1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -fno-rtti -triple=i686-pc-win32 -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK32 %s
2 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -fno-rtti -triple=x86_64-pc-win32 -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK64 %s
4 namespace byval_thunk {
5 struct Agg {
6   Agg();
7   Agg(const Agg &);
8   ~Agg();
9   int x;
10 };
12 struct A { virtual void foo(Agg x); };
13 struct B { virtual void foo(Agg x); };
14 struct C : A, B { C(); virtual void foo(Agg x); };
C()15 C::C() {} // force emission
17 // CHECK32-LABEL: define linkonce_odr x86_thiscallcc void @"\01?foo@C@byval_thunk@@W3AEXUAgg@2@@Z"
18 // CHECK32:             (%"struct.byval_thunk::C"* %this, <{ %"struct.byval_thunk::Agg" }>* inalloca)
19 // CHECK32:   getelementptr i8* %{{.*}}, i32 -4
20 // CHECK32:   musttail call x86_thiscallcc void @"\01?foo@C@byval_thunk@@UAEXUAgg@2@@Z"
21 // CHECK32:       (%"struct.byval_thunk::C"* %{{.*}}, <{ %"struct.byval_thunk::Agg" }>* inalloca %0)
22 // CHECK32-NEXT: ret void
24 // CHECK64-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @"\01?foo@C@byval_thunk@@W7EAAXUAgg@2@@Z"
25 // CHECK64:             (%"struct.byval_thunk::C"* %this, %"struct.byval_thunk::Agg"* %x)
26 // CHECK64:   getelementptr i8* %{{.*}}, i32 -8
27 // CHECK64:   call void @"\01?foo@C@byval_thunk@@UEAAXUAgg@2@@Z"
28 // CHECK64:       (%"struct.byval_thunk::C"* %{{.*}}, %"struct.byval_thunk::Agg"* %x)
29 // CHECK64-NOT: call
30 // CHECK64:   ret void
31 }
33 namespace stdcall_thunk {
34 struct Agg {
35   Agg();
36   Agg(const Agg &);
37   ~Agg();
38   int x;
39 };
41 struct A { virtual void __stdcall foo(Agg x); };
42 struct B { virtual void __stdcall foo(Agg x); };
43 struct C : A, B { C(); virtual void __stdcall foo(Agg x); };
C()44 C::C() {} // force emission
46 // CHECK32-LABEL: define linkonce_odr x86_stdcallcc void @"\01?foo@C@stdcall_thunk@@W3AGXUAgg@2@@Z"
47 // CHECK32:             (<{ %"struct.stdcall_thunk::C"*, %"struct.stdcall_thunk::Agg" }>* inalloca)
48 // CHECK32:   %[[this_slot:[^ ]*]] = getelementptr inbounds <{ %"struct.stdcall_thunk::C"*, %"struct.stdcall_thunk::Agg" }>* %0, i32 0, i32 0
49 // CHECK32:   load %"struct.stdcall_thunk::C"** %[[this_slot]]
50 // CHECK32:   getelementptr i8* %{{.*}}, i32 -4
51 // CHECK32:   store %"struct.stdcall_thunk::C"* %{{.*}}, %"struct.stdcall_thunk::C"** %[[this_slot]]
52 // CHECK32:   musttail call x86_stdcallcc void @"\01?foo@C@stdcall_thunk@@UAGXUAgg@2@@Z"
53 // CHECK32:       (<{ %"struct.stdcall_thunk::C"*, %"struct.stdcall_thunk::Agg" }>*  inalloca %0)
54 // CHECK32-NEXT: ret void
56 // CHECK64-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @"\01?foo@C@stdcall_thunk@@W7EAAXUAgg@2@@Z"
57 // CHECK64:             (%"struct.stdcall_thunk::C"* %this, %"struct.stdcall_thunk::Agg"* %x)
58 // CHECK64:   getelementptr i8* %{{.*}}, i32 -8
59 // CHECK64:   call void @"\01?foo@C@stdcall_thunk@@UEAAXUAgg@2@@Z"
60 // CHECK64:       (%"struct.stdcall_thunk::C"* %{{.*}}, %"struct.stdcall_thunk::Agg"* %x)
61 // CHECK64-NOT: call
62 // CHECK64:   ret void
63 }
65 namespace sret_thunk {
66 struct Agg {
67   Agg();
68   Agg(const Agg &);
69   ~Agg();
70   int x;
71 };
73 struct A { virtual Agg __cdecl foo(Agg x); };
74 struct B { virtual Agg __cdecl foo(Agg x); };
75 struct C : A, B { C(); virtual Agg __cdecl foo(Agg x); };
C()76 C::C() {} // force emission
78 // CHECK32-LABEL: define linkonce_odr %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg"* @"\01?foo@C@sret_thunk@@W3AA?AUAgg@2@U32@@Z"
79 // CHECK32:             (<{ %"struct.sret_thunk::C"*, %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg"*, %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg" }>* inalloca)
80 // CHECK32:   %[[this_slot:[^ ]*]] = getelementptr inbounds <{ %"struct.sret_thunk::C"*, %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg"*, %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg" }>* %0, i32 0, i32 0
81 // CHECK32:   load %"struct.sret_thunk::C"** %[[this_slot]]
82 // CHECK32:   getelementptr i8* %{{.*}}, i32 -4
83 // CHECK32:   store %"struct.sret_thunk::C"* %{{.*}}, %"struct.sret_thunk::C"** %[[this_slot]]
84 // CHECK32:   %[[rv:[^ ]*]] = musttail call %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg"* @"\01?foo@C@sret_thunk@@UAA?AUAgg@2@U32@@Z"
85 // CHECK32:       (<{ %"struct.sret_thunk::C"*, %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg"*, %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg" }>*  inalloca %0)
86 // CHECK32-NEXT: ret %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg"* %[[rv]]
88 // CHECK64-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @"\01?foo@C@sret_thunk@@W7EAA?AUAgg@2@U32@@Z"
89 // CHECK64:             (%"struct.sret_thunk::C"* %this, %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg"* noalias sret %agg.result, %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg"* %x)
90 // CHECK64:   getelementptr i8* %{{.*}}, i32 -8
91 // CHECK64:   call void @"\01?foo@C@sret_thunk@@UEAA?AUAgg@2@U32@@Z"
92 // CHECK64:       (%"struct.sret_thunk::C"* %{{.*}}, %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg"* sret %agg.result, %"struct.sret_thunk::Agg"* %x)
93 // CHECK64-NOT: call
94 // CHECK64:   ret void
95 }
97 #if 0
98 // FIXME: When we extend LLVM IR to allow forwarding of varargs through musttail
99 // calls, use this test.
100 namespace variadic_thunk {
101 struct Agg {
102   Agg();
103   Agg(const Agg &);
104   ~Agg();
105   int x;
106 };
108 struct A { virtual void foo(Agg x, ...); };
109 struct B { virtual void foo(Agg x, ...); };
110 struct C : A, B { C(); virtual void foo(Agg x, ...); };
111 C::C() {} // force emission
112 }
113 #endif