1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
3 typedef int TInt;
5 static void test() {
6   int *pi;
8   int typeof (int) aIntInt; // expected-error{{cannot combine with previous 'int' declaration specifier}}
9   short typeof (int) aShortInt; // expected-error{{'short typeof' is invalid}}
10   int int ttt; // expected-error{{cannot combine with previous 'int' declaration specifier}}
11   typeof(TInt) anInt;
12   short TInt eee; // expected-error{{expected ';' at end of declaration}}
13   void ary[7] fff; // expected-error{{array has incomplete element type 'void'}} expected-error{{expected ';' at end of declaration}}
14   typeof(void ary[7]) anIntError; // expected-error{{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}  expected-error {{variable has incomplete type 'typeof(void)' (aka 'void')}}
15   typeof(const int) aci;
16   const typeof (*pi) aConstInt;
17   int xx;
18   int *i;
19 }
21 // <rdar://problem/8237491>
22 void test2() {
23     int a;
24     short b;
25     __typeof__(a) (*f)(__typeof__(b));
26 }