1*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc================================
2*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucLLVM Block Frequency Terminology
3*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc================================
4*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
5*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc.. contents::
6*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc   :local:
7*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
8*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucIntroduction
9*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc============
10*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
11*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucBlock Frequency is a metric for estimating the relative frequency of different
12*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucbasic blocks.  This document describes the terminology that the
13*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc``BlockFrequencyInfo`` and ``MachineBlockFrequencyInfo`` analysis passes use.
14*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
15*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucBranch Probability
16*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc==================
17*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
18*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucBlocks with multiple successors have probabilities associated with each
19*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucoutgoing edge.  These are called branch probabilities.  For a given block, the
20*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucsum of its outgoing branch probabilities should be 1.0.
21*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
22*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucBranch Weight
23*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc=============
24*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
25*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucRather than storing fractions on each edge, we store an integer weight.
26*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucWeights are relative to the other edges of a given predecessor block.  The
27*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucbranch probability associated with a given edge is its own weight divided by
28*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucthe sum of the weights on the predecessor's outgoing edges.
29*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
30*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucFor example, consider this IR:
31*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
32*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc.. code-block:: llvm
33*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
34*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc   define void @foo() {
35*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc       ; ...
36*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc       A:
37*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc           br i1 %cond, label %B, label %C, !prof !0
38*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc       ; ...
39*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc   }
40*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc   !0 = metadata !{metadata !"branch_weights", i32 7, i32 8}
41*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
42*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucand this simple graph representation::
43*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
44*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc   A -> B  (edge-weight: 7)
45*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc   A -> C  (edge-weight: 8)
46*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
47*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucThe probability of branching from block A to block B is 7/15, and the
48*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucprobability of branching from block A to block C is 8/15.
49*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
50*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucSee :doc:`BranchWeightMetadata` for details about the branch weight IR
51*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucrepresentation.
52*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
53*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucBlock Frequency
54*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc===============
55*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
56*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucBlock frequency is a relative metric that represents the number of times a
57*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucblock executes.  The ratio of a block frequency to the entry block frequency is
58*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucthe expected number of times the block will execute per entry to the function.
59*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
60*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucBlock frequency is the main output of the ``BlockFrequencyInfo`` and
61*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc``MachineBlockFrequencyInfo`` analysis passes.
62*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
63*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucImplementation: a series of DAGs
64*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc================================
65*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
66*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucThe implementation of the block frequency calculation analyses each loop,
67*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucbottom-up, ignoring backedges; i.e., as a DAG.  After each loop is processed,
68*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucit's packaged up to act as a pseudo-node in its parent loop's (or the
69*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucfunction's) DAG analysis.
70*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
71*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucBlock Mass
72*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc==========
73*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
74*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucFor each DAG, the entry node is assigned a mass of ``UINT64_MAX`` and mass is
75*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucdistributed to successors according to branch weights.  Block Mass uses a
76*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucfixed-point representation where ``UINT64_MAX`` represents ``1.0`` and ``0``
77*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucrepresents a number just above ``0.0``.
78*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
79*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucAfter mass is fully distributed, in any cut of the DAG that separates the exit
80*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucnodes from the entry node, the sum of the block masses of the nodes succeeded
81*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucby a cut edge should equal ``UINT64_MAX``.  In other words, mass is conserved
82*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucas it "falls" through the DAG.
83*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
84*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucIf a function's basic block graph is a DAG, then block masses are valid block
85*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucfrequencies.  This works poorly in practise though, since downstream users rely
86*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucon adding block frequencies together without hitting the maximum.
87*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
88*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucLoop Scale
89*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc==========
90*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
91*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucLoop scale is a metric that indicates how many times a loop iterates per entry.
92*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucAs mass is distributed through the loop's DAG, the (otherwise ignored) backedge
93*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucmass is collected.  This backedge mass is used to compute the exit frequency,
94*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucand thus the loop scale.
95*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
96*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucImplementation: Getting from mass and scale to frequency
97*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc========================================================
98*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
99*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucAfter analysing the complete series of DAGs, each block has a mass (local to
100*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucits containing loop, if any), and each loop pseudo-node has a loop scale and
101*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucits own mass (from its parent's DAG).
102*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
103*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucWe can get an initial frequency assignment (with entry frequency of 1.0) by
104*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucmultiplying these masses and loop scales together.  A given block's frequency
105*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucis the product of its mass, the mass of containing loops' pseudo nodes, and the
106*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuccontaining loops' loop scales.
107*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
108*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucSince downstream users need integers (not floating point), this initial
109*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucfrequency assignment is shifted as necessary into the range of ``uint64_t``.
110*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
111*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucBlock Bias
112*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc==========
113*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
114*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucBlock bias is a proposed *absolute* metric to indicate a bias toward or away
115*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucfrom a given block during a function's execution.  The idea is that bias can be
116*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucused in isolation to indicate whether a block is relatively hot or cold, or to
117*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuccompare two blocks to indicate whether one is hotter or colder than the other.
118*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
119*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucThe proposed calculation involves calculating a *reference* block frequency,
120*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucwhere:
121*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
122*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc* every branch weight is assumed to be 1 (i.e., every branch probability
123*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc  distribution is even) and
124*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
125*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc* loop scales are ignored.
126*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
127*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucThis reference frequency represents what the block frequency would be in an
128*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambucunbiased graph.
129*0a6a1f1dSLionel Sambuc
130*0a6a1f1dSLionel SambucThe bias is the ratio of the block frequency to this reference block frequency.