1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -ast-print %s > %t
2 // RUN: FileCheck < %t %s -check-prefix=CHECK1
3 // RUN: FileCheck < %t %s -check-prefix=CHECK2
4 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -ast-dump %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=DUMP %s
6 template <int X, typename Y, int Z = 5>
7 struct foo {
8   int constant;
9   foo() {}
10   Y getSum() { return Y(X + Z); }
11 };
13 template <int A, typename B>
14 B bar() {
15   return B(A);
16 }
18 void baz() {
19   int x = bar<5, int>();
20   int y = foo<5, int>().getSum();
21   double z = foo<2, double, 3>().getSum();
22 }
24 // Template instantiation - foo
25 // Since the order of instantiation may vary during runs, run FileCheck twice
26 // to make sure each instantiation is in the correct spot.
27 // CHECK1: template <int X = 5, typename Y = int, int Z = 5> struct foo {
28 // CHECK2: template <int X = 2, typename Y = double, int Z = 3> struct foo {
30 // Template definition - foo
31 // CHECK1: template <int X, typename Y, int Z = 5> struct foo {
32 // CHECK2: template <int X, typename Y, int Z = 5> struct foo {
34 // Template instantiation - bar
35 // CHECK1: template <int A = 5, typename B = int> int bar()
36 // CHECK2: template <int A = 5, typename B = int> int bar()
38 // Template definition - bar
39 // CHECK1: template <int A, typename B> B bar()
40 // CHECK2: template <int A, typename B> B bar()
42 namespace test2 {
43 void func(int);
44 void func(float);
45 template<typename T>
46 void tmpl() {
47   func(T());
48 }
50 // DUMP: UnresolvedLookupExpr {{.*}} <col:3> '<overloaded function type>' lvalue (ADL) = 'func'
51 }