xref: /dragonfly/games/larn/tok.c (revision 333227be)
1 /* tok.c		Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan. */
2 /* $FreeBSD: src/games/larn/tok.c,v 1.5 1999/11/16 02:57:25 billf Exp $ */
3 /* $DragonFly: src/games/larn/tok.c,v 1.2 2003/06/17 04:25:24 dillon Exp $ */
4 #include <sys/types.h>
5 #ifdef SYSV
6 #include <fcntl.h>
7 #include <termio.h>
8 #else SYSV
9 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
10 #endif SYSV
11 #include "header.h"
13 static char lastok=0;
14 int yrepcount=0,dayplay=0;
15 #ifndef FLUSHNO
16 #define FLUSHNO 5
17 #endif FLUSHNO
18 static int flushno=FLUSHNO;	/* input queue flushing threshold */
19 #define MAXUM 52	/* maximum number of user re-named monsters */
20 #define MAXMNAME 40	/* max length of a monster re-name */
21 static char usermonster[MAXUM][MAXMNAME]; /* the user named monster name goes here */
22 static char usermpoint=0;			/* the user monster pointer */
24 /*
25 	lexical analyzer for larn
26  */
27 yylex()
28 	{
29 	char cc;
30 	int ic;
31 	if (hit2flag) { hit2flag=0;  yrepcount=0;  return(' '); }
32 	if (yrepcount>0)	{ --yrepcount;  return(lastok);	} else yrepcount=0;
33 	if (yrepcount==0) { bottomdo(); showplayer(); }	/*	show where the player is	*/
34 	lflush();
35 	while (1)
36 		{
37 		c[BYTESIN]++;
38 		if (ckpflag)
39 		  if ((c[BYTESIN] % 400) == 0)	/* check for periodic checkpointing */
40 			{
42 			savegame(ckpfile);
43 #else
44 			wait(0);	/* wait for other forks to finish */
45 			if (fork() == 0) { savegame(ckpfile); exit(0); }
46 #endif
49 #ifdef TIMECHECK
50 			if (dayplay==0)
51 			  if (playable())
52 				{
53 				cursor(1,19);
54 				lprcat("\nSorry, but it is now time for work.  Your game has been saved.\n"); beep();
55 				lflush();  savegame(savefilename);  wizard=nomove=1;  sleep(4);
56 				died(-257);
57 				}
58 #endif TIMECHECK
60 			}
62 		do		/* if keyboard input buffer is too big, flush some of it */
63 			{
64 			ioctl(0,FIONREAD,&ic);
65 			if (ic>flushno)   read(0,&cc,1);
66 			}
67 		while (ic>flushno);
69 		if (read(0,&cc,1) != 1) return(lastok = -1);
71 		if (cc == 'Y'-64)	/* control Y -- shell escape */
72 			{
73 			resetscroll();  clear(); /* scrolling region, home, clear, no attributes */
74 			if ((ic=fork())==0) /* child */
75 				{
76 				/* revoke */
77 				setgid(getgid());
78 				execl("/bin/csh",0);    exit(1);
79 				}
80 			wait(0);
81 			if (ic<0) /* error */
82 				{
83 				write(2,"Can't fork off a shell!\n",25); sleep(2);
84 				}
86 			setscroll();
87 			return(lastok = 'L'-64);	/* redisplay screen */
88 			}
90 		if ((cc <= '9') && (cc >= '0'))
91 			{ yrepcount = yrepcount*10 + cc - '0'; }
92 		else	{ if (yrepcount>0) --yrepcount;  return(lastok = cc); }
93 		}
94 	}
96 /*
97  *	flushall()		Function to flush all type-ahead in the input buffer
98  */
99 flushall()
100 	{
101 	char cc;
102 	int ic;
103 	for (;;)		/* if keyboard input buffer is too big, flush some of it */
104 		{
105 		ioctl(0,FIONREAD,&ic);
106 		if (ic<=0) return;
107 		while (ic>0)   { read(0,&cc,1); --ic; } /* gobble up the byte */
108 		}
109 	}
111 /*
112 	function to set the desired hardness
113 	enter with hard= -1 for default hardness, else any desired hardness
114  */
115 sethard(hard)
116 	int hard;
117 	{
118 	int j,k,i;
119 	j=c[HARDGAME]; hashewon();
120 	if (restorflag==0)	/* don't set c[HARDGAME] if restoring game */
121 		{
122 		if (hard >= 0) c[HARDGAME]= hard;
123 		}
124 	else c[HARDGAME]=j; /* set c[HARDGAME] to proper value if restoring game */
126 	if (k=c[HARDGAME])
127 	  for (j=0; j<=MAXMONST+8; j++)
128 		{
129 		i = ((6+k)*monster[j].hitpoints+1)/6;
130 		monster[j].hitpoints = (i<0) ? 32767 : i;
131 		i = ((6+k)*monster[j].damage+1)/5;
132 		monster[j].damage = (i>127) ? 127 : i;
133 		i = (10*monster[j].gold)/(10+k);
134 		monster[j].gold = (i>32767) ? 32767 : i;
135 		i = monster[j].armorclass - k;
136 		monster[j].armorclass = (i< -127) ? -127 : i;
137 		i = (7*monster[j].experience)/(7+k) + 1;
138 		monster[j].experience = (i<=0) ? 1 : i;
139 		}
140 	}
142 /*
143 	function to read and process the larn options file
144  */
145 readopts()
146 	{
147 	char *i;
148 	int j,k;
149 	int flag;
150 	flag=1;	/* set to 0 if he specifies a name for his character */
151 	if (lopen(optsfile) < 0)
152 		{
153 		strcpy(logname,loginname); return; /* user name if no character name */
154 		}
155 	i = " ";
156 	while (*i)
157 	  {
158 	  if ((i=(char *)lgetw()) == 0) break; /* check for EOF */
159 	  while ((*i==' ') || (*i=='\t')) i++; /* eat leading whitespace */
160 	  switch(*i)
161 		{
162 		case 'b':	if (strcmp(i,"bold-objects") == 0)  boldon=1;
163 					break;
165 		case 'e':	if (strcmp(i,"enable-checkpointing") == 0) ckpflag=1;
166 					break;
168 		case 'i':	if (strcmp(i,"inverse-objects") == 0)  boldon=0;
169 					break;
171 		case 'f':	if (strcmp(i,"female") 	== 0)	sex=0; /* male or female */
172 					break;
174 		case 'm':	if (strcmp(i,"monster:")== 0)   /* name favorite monster */
175 						{
176 						if ((i=lgetw())==0) break;
177 						if (strlen(i)>=MAXMNAME) i[MAXMNAME-1]=0;
178 						strcpy(usermonster[usermpoint],i);
179 						if (usermpoint >= MAXUM) break; /* defined all of em */
180 						if (isalpha(j=usermonster[usermpoint][0]))
181 							{
182 							for (k=1; k<MAXMONST+8; k++) /* find monster */
183 							  if (monstnamelist[k] == j)
184 								{
185 								monster[k].name = &usermonster[usermpoint++][0];
186 								break;
187 								}
188 							}
189 						}
190 					else if (strcmp(i,"male") == 0)	sex=1;
191 					break;
193 		case 'n':	if (strcmp(i,"name:") == 0) /* defining players name */
194 						{
195 						if ((i=lgetw())==0) break;
196 						if (strlen(i)>=LOGNAMESIZE) i[LOGNAMESIZE-1]=0;
197 						strcpy(logname,i); flag=0;
198 						}
199 					else if (strcmp(i,"no-introduction") == 0) nowelcome=1;
200 					else if (strcmp(i,"no-beep") == 0) nobeep=1;
201 					break;
203 		case 'p':	if (strcmp(i,"process-name:")== 0)
204 						{
205 						if ((i=lgetw())==0) break;
206 						if (strlen(i)>=PSNAMESIZE) i[PSNAMESIZE-1]=0;
207 						strcpy(psname,i);
208 						}
209 					else if (strcmp(i,"play-day-play") == 0)  dayplay=1;
210 					break;
212 		case 's':	if (strcmp(i,"savefile:") == 0) /* defining savefilename */
213 						{
214 						if ((i=lgetw())==0) break;
215 						strcpy(savefilename,i); flag=0;
216 						}
217 					break;
218 		};
219 	  }
220 	if (flag)  strcpy(logname,loginname);
221 	}