1fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# really-big.conf - just about everything, just for testing.
2fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot#	This ends up having some good examples of the use of specials for
3fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot#	those hard-to-reach programs.  I stopped when I got tired, but we
4fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot#	could probably get even more stuff (like libexec stuff) in here.
5fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot#
6fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot#       This produces a 4608000 byte binary.  Pretty sick and twisted, eh?
76fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeot#
86fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeot# $FreeBSD: head/usr.sbin/crunch/examples/really-big.conf 246256 2013-02-02 21:51:14Z pfg $
96fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeot#
10fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
11fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# =========================================================================
12fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
13fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotsrcdirs /usr/src/bin
14fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
15fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs cat chmod cp csh date dd df domainname echo ed expr hostname kill
162458c6f4SSascha Wildnerprogs ln ls mkdir mt mv ps pwd rm rmail rmdir sh sleep stty sync test
17fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
18fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotln test [
19fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotln sh -sh
20fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
21fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
22fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# =========================================================================
23fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
24fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotsrcdirs /usr/src/sbin
25fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
26fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs badsect bim clri disklabel dmesg dump dumpfs fdisk fsck halt
276fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeotprogs ifconfig init mknod modload modunload mount mount_isofs
286fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeotprogs mount_lofs mount_msdosfs mountd
29fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs newfs nfsd nfsiod ping quotacheck reboot restore route routed savecore
306fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeotprogs shutdown swapon ttyflags tunefs umount
31fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# shell scripts: fastboot
32fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
33fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotln dump rdump
34fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotln restore rrestore
35fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
36fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
37fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# =========================================================================
38fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
39fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotsrcdirs /usr/src/usr.bin
40fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
41*9e37b890SSascha Wildnerprogs apropos ar asa at basename biff cal calendar cap_mkdb chpass
42fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs cksum cmp col colcrt colrm column comm compress crontab ctags cut
43fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs dirname du env error expand false file find finger fmt fold fpr from
44fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs fsplit fstat ftp getconf getopt gprof head hexdump id indent ipcrm
45fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs ipcs join kdump ktrace last lastcomm leave lex lock logger locate
46fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs login logname look m4 machine mail make man mesg mkfifo
47fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs mkstr modstat more msgs netstat newsyslog nfsstat nice nm nohup
48fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs pagesize passwd paste patch pr printenv printf quota ranlib
492458c6f4SSascha Wildnerprogs renice rev rpcgen rpcinfo rup ruptime rusers rwall rwho
50fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs script sed showmount size soelim split strings strip su tail talk
51fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs tcopy tee telnet tftp time tip tn3270 touch tput tr true tset tsort
52fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs tty ul uname unexpand unifdef uniq units unvis users uudecode uuencode
531419a4e1SSascha Wildnerprogs vacation vi vis vmstat w wall wc what whatis whereis who
54fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs whois window write xargs xinstall xstr yacc yes ypcat ypmatch ypwhich
55fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
56fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# shell scripts: lorder mkdep shar which
57fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# problems: rdist uses libcompat.a(regex.o), which conflicts with
58fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot#           libedit(readline.o) over regerror().
59fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
60fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# special requirements
61fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
62fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotspecial locate srcdir /usr/src/usr.bin/locate/locate
63fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotspecial tn3270 srcdir /usr/src/usr.bin/tn3270/tn3270
64fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
65fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
66fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# =========================================================================
67fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
68fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotsrcdirs /usr/src/usr.sbin
69fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
70aefcce89SSascha Wildnerprogs ac accton amd arp bad144 chown chroot config config.new cron
716fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeotprogs dev_mkdb diskpart edquota flcopy gettable grfinfo hilinfo htable inetd
72d9d67b59SSascha Wildnerprogs iostat iteconfig kvm_mkdb mtree named portmap
73fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs pstat pwd_mkdb quot quotaon rarpd rbootd repquota rmt rpc.bootparamd
746fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeotprogs rwhod sa spray sysctl syslogd tcpdump
756fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeotprogs traceroute trpt update vipw vnconfig ypbind yppoll ypset
76fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
77fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotspecial amd srcdir /usr/src/usr.sbin/amd/amd
78fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotspecial amd objs vers.amd.o afs_ops.o am_ops.o clock.o util.o xutil.o efs_ops.o mapc.o info_file.o info_hes.o info_ndbm.o info_passwd.o info_nis.o info_union.o map.o srvr_afs.o srvr_nfs.o mntfs.o misc_rpc.o mount_fs.o mtab.o mtab_bsd.o nfs_ops.o nfs_prot_svc.o nfs_start.o nfs_subr.o opts.o pfs_ops.o rpc_fwd.o sched.o sfs_ops.o amq_svc.o amq_subr.o umount_fs.o host_ops.o nfsx_ops.o ufs_ops.o ifs_ops.o amd.o get_args.o restart.o wire.o
79fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
80fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
81fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotsrcdirs /usr/src/usr.sbin/lpr		# lpr subsystem
82fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs lpr lpc lpq lprm pac lptest
83fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotspecial lpr srcdir /usr/src/usr.sbin/lpr/lpr
84fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
85fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotsrcdirs /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail	# sendmail subsystem
86fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs mailstats makemap praliases sendmail
87fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotspecial sendmail srcdir /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/src
88fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotln sendmail newaliases
89fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotln sendmail mailq
90fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
916fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeotsrcdirs /usr/src/usr.sbin/xntpd		# NTP subsystem
926fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeot# xntpd uses a gross hack to pass some information in the global
936fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeot# variable `progname' between the actual program (ntpdate in this
946fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeot# case), and the NTP library.  Add `progname' to the keep list.
956fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeotprogs ntpdate
966fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeotspecial ntpdate srcdir /usr/src/usr.sbin/xntpd/ntpdate
976fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeotspecial ntpdate keep progname
986fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeotlibs -L/usr/src/usr.sbin/xntpd/lib -lntp
996fc6ffe8SFrançois Tigeot
100fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotsrcdirs /usr/src/usr.sbin/yp		# yp subsystem
101fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs ypbind ypwhich ypcat ypmatch ypset yppoll
102fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
103fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
104fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# =========================================================================
105fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
106fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotsrcdirs /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin
107fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
108fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs bc cpio diff diff3 gas gawk grep gzip sdiff sort tar
109fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# shell scripts: send-pr
110fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
111fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotsrcdirs /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/ld		# ldd and ldconfig
112fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs ld ldd ldconfig
113fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
114fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# rcs stuff loses because there are cross dependencies between librcs.a and
115fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# the individual programs.  The solution would be to specify the objpaths
116fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# directly for each one, and include the full path to librcs.a each the
117fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# objpaths.
118fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
119fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# srcdirs /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/rcs	# rcs subsystem
120fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# progs ci co ident merge rcs rcsclean rcsdiff rcsmerge rlog
121fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# # shell script: rcsfreeze
122fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# special rcs srcdir /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/rcs/rcs
123fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# libs /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/rcs/lib/obj/librcs.a
124fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
125fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# gdb loses too
126fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# progs gdb
127fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# special gdb srcdir /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gdb/gdb
128fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# libs /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gdb/bfd/obj/libbfd.a
129fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# libs /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gdb/readline/obj/libreadline.a
130fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# libs /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gdb/libiberty/obj/libiberty.a
131fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
132fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotsrcdirs /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2	# gcc & friends
133fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotprogs cc cpp cc1
134fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
1351419a4e1SSascha Wildner# cc1 has the same problem as rcs, but since there's only one program
136fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot# I'll go ahead and solve it as an example.
137fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
138fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotspecial cc1 objpaths /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2/cc1/obj/c-parse.o /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2/cc1/obj/c-lang.o /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2/cc1/obj/c-lex.o /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2/cc1/obj/c-pragma.o /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2/cc1/obj/c-decl.o /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2/cc1/obj/c-typeck.o /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2/cc1/obj/c-convert.o /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2/cc1/obj/c-aux-info.o /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2/cc1/obj/c-iterate.o /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2/common/obj/libcc1.a
139fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
140fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotln gzip gunzip
141fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotln gzip gzcat
142fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeot
1435cef369fSJohn Marinolibs -lprivate_edit -lgnumalloc -lc -lcrypt -lprivate_ncurses -ltelnet -lutil -lkvm
144fc7e83faSFrançois Tigeotlibs -ll -ly -lm -lresolv -lrpcsvc -lcompat