1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-checker=core,unix.Malloc -verify %s
2 // expected-no-diagnostics
4 typedef struct {
5     char I[4];
6     int S;
7 } Hdr;
8 typedef struct {
9     short w;
10 } Hdr2;
11 typedef struct {
12     Hdr2 usedtobeundef;
13 } Info;
14 typedef struct {
15     const unsigned char *ib;
16     int cur;
17     int end;
18 } IB;
19 unsigned long gl(IB *input);
20 inline void gbs(IB *input, unsigned char *buf, int count);
21 void getB(IB *st, Hdr2 *usedtobeundef);
22 inline unsigned char gb(IB *input) {
23     if (input->cur + 1 > input->end)
24       ;
25     return input->ib[(input->cur)++];
26 }
27 static void getID(IB *st, char str[4]) {
28     str[0] = gb(st);
29     str[1] = gb(st);
30     str[2] = gb(st);
31     str[3] = gb(st);
32 }
33 static void getH(IB *st, Hdr *header) {
34     getID (st, header->I);
35     header->S = gl(st);
36 }
37 static void readILBM(IB *st, Info *pic) {
38     // Initialize field;
39     pic->usedtobeundef.w = 5;
41     // Time out in the function so that we will be forced to retry with no inlining.
42     Hdr header;
43     getH (st, &header);
44     getID(st, header.I);
45     int i = 0;
46     while (st->cur < st->end && i < 4) {
47       i++;
48       getH (st, &header);
49     }
50 }
51 int bitmapImageRepFromIFF(IB st, const unsigned char *ib, int il) {
52     Info pic;
53     st.ib = ib;
54     st.cur = 0;
55     st.end = il;
56     readILBM(&st,&pic);
57     return pic.usedtobeundef.w; // No undefined value warning here.
58 }