xref: /freebsd/contrib/ofed/librdmacm/man/rcopy.1 (revision 224e0c2f)
Licensed under the OpenIB.org BSD license (FreeBSD Variant) - See COPYING.md
"RCOPY" 1 "2011-12-2" "librdmacm" "librdmacm" librdmacm
rcopy - simple file copy over RDMA.
rcopy source server[:destination] [-p port]
rcopy [-p port]
Uses sockets over RDMA interface to copy a source file to the specified destination.

source The name and path of the source file to copy.

server The name or address of the destination server.

:destination An optional destination filename and path. If not given, the destination filename will match that of the source.

-p server_port The server's port number.

Basic usage is to start rcopy on a server system, then run rcopy sourcefile servername. The server application will continue to run after copying the file, but is currently single-threaded.

Because this test maps RDMA resources to userspace, users must ensure that they have available system resources and permissions. See the libibverbs README file for additional details.
