1 //===--- PreprocessorOptions.h ----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
14 #include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
15 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
18 #include <cassert>
19 #include <set>
20 #include <string>
21 #include <utility>
22 #include <vector>
24 namespace llvm {
25   class MemoryBuffer;
26 }
28 namespace clang {
30 class Preprocessor;
31 class LangOptions;
33 /// \brief Enumerate the kinds of standard library that
34 enum ObjCXXARCStandardLibraryKind {
35   ARCXX_nolib,
36   /// \brief libc++
37   ARCXX_libcxx,
38   /// \brief libstdc++
39   ARCXX_libstdcxx
40 };
42 /// PreprocessorOptions - This class is used for passing the various options
43 /// used in preprocessor initialization to InitializePreprocessor().
44 class PreprocessorOptions : public RefCountedBase<PreprocessorOptions> {
45 public:
46   std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool/*isUndef*/> > Macros;
47   std::vector<std::string> Includes;
48   std::vector<std::string> MacroIncludes;
50   /// \brief Initialize the preprocessor with the compiler and target specific
51   /// predefines.
52   unsigned UsePredefines : 1;
54   /// \brief Whether we should maintain a detailed record of all macro
55   /// definitions and expansions.
56   unsigned DetailedRecord : 1;
58   /// The implicit PCH included at the start of the translation unit, or empty.
59   std::string ImplicitPCHInclude;
61   /// \brief Headers that will be converted to chained PCHs in memory.
62   std::vector<std::string> ChainedIncludes;
64   /// \brief When true, disables most of the normal validation performed on
65   /// precompiled headers.
66   bool DisablePCHValidation;
68   /// \brief When true, a PCH with compiler errors will not be rejected.
69   bool AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors;
71   /// \brief Dump declarations that are deserialized from PCH, for testing.
72   bool DumpDeserializedPCHDecls;
74   /// \brief This is a set of names for decls that we do not want to be
75   /// deserialized, and we emit an error if they are; for testing purposes.
76   std::set<std::string> DeserializedPCHDeclsToErrorOn;
78   /// \brief If non-zero, the implicit PCH include is actually a precompiled
79   /// preamble that covers this number of bytes in the main source file.
80   ///
81   /// The boolean indicates whether the preamble ends at the start of a new
82   /// line.
83   std::pair<unsigned, bool> PrecompiledPreambleBytes;
85   /// The implicit PTH input included at the start of the translation unit, or
86   /// empty.
87   std::string ImplicitPTHInclude;
89   /// If given, a PTH cache file to use for speeding up header parsing.
90   std::string TokenCache;
92   /// \brief True if the SourceManager should report the original file name for
93   /// contents of files that were remapped to other files. Defaults to true.
94   bool RemappedFilesKeepOriginalName;
96   /// \brief The set of file remappings, which take existing files on
97   /// the system (the first part of each pair) and gives them the
98   /// contents of other files on the system (the second part of each
99   /// pair).
100   std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >  RemappedFiles;
102   /// \brief The set of file-to-buffer remappings, which take existing files
103   /// on the system (the first part of each pair) and gives them the contents
104   /// of the specified memory buffer (the second part of each pair).
105   std::vector<std::pair<std::string, const llvm::MemoryBuffer *> >
106     RemappedFileBuffers;
108   /// \brief Whether the compiler instance should retain (i.e., not free)
109   /// the buffers associated with remapped files.
110   ///
111   /// This flag defaults to false; it can be set true only through direct
112   /// manipulation of the compiler invocation object, in cases where the
113   /// compiler invocation and its buffers will be reused.
114   bool RetainRemappedFileBuffers;
116   /// \brief The Objective-C++ ARC standard library that we should support,
117   /// by providing appropriate definitions to retrofit the standard library
118   /// with support for lifetime-qualified pointers.
119   ObjCXXARCStandardLibraryKind ObjCXXARCStandardLibrary;
121   /// \brief Records the set of modules
122   class FailedModulesSet : public RefCountedBase<FailedModulesSet> {
123     llvm::StringSet<> Failed;
125   public:
126     bool hasAlreadyFailed(StringRef module) {
127       return Failed.count(module) > 0;
128     }
130     void addFailed(StringRef module) {
131       Failed.insert(module);
132     }
133   };
135   /// \brief The set of modules that failed to build.
136   ///
137   /// This pointer will be shared among all of the compiler instances created
138   /// to (re)build modules, so that once a module fails to build anywhere,
139   /// other instances will see that the module has failed and won't try to
140   /// build it again.
141   IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FailedModulesSet> FailedModules;
143   typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::iterator
144     remapped_file_iterator;
145   typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::const_iterator
146     const_remapped_file_iterator;
147   remapped_file_iterator remapped_file_begin() {
148     return RemappedFiles.begin();
149   }
150   const_remapped_file_iterator remapped_file_begin() const {
151     return RemappedFiles.begin();
152   }
153   remapped_file_iterator remapped_file_end() {
154     return RemappedFiles.end();
155   }
156   const_remapped_file_iterator remapped_file_end() const {
157     return RemappedFiles.end();
158   }
160   typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, const llvm::MemoryBuffer *> >::
161                                   iterator remapped_file_buffer_iterator;
162   typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, const llvm::MemoryBuffer *> >::
163                             const_iterator const_remapped_file_buffer_iterator;
164   remapped_file_buffer_iterator remapped_file_buffer_begin() {
165     return RemappedFileBuffers.begin();
166   }
167   const_remapped_file_buffer_iterator remapped_file_buffer_begin() const {
168     return RemappedFileBuffers.begin();
169   }
170   remapped_file_buffer_iterator remapped_file_buffer_end() {
171     return RemappedFileBuffers.end();
172   }
173   const_remapped_file_buffer_iterator remapped_file_buffer_end() const {
174     return RemappedFileBuffers.end();
175   }
177 public:
178   PreprocessorOptions() : UsePredefines(true), DetailedRecord(false),
179                           DisablePCHValidation(false),
180                           AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors(false),
181                           DumpDeserializedPCHDecls(false),
182                           PrecompiledPreambleBytes(0, true),
183                           RemappedFilesKeepOriginalName(true),
184                           RetainRemappedFileBuffers(false),
185                           ObjCXXARCStandardLibrary(ARCXX_nolib) { }
187   void addMacroDef(StringRef Name) {
188     Macros.push_back(std::make_pair(Name, false));
189   }
190   void addMacroUndef(StringRef Name) {
191     Macros.push_back(std::make_pair(Name, true));
192   }
193   void addRemappedFile(StringRef From, StringRef To) {
194     RemappedFiles.push_back(std::make_pair(From, To));
195   }
197   remapped_file_iterator eraseRemappedFile(remapped_file_iterator Remapped) {
198     return RemappedFiles.erase(Remapped);
199   }
201   void addRemappedFile(StringRef From, const llvm::MemoryBuffer * To) {
202     RemappedFileBuffers.push_back(std::make_pair(From, To));
203   }
205   remapped_file_buffer_iterator
206   eraseRemappedFile(remapped_file_buffer_iterator Remapped) {
207     return RemappedFileBuffers.erase(Remapped);
208   }
210   void clearRemappedFiles() {
211     RemappedFiles.clear();
212     RemappedFileBuffers.clear();
213   }
215   /// \brief Reset any options that are not considered when building a
216   /// module.
217   void resetNonModularOptions() {
218     Includes.clear();
219     MacroIncludes.clear();
220     ChainedIncludes.clear();
221     DumpDeserializedPCHDecls = false;
222     ImplicitPCHInclude.clear();
223     ImplicitPTHInclude.clear();
224     TokenCache.clear();
225     RetainRemappedFileBuffers = true;
226     PrecompiledPreambleBytes.first = 0;
227     PrecompiledPreambleBytes.second = 0;
228   }
229 };
231 } // end namespace clang
233 #endif