1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 2002 by Edwin de Jong <mauddib@gmx.net>.
3  *
4  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
5  * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
6  * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
7  * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
8  * supporting documentation.
9  *
10  * This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind.  The author
11  * shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights,
12  * trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof.  In no
13  * event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or
14  * other special, indirect and consequential damages.
15  */
17 /* this file is a part of pacman.c, and included via pacman.h.  It handles the
18    AI of the ghosts and the pacman. */
21 /* fills array of DIRVECS size with possible directions, returns number of
22    directions. 'posdirs' points to a possibly undefined array of four
23    integers.  The vector will contain booleans whether the direction is
24    a possible direction or not.  Reverse directions are deleted. */
25 static int
ghost_get_posdirs(pacmangamestruct * pp,int * posdirs,ghoststruct * g)26 ghost_get_posdirs(pacmangamestruct *pp, int *posdirs, ghoststruct *g)
27 {
28 	unsigned int i, nrdirs = 0;
30 	/* bit of black magic here */
31 	for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++) {
32 		/* remove opposite */
33 		if (g->lastbox != NOWHERE && i == (g->lastbox + 2) % DIRVECS
34 				&& g->aistate != goingout) {
35 			posdirs[i] = 0;
36 			continue;
37 		}
38 		if (g->aistate == goingout && i == 1) {
39 			posdirs[i] = 0;
40 			continue;
41 		}
42 		/* check if possible direction */
43 		if ((posdirs[i] =
44 			check_pos(pp, g->row + dirvecs[i].dy,
45 				g->col + dirvecs[i].dx,
46 				g->aistate == goingout ? True : False)) ==
47 				True) {
48 			nrdirs++;
49 		}
50 	}
52 	return nrdirs;
53 }
55 /* Directs ghost to a random direction, excluding opposite (except in the
56    impossible situation that there is only one valid direction). */
57 static void
ghost_random(pacmangamestruct * pp,ghoststruct * g)58 ghost_random(pacmangamestruct *pp, ghoststruct *g)
59 {
60 	int posdirs[DIRVECS], nrdirs = 0, i, dir = 0;
62 	nrdirs = ghost_get_posdirs(pp, posdirs, g);
63 	for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++)
64 		if (posdirs[i] == True) dir = i;
66 	if (nrdirs == 0) dir = (g->lastbox + 2) % DIRVECS;
67 	else if (nrdirs > 1)
68 		for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++) {
69 			if (posdirs[i] == True && NRAND(nrdirs) == 0) {
70 				dir = i;
71 				break;
72 			}
73 		}
75 	g->nextrow = g->row + dirvecs[dir].dy;
76 	g->nextcol = g->col + dirvecs[dir].dx;
77 	g->lastbox = dir;
78 }
80 /* Determines best direction to chase the pacman and goes that direction. */
81 static void
ghost_chasing(pacmangamestruct * pp,ghoststruct * g)82 ghost_chasing(pacmangamestruct *pp, ghoststruct *g)
83 {
84 	int posdirs[DIRVECS], nrdirs = 0, i, dir = 0, highest = -100000,
85 		thisvecx, thisvecy, thisvec;
87 	nrdirs = ghost_get_posdirs(pp, posdirs, g);
88 	for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++)
89 		if (posdirs[i] == True) dir = i;
91 	if (nrdirs == 0) dir = (g->lastbox + 2) % DIRVECS;
92 	else if (nrdirs > 1)
93 		for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++) {
94 			if (posdirs[i] == False) continue;
95 			thisvecx = (pp->pacman.col - g->col) * dirvecs[i].dx;
96 			thisvecy = (pp->pacman.row - g->row) * dirvecs[i].dy;
97 			thisvec = thisvecx + thisvecy;
98 			if (thisvec >= highest) {
99 				dir = i;
100 				highest = thisvec;
101 			}
102 		}
104 	g->nextrow = g->row + dirvecs[dir].dy;
105 	g->nextcol = g->col + dirvecs[dir].dx;
106 	g->lastbox = dir;
107 }
109 /* Determines the best direction to go away from the pacman, and goes that
110    direction. */
111 static void
ghost_hiding(pacmangamestruct * pp,ghoststruct * g)112 ghost_hiding(pacmangamestruct *pp, ghoststruct *g)
113 {
114 	int posdirs[DIRVECS], nrdirs = 0, i, dir = 0, highest = -100000,
115 		thisvecx, thisvecy, thisvec;
117 	nrdirs = ghost_get_posdirs(pp, posdirs, g);
118 	for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++)
119 		if (posdirs[i] == True) dir = i;
121 	if (nrdirs == 0) dir = (g->lastbox + 2) % DIRVECS;
122 	else if (nrdirs > 1)
123 		for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++) {
124 			if (posdirs[i] == False) continue;
125 			thisvecx = (g->col - pp->pacman.col) * dirvecs[i].dx;
126 			thisvecy = (g->row - pp->pacman.row) * dirvecs[i].dy;
127 			thisvec = thisvecx + thisvecy;
128 			if (thisvec >= highest)
129 				dir = i;
130 		}
132 	g->nextrow = g->row + dirvecs[dir].dy;
133 	g->nextcol = g->col + dirvecs[dir].dx;
134 	g->lastbox = dir;
135 }
137 /* Determines a vector from the pacman position, towards all dots.  The vector
138    is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of each dot.
139    (so, close dots attract more than far away dots). */
140 static void
pac_dot_vec(pacmangamestruct * pp,pacmanstruct * p,long * vx,long * vy)141 pac_dot_vec(pacmangamestruct *pp, pacmanstruct *p, long *vx, long *vy)
142 {
143 	int x, y, bx = 0, by = 0, ex = LEVWIDTH, ey = LEVHEIGHT;
144 	long dx, dy, dist, top = 0;
146 #if 0
147 	int rnr = NRAND(50);
148 	/* determine begin and end vectors */
150 	switch (rnr) {
151 		case 0: ex = LEVHEIGHT/2; break;
152 		case 1: bx = LEVHEIGHT/2; break;
153 		case 2: ey = LEVHEIGHT/2; break;
154 		case 3: by = LEVHEIGHT/2; break;
155 	}
156 #endif
157 	*vx = *vy = 0;
159 	for (y = by; y < ey; y++)
160 		for (x = bx; x < ex; x++)
161 			if (check_dot(pp, x, y) == 1) {
162 				dx = (long)x - (long)(p->col);
163 				dy = (long)y - (long)(p->row);
164 				dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
165 				if (dist > top)
166 					top = dist;
167 				*vx += (dx * ((long)LEVWIDTH * (long)LEVHEIGHT))
168 				       / dist;
169 				*vy += (dy * ((long)LEVWIDTH * (long)LEVHEIGHT))
170 				       / dist;
171 			}
172 }
174 /* Determine a vector towards the closest ghost (in one loop, so we spare a
175    couple of cycles which we can spoil somewhere else just as fast). */
176 static int
pac_ghost_prox_and_vector(pacmangamestruct * pp,pacmanstruct * p,long * vx,long * vy)177 pac_ghost_prox_and_vector(pacmangamestruct *pp, pacmanstruct *p,
178 		long *vx, long *vy)
179 {
180 	long dx, dy, dist, closest = 100000;
181 	unsigned int g;
183 	if (vx != NULL)
184 		*vx = *vy = 0;
186 	for (g = 0; g < pp->nghosts; g++) {
187 		if (pp->ghosts[g].dead    == True  ||
188 		    pp->ghosts[g].aistate == inbox ||
189 		    pp->ghosts[g].aistate == goingout)
190 			continue;
191 		dx = pp->ghosts[g].col + /*dirvecs[pp->ghosts[g].lastbox].dx*/ -
192 			p->col;
193 		dy = pp->ghosts[g].row + /*dirvecs[pp->ghosts[g].lastbox].dy*/ -
194 		       	p->row;
195 		dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
196 		if (dist < closest) {
197 			closest = dist;
198 			if (vx != NULL) {
199 				*vx = dx; *vy = dy;
200 			}
201 		}
202 	}
203 	return closest;
204 }
206 /* fills array of DIRVECS size with possible directions, returns number of
207    directions.  posdirs should point to an array of 4 integers. */
208 static int
pac_get_posdirs(pacmangamestruct * pp,pacmanstruct * p,int * posdirs)209 pac_get_posdirs(pacmangamestruct *pp, pacmanstruct *p, int *posdirs)
210 {
211 	int nrdirs = 0;
212 	unsigned int i;
214 	for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++) {
215 		/* if we just ate, or we are in a statechange, it is allowed
216 		   to go the opposite direction */
217 		if (p->justate == 0 &&
218 		    p->state_change == 0 &&
219 		    p->lastbox != NOWHERE &&
220 		    i == (p->lastbox + 2) % DIRVECS) {
221 			posdirs[i] = 0;
222 		} else if ((posdirs[i] =
223 			check_pos(pp, p->row + dirvecs[i].dy,
224 				p->col + dirvecs[i].dx, 0)) == 1)
225 			nrdirs++;
226 	}
227 	p->state_change = 0;
229 	return nrdirs;
230 }
232 /* Clears the trace of vectors. */
233 static void
pac_clear_trace(pacmanstruct * p)234 pac_clear_trace(pacmanstruct *p)
235 {
236 	int i;
238 	for(i = 0; i < TRACEVECS; i++) {
239 		p->trace[i].vx = NOWHERE; p->trace[i].vy = NOWHERE;
240 	}
241 	p->cur_trace = 0;
242 }
244 /* Adds a new vector to the trace. */
245 static void
pac_save_trace(pacmanstruct * p,const int vx,const int vy)246 pac_save_trace(pacmanstruct *p, const int vx, const int vy)
247 {
248 	if (!(vx == NOWHERE && vy == NOWHERE)) {
249 		p->trace[p->cur_trace].vx = vx;
250 		p->trace[p->cur_trace].vy = vy;
251 		p->cur_trace = (p->cur_trace + 1) % TRACEVECS;
252 	}
253 }
255 /* Check if a vector can be found in the trace. */
256 static int
pac_check_trace(const pacmanstruct * p,const int vx,const int vy)257 pac_check_trace(const pacmanstruct *p, const int vx, const int vy)
258 {
259 	int i, curel;
261 	for (i = 1; i < TRACEVECS; i++) {
262 		curel = (p->cur_trace - i + TRACEVECS) % TRACEVECS;
263 		if (p->trace[curel].vx == NOWHERE &&
264 		    p->trace[curel].vy == NOWHERE)
265 			continue;
266 		if (p->trace[curel].vx == vx &&
267 		    p->trace[curel].vy == vy)
268 			return 1;
269 	}
272 	return 0;
273 }
275 /* AI mode "Eating" for pacman. Tries to eat as many dots as possible, goes
276    to "hiding" if too close to a ghost. If in state "hiding" the vectors
277    of the ghosts are also taken into account (thus not running towards them
278    is the general idea). */
279 static void
pac_eating(pacmangamestruct * pp,pacmanstruct * p)280 pac_eating(pacmangamestruct *pp, pacmanstruct *p)
281 {
282 	int posdirs[DIRVECS], nrdirs, i, highest = -(1 << 16),
283 		score, dir = 0, dotfound = 0, prox, worst = 0;
284 	long vx, vy;
286 	if ((prox = pac_ghost_prox_and_vector(pp, p, &vx, &vy)) <
287 				4 * 4 && p->aistate == ps_eating) {
288 		p->aistate = ps_hiding;
289 		p->state_change = 1;
290 		pac_clear_trace(p);
291 	}
293 	if (prox > 6 * 6 && p->aistate == ps_hiding) {
294 		p->aistate = ps_eating;
295 		if (p->justate == 0) p->state_change = 1;
296 		pac_clear_trace(p);
297 	}
299 	if (prox < 3 * 3) p->state_change = 1;
301 	nrdirs = pac_get_posdirs(pp, p, posdirs);
303 	/* remove directions which lead to ghosts */
304 	if (p->aistate == ps_hiding) {
305 		for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++) {
306 			if (posdirs[i] == 0) continue;
307 			score = vx * dirvecs[i].dx + vy * dirvecs[i].dy;
308 			if (score > highest) {
309 				worst = i;
310 				highest = score;
311 			}
312 			dir = i;
313 		}
314 		nrdirs--;
315 		posdirs[worst] = 0;
316 		highest = -(1 << 16);
317 	}
319 	/* get last possible direction if all else fails */
320 	for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++)
321 		if (posdirs[i] != 0) dir = i;
323 	pac_dot_vec(pp, p, &vx, &vy);
325 	if (vx != NOWHERE && vy != NOWHERE && pac_check_trace(p, vx, vy) > 0) {
326 		p->roundscore++;
327 		if (p->roundscore >= 12) {
328 			p->roundscore = 0;
329 			p->aistate = ps_random;
330 			pac_clear_trace(p);
331 		}
332 	} else
333 		p->roundscore = 0;
335 	if (p->justate == 0) pac_save_trace(p, vx, vy);
337 	for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++) {
338 		if (posdirs[i] == 0) continue;
339 		score = dirvecs[i].dx * vx + dirvecs[i].dy * vy;
340 		if (check_dot(pp, p->col + dirvecs[i].dx,
341 				  p->row + dirvecs[i].dy) == 1) {
342 			if (dotfound == 0) {
343 				highest = score;
344 				dir = i;
345 				dotfound = 1;
346 			} else if (score > highest) {
347 				highest = score;
348 				dir = i;
349 			}
350 		} else if (score > highest && dotfound == 0) {
351 			dir = i;
352 			highest = score;
353 		}
354 	}
356 	p->nextrow = p->row + dirvecs[dir].dy;
357 	p->nextcol = p->col + dirvecs[dir].dx;
358 	p->lastbox = dir;
359 }
361 #if 0
362 /* Tries to catch the ghosts. */
363 static void
364 pac_chasing(pacmangamestruct *pp, pacmanstruct *p)
365 {
366 }
367 #endif
369 /* Goes completely random, but not in the opposite direction.  Used when a
370    loop is detected. */
371 static void
pac_random(pacmangamestruct * pp,pacmanstruct * p)372 pac_random(pacmangamestruct *pp, pacmanstruct *p)
373 {
374 	int posdirs[DIRVECS], nrdirs, i, dir = -1, lastdir = 0;
376 	if (pac_ghost_prox_and_vector(pp, p, NULL, NULL) < 5 * 5) {
377 		p->aistate = ps_hiding;
378 		p->state_change = 1;
379 	}
380 	if (NRAND(20) == 0) {
381 		p->aistate = ps_eating;
382 		p->state_change = 1;
383 		pac_clear_trace(p);
384 	}
386 	nrdirs = pac_get_posdirs(pp, p, posdirs);
388 	for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++) {
389 		if (posdirs[i] == 0) continue;
390 		lastdir = i;
391 		if (check_dot(pp, p->col + dirvecs[i].dx,
392 			p->row + dirvecs[i].dy) == 1) {
393 			dir = i;
394 			p->aistate = ps_eating;
395 			p->state_change = 1;
396 			pac_clear_trace(p);
397 			break;
398 		} else if (NRAND(nrdirs) == 0)
399 			dir = i;
400 	}
402 	if (dir == -1) dir = lastdir;
404 	p->nextrow = p->row + dirvecs[dir].dy;
405 	p->nextcol = p->col + dirvecs[dir].dx;
406 	p->lastbox = dir;
407 }
409 static int
pac_get_vector_screen(pacmangamestruct * pp,pacmanstruct * p,const int x,const int y,int * vx,int * vy)410 pac_get_vector_screen(pacmangamestruct *pp, pacmanstruct *p,
411 		const int x, const int y, int *vx, int *vy)
412 {
413 	int lx, ly;
415 	lx = (x - pp->xb) / pp->xs;
416 	ly = (y - pp->yb) / pp->ys;
418 	if (lx < 0) lx = 0;
419 	else if ((unsigned int) lx > LEVWIDTH) lx = LEVWIDTH - 1;
421 	if (ly < 0) ly = 0;
422 	else if ((unsigned int) ly > LEVHEIGHT) ly = LEVHEIGHT - 1;
424 	*vx = lx - p->col;
425 	*vy = ly - p->row;
427 	if (lx == p->oldlx && ly == p->oldly) return 0;
428 	p->oldlx = lx; p->oldly = ly;
429 	return 1;
430 }
432 static int
pac_trackmouse(ModeInfo * mi,pacmangamestruct * pp,pacmanstruct * p)433 pac_trackmouse(ModeInfo * mi, pacmangamestruct *pp, pacmanstruct *p)
434 {
435 	int dx, dy, cx, cy, vx, vy;
436 	unsigned int m;
437 	int posdirs[DIRVECS], i, dir = -1, highest = -(2 << 16), score;
438 	Window r, c;
440 	(void) XQueryPointer(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi),
441 			 &r, &c, &dx, &dy, &cx, &cy, &m);
443 	if (cx <= 0 || cy <= 0 ||
444                     cx >= MI_WIDTH(mi) - 1 ||
445                     cy >= MI_HEIGHT(mi) - 1)
446 		return 0;
447 	/* get vector */
448 	p->state_change = pac_get_vector_screen(pp, p, cx, cy, &vx, &vy);
450 	(void) pac_get_posdirs(pp, p, posdirs);
452 	for (i = 0; i < DIRVECS; i++) {
453 		if (posdirs[i] == 0) continue;
454 		score = dirvecs[i].dx * vx + dirvecs[i].dy * vy;
455 		if (score > highest) {
456 			highest = score;
457 			dir = i;
458 		}
459 	}
461 	p->nextrow = p->row + dirvecs[dir].dy;
462 	p->nextcol = p->col + dirvecs[dir].dx;
463 	p->lastbox = dir;
464 	return 1;
465 }
467 /* Calls correct state function, and changes between states. */
468 static void
ghost_update(pacmangamestruct * pp,ghoststruct * g)469 ghost_update(pacmangamestruct *pp, ghoststruct *g)
470 {
472 	if (!(g->nextrow == NOWHERE && g->nextcol == NOWHERE)) {
473 		g->row = g->nextrow;
474 		g->col = g->nextcol;
475 	}
477 	/* update ghost */
478 	if (g->dead == True) /* dead ghosts are dead,
479 				so they don't run around */
480 		return;
482 	if ((g->aistate == randdir || g->aistate == chasing) &&
483 			NRAND(10) == 0) {
484 		switch (NRAND(3)) {
485 			case 0:
486 				g->aistate = randdir; break;
487 			case 1:
488 				g->aistate = chasing; break;
489 			case 2:
490 				g->aistate = chasing; break;
491 		}
493 	} else if (g->aistate == inbox) {
494 		if (g->timeleft < 0)
495 			g->aistate = goingout;
496 		else
497 			g->timeleft--;
499 	} else if (g->aistate == goingout) {
500 		if (g->col < LEVWIDTH/2 - JAILWIDTH/2 ||
501 		    g->col > LEVWIDTH/2 + JAILWIDTH/2 ||
502 		    g->row < LEVHEIGHT/2 - JAILHEIGHT/2 ||
503 		    g->row > LEVHEIGHT/2 + JAILHEIGHT/2 )
504 			g->aistate = randdir;
505 	}
507 	switch (g->aistate) {
508 		case inbox:
509 		case goingout:
510 		case randdir:
511 			ghost_random(pp, g);
512 			break;
513 		case chasing:
514 			ghost_chasing(pp, g);
515 			break;
516 		case hiding:
517 			ghost_hiding(pp, g);
518 			break;
519 	}
521 	g->cfactor = GETFACTOR(g->nextcol, g->col);
522 	g->rfactor = GETFACTOR(g->nextrow, g->row);
523 }
525 /* Calls correct pacman state function. */
526 static void
pac_update(ModeInfo * mi,pacmangamestruct * pp,pacmanstruct * p)527 pac_update(ModeInfo *mi, pacmangamestruct *pp, pacmanstruct *p)
528 {
529 	if (!(p->nextrow == NOWHERE && p->nextcol == NOWHERE)) {
530 		p->row = p->nextrow;
531 		p->col = p->nextcol;
532 	}
534 	if (pp->level[p->row * LEVWIDTH + p->col] == '.') {
535 		pp->level[p->row * LEVWIDTH + p->col] = ' ';
536 		if (!trackmouse)
537 			p->justate = 1;
538 		pp->dotsleft--;
539 	} else if (!trackmouse) {
540 		p->justate = 0;
541 	}
543 	if (!(trackmouse && pac_trackmouse(mi, pp, p))) {
544 		/* update pacman */
545 		switch (p->aistate) {
546 			case ps_eating:
547 				pac_eating(pp, p);
548 				break;
549 			case ps_hiding:
550 				pac_eating(pp, p);
551 				break;
552 			case ps_random:
553 				pac_random(pp, p);
554 				break;
555 			case ps_chasing:
556 #if 0
557 				pac_chasing(pp, p);
558 #endif
559 				break;
560 		}
561 	}
563 	p->cfactor = GETFACTOR(p->nextcol, p->col);
564 	p->rfactor = GETFACTOR(p->nextrow, p->row);
565 }