clientParam { clientSupported = (clientSupported clientParam)
619                                       { supportedGroups = [] }
620                                   }
621    let check (dh,shouldFail) = do
622         let serverParam' = serverParam { serverDHEParams = Just dh }
623         if shouldFail
624             then runTLSInitFailure (clientParam',serverParam')
625             else runTLSPipeSimple  (clientParam',serverParam')
626    mapM_ check [(dhParams512,True)
627                ,(dhParams768,True)
628                ,(dhParams1024,False)]
630prop_handshake_srv_key_usage :: PropertyM IO ()
631prop_handshake_srv_key_usage = do
632    tls13 <- pick arbitrary
633    let versions = if tls13 then [TLS13] else [TLS12,TLS11,TLS10,SSL3]
634        ciphers = [ cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA
635                  , cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256
636                  , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1
637                  , cipher_AES256_SHA256
638                  ]
639    (clientParam,serverParam) <- pick $ arbitraryPairParamsWithVersionsAndCiphers
640                                            (versions, versions)
641                                            (ciphers, ciphers)
642    usageFlags <- pick arbitraryKeyUsage
643    cred <- pick $ arbitraryRSACredentialWithUsage usageFlags
644    let serverParam' = serverParam
645            { serverShared = (serverShared serverParam)
646                  { sharedCredentials = Credentials [cred]
647                  }
648            }
649        hasDS = KeyUsage_digitalSignature `elem` usageFlags
650        hasKE = KeyUsage_keyEncipherment  `elem` usageFlags
651        shouldSucceed = hasDS || (hasKE && not tls13)
652    if shouldSucceed
653        then runTLSPipeSimple  (clientParam,serverParam')
654        else runTLSInitFailure (clientParam,serverParam')
656prop_handshake_client_auth :: PropertyM IO ()
657prop_handshake_client_auth = do
658    (clientParam,serverParam) <- pick arbitraryPairParams
659    let clientVersions = supportedVersions $ clientSupported clientParam
660        serverVersions = supportedVersions $ serverSupported serverParam
661        version = maximum (clientVersions `intersect` serverVersions)
662    cred <- pick (arbitraryClientCredential version)
663    let clientParam' = clientParam { clientHooks = (clientHooks clientParam)
664                                       { onCertificateRequest = \_ -> return $ Just cred }
665                                   }
666        serverParam' = serverParam { serverWantClientCert = True
667                                   , serverHooks = (serverHooks serverParam)
668                                        { onClientCertificate = validateChain cred }
669                                   }
670    let shouldFail = version == TLS13 && isCredentialDSA cred
671    if shouldFail
672        then runTLSInitFailure (clientParam',serverParam')
673        else runTLSPipeSimple  (clientParam',serverParam')
674  where validateChain cred chain
675            | chain == fst cred = return CertificateUsageAccept
676            | otherwise         = return (CertificateUsageReject CertificateRejectUnknownCA)
678prop_post_handshake_auth :: PropertyM IO ()
679prop_post_handshake_auth = do
680    (clientParam,serverParam) <- pick arbitraryPairParams13
681    cred <- pick (arbitraryClientCredential TLS13)
682    let clientParam' = clientParam { clientHooks = (clientHooks clientParam)
683                                       { onCertificateRequest = \_ -> return $ Just cred }
684                                   }
685        serverParam' = serverParam { serverHooks = (serverHooks serverParam)
686                                        { onClientCertificate = validateChain cred }
687                                   }
688    if isCredentialDSA cred
689        then runTLSInitFailureGen (clientParam',serverParam') hsServer hsClient
690        else runTLSPipe (clientParam',serverParam') tlsServer tlsClient
691  where validateChain cred chain
692            | chain == fst cred = return CertificateUsageAccept
693            | otherwise         = return (CertificateUsageReject CertificateRejectUnknownCA)
694        tlsServer ctx queue = do
695            hsServer ctx
696            d <- recvData ctx
697            writeChan queue [d]
698            bye ctx
699        tlsClient queue ctx = do
700            hsClient ctx
701            d <- readChan queue
702            sendData ctx (L.fromChunks [d])
703            byeBye ctx
704        hsServer ctx = do
705            handshake ctx
706            recvDataAssert ctx "request 1"
707            _ <- requestCertificate ctx  -- single request
708            sendData ctx "response 1"
709            recvDataAssert ctx "request 2"
710            _ <- requestCertificate ctx
711            _ <- requestCertificate ctx  -- two simultaneously
712            sendData ctx "response 2"
713        hsClient ctx = do
714            handshake ctx
715            sendData ctx "request 1"
716            recvDataAssert ctx "response 1"
717            sendData ctx "request 2"
718            recvDataAssert ctx "response 2"
720prop_handshake_clt_key_usage :: PropertyM IO ()
721prop_handshake_clt_key_usage = do
722    (clientParam,serverParam) <- pick arbitraryPairParams
723    usageFlags <- pick arbitraryKeyUsage
724    cred <- pick $ arbitraryRSACredentialWithUsage usageFlags
725    let clientParam' = clientParam { clientHooks = (clientHooks clientParam)
726                                       { onCertificateRequest = \_ -> return $ Just cred }
727                                   }
728        serverParam' = serverParam { serverWantClientCert = True
729                                   , serverHooks = (serverHooks serverParam)
730                                        { onClientCertificate = \_ -> return CertificateUsageAccept }
731                                   }
732        shouldSucceed = KeyUsage_digitalSignature `elem` usageFlags
733    if shouldSucceed
734        then runTLSPipeSimple  (clientParam',serverParam')
735        else runTLSInitFailure (clientParam',serverParam')
737prop_handshake_ems :: PropertyM IO ()
738prop_handshake_ems = do
739    (cems, sems) <- pick arbitraryEMSMode
740    params <- pick arbitraryPairParams
741    let params' = setEMSMode (cems, sems) params
742        version = getConnectVersion params'
743        emsVersion = version >= TLS10 && version <= TLS12
744        use = cems /= NoEMS && sems /= NoEMS
745        require = cems == RequireEMS || sems == RequireEMS
746        p info = infoExtendedMasterSec info == (emsVersion && use)
747    if emsVersion && require && not use
748        then runTLSInitFailure params'
749        else runTLSPipePredicate params' (maybe False p)
751prop_handshake_session_resumption_ems :: PropertyM IO ()
752prop_handshake_session_resumption_ems = do
753    sessionRefs <- run twoSessionRefs
754    let sessionManagers = twoSessionManagers sessionRefs
756    plainParams <- pick arbitraryPairParams
757    ems <- pick (arbitraryEMSMode `suchThat` compatible)
758    let params = setEMSMode ems $
759            setPairParamsSessionManagers sessionManagers plainParams
761    runTLSPipeSimple params
763    -- and resume
764    sessionParams <- run $ readClientSessionRef sessionRefs
765    assert (isJust sessionParams)
766    ems2 <- pick (arbitraryEMSMode `suchThat` compatible)
767    let params2 = setEMSMode ems2 $
768            setPairParamsSessionResuming (fromJust sessionParams) params
770    let version    = getConnectVersion params2
771        emsVersion = version >= TLS10 && version <= TLS12
773    if emsVersion && use ems && not (use ems2)
774        then runTLSInitFailure params2
775        else do
776            runTLSPipeSimple params2
777            sessionParams2 <- run $ readClientSessionRef sessionRefs
778            let sameSession = sessionParams == sessionParams2
779                sameUse     = use ems == use ems2
780            when emsVersion $ assert (sameSession == sameUse)
781  where
782    compatible (NoEMS, RequireEMS) = False
783    compatible (RequireEMS, NoEMS) = False
784    compatible _                   = True
786    use (NoEMS, _) = False
787    use (_, NoEMS) = False
788    use _          = True
790prop_handshake_alpn :: PropertyM IO ()
791prop_handshake_alpn = do
792    (clientParam,serverParam) <- pick arbitraryPairParams
793    let clientParam' = clientParam { clientHooks = (clientHooks clientParam)
794                                       { onSuggestALPN = return $ Just ["h2", "http/1.1"] }
795                                    }
796        serverParam' = serverParam { serverHooks = (serverHooks serverParam)
797                                        { onALPNClientSuggest = Just alpn }
798                                   }
799        params' = (clientParam',serverParam')
800    runTLSPipe params' tlsServer tlsClient
801  where tlsServer ctx queue = do
802            handshake ctx
803            proto <- getNegotiatedProtocol ctx
804            Just "h2" `assertEq` proto
805            d <- recvData ctx
806            writeChan queue [d]
807            bye ctx
808        tlsClient queue ctx = do
809            handshake ctx
810            proto <- getNegotiatedProtocol ctx
811            Just "h2" `assertEq` proto
812            d <- readChan queue
813            sendData ctx (L.fromChunks [d])
814            byeBye ctx
815        alpn xs
816          | "h2"    `elem` xs = return "h2"
817          | otherwise         = return "http/1.1"
819prop_handshake_sni :: PropertyM IO ()
820prop_handshake_sni = do
821    ref <- run $ newIORef Nothing
822    (clientParam,serverParam) <- pick arbitraryPairParams
823    let clientParam' = clientParam { clientServerIdentification = (serverName, "")
824                                   }
825        serverParam' = serverParam { serverHooks = (serverHooks serverParam)
826                                        { onServerNameIndication = onSNI ref }
827                                   }
828        params' = (clientParam',serverParam')
829    runTLSPipe params' tlsServer tlsClient
830    receivedName <- run $ readIORef ref
831    Just (Just serverName) `assertEq` receivedName
832  where tlsServer ctx queue = do
833            handshake ctx
834            sni <- getClientSNI ctx
835            Just serverName `assertEq` sni
836            d <- recvData ctx
837            writeChan queue [d]
838            bye ctx
839        tlsClient queue ctx = do
840            handshake ctx
841            sni <- getClientSNI ctx
842            Just serverName `assertEq` sni
843            d <- readChan queue
844            sendData ctx (L.fromChunks [d])
845            byeBye ctx
846        onSNI ref name = assertEmptyRef ref >> writeIORef ref (Just name) >>
847                         return (Credentials [])
848        serverName = "haskell.org"
850prop_handshake_renegotiation :: PropertyM IO ()
851prop_handshake_renegotiation = do
852    renegDisabled <- pick arbitrary
853    (cparams, sparams) <- pick arbitraryPairParams
854    let sparams' = sparams {
855            serverSupported = (serverSupported sparams) {
856                 supportedClientInitiatedRenegotiation = not renegDisabled
857               }
858          }
859    if renegDisabled || isVersionEnabled TLS13 (cparams, sparams')
860        then runTLSInitFailureGen (cparams, sparams') hsServer hsClient
861        else runTLSPipe (cparams, sparams') tlsServer tlsClient
862  where tlsServer ctx queue = do
863            hsServer ctx
864            d <- recvData ctx
865            writeChan queue [d]
866            bye ctx
867        tlsClient queue ctx = do
868            hsClient ctx
869            d <- readChan queue
870            sendData ctx (L.fromChunks [d])
871            byeBye ctx
872        hsServer     = handshake
873        hsClient ctx = handshake ctx >> handshake ctx
875prop_handshake_session_resumption :: PropertyM IO ()
876prop_handshake_session_resumption = do
877    sessionRefs <- run twoSessionRefs
878    let sessionManagers = twoSessionManagers sessionRefs
880    plainParams <- pick arbitraryPairParams
881    let params = setPairParamsSessionManagers sessionManagers plainParams
883    runTLSPipeSimple params
885    -- and resume
886    sessionParams <- run $ readClientSessionRef sessionRefs
887    assert (isJust sessionParams)
888    let params2 = setPairParamsSessionResuming (fromJust sessionParams) params
890    runTLSPipeSimple params2
892prop_thread_safety :: PropertyM IO ()
893prop_thread_safety = do
894    params  <- pick arbitraryPairParams
895    runTLSPipe params tlsServer tlsClient
896  where tlsServer ctx queue = do
897            handshake ctx
898            runReaderWriters ctx "client-value" "server-value"
899            d <- recvData ctx
900            writeChan queue [d]
901            bye ctx
902        tlsClient queue ctx = do
903            handshake ctx
904            runReaderWriters ctx "server-value" "client-value"
905            d <- readChan queue
906            sendData ctx (L.fromChunks [d])
907            byeBye ctx
908        runReaderWriters ctx r w =
909            -- run concurrently 10 readers and 10 writers on the same context
910            let workers = concat $ replicate 10 [recvDataAssert ctx r, sendData ctx w]
911             in runConcurrently $ traverse_ Concurrently workers
913assertEq :: (Show a, Monad m, Eq a) => a -> a -> m ()
914assertEq expected got = unless (expected == got) $ error ("got " ++ show got ++ " but was expecting " ++ show expected)
916assertIsLeft :: (Show b, Monad m) => Either a b -> m ()
917assertIsLeft (Left  _) = return ()
918assertIsLeft (Right b) = error ("got " ++ show b ++ " but was expecting a failure")
920assertEmptyRef :: Show a => IORef (Maybe a) -> IO ()
921assertEmptyRef ref = readIORef ref >>= maybe (return ()) (\a ->
922    error ("got " ++ show a ++ " but was expecting empty reference"))
924recvDataAssert :: Context -> C8.ByteString -> IO ()
925recvDataAssert ctx expected = do
926    got <- recvData ctx
927    assertEq expected got
929main :: IO ()
930main = defaultMain $ testGroup "tls"
931    [ tests_marshalling
932    , tests_ciphers
933    , tests_handshake
934    , tests_thread_safety
935    ]
936  where -- lowlevel tests to check the packet marshalling.
937        tests_marshalling = testGroup "Marshalling"
938            [ testProperty "Header" prop_header_marshalling_id
939            , testProperty "Handshake" prop_handshake_marshalling_id
940            , testProperty "Handshake13" prop_handshake13_marshalling_id
941            ]
942        tests_ciphers = testGroup "Ciphers"
943            [ testProperty "Bulk" propertyBulkFunctional ]
945        -- high level tests between a client and server with fake ciphers.
946        tests_handshake = testGroup "Handshakes"
947            [ testProperty "Setup" (monadicIO prop_pipe_work)
948            , testProperty "Initiation" (monadicIO prop_handshake_initiate)
949            , testProperty "Initiation 1.3" (monadicIO prop_handshake13_initiate)
950            , testProperty "Key update 1.3" (monadicIO prop_handshake_keyupdate)
951            , testProperty "Downgrade protection" (monadicIO prop_handshake13_downgrade)
952            , testProperty "Hash and signatures" (monadicIO prop_handshake_hashsignatures)
953            , testProperty "Cipher suites" (monadicIO prop_handshake_ciphersuites)
954            , testProperty "Groups" (monadicIO prop_handshake_groups)
955            , testProperty "Certificate fallback (ciphers)" (monadicIO prop_handshake_cert_fallback)
956            , testProperty "Certificate fallback (hash and signatures)" (monadicIO prop_handshake_cert_fallback_hs)
957            , testProperty "Server key usage" (monadicIO prop_handshake_srv_key_usage)
958            , testProperty "Client authentication" (monadicIO prop_handshake_client_auth)
959            , testProperty "Client key usage" (monadicIO prop_handshake_clt_key_usage)
960            , testProperty "Extended Master Secret" (monadicIO prop_handshake_ems)
961            , testProperty "Extended Master Secret (resumption)" (monadicIO prop_handshake_session_resumption_ems)
962            , testProperty "ALPN" (monadicIO prop_handshake_alpn)
963            , testProperty "SNI" (monadicIO prop_handshake_sni)
964            , testProperty "Renegotiation" (monadicIO prop_handshake_renegotiation)
965            , testProperty "Resumption" (monadicIO prop_handshake_session_resumption)
966            , testProperty "Custom DH" (monadicIO prop_handshake_dh)
967            , testProperty "TLS 1.3 Full" (monadicIO prop_handshake13_full)
968            , testProperty "TLS 1.3 HRR"  (monadicIO prop_handshake13_hrr)
969            , testProperty "TLS 1.3 PSK"  (monadicIO prop_handshake13_psk)
970            , testProperty "TLS 1.3 PSK -> HRR" (monadicIO prop_handshake13_psk_fallback)
971            , testProperty "TLS 1.3 RTT0" (monadicIO prop_handshake13_rtt0)
972            , testProperty "TLS 1.3 RTT0 -> PSK" (monadicIO prop_handshake13_rtt0_fallback)
973            , testProperty "TLS 1.3 RTT0 length" (monadicIO prop_handshake13_rtt0_length)
974            , testProperty "TLS 1.3 EE groups" (monadicIO prop_handshake13_ee_groups)
975            , testProperty "TLS 1.3 Post-handshake auth" (monadicIO prop_post_handshake_auth)
976            ]
978        -- test concurrent reads and writes
979        tests_thread_safety = localOption (QuickCheckTests 10) $
980            testProperty "Thread safety" (monadicIO prop_thread_safety)