1 //===- llvm/IR/DiagnosticInfo.h - Diagnostic Declaration --------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file declares the different classes involved in low level diagnostics.
10 //
11 // Diagnostics reporting is still done as part of the LLVMContext.
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
17 #include "llvm-c/Types.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
22 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
23 #include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h"
24 #include "llvm/Support/CBindingWrapping.h"
25 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
26 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
27 #include "llvm/Support/TypeSize.h"
28 #include <algorithm>
29 #include <cstdint>
30 #include <functional>
31 #include <iterator>
32 #include <string>
34 namespace llvm {
36 // Forward declarations.
37 class DiagnosticPrinter;
38 class DIFile;
39 class DISubprogram;
40 class CallInst;
41 class Function;
42 class Instruction;
43 class InstructionCost;
44 class Module;
45 class Type;
46 class Value;
48 /// Defines the different supported severity of a diagnostic.
49 enum DiagnosticSeverity : char {
50   DS_Error,
51   DS_Warning,
52   DS_Remark,
53   // A note attaches additional information to one of the previous diagnostic
54   // types.
55   DS_Note
56 };
58 /// Defines the different supported kind of a diagnostic.
59 /// This enum should be extended with a new ID for each added concrete subclass.
60 enum DiagnosticKind {
61   DK_InlineAsm,
62   DK_ResourceLimit,
63   DK_StackSize,
64   DK_Linker,
65   DK_Lowering,
66   DK_DebugMetadataVersion,
67   DK_DebugMetadataInvalid,
68   DK_ISelFallback,
69   DK_SampleProfile,
70   DK_OptimizationRemark,
71   DK_OptimizationRemarkMissed,
72   DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysis,
73   DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysisFPCommute,
74   DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysisAliasing,
75   DK_OptimizationFailure,
76   DK_FirstRemark = DK_OptimizationRemark,
77   DK_LastRemark = DK_OptimizationFailure,
78   DK_MachineOptimizationRemark,
79   DK_MachineOptimizationRemarkMissed,
80   DK_MachineOptimizationRemarkAnalysis,
81   DK_FirstMachineRemark = DK_MachineOptimizationRemark,
82   DK_LastMachineRemark = DK_MachineOptimizationRemarkAnalysis,
83   DK_MIRParser,
84   DK_PGOProfile,
85   DK_Unsupported,
86   DK_SrcMgr,
87   DK_DontCall,
88   DK_MisExpect,
89   DK_FirstPluginKind // Must be last value to work with
90                      // getNextAvailablePluginDiagnosticKind
91 };
93 /// Get the next available kind ID for a plugin diagnostic.
94 /// Each time this function is called, it returns a different number.
95 /// Therefore, a plugin that wants to "identify" its own classes
96 /// with a dynamic identifier, just have to use this method to get a new ID
97 /// and assign it to each of its classes.
98 /// The returned ID will be greater than or equal to DK_FirstPluginKind.
99 /// Thus, the plugin identifiers will not conflict with the
100 /// DiagnosticKind values.
101 int getNextAvailablePluginDiagnosticKind();
103 /// This is the base abstract class for diagnostic reporting in
104 /// the backend.
105 /// The print method must be overloaded by the subclasses to print a
106 /// user-friendly message in the client of the backend (let us call it a
107 /// frontend).
108 class DiagnosticInfo {
109 private:
110   /// Kind defines the kind of report this is about.
111   const /* DiagnosticKind */ int Kind;
112   /// Severity gives the severity of the diagnostic.
113   const DiagnosticSeverity Severity;
115   virtual void anchor();
116 public:
117   DiagnosticInfo(/* DiagnosticKind */ int Kind, DiagnosticSeverity Severity)
118       : Kind(Kind), Severity(Severity) {}
120   virtual ~DiagnosticInfo() = default;
122   /* DiagnosticKind */ int getKind() const { return Kind; }
123   DiagnosticSeverity getSeverity() const { return Severity; }
125   /// Print using the given \p DP a user-friendly message.
126   /// This is the default message that will be printed to the user.
127   /// It is used when the frontend does not directly take advantage
128   /// of the information contained in fields of the subclasses.
129   /// The printed message must not end with '.' nor start with a severity
130   /// keyword.
131   virtual void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const = 0;
132 };
134 using DiagnosticHandlerFunction = std::function<void(const DiagnosticInfo &)>;
136 /// Diagnostic information for inline asm reporting.
137 /// This is basically a message and an optional location.
138 class DiagnosticInfoInlineAsm : public DiagnosticInfo {
139 private:
140   /// Optional line information. 0 if not set.
141   uint64_t LocCookie = 0;
142   /// Message to be reported.
143   const Twine &MsgStr;
144   /// Optional origin of the problem.
145   const Instruction *Instr = nullptr;
147 public:
148   /// \p MsgStr is the message to be reported to the frontend.
149   /// This class does not copy \p MsgStr, therefore the reference must be valid
150   /// for the whole life time of the Diagnostic.
151   DiagnosticInfoInlineAsm(const Twine &MsgStr,
152                           DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Error)
153       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_InlineAsm, Severity), MsgStr(MsgStr) {}
155   /// \p LocCookie if non-zero gives the line number for this report.
156   /// \p MsgStr gives the message.
157   /// This class does not copy \p MsgStr, therefore the reference must be valid
158   /// for the whole life time of the Diagnostic.
159   DiagnosticInfoInlineAsm(uint64_t LocCookie, const Twine &MsgStr,
160                           DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Error)
161       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_InlineAsm, Severity), LocCookie(LocCookie),
162         MsgStr(MsgStr) {}
164   /// \p Instr gives the original instruction that triggered the diagnostic.
165   /// \p MsgStr gives the message.
166   /// This class does not copy \p MsgStr, therefore the reference must be valid
167   /// for the whole life time of the Diagnostic.
168   /// Same for \p I.
169   DiagnosticInfoInlineAsm(const Instruction &I, const Twine &MsgStr,
170                           DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Error);
172   uint64_t getLocCookie() const { return LocCookie; }
173   const Twine &getMsgStr() const { return MsgStr; }
174   const Instruction *getInstruction() const { return Instr; }
176   /// \see DiagnosticInfo::print.
177   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
179   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
180     return DI->getKind() == DK_InlineAsm;
181   }
182 };
184 /// Diagnostic information for stack size etc. reporting.
185 /// This is basically a function and a size.
186 class DiagnosticInfoResourceLimit : public DiagnosticInfo {
187 private:
188   /// The function that is concerned by this resource limit diagnostic.
189   const Function &Fn;
191   /// Description of the resource type (e.g. stack size)
192   const char *ResourceName;
194   /// The computed size usage
195   uint64_t ResourceSize;
197   // Threshould passed
198   uint64_t ResourceLimit;
200 public:
201   /// \p The function that is concerned by this stack size diagnostic.
202   /// \p The computed stack size.
203   DiagnosticInfoResourceLimit(const Function &Fn, const char *ResourceName,
204                               uint64_t ResourceSize, uint64_t ResourceLimit,
205                               DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Warning,
206                               DiagnosticKind Kind = DK_ResourceLimit)
207       : DiagnosticInfo(Kind, Severity), Fn(Fn), ResourceName(ResourceName),
208         ResourceSize(ResourceSize), ResourceLimit(ResourceLimit) {}
210   const Function &getFunction() const { return Fn; }
211   const char *getResourceName() const { return ResourceName; }
212   uint64_t getResourceSize() const { return ResourceSize; }
213   uint64_t getResourceLimit() const { return ResourceLimit; }
215   /// \see DiagnosticInfo::print.
216   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
218   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
219     return DI->getKind() == DK_ResourceLimit || DI->getKind() == DK_StackSize;
220   }
221 };
223 class DiagnosticInfoStackSize : public DiagnosticInfoResourceLimit {
224   void anchor() override;
225 public:
226   DiagnosticInfoStackSize(const Function &Fn, uint64_t StackSize,
227                           uint64_t StackLimit,
228                           DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Warning)
229       : DiagnosticInfoResourceLimit(Fn, "stack frame size", StackSize,
230                                     StackLimit, Severity, DK_StackSize) {}
232   uint64_t getStackSize() const { return getResourceSize(); }
233   uint64_t getStackLimit() const { return getResourceLimit(); }
235   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
236     return DI->getKind() == DK_StackSize;
237   }
238 };
240 /// Diagnostic information for debug metadata version reporting.
241 /// This is basically a module and a version.
242 class DiagnosticInfoDebugMetadataVersion : public DiagnosticInfo {
243 private:
244   /// The module that is concerned by this debug metadata version diagnostic.
245   const Module &M;
246   /// The actual metadata version.
247   unsigned MetadataVersion;
249 public:
250   /// \p The module that is concerned by this debug metadata version diagnostic.
251   /// \p The actual metadata version.
252   DiagnosticInfoDebugMetadataVersion(const Module &M, unsigned MetadataVersion,
253                                      DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Warning)
254       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_DebugMetadataVersion, Severity), M(M),
255         MetadataVersion(MetadataVersion) {}
257   const Module &getModule() const { return M; }
258   unsigned getMetadataVersion() const { return MetadataVersion; }
260   /// \see DiagnosticInfo::print.
261   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
263   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
264     return DI->getKind() == DK_DebugMetadataVersion;
265   }
266 };
268 /// Diagnostic information for stripping invalid debug metadata.
269 class DiagnosticInfoIgnoringInvalidDebugMetadata : public DiagnosticInfo {
270 private:
271   /// The module that is concerned by this debug metadata version diagnostic.
272   const Module &M;
274 public:
275   /// \p The module that is concerned by this debug metadata version diagnostic.
276   DiagnosticInfoIgnoringInvalidDebugMetadata(
277       const Module &M, DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Warning)
278       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_DebugMetadataVersion, Severity), M(M) {}
280   const Module &getModule() const { return M; }
282   /// \see DiagnosticInfo::print.
283   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
285   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
286     return DI->getKind() == DK_DebugMetadataInvalid;
287   }
288 };
290 /// Diagnostic information for the sample profiler.
291 class DiagnosticInfoSampleProfile : public DiagnosticInfo {
292 public:
293   DiagnosticInfoSampleProfile(StringRef FileName, unsigned LineNum,
294                               const Twine &Msg,
295                               DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Error)
296       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_SampleProfile, Severity), FileName(FileName),
297         LineNum(LineNum), Msg(Msg) {}
298   DiagnosticInfoSampleProfile(StringRef FileName, const Twine &Msg,
299                               DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Error)
300       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_SampleProfile, Severity), FileName(FileName),
301         Msg(Msg) {}
302   DiagnosticInfoSampleProfile(const Twine &Msg,
303                               DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Error)
304       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_SampleProfile, Severity), Msg(Msg) {}
306   /// \see DiagnosticInfo::print.
307   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
309   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
310     return DI->getKind() == DK_SampleProfile;
311   }
313   StringRef getFileName() const { return FileName; }
314   unsigned getLineNum() const { return LineNum; }
315   const Twine &getMsg() const { return Msg; }
317 private:
318   /// Name of the input file associated with this diagnostic.
319   StringRef FileName;
321   /// Line number where the diagnostic occurred. If 0, no line number will
322   /// be emitted in the message.
323   unsigned LineNum = 0;
325   /// Message to report.
326   const Twine &Msg;
327 };
329 /// Diagnostic information for the PGO profiler.
330 class DiagnosticInfoPGOProfile : public DiagnosticInfo {
331 public:
332   DiagnosticInfoPGOProfile(const char *FileName, const Twine &Msg,
333                            DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Error)
334       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_PGOProfile, Severity), FileName(FileName), Msg(Msg) {}
336   /// \see DiagnosticInfo::print.
337   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
339   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
340     return DI->getKind() == DK_PGOProfile;
341   }
343   const char *getFileName() const { return FileName; }
344   const Twine &getMsg() const { return Msg; }
346 private:
347   /// Name of the input file associated with this diagnostic.
348   const char *FileName;
350   /// Message to report.
351   const Twine &Msg;
352 };
354 class DiagnosticLocation {
355   DIFile *File = nullptr;
356   unsigned Line = 0;
357   unsigned Column = 0;
359 public:
360   DiagnosticLocation() = default;
361   DiagnosticLocation(const DebugLoc &DL);
362   DiagnosticLocation(const DISubprogram *SP);
364   bool isValid() const { return File; }
365   /// Return the full path to the file.
366   std::string getAbsolutePath() const;
367   /// Return the file name relative to the compilation directory.
368   StringRef getRelativePath() const;
369   unsigned getLine() const { return Line; }
370   unsigned getColumn() const { return Column; }
371 };
373 /// Common features for diagnostics with an associated location.
374 class DiagnosticInfoWithLocationBase : public DiagnosticInfo {
375   void anchor() override;
376 public:
377   /// \p Fn is the function where the diagnostic is being emitted. \p Loc is
378   /// the location information to use in the diagnostic.
379   DiagnosticInfoWithLocationBase(enum DiagnosticKind Kind,
380                                  enum DiagnosticSeverity Severity,
381                                  const Function &Fn,
382                                  const DiagnosticLocation &Loc)
383       : DiagnosticInfo(Kind, Severity), Fn(Fn), Loc(Loc) {}
385   /// Return true if location information is available for this diagnostic.
386   bool isLocationAvailable() const { return Loc.isValid(); }
388   /// Return a string with the location information for this diagnostic
389   /// in the format "file:line:col". If location information is not available,
390   /// it returns "<unknown>:0:0".
391   std::string getLocationStr() const;
393   /// Return location information for this diagnostic in three parts:
394   /// the relative source file path, line number and column.
395   void getLocation(StringRef &RelativePath, unsigned &Line,
396                    unsigned &Column) const;
398   /// Return the absolute path tot the file.
399   std::string getAbsolutePath() const;
401   const Function &getFunction() const { return Fn; }
402   DiagnosticLocation getLocation() const { return Loc; }
404 private:
405   /// Function where this diagnostic is triggered.
406   const Function &Fn;
408   /// Debug location where this diagnostic is triggered.
409   DiagnosticLocation Loc;
410 };
412 /// Common features for diagnostics dealing with optimization remarks
413 /// that are used by both IR and MIR passes.
414 class DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase : public DiagnosticInfoWithLocationBase {
415 public:
416   /// Used to set IsVerbose via the stream interface.
417   struct setIsVerbose {};
419   /// When an instance of this is inserted into the stream, the arguments
420   /// following will not appear in the remark printed in the compiler output
421   /// (-Rpass) but only in the optimization record file
422   /// (-fsave-optimization-record).
423   struct setExtraArgs {};
425   /// Used in the streaming interface as the general argument type.  It
426   /// internally converts everything into a key-value pair.
427   struct Argument {
428     std::string Key;
429     std::string Val;
430     // If set, the debug location corresponding to the value.
431     DiagnosticLocation Loc;
433     explicit Argument(StringRef Str = "") : Key("String"), Val(Str) {}
434     Argument(StringRef Key, const Value *V);
435     Argument(StringRef Key, const Type *T);
436     Argument(StringRef Key, StringRef S);
437     Argument(StringRef Key, const char *S) : Argument(Key, StringRef(S)) {};
438     Argument(StringRef Key, int N);
439     Argument(StringRef Key, float N);
440     Argument(StringRef Key, long N);
441     Argument(StringRef Key, long long N);
442     Argument(StringRef Key, unsigned N);
443     Argument(StringRef Key, unsigned long N);
444     Argument(StringRef Key, unsigned long long N);
445     Argument(StringRef Key, ElementCount EC);
446     Argument(StringRef Key, bool B) : Key(Key), Val(B ? "true" : "false") {}
447     Argument(StringRef Key, DebugLoc dl);
448     Argument(StringRef Key, InstructionCost C);
449   };
451   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic. \p
452   /// RemarkName is a textual identifier for the remark (single-word,
453   /// camel-case). \p Fn is the function where the diagnostic is being emitted.
454   /// \p Loc is the location information to use in the diagnostic. If line table
455   /// information is available, the diagnostic will include the source code
456   /// location.
457   DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase(enum DiagnosticKind Kind,
458                                  enum DiagnosticSeverity Severity,
459                                  const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
460                                  const Function &Fn,
461                                  const DiagnosticLocation &Loc)
462       : DiagnosticInfoWithLocationBase(Kind, Severity, Fn, Loc),
463         PassName(PassName), RemarkName(RemarkName) {}
465   void insert(StringRef S);
466   void insert(Argument A);
467   void insert(setIsVerbose V);
468   void insert(setExtraArgs EA);
470   /// \see DiagnosticInfo::print.
471   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
473   /// Return true if this optimization remark is enabled by one of
474   /// of the LLVM command line flags (-pass-remarks, -pass-remarks-missed,
475   /// or -pass-remarks-analysis). Note that this only handles the LLVM
476   /// flags. We cannot access Clang flags from here (they are handled
477   /// in BackendConsumer::OptimizationRemarkHandler).
478   virtual bool isEnabled() const = 0;
480   StringRef getPassName() const { return PassName; }
481   StringRef getRemarkName() const { return RemarkName; }
482   std::string getMsg() const;
483   Optional<uint64_t> getHotness() const { return Hotness; }
484   void setHotness(Optional<uint64_t> H) { Hotness = H; }
486   bool isVerbose() const { return IsVerbose; }
488   ArrayRef<Argument> getArgs() const { return Args; }
490   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
491     return (DI->getKind() >= DK_FirstRemark &&
492             DI->getKind() <= DK_LastRemark) ||
493            (DI->getKind() >= DK_FirstMachineRemark &&
494             DI->getKind() <= DK_LastMachineRemark);
495   }
497   bool isPassed() const {
498     return (getKind() == DK_OptimizationRemark ||
499             getKind() == DK_MachineOptimizationRemark);
500   }
502   bool isMissed() const {
503     return (getKind() == DK_OptimizationRemarkMissed ||
504             getKind() == DK_MachineOptimizationRemarkMissed);
505   }
507   bool isAnalysis() const {
508     return (getKind() == DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysis ||
509             getKind() == DK_MachineOptimizationRemarkAnalysis);
510   }
512 protected:
513   /// Name of the pass that triggers this report. If this matches the
514   /// regular expression given in -Rpass=regexp, then the remark will
515   /// be emitted.
516   const char *PassName;
518   /// Textual identifier for the remark (single-word, camel-case). Can be used
519   /// by external tools reading the output file for optimization remarks to
520   /// identify the remark.
521   StringRef RemarkName;
523   /// If profile information is available, this is the number of times the
524   /// corresponding code was executed in a profile instrumentation run.
525   Optional<uint64_t> Hotness;
527   /// Arguments collected via the streaming interface.
528   SmallVector<Argument, 4> Args;
530   /// The remark is expected to be noisy.
531   bool IsVerbose = false;
533   /// If positive, the index of the first argument that only appear in
534   /// the optimization records and not in the remark printed in the compiler
535   /// output.
536   int FirstExtraArgIndex = -1;
537 };
539 /// Allow the insertion operator to return the actual remark type rather than a
540 /// common base class.  This allows returning the result of the insertion
541 /// directly by value, e.g. return OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(...) << "blah".
542 template <class RemarkT>
543 RemarkT &
544 operator<<(RemarkT &R,
545            std::enable_if_t<
546                std::is_base_of<DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase, RemarkT>::value,
547                StringRef>
548                S) {
549   R.insert(S);
550   return R;
551 }
553 /// Also allow r-value for the remark to allow insertion into a
554 /// temporarily-constructed remark.
555 template <class RemarkT>
556 RemarkT &
557 operator<<(RemarkT &&R,
558            std::enable_if_t<
559                std::is_base_of<DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase, RemarkT>::value,
560                StringRef>
561                S) {
562   R.insert(S);
563   return R;
564 }
566 template <class RemarkT>
567 RemarkT &
568 operator<<(RemarkT &R,
569            std::enable_if_t<
570                std::is_base_of<DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase, RemarkT>::value,
571                DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::Argument>
572                A) {
573   R.insert(A);
574   return R;
575 }
577 template <class RemarkT>
578 RemarkT &
579 operator<<(RemarkT &&R,
580            std::enable_if_t<
581                std::is_base_of<DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase, RemarkT>::value,
582                DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::Argument>
583                A) {
584   R.insert(A);
585   return R;
586 }
588 template <class RemarkT>
589 RemarkT &
590 operator<<(RemarkT &R,
591            std::enable_if_t<
592                std::is_base_of<DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase, RemarkT>::value,
593                DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::setIsVerbose>
594                V) {
595   R.insert(V);
596   return R;
597 }
599 template <class RemarkT>
600 RemarkT &
601 operator<<(RemarkT &&R,
602            std::enable_if_t<
603                std::is_base_of<DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase, RemarkT>::value,
604                DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::setIsVerbose>
605                V) {
606   R.insert(V);
607   return R;
608 }
610 template <class RemarkT>
611 RemarkT &
612 operator<<(RemarkT &R,
613            std::enable_if_t<
614                std::is_base_of<DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase, RemarkT>::value,
615                DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::setExtraArgs>
616                EA) {
617   R.insert(EA);
618   return R;
619 }
621 /// Common features for diagnostics dealing with optimization remarks
622 /// that are used by IR passes.
623 class DiagnosticInfoIROptimization : public DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase {
624   void anchor() override;
625 public:
626   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic. \p
627   /// RemarkName is a textual identifier for the remark (single-word,
628   /// camel-case). \p Fn is the function where the diagnostic is being emitted.
629   /// \p Loc is the location information to use in the diagnostic. If line table
630   /// information is available, the diagnostic will include the source code
631   /// location. \p CodeRegion is IR value (currently basic block) that the
632   /// optimization operates on. This is currently used to provide run-time
633   /// hotness information with PGO.
634   DiagnosticInfoIROptimization(enum DiagnosticKind Kind,
635                                enum DiagnosticSeverity Severity,
636                                const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
637                                const Function &Fn,
638                                const DiagnosticLocation &Loc,
639                                const Value *CodeRegion = nullptr)
640       : DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase(Kind, Severity, PassName, RemarkName, Fn,
641                                        Loc),
642         CodeRegion(CodeRegion) {}
644   /// This is ctor variant allows a pass to build an optimization remark
645   /// from an existing remark.
646   ///
647   /// This is useful when a transformation pass (e.g LV) wants to emit a remark
648   /// (\p Orig) generated by one of its analyses (e.g. LAA) as its own analysis
649   /// remark.  The string \p Prepend will be emitted before the original
650   /// message.
651   DiagnosticInfoIROptimization(const char *PassName, StringRef Prepend,
652                                const DiagnosticInfoIROptimization &Orig)
653       : DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase(
654             (DiagnosticKind)Orig.getKind(), Orig.getSeverity(), PassName,
655             Orig.RemarkName, Orig.getFunction(), Orig.getLocation()),
656         CodeRegion(Orig.getCodeRegion()) {
657     *this << Prepend;
658     std::copy(Orig.Args.begin(), Orig.Args.end(), std::back_inserter(Args));
659   }
661   /// Legacy interface.
662   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic.
663   /// \p Fn is the function where the diagnostic is being emitted. \p Loc is
664   /// the location information to use in the diagnostic. If line table
665   /// information is available, the diagnostic will include the source code
666   /// location. \p Msg is the message to show. Note that this class does not
667   /// copy this message, so this reference must be valid for the whole life time
668   /// of the diagnostic.
669   DiagnosticInfoIROptimization(enum DiagnosticKind Kind,
670                                enum DiagnosticSeverity Severity,
671                                const char *PassName, const Function &Fn,
672                                const DiagnosticLocation &Loc, const Twine &Msg)
673       : DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase(Kind, Severity, PassName, "", Fn, Loc) {
674     *this << Msg.str();
675   }
677   const Value *getCodeRegion() const { return CodeRegion; }
679   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
680     return DI->getKind() >= DK_FirstRemark && DI->getKind() <= DK_LastRemark;
681   }
683 private:
684   /// The IR value (currently basic block) that the optimization operates on.
685   /// This is currently used to provide run-time hotness information with PGO.
686   const Value *CodeRegion = nullptr;
687 };
689 /// Diagnostic information for applied optimization remarks.
690 class OptimizationRemark : public DiagnosticInfoIROptimization {
691 public:
692   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic. If this name
693   /// matches the regular expression given in -Rpass=, then the diagnostic will
694   /// be emitted. \p RemarkName is a textual identifier for the remark (single-
695   /// word, camel-case). \p Loc is the debug location and \p CodeRegion is the
696   /// region that the optimization operates on (currently only block is
697   /// supported).
698   OptimizationRemark(const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
699                      const DiagnosticLocation &Loc, const Value *CodeRegion);
701   /// Same as above, but the debug location and code region are derived from \p
702   /// Instr.
703   OptimizationRemark(const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
704                      const Instruction *Inst);
706   /// Same as above, but the debug location and code region are derived from \p
707   /// Func.
708   OptimizationRemark(const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
709                      const Function *Func);
711   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
712     return DI->getKind() == DK_OptimizationRemark;
713   }
715   /// \see DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::isEnabled.
716   bool isEnabled() const override;
718 private:
719   /// This is deprecated now and only used by the function API below.
720   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic. If
721   /// this name matches the regular expression given in -Rpass=, then the
722   /// diagnostic will be emitted. \p Fn is the function where the diagnostic
723   /// is being emitted. \p Loc is the location information to use in the
724   /// diagnostic. If line table information is available, the diagnostic
725   /// will include the source code location. \p Msg is the message to show.
726   /// Note that this class does not copy this message, so this reference
727   /// must be valid for the whole life time of the diagnostic.
728   OptimizationRemark(const char *PassName, const Function &Fn,
729                      const DiagnosticLocation &Loc, const Twine &Msg)
730       : DiagnosticInfoIROptimization(DK_OptimizationRemark, DS_Remark, PassName,
731                                      Fn, Loc, Msg) {}
732 };
734 /// Diagnostic information for missed-optimization remarks.
735 class OptimizationRemarkMissed : public DiagnosticInfoIROptimization {
736 public:
737   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic. If this name
738   /// matches the regular expression given in -Rpass-missed=, then the
739   /// diagnostic will be emitted. \p RemarkName is a textual identifier for the
740   /// remark (single-word, camel-case). \p Loc is the debug location and \p
741   /// CodeRegion is the region that the optimization operates on (currently only
742   /// block is supported).
743   OptimizationRemarkMissed(const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
744                            const DiagnosticLocation &Loc,
745                            const Value *CodeRegion);
747   /// Same as above but \p Inst is used to derive code region and debug
748   /// location.
749   OptimizationRemarkMissed(const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
750                            const Instruction *Inst);
752   /// Same as above but \p F is used to derive code region and debug
753   /// location.
754   OptimizationRemarkMissed(const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
755                            const Function *F);
757   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
758     return DI->getKind() == DK_OptimizationRemarkMissed;
759   }
761   /// \see DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::isEnabled.
762   bool isEnabled() const override;
764 private:
765   /// This is deprecated now and only used by the function API below.
766   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic. If
767   /// this name matches the regular expression given in -Rpass-missed=, then the
768   /// diagnostic will be emitted. \p Fn is the function where the diagnostic
769   /// is being emitted. \p Loc is the location information to use in the
770   /// diagnostic. If line table information is available, the diagnostic
771   /// will include the source code location. \p Msg is the message to show.
772   /// Note that this class does not copy this message, so this reference
773   /// must be valid for the whole life time of the diagnostic.
774   OptimizationRemarkMissed(const char *PassName, const Function &Fn,
775                            const DiagnosticLocation &Loc, const Twine &Msg)
776       : DiagnosticInfoIROptimization(DK_OptimizationRemarkMissed, DS_Remark,
777                                      PassName, Fn, Loc, Msg) {}
778 };
780 /// Diagnostic information for optimization analysis remarks.
781 class OptimizationRemarkAnalysis : public DiagnosticInfoIROptimization {
782 public:
783   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic. If this name
784   /// matches the regular expression given in -Rpass-analysis=, then the
785   /// diagnostic will be emitted. \p RemarkName is a textual identifier for the
786   /// remark (single-word, camel-case). \p Loc is the debug location and \p
787   /// CodeRegion is the region that the optimization operates on (currently only
788   /// block is supported).
789   OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
790                              const DiagnosticLocation &Loc,
791                              const Value *CodeRegion);
793   /// This is ctor variant allows a pass to build an optimization remark
794   /// from an existing remark.
795   ///
796   /// This is useful when a transformation pass (e.g LV) wants to emit a remark
797   /// (\p Orig) generated by one of its analyses (e.g. LAA) as its own analysis
798   /// remark.  The string \p Prepend will be emitted before the original
799   /// message.
800   OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(const char *PassName, StringRef Prepend,
801                              const OptimizationRemarkAnalysis &Orig)
802       : DiagnosticInfoIROptimization(PassName, Prepend, Orig) {}
804   /// Same as above but \p Inst is used to derive code region and debug
805   /// location.
806   OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
807                              const Instruction *Inst);
809   /// Same as above but \p F is used to derive code region and debug
810   /// location.
811   OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
812                              const Function *F);
814   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
815     return DI->getKind() == DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysis;
816   }
818   /// \see DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::isEnabled.
819   bool isEnabled() const override;
821   static const char *AlwaysPrint;
823   bool shouldAlwaysPrint() const { return getPassName() == AlwaysPrint; }
825 protected:
826   OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(enum DiagnosticKind Kind, const char *PassName,
827                              const Function &Fn, const DiagnosticLocation &Loc,
828                              const Twine &Msg)
829       : DiagnosticInfoIROptimization(Kind, DS_Remark, PassName, Fn, Loc, Msg) {}
831   OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(enum DiagnosticKind Kind, const char *PassName,
832                              StringRef RemarkName,
833                              const DiagnosticLocation &Loc,
834                              const Value *CodeRegion);
836 private:
837   /// This is deprecated now and only used by the function API below.
838   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic. If
839   /// this name matches the regular expression given in -Rpass-analysis=, then
840   /// the diagnostic will be emitted. \p Fn is the function where the diagnostic
841   /// is being emitted. \p Loc is the location information to use in the
842   /// diagnostic. If line table information is available, the diagnostic will
843   /// include the source code location. \p Msg is the message to show. Note that
844   /// this class does not copy this message, so this reference must be valid for
845   /// the whole life time of the diagnostic.
846   OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(const char *PassName, const Function &Fn,
847                              const DiagnosticLocation &Loc, const Twine &Msg)
848       : DiagnosticInfoIROptimization(DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysis, DS_Remark,
849                                      PassName, Fn, Loc, Msg) {}
850 };
852 /// Diagnostic information for optimization analysis remarks related to
853 /// floating-point non-commutativity.
854 class OptimizationRemarkAnalysisFPCommute : public OptimizationRemarkAnalysis {
855   void anchor() override;
856 public:
857   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic. If this name
858   /// matches the regular expression given in -Rpass-analysis=, then the
859   /// diagnostic will be emitted. \p RemarkName is a textual identifier for the
860   /// remark (single-word, camel-case). \p Loc is the debug location and \p
861   /// CodeRegion is the region that the optimization operates on (currently only
862   /// block is supported). The front-end will append its own message related to
863   /// options that address floating-point non-commutativity.
864   OptimizationRemarkAnalysisFPCommute(const char *PassName,
865                                       StringRef RemarkName,
866                                       const DiagnosticLocation &Loc,
867                                       const Value *CodeRegion)
868       : OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysisFPCommute,
869                                    PassName, RemarkName, Loc, CodeRegion) {}
871   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
872     return DI->getKind() == DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysisFPCommute;
873   }
875 private:
876   /// This is deprecated now and only used by the function API below.
877   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic. If
878   /// this name matches the regular expression given in -Rpass-analysis=, then
879   /// the diagnostic will be emitted. \p Fn is the function where the diagnostic
880   /// is being emitted. \p Loc is the location information to use in the
881   /// diagnostic. If line table information is available, the diagnostic will
882   /// include the source code location. \p Msg is the message to show. The
883   /// front-end will append its own message related to options that address
884   /// floating-point non-commutativity. Note that this class does not copy this
885   /// message, so this reference must be valid for the whole life time of the
886   /// diagnostic.
887   OptimizationRemarkAnalysisFPCommute(const char *PassName, const Function &Fn,
888                                       const DiagnosticLocation &Loc,
889                                       const Twine &Msg)
890       : OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysisFPCommute,
891                                    PassName, Fn, Loc, Msg) {}
892 };
894 /// Diagnostic information for optimization analysis remarks related to
895 /// pointer aliasing.
896 class OptimizationRemarkAnalysisAliasing : public OptimizationRemarkAnalysis {
897   void anchor() override;
898 public:
899   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic. If this name
900   /// matches the regular expression given in -Rpass-analysis=, then the
901   /// diagnostic will be emitted. \p RemarkName is a textual identifier for the
902   /// remark (single-word, camel-case). \p Loc is the debug location and \p
903   /// CodeRegion is the region that the optimization operates on (currently only
904   /// block is supported). The front-end will append its own message related to
905   /// options that address pointer aliasing legality.
906   OptimizationRemarkAnalysisAliasing(const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
907                                      const DiagnosticLocation &Loc,
908                                      const Value *CodeRegion)
909       : OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysisAliasing,
910                                    PassName, RemarkName, Loc, CodeRegion) {}
912   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
913     return DI->getKind() == DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysisAliasing;
914   }
916 private:
917   /// This is deprecated now and only used by the function API below.
918   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic. If
919   /// this name matches the regular expression given in -Rpass-analysis=, then
920   /// the diagnostic will be emitted. \p Fn is the function where the diagnostic
921   /// is being emitted. \p Loc is the location information to use in the
922   /// diagnostic. If line table information is available, the diagnostic will
923   /// include the source code location. \p Msg is the message to show. The
924   /// front-end will append its own message related to options that address
925   /// pointer aliasing legality. Note that this class does not copy this
926   /// message, so this reference must be valid for the whole life time of the
927   /// diagnostic.
928   OptimizationRemarkAnalysisAliasing(const char *PassName, const Function &Fn,
929                                      const DiagnosticLocation &Loc,
930                                      const Twine &Msg)
931       : OptimizationRemarkAnalysis(DK_OptimizationRemarkAnalysisAliasing,
932                                    PassName, Fn, Loc, Msg) {}
933 };
935 /// Diagnostic information for machine IR parser.
936 // FIXME: Remove this, use DiagnosticInfoSrcMgr instead.
937 class DiagnosticInfoMIRParser : public DiagnosticInfo {
938   const SMDiagnostic &Diagnostic;
940 public:
941   DiagnosticInfoMIRParser(DiagnosticSeverity Severity,
942                           const SMDiagnostic &Diagnostic)
943       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_MIRParser, Severity), Diagnostic(Diagnostic) {}
945   const SMDiagnostic &getDiagnostic() const { return Diagnostic; }
947   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
949   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
950     return DI->getKind() == DK_MIRParser;
951   }
952 };
954 /// Diagnostic information for ISel fallback path.
955 class DiagnosticInfoISelFallback : public DiagnosticInfo {
956   /// The function that is concerned by this diagnostic.
957   const Function &Fn;
959 public:
960   DiagnosticInfoISelFallback(const Function &Fn,
961                              DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Warning)
962       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_ISelFallback, Severity), Fn(Fn) {}
964   const Function &getFunction() const { return Fn; }
966   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
968   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
969     return DI->getKind() == DK_ISelFallback;
970   }
971 };
973 // Create wrappers for C Binding types (see CBindingWrapping.h).
976 /// Diagnostic information for optimization failures.
977 class DiagnosticInfoOptimizationFailure : public DiagnosticInfoIROptimization {
978 public:
979   /// \p Fn is the function where the diagnostic is being emitted. \p Loc is
980   /// the location information to use in the diagnostic. If line table
981   /// information is available, the diagnostic will include the source code
982   /// location. \p Msg is the message to show. Note that this class does not
983   /// copy this message, so this reference must be valid for the whole life time
984   /// of the diagnostic.
985   DiagnosticInfoOptimizationFailure(const Function &Fn,
986                                     const DiagnosticLocation &Loc,
987                                     const Twine &Msg)
988       : DiagnosticInfoIROptimization(DK_OptimizationFailure, DS_Warning,
989                                      nullptr, Fn, Loc, Msg) {}
991   /// \p PassName is the name of the pass emitting this diagnostic.  \p
992   /// RemarkName is a textual identifier for the remark (single-word,
993   /// camel-case).  \p Loc is the debug location and \p CodeRegion is the
994   /// region that the optimization operates on (currently basic block is
995   /// supported).
996   DiagnosticInfoOptimizationFailure(const char *PassName, StringRef RemarkName,
997                                     const DiagnosticLocation &Loc,
998                                     const Value *CodeRegion);
1000   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
1001     return DI->getKind() == DK_OptimizationFailure;
1002   }
1004   /// \see DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::isEnabled.
1005   bool isEnabled() const override;
1006 };
1008 /// Diagnostic information for unsupported feature in backend.
1009 class DiagnosticInfoUnsupported : public DiagnosticInfoWithLocationBase {
1010 private:
1011   Twine Msg;
1013 public:
1014   /// \p Fn is the function where the diagnostic is being emitted. \p Loc is
1015   /// the location information to use in the diagnostic. If line table
1016   /// information is available, the diagnostic will include the source code
1017   /// location. \p Msg is the message to show. Note that this class does not
1018   /// copy this message, so this reference must be valid for the whole life time
1019   /// of the diagnostic.
1020   DiagnosticInfoUnsupported(
1021       const Function &Fn, const Twine &Msg,
1022       const DiagnosticLocation &Loc = DiagnosticLocation(),
1023       DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Error)
1024       : DiagnosticInfoWithLocationBase(DK_Unsupported, Severity, Fn, Loc),
1025         Msg(Msg) {}
1027   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
1028     return DI->getKind() == DK_Unsupported;
1029   }
1031   const Twine &getMessage() const { return Msg; }
1033   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
1034 };
1036 /// Diagnostic information for MisExpect analysis.
1037 class DiagnosticInfoMisExpect : public DiagnosticInfoWithLocationBase {
1038 public:
1039   DiagnosticInfoMisExpect(const Instruction *Inst, Twine &Msg);
1041   /// \see DiagnosticInfo::print.
1042   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
1044   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
1045     return DI->getKind() == DK_MisExpect;
1046   }
1048   const Twine &getMsg() const { return Msg; }
1050 private:
1051   /// Message to report.
1052   const Twine &Msg;
1053 };
1055 static DiagnosticSeverity getDiagnosticSeverity(SourceMgr::DiagKind DK) {
1056   switch (DK) {
1057   case llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error:
1058     return DS_Error;
1059     break;
1060   case llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Warning:
1061     return DS_Warning;
1062     break;
1063   case llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Note:
1064     return DS_Note;
1065     break;
1066   case llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Remark:
1067     return DS_Remark;
1068     break;
1069   }
1070   llvm_unreachable("unknown SourceMgr::DiagKind");
1071 }
1073 /// Diagnostic information for SMDiagnostic reporting.
1074 class DiagnosticInfoSrcMgr : public DiagnosticInfo {
1075   const SMDiagnostic &Diagnostic;
1076   StringRef ModName;
1078   // For inlineasm !srcloc translation.
1079   bool InlineAsmDiag;
1080   unsigned LocCookie;
1082 public:
1083   DiagnosticInfoSrcMgr(const SMDiagnostic &Diagnostic, StringRef ModName,
1084                        bool InlineAsmDiag = true, unsigned LocCookie = 0)
1085       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_SrcMgr, getDiagnosticSeverity(Diagnostic.getKind())),
1086         Diagnostic(Diagnostic), ModName(ModName), InlineAsmDiag(InlineAsmDiag),
1087         LocCookie(LocCookie) {}
1089   StringRef getModuleName() const { return ModName; }
1090   bool isInlineAsmDiag() const { return InlineAsmDiag; }
1091   const SMDiagnostic &getSMDiag() const { return Diagnostic; }
1092   unsigned getLocCookie() const { return LocCookie; }
1093   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
1095   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
1096     return DI->getKind() == DK_SrcMgr;
1097   }
1098 };
1100 void diagnoseDontCall(const CallInst &CI);
1102 class DiagnosticInfoDontCall : public DiagnosticInfo {
1103   StringRef CalleeName;
1104   StringRef Note;
1105   unsigned LocCookie;
1107 public:
1108   DiagnosticInfoDontCall(StringRef CalleeName, StringRef Note,
1109                          DiagnosticSeverity DS, unsigned LocCookie)
1110       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_DontCall, DS), CalleeName(CalleeName), Note(Note),
1111         LocCookie(LocCookie) {}
1112   StringRef getFunctionName() const { return CalleeName; }
1113   StringRef getNote() const { return Note; }
1114   unsigned getLocCookie() const { return LocCookie; }
1115   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override;
1116   static bool classof(const DiagnosticInfo *DI) {
1117     return DI->getKind() == DK_DontCall;
1118   }
1119 };
1121 } // end namespace llvm