xref: /dragonfly/test/stress/stress2/default.cfg (revision 86d7f5d3)
1*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino# $FreeBSD$
2*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
3*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino# Stress Test Suite Configuration
4*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
5*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino# Default values
6*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport RUNDIR=${RUNDIR:-/tmp/stressX}
7*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport RUNTIME=${RUNTIME:-2m}
8*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport VERBOSE=${VERBOSE:-1}
9*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport LOAD=20
10*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
11*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino# The INCARNATIONS variable should be set to match the number of CPUs and
12*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino# the amount of RAM in the test box.
13*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino# 10  for a 1,8 GHz Celeron with 256 Mb of RAM
14*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino# 100 for a dual Xeon 1,8 GHz with 1024 Gb of RAM
15*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
16*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport INCARNATIONS=${INCARNATIONS:-20}
17*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
18*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino# Change hostname!
19*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino#export BLASTHOST=	# host with udp disacard enabled in inetd.conf
20*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport BLASTHOST=	# host with udp disacard enabled in inetd.conf
21*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
22*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
23*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino# Run all test cases:
24*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport runRUNTIME=${runRUNTIME:-3d}		# Run tests for three days
25*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport runINCARNATIONS=1
26*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport runLOAD=100
27*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
28*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport swapINCARNATIONS=$((2 * INCARNATIONS))
29*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport swapLOAD=80
30*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
31*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport syscallKILL=1
32*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
33*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport rwLOAD=70
34*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport mkdirLOAD=80
35*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport creatLOAD=80
36*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
37*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport symlinkLOAD=20
38*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
39*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport tcpKILL=1
40*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino#export shmKILL=1
41*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport shmINCARNATIONS=5
42*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
43*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinoexport TESTPROGS="
44*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinotestcases/rw/rw
45*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinotestcases/swap/swap
46*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinotestcases/creat/creat
47*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinotestcases/mkdir/mkdir
48*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinotestcases/thr1/thr1
49*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinotestcases/udp/udp
50*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinotestcases/tcp/tcp
51*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino"
52*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
53*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino[ -r default.cfg ] && ulimit -t 200	# Do not run this for the misc sub directory
54*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
55*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino#
56*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino# Defaults for ./misc tests
57*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino#
58*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
59*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinodiskimage=/var/tmp/diskimage	# Location of 1G disk image
60*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinomntpoint=/mnt			# Disk image mount point
61*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinotestuser=pho			# Name of non root test user
62*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinomdstart=5			# Start of free md units
63*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinopart=a				# partitition to use on a md FS
64*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
65*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino# Wrapper for dd
66*86d7f5d3SJohn Marinodede () {        # file, blocksize, count
67*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino   local log=/tmp/$0.$$
68*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino   dd if=/dev/zero of=$1 bs=$2 count=$3 > $log 2>&1
69*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino   local status=$?
70*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino   egrep -v "records in|records out|bytes transferred" $log
71*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino   rm -f $log
72*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino   return $status
73*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino}
74*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
75*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino[ -f  "./`hostname`" ] && .  "./`hostname`"	# source in local configuration
76*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino[ -f "../`hostname`" ] && . "../`hostname`"	# source in local configuration