1Network Working Group                                        Jon Callas
2Category: INTERNET-DRAFT                                PGP Corporation
4Expires May 2005                                       Lutz Donnerhacke
5November 2004
7Obsoletes: 1991, 2440                                        Hal Finney
8                                                     Network Associates
10                                                          Rodney Thayer
12                         OpenPGP Message Format
13                 draft-ietf-openpgp-rfc2440bis-12.txt
16   Copyright 2004 by The Internet Society. All Rights Reserved.
18Status of this Memo
20   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
21   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
23   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
24   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
25   other groups may also distribute working documents as
26   Internet-Drafts.
28   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
29   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
30   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
31   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
33   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
34   http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt
36   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
37   http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html.
39IPR Claim Notice
41   By submitting this Internet-Draft, any applicable patent or other
42   IPR claims of which we are aware have been disclosed in accordance
43   with RFC 3668.
45IESG Note
47   This document defines many tag values, yet it doesn't describe a
48   mechanism for adding new tags (for new features). Traditionally the
49   Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) handles the allocation of
50   new values for future expansion and RFCs usually define the
51   procedure to be used by the IANA.  However there are subtle (and not
52   so subtle) interactions that may occur in this protocol between new
53   features and existing features which result in a significant
54   reduction in over all security. Therefore this document does not
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59   define an extension procedure. Instead requests to define new tag
60   values (say for new encryption algorithms for example) should be
61   forwarded to the IESG Security Area Directors for consideration or
62   forwarding to the appropriate IETF Working Group for consideration.
66   This document is maintained in order to publish all necessary
67   information needed to develop interoperable applications based on
68   the OpenPGP format. It is not a step-by-step cookbook for writing an
69   application. It describes only the format and methods needed to
70   read, check, generate, and write conforming packets crossing any
71   network. It does not deal with storage and implementation questions.
72   It does, however, discuss implementation issues necessary to avoid
73   security flaws.
75   OpenPGP software uses a combination of strong public-key and
76   symmetric cryptography to provide security services for electronic
77   communications and data storage.  These services include
78   confidentiality, key management, authentication, and digital
79   signatures. This document specifies the message formats used in
80   OpenPGP.
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115Table of Contents
117            Status of this Memo                                       1
118            IPR Claim Notice                                          1
119            IESG Note                                                 1
120            Abstract                                                  2
121            Table of Contents                                         3
122   1.       Introduction                                              6
123   1.1.     Terms                                                     6
124   2.       General functions                                         6
125   2.1.     Confidentiality via Encryption                            7
126   2.2.     Authentication via Digital signature                      7
127   2.3.     Compression                                               8
128   2.4.     Conversion to Radix-64                                    8
129   2.5.     Signature-Only Applications                               8
130   3.       Data Element Formats                                      9
131   3.1.     Scalar numbers                                            9
132   3.2.     Multiprecision Integers                                   9
133   3.3.     Key IDs                                                   9
134   3.4.     Text                                                     10
135   3.5.     Time fields                                              10
136   3.6.     Keyrings                                                 10
137   3.7.     String-to-key (S2K) specifiers                           10
138   3.7.1.   String-to-key (S2K) specifier types                      10
139 Simple S2K                                               10
140 Salted S2K                                               11
141 Iterated and Salted S2K                                  11
142   3.7.2.   String-to-key usage                                      12
143 Secret key encryption                                    12
144 Symmetric-key message encryption                         13
145   4.       Packet Syntax                                            13
146   4.1.     Overview                                                 13
147   4.2.     Packet Headers                                           13
148   4.2.1.   Old-Format Packet Lengths                                14
149   4.2.2.   New-Format Packet Lengths                                14
150 One-Octet Lengths                                        15
151 Two-Octet Lengths                                        15
152 Five-Octet Lengths                                       15
153 Partial Body Lengths                                     15
154   4.2.3.   Packet Length Examples                                   16
155   4.3.     Packet Tags                                              16
156   5.       Packet Types                                             17
157   5.1.     Public-Key Encrypted Session Key Packets (Tag 1)         17
158   5.2.     Signature Packet (Tag 2)                                 18
159   5.2.1.   Signature Types                                          18
160   5.2.2.   Version 3 Signature Packet Format                        20
161   5.2.3.   Version 4 Signature Packet Format                        23
162 Signature Subpacket Specification                        23
163 Signature Subpacket Types                                25
164 Notes on Self-Signatures                                 25
165 Signature creation time                                  26
166 Issuer                                                   26
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171 Key expiration time                                      27
172 Preferred symmetric algorithms                           27
173 Preferred hash algorithms                                27
174 Preferred compression algorithms                         27
175 expiration time                                27
176 Certification                                 28
177                                                28
178 signature                                          28
179 expression                                       29
180 key                                           29
181 Data                                            29
182 server preferences                                   30
183 key server                                     30
184 User ID                                          31
185 URL                                               31
186 Flags                                                31
187's User ID                                         32
188 for Revocation                                    32
189                                                 33
190 Target                                         34
191 Signature                                       34
192   5.2.4.   Computing Signatures                                     34
193 Subpacket Hints                                          35
194   5.3.     Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packets (Tag 3)      36
195   5.4.     One-Pass Signature Packets (Tag 4)                       36
196   5.5.     Key Material Packet                                      37
197   5.5.1.   Key Packet Variants                                      37
198 Public Key Packet (Tag 6)                                37
199 Public Subkey Packet (Tag 14)                            37
200 Secret Key Packet (Tag 5)                                38
201 Secret Subkey Packet (Tag 7)                             38
202   5.5.2.   Public Key Packet Formats                                38
203   5.5.3.   Secret Key Packet Formats                                39
204   5.6.     Compressed Data Packet (Tag 8)                           41
205   5.7.     Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet (Tag 9)              42
206   5.8.     Marker Packet (Obsolete Literal Packet) (Tag 10)         43
207   5.9.     Literal Data Packet (Tag 11)                             43
208   5.10.    Trust Packet (Tag 12)                                    44
209   5.11.    User ID Packet (Tag 13)                                  44
210   5.12.    User Attribute Packet (Tag 17)                           44
211   5.12.1.  The Image Attribute Subpacket                            45
212   5.13.    Sym. Encrypted Integrity Protected Data Packet (Tag 18)  45
213   5.14.    Modification Detection Code Packet (Tag 19)              47
214   6.       Radix-64 Conversions                                     48
215   6.1.     An Implementation of the CRC-24 in "C"                   48
216   6.2.     Forming ASCII Armor                                      49
217   6.3.     Encoding Binary in Radix-64                              51
218   6.4.     Decoding Radix-64                                        52
219   6.5.     Examples of Radix-64                                     53
220   6.6.     Example of an ASCII Armored Message                      53
221   7.       Cleartext signature framework                            53
222   7.1.     Dash-Escaped Text                                        54
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227   8.       Regular Expressions                                      55
228   9.       Constants                                                55
229   9.1.     Public Key Algorithms                                    55
230   9.2.     Symmetric Key Algorithms                                 56
231   9.3.     Compression Algorithms                                   56
232   9.4.     Hash Algorithms                                          57
233   10.      Packet Composition                                       57
234   10.1.    Transferable Public Keys                                 57
235   10.2.    OpenPGP Messages                                         59
236   10.3.    Detached Signatures                                      59
237   11.      Enhanced Key Formats                                     59
238   11.1.    Key Structures                                           59
239   11.2.    Key IDs and Fingerprints                                 60
240   12.      Notes on Algorithms                                      61
241   12.1.    Symmetric Algorithm Preferences                          61
242   12.2.    Other Algorithm Preferences                              62
243   12.2.1.  Compression Preferences                                  62
244   12.2.2.  Hash Algorithm Preferences                               63
245   12.3.    Plaintext                                                63
246   12.4.    RSA                                                      63
247   12.5.    DSA                                                      63
248   12.6.    Elgamal                                                  63
249   12.7.    Reserved Algorithm Numbers                               64
250   12.8.    OpenPGP CFB mode                                         64
251   13.      Security Considerations                                  65
252   14.      Implementation Nits                                      67
253   15.      Authors and Working Group Chair                          68
254   16.      References (Normative)                                   69
255   17.      References (Non-Normative)                               71
256   18.      Full Copyright Statement                                 71
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2831. Introduction
285   This document provides information on the message-exchange packet
286   formats used by OpenPGP to provide encryption, decryption, signing,
287   and key management functions. It is a revision of RFC2440, "OpenPGP
288   Message Format", which itself replaces RFC 1991, "PGP Message
289   Exchange Formats."
2911.1. Terms
293     * OpenPGP - This is a definition for security software that uses
294       PGP 5.x as a basis, formalized in RFC 2440 and this document.
296     * PGP - Pretty Good Privacy. PGP is a family of software systems
297       developed by Philip R. Zimmermann from which OpenPGP is based.
299     * PGP 2.6.x - This version of PGP has many variants, hence the
300       term PGP 2.6.x. It used only RSA, MD5, and IDEA for its
301       cryptographic transforms. An informational RFC, RFC1991, was
302       written describing this version of PGP.
304     * PGP 5.x - This version of PGP is formerly known as "PGP 3" in
305       the community and also in the predecessor of this document,
306       RFC1991. It has new formats and corrects a number of problems in
307       the PGP 2.6.x design. It is referred to here as PGP 5.x because
308       that software was the first release of the "PGP 3" code base.
310     * GPG - GNU Privacy Guard, also called GnuPG. GPG is an OpenPGP
311       implementation that avoids all encumbered algorithms.
312       Consequently, early versions of GPG did not include RSA public
313       keys. GPG may or may not have (depending on version) support for
314       IDEA or other encumbered algorithms.
316   "PGP", "Pretty Good", and "Pretty Good Privacy" are trademarks of
317   PGP Corporation and are used with permission.
319   This document uses the terms "MUST", "SHOULD", and "MAY" as defined
320   in RFC2119, along with the negated forms of those terms.
3222. General functions
324   OpenPGP provides data integrity services for messages and data files
325   by using these core technologies:
327     - digital signatures
329     - encryption
331     - compression
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339     - radix-64 conversion
341   In addition, OpenPGP provides key management and certificate
342   services, but many of these are beyond the scope of this document.
3442.1. Confidentiality via Encryption
346   OpenPGP combines symmetric-key encryption and public key encryption
347   to provide confidentiality. When made confidential, first the object
348   is encrypted using a symmetric encryption algorithm.  Each symmetric
349   key is used only once, for a single object. A new "session key" is
350   generated as a random number for each object (sometimes referred to
351   as a session). Since it is used only once, the session key is bound
352   to the message and transmitted with it.  To protect the key, it is
353   encrypted with the receiver's public key. The sequence is as
354   follows:
356   1.  The sender creates a message.
358   2.  The sending OpenPGP generates a random number to be used as a
359       session key for this message only.
361   3.  The session key is encrypted using each recipient's public key.
362       These "encrypted session keys" start the message.
364   4.  The sending OpenPGP encrypts the message using the session key,
365       which forms the remainder of the message. Note that the message
366       is also usually compressed.
368   5.  The receiving OpenPGP decrypts the session key using the
369       recipient's private key.
371   6.  The receiving OpenPGP decrypts the message using the session
372       key. If the message was compressed, it will be decompressed.
374   With symmetric-key encryption, an object may be encrypted with a
375   symmetric key derived from a passphrase (or other shared secret), or
376   a two-stage mechanism similar to the public-key method described
377   above in which a session key is itself encrypted with a symmetric
378   algorithm keyed from a shared secret.
380   Both digital signature and confidentiality services may be applied
381   to the same message. First, a signature is generated for the message
382   and attached to the message. Then, the message plus signature is
383   encrypted using a symmetric session key. Finally, the session key is
384   encrypted using public-key encryption and prefixed to the encrypted
385   block.
3872.2. Authentication via Digital signature
389   The digital signature uses a hash code or message digest algorithm,
390   and a public-key signature algorithm. The sequence is as follows:
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395   1.  The sender creates a message.
397   2.  The sending software generates a hash code of the message.
399   3.  The sending software generates a signature from the hash code
400       using the sender's private key.
402   4.  The binary signature is attached to the message.
404   5.  The receiving software keeps a copy of the message signature.
406   6.  The receiving software generates a new hash code for the
407       received message and verifies it using the message's signature.
408       If the verification is successful, the message is accepted as
409       authentic.
4112.3. Compression
413   OpenPGP implementations SHOULD compress the message after applying
414   the signature but before encryption.
416   If an implementation does not implement compression, its authors
417   should be aware that most PGP messages in the world are compressed.
418   Thus, it may even be wise for a space-constrained implementation to
419   implement decompression, but not compression.
421   Furthermore, compression has the added side-effect that some types
422   of attacks can be thwarted by the fact that slightly altered,
423   compressed data rarely uncompresses without severe errors. This is
424   hardly rigorous, but it is operationally useful. These attacks can
425   be rigorously prevented by implementing and using Modification
426   Detection Codes as described in sections following.
4282.4. Conversion to Radix-64
430   OpenPGP's underlying native representation for encrypted messages,
431   signature certificates, and keys is a stream of arbitrary octets.
432   Some systems only permit the use of blocks consisting of seven-bit,
433   printable text. For transporting OpenPGP's native raw binary octets
434   through channels that are not safe to raw binary data, a printable
435   encoding of these binary octets is needed.  OpenPGP provides the
436   service of converting the raw 8-bit binary octet stream to a stream
437   of printable ASCII characters, called Radix-64 encoding or ASCII
438   Armor.
440   Implementations SHOULD provide Radix-64 conversions.
4422.5. Signature-Only Applications
444   OpenPGP is designed for applications that use both encryption and
445   signatures, but there are a number of problems that are solved by a
446   signature-only implementation. Although this specification requires
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451   both encryption and signatures, it is reasonable for there to be
452   subset implementations that are non-conformant only in that they
453   omit encryption.
4553. Data Element Formats
457   This section describes the data elements used by OpenPGP.
4593.1. Scalar numbers
461   Scalar numbers are unsigned, and are always stored in big-endian
462   format. Using n[k] to refer to the kth octet being interpreted, the
463   value of a two-octet scalar is ((n[0] << 8) + n[1]). The value of a
464   four-octet scalar is ((n[0] << 24) + (n[1] << 16) + (n[2] << 8) +
465   n[3]).
4673.2. Multiprecision Integers
469   Multiprecision Integers (also called MPIs) are unsigned integers
470   used to hold large integers such as the ones used in cryptographic
471   calculations.
473   An MPI consists of two pieces: a two-octet scalar that is the length
474   of the MPI in bits followed by a string of octets that contain the
475   actual integer.
477   These octets form a big-endian number; a big-endian number can be
478   made into an MPI by prefixing it with the appropriate length.
480   Examples:
482   (all numbers are in hexadecimal)
484   The string of octets [00 01 01] forms an MPI with the value 1. The
485   string [00 09 01 FF] forms an MPI with the value of 511.
487   Additional rules:
489   The size of an MPI is ((MPI.length + 7) / 8) + 2 octets.
491   The length field of an MPI describes the length starting from its
492   most significant non-zero bit. Thus, the MPI [00 02 01] is not
493   formed correctly. It should be [00 01 01].
495   Also note that when an MPI is encrypted, the length refers to the
496   plaintext MPI. It may be ill-formed in its ciphertext.
4983.3. Key IDs
500   A Key ID is an eight-octet scalar that identifies a key.
501   Implementations SHOULD NOT assume that Key IDs are unique. The
502   section, "Enhanced Key Formats" below describes how Key IDs are
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507   formed.
5093.4. Text
511   Unless otherwise specified, the character set for text is the UTF-8
512   [RFC2279] encoding of Unicode [ISO10646].
5143.5. Time fields
516   A time field is an unsigned four-octet number containing the number
517   of seconds elapsed since midnight, 1 January 1970 UTC.
5193.6. Keyrings
521   A keyring is a collection of one or more keys in a file or database.
522   Traditionally, a keyring is simply a sequential list of keys, but
523   may be any suitable database. It is beyond the scope of this
524   standard to discuss the details of keyrings or other databases.
5263.7. String-to-key (S2K) specifiers
528   String-to-key (S2K) specifiers are used to convert passphrase
529   strings into symmetric-key encryption/decryption keys.  They are
530   used in two places, currently: to encrypt the secret part of private
531   keys in the private keyring, and to convert passphrases to
532   encryption keys for symmetrically encrypted messages.
5343.7.1. String-to-key (S2K) specifier types
536   There are three types of S2K specifiers currently supported, and
537   some reserved values:
539       ID          S2K Type
540       --          --- ----
541       0           Simple S2K
542       1           Salted S2K
543       2           Illegal value
544       3           Iterated and Salted S2K
545       100 to 110  Private/Experimental S2K
547   These are described as follows:
5493.7.1.1. Simple S2K
551   This directly hashes the string to produce the key data.  See below
552   for how this hashing is done.
554       Octet 0:        0x00
555       Octet 1:        hash algorithm
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563   Simple S2K hashes the passphrase to produce the session key.  The
564   manner in which this is done depends on the size of the session key
565   (which will depend on the cipher used) and the size of the hash
566   algorithm's output. If the hash size is greater than the session key
567   size, the high-order (leftmost) octets of the hash are used as the
568   key.
570   If the hash size is less than the key size, multiple instances of
571   the hash context are created -- enough to produce the required key
572   data. These instances are preloaded with 0, 1, 2, ... octets of
573   zeros (that is to say, the first instance has no preloading, the
574   second gets preloaded with 1 octet of zero, the third is preloaded
575   with two octets of zeros, and so forth).
577   As the data is hashed, it is given independently to each hash
578   context. Since the contexts have been initialized differently, they
579   will each produce different hash output.  Once the passphrase is
580   hashed, the output data from the multiple hashes is concatenated,
581   first hash leftmost, to produce the key data, with any excess octets
582   on the right discarded.
5843.7.1.2. Salted S2K
586   This includes a "salt" value in the S2K specifier -- some arbitrary
587   data -- that gets hashed along with the passphrase string, to help
588   prevent dictionary attacks.
590       Octet 0:        0x01
591       Octet 1:        hash algorithm
592       Octets 2-9:     8-octet salt value
594   Salted S2K is exactly like Simple S2K, except that the input to the
595   hash function(s) consists of the 8 octets of salt from the S2K
596   specifier, followed by the passphrase.
5983.7.1.3. Iterated and Salted S2K
600   This includes both a salt and an octet count.  The salt is combined
601   with the passphrase and the resulting value is hashed repeatedly.
602   This further increases the amount of work an attacker must do to try
603   dictionary attacks.
605       Octet  0:        0x03
606       Octet  1:        hash algorithm
607       Octets 2-9:      8-octet salt value
608       Octet  10:       count, a one-octet, coded value
610   The count is coded into a one-octet number using the following
611   formula:
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619       #define EXPBIAS 6
620           count = ((Int32)16 + (c & 15)) << ((c >> 4) + EXPBIAS);
622   The above formula is in C, where "Int32" is a type for a 32-bit
623   integer, and the variable "c" is the coded count, Octet 10.
625   Iterated-Salted S2K hashes the passphrase and salt data multiple
626   times. The total number of octets to be hashed is specified in the
627   encoded count in the S2K specifier.  Note that the resulting count
628   value is an octet count of how many octets will be hashed, not an
629   iteration count.
631   Initially, one or more hash contexts are set up as with the other
632   S2K algorithms, depending on how many octets of key data are needed.
633   Then the salt, followed by the passphrase data is repeatedly hashed
634   until the number of octets specified by the octet count has been
635   hashed. The one exception is that if the octet count is less than
636   the size of the salt plus passphrase, the full salt plus passphrase
637   will be hashed even though that is greater than the octet count.
638   After the hashing is done the data is unloaded from the hash
639   context(s) as with the other S2K algorithms.
6413.7.2. String-to-key usage
643   Implementations SHOULD use salted or iterated-and-salted S2K
644   specifiers, as simple S2K specifiers are more vulnerable to
645   dictionary attacks.
6473.7.2.1. Secret key encryption
649   An S2K specifier can be stored in the secret keyring to specify how
650   to convert the passphrase to a key that unlocks the secret data.
651   Older versions of PGP just stored a cipher algorithm octet preceding
652   the secret data or a zero to indicate that the secret data was
653   unencrypted. The MD5 hash function was always used to convert the
654   passphrase to a key for the specified cipher algorithm.
656   For compatibility, when an S2K specifier is used, the special value
657   255 is stored in the position where the hash algorithm octet would
658   have been in the old data structure.  This is then followed
659   immediately by a one-octet algorithm identifier, and then by the S2K
660   specifier as encoded above.
662   Therefore, preceding the secret data there will be one of these
663   possibilities:
665       0:           secret data is unencrypted (no pass phrase)
666       255 or 254:  followed by algorithm octet and S2K specifier
667       Cipher alg:  use Simple S2K algorithm using MD5 hash
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675   This last possibility, the cipher algorithm number with an implicit
676   use of MD5 and IDEA, is provided for backward compatibility; it MAY
677   be understood, but SHOULD NOT be generated, and is deprecated.
679   These are followed by an Initial Vector of the same length as the
680   block size of the cipher for the decryption of the secret values, if
681   they are encrypted, and then the secret key values themselves.
6833.7.2.2. Symmetric-key message encryption
685   OpenPGP can create a Symmetric-key Encrypted Session Key (ESK)
686   packet at the front of a message.  This is used to allow S2K
687   specifiers to be used for the passphrase conversion or to create
688   messages with a mix of symmetric-key ESKs and public-key ESKs. This
689   allows a message to be decrypted either with a passphrase or a
690   public key pair.
692   PGP 2.X always used IDEA with Simple string-to-key conversion when
693   encrypting a message with a symmetric algorithm. This is deprecated,
694   but MAY be used for backward-compatibility.
6964. Packet Syntax
698   This section describes the packets used by OpenPGP.
7004.1. Overview
702   An OpenPGP message is constructed from a number of records that are
703   traditionally called packets. A packet is a chunk of data that has a
704   tag specifying its meaning. An OpenPGP message, keyring,
705   certificate, and so forth consists of a number of packets. Some of
706   those packets may contain other OpenPGP packets (for example, a
707   compressed data packet, when uncompressed, contains OpenPGP
708   packets).
710   Each packet consists of a packet header, followed by the packet
711   body. The packet header is of variable length.
7134.2. Packet Headers
715   The first octet of the packet header is called the "Packet Tag." It
716   determines the format of the header and denotes the packet contents.
717   The remainder of the packet header is the length of the packet.
719   Note that the most significant bit is the left-most bit, called bit
720   7. A mask for this bit is 0x80 in hexadecimal.
722              +---------------+
723         PTag |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
724              +---------------+
725         Bit 7 -- Always one
726         Bit 6 -- New packet format if set
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731   PGP 2.6.x only uses old format packets. Thus, software that
732   interoperates with those versions of PGP must only use old format
733   packets. If interoperability is not an issue, the new packet format
734   is preferred. Note that old format packets have four bits of content
735   tags, and new format packets have six; some features cannot be used
736   and still be backward-compatible.
738   Also note that packets with a tag greater than or equal to 16 MUST
739   use new format packets. The old format packets can only express tags
740   less than or equal to 15.
742   Old format packets contain:
744         Bits 5-2 -- content tag
745         Bits 1-0 - length-type
747   New format packets contain:
749         Bits 5-0 -- content tag
7514.2.1. Old-Format Packet Lengths
753   The meaning of the length-type in old-format packets is:
755   0 - The packet has a one-octet length. The header is 2 octets long.
757   1 - The packet has a two-octet length. The header is 3 octets long.
759   2 - The packet has a four-octet length. The header is 5 octets long.
761   3 - The packet is of indeterminate length.  The header is 1 octet
762       long, and the implementation must determine how long the packet
763       is. If the packet is in a file, this means that the packet
764       extends until the end of the file. In general, an implementation
765       SHOULD NOT use indeterminate length packets except where the end
766       of the data will be clear from the context, and even then it is
767       better to use a definite length, or a new-format header. The
768       new-format headers described below have a mechanism for
769       precisely encoding data of indeterminate length.
7714.2.2. New-Format Packet Lengths
773   New format packets have four possible ways of encoding length:
775    1. A one-octet Body Length header encodes packet lengths of up to
776       191 octets.
778    2. A two-octet Body Length header encodes packet lengths of 192 to
779       8383 octets.
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787    3. A five-octet Body Length header encodes packet lengths of up to
788       4,294,967,295 (0xFFFFFFFF) octets in length. (This actually
789       encodes a four-octet scalar number.)
791    4. When the length of the packet body is not known in advance by
792       the issuer, Partial Body Length headers encode a packet of
793       indeterminate length, effectively making it a stream.
7954.2.2.1. One-Octet Lengths
797   A one-octet Body Length header encodes a length of from 0 to 191
798   octets. This type of length header is recognized because the one
799   octet value is less than 192.  The body length is equal to:
801       bodyLen = 1st_octet;
8034.2.2.2. Two-Octet Lengths
805   A two-octet Body Length header encodes a length of from 192 to 8383
806   octets.  It is recognized because its first octet is in the range
807   192 to 223.  The body length is equal to:
809       bodyLen = ((1st_octet - 192) << 8) + (2nd_octet) + 192
8114.2.2.3. Five-Octet Lengths
813   A five-octet Body Length header consists of a single octet holding
814   the value 255, followed by a four-octet scalar. The body length is
815   equal to:
817        bodyLen = (2nd_octet << 24) | (3rd_octet << 16) |
818                  (4th_octet << 8)  | 5th_octet
820   This basic set of one, two, and five-octet lengths is also used
821   internally to some packets.
8234.2.2.4. Partial Body Lengths
825   A Partial Body Length header is one octet long and encodes the
826   length of only part of the data packet. This length is a power of 2,
827   from 1 to 1,073,741,824 (2 to the 30th power).  It is recognized by
828   its one octet value that is greater than or equal to 224, and less
829   than 255. The partial body length is equal to:
831       partialBodyLen = 1 << (1st_octet & 0x1f);
833   Each Partial Body Length header is followed by a portion of the
834   packet body data. The Partial Body Length header specifies this
835   portion's length. Another length header (one octet, two-octet,
836   five-octet, or partial) follows that portion. The last length header
837   in the packet MUST NOT be a partial Body Length header.  Partial
838   Body Length headers may only be used for the non-final parts of the
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843   packet.
845   It might also be encoded in the following octet stream: 0xEF, first
846   32768 octets of data; 0xE1, next two octets of data; 0xE0, next one
847   octet of data; 0xF0, next 65536 octets of data; 0xC5, 0xDD, last
848   1693 octets of data.  This is just one possible encoding, and many
849   variations are possible on the size of the Partial Body Length
850   headers, as long as a regular Body Length header encodes the last
851   portion of the data.
853   Note also that the last Body Length header can be a zero-length
854   header.
856   An implementation MAY use Partial Body Lengths for data packets, be
857   they literal, compressed, or encrypted. The first partial length
858   MUST be at least 512 octets long. Partial Body Lengths MUST NOT be
859   used for any other packet types.
8614.2.3. Packet Length Examples
863   These examples show ways that new-format packets might encode the
864   packet lengths.
866   A packet with length 100 may have its length encoded in one octet:
867   0x64. This is followed by 100 octets of data.
869   A packet with length 1723 may have its length coded in two octets:
870   0xC5, 0xFB.  This header is followed by the 1723 octets of data.
872   A packet with length 100000 may have its length encoded in five
873   octets: 0xFF, 0x00, 0x01, 0x86, 0xA0.
875   Please note that in all of these explanations, the total length of
876   the packet is the length of the header(s) plus the length of the
877   body.
8794.3. Packet Tags
881   The packet tag denotes what type of packet the body holds. Note that
882   old format headers can only have tags less than 16, whereas new
883   format headers can have tags as great as 63. The defined tags (in
884   decimal) are:
886       0        -- Reserved - a packet tag must not have this value
887       1        -- Public-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet
888       2        -- Signature Packet
889       3        -- Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet
890       4        -- One-Pass Signature Packet
891       5        -- Secret Key Packet
892       6        -- Public Key Packet
893       7        -- Secret Subkey Packet
894       8        -- Compressed Data Packet
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899       9        -- Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet
900       10       -- Marker Packet
901       11       -- Literal Data Packet
902       12       -- Trust Packet
903       13       -- User ID Packet
904       14       -- Public Subkey Packet
905       17       -- User Attribute Packet
906       18       -- Sym. Encrypted and Integrity Protected Data Packet
907       19       -- Modification Detection Code Packet
908       60 to 63 -- Private or Experimental Values
9105. Packet Types
9125.1. Public-Key Encrypted Session Key Packets (Tag 1)
914   A Public-Key Encrypted Session Key packet holds the session key used
915   to encrypt a message. Zero or more Encrypted Session Key packets
916   (either Public-Key or Symmetric-Key) may precede a Symmetrically
917   Encrypted Data Packet, which holds an encrypted message.  The
918   message is encrypted with the session key, and the session key is
919   itself encrypted and stored in the Encrypted Session Key packet(s).
920   The Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet is preceded by one
921   Public-Key Encrypted Session Key packet for each OpenPGP key to
922   which the message is encrypted.  The recipient of the message finds
923   a session key that is encrypted to their public key, decrypts the
924   session key, and then uses the session key to decrypt the message.
926   The body of this packet consists of:
928     - A one-octet number giving the version number of the packet type.
929       The currently defined value for packet version is 3.
931     - An eight-octet number that gives the key ID of the public key
932       that the session key is encrypted to. If the session key is
933       encrypted to a subkey then the key ID of this subkey is used
934       here instead of the key ID of the primary key.
936     - A one-octet number giving the public key algorithm used.
938     - A string of octets that is the encrypted session key. This
939       string takes up the remainder of the packet, and its contents
940       are dependent on the public key algorithm used.
942   Algorithm Specific Fields for RSA encryption
944     - multiprecision integer (MPI) of RSA encrypted value m**e mod n.
946   Algorithm Specific Fields for Elgamal encryption:
948     - MPI of Elgamal (Diffie-Hellman) value g**k mod p.
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955     - MPI of Elgamal (Diffie-Hellman) value m * y**k mod p.
957   The value "m" in the above formulas is derived from the session key
958   as follows.  First the session key is prefixed with a one-octet
959   algorithm identifier that specifies the symmetric encryption
960   algorithm used to encrypt the following Symmetrically Encrypted Data
961   Packet.  Then a two-octet checksum is appended which is equal to the
962   sum of the preceding session key octets, not including the algorithm
963   identifier, modulo 65536.  This value is then encoded as described
964   in PKCS-1 block encoding EME-PKCS1-v1_5 [RFC2437] to form the "m"
965   value used in the formulas above.
967   Note that when an implementation forms several PKESKs with one
968   session key, forming a message that can be decrypted by several
969   keys, the implementation MUST make new PKCS-1 encoding for each key.
971   An implementation MAY accept or use a Key ID of zero as a "wild
972   card" or "speculative" Key ID. In this case, the receiving
973   implementation would try all available private keys, checking for a
974   valid decrypted session key. This format helps reduce traffic
975   analysis of messages.
9775.2. Signature Packet (Tag 2)
979   A signature packet describes a binding between some public key and
980   some data. The most common signatures are a signature of a file or a
981   block of text, and a signature that is a certification of a User ID.
983   Two versions of signature packets are defined.  Version 3 provides
984   basic signature information, while version 4 provides an expandable
985   format with subpackets that can specify more information about the
986   signature. PGP 2.6.x only accepts version 3 signatures.
988   Implementations SHOULD accept V3 signatures. Implementations SHOULD
989   generate V4 signatures.
991   Note that if an implementation is creating an encrypted and signed
992   message that is encrypted to a V3 key, it is reasonable to create a
993   V3 signature.
9955.2.1. Signature Types
997   There are a number of possible meanings for a signature, which are
998   specified in a signature type octet in any given signature. These
999   meanings are:
1001   0x00: Signature of a binary document.
1002       This means the signer owns it, created it, or certifies that it
1003       has not been modified.
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1011   0x01: Signature of a canonical text document.
1012       This means the signer owns it, created it, or certifies that it
1013       has not been modified.  The signature is calculated over the
1014       text data with its line endings converted to <CR><LF>.
1016   0x02: Standalone signature.
1017       This signature is a signature of only its own subpacket
1018       contents. It is calculated identically to a signature over a
1019       zero-length binary document. Note that it doesn't make sense to
1020       have a V3 standalone signature.
1022   0x10: Generic certification of a User ID and Public Key packet.
1023       The issuer of this certification does not make any particular
1024       assertion as to how well the certifier has checked that the
1025       owner of the key is in fact the person described by the User ID.
1026       Note that all PGP "key signatures" are this type of
1027       certification.
1029   0x11: Persona certification of a User ID and Public Key packet.
1030       The issuer of this certification has not done any verification
1031       of the claim that the owner of this key is the User ID
1032       specified.
1034   0x12: Casual certification of a User ID and Public Key packet.
1035       The issuer of this certification has done some casual
1036       verification of the claim of identity.
1038   0x13: Positive certification of a User ID and Public Key packet.
1039       The issuer of this certification has done substantial
1040       verification of the claim of identity.
1042       Please note that the vagueness of these certification claims is
1043       not a flaw, but a feature of the system. Because PGP places
1044       final authority for validity upon the receiver of a
1045       certification, it may be that one authority's casual
1046       certification might be more rigorous than some other authority's
1047       positive certification. These classifications allow a
1048       certification authority to issue fine-grained claims.
1050   0x18: Subkey Binding Signature
1051       This signature is a statement by the top-level signing key that
1052       indicates that it owns the subkey. This signature is calculated
1053       directly on the subkey itself, not on any User ID or other
1054       packets. A signature that binds a signing subkey also has an
1055       embedded signature subpacket in this binding signature which
1056       contains a 0x19 signature made by the signing subkey on the
1057       primary key.
1059   0x19 Primary Key Binding Signature
1060       This signature is a statement by a signing subkey, indicating
1061       that it is owned by the primary key.  This signature is
1062       calculated directly on the primary key itself, and not on any
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1067       User ID or other packets.
1069   0x1F: Signature directly on a key
1070       This signature is calculated directly on a key.  It binds the
1071       information in the signature subpackets to the key, and is
1072       appropriate to be used for subpackets that provide information
1073       about the key, such as the revocation key subpacket. It is also
1074       appropriate for statements that non-self certifiers want to make
1075       about the key itself, rather than the binding between a key and
1076       a name.
1078   0x20: Key revocation signature
1079       The signature is calculated directly on the key being revoked.
1080       A revoked key is not to be used.  Only revocation signatures by
1081       the key being revoked, or by an authorized revocation key,
1082       should be considered valid revocation signatures.
1084   0x28: Subkey revocation signature
1085       The signature is calculated directly on the subkey being
1086       revoked.  A revoked subkey is not to be used.  Only revocation
1087       signatures by the top-level signature key that is bound to this
1088       subkey, or by an authorized revocation key, should be considered
1089       valid revocation signatures.
1091   0x30: Certification revocation signature
1092       This signature revokes an earlier User ID certification
1093       signature (signature class 0x10 through 0x13) or direct-key
1094       signature (0x1F). It should be issued by the same key that
1095       issued the revoked signature or an authorized revocation key.
1096       The signature should have a later creation date than the
1097       signature it revokes.
1099   0x40: Timestamp signature.
1100       This signature is only meaningful for the timestamp contained in
1101       it.
1103   0x50: Third-Party Confirmation signature.
1104       This signature is a signature over some other OpenPGP signature
1105       packet(s). It is analogous to a notary seal on the signed data.
1106       A third-party signature SHOULD include Signature Target
1107       subpacket(s) to give easy identification. Note that we really do
1108       mean SHOULD. There are plausible uses for this (such as a blind
1109       party that only sees the signature, not the key nor source
1110       document) that cannot include a target subpacket.
11125.2.2. Version 3 Signature Packet Format
1114   The body of a version 3 Signature Packet contains:
1116     - One-octet version number (3).
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1123     - One-octet length of following hashed material.  MUST be 5.
1125         - One-octet signature type.
1127         - Four-octet creation time.
1129     - Eight-octet key ID of signer.
1131     - One-octet public key algorithm.
1133     - One-octet hash algorithm.
1135     - Two-octet field holding left 16 bits of signed hash value.
1137     - One or more multiprecision integers comprising the signature.
1138       This portion is algorithm specific, as described below.
1140   Algorithm Specific Fields for RSA signatures:
1142     - multiprecision integer (MPI) of RSA signature value m**d mod n.
1144   Algorithm Specific Fields for DSA signatures:
1146     - MPI of DSA value r.
1148     - MPI of DSA value s.
1150   The signature calculation is based on a hash of the signed
1151   data. This is described in detail in section 5.2.4. The high 16
1152   bits (first two octets) of the hash are included in the signature
1153   packet to provide a quick test to reject some invalid signatures.
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11585.2.3. Version 4 Signature Packet Format
1160   The body of a version 4 Signature Packet contains:
1162     - One-octet version number (4).
1164     - One-octet signature type.
1166     - One-octet public key algorithm.
1168     - One-octet hash algorithm.
1170     - Two-octet scalar octet count for following hashed subpacket
1171       data. Note that this is the length in octets of all of the
1172       hashed subpackets; a pointer incremented by this number will
1173       skip over the hashed subpackets.
1175     - Hashed subpacket data. (zero or more subpackets)
1177     - Two-octet scalar octet count for following unhashed subpacket
1178       data. Note that this is the length in octets of all of the
1179       unhashed subpackets; a pointer incremented by this number will
1180       skip over the unhashed subpackets.
1182     - Unhashed subpacket data. (zero or more subpackets)
1184     - Two-octet field holding left 16 bits of signed hash value.
1186     - One or more multiprecision integers comprising the signature.
1187       This portion is algorithm specific, as described above.
1189   There are two fields consisting of signature subpackets.  The first
1190   field is hashed with the rest of the signature data, while the
1191   second is unhashed.  The second set of subpackets is not
1192   cryptographically protected by the signature and should include only
1193   advisory information.
1195   The algorithms for calculating the hash and converting the result
1196   to a signature are described in section 5.2.4. The left 16 bits of
1197   the hash are included in the signature packet to provide a quick
1198   test to reject some invalid signatures.
12005.2.3.1. Signature Subpacket Specification
1202   The subpacket fields consist of zero or more signature subpackets.
1203   Each set of subpackets is preceded by a two-octet scalar count of
1204   the length of the set of subpackets.
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1210   Each subpacket consists of a subpacket header and a body.  The
1211   header consists of:
1213     - the subpacket length (1,  2, or 5 octets)
1215     - the subpacket type (1 octet)
1217   and is followed by the subpacket specific data.
1219   The length includes the type octet but not this length. Its format
1220   is similar to the "new" format packet header lengths, but cannot
1221   have partial body lengths. That is:
1223       if the 1st octet <  192, then
1224           lengthOfLength = 1
1225           subpacketLen = 1st_octet
1227       if the 1st octet >= 192 and < 255, then
1228           lengthOfLength = 2
1229           subpacketLen = ((1st_octet - 192) << 8) + (2nd_octet) + 192
1231       if the 1st octet = 255, then
1232           lengthOfLength = 5
1233           subpacket length = [four-octet scalar starting at 2nd_octet]
1235   The value of the subpacket type octet may be:
1237       2 = signature creation time
1238       3 = signature expiration time
1239       4 = exportable certification
1240       5 = trust signature
1241       6 = regular expression
1242       7 = revocable
1243       9 = key expiration time
1244       10 = placeholder for backward compatibility
1245       11 = preferred symmetric algorithms
1246       12 = revocation key
1247       16 = issuer key ID
1248       20 = notation data
1249       21 = preferred hash algorithms
1250       22 = preferred compression algorithms
1251       23 = key server preferences
1252       24 = preferred key server
1253       25 = primary User ID
1254       26 = policy URL
1255       27 = key flags
1256       28 = signer's User ID
1257       29 = reason for revocation
1258       30 = features
1259       31 = signature target
1260       32 = embedded signature
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1266   100 to 110 = internal or user-defined
1268   An implementation SHOULD ignore any subpacket of a type that it does
1269   not recognize.
1271   Bit 7 of the subpacket type is the "critical" bit.  If set, it
1272   denotes that the subpacket is one that is critical for the evaluator
1273   of the signature to recognize.  If a subpacket is encountered that
1274   is marked critical but is unknown to the evaluating software, the
1275   evaluator SHOULD consider the signature to be in error.
1277   An evaluator may "recognize" a subpacket, but not implement it. The
1278   purpose of the critical bit is to allow the signer to tell an
1279   evaluator that it would prefer a new, unknown feature to generate an
1280   error than be ignored.
1282   Implementations SHOULD implement "preferences" and the "reason for
1283   revocation" subpackets. Note, however, that if an implementation
1284   chooses not to implement some of the preferences, it is required to
1285   behave in a polite manner to respect the wishes of those users who
1286   do implement these preferences.
12885.2.3.2. Signature Subpacket Types
1290   A number of subpackets are currently defined.  Some subpackets apply
1291   to the signature itself and some are attributes of the key.
1292   Subpackets that are found on a self-signature are placed on a
1293   certification made by the key itself. Note that a key may have more
1294   than one User ID, and thus may have more than one self-signature,
1295   and differing subpackets.
1297   A subpacket may be found either in the hashed or unhashed subpacket
1298   sections of a signature. If a subpacket is not hashed, then the
1299   information in it cannot be considered definitive because it is not
1300   part of the signature proper.
13025.2.3.3. Notes on Self-Signatures
1304   A self-signature is a binding signature made by the key the
1305   signature refers to. There are three types of self-signatures, the
1306   certification signatures (types 0x10-0x13), the direct-key signature
1307   (type 0x1f), and the subkey binding signature (type 0x18). For
1308   certification self-signatures, each User ID may have a
1309   self-signature, and thus different subpackets in those
1310   self-signatures. For subkey binding signatures, each subkey in fact
1311   has a self-signature. Subpackets that appear in a certification
1312   self-signature apply to the username, and subpackets that appear in
1313   the subkey self-signature apply to the subkey. Lastly, subpackets on
1314   the direct-key signature apply to the entire key.
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1322   Implementing software should interpret a self-signature's preference
1323   subpackets as narrowly as possible. For example, suppose a key has
1324   two usernames, Alice and Bob. Suppose that Alice prefers the
1325   symmetric algorithm CAST5, and Bob prefers IDEA or TripleDES. If the
1326   software locates this key via Alice's name, then the preferred
1327   algorithm is CAST5, if software locates the key via Bob's name, then
1328   the preferred algorithm is IDEA. If the key is located by key ID,
1329   the algorithm of the primary User ID of the key provides the default
1330   symmetric algorithm.
1332   Revoking a self-signature or allowing it to expire has a semantic
1333   meaning that varies with the signature type. Revoking the
1334   self-signature on a User ID effectively retires that user name. The
1335   self-signature is a statement, "My name X is tied to my signing key
1336   K" and is corroborated by other users' certifications. If another
1337   user revokes their certification, they are effectively saying that
1338   they no longer believe that name and that key are tied together.
1339   Similarly, if the user themselves revokes their self-signature, it
1340   means the user no longer goes by that name, no longer has that email
1341   address, etc. Revoking a binding signature effectively retires that
1342   subkey. Revoking a direct-key signature cancels that signature.
1343   Please see the "Reason for Revocation" subpacket below for more
1344   relevant detail.
1346   Since a self-signature contains important information about the
1347   key's use, an implementation SHOULD allow the user to rewrite the
1348   self-signature, and important information in it, such as preferences
1349   and key expiration.
1351   It is good practice to verify that a self-signature imported into an
1352   implementation doesn't advertise features that the implementation
1353   doesn't support, rewriting the signature as appropriate.
1355   An implementation that encounters multiple self-signatures on the
1356   same object may resolve the ambiguity in any way it sees fit, but it
1357   is RECOMMENDED that priority be given to the most recent
1358   self-signature.
13605.2.3.4. Signature creation time
1362   (4 octet time field)
1364   The time the signature was made.
1366   MUST be present in the hashed area.
13685.2.3.5. Issuer
1370   (8 octet key ID)
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1378   The OpenPGP key ID of the key issuing the signature.
13805.2.3.6. Key expiration time
1382   (4 octet time field)
1384   The validity period of the key.  This is the number of seconds after
1385   the key creation time that the key expires.  If this is not present
1386   or has a value of zero, the key never expires. This is found only on
1387   a self-signature.
13895.2.3.7. Preferred symmetric algorithms
1391   (sequence of one-octet values)
1393   Symmetric algorithm numbers that indicate which algorithms the key
1394   holder prefers to use.  The subpacket body is an ordered list of
1395   octets with the most preferred listed first. It is assumed that only
1396   algorithms listed are supported by the recipient's software.
1397   Algorithm numbers in section 9. This is only found on a
1398   self-signature.
14005.2.3.8. Preferred hash algorithms
1402   (array of one-octet values)
1404   Message digest algorithm numbers that indicate which algorithms the
1405   key holder prefers to receive. Like the preferred symmetric
1406   algorithms, the list is ordered. Algorithm numbers are in section 6.
1407   This is only found on a self-signature.
14095.2.3.9. Preferred compression algorithms
1411   (array of one-octet values)
1413   Compression algorithm numbers that indicate which algorithms the key
1414   holder prefers to use. Like the preferred symmetric algorithms, the
1415   list is ordered. Algorithm numbers are in section 6. If this
1416   subpacket is not included, ZIP is preferred. A zero denotes that
1417   uncompressed data is preferred; the key holder's software might have
1418   no compression software in that implementation. This is only found
1419   on a self-signature.
14215.2.3.10. Signature expiration time
1423   (4 octet time field)
1425   The validity period of the signature.  This is the number of seconds
1426   after the signature creation time that the signature expires. If
1427   this is not present or has a value of zero, it never expires.
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14345.2.3.11. Exportable Certification
1436   (1 octet of exportability, 0 for not, 1 for exportable)
1438   This subpacket denotes whether a certification signature is
1439   "exportable," to be used by other users than the signature's issuer.
1440   The packet body contains a Boolean flag indicating whether the
1441   signature is exportable. If this packet is not present, the
1442   certification is exportable; it is equivalent to a flag containing a
1443   1.
1445   Non-exportable, or "local," certifications are signatures made by a
1446   user to mark a key as valid within that user's implementation only.
1447   Thus, when an implementation prepares a user's copy of a key for
1448   transport to another user (this is the process of "exporting" the
1449   key), any local certification signatures are deleted from the key.
1451   The receiver of a transported key "imports" it, and likewise trims
1452   any local certifications. In normal operation, there won't be any,
1453   assuming the import is performed on an exported key. However, there
1454   are instances where this can reasonably happen. For example, if an
1455   implementation allows keys to be imported from a key database in
1456   addition to an exported key, then this situation can arise.
1458   Some implementations do not represent the interest of a single user
1459   (for example, a key server). Such implementations always trim local
1460   certifications from any key they handle.
14625.2.3.12. Revocable
1464   (1 octet of revocability, 0 for not, 1 for revocable)
1466   Signature's revocability status.  Packet body contains a Boolean
1467   flag indicating whether the signature is revocable.  Signatures that
1468   are not revocable have any later revocation signatures ignored.
1469   They represent a commitment by the signer that he cannot revoke his
1470   signature for the life of his key.  If this packet is not present,
1471   the signature is revocable.
14735.2.3.13. Trust signature
1475   (1 octet "level" (depth), 1 octet of trust amount)
1477   Signer asserts that the key is not only valid, but also trustworthy,
1478   at the specified level.  Level 0 has the same meaning as an ordinary
1479   validity signature.  Level 1 means that the signed key is asserted
1480   to be a valid trusted introducer, with the 2nd octet of the body
1481   specifying the degree of trust. Level 2 means that the signed key is
1482   asserted to be trusted to issue level 1 trust signatures, i.e. that
1483   it is a "meta introducer". Generally, a level n trust signature
1484   asserts that a key is trusted to issue level n-1 trust signatures.
1485   The trust amount is in a range from 0-255, interpreted such that
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1490   values less than 120 indicate partial trust and values of 120 or
1491   greater indicate complete trust.  Implementations SHOULD emit values
1492   of 60 for partial trust and 120 for complete trust.
14945.2.3.14. Regular expression
1496   (null-terminated regular expression)
1498   Used in conjunction with trust signature packets (of level > 0) to
1499   limit the scope of trust that is extended.  Only signatures by the
1500   target key on User IDs that match the regular expression in the body
1501   of this packet have trust extended by the trust signature subpacket.
1502   The regular expression uses the same syntax as the Henry Spencer's
1503   "almost public domain" regular expression package. A description of
1504   the syntax is found in a section below.
15065.2.3.15. Revocation key
1508   (1 octet of class, 1 octet of algid, 20 octets of fingerprint)
1510   Authorizes the specified key to issue revocation signatures for this
1511   key.  Class octet must have bit 0x80 set. If the bit 0x40 is set,
1512   then this means that the revocation information is sensitive.  Other
1513   bits are for future expansion to other kinds of authorizations. This
1514   is found on a self-signature.
1516   If the "sensitive" flag is set, the keyholder feels this subpacket
1517   contains private trust information that describes a real-world
1518   sensitive relationship. If this flag is set, implementations SHOULD
1519   NOT export this signature to other users except in cases where the
1520   data needs to be available: when the signature is being sent to the
1521   designated revoker, or when it is accompanied by a revocation
1522   signature from that revoker.  Note that it may be appropriate to
1523   isolate this subpacket within a separate signature so that it is not
1524   combined with other subpackets that need to be exported.
15265.2.3.16. Notation Data
1528       (4 octets of flags, 2 octets of name length (M),
1529                           2 octets of value length (N),
1530                           M octets of name data,
1531                           N octets of value data)
1533   This subpacket describes a "notation" on the signature that the
1534   issuer wishes to make. The notation has a name and a value, each of
1535   which are strings of octets. There may be more than one notation in
1536   a signature. Notations can be used for any extension the issuer of
1537   the signature cares to make. The "flags" field holds four octets of
1538   flags.
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1546   All undefined flags MUST be zero. Defined flags are:
1548       First octet: 0x80 = human-readable. This note value is text, a
1549                           note from one person to another, and need
1550                           not have meaning to software.
1551       Other octets: none.
1553   Notation names are arbitrary strings encoded in UTF-8. They reside
1554   two name spaces: The IETF name space and the user name space.
1556   The IETF name space is registered with IANA. These names MUST NOT
1557   contain the "@" character (0x40) is this is a tag for the user name
1558   space.
1560   Names in the user name space consist of a UTF-8 string tag followed
1561   by "@" followed by a DNS domain name. Note that the tag MUST NOT
1562   contain an "@" character. For example, the "sample" tag used by
1563   Example Corporation could be "sample@example.com".
1565   Names in a user space are owned and controlled by the owners of that
1566   domain. Obviously, it's of bad form to create a new name in a DNS
1567   space that you don't own.
1569   Since the user name space is in the form of an email address,
1570   implementers MAY wish to arrange for that address to reach a person
1571   who can be consulted about the use of the named tag.  Note that due
1572   to UTF-8 encoding, not all valid user space name tags are valid
1573   email addresses.
15755.2.3.17. Key server preferences
1577   (N octets of flags)
1579   This is a list of one-bit flags that indicate preferences that the
1580   key holder has about how the key is handled on a key server. All
1581   undefined flags MUST be zero.
1583   First octet: 0x80 = No-modify
1584       the key holder requests that this key only be modified or
1585       updated by the key holder or an administrator of the key server.
1587   This is found only on a self-signature.
15895.2.3.18. Preferred key server
1591   (String)
1593   This is a URL of a key server that the key holder prefers be used
1594   for updates. Note that keys with multiple User IDs can have a
1595   preferred key server for each User ID. Note also that since this is
1596   a URL, the key server can actually be a copy of the key retrieved by
1597   ftp, http, finger, etc.
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16025.2.3.19. Primary User ID
1604   (1 octet, Boolean)
1606   This is a flag in a User ID's self signature that states whether
1607   this User ID is the main User ID for this key. It is reasonable for
1608   an implementation to resolve ambiguities in preferences, etc. by
1609   referring to the primary User ID. If this flag is absent, its value
1610   is zero. If more than one User ID in a key is marked as primary, the
1611   implementation may resolve the ambiguity in any way it sees fit, but
1612   it is RECOMMENDED that priority be given to the User ID with the
1613   most recent self-signature.
1615   When appearing on a self-signature on a User ID packet, this
1616   subpacket applies only to User ID packets.  When appearing on a
1617   self-signature on a User Attribute packet, this subpacket applies
1618   only to User Attribute packets. That is to say, there are two
1619   different and independent "primaries" - one for User IDs, and one
1620   for User Attributes.
16225.2.3.20. Policy URL
1624   (String)
1626   This subpacket contains a URL of a document that describes the
1627   policy that the signature was issued under.
16295.2.3.21. Key Flags
1631   (N octets of flags)
1633   This subpacket contains a list of binary flags that hold information
1634   about a key. It is a string of octets, and an implementation MUST
1635   NOT assume a fixed size. This is so it can grow over time. If a list
1636   is shorter than an implementation expects, the unstated flags are
1637   considered to be zero. The defined flags are:
1639       First octet:
1641       0x01 - This key may be used to certify other keys.
1643       0x02 - This key may be used to sign data.
1645       0x04 - This key may be used to encrypt communications.
1647       0x08 - This key may be used to encrypt storage.
1649       0x10 - The private component of this key may have been split by
1650       a secret-sharing mechanism.
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1658       0x20 - This key may be used for authentication.
1660       0x80 - The private component of this key may be in the
1661       possession of more than one person.
1663   Usage notes:
1665   The flags in this packet may appear in self-signatures or in
1666   certification signatures. They mean different things depending on
1667   who is making the statement -- for example, a certification
1668   signature that has the "sign data" flag is stating that the
1669   certification is for that use. On the other hand, the
1670   "communications encryption" flag in a self-signature is stating a
1671   preference that a given key be used for communications. Note
1672   however, that it is a thorny issue to determine what is
1673   "communications" and what is "storage." This decision is left wholly
1674   up to the implementation; the authors of this document do not claim
1675   any special wisdom on the issue, and realize that accepted opinion
1676   may change.
1678   The "split key" (0x10) and "group key" (0x80) flags are placed on a
1679   self-signature only; they are meaningless on a certification
1680   signature. They SHOULD be placed only on a direct-key signature
1681   (type 0x1f) or a subkey signature (type 0x18), one that refers to
1682   the key the flag applies to.
16845.2.3.22. Signer's User ID
1686   (String)
1688   This subpacket allows a keyholder to state which User ID is
1689   responsible for the signing. Many keyholders use a single key for
1690   different purposes, such as business communications as well as
1691   personal communications. This subpacket allows such a keyholder to
1692   state which of their roles is making a signature.
1694   This subpacket is not appropriate to use to refer to a User
1695   Attribute packet.
16975.2.3.23. Reason for Revocation
1699   (1 octet of revocation code, N octets of reason string)
1701   This subpacket is used only in key revocation and certification
1702   revocation signatures. It describes the reason why the key or
1703   certificate was revoked.
1705   The first octet contains a machine-readable code that denotes the
1706   reason for the revocation:
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1714       0x00 - No reason specified (key revocations or cert revocations)
1715       0x01 - Key is superceded (key revocations)
1716       0x02 - Key material has been compromised (key revocations)
1717       0x03 - Key is retired and no longer used (key revocations)
1718       0x20 - User ID information is no longer valid (cert revocations)
1720   Following the revocation code is a string of octets which gives
1721   information about the reason for revocation in human-readable form
1722   (UTF-8). The string may be null, that is, of zero length. The length
1723   of the subpacket is the length of the reason string plus one.
1725   An implementation SHOULD implement this subpacket, include it in all
1726   revocation signatures, and interpret revocations appropriately.
1727   There are important semantic differences between the reasons, and
1728   there are thus important reasons for revoking signatures.
1730   If a key has been revoked because of a compromise, all signatures
1731   created by that key are suspect. However, if it was merely
1732   superceded or retired, old signatures are still valid. If the
1733   revoked signature is the self-signature for certifying a User ID, a
1734   revocation denotes that that user name is no longer in use. Such a
1735   revocation SHOULD include an 0x20 subpacket.
1737   Note that any signature may be revoked, including a certification on
1738   some other person's key. There are many good reasons for revoking a
1739   certification signature, such as the case where the keyholder leaves
1740   the employ of a business with an email address. A revoked
1741   certification is no longer a part of validity calculations.
17435.2.3.24. Features
1745   (N octets of flags)
1747   The features subpacket denotes which advanced OpenPGP features a
1748   user's implementation supports. This is so that as features are
1749   added to OpenPGP that cannot be backwards-compatible, a user can
1750   state that they can use that feature. The flags are single bits that
1751   indicate that a given feature is supported.
1753   This subpacket is similar to a preferences subpacket, and only
1754   appears in a self-signature.
1756   An implementation SHOULD NOT use a feature listed when sending to a
1757   user who does not state that they can use it.
1759   Defined features are:
1761       First octet:
1763       0x01 - Modification Detection (packets 18 and 19)
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1770   If an implementation implements any of the defined features, it
1771   SHOULD implement the features subpacket, too.
1773   An implementation may freely infer features from other suitable
1774   implementation-dependent mechanisms.
17765.2.3.25. Signature Target
1778   (1 octet PK algorithm, 1 octet hash algorithm, N octets hash)
1780   This subpacket identifies a specific target signature that a
1781   signature refers to. For revocation signatures, this subpacket
1782   provides explicit designation of which signature is being revoked.
1783   For a third-party or timestamp signature, this designates what
1784   signature is signed. All arguments are an identifier of that target
1785   signature.
1787   The N octets of hash data MUST be the size of the hash of the
1788   signature. For example, a target signature with a SHA-1 hash MUST
1789   have 20 octets of hash data.
17915.2.3.26. Embedded Signature
1793   (1 signature packet body)
1795   This subpacket contains a complete signature packet body as
1796   specified in section 5.2 above.  It is useful when one signature
1797   needs to refer to, or be incorporated in, another signature.
17995.2.4. Computing Signatures
1801   All signatures are formed by producing a hash over the signature
1802   data, and then using the resulting hash in the signature algorithm.
1804   The signature data is simple to compute for document signatures
1805   (types 0x00 and 0x01), for which the document itself is the data.
1806   For standalone signatures, this is a null string.
1808   When a signature is made over a key, the hash data starts with the
1809   octet 0x99, followed by a two-octet length of the key, and then body
1810   of the key packet. (Note that this is an old-style packet header for
1811   a key packet with two-octet length.) A subkey binding signature
1812   (type 0x18) or primary key binding signature (type 0x19) then hashes
1813   the subkey using the same format as the main key (also using 0x99 as
1814   the first octet). Key revocation signatures (types 0x20 and 0x28)
1815   hash only the key being revoked.
1817   When a signature is made over a signature packet, the hash data
1818   starts with the octet 0x88, followed by the four-octet length of the
1819   signature, and then the body of the signature packet. The unhashed
1820   subpacket data of the signature packet being hashed is not included
1821   in the hash and the unhashed subpacket data length value is set to
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1826   zero. (Note that this is an old-style packet header for a signature
1827   packet with the length-of-length set to zero).
1829   A certification signature (type 0x10 through 0x13) hashes the User
1830   ID being bound to the key into the hash context after the above
1831   data. A V3 certification hashes the contents of the User ID or
1832   attribute packet packet, without any header. A V4 certification
1833   hashes the constant 0xb4 for User ID certifications or the constant
1834   0xd1 for User Attribute certifications, followed by a four-octet
1835   number giving the length of the User ID or User Attribute data, and
1836   then the User ID or User Attribute data.
1838   Once the data body is hashed, then a trailer is hashed. A V3
1839   signature hashes five octets of the packet body, starting from the
1840   signature type field. This data is the signature type, followed by
1841   the four-octet signature time. A V4 signature hashes the packet body
1842   starting from its first field, the version number, through the end
1843   of the hashed subpacket data. Thus, the fields hashed are the
1844   signature version, the signature type, the public key algorithm, the
1845   hash algorithm, the hashed subpacket length, and the hashed
1846   subpacket body.
1848   V4 signatures also hash in a final trailer of six octets: the
1849   version of the signature packet, i.e. 0x04; 0xFF; a four-octet,
1850   big-endian number that is the length of the hashed data from the
1851   signature packet (note that this number does not include these final
1852   six octets.
1854   After all this has been hashed in a single hash context the
1855   resulting hash field is used in the signature algorithm, and placed
1856   at the end of the signature packet.
18585.2.4.1. Signature Algorithms
18605. DSA Signatures
1862   A DSA signature is performed as specified in [FIPS-186-2] on the
1863   value of the hash, calculated as above.
1865   DSA signatures MUST use hashes with a size of 160 bits, to match q,
1866   the size of the group generated by the DSA key's generator value.
1867   The hash function result is treated as a 160 bit number and used
1868   directly in the DSA signature algorithm.
18705. RSA Signatures
1872   With RSA signatures, the hash value is encoded as described in
1873   PKCS #1 section 9.2.1 encoded using PKCS #1 encoding type
1874   EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 [RFC2437].  This requires inserting the hash value
1875   as an octet string into an ASN.1 structure. The object identifier
1876   for the type of hash being used is included in the structure.
1878   The ASN.1 OIDs are:
1880     - MD5:        1.2.840.113549.2.5
1882     - RIPEMD-160:
1884     - SHA-1:
1886     - SHA256:     2.16.840.
1888     - SHA384:     2.16.840.
1890     - SHA512:     2.16.840.
1892   In practice this amounts to prefixing the hash with one of the
1893   following, then padding as described in PKCS #1:
1895       MD5:        0x30, 0x20, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x08, 0x2A, 0x86,
1896                   0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x02, 0x05, 0x05, 0x00,
1897                   0x04, 0x10
1899       RIPEMD-160: 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2B, 0x24,
1900                   0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14
1902       SHA-1:      0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x0E,
1903                   0x03, 0x02, 0x1A, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14
1905       SHA256:     0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86,
1906                   0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x05,
1907                   0x00, 0x04, 0x20
1909       SHA384:     0x30, 0x41, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86,
1910                   0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02, 0x05,
1911                   0x00, 0x04, 0x30
1913       SHA512:     0x30, 0x51, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86,
1914                   0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05,
1915                   0x00, 0x04, 0x40
1917   The value emLen needed for the padding is equal to the length in
1918   bytes of the RSA public modulus, n.
1920   Once the hash has been encoded and padded, the resulting string is
1921   encrypted with the RSA private key as described in [RSA].
19235.2.4.2. Subpacket Hints
1925   It is certainly possible for a signature to contain conflicting
1926   information in subpackets. For example, a signature may contain
1927   multiple copies of a preference or multiple expiration times. In
1928   most cases, an implementation SHOULD use the last subpacket in the
1929   signature, but MAY use any conflict resolution scheme that makes
1930   more sense. Please note that we are intentionally leaving conflict
1931   resolution to the implementer; most conflicts are simply syntax
1932   errors, and the wishy-washy language here allows a receiver to be
1933   generous in what they accept, while putting pressure on a creator to
1934   be stingy in what they generate.
1936   Some apparent conflicts may actually make sense -- for example,
1937   suppose a keyholder has an V3 key and a V4 key that share the same
1938   RSA key material. Either of these keys can verify a signature
1939   created by the other, and it may be reasonable for a signature to
1940   contain an issuer subpacket for each key, as a way of explicitly
1941   tying those keys to the signature.
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19475.3. Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packets (Tag 3)
1949   The Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key packet holds the
1950   symmetric-key encryption of a session key used to encrypt a message.
1951    Zero or more Encrypted Session Key packets and/or Symmetric-Key
1952   Encrypted Session Key packets may precede a Symmetrically Encrypted
1953   Data Packet that holds an encrypted message.  The message is
1954   encrypted with a session key, and the session key is itself
1955   encrypted and stored in the Encrypted Session Key packet or the
1956   Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key packet.
1958   If the Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet is preceded by one or
1959   more Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key packets, each specifies a
1960   passphrase that may be used to decrypt the message.  This allows a
1961   message to be encrypted to a number of public keys, and also to one
1962   or more pass phrases. This packet type is new, and is not generated
1963   by PGP 2.x or PGP 5.0.
1965   The body of this packet consists of:
1967     - A one-octet version number. The only currently defined version
1968       is 4.
1970     - A one-octet number describing the symmetric algorithm used.
1972     - A string-to-key (S2K) specifier, length as defined above.
1974     - Optionally, the encrypted session key itself, which is decrypted
1975       with the string-to-key object.
1977   If the encrypted session key is not present (which can be detected
1978   on the basis of packet length and S2K specifier size), then the S2K
1979   algorithm applied to the passphrase produces the session key for
1980   decrypting the file, using the symmetric cipher algorithm from the
1981   Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key packet.
1983   If the encrypted session key is present, the result of applying the
1984   S2K algorithm to the passphrase is used to decrypt just that
1985   encrypted session key field, using CFB mode with an IV of all zeros.
1986    The decryption result consists of a one-octet algorithm identifier
1987   that specifies the symmetric-key encryption algorithm used to
1988   encrypt the following Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet, followed
1989   by the session key octets themselves.
1991   Note: because an all-zero IV is used for this decryption, the S2K
1992   specifier MUST use a salt value, either a Salted S2K or an
1993   Iterated-Salted S2K.  The salt value will insure that the decryption
1994   key is not repeated even if the passphrase is reused.
19965.4. One-Pass Signature Packets (Tag 4)
1998   The One-Pass Signature packet precedes the signed data and contains
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2003   enough information to allow the receiver to begin calculating any
2004   hashes needed to verify the signature.  It allows the Signature
2005   Packet to be placed at the end of the message, so that the signer
2006   can compute the entire signed message in one pass.
2008   A One-Pass Signature does not interoperate with PGP 2.6.x or
2009   earlier.
2011   The body of this packet consists of:
2013     - A one-octet version number. The current version is 3.
2015     - A one-octet signature type. Signature types are described in
2016       section 5.2.1.
2018     - A one-octet number describing the hash algorithm used.
2020     - A one-octet number describing the public key algorithm used.
2022     - An eight-octet number holding the key ID of the signing key.
2024     - A one-octet number holding a flag showing whether the signature
2025       is nested.  A zero value indicates that the next packet is
2026       another One-Pass Signature packet that describes another
2027       signature to be applied to the same message data.
2029   Note that if a message contains more than one one-pass signature,
2030   then the signature packets bracket the message; that is, the first
2031   signature packet after the message corresponds to the last one-pass
2032   packet and the final signature packet corresponds to the first
2033   one-pass packet.
20355.5. Key Material Packet
2037   A key material packet contains all the information about a public or
2038   private key.  There are four variants of this packet type, and two
2039   major versions. Consequently, this section is complex.
20415.5.1. Key Packet Variants
20435.5.1.1. Public Key Packet (Tag 6)
2045   A Public Key packet starts a series of packets that forms an OpenPGP
2046   key (sometimes called an OpenPGP certificate).
20485.5.1.2. Public Subkey Packet (Tag 14)
2050   A Public Subkey packet (tag 14) has exactly the same format as a
2051   Public Key packet, but denotes a subkey. One or more subkeys may be
2052   associated with a top-level key.  By convention, the top-level key
2053   provides signature services, and the subkeys provide encryption
2054   services.
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2059   Note: in PGP 2.6.x, tag 14 was intended to indicate a comment
2060   packet. This tag was selected for reuse because no previous version
2061   of PGP ever emitted comment packets but they did properly ignore
2062   them.  Public Subkey packets are ignored by PGP 2.6.x and do not
2063   cause it to fail, providing a limited degree of backward
2064   compatibility.
20665.5.1.3. Secret Key Packet (Tag 5)
2068   A Secret Key packet contains all the information that is found in a
2069   Public Key packet, including the public key material, but also
2070   includes the secret key material after all the public key fields.
20725.5.1.4. Secret Subkey Packet (Tag 7)
2074   A Secret Subkey packet (tag 7) is the subkey analog of the Secret
2075   Key packet, and has exactly the same format.
20775.5.2. Public Key Packet Formats
2079   There are two versions of key-material packets. Version 3 packets
2080   were first generated by PGP 2.6. Version 4 keys first appeared in
2081   PGP 5.0, and are the preferred key version for OpenPGP.
2083   OpenPGP implementations SHOULD create keys with version 4 format. V3
2084   keys are deprecated; an implementation SHOULD NOT generate a V3 key,
2085   but MAY accept it. An implementation MUST NOT create a V3 key with a
2086   public key algorithm other than RSA.
2088   A version 3 public key or public subkey packet contains:
2090     - A one-octet version number (3).
2092     - A four-octet number denoting the time that the key was created.
2094     - A two-octet number denoting the time in days that this key is
2095       valid. If this number is zero, then it does not expire.
2097     - A one-octet number denoting the public key algorithm of this key
2099     - A series of multiprecision integers comprising the key material:
2101         - a multiprecision integer (MPI) of RSA public modulus n;
2103         - an MPI of RSA public encryption exponent e.
2105   V3 keys are deprecated. They contain three weaknesses in them.
2106   First, it is relatively easy to construct a V3 key that has the same
2107   key ID as any other key because the key ID is simply the low 64 bits
2108   of the public modulus. Secondly, because the fingerprint of a V3 key
2109   hashes the key material, but not its length, there is an increased
2110   opportunity for fingerprint collisions. Third, there are minor
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2115   weaknesses in the MD5 hash algorithm that make developers prefer
2116   other algorithms. See below for a fuller discussion of key IDs and
2117   fingerprints.
2119   The version 4 format is similar to the version 3 format except for
2120   the absence of a validity period.  This has been moved to the
2121   signature packet.  In addition, fingerprints of version 4 keys are
2122   calculated differently from version 3 keys, as described in section
2123   "Enhanced Key Formats."
2125   A version 4 packet contains:
2127     - A one-octet version number (4).
2129     - A four-octet number denoting the time that the key was created.
2131     - A one-octet number denoting the public key algorithm of this key
2133     - A series of multiprecision integers comprising the key material.
2134        This algorithm-specific portion is:
2136       Algorithm Specific Fields for RSA public keys:
2138         - multiprecision integer (MPI) of RSA public modulus n;
2140         - MPI of RSA public encryption exponent e.
2142       Algorithm Specific Fields for DSA public keys:
2144         - MPI of DSA prime p;
2146         - MPI of DSA group order q (q is a prime divisor of p-1);
2148         - MPI of DSA group generator g;
2150         - MPI of DSA public key value y (= g**x mod p where x is
2151           secret).
2153       Algorithm Specific Fields for Elgamal public keys:
2155         - MPI of Elgamal prime p;
2157         - MPI of Elgamal group generator g;
2159         - MPI of Elgamal public key value y (= g**x mod p where x is
2160           secret).
21625.5.3. Secret Key Packet Formats
2164   The Secret Key and Secret Subkey packets contain all the data of the
2165   Public Key and Public Subkey packets, with additional
2166   algorithm-specific secret key data appended, usually in encrypted
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2171   form.
2173   The packet contains:
2175     - A Public Key or Public Subkey packet, as described above
2177     - One octet indicating string-to-key usage conventions. Zero
2178       indicates that the secret key data is not encrypted.  255 or 254
2179       indicates that a string-to-key specifier is being given.  Any
2180       other value is a symmetric-key encryption algorithm identifier.
2182     - [Optional] If string-to-key usage octet was 255 or 254, a
2183       one-octet symmetric encryption algorithm.
2185     - [Optional] If string-to-key usage octet was 255 or 254, a
2186       string-to-key specifier.  The length of the string-to-key
2187       specifier is implied by its type, as described above.
2189     - [Optional] If secret data is encrypted (string-to-key usage
2190       octet not zero), an Initial Vector (IV) of the same length as
2191       the cipher's block size.
2193     - Plain or encrypted multiprecision integers comprising the secret
2194       key data. These algorithm-specific fields are as described
2195       below.
2197     - If the string-to-key usage octet is zero or 255, then a
2198       two-octet checksum of the plaintext of the algorithm-specific
2199       portion (sum of all octets, mod 65536). If the string-to-key
2200       usage octet was 254, then a 20-octet SHA-1 hash of the plaintext
2201       of the algorithm-specific portion. This checksum or hash is
2202       encrypted together with the algorithm-specific fields (if
2203       string-to-key usage octet is not zero). Note that for all other
2204       values, a two-octet checksum is required.
2206       Algorithm Specific Fields for RSA secret keys:
2208       - multiprecision integer (MPI) of RSA secret exponent d.
2210       - MPI of RSA secret prime value p.
2212       - MPI of RSA secret prime value q (p < q).
2214       - MPI of u, the multiplicative inverse of p, mod q.
2216       Algorithm Specific Fields for DSA secret keys:
2218       - MPI of DSA secret exponent x.
2220       Algorithm Specific Fields for Elgamal secret keys:
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2227       - MPI of Elgamal secret exponent x.
2229   Secret MPI values can be encrypted using a passphrase.  If a
2230   string-to-key specifier is given, that describes the algorithm for
2231   converting the passphrase to a key, else a simple MD5 hash of the
2232   passphrase is used. Implementations MUST use a string-to-key
2233   specifier; the simple hash is for backward compatibility and is
2234   deprecated, though implementations MAY continue to use existing
2235   private keys in the old format. The cipher for encrypting the MPIs
2236   is specified in the secret key packet.
2238   Encryption/decryption of the secret data is done in CFB mode using
2239   the key created from the passphrase and the Initial Vector from the
2240   packet. A different mode is used with V3 keys (which are only RSA)
2241   than with other key formats. With V3 keys, the MPI bit count prefix
2242   (i.e., the first two octets) is not encrypted.  Only the MPI
2243   non-prefix data is encrypted.  Furthermore, the CFB state is
2244   resynchronized at the beginning of each new MPI value, so that the
2245   CFB block boundary is aligned with the start of the MPI data.
2247   With V4 keys, a simpler method is used.  All secret MPI values are
2248   encrypted in CFB mode, including the MPI bitcount prefix.
2250   The two-octet checksum that follows the algorithm-specific portion
2251   is the algebraic sum, mod 65536, of the plaintext of all the
2252   algorithm-specific octets (including MPI prefix and data).  With V3
2253   keys, the checksum is stored in the clear.  With V4 keys, the
2254   checksum is encrypted like the algorithm-specific data.  This value
2255   is used to check that the passphrase was correct. However, this
2256   checksum is deprecated; an implementation SHOULD NOT use it, but
2257   should rather use the SHA-1 hash denoted with a usage octet of 254.
2258   The reason for this is that there are some attacks on the private
2259   key that can undetectably modify the secret key. Using a SHA-1 hash
2260   prevents this.
22625.6. Compressed Data Packet (Tag 8)
2264   The Compressed Data packet contains compressed data. Typically, this
2265   packet is found as the contents of an encrypted packet, or following
2266   a Signature or One-Pass Signature packet, and contains literal data
2267   packets.
2269   The body of this packet consists of:
2271     - One octet that gives the algorithm used to compress the packet.
2273     - The remainder of the packet is compressed data.
2275   A Compressed Data Packet's body contains an block that compresses
2276   some set of packets. See section "Packet Composition" for details on
2277   how messages are formed.
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2283   ZIP-compressed packets are compressed with raw RFC1951 DEFLATE
2284   blocks. Note that PGP V2.6 uses 13 bits of compression. If an
2285   implementation uses more bits of compression, PGP V2.6 cannot
2286   decompress it.
2288   ZLIB-compressed packets are compressed with RFC1950 ZLIB-style
2289   blocks.
22915.7. Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet (Tag 9)
2293   The Symmetrically Encrypted Data packet contains data encrypted with
2294   a symmetric-key algorithm. When it has been decrypted, it contains
2295   other packets (usually literal data packets or compressed data
2296   packets, but in theory other Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packets or
2297   sequences of packets that form whole OpenPGP messages).
2299   The body of this packet consists of:
2301     - Encrypted data, the output of the selected symmetric-key cipher
2302       operating in PGP's variant of Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode.
2304   The symmetric cipher used may be specified in an Public-Key or
2305   Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key packet that precedes the
2306   Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet.  In that case, the cipher
2307   algorithm octet is prefixed to the session key before it is
2308   encrypted.  If no packets of these types precede the encrypted data,
2309   the IDEA algorithm is used with the session key calculated as the
2310   MD5 hash of the passphrase, though this use is deprecated.
2312   The data is encrypted in CFB mode, with a CFB shift size equal to
2313   the cipher's block size.  The Initial Vector (IV) is specified as
2314   all zeros.  Instead of using an IV, OpenPGP prefixes a string of
2315   length equal to the block size of the cipher plus two to the data
2316   before it is encrypted.  The first block-size octets (for example, 8
2317   octets for a 64-bit block length) are random, and the following two
2318   octets are copies of the last two octets of the IV. For example, in
2319   an 8 octet block, octet 9 is a repeat of octet 7, and octet 10 is a
2320   repeat of octet 8. In a cipher of length 16, octet 17 is a repeat of
2321   octet 15 and octet 18 is a repeat of octet 16. As a pedantic
2322   clarification, in both these examples, we consider the first octet
2323   to be numbered 1.
2325   After encrypting the first block-size-plus-two octets, the CFB state
2326   is resynchronized.  The last block-size octets of ciphertext are
2327   passed through the cipher and the block boundary is reset.
2329   The repetition of 16 bits in the random data prefixed to the message
2330   allows the receiver to immediately check whether the session key is
2331   incorrect.
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23395.8. Marker Packet (Obsolete Literal Packet) (Tag 10)
2341   An experimental version of PGP used this packet as the Literal
2342   packet, but no released version of PGP generated Literal packets
2343   with this tag. With PGP 5.x, this packet has been re-assigned and is
2344   reserved for use as the Marker packet.
2346   The body of this packet consists of:
2348     - The three octets 0x50, 0x47, 0x50 (which spell "PGP" in UTF-8).
2350   Such a packet MUST be ignored when received.  It may be placed at
2351   the beginning of a message that uses features not available in PGP
2352   2.6.x in order to cause that version to report that newer software
2353   is necessary to process the message.
23555.9. Literal Data Packet (Tag 11)
2357   A Literal Data packet contains the body of a message; data that is
2358   not to be further interpreted.
2360   The body of this packet consists of:
2362     - A one-octet field that describes how the data is formatted.
2364   If it is a 'b' (0x62), then the literal packet contains binary data.
2365   If it is a 't' (0x74), then it contains text data, and thus may need
2366   line ends converted to local form, or other text-mode changes. The
2367   tag 'u' (0x75) means the same as 't', but also indicates that
2368   implementation believes that the literal data contains UTF-8 text.
2370   Early versions of PGP also defined a value of 'l' as a 'local' mode
2371   for machine-local conversions. RFC 1991 incorrectly stated this
2372   local mode flag as '1' (ASCII numeral one). Both of these local
2373   modes are deprecated.
2375     - File name as a string (one-octet length, followed by file name),
2376       if the encrypted data should be saved as a file.
2378   If the special name "_CONSOLE" is used, the message is considered to
2379   be "for your eyes only".  This advises that the message data is
2380   unusually sensitive, and the receiving program should process it
2381   more carefully, perhaps avoiding storing the received data to disk,
2382   for example.
2384     - A four-octet number that indicates the modification date of the
2385       file, or the creation time of the packet, or a zero that
2386       indicates the present time.
2388     - The remainder of the packet is literal data.
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2395   Text data is stored with <CR><LF> text endings (i.e. network-normal
2396   line endings).  These should be converted to native line endings by
2397   the receiving software.
23995.10. Trust Packet (Tag 12)
2401   The Trust packet is used only within keyrings and is not normally
2402   exported.  Trust packets contain data that record the user's
2403   specifications of which key holders are trustworthy introducers,
2404   along with other information that implementing software uses for
2405   trust information. The format of trust packets is defined by a given
2406   implementation.
2408   Trust packets SHOULD NOT be emitted to output streams that are
2409   transferred to other users, and they SHOULD be ignored on any input
2410   other than local keyring files.
24125.11. User ID Packet (Tag 13)
2414   A User ID packet consists of UTF-8 text that is intended to
2415   represent the name and email address of the key holder.  By
2416   convention, it includes an RFC822 mail name, but there are no
2417   restrictions on its content.  The packet length in the header
2418   specifies the length of the User ID.
24205.12. User Attribute Packet (Tag 17)
2422   The User Attribute packet is a variation of the User ID packet.  It
2423   is capable of storing more types of data than the User ID packet
2424   which is limited to text.  Like the User ID packet, a User Attribute
2425   packet may be certified by the key owner ("self-signed") or any
2426   other key owner who cares to certify it.  Except as noted, a User
2427   Attribute packet may be used anywhere that a User ID packet may be
2428   used.
2430   While User Attribute packets are not a required part of the OpenPGP
2431   standard, implementations SHOULD provide at least enough
2432   compatibility to properly handle a certification signature on the
2433   User Attribute packet.  A simple way to do this is by treating the
2434   User Attribute packet as a User ID packet with opaque contents, but
2435   an implementation may use any method desired.
2437   The User Attribute packet is made up of one or more attribute
2438   subpackets.  Each subpacket consists of a subpacket header and a
2439   body. The header consists of:
2441     - the subpacket length (1, 2, or 5 octets)
2443     - the subpacket type (1 octet)
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2451   and is followed by the subpacket specific data.
2453   The only currently defined subpacket type is 1, signifying an image.
2454   An implementation SHOULD ignore any subpacket of a type that it does
2455   not recognize.  Subpacket types 100 through 110 are reserved for
2456   private or experimental use.
24585.12.1. The Image Attribute Subpacket
2460   The image attribute subpacket is used to encode an image, presumably
2461   (but not required to be) that of the key owner.
2463   The image attribute subpacket begins with an image header.  The
2464   first two octets of the image header contain the length of the image
2465   header. Note that unlike other multi-octet numerical values in this
2466   document, due to an historical accident this value is encoded as a
2467   little-endian number.  The image header length is followed by a
2468   single octet for the image header version.  The only currently
2469   defined version of the image header is 1, which is a 16 octet image
2470   header.  The first three octets of a version 1 image header are thus
2471   0x10 0x00 0x01.
2473   The fourth octet of a version 1 image header designates the encoding
2474   format of the image.  The only currently defined encoding format is
2475   the value 1 to indicate JPEG.  Image format types 100 through 110
2476   are reserved for private or experimental use.  The rest of the
2477   version 1 image header is made up of 12 reserved octets, all of
2478   which MUST be set to 0.
2480   The rest of the image subpacket contains the image itself.  As the
2481   only currently defined image type is JPEG, the image is encoded in
2482   the JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF), a standard file format for
2483   JPEG images. [JFIF]
2485   An implementation MAY try and determine the type of an image by
2486   examination of the image data if it is unable to handle a particular
2487   version of the image header or if a specified encoding format value
2488   is not recognized.
24905.13. Sym. Encrypted Integrity Protected Data Packet (Tag 18)
2492   The Symmetrically Encrypted Integrity Protected Data Packet is a
2493   variant of the Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet. It is a new
2494   feature created for OpenPGP that addresses the problem of detecting
2495   a modification to encrypted data. It is used in combination with a
2496   Modification Detection Code Packet.
2498   There is a corresponding feature in the features signature subpacket
2499   that denotes that an implementation can properly use this packet
2500   type. An implementation MUST support decrypting these packets and
2501   SHOULD prefer generating them to the older Symmetrically Encrypted
2502   Data Packet when possible. Since this data packet protects against
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2507   modification attacks, this standard encourages its proliferation.
2508   While blanket adoption of this data packet would create
2509   interoperability problems, rapid adoption is nevertheless important.
2510   An implementation SHOULD specifically denote support for this
2511   packet, but it MAY infer it from other mechanisms.
2513   For example, an implementation might infer from the use of a cipher
2514   such as AES or Twofish that a user supports this feature. It might
2515   place in the unhashed portion of another user's key signature a
2516   features subpacket. It might also present a user with an opportunity
2517   to regenerate their own self-signature with a features subpacket.
2519   This packet contains data encrypted with a symmetric-key algorithm
2520   and protected against modification by the SHA-1 hash algorithm. When
2521   it has been decrypted, it will typically contain other packets
2522   (often literal data packets or compressed data packets). The last
2523   decrypted packet in this packet's payload MUST be a Modification
2524   Detection Code packet.
2526   The body of this packet consists of:
2528     - A one-octet version number.  The only currently defined value is
2529       1.
2531     - Encrypted data, the output of the selected symmetric-key cipher
2532       operating in Cipher Feedback mode with shift amount equal to the
2533       block size of the cipher (CFB-n where n is the block size).
2535   The symmetric cipher used MUST be specified in a Public-Key or
2536   Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key packet that precedes the
2537   Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet.  In either case, the cipher
2538   algorithm octet is prefixed to the session key before it is
2539   encrypted.
2541   The data is encrypted in CFB mode, with a CFB shift size equal to
2542   the cipher's block size.  The Initial Vector (IV) is specified as
2543   all zeros.  Instead of using an IV, OpenPGP prefixes an octet string
2544   to the data before it is encrypted.  The length of the octet string
2545   equals the block size of the cipher in octets, plus two.  The first
2546   octets in the group, of length equal to the block size of the
2547   cipher, are random; the last two octets are each copies of their 2nd
2548   preceding octet.  For example, with a cipher whose block size is 128
2549   bits or 16 octets, the prefix data will contain 16 random octets,
2550   then two more octets, which are copies of the 15th and 16th octets,
2551   respectively. Unlike the Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet, no
2552   special CFB resynchronization is done after encrypting this prefix
2553   data. See OpenPGP CFB Mode below for more details.
2555   The repetition of 16 bits in the random data prefixed to the message
2556   allows the receiver to immediately check whether the session key is
2557   incorrect.
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2563   The plaintext of the data to be encrypted is passed through the
2564   SHA-1 hash function, and the result of the hash is appended to the
2565   plaintext in a Modification Detection Code packet.  The input to the
2566   hash function includes the prefix data described above; it includes
2567   all of the plaintext, and then also includes two octets of values
2568   0xD3, 0x14.  These represent the encoding of a Modification
2569   Detection Code packet tag and length field of 20 octets.
2571   The resulting hash value is stored in a Modification Detection Code
2572   packet which MUST use the two octet encoding just given to represent
2573   its tag and length field.  The body of the MDC packet is the 20
2574   octet output of the SHA-1 hash.
2576   The Modification Detection Code packet is appended to the plaintext
2577   and encrypted along with the plaintext using the same CFB context.
2579   During decryption, the plaintext data should be hashed with SHA-1,
2580   including the prefix data as well as the packet tag and length field
2581   of the Modification Detection Code packet.  The body of the MDC
2582   packet, upon decryption, is compared with the result of the SHA-1
2583   hash.
2585   Any failure of the MDC indicates that the message has been modified
2586   and MUST be treated as a security problem. Failures include a
2587   difference in the hash values, but also the absence of an MDC
2588   packet, or an MDC packet in any position other than the end of the
2589   plaintext.  Any failure SHOULD be reported to the user.
2591   Note: future designs of new versions of this packet should consider
2592   rollback attacks since it will be possible for an attacker to change
2593   the version back to 1.
25955.14. Modification Detection Code Packet (Tag 19)
2597   The Modification Detection Code packet contains a SHA-1 hash of
2598   plaintext data which is used to detect message modification.  It is
2599   only used with a Symmetrically Encrypted Integrity Protected Data
2600   packet.  The Modification Detection Code packet MUST be the last
2601   packet in the plaintext data which is encrypted in the Symmetrically
2602   Encrypted Integrity Protected Data packet, and MUST appear in no
2603   other place.
2605   A Modification Detection Code packet MUST have a length of 20
2606   octets.
2608   The body of this packet consists of:
2610     - A 20-octet SHA-1 hash of the preceding plaintext data of the
2611       Symmetrically Encrypted Integrity Protected Data packet,
2612       including prefix data, the tag octet, and length octet of the
2613       Modification Detection Code packet.
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2619   Note that the Modification Detection Code packet MUST always use a
2620   new-format encoding of the packet tag, and a one-octet encoding of
2621   the packet length. The reason for this is that the hashing rules for
2622   modification detection include a one-octet tag and one-octet length
2623   in the data hash. While this is a bit restrictive, it reduces
2624   complexity.
26266. Radix-64 Conversions
2628   As stated in the introduction, OpenPGP's underlying native
2629   representation for objects is a stream of arbitrary octets, and some
2630   systems desire these objects to be immune to damage caused by
2631   character set translation, data conversions, etc.
2633   In principle, any printable encoding scheme that met the
2634   requirements of the unsafe channel would suffice, since it would not
2635   change the underlying binary bit streams of the native OpenPGP data
2636   structures.  The OpenPGP standard specifies one such printable
2637   encoding scheme to ensure interoperability.
2639   OpenPGP's Radix-64 encoding is composed of two parts: a base64
2640   encoding of the binary data, and a checksum.  The base64 encoding is
2641   identical to the MIME base64 content-transfer-encoding [RFC 2045].
2643   The checksum is a 24-bit CRC converted to four characters of
2644   radix-64 encoding by the same MIME base64 transformation, preceded
2645   by an equals sign (=).  The CRC is computed by using the generator
2646   0x864CFB and an initialization of 0xB704CE.  The accumulation is
2647   done on the data before it is converted to radix-64, rather than on
2648   the converted data.  A sample implementation of this algorithm is in
2649   the next section.
2651   The checksum with its leading equal sign MAY appear on the first
2652   line after the Base64 encoded data.
2654   Rationale for CRC-24: The size of 24 bits fits evenly into printable
2655   base64.  The nonzero initialization can detect more errors than a
2656   zero initialization.
26586.1. An Implementation of the CRC-24 in "C"
2660       #define CRC24_INIT 0xb704ceL
2661       #define CRC24_POLY 0x1864cfbL
2663       typedef long crc24;
2664       crc24 crc_octets(unsigned char *octets, size_t len)
2665       {
2666           crc24 crc = CRC24_INIT;
2667           int i;
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2675           while (len--) {
2676               crc ^= (*octets++) << 16;
2677               for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
2678                   crc <<= 1;
2679                   if (crc & 0x1000000)
2680                       crc ^= CRC24_POLY;
2681               }
2682           }
2683           return crc & 0xffffffL;
2684       }
26866.2. Forming ASCII Armor
2688   When OpenPGP encodes data into ASCII Armor, it puts specific headers
2689   around the Radix-64 encoded data, so OpenPGP can reconstruct the
2690   data later. An OpenPGP implementation MAY use ASCII armor to protect
2691   raw binary data. OpenPGP informs the user what kind of data is
2692   encoded in the ASCII armor through the use of the headers.
2694   Concatenating the following data creates ASCII Armor:
2696     - An Armor Header Line, appropriate for the type of data
2698     - Armor Headers
2700     - A blank (zero-length, or containing only whitespace) line
2702     - The ASCII-Armored data
2704     - An Armor Checksum
2706     - The Armor Tail, which depends on the Armor Header Line.
2708   An Armor Header Line consists of the appropriate header line text
2709   surrounded by five (5) dashes ('-', 0x2D) on either side of the
2710   header line text.  The header line text is chosen based upon the
2711   type of data that is being encoded in Armor, and how it is being
2712   encoded. Header line texts include the following strings:
2715       Used for signed, encrypted, or compressed files.
2718       Used for armoring public keys
2721       Used for armoring private keys
2724       Used for multi-part messages, where the armor is split amongst Y
2725       parts, and this is the Xth part out of Y.
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2732       Used for multi-part messages, where this is the Xth part of an
2733       unspecified number of parts. Requires the MESSAGE-ID Armor
2734       Header to be used.
2737       Used for detached signatures, OpenPGP/MIME signatures, and
2738       cleartext signatures. Note that PGP 2.x uses BEGIN PGP MESSAGE
2739       for detached signatures.
2741   Note that all these Armor Header Lines are to consist of a complete
2742   line. That is to say, there is always a line ending preceding the
2743   starting five dashes, and following the ending five dashes. The
2744   header lines, therefore, MUST start at the beginning of a line, and
2745   MUST NOT have text following them on the same line. These line
2746   endings are considered a part of the Armor Header Line for the
2747   purposes of determining the content they delimit. This is
2748   particularly important when computing a cleartext signature (see
2749   below).
2751   The Armor Headers are pairs of strings that can give the user or the
2752   receiving OpenPGP implementation some information about how to
2753   decode or use the message.  The Armor Headers are a part of the
2754   armor, not a part of the message, and hence are not protected by any
2755   signatures applied to the message.
2757   The format of an Armor Header is that of a key-value pair.  A colon
2758   (':' 0x38) and a single space (0x20) separate the key and value.
2759   OpenPGP should consider improperly formatted Armor Headers to be
2760   corruption of the ASCII Armor.  Unknown keys should be reported to
2761   the user, but OpenPGP should continue to process the message.
2763   Currently defined Armor Header Keys are:
2765     - "Version", that states the OpenPGP implementation and version
2766       used to encode the message.
2768     - "Comment", a user-defined comment. OpenPGP defines all text to
2769       be in UTF-8. A comment may be any UTF-8 string. However, the
2770       whole point of armoring is to provide seven-bit-clean data.
2771       Consequently, if a comment has characters that are outside the
2772       US-ASCII range of UTF, they may very well not survive transport.
2774     - "MessageID", a 32-character string of printable characters.  The
2775       string must be the same for all parts of a multi-part message
2776       that uses the "PART X" Armor Header.  MessageID strings should
2777       be unique enough that the recipient of the mail can associate
2778       all the parts of a message with each other. A good checksum or
2779       cryptographic hash function is sufficient.
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2785INTERNET-DRAFT          OpenPGP Message Format             Nov 23, 2004
2787       The MessageID SHOULD NOT appear unless it is in a multi-part
2788       message. If it appears at all, it MUST be computed from the
2789       finished (encrypted, signed, etc.) message in a deterministic
2790       fashion, rather than contain a purely random value.  This is to
2791       allow the legitimate recipient to determine that the MessageID
2792       cannot serve as a covert means of leaking cryptographic key
2793       information.
2795     - "Hash", a comma-separated list of hash algorithms used in this
2796       message. This is used only in cleartext signed messages.
2798     - "Charset", a description of the character set that the plaintext
2799       is in. Please note that OpenPGP defines text to be in UTF-8. An
2800       implementation will get best results by translating into and out
2801       of UTF-8. However, there are many instances where this is easier
2802       said than done. Also, there are communities of users who have no
2803       need for UTF-8 because they are all happy with a character set
2804       like ISO Latin-5 or a Japanese character set. In such instances,
2805       an implementation MAY override the UTF-8 default by using this
2806       header key. An implementation MAY implement this key and any
2807       translations it cares to; an implementation MAY ignore it and
2808       assume all text is UTF-8.
2810   The Armor Tail Line is composed in the same manner as the Armor
2811   Header Line, except the string "BEGIN" is replaced by the string
2812   "END".
28146.3. Encoding Binary in Radix-64
2816   The encoding process represents 24-bit groups of input bits as
2817   output strings of 4 encoded characters. Proceeding from left to
2818   right, a 24-bit input group is formed by concatenating three 8-bit
2819   input groups. These 24 bits are then treated as four concatenated
2820   6-bit groups, each of which is translated into a single digit in the
2821   Radix-64 alphabet. When encoding a bit stream with the Radix-64
2822   encoding, the bit stream must be presumed to be ordered with the
2823   most-significant-bit first. That is, the first bit in the stream
2824   will be the high-order bit in the first 8-bit octet, and the eighth
2825   bit will be the low-order bit in the first 8-bit octet, and so on.
2827         +--first octet--+-second octet--+--third octet--+
2828         |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
2829         +-----------+---+-------+-------+---+-----------+
2830         |5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|
2831         +--1.index--+--2.index--+--3.index--+--4.index--+
2833   Each 6-bit group is used as an index into an array of 64 printable
2834   characters from the table below. The character referenced by the
2835   index is placed in the output string.
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2841INTERNET-DRAFT          OpenPGP Message Format             Nov 23, 2004
2843     Value Encoding  Value Encoding  Value Encoding  Value Encoding
2844         0 A            17 R            34 i            51 z
2845         1 B            18 S            35 j            52 0
2846         2 C            19 T            36 k            53 1
2847         3 D            20 U            37 l            54 2
2848         4 E            21 V            38 m            55 3
2849         5 F            22 W            39 n            56 4
2850         6 G            23 X            40 o            57 5
2851         7 H            24 Y            41 p            58 6
2852         8 I            25 Z            42 q            59 7
2853         9 J            26 a            43 r            60 8
2854        10 K            27 b            44 s            61 9
2855        11 L            28 c            45 t            62 +
2856        12 M            29 d            46 u            63 /
2857        13 N            30 e            47 v
2858        14 O            31 f            48 w         (pad) =
2859        15 P            32 g            49 x
2860        16 Q            33 h            50 y
2862   The encoded output stream must be represented in lines of no more
2863   than 76 characters each.
2865   Special processing is performed if fewer than 24 bits are available
2866   at the end of the data being encoded. There are three possibilities:
2868    1. The last data group has 24 bits (3 octets). No special
2869       processing is needed.
2871    2. The last data group has 16 bits (2 octets). The first two 6-bit
2872       groups are processed as above. The third (incomplete) data group
2873       has two zero-value bits added to it, and is processed as above.
2874       A pad character (=) is added to the output.
2876    3. The last data group has 8 bits (1 octet). The first 6-bit group
2877       is processed as above. The second (incomplete) data group has
2878       four zero-value bits added to it, and is processed as above. Two
2879       pad characters (=) are added to the output.
28816.4. Decoding Radix-64
2883   Any characters outside of the base64 alphabet are ignored in
2884   Radix-64 data. Decoding software must ignore all line breaks or
2885   other characters not found in the table above.
2887   In Radix-64 data, characters other than those in the table, line
2888   breaks, and other white space probably indicate a transmission
2889   error, about which a warning message or even a message rejection
2890   might be appropriate under some circumstances.
2892   Because it is used only for padding at the end of the data, the
2893   occurrence of any "=" characters may be taken as evidence that the
2894   end of the data has been reached (without truncation in transit). No
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2897INTERNET-DRAFT          OpenPGP Message Format             Nov 23, 2004
2899   such assurance is possible, however, when the number of octets
2900   transmitted was a multiple of three and no "=" characters are
2901   present.
29036.5. Examples of Radix-64
2905       Input data:  0x14fb9c03d97e
2906       Hex:     1   4    f   b    9   c     | 0   3    d   9    7   e
2907       8-bit:   00010100 11111011 10011100  | 00000011 11011001
2908       11111110
2909       6-bit:   000101 001111 101110 011100 | 000000 111101 100111
2910       111110
2911       Decimal: 5      15     46     28       0      61     37     62
2912       Output:  F      P      u      c        A      9      l      +
2914       Input data:  0x14fb9c03d9
2915       Hex:     1   4    f   b    9   c     | 0   3    d   9
2916       8-bit:   00010100 11111011 10011100  | 00000011 11011001
2917                                                       pad with 00
2918       6-bit:   000101 001111 101110 011100 | 000000 111101 100100
2919       Decimal: 5      15     46     28       0      61     36
2920                                                          pad with =
2921       Output:  F      P      u      c        A      9      k      =
2923       Input data:  0x14fb9c03
2924       Hex:     1   4    f   b    9   c     | 0   3
2925       8-bit:   00010100 11111011 10011100  | 00000011
2926                                              pad with 0000
2927       6-bit:   000101 001111 101110 011100 | 000000 110000
2928       Decimal: 5      15     46     28       0      48
2929                                                   pad with =      =
2930       Output:  F      P      u      c        A      w      =      =
29326.6. Example of an ASCII Armored Message
2935  -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
2936  Version: OpenPrivacy 0.99
2937  yDgBO22WxBHv7O8X7O/jygAEzol56iUKiXmV+XmpCtmpqQUKiQrFqclFqUDBovzS
2938  vBSFjNSiVHsuAA==
2939  =njUN
2940  -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
2942   Note that this example is indented by two spaces.
29447. Cleartext signature framework
2946   It is desirable to sign a textual octet stream without ASCII
2947   armoring the stream itself, so the signed text is still readable
2948   without special software. In order to bind a signature to such a
2949   cleartext, this framework is used.  (Note that RFC 3156 defines
2950   another way to sign cleartext messages for environments that support
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2953INTERNET-DRAFT          OpenPGP Message Format             Nov 23, 2004
2955   MIME.)
2957   The cleartext signed message consists of:
2959     - The cleartext header '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----' on a
2960       single line,
2962     - One or more "Hash" Armor Headers,
2964     - Exactly one empty line not included into the message digest,
2966     - The dash-escaped cleartext that is included into the message
2967       digest,
2969     - The ASCII armored signature(s) including the '-----BEGIN PGP
2970       SIGNATURE-----' Armor Header and Armor Tail Lines.
2972   If the "Hash" armor header is given, the specified message digest
2973   algorithm(s) are used for the signature. If there are no such
2974   headers, MD5 is used. If MD5 is the only hash used, then an
2975   implementation MAY omit this header for improved V2.x compatibility.
2976   If more than one message digest is used in the signature, the "Hash"
2977   armor header contains a comma-delimited list of used message
2978   digests.
2980   Current message digest names are described below with the algorithm
2981   IDs.
29837.1. Dash-Escaped Text
2985   The cleartext content of the message must also be dash-escaped.
2987   Dash escaped cleartext is the ordinary cleartext where every line
2988   starting with a dash '-' (0x2D) is prefixed by the sequence dash '-'
2989   (0x2D) and space ' ' (0x20). This prevents the parser from
2990   recognizing armor headers of the cleartext itself. An implementation
2991   MAY dash escape any line, SHOULD dash escape lines commencing "From"
2992   followed by a space, and MUST dash escape any line commencing in a
2993   dash. The message digest is computed using the cleartext itself, not
2994   the dash escaped form.
2996   As with binary signatures on text documents, a cleartext signature
2997   is calculated on the text using canonical <CR><LF> line endings.
2998   The line ending (i.e. the <CR><LF>) before the '-----BEGIN PGP
2999   SIGNATURE-----' line that terminates the signed text is not
3000   considered part of the signed text.
3002   When reversing dash-escaping, an implementation MUST strip the
3003   string "- " if it occurs at the beginning of a line, and SHOULD warn
3004   on "-" and any character other than a space at the beginning of a
3005   line.
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3011   Also, any trailing whitespace -- spaces (0x20) and tabs (0x09) -- at
3012   the end of any line is removed when the cleartext signature is
3013   generated.
30158. Regular Expressions
3017   A regular expression is zero or more branches, separated by '|'. It
3018   matches anything that matches one of the branches.
3020   A branch is zero or more pieces, concatenated. It matches a match
3021   for the first, followed by a match for the second, etc.
3023   A piece is an atom possibly followed by '*', '+', or '?'. An atom
3024   followed by '*' matches a sequence of 0 or more matches of the atom.
3025   An atom followed by '+' matches a sequence of 1 or more matches of
3026   the atom. An atom followed by '?' matches a match of the atom, or
3027   the null string.
3029   An atom is a regular expression in parentheses (matching a match for
3030   the regular expression), a range (see below), '.' (matching any
3031   single character), '^' (matching the null string at the beginning of
3032   the input string), '$' (matching the null string at the end of the
3033   input string), a '\' followed by a single character (matching that
3034   character), or a single character with no other significance
3035   (matching that character).
3037   A range is a sequence of characters enclosed in '[]'. It normally
3038   matches any single character from the sequence. If the sequence
3039   begins with '^', it matches any single character not from the rest
3040   of the sequence. If two characters in the sequence are separated by
3041   '-', this is shorthand for the full list of ASCII characters between
3042   them (e.g. '[0-9]' matches any decimal digit). To include a literal
3043   ']' in the sequence, make it the first character (following a
3044   possible '^').  To include a literal '-', make it the first or last
3045   character.
30479. Constants
3049   This section describes the constants used in OpenPGP.
3051   Note that these tables are not exhaustive lists; an implementation
3052   MAY implement an algorithm not on these lists, so long as the
3053   algorithm number(s) are chosen from the private or experimental
3054   algorithm range.
3056   See the section "Notes on Algorithms" below for more discussion of
3057   the algorithms.
30599.1. Public Key Algorithms
3061       ID           Algorithm
3062       --           ---------
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3065INTERNET-DRAFT          OpenPGP Message Format             Nov 23, 2004
3067       1          - RSA (Encrypt or Sign)
3068       2          - RSA Encrypt-Only
3069       3          - RSA Sign-Only
3070       16         - Elgamal (Encrypt-Only), see [ELGAMAL]
3071       17         - DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) [DSA]
3072       18         - Reserved for Elliptic Curve
3073       19         - Reserved for ECDSA
3074       20         - Reserved (formerly Elgamal Encrypt or Sign)
3075       21         - Reserved for Diffie-Hellman (X9.42,
3076                    as defined for IETF-S/MIME)
3077       100 to 110 - Private/Experimental algorithm.
3079   Implementations MUST implement DSA for signatures, and Elgamal for
3080   encryption. Implementations SHOULD implement RSA keys.
3081   Implementations MAY implement any other algorithm.
30839.2. Symmetric Key Algorithms
3085       ID           Algorithm
3086       --           ---------
3087       0          - Plaintext or unencrypted data
3088       1          - IDEA [IDEA]
3089       2          - TripleDES (DES-EDE, [SCHNEIER] -
3090                    168 bit key derived from 192)
3091       3          - CAST5 (128 bit key, as per RFC2144)
3092       4          - Blowfish (128 bit key, 16 rounds) [BLOWFISH]
3093       5          - Reserved
3094       6          - Reserved
3095       7          - AES with 128-bit key [AES]
3096       8          - AES with 192-bit key
3097       9          - AES with 256-bit key
3098       10         - Twofish with 256-bit key [TWOFISH]
3099       100 to 110 - Private/Experimental algorithm.
3101   Implementations MUST implement TripleDES. Implementations SHOULD
3102   implement AES-128 and CAST5. Implementations that interoperate with
3103   PGP 2.6 or earlier need to support IDEA, as that is the only
3104   symmetric cipher those versions use. Implementations MAY implement
3105   any other algorithm.
31079.3. Compression Algorithms
3109       ID           Algorithm
3110       --           ---------
3111       0          - Uncompressed
3112       1          - ZIP (RFC1951)
3113       2          - ZLIB (RFC1950)
3114       3          - BZip2 [BZ2]
3115       100 to 110 - Private/Experimental algorithm.
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3123   Implementations MUST implement uncompressed data. Implementations
3124   SHOULD implement ZIP. Implementations MAY implement any other
3125   algorithm.
31279.4. Hash Algorithms
3129       ID           Algorithm                             Text Name
3130       --           ---------                             ---- ----
3131       1          - MD5                                   "MD5"
3132       2          - SHA-1                                 "SHA1"
3133       3          - RIPE-MD/160                           "RIPEMD160"
3134       4          - Reserved
3135       5          - Reserved
3136       6          - Reserved
3137       7          - Reserved
3138       8          - SHA256                                "SHA256"
3139       9          - SHA384                                "SHA384"
3140       10         - SHA512                                "SHA512"
3141       100 to 110 - Private/Experimental algorithm.
3143   Implementations MUST implement SHA-1. Implementations MAY implement
3144   other algorithms.
314610. Packet Composition
3148   OpenPGP packets are assembled into sequences in order to create
3149   messages and to transfer keys.  Not all possible packet sequences
3150   are meaningful and correct.  This section describes the rules for
3151   how packets should be placed into sequences.
315310.1. Transferable Public Keys
3155   OpenPGP users may transfer public keys. The essential elements of a
3156   transferable public key are:
3158     - One Public Key packet
3160     - Zero or more revocation signatures
3162     - One or more User ID packets
3164     - After each User ID packet, zero or more signature packets
3165       (certifications)
3167     - Zero or more User Attribute packets
3169     - After each User Attribute packet, zero or more signature packets
3170       (certifications)
3172     - Zero or more Subkey packets
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3179     - After each Subkey packet, one signature packet, plus optionally
3180       a revocation.
3182   The Public Key packet occurs first.  Each of the following User ID
3183   packets provides the identity of the owner of this public key.  If
3184   there are multiple User ID packets, this corresponds to multiple
3185   means of identifying the same unique individual user; for example, a
3186   user may have more than one email address, and construct a User ID
3187   for each one.
3189   Immediately following each User ID packet, there are zero or more
3190   signature packets. Each signature packet is calculated on the
3191   immediately preceding User ID packet and the initial Public Key
3192   packet. The signature serves to certify the corresponding public key
3193   and User ID.  In effect, the signer is testifying to his or her
3194   belief that this public key belongs to the user identified by this
3195   User ID.
3197   Within the same section as the User ID packets, there are zero or
3198   more User Attribute packets.  Like the User ID packets, a User
3199   Attribute packet is followed by zero or more signature packets
3200   calculated on the immediately preceding User Attribute packet and
3201   the initial Public Key packet.
3203   User Attribute packets and User ID packets may be freely intermixed
3204   in this section, so long as the signatures that follow them are
3205   maintained on the proper User Attribute or User ID packet.
3207   After the User ID or Attribute packets there may be one or more
3208   Subkey packets. In general, subkeys are provided in cases where the
3209   top-level public key is a signature-only key.  However, any V4 key
3210   may have subkeys, and the subkeys may be encryption-only keys,
3211   signature-only keys, or general-purpose keys. V3 keys MUST NOT have
3212   subkeys.
3214   Each Subkey packet must be followed by one Signature packet, which
3215   should be a subkey binding signature issued by the top level key.
3216   For subkeys that can issue signatures, the subkey binding signature
3217   must contain an embedded signature subpacket with a primary key
3218   binding signature (0x19) issued by the subkey on the top level key.
3220   Subkey and Key packets may each be followed by a revocation
3221   Signature packet to indicate that the key is revoked.  Revocation
3222   signatures are only accepted if they are issued by the key itself,
3223   or by a key that is authorized to issue revocations via a revocation
3224   key subpacket in a self-signature by the top level key.
3226   Transferable public key packet sequences may be concatenated to
3227   allow transferring multiple public keys in one operation.
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3233INTERNET-DRAFT          OpenPGP Message Format             Nov 23, 2004
323510.2. OpenPGP Messages
3237   An OpenPGP message is a packet or sequence of packets that
3238   corresponds to the following grammatical rules (comma represents
3239   sequential composition, and vertical bar separates alternatives):
3241   OpenPGP Message :- Encrypted Message | Signed Message |
3242                      Compressed Message | Literal Message.
3244   Compressed Message :- Compressed Data Packet.
3246   Literal Message :- Literal Data Packet |
3247                     Literal Message, Literal Data Packet.
3249   ESK :- Public Key Encrypted Session Key Packet |
3250          Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet.
3252   ESK Sequence :- ESK | ESK Sequence, ESK.
3254   Encrypted Data :- Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet |
3255         Symmetrically Encrypted Integrity Protected Data Packet
3257   Encrypted Message :- Encrypted Data | ESK Sequence, Encrypted Data.
3259   One-Pass Signed Message :- One-Pass Signature Packet,
3260               OpenPGP Message, Corresponding Signature Packet.
3262   Signed Message :- Signature Packet, OpenPGP Message |
3263               One-Pass Signed Message.
3265   In addition, decrypting a Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet or a
3266   Symmetrically Encrypted Integrity Protected Data Packet as well as
3268   decompressing a Compressed Data packet must yield a valid OpenPGP
3269   Message.
327110.3. Detached Signatures
3273   Some OpenPGP applications use so-called "detached signatures." For
3274   example, a program bundle may contain a file, and with it a second
3275   file that is a detached signature of the first file. These detached
3276   signatures are simply a signature packet stored separately from the
3277   data that they are a signature of.
327911. Enhanced Key Formats
328111.1. Key Structures
3283   The format of an OpenPGP V3 key is as follows.  Entries in square
3284   brackets are optional and ellipses indicate repetition.
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3289INTERNET-DRAFT          OpenPGP Message Format             Nov 23, 2004
3291           RSA Public Key
3292              [Revocation Self Signature]
3293               User ID [Signature ...]
3294              [User ID [Signature ...] ...]
3296   Each signature certifies the RSA public key and the preceding User
3297   ID. The RSA public key can have many User IDs and each User ID can
3298   have many signatures. V3 keys are deprecated. Implementations MUST
3299   NOT generate new V3 keys, but MAY continue to use existing ones.
3301   The format of an OpenPGP V4 key that uses multiple public keys is
3302   similar except that the other keys are added to the end as "subkeys"
3303   of the primary key.
3305           Primary-Key
3306              [Revocation Self Signature]
3307              [Direct Key Signature...]
3308               User ID [Signature ...]
3309              [User ID [Signature ...] ...]
3310              [User Attribute [Signature ...] ...]
3311              [[Subkey [Binding-Signature-Revocation]
3312                      Primary-Key-Binding-Signature] ...]
3314   A subkey always has a single signature after it that is issued using
3315   the primary key to tie the two keys together.  This binding
3316   signature may be in either V3 or V4 format, but SHOULD be V4.
3318   In the above diagram, if the binding signature of a subkey has been
3319   revoked, the revoked key may be removed, leaving only one key.
3321   In a V4 key, the primary key MUST be a key capable of certification.
3322   The subkeys may be keys of any other type. There may be other
3323   constructions of V4 keys, too. For example, there may be a
3324   single-key RSA key in V4 format, a DSA primary key with an RSA
3325   encryption key, or RSA primary key with an Elgamal subkey, etc.
3327   It is also possible to have a signature-only subkey. This permits a
3328   primary key that collects certifications (key signatures) but is
3329   used only used for certifying subkeys that are used for encryption
3330   and signatures.
333211.2. Key IDs and Fingerprints
3334   For a V3 key, the eight-octet key ID consists of the low 64 bits of
3335   the public modulus of the RSA key.
3337   The fingerprint of a V3 key is formed by hashing the body (but not
3338   the two-octet length) of the MPIs that form the key material (public
3339   modulus n, followed by exponent e) with MD5. Note that both V3 keys
3340   and MD5 are deprecated.
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3347   A V4 fingerprint is the 160-bit SHA-1 hash of the octet 0x99,
3348   followed by the two-octet packet length, followed by the entire
3349   Public Key packet starting with the version field.  The key ID is
3350   the low order 64 bits of the fingerprint.  Here are the fields of
3351   the hash material, with the example of a DSA key:
3353  a.1) 0x99 (1 octet)
3355  a.2) high order length octet of (b)-(f) (1 octet)
3357  a.3) low order length octet of (b)-(f) (1 octet)
3359    b) version number = 4 (1 octet);
3361    c) time stamp of key creation (4 octets);
3363    d) algorithm (1 octet): 17 = DSA (example);
3365    e) Algorithm specific fields.
3367   Algorithm Specific Fields for DSA keys (example):
3369  e.1) MPI of DSA prime p;
3371  e.2) MPI of DSA group order q (q is a prime divisor of p-1);
3373  e.3) MPI of DSA group generator g;
3375  e.4) MPI of DSA public key value y (= g**x mod p where x is secret).
3377   Note that it is possible for there to be collisions of key IDs --
3378   two different keys with the same key ID. Note that there is a much
3379   smaller, but still non-zero probability that two different keys have
3380   the same fingerprint.
3382   Also note that if V3 and V4 format keys share the same RSA key
3383   material, they will have different key IDs as well as different
3384   fingerprints.
3386   Finally, the key ID and fingerprint of a subkey are calculated in
3387   the same way as for a primary key, including the 0x99 as the first
3388   octet (even though this is not a valid packet ID for a public
3389   subkey).
339112. Notes on Algorithms
339312.1. Symmetric Algorithm Preferences
3395   The symmetric algorithm preference is an ordered list of algorithms
3396   that the keyholder accepts. Since it is found on a self-signature,
3397   it is possible that a keyholder may have different preferences. For
3398   example, Alice may have TripleDES only specified for
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3403   "alice@work.com" but CAST5, Blowfish, and TripleDES specified for
3404   "alice@home.org". Note that it is also possible for preferences to
3405   be in a subkey's binding signature.
3407   Since TripleDES is the MUST-implement algorithm, if it is not
3408   explicitly in the list, it is tacitly at the end. However, it is
3409   good form to place it there explicitly. Note also that if an
3410   implementation does not implement the preference, then it is
3411   implicitly a TripleDES-only implementation.
3413   An implementation MUST NOT use a symmetric algorithm that is not in
3414   the recipient's preference list. When encrypting to more than one
3415   recipient, the implementation finds a suitable algorithm by taking
3416   the intersection of the preferences of the recipients. Note that the
3417   MUST-implement algorithm, TripleDES, ensures that the intersection
3418   is not null. The implementation may use any mechanism to pick an
3419   algorithm in the intersection.
3421   If an implementation can decrypt a message that a keyholder doesn't
3422   have in their preferences, the implementation SHOULD decrypt the
3423   message anyway, but MUST warn the keyholder that the protocol has
3424   been violated. (For example, suppose that Alice, above, has software
3425   that implements all algorithms in this specification. Nonetheless,
3426   she prefers subsets for work or home. If she is sent a message
3427   encrypted with IDEA, which is not in her preferences, the software
3428   warns her that someone sent her an IDEA-encrypted message, but it
3429   would ideally decrypt it anyway.)
343112.2. Other Algorithm Preferences
3433   Other algorithm preferences work similarly to the symmetric
3434   algorithm preference, in that they specify which algorithms the
3435   keyholder accepts. There are two interesting cases that other
3436   comments need to be made about, though, the compression preferences
3437   and the hash preferences.
343912.2.1. Compression Preferences
3441   Compression has been an integral part of PGP since its first days.
3442   OpenPGP and all previous versions of PGP have offered compression.
3443   In this specification, the default is for messages to be compressed,
3444   although an implementation is not required to do so. Consequently,
3445   the compression preference gives a way for a keyholder to request
3446   that messages not be compressed, presumably because they are using a
3447   minimal implementation that does not include compression.
3448   Additionally, this gives a keyholder a way to state that it can
3449   support alternate algorithms.
3451   Like the algorithm preferences, an implementation MUST NOT use an
3452   algorithm that is not in the preference vector. If the preferences
3453   are not present, then they are assumed to be [ZIP(1),
3454   UNCOMPRESSED(0)].
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3459   Additionally, an implementation MUST implement this preference to
3460   the degree of recognizing when to send an uncompressed message. A
3461   robust implementation would satisfy this requirement by looking at
3462   the recipient's preference and acting accordingly. A minimal
3463   implementation can satisfy this requirement by never generating a
3464   compressed message, since all implementations can handle messages
3465   that have not been compressed.
346712.2.2. Hash Algorithm Preferences
3469   Typically, the choice of a hash algorithm is something the signer
3470   does, rather than the verifier, because a signer rarely knows who is
3471   going to be verifying the signature. This preference, though, allows
3472   a protocol based upon digital signatures ease in negotiation.
3474   Thus, if Alice is authenticating herself to Bob with a signature, it
3475   makes sense for her to use a hash algorithm that Bob's software
3476   uses. This preference allows Bob to state in his key which
3477   algorithms Alice may use.
3479   Since SHA1 is the MUST-implement hash algorithm, if it is not
3480   explicitly in the list, it is tacitly at the end. However, it is
3481   good form to place it there explicitly.
348312.3. Plaintext
3485   Algorithm 0, "plaintext," may only be used to denote secret keys
3486   that are stored in the clear. Implementations MUST NOT use plaintext
3487   in Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packets; they must use Literal Data
3488   Packets to encode unencrypted or literal data.
349012.4. RSA
3492   There are algorithm types for RSA-signature-only, and
3493   RSA-encrypt-only keys. These types are deprecated. The "key flags"
3494   subpacket in a signature is a much better way to express the same
3495   idea, and generalizes it to all algorithms. An implementation SHOULD
3496   NOT create such a key, but MAY interpret it.
3498   An implementation SHOULD NOT implement RSA keys of size less than
3499   1024 bits.
350112.5. DSA
3503   An implementation SHOULD NOT implement DSA keys of size less than
3504   1024 bits. Note that present DSA is limited to a maximum of 1024 bit
3505   keys, which are recommended for long-term use. Also, DSA keys MUST
3506   be an even multiple of 64 bits long.
350812.6. Elgamal
3510   An implementation SHOULD NOT implement Elgamal keys of size less
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3515   than 1024 bits.
351712.7. Reserved Algorithm Numbers
3519   A number of algorithm IDs have been reserved for algorithms that
3520   would be useful to use in an OpenPGP implementation, yet there are
3521   issues that prevent an implementer from actually implementing the
3522   algorithm. These are marked in the Public Algorithms section as
3523   "(reserved for)".
3525   The reserved public key algorithms, Elliptic Curve (18), ECDSA (19),
3526   and X9.42 (21) do not have the necessary parameters, parameter
3527   order, or semantics defined.
3529   Previous versions of OpenPGP permitted Elgamal [ELGAMAL] signatures
3530   with a public key identifier of 20. These are no longer permitted.
3531   An implementation MUST NOT generate such keys. An implementation
3532   MUST NOT generate Elgamal signatures.
353412.8. OpenPGP CFB mode
3536   OpenPGP does symmetric encryption using a variant of Cipher Feedback
3537   Mode (CFB mode). This section describes the procedure it uses in
3538   detail. This mode is what is used for Symmetrically Encrypted Data
3539   Packets; the mechanism used for encrypting secret key material is
3540   similar, but described in those sections above.
3542   In the description below, the value BS is the block size in octets
3543   of the cipher. Most ciphers have a block size of 8 octets. The AES
3544   and Twofish have a block size of 16 octets. Also note that the
3545   description below assumes that the IV and CFB arrays start with an
3546   index of 1 (unlike the C language, which assumes arrays start with a
3547   zero index).
3549   OpenPGP CFB mode uses an initialization vector (IV) of all zeros,
3550   and prefixes the plaintext with BS+2 octets of random data, such
3551   that octets BS+1 and BS+2 match octets BS-1 and BS.  It does a CFB
3552   "resync" after encrypting those BS+2 octets.
3554   Thus, for an algorithm that has a block size of 8 octets (64 bits),
3555   the IV is 10 octets long and octets 7 and 8 of the IV are the same
3556   as octets 9 and 10. For an algorithm with a block size of 16 octets
3557   (128 bits), the IV is 18 octets long, and octets 17 and 18 replicate
3558   octets 15 and 16. Those extra two octets are an easy check for a
3559   correct key.
3561   Step by step, here is the procedure:
3563   1.  The feedback register (FR) is set to the IV, which is all zeros.
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3571   2.  FR is encrypted to produce FRE (FR Encrypted).  This is the
3572       encryption of an all-zero value.
3574   3.  FRE is xored with the first BS octets of random data prefixed to
3575       the plaintext to produce C[1] through C[BS], the first BS octets
3576       of ciphertext.
3578   4.  FR is loaded with C[1] through C[BS].
3580   5.  FR is encrypted to produce FRE, the encryption of the first BS
3581       octets of ciphertext.
3583   6.  The left two octets of FRE get xored with the next two octets of
3584       data that were prefixed to the plaintext.  This produces C[BS+1]
3585       and C[BS+2], the next two octets of ciphertext.
3587   7.  (The resync step) FR is loaded with C[3] through C[BS+2].
3589   8.  FR is encrypted to produce FRE.
3591   9.  FRE is xored with the first BS octets of the given plaintext,
3592       now that we have finished encrypting the BS+2 octets of prefixed
3593       data.  This produces C[BS+3] through C[BS+(BS+2)], the next BS
3594       octets of ciphertext.
3596  10.  FR is loaded with C[BS+3] to C[BS + (BS+2)] (which is C11-C18
3597       for an 8-octet block).
3599  11.  FR is encrypted to produce FRE.
3601  12.  FRE is xored with the next BS octets of plaintext, to produce
3602       the next BS octets of ciphertext.  These are loaded into FR and
3603       the process is repeated until the plaintext is used up.
360513. Security Considerations
3607     * As with any technology involving cryptography, you should check
3608       the current literature to determine if any algorithms used here
3609       have been found to be vulnerable to attack.
3611     * This specification uses Public Key Cryptography technologies. It
3612       is assumed that the private key portion of a public-private key
3613       pair is controlled and secured by the proper party or parties.
3615     * Certain operations in this specification involve the use of
3616       random numbers.  An appropriate entropy source should be used to
3617       generate these numbers.  See RFC 1750.
3619     * The MD5 hash algorithm has been found to have weaknesses, with
3620       collisions found in a number of cases. MD5 is deprecated for use
3621       in OpenPGP. Implementations MUST NOT generate new signatures
3622       using MD5 as a hash function. They MAY continue to consider old
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3627       signatures that used MD5 as valid.
3629     * SHA384 requires the same work as SHA512. In general, there are
3630       few reasons to use it -- you need a situation where one needs
3631       more security than SHA256, but do not want to have the 512-bit
3632       data length.
3634     * Many security protocol designers think that it is a bad idea to
3635       use a single key for both privacy (encryption) and integrity
3636       (signatures). In fact, this was one of the motivating forces
3637       behind the V4 key format with separate signature and encryption
3638       keys. If you as an implementer promote dual-use keys, you should
3639       at least be aware of this controversy.
3641     * The DSA algorithm will work with any 160-bit hash, but it is
3642       sensitive to the quality of the hash algorithm, if the hash
3643       algorithm is broken, it can leak the secret key. The Digital
3644       Signature Standard (DSS) specifies that DSA be used with SHA-1.
3645       RIPEMD-160 is considered by many cryptographers to be as strong.
3646       An implementation should take care which hash algorithms are
3647       used with DSA, as a weak hash can not only allow a signature to
3648       be forged, but could leak the secret key.
3650     * There is a somewhat-related potential security problem in
3651       signatures. If an attacker can find a message that hashes to the
3652       same hash with a different algorithm, a bogus signature
3653       structure can be constructed that evaluates correctly.
3655       For example, suppose Alice DSA signs message M using hash
3656       algorithm H. Suppose that Mallet finds a message M' that has the
3657       same hash value as M with H'. Mallet can then construct a
3658       signature block that verifies as Alice's signature of M' with
3659       H'. However, this would also constitute a weakness in either H
3660       or H' or both. Should this ever occur, a revision will have to
3661       be made to this document to revise the allowed hash algorithms.
3663     * If you are building an authentication system, the recipient may
3664       specify a preferred signing algorithm. However, the signer would
3665       be foolish to use a weak algorithm simply because the recipient
3666       requests it.
3668     * Some of the encryption algorithms mentioned in this document
3669       have been analyzed less than others.  For example, although
3670       CAST5 is presently considered strong, it has been analyzed less
3671       than TripleDES. Other algorithms may have other controversies
3672       surrounding them.
3674     * In late summer 2002, Jallad, Katz, and Schneier published an
3675       interesting attack on the OpenPGP protocol and some of its
3676       implementations [JKS02]. In this attack, the attacker modifies a
3677       message and sends it to a user who then returns the erroneously
3678       decrypted message to the attacker. The attacker is thus using
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3683       the user as a random oracle, and can often decrypt the message.
3685       Compressing data can ameliorate this attack. The incorrectly
3686       decrypted data nearly always decompresses in ways that defeats
3687       the attack. However, this is not a rigorous fix, and leaves open
3688       some small vulnerabilities. For example, if an implementation
3689       does not compress a message before encryption (perhaps because
3690       it knows it was already compressed), then that message is
3691       vulnerable. Because of this happenstance -- that modification
3692       attacks can be thwarted by decompression errors, an
3693       implementation SHOULD treat a decompression error as a security
3694       problem, not merely a data problem.
3696       This attack can be defeated by the use of Modification
3697       Detection, provided that the implementation does not let the
3698       user naively return the data to the attacker. An implementation
3699       MUST treat an MDC failure as a security problem, not merely a
3700       data problem.
3702       In either case, the implementation MAY allow the user access to
3703       the erroneous data, but MUST warn the user as to potential
3704       security problems should that data be returned to the sender.
3706       While this attack is somewhat obscure, requiring a special set
3707       of circumstances to create it, it is nonetheless quite serious
3708       as it permits someone to trick a user to decrypt a message.
3709       Consequently, it is important that:
3711        1. Implementers treat MDC errors and decompression failures as
3712           security problems.
3714        2. Implementers implement Modification Detection with all due
3715           speed and encourage its spread.
3717        3. Users migrate to implementations that support Modification
3718           Detection with all due speed.
3720     * PKCS1 has been found to be vulnerable to attacks in which a
3721       system that reports errors in padding differently from errors in
3722       decryption becomes a random oracle that can leak the private key
3723       in mere millions of queries. Implementations must be aware of
3724       this attack and prevent it from happening. The simplest solution
3725       is report a single error code for all variants of decryption
3726       errors so as not to leak information to an attacker.
3728     * Some technologies mentioned here may be subject to government
3729       control in some countries.
373114. Implementation Nits
3733   This section is a collection of comments to help an implementer,
3734   particularly with an eye to backward compatibility. Previous
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3739   implementations of PGP are not OpenPGP-compliant. Often the
3740   differences are small, but small differences are frequently more
3741   vexing than large differences. Thus, this is a non-comprehensive
3742   list of potential problems and gotchas for a developer who is trying
3743   to be backward-compatible.
3745     * The IDEA algorithm is patented, and yet it is required for PGP
3746       2.x interoperability. It is also the defacto preferred algorithm
3747       for a V3 key with a V3 self-signature (or no self-signature).
3749     * When exporting a private key, PGP 2.x generates the header
3751       BLOCK". All previous versions ignore the implied data type, and
3752       look directly at the packet data type.
3754     * PGP 2.0 through 2.5 generated V2 Public Key Packets. These are
3755       identical to the deprecated V3 keys except for the version
3756       number. An implementation MUST NOT generate them and may accept
3757       or reject them as it sees fit. Similarly, these versions
3758       generated V2 PKESK packets (Tag 1). An implementation may accept
3759       or reject V2 PKESK packets as it sees fit, and MUST NOT generate
3760       them.
3762     * PGP 2.6.x will not accept key-material packets with versions
3763       greater than 3.
3765     * There are many ways possible for two keys to have the same key
3766       material, but different fingerprints (and thus key IDs). Perhaps
3767       the most interesting is an RSA key that has been "upgraded" to
3768       V4 format, but since a V4 fingerprint is constructed by hashing
3769       the key creation time along with other things, two V4 keys
3770       created at different times, yet with the same key material will
3771       have different fingerprints.
3773     * If an implementation is using zlib to interoperate with PGP 2.x,
3774       then the "windowBits" parameter should be set to -13.
3776     * PGP 2.6.X and 5.0 do not trim trailing whitespace from a
3777       "canonical text" signature. They only remove it from cleartext
3778       signatures. These signatures are not OpenPGP compliant --
3779       OpenPGP requires trimming the whitespace. If you wish to
3780       interoperate with PGP 2.6.X or PGP 5, you may wish to accept
3781       these non-compliant signatures.
378315. Authors and Working Group Chair
3785   The working group can be contacted via the current chair:
3787       Derek Atkins
3788       IHTFP Consulting, Inc.
3789       6 Farragut Ave
3790       Somerville, MA  02144  USA
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3793INTERNET-DRAFT          OpenPGP Message Format             Nov 23, 2004
3795       Email: derek@ihtfp.com
3796       Tel: +1 617 623 3745
3798   The principal authors of this draft are:
3800       Jon Callas
3802       Email: jon@callas.org
3803       Tel: +1 (408) 448-6801
3805       Lutz Donnerhacke
3806       IKS GmbH
3807       Wildenbruchstr. 15
3808       07745 Jena, Germany
3810       EMail: lutz@iks-jena.de
3811       Tel: +49-3641-675642
3813       Hal Finney
3814       Network Associates, Inc.
3815       3965 Freedom Circle
3816       Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA
3818       Email: hal@finney.org
3820       Rodney Thayer
3822       Email: rodney@tillerman.to
3824   This memo also draws on much previous work from a number of other
3825   authors who include: Derek Atkins, Charles Breed, Dave Del Torto,
3826   Marc Dyksterhouse, Gail Haspert, Gene Hoffman, Paul Hoffman, Raph
3827   Levien, Colin Plumb, Will Price, David Shaw, William Stallings, Mark
3828   Weaver, and Philip R. Zimmermann.
383016. References (Normative)
3833   [AES]            Advanced Encryption Standards Questions and Answers
3834                    <http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/aes/round2/
3835                    aesfact.html>
3837                    <http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/aes/round2/
3838                    r2algs.html#Rijndael>
3840   [BLOWFISH]       Schneier, B. "Description of a New Variable-Length
3841                    Key, 64-Bit Block Cipher (Blowfish)" Fast Software
3842                    Encryption, Cambridge Security Workshop Proceedings
3843                    (December 1993), Springer-Verlag, 1994, pp191-204
3844                    <http://www.counterpane.com/bfsverlag.html>
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3849INTERNET-DRAFT          OpenPGP Message Format             Nov 23, 2004
3851   [BZ2]            J. Seward, jseward@acm.org, "The Bzip2 and libbzip2
3852                    home page"
3853                    <http://sources.redhat.com/bzip2/>
3854   [ELGAMAL]        T. Elgamal, "A Public-Key Cryptosystem and a
3855                    Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms,"
3856                    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, v. IT-31,
3857                    n. 4, 1985, pp. 469-472.
3858   [IDEA]           Lai, X, "On the design and security of block
3859                    ciphers", ETH Series in Information Processing,
3860                    J.L. Massey (editor), Vol. 1, Hartung-Gorre Verlag
3861                    Knostanz, Technische Hochschule (Zurich), 1992
3862   [ISO10646]       ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993. International Standard --
3863                    Information technology -- Universal Multiple-Octet
3864                    Coded Character Set (UCS) -- Part 1: Architecture
3865                    and Basic Multilingual Plane.
3866   [JFIF]           JPEG File Interchange Format (Version 1.02).
3867                    Eric Hamilton, C-Cube Microsystems, Milpitas, CA,
3868                    September 1, 1992.
3870   [MENEZES]        Alfred Menezes, Paul van Oorschot, and Scott
3871                    Vanstone, "Handbook of Applied Cryptography," CRC
3872                    Press, 1996.
3873   [RFC822]         Crocker, D., "Standard for the format of ARPA
3874                    Internet text messages", STD 11, RFC 822, August
3875                    1982.
3876   [RFC1423]        Balenson, D., "Privacy Enhancement for Internet
3877                    Electronic Mail: Part III: Algorithms, Modes, and
3878                    Identifiers", RFC 1423, October 1993.
3879   [RFC1641]        Goldsmith, D. and M. Davis, "Using Unicode with
3880                    MIME", RFC 1641, July 1994.
3881   [RFC1750]        Eastlake, D., Crocker, S. and J. Schiller,
3882                    "Randomness Recommendations for Security", RFC
3883                    1750, December 1994.
3884   [RFC1951]        Deutsch, P., "DEFLATE Compressed Data Format
3885                    Specification version 1.3.", RFC 1951, May 1996.
3886   [RFC1991]        Atkins, D., Stallings, W. and P. Zimmermann, "PGP
3887                    Message Exchange Formats", RFC 1991, August 1996.
3888   [RFC2045]        Borenstein, N. and N. Freed, "Multipurpose Internet
3889                    Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet
3890                    Message Bodies.", RFC 2045, November 1996.
3891   [RFC2144]        Adams, C., "The CAST-128 Encryption Algorithm", RFC
3892                    2144, May 1997.
3893   [RFC2279]        Yergeau., F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of
3894                    Unicode and ISO 10646", RFC 2279, January 1998.
3895   [RFC2437]        B. Kaliski and J. Staddon, " PKCS #1: RSA
3896                    Cryptography Specifications Version 2.0",
3897                    RFC 2437, October 1998.
3898   [RFC3156]        M. Elkins, D. Del Torto, R. Levien, T. Roessler,
3899                    "MIME Security with OpenPGP", RFC 3156,
3900                    August 2001.
3901   [SCHNEIER]      Schneier, B., "Applied Cryptography Second Edition:
3902                   protocols, algorithms, and source code in C", 1996.
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3905INTERNET-DRAFT          OpenPGP Message Format             Nov 23, 2004
3907   [TWOFISH]        B. Schneier, J. Kelsey, D. Whiting, D. Wagner, C.
3908                    Hall, and N. Ferguson, "The Twofish Encryption
3909                    Algorithm", John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
391117. References (Non-Normative)
3914   [BLEICHENBACHER] Bleichenbacher, Daniel, "Generating Elgamal
3915                    signatures without knowing the secret key,"
3916                    Eurocrypt 96.  Note that the version in the
3917                    proceedings has an error.  A revised version is
3918                    available at the time of writing from
3919                    <ftp://ftp.inf.ethz.ch/pub/publications/papers/ti
3920                    /isc/ElGamal.ps>
3921   [DONNERHACKE]    Donnerhacke, L., et. al, "PGP263in - an improved
3922                    international version of PGP", ftp://ftp.iks-
3923                    jena.de/mitarb/lutz/crypt/software/pgp/
3924   [JKS02]          Kahil Jallad, Jonathan Katz, Bruce Schneier
3925                    "Implementation of Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks
3926                    against PGP and GnuPG"
3927                    http://www.counterpane.com/pgp-attack.html
3929   [RFC1983]        Malkin, G., "Internet Users' Glossary", FYI 18, RFC
3930                    1983, August 1996.
3931   [RFC2119]        Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
3932                    Requirement Level", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
3933   [FIPS186-2]      "Digital Signature Standard", FIPS 186-2, January
3934                    2000.
3935   [RSA]            Menezes, A., et al. "Handbook of Applied
3936                    Cryptography", Section 8.2., October 1996.
394018. Full Copyright Statement
3942   Copyright 2004 by The Internet Society. All Rights Reserved.
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