1 // RUN: not %clang_cc1 %s -fsyntax-only -fmessage-length 75 -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -strict-whitespace
3 // Test case for the text diagnostics source column conversion crash.
5 // This test case tries to check the error diagnostic message printer, which is
6 // responsible to create the code snippet shorter than the message-length (in
7 // number of columns.)
8 //
9 // The error diagnostic message printer should be able to handle the non-ascii
10 // characters without any segmentation fault or assertion failure.  If your
11 // changes to clang frontend crashes this case, it is likely that you are mixing
12 // column index with byte index which are two totally different concepts.
14 // NOTE: This file is encoded in UTF-8 and intentionally contains some
15 // non-ASCII characters.
17 __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
18 extern int printf(const char *fmt, ...);
20 void test1(Unknown* b);  // αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα
21 // CHECK: unknown type name 'Unknown'
22 // CHECK-NEXT: void test1(Unknown* b);  // αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα ααα...
23 // CHECK-NEXT: {{^           \^$}}
25 void test2(Unknown* b);  // αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα
27 // CHECK: unknown type name 'Unknown'
28 // CHECK-NEXT: void test2(Unknown* b);  // αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα
29 // CHECK-NEXT: {{^           \^$}}
test3()31 void test3() {
32    /* αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα */ printf("%d", "s");
33 }
34 // CHECK:       format specifies type 'int' but the argument has type 'char *'
35 // CHECK-NEXT:   ...αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα αααα */ printf("%d", "s");
36 // CHECK-NEXT: {{^                                                             ~~   \^~~$}}
37 // CHECK-NEXT: {{^                                                             %s$}}