1 //===-- ThreadPlanStepRange.cpp ---------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/Target/ThreadPlanStepRange.h"
10 #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocation.h"
11 #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointSite.h"
12 #include "lldb/Core/Disassembler.h"
13 #include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
14 #include "lldb/Symbol/Symbol.h"
15 #include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h"
16 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
17 #include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
18 #include "lldb/Target/StopInfo.h"
19 #include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
20 #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
21 #include "lldb/Target/ThreadPlanRunToAddress.h"
22 #include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
23 #include "lldb/Utility/Stream.h"
25 using namespace lldb;
26 using namespace lldb_private;
28 // ThreadPlanStepRange: Step through a stack range, either stepping over or
29 // into based on the value of \a type.
31 ThreadPlanStepRange::ThreadPlanStepRange(ThreadPlanKind kind, const char *name,
32                                          Thread &thread,
33                                          const AddressRange &range,
34                                          const SymbolContext &addr_context,
35                                          lldb::RunMode stop_others,
36                                          bool given_ranges_only)
37     : ThreadPlan(kind, name, thread, eVoteNoOpinion, eVoteNoOpinion),
38       m_addr_context(addr_context), m_address_ranges(),
39       m_stop_others(stop_others), m_stack_id(), m_parent_stack_id(),
40       m_no_more_plans(false), m_first_run_event(true), m_use_fast_step(false),
41       m_given_ranges_only(given_ranges_only) {
42   m_use_fast_step = GetTarget().GetUseFastStepping();
43   AddRange(range);
44   m_stack_id = m_thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(0)->GetStackID();
45   StackFrameSP parent_stack = m_thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(1);
46   if (parent_stack)
47     m_parent_stack_id = parent_stack->GetStackID();
48 }
50 ThreadPlanStepRange::~ThreadPlanStepRange() { ClearNextBranchBreakpoint(); }
52 void ThreadPlanStepRange::DidPush() {
53   // See if we can find a "next range" breakpoint:
54   SetNextBranchBreakpoint();
55 }
57 bool ThreadPlanStepRange::ValidatePlan(Stream *error) {
58   if (m_could_not_resolve_hw_bp) {
59     if (error)
60       error->PutCString(
61           "Could not create hardware breakpoint for thread plan.");
62     return false;
63   }
64   return true;
65 }
67 Vote ThreadPlanStepRange::ShouldReportStop(Event *event_ptr) {
68   Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
70   const Vote vote = IsPlanComplete() ? eVoteYes : eVoteNo;
71   if (log)
72     log->Printf("ThreadPlanStepRange::ShouldReportStop() returning vote %i\n",
73                 vote);
74   return vote;
75 }
77 void ThreadPlanStepRange::AddRange(const AddressRange &new_range) {
78   // For now I'm just adding the ranges.  At some point we may want to condense
79   // the ranges if they overlap, though I don't think it is likely to be very
80   // important.
81   m_address_ranges.push_back(new_range);
83   // Fill the slot for this address range with an empty DisassemblerSP in the
84   // instruction ranges. I want the indices to match, but I don't want to do
85   // the work to disassemble this range if I don't step into it.
86   m_instruction_ranges.push_back(DisassemblerSP());
87 }
89 void ThreadPlanStepRange::DumpRanges(Stream *s) {
90   size_t num_ranges = m_address_ranges.size();
91   if (num_ranges == 1) {
92     m_address_ranges[0].Dump(s, m_thread.CalculateTarget().get(),
93                              Address::DumpStyleLoadAddress);
94   } else {
95     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_ranges; i++) {
96       s->Printf(" %" PRIu64 ": ", uint64_t(i));
97       m_address_ranges[i].Dump(s, m_thread.CalculateTarget().get(),
98                                Address::DumpStyleLoadAddress);
99     }
100   }
101 }
103 bool ThreadPlanStepRange::InRange() {
104   Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
105   bool ret_value = false;
107   lldb::addr_t pc_load_addr = m_thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetPC();
109   size_t num_ranges = m_address_ranges.size();
110   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_ranges; i++) {
111     ret_value = m_address_ranges[i].ContainsLoadAddress(
112         pc_load_addr, m_thread.CalculateTarget().get());
113     if (ret_value)
114       break;
115   }
117   if (!ret_value && !m_given_ranges_only) {
118     // See if we've just stepped to another part of the same line number...
119     StackFrame *frame = m_thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(0).get();
121     SymbolContext new_context(
122         frame->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextEverything));
123     if (m_addr_context.line_entry.IsValid() &&
124         new_context.line_entry.IsValid()) {
125       if (m_addr_context.line_entry.original_file ==
126           new_context.line_entry.original_file) {
127         if (m_addr_context.line_entry.line == new_context.line_entry.line) {
128           m_addr_context = new_context;
129           const bool include_inlined_functions =
130               GetKind() == eKindStepOverRange;
131           AddRange(m_addr_context.line_entry.GetSameLineContiguousAddressRange(
132               include_inlined_functions));
133           ret_value = true;
134           if (log) {
135             StreamString s;
136             m_addr_context.line_entry.Dump(&s, m_thread.CalculateTarget().get(),
137                                            true, Address::DumpStyleLoadAddress,
138                                            Address::DumpStyleLoadAddress, true);
140             log->Printf(
141                 "Step range plan stepped to another range of same line: %s",
142                 s.GetData());
143           }
144         } else if (new_context.line_entry.line == 0) {
145           new_context.line_entry.line = m_addr_context.line_entry.line;
146           m_addr_context = new_context;
147           const bool include_inlined_functions =
148               GetKind() == eKindStepOverRange;
149           AddRange(m_addr_context.line_entry.GetSameLineContiguousAddressRange(
150               include_inlined_functions));
151           ret_value = true;
152           if (log) {
153             StreamString s;
154             m_addr_context.line_entry.Dump(&s, m_thread.CalculateTarget().get(),
155                                            true, Address::DumpStyleLoadAddress,
156                                            Address::DumpStyleLoadAddress, true);
158             log->Printf("Step range plan stepped to a range at linenumber 0 "
159                         "stepping through that range: %s",
160                         s.GetData());
161           }
162         } else if (new_context.line_entry.range.GetBaseAddress().GetLoadAddress(
163                        m_thread.CalculateTarget().get()) != pc_load_addr) {
164           // Another thing that sometimes happens here is that we step out of
165           // one line into the MIDDLE of another line.  So far I mostly see
166           // this due to bugs in the debug information. But we probably don't
167           // want to be in the middle of a line range, so in that case reset
168           // the stepping range to the line we've stepped into the middle of
169           // and continue.
170           m_addr_context = new_context;
171           m_address_ranges.clear();
172           AddRange(m_addr_context.line_entry.range);
173           ret_value = true;
174           if (log) {
175             StreamString s;
176             m_addr_context.line_entry.Dump(&s, m_thread.CalculateTarget().get(),
177                                            true, Address::DumpStyleLoadAddress,
178                                            Address::DumpStyleLoadAddress, true);
180             log->Printf("Step range plan stepped to the middle of new "
181                         "line(%d): %s, continuing to clear this line.",
182                         new_context.line_entry.line, s.GetData());
183           }
184         }
185       }
186     }
187   }
189   if (!ret_value && log)
190     log->Printf("Step range plan out of range to 0x%" PRIx64, pc_load_addr);
192   return ret_value;
193 }
195 bool ThreadPlanStepRange::InSymbol() {
196   lldb::addr_t cur_pc = m_thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetPC();
197   if (m_addr_context.function != nullptr) {
198     return m_addr_context.function->GetAddressRange().ContainsLoadAddress(
199         cur_pc, m_thread.CalculateTarget().get());
200   } else if (m_addr_context.symbol && m_addr_context.symbol->ValueIsAddress()) {
201     AddressRange range(m_addr_context.symbol->GetAddressRef(),
202                        m_addr_context.symbol->GetByteSize());
203     return range.ContainsLoadAddress(cur_pc, m_thread.CalculateTarget().get());
204   }
205   return false;
206 }
208 // FIXME: This should also handle inlining if we aren't going to do inlining in
209 // the
210 // main stack.
211 //
212 // Ideally we should remember the whole stack frame list, and then compare that
213 // to the current list.
215 lldb::FrameComparison ThreadPlanStepRange::CompareCurrentFrameToStartFrame() {
216   FrameComparison frame_order;
218   StackID cur_frame_id = m_thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(0)->GetStackID();
220   if (cur_frame_id == m_stack_id) {
221     frame_order = eFrameCompareEqual;
222   } else if (cur_frame_id < m_stack_id) {
223     frame_order = eFrameCompareYounger;
224   } else {
225     StackFrameSP cur_parent_frame = m_thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(1);
226     StackID cur_parent_id;
227     if (cur_parent_frame)
228       cur_parent_id = cur_parent_frame->GetStackID();
229     if (m_parent_stack_id.IsValid() && cur_parent_id.IsValid() &&
230         m_parent_stack_id == cur_parent_id)
231       frame_order = eFrameCompareSameParent;
232     else
233       frame_order = eFrameCompareOlder;
234   }
235   return frame_order;
236 }
238 bool ThreadPlanStepRange::StopOthers() {
239   return (m_stop_others == lldb::eOnlyThisThread ||
240           m_stop_others == lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping);
241 }
243 InstructionList *ThreadPlanStepRange::GetInstructionsForAddress(
244     lldb::addr_t addr, size_t &range_index, size_t &insn_offset) {
245   size_t num_ranges = m_address_ranges.size();
246   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_ranges; i++) {
247     if (m_address_ranges[i].ContainsLoadAddress(addr, &GetTarget())) {
248       // Some joker added a zero size range to the stepping range...
249       if (m_address_ranges[i].GetByteSize() == 0)
250         return nullptr;
252       if (!m_instruction_ranges[i]) {
253         // Disassemble the address range given:
254         ExecutionContext exe_ctx(m_thread.GetProcess());
255         const char *plugin_name = nullptr;
256         const char *flavor = nullptr;
257         const bool prefer_file_cache = true;
258         m_instruction_ranges[i] = Disassembler::DisassembleRange(
259             GetTarget().GetArchitecture(), plugin_name, flavor, exe_ctx,
260             m_address_ranges[i], prefer_file_cache);
261       }
262       if (!m_instruction_ranges[i])
263         return nullptr;
264       else {
265         // Find where we are in the instruction list as well.  If we aren't at
266         // an instruction, return nullptr. In this case, we're probably lost,
267         // and shouldn't try to do anything fancy.
269         insn_offset =
270             m_instruction_ranges[i]
271                 ->GetInstructionList()
272                 .GetIndexOfInstructionAtLoadAddress(addr, GetTarget());
273         if (insn_offset == UINT32_MAX)
274           return nullptr;
275         else {
276           range_index = i;
277           return &m_instruction_ranges[i]->GetInstructionList();
278         }
279       }
280     }
281   }
282   return nullptr;
283 }
285 void ThreadPlanStepRange::ClearNextBranchBreakpoint() {
286   if (m_next_branch_bp_sp) {
287     Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
288     if (log)
289       log->Printf("Removing next branch breakpoint: %d.",
290                   m_next_branch_bp_sp->GetID());
291     GetTarget().RemoveBreakpointByID(m_next_branch_bp_sp->GetID());
292     m_next_branch_bp_sp.reset();
293     m_could_not_resolve_hw_bp = false;
294   }
295 }
297 bool ThreadPlanStepRange::SetNextBranchBreakpoint() {
298   if (m_next_branch_bp_sp)
299     return true;
301   Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
302   // Stepping through ranges using breakpoints doesn't work yet, but with this
303   // off we fall back to instruction single stepping.
304   if (!m_use_fast_step)
305     return false;
307   lldb::addr_t cur_addr = GetThread().GetRegisterContext()->GetPC();
308   // Find the current address in our address ranges, and fetch the disassembly
309   // if we haven't already:
310   size_t pc_index;
311   size_t range_index;
312   InstructionList *instructions =
313       GetInstructionsForAddress(cur_addr, range_index, pc_index);
314   if (instructions == nullptr)
315     return false;
316   else {
317     Target &target = GetThread().GetProcess()->GetTarget();
318     const bool ignore_calls = GetKind() == eKindStepOverRange;
319     uint32_t branch_index =
320         instructions->GetIndexOfNextBranchInstruction(pc_index, target,
321                                                       ignore_calls);
323     Address run_to_address;
325     // If we didn't find a branch, run to the end of the range.
326     if (branch_index == UINT32_MAX) {
327       uint32_t last_index = instructions->GetSize() - 1;
328       if (last_index - pc_index > 1) {
329         InstructionSP last_inst =
330             instructions->GetInstructionAtIndex(last_index);
331         size_t last_inst_size = last_inst->GetOpcode().GetByteSize();
332         run_to_address = last_inst->GetAddress();
333         run_to_address.Slide(last_inst_size);
334       }
335     } else if (branch_index - pc_index > 1) {
336       run_to_address =
337           instructions->GetInstructionAtIndex(branch_index)->GetAddress();
338     }
340     if (run_to_address.IsValid()) {
341       const bool is_internal = true;
342       m_next_branch_bp_sp =
343           GetTarget().CreateBreakpoint(run_to_address, is_internal, false);
344       if (m_next_branch_bp_sp) {
346         if (m_next_branch_bp_sp->IsHardware() &&
347             !m_next_branch_bp_sp->HasResolvedLocations())
348           m_could_not_resolve_hw_bp = true;
350         if (log) {
351           lldb::break_id_t bp_site_id = LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID;
352           BreakpointLocationSP bp_loc =
353               m_next_branch_bp_sp->GetLocationAtIndex(0);
354           if (bp_loc) {
355             BreakpointSiteSP bp_site = bp_loc->GetBreakpointSite();
356             if (bp_site) {
357               bp_site_id = bp_site->GetID();
358             }
359           }
360           log->Printf("ThreadPlanStepRange::SetNextBranchBreakpoint - Setting "
361                       "breakpoint %d (site %d) to run to address 0x%" PRIx64,
362                       m_next_branch_bp_sp->GetID(), bp_site_id,
363                       run_to_address.GetLoadAddress(
364                           &m_thread.GetProcess()->GetTarget()));
365         }
367         m_next_branch_bp_sp->SetThreadID(m_thread.GetID());
368         m_next_branch_bp_sp->SetBreakpointKind("next-branch-location");
370         return true;
371       } else
372         return false;
373     }
374   }
375   return false;
376 }
378 bool ThreadPlanStepRange::NextRangeBreakpointExplainsStop(
379     lldb::StopInfoSP stop_info_sp) {
380   Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
381   if (!m_next_branch_bp_sp)
382     return false;
384   break_id_t bp_site_id = stop_info_sp->GetValue();
385   BreakpointSiteSP bp_site_sp =
386       m_thread.GetProcess()->GetBreakpointSiteList().FindByID(bp_site_id);
387   if (!bp_site_sp)
388     return false;
389   else if (!bp_site_sp->IsBreakpointAtThisSite(m_next_branch_bp_sp->GetID()))
390     return false;
391   else {
392     // If we've hit the next branch breakpoint, then clear it.
393     size_t num_owners = bp_site_sp->GetNumberOfOwners();
394     bool explains_stop = true;
395     // If all the owners are internal, then we are probably just stepping over
396     // this range from multiple threads, or multiple frames, so we want to
397     // continue.  If one is not internal, then we should not explain the stop,
398     // and let the user breakpoint handle the stop.
399     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_owners; i++) {
400       if (!bp_site_sp->GetOwnerAtIndex(i)->GetBreakpoint().IsInternal()) {
401         explains_stop = false;
402         break;
403       }
404     }
405     if (log)
406       log->Printf("ThreadPlanStepRange::NextRangeBreakpointExplainsStop - Hit "
407                   "next range breakpoint which has %" PRIu64
408                   " owners - explains stop: %u.",
409                   (uint64_t)num_owners, explains_stop);
410     ClearNextBranchBreakpoint();
411     return explains_stop;
412   }
413 }
415 bool ThreadPlanStepRange::WillStop() { return true; }
417 StateType ThreadPlanStepRange::GetPlanRunState() {
418   if (m_next_branch_bp_sp)
419     return eStateRunning;
420   else
421     return eStateStepping;
422 }
424 bool ThreadPlanStepRange::MischiefManaged() {
425   // If we have pushed some plans between ShouldStop & MischiefManaged, then
426   // we're not done...
427   // I do this check first because we might have stepped somewhere that will
428   // fool InRange into
429   // thinking it needs to step past the end of that line.  This happens, for
430   // instance, when stepping over inlined code that is in the middle of the
431   // current line.
433   if (!m_no_more_plans)
434     return false;
436   bool done = true;
437   if (!IsPlanComplete()) {
438     if (InRange()) {
439       done = false;
440     } else {
441       FrameComparison frame_order = CompareCurrentFrameToStartFrame();
442       done = (frame_order != eFrameCompareOlder) ? m_no_more_plans : true;
443     }
444   }
446   if (done) {
447     Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
448     if (log)
449       log->Printf("Completed step through range plan.");
450     ClearNextBranchBreakpoint();
451     ThreadPlan::MischiefManaged();
452     return true;
453   } else {
454     return false;
455   }
456 }
458 bool ThreadPlanStepRange::IsPlanStale() {
459   Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
460   FrameComparison frame_order = CompareCurrentFrameToStartFrame();
462   if (frame_order == eFrameCompareOlder) {
463     if (log) {
464       log->Printf("ThreadPlanStepRange::IsPlanStale returning true, we've "
465                   "stepped out.");
466     }
467     return true;
468   } else if (frame_order == eFrameCompareEqual && InSymbol()) {
469     // If we are not in a place we should step through, we've gotten stale. One
470     // tricky bit here is that some stubs don't push a frame, so we should.
471     // check that we are in the same symbol.
472     if (!InRange()) {
473       // Set plan Complete when we reach next instruction just after the range
474       lldb::addr_t addr = m_thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetPC() - 1;
475       size_t num_ranges = m_address_ranges.size();
476       for (size_t i = 0; i < num_ranges; i++) {
477         bool in_range = m_address_ranges[i].ContainsLoadAddress(
478             addr, m_thread.CalculateTarget().get());
479         if (in_range) {
480           SetPlanComplete();
481         }
482       }
483       return true;
484     }
485   }
486   return false;
487 }