1 //===-- OptionValueArray.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValueArray.h"
11 #include "lldb/Utility/Args.h"
12 #include "lldb/Utility/Stream.h"
14 using namespace lldb;
15 using namespace lldb_private;
17 void OptionValueArray::DumpValue(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, Stream &strm,
18                                  uint32_t dump_mask) {
19   const Type array_element_type = ConvertTypeMaskToType(m_type_mask);
20   if (dump_mask & eDumpOptionType) {
21     if ((GetType() == eTypeArray) && (m_type_mask != eTypeInvalid))
22       strm.Printf("(%s of %ss)", GetTypeAsCString(),
23                   GetBuiltinTypeAsCString(array_element_type));
24     else
25       strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
26   }
27   if (dump_mask & eDumpOptionValue) {
28     const bool one_line = dump_mask & eDumpOptionCommand;
29     const uint32_t size = m_values.size();
30     if (dump_mask & eDumpOptionType)
31       strm.Printf(" =%s", (m_values.size() > 0 && !one_line) ? "\n" : "");
32     if (!one_line)
33       strm.IndentMore();
34     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
35       if (!one_line) {
36         strm.Indent();
37         strm.Printf("[%u]: ", i);
38       }
39       const uint32_t extra_dump_options = m_raw_value_dump ? eDumpOptionRaw : 0;
40       switch (array_element_type) {
41       default:
42       case eTypeArray:
43       case eTypeDictionary:
44       case eTypeProperties:
45       case eTypeFileSpecList:
46       case eTypePathMap:
47         m_values[i]->DumpValue(exe_ctx, strm, dump_mask | extra_dump_options);
48         break;
50       case eTypeBoolean:
51       case eTypeChar:
52       case eTypeEnum:
53       case eTypeFileSpec:
54       case eTypeFileLineColumn:
55       case eTypeFormat:
56       case eTypeSInt64:
57       case eTypeString:
58       case eTypeUInt64:
59       case eTypeUUID:
60         // No need to show the type for dictionaries of simple items
61         m_values[i]->DumpValue(exe_ctx, strm, (dump_mask & (~eDumpOptionType)) |
62                                                   extra_dump_options);
63         break;
64       }
66       if (!one_line) {
67         if (i < (size - 1))
68           strm.EOL();
69       } else {
70         strm << ' ';
71       }
72     }
73     if (!one_line)
74       strm.IndentLess();
75   }
76 }
78 llvm::json::Value OptionValueArray::ToJSON(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx) {
79   llvm::json::Array json_array;
80   const uint32_t size = m_values.size();
81   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
82     json_array.emplace_back(m_values[i]->ToJSON(exe_ctx));
83   return json_array;
84 }
86 Status OptionValueArray::SetValueFromString(llvm::StringRef value,
87                                             VarSetOperationType op) {
88   Args args(value.str());
89   Status error = SetArgs(args, op);
90   if (error.Success())
91     NotifyValueChanged();
92   return error;
93 }
95 lldb::OptionValueSP
96 OptionValueArray::GetSubValue(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
97                               llvm::StringRef name, bool will_modify,
98                               Status &error) const {
99   if (name.empty() || name.front() != '[') {
100     error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
101       "invalid value path '%s', %s values only support '[<index>]' subvalues "
102       "where <index> is a positive or negative array index",
103       name.str().c_str(), GetTypeAsCString());
104     return nullptr;
105   }
107   name = name.drop_front();
108   llvm::StringRef index, sub_value;
109   std::tie(index, sub_value) = name.split(']');
110   if (index.size() == name.size()) {
111     // Couldn't find a closing bracket
112     return nullptr;
113   }
115   const size_t array_count = m_values.size();
116   int32_t idx = 0;
117   if (index.getAsInteger(0, idx))
118     return nullptr;
120   uint32_t new_idx = UINT32_MAX;
121   if (idx < 0) {
122     // Access from the end of the array if the index is negative
123     new_idx = array_count - idx;
124   } else {
125     // Just a standard index
126     new_idx = idx;
127   }
129   if (new_idx < array_count) {
130     if (m_values[new_idx]) {
131       if (!sub_value.empty())
132         return m_values[new_idx]->GetSubValue(exe_ctx, sub_value,
133                                               will_modify, error);
134       else
135         return m_values[new_idx];
136     }
137   } else {
138     if (array_count == 0)
139       error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
140           "index %i is not valid for an empty array", idx);
141     else if (idx > 0)
142       error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
143           "index %i out of range, valid values are 0 through %" PRIu64,
144           idx, (uint64_t)(array_count - 1));
145     else
146       error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("negative index %i out of range, "
147                                       "valid values are -1 through "
148                                       "-%" PRIu64,
149                                       idx, (uint64_t)array_count);
150   }
151   return OptionValueSP();
152 }
154 size_t OptionValueArray::GetArgs(Args &args) const {
155   args.Clear();
156   const uint32_t size = m_values.size();
157   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
158     llvm::StringRef string_value = m_values[i]->GetStringValue();
159     if (!string_value.empty())
160       args.AppendArgument(string_value);
161   }
163   return args.GetArgumentCount();
164 }
166 Status OptionValueArray::SetArgs(const Args &args, VarSetOperationType op) {
167   Status error;
168   const size_t argc = args.GetArgumentCount();
169   switch (op) {
170   case eVarSetOperationInvalid:
171     error.SetErrorString("unsupported operation");
172     break;
174   case eVarSetOperationInsertBefore:
175   case eVarSetOperationInsertAfter:
176     if (argc > 1) {
177       uint32_t idx;
178       const uint32_t count = GetSize();
179       if (!llvm::to_integer(args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0), idx) || idx > count) {
180         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
181             "invalid insert array index %s, index must be 0 through %u",
182             args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0), count);
183       } else {
184         if (op == eVarSetOperationInsertAfter)
185           ++idx;
186         for (size_t i = 1; i < argc; ++i, ++idx) {
187           lldb::OptionValueSP value_sp(CreateValueFromCStringForTypeMask(
188               args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i), m_type_mask, error));
189           if (value_sp) {
190             if (error.Fail())
191               return error;
192             if (idx >= m_values.size())
193               m_values.push_back(value_sp);
194             else
195               m_values.insert(m_values.begin() + idx, value_sp);
196           } else {
197             error.SetErrorString(
198                 "array of complex types must subclass OptionValueArray");
199             return error;
200           }
201         }
202       }
203     } else {
204       error.SetErrorString("insert operation takes an array index followed by "
205                            "one or more values");
206     }
207     break;
209   case eVarSetOperationRemove:
210     if (argc > 0) {
211       const uint32_t size = m_values.size();
212       std::vector<int> remove_indexes;
213       bool all_indexes_valid = true;
214       size_t i;
215       for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
216         size_t idx;
217         if (!llvm::to_integer(args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i), idx) || idx >= size) {
218           all_indexes_valid = false;
219           break;
220         } else
221           remove_indexes.push_back(idx);
222       }
224       if (all_indexes_valid) {
225         size_t num_remove_indexes = remove_indexes.size();
226         if (num_remove_indexes) {
227           // Sort and then erase in reverse so indexes are always valid
228           if (num_remove_indexes > 1) {
229             llvm::sort(remove_indexes);
230             for (std::vector<int>::const_reverse_iterator
231                      pos = remove_indexes.rbegin(),
232                      end = remove_indexes.rend();
233                  pos != end; ++pos) {
234               m_values.erase(m_values.begin() + *pos);
235             }
236           } else {
237             // Only one index
238             m_values.erase(m_values.begin() + remove_indexes.front());
239           }
240         }
241       } else {
242         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
243             "invalid array index '%s', aborting remove operation",
244             args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i));
245       }
246     } else {
247       error.SetErrorString("remove operation takes one or more array indices");
248     }
249     break;
251   case eVarSetOperationClear:
252     Clear();
253     break;
255   case eVarSetOperationReplace:
256     if (argc > 1) {
257       uint32_t idx;
258       const uint32_t count = GetSize();
259       if (!llvm::to_integer(args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0), idx) || idx > count) {
260         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
261             "invalid replace array index %s, index must be 0 through %u",
262             args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0), count);
263       } else {
264         for (size_t i = 1; i < argc; ++i, ++idx) {
265           lldb::OptionValueSP value_sp(CreateValueFromCStringForTypeMask(
266               args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i), m_type_mask, error));
267           if (value_sp) {
268             if (error.Fail())
269               return error;
270             if (idx < count)
271               m_values[idx] = value_sp;
272             else
273               m_values.push_back(value_sp);
274           } else {
275             error.SetErrorString(
276                 "array of complex types must subclass OptionValueArray");
277             return error;
278           }
279         }
280       }
281     } else {
282       error.SetErrorString("replace operation takes an array index followed by "
283                            "one or more values");
284     }
285     break;
287   case eVarSetOperationAssign:
288     m_values.clear();
289     // Fall through to append case
290     [[fallthrough]];
291   case eVarSetOperationAppend:
292     for (size_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
293       lldb::OptionValueSP value_sp(CreateValueFromCStringForTypeMask(
294           args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i), m_type_mask, error));
295       if (value_sp) {
296         if (error.Fail())
297           return error;
298         m_value_was_set = true;
299         AppendValue(value_sp);
300       } else {
301         error.SetErrorString(
302             "array of complex types must subclass OptionValueArray");
303       }
304     }
305     break;
306   }
307   return error;
308 }
310 OptionValueSP
311 OptionValueArray::DeepCopy(const OptionValueSP &new_parent) const {
312   auto copy_sp = OptionValue::DeepCopy(new_parent);
313   // copy_sp->GetAsArray cannot be used here as it doesn't work for derived
314   // types that override GetType returning a different value.
315   auto *array_value_ptr = static_cast<OptionValueArray *>(copy_sp.get());
316   lldbassert(array_value_ptr);
318   for (auto &value : array_value_ptr->m_values)
319     value = value->DeepCopy(copy_sp);
321   return copy_sp;
322 }