1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
4 ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
5 **
6 ** This file is part of the Qt Linguist of the Qt Toolkit.
7 **
9 ** Commercial License Usage
10 ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
11 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
12 ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
13 ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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17 ** GNU General Public License Usage
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24 **
26 **
27 ****************************************************************************/
29 #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H
30 #define MAINWINDOW_H
32 #include "phrase.h"
33 #include "ui_mainwindow.h"
34 #include "recentfiles.h"
35 #include "messagemodel.h"
37 #include <QtCore/QHash>
38 #include <QtCore/QLocale>
40 #include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>
44 class QPixmap;
45 class QAction;
46 class QDialog;
47 class QLabel;
48 class QMenu;
49 class QPrinter;
50 class QProcess;
51 class QIcon;
52 class QSortFilterProxyModel;
53 class QStackedWidget;
54 class QTableView;
55 class QTreeView;
57 class BatchTranslationDialog;
58 class ErrorsView;
59 class FindDialog;
60 class FocusWatcher;
61 class FormPreviewView;
62 class MessageEditor;
63 class PhraseView;
64 class SourceCodeView;
65 class Statistics;
66 class TranslateDialog;
67 class TranslationSettingsDialog;
69 class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
70 {
71     Q_OBJECT
72 public:
73     enum {PhraseCloseMenu, PhraseEditMenu, PhrasePrintMenu};
75     MainWindow();
76     ~MainWindow();
78     bool openFiles(const QStringList &names, bool readWrite = true);
79     static RecentFiles &recentFiles();
80     static QString friendlyString(const QString &str);
82 protected:
83     void readConfig();
84     void writeConfig();
85     void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *);
86     bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event);
88 private slots:
89     void done();
90     void doneAndNext();
91     void prev();
92     void next();
93     void recentFileActivated(QAction *action);
94     void setupRecentFilesMenu();
95     void open();
96     void openAux();
97     void saveAll();
98     void save();
99     void saveAs();
100     void releaseAll();
101     void release();
102     void releaseAs();
103     void print();
104     void closeFile();
105     bool closeAll();
106     void findAgain();
107     void showTranslateDialog();
108     void showBatchTranslateDialog();
109     void showTranslationSettings();
110     void updateTranslateHit(bool &hit);
111     void translate(int mode);
112     void newPhraseBook();
113     void openPhraseBook();
114     void closePhraseBook(QAction *action);
115     void editPhraseBook(QAction *action);
116     void printPhraseBook(QAction *action);
117     void addToPhraseBook();
118     void manual();
119     void resetSorting();
120     void about();
121     void aboutQt();
123     void updateViewMenu();
124     void fileAboutToShow();
125     void editAboutToShow();
127     void showContextDock();
128     void showMessagesDock();
129     void showPhrasesDock();
130     void showSourceCodeDock();
131     void showErrorDock();
133     void setupPhrase();
134     bool maybeSaveAll();
135     bool maybeSave(int model);
136     void updateProgress();
137     void maybeUpdateStatistics(const MultiDataIndex &);
138     void translationChanged(const MultiDataIndex &);
139     void updateCaption();
140     void updateLatestModel(const QModelIndex &index);
141     void selectedContextChanged(const QModelIndex &sortedIndex, const QModelIndex &oldIndex);
142     void selectedMessageChanged(const QModelIndex &sortedIndex, const QModelIndex &oldIndex);
143     void setCurrentMessage(int modelIndex, const Candidate &tm);
145     // To synchronize from the message editor to the model ...
146     void updateTranslation(const QStringList &translations);
147     void updateTranslatorComment(const QString &comment);
149     void updateActiveModel(int);
150     void refreshItemViews();
151     void toggleFinished(const QModelIndex &index);
152     void prevUnfinished();
153     void nextUnfinished();
154     void findNext(const QString &text, DataModel::FindLocation where,
155                   bool matchCase, bool ignoreAccelerators, bool skipObsolete, bool regularExp);
156     void revalidate();
157     void toggleStatistics();
158     void toggleVisualizeWhitespace();
159     void onWhatsThis();
160     void updatePhraseDicts();
161     void updatePhraseDict(int model);
163 private:
164     QModelIndex nextContext(const QModelIndex &index) const;
165     QModelIndex prevContext(const QModelIndex &index) const;
166     QModelIndex nextMessage(const QModelIndex &currentIndex, bool checkUnfinished = false) const;
167     QModelIndex prevMessage(const QModelIndex &currentIndex, bool checkUnfinished = false) const;
168     bool next(bool checkUnfinished);
169     bool prev(bool checkUnfinished);
171     void updateStatistics();
172     void initViewHeaders();
173     void modelCountChanged();
174     void setupMenuBar();
175     void setupToolBars();
176     void setCurrentMessage(const QModelIndex &index);
177     void setCurrentMessage(const QModelIndex &index, int model);
178     QModelIndex setMessageViewRoot(const QModelIndex &index);
179     QModelIndex currentContextIndex() const;
180     QModelIndex currentMessageIndex() const;
181     PhraseBook *openPhraseBook(const QString &name);
182     bool isPhraseBookOpen(const QString &name);
183     bool savePhraseBook(QString *name, PhraseBook &pb);
184     bool maybeSavePhraseBook(PhraseBook *phraseBook);
185     bool maybeSavePhraseBooks();
186     QStringList pickTranslationFiles();
187     void showTranslationSettings(int model);
188     void updateLatestModel(int model);
189     void updateSourceView(int model, MessageItem *item);
190     void updatePhraseBookActions();
191     void updatePhraseDictInternal(int model);
192     void releaseInternal(int model);
193     void saveInternal(int model);
195     QPrinter *printer();
197     // FIXME: move to DataModel
198     void updateDanger(const MultiDataIndex &index, bool verbose);
200     bool searchItem(DataModel::FindLocation where, const QString &searchWhat);
202     QProcess *m_assistantProcess;
203     QTreeView *m_contextView;
204     QTreeView *m_messageView;
205     MultiDataModel *m_dataModel;
206     MessageModel *m_messageModel;
207     QSortFilterProxyModel *m_sortedContextsModel;
208     QSortFilterProxyModel *m_sortedMessagesModel;
209     MessageEditor *m_messageEditor;
210     PhraseView *m_phraseView;
211     QStackedWidget *m_sourceAndFormView;
212     SourceCodeView *m_sourceCodeView;
213     FormPreviewView *m_formPreviewView;
214     ErrorsView *m_errorsView;
215     QLabel *m_progressLabel;
216     QLabel *m_modifiedLabel;
217     FocusWatcher *m_focusWatcher;
218     QString m_phraseBookDir;
219     // model : keyword -> list of appropriate phrases in the phrasebooks
220     QList<QHash<QString, QList<Phrase *> > > m_phraseDict;
221     QList<PhraseBook *> m_phraseBooks;
222     QMap<QAction *, PhraseBook *> m_phraseBookMenu[3];
223     QPrinter *m_printer;
225     FindDialog *m_findDialog;
226     QString m_findText;
227     Qt::CaseSensitivity m_findMatchCase;
228     bool m_findIgnoreAccelerators;
229     bool m_findSkipObsolete;
230     bool m_findUseRegExp;
231     DataModel::FindLocation m_findWhere;
233     TranslateDialog *m_translateDialog;
234     QString m_latestFindText;
235     int m_latestCaseSensitivity;
236     int m_remainingCount;
237     int m_hitCount;
239     BatchTranslationDialog *m_batchTranslateDialog;
240     TranslationSettingsDialog *m_translationSettingsDialog;
242     bool m_settingCurrentMessage;
243     int m_fileActiveModel;
244     int m_editActiveModel;
245     MultiDataIndex m_currentIndex;
247     QDockWidget *m_contextDock;
248     QDockWidget *m_messagesDock;
249     QDockWidget *m_phrasesDock;
250     QDockWidget *m_sourceAndFormDock;
251     QDockWidget *m_errorsDock;
253     Ui::MainWindow m_ui;    // menus and actions
254     Statistics *m_statistics;
255 };
259 #endif