Name Date Size #Lines LOC


AUTHORSH A D08-May-202233 21

COPYINGH A D08-May-20221.4 KiB2824

KyuafileH A D08-May-2022603 2217

NEWSH A D08-May-2022615 1712

READMEH A D08-May-2022979 2317

atf_helpers.cH A D08-May-20225.2 KiB194121

atf_inttest.cH A D08-May-20229.4 KiB285206

atf_list.cH A D08-May-202212.2 KiB364199

atf_list.hH A D08-May-20221.8 KiB446

atf_list_test.cH A D08-May-20227.2 KiB238160

atf_main.cH A D08-May-202217.6 KiB524307

atf_result.cH A D08-May-202228.1 KiB767477

atf_result.hH A D08-May-20222 KiB479

atf_result_test.cH A D08-May-202219.8 KiB534416

cli.cH A D08-May-20228.1 KiB261150

cli.hH A D08-May-20224.4 KiB10420

cli_fwd.hH A D08-May-20221.8 KiB445

cli_test.cH A D08-May-202219.1 KiB608453

common_inttest.hH A D08-May-20225.5 KiB18197

env.cH A D08-May-20223.4 KiB10657

env.hH A D08-May-20221.8 KiB436

env_test.cH A D08-May-20222.1 KiB6224

error.cH A D08-May-202216.9 KiB579260

error.hH A D08-May-20224.4 KiB11841

error_fwd.hH A D08-May-20221.8 KiB445

error_test.cH A D08-May-202212.4 KiB417313

fs.cH A D08-May-202216.2 KiB581339

fs.hH A D08-May-20221.9 KiB469

fs_test.cH A D08-May-202217 KiB577428

kyua-atf-interface.7H A D08-May-202214.7 KiB406399

kyua-atf-tester.1.inH A D08-May-20224 KiB134133

kyua-plain-interface.7H A D08-May-20222.7 KiB6463

kyua-plain-tester.1.inH A D08-May-20222.4 KiB6160

kyua-tester-list.5H A D08-May-20223.9 KiB104103

kyua-tester-result.5H A D08-May-20222.7 KiB6766

kyua-tester.1.inH A D08-May-20226.2 KiB206205

kyua-testers.pc.inH A D08-May-202295 64

plain_helpers.cH A D08-May-20223.4 KiB11156

plain_inttest.cH A D08-May-20225.8 KiB180112

plain_main.cH A D08-May-20226.9 KiB197103

result.cH A D08-May-20223 KiB8236

result.hH A D08-May-20222.1 KiB5414

result_test.cH A D08-May-20224 KiB12073

run.cH A D08-May-202219.1 KiB609354

run.hH A D08-May-20223.1 KiB8622

run_fwd.hH A D08-May-20221.8 KiB445

run_test.cH A D08-May-202224.1 KiB796546

stacktrace.cH A D08-May-202212.8 KiB368182

stacktrace.hH A D08-May-20222.1 KiB5112

stacktrace_helper.cH A D08-May-20221.6 KiB376

stacktrace_test.cH A D08-May-202211 KiB328189

text.cH A D08-May-20224 KiB11852

text.hH A D08-May-20221.9 KiB479

text_test.cH A D08-May-20223.4 KiB11358


1Kyua (pronounced Q.A.) is a testing framework for both developers and
2users.  Kyua is different from most other testing frameworks in that it
3puts the end user experience before anything else.  There are multiple
4reasons for users to run the tests themselves, and Kyua ensures that
5they can do so in the most convenient way.
7This module, kyua-testers, provides scriptable interfaces to interact
8with test programs of various kinds.  The interface of such testers
9allows the caller to execute a single test case of a single test program
10in a controlled and homogeneous manner.
12For further information on the contents of this distribution file,
13please refer to the following other documents:
15* AUTHORS: List of authors and contributors to this project.
16* COPYING: License information.
17* INSTALL: Compilation and installation instructions.
18* NEWS: List of major changes between formal releases.
20For general project information, please visit: