1 //===-- LVCompare.cpp -----------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This implements the LVCompare class.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 #include "llvm/DebugInfo/LogicalView/Core/LVCompare.h"
14 #include "llvm/DebugInfo/LogicalView/Core/LVOptions.h"
15 #include "llvm/DebugInfo/LogicalView/Core/LVReader.h"
16 #include <tuple>
18 using namespace llvm;
19 using namespace llvm::logicalview;
21 #define DEBUG_TYPE "Compare"
23 namespace {
25 enum class LVCompareItem { Scope, Symbol, Type, Line, Total };
26 enum class LVCompareIndex { Header, Expected, Missing, Added };
27 using LVCompareEntry = std::tuple<const char *, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned>;
28 using LVCompareInfo = std::map<LVCompareItem, LVCompareEntry>;
29 LVCompareInfo Results = {
30     {LVCompareItem::Line, LVCompareEntry("Lines", 0, 0, 0)},
31     {LVCompareItem::Scope, LVCompareEntry("Scopes", 0, 0, 0)},
32     {LVCompareItem::Symbol, LVCompareEntry("Symbols", 0, 0, 0)},
33     {LVCompareItem::Type, LVCompareEntry("Types", 0, 0, 0)},
34     {LVCompareItem::Total, LVCompareEntry("Total", 0, 0, 0)}};
35 static LVCompareInfo::iterator IterTotal = Results.end();
37 constexpr unsigned getHeader() {
38   return static_cast<unsigned>(LVCompareIndex::Header);
39 }
40 constexpr unsigned getExpected() {
41   return static_cast<unsigned>(LVCompareIndex::Expected);
42 }
43 constexpr unsigned getMissing() {
44   return static_cast<unsigned>(LVCompareIndex::Missing);
45 }
46 constexpr unsigned getAdded() {
47   return static_cast<unsigned>(LVCompareIndex::Added);
48 }
50 LVCompare *CurrentComparator = nullptr;
52 void zeroResults() {
53   // In case the same reader instance is used.
54   for (LVCompareInfo::reference Entry : Results) {
55     std::get<getExpected()>(Entry.second) = 0;
56     std::get<getMissing()>(Entry.second) = 0;
57     std::get<getAdded()>(Entry.second) = 0;
58   }
59   IterTotal = Results.find(LVCompareItem::Total);
60   assert(IterTotal != Results.end());
61 }
63 LVCompareInfo::iterator getResultsEntry(LVElement *Element) {
64   LVCompareItem Kind;
65   if (Element->getIsLine())
66     Kind = LVCompareItem::Line;
67   else if (Element->getIsScope())
68     Kind = LVCompareItem::Scope;
69   else if (Element->getIsSymbol())
70     Kind = LVCompareItem::Symbol;
71   else
72     Kind = LVCompareItem::Type;
74   // Used to update the expected, missing or added entry for the given kind.
75   LVCompareInfo::iterator Iter = Results.find(Kind);
76   assert(Iter != Results.end());
77   return Iter;
78 }
80 void updateExpected(LVElement *Element) {
81   LVCompareInfo::iterator Iter = getResultsEntry(Element);
82   // Update total for expected.
83   ++std::get<getExpected()>(IterTotal->second);
84   // Update total for specific element kind.
85   ++std::get<getExpected()>(Iter->second);
86 }
88 void updateMissingOrAdded(LVElement *Element, LVComparePass Pass) {
89   LVCompareInfo::iterator Iter = getResultsEntry(Element);
90   if (Pass == LVComparePass::Missing) {
91     ++std::get<getMissing()>(IterTotal->second);
92     ++std::get<getMissing()>(Iter->second);
93   } else {
94     ++std::get<getAdded()>(IterTotal->second);
95     ++std::get<getAdded()>(Iter->second);
96   }
97 }
99 } // namespace
101 LVCompare &LVCompare::getInstance() {
102   static LVCompare DefaultComparator(outs());
103   return CurrentComparator ? *CurrentComparator : DefaultComparator;
104 }
106 void LVCompare::setInstance(LVCompare *Comparator) {
107   CurrentComparator = Comparator;
108 }
110 LVCompare::LVCompare(raw_ostream &OS) : OS(OS) {
111   PrintLines = options().getPrintLines();
112   PrintSymbols = options().getPrintSymbols();
113   PrintTypes = options().getPrintTypes();
114   PrintScopes =
115       options().getPrintScopes() || PrintLines || PrintSymbols || PrintTypes;
116 }
118 Error LVCompare::execute(LVReader *ReferenceReader, LVReader *TargetReader) {
119   setInstance(this);
120   // In the case of added elements, the 'Reference' reader will be modified;
121   // those elements will be added to it. Update the current reader instance.
122   LVReader::setInstance(ReferenceReader);
124   auto PrintHeader = [this](LVScopeRoot *LHS, LVScopeRoot *RHS) {
125     LLVM_DEBUG({
126       dbgs() << "[Reference] " << LHS->getName() << "\n"
127              << "[Target] " << RHS->getName() << "\n";
128     });
129     OS << "\nReference: " << formattedName(LHS->getName()) << "\n"
130        << "Target:    " << formattedName(RHS->getName()) << "\n";
131   };
133   // We traverse the given scopes tree ('Reference' and 'Target') twice.
134   // The first time we look for missing items from the 'Reference' and the
135   // second time we look for items added to the 'Target'.
136   // The comparison test includes the name, lexical level, type, source
137   // location, etc.
138   LVScopeRoot *ReferenceRoot = ReferenceReader->getScopesRoot();
139   LVScopeRoot *TargetRoot = TargetReader->getScopesRoot();
140   ReferenceRoot->setIsInCompare();
141   TargetRoot->setIsInCompare();
143   // Reset possible previous results.
144   zeroResults();
146   if (options().getCompareContext()) {
147     // Perform a logical view comparison as a whole unit. We start at the
148     // root reference; at each scope an equal test is applied to its children.
149     // If a difference is found, the current path is marked as missing.
150     auto CompareViews = [this](LVScopeRoot *LHS, LVScopeRoot *RHS) -> Error {
151       LHS->markMissingParents(RHS, /*TraverseChildren=*/true);
152       if (LHS->getIsMissingLink() && options().getReportAnyView()) {
153         // As we are printing a missing tree, enable formatting.
154         options().setPrintFormatting();
155         OS << "\nMissing Tree:\n";
156         if (Error Err = LHS->doPrint(/*Split=*/false, /*Match=*/false,
157                                      /*Print=*/true, OS))
158           return Err;
159         options().resetPrintFormatting();
160       }
162       return Error::success();
163     };
165     // If the user has requested printing details for the comparison, we
166     // disable the indentation and the added/missing tags ('+'/'-'), as the
167     // details are just a list of elements.
168     options().resetPrintFormatting();
170     PrintHeader(ReferenceRoot, TargetRoot);
171     Reader = ReferenceReader;
172     if (Error Err = CompareViews(ReferenceRoot, TargetRoot))
173       return Err;
174     FirstMissing = true;
175     ReferenceRoot->report(LVComparePass::Missing);
177     PrintHeader(TargetRoot, ReferenceRoot);
178     Reader = TargetReader;
179     if (Error Err = CompareViews(TargetRoot, ReferenceRoot))
180       return Err;
181     FirstMissing = true;
182     TargetRoot->report(LVComparePass::Added);
184     options().setPrintFormatting();
186     // Display a summary with the elements missing and/or added.
187     printSummary();
188   } else {
189     // Perform logical elements comparison. An equal test is apply to each
190     // element. If a difference is found, the reference element is marked as
191     // 'missing'.
192     // The final comparison result will show the 'Reference' scopes tree,
193     // having both missing and added elements.
194     using LVScopeLink = std::map<LVScope *, LVScope *>;
195     LVScopeLink ScopeLinks;
196     auto CompareReaders = [&](LVReader *LHS, LVReader *RHS, LVElements &Set,
197                               LVComparePass Pass) -> Error {
198       auto FindMatch = [&](auto &References, auto &Targets,
199                            const char *Category) -> Error {
200         LVElements Elements;
201         for (LVElement *Reference : References) {
202           // Report elements that can be printed; ignore logical elements that
203           // have qualifiers.
204           if (Reference->getIncludeInPrint()) {
205             if (Pass == LVComparePass::Missing)
206               updateExpected(Reference);
207             Reference->setIsInCompare();
208             LVElement *CurrentTarget = nullptr;
209             if (std::any_of(Targets.begin(), Targets.end(),
210                             [&](auto Target) -> bool {
211                               CurrentTarget = Target;
212                               return Reference->equals(Target);
213                             })) {
214               if (Pass == LVComparePass::Missing && Reference->getIsScope()) {
215                 // If the elements being compared are scopes and are a match,
216                 // they are recorded, to be used when creating the augmented
217                 // tree, as insertion points for the "added" items.
218                 ScopeLinks.emplace(static_cast<LVScope *>(CurrentTarget),
219                                    static_cast<LVScope *>(Reference));
220               }
221             } else {
222               // Element is missing or added.
223               Pass == LVComparePass::Missing ? Reference->setIsMissing()
224                                              : Reference->setIsAdded();
225               Elements.push_back(Reference);
226               updateMissingOrAdded(Reference, Pass);
227               // Record missing/added element.
228               addPassEntry(Reader, Reference, Pass);
229             }
230           }
231         }
232         if (Pass == LVComparePass::Added)
233           // Record all the current missing elements for this category.
234           Set.insert(Set.end(), Elements.begin(), Elements.end());
235         if (options().getReportList()) {
236           if (Elements.size()) {
237             OS << "\n(" << Elements.size() << ") "
238                << (Pass == LVComparePass::Missing ? "Missing" : "Added") << " "
239                << Category << ":\n";
240             for (const LVElement *Element : Elements) {
241               if (Error Err = Element->doPrint(/*Split=*/false, /*Match=*/false,
242                                                /*Print=*/true, OS))
243                 return Err;
244             }
245           }
246         }
248         return Error::success();
249       };
251       // First compare the scopes, so they will be inserted at the front of
252       // the missing elements list. When they are moved, their children are
253       // moved as well and no additional work is required.
254       if (options().getCompareScopes())
255         if (Error Err = FindMatch(LHS->getScopes(), RHS->getScopes(), "Scopes"))
256           return Err;
257       if (options().getCompareSymbols())
258         if (Error Err =
259                 FindMatch(LHS->getSymbols(), RHS->getSymbols(), "Symbols"))
260           return Err;
261       if (options().getCompareTypes())
262         if (Error Err = FindMatch(LHS->getTypes(), RHS->getTypes(), "Types"))
263           return Err;
264       if (options().getCompareLines())
265         if (Error Err = FindMatch(LHS->getLines(), RHS->getLines(), "Lines"))
266           return Err;
268       return Error::success();
269     };
271     // If the user has requested printing details for the comparison, we
272     // disable the indentation and the added/missing tags ('+'/'-'), as the
273     // details are just a list of elements.
274     options().resetPrintFormatting();
276     PrintHeader(ReferenceRoot, TargetRoot);
277     // Include the root in the expected count.
278     updateExpected(ReferenceRoot);
280     LVElements ElementsToAdd;
281     Reader = ReferenceReader;
282     if (Error Err = CompareReaders(ReferenceReader, TargetReader, ElementsToAdd,
283                                    LVComparePass::Missing))
284       return Err;
285     Reader = TargetReader;
286     if (Error Err = CompareReaders(TargetReader, ReferenceReader, ElementsToAdd,
287                                    LVComparePass::Added))
288       return Err;
290     LLVM_DEBUG({
291       dbgs() << "\nReference/Target Scope links:\n";
292       for (LVScopeLink::const_reference Entry : ScopeLinks)
293         dbgs() << "Source: " << hexSquareString(Entry.first->getOffset()) << " "
294                << "Destination: " << hexSquareString(Entry.second->getOffset())
295                << "\n";
296       dbgs() << "\n";
297     });
299     // Add the 'missing' elements from the 'Target' into the 'Reference'.
300     // First insert the missing scopes, as they include any missing children.
301     LVScope *Parent = nullptr;
302     for (LVElement *Element : ElementsToAdd) {
303       LLVM_DEBUG({
304         dbgs() << "Element to Insert: " << hexSquareString(Element->getOffset())
305                << ", Parent: "
306                << hexSquareString(Element->getParentScope()->getOffset())
307                << "\n";
308       });
309       // Skip already inserted elements. They were inserted, if their parents
310       // were missing. When inserting them, all the children are moved.
311       if (Element->getHasMoved())
312         continue;
314       // We need to find an insertion point in the reference scopes tree.
315       Parent = Element->getParentScope();
316       if (ScopeLinks.find(Parent) != ScopeLinks.end()) {
317         LVScope *InsertionPoint = ScopeLinks[Parent];
318         LLVM_DEBUG({
319           dbgs() << "Inserted at: "
320                  << hexSquareString(InsertionPoint->getOffset()) << "\n";
321         });
322         if (Parent->removeElement(Element)) {
323           // Be sure we have a current compile unit.
324           getReader().setCompileUnit(InsertionPoint->getCompileUnitParent());
325           InsertionPoint->addElement(Element);
326           Element->updateLevel(InsertionPoint, /*Moved=*/true);
327         }
328       }
329     }
331     options().setPrintFormatting();
333     // Display the augmented reference scopes tree.
334     if (options().getReportAnyView())
335       if (Error Err = ReferenceReader->doPrint())
336         return Err;
338     LLVM_DEBUG({
339       dbgs() << "\nModified Reference Reader";
340       if (Error Err = ReferenceReader->doPrint())
341         return Err;
342       dbgs() << "\nModified Target Reader";
343       if (Error Err = TargetReader->doPrint())
344         return Err;
345     });
347     // Display a summary with the elements missing and/or added.
348     printSummary();
349   }
351   return Error::success();
352 }
354 void LVCompare::printCurrentStack() {
355   for (const LVScope *Scope : ScopeStack) {
356     Scope->printAttributes(OS);
357     OS << Scope->lineNumberAsString(/*ShowZero=*/true) << " " << Scope->kind()
358        << " " << formattedName(Scope->getName()) << "\n";
359   }
360 }
362 void LVCompare::printItem(LVElement *Element, LVComparePass Pass) {
363   // Record expected, missing, added.
364   updateExpected(Element);
365   updateMissingOrAdded(Element, Pass);
367   // Record missing/added element.
368   if (Element->getIsMissing())
369     addPassEntry(Reader, Element, Pass);
371   if ((!PrintLines && Element->getIsLine()) ||
372       (!PrintScopes && Element->getIsScope()) ||
373       (!PrintSymbols && Element->getIsSymbol()) ||
374       (!PrintTypes && Element->getIsType()))
375     return;
377   if (Element->getIsMissing()) {
378     if (FirstMissing) {
379       OS << "\n";
380       FirstMissing = false;
381     }
383     StringRef Kind = Element->kind();
384     StringRef Name =
385         Element->getIsLine() ? Element->getPathname() : Element->getName();
386     StringRef Status = (Pass == LVComparePass::Missing) ? "Missing" : "Added";
387     OS << Status << " " << Kind << " '" << Name << "'";
388     if (Element->getLineNumber() > 0)
389       OS << " at line " << Element->getLineNumber();
390     OS << "\n";
392     if (options().getReportList()) {
393       printCurrentStack();
394       Element->printAttributes(OS);
395       OS << Element->lineNumberAsString(/*ShowZero=*/true) << " " << Kind << " "
396          << Name << "\n";
397     }
398   }
399 }
401 void LVCompare::printSummary() const {
402   if (!options().getPrintSummary())
403     return;
404   std::string Separator = std::string(40, '-');
405   auto PrintSeparator = [&]() { OS << Separator << "\n"; };
406   auto PrintHeadingRow = [&](const char *T, const char *U, const char *V,
407                              const char *W) {
408     OS << format("%-9s%9s  %9s  %9s\n", T, U, V, W);
409   };
410   auto PrintDataRow = [&](const char *T, unsigned U, unsigned V, unsigned W) {
411     OS << format("%-9s%9d  %9d  %9d\n", T, U, V, W);
412   };
414   OS << "\n";
415   PrintSeparator();
416   PrintHeadingRow("Element", "Expected", "Missing", "Added");
417   PrintSeparator();
418   for (LVCompareInfo::reference Entry : Results) {
419     if (Entry.first == LVCompareItem::Total)
420       PrintSeparator();
421     PrintDataRow(std::get<getHeader()>(Entry.second),
422                  std::get<getExpected()>(Entry.second),
423                  std::get<getMissing()>(Entry.second),
424                  std::get<getAdded()>(Entry.second));
425   }
426 }
428 void LVCompare::print(raw_ostream &OS) const { OS << "LVCompare\n"; }