2Kaleidoscope: Adding JIT and Optimizer Support
5.. contents::
6   :local:
8Chapter 4 Introduction
11Welcome to Chapter 4 of the "`Implementing a language with
12LLVM <index.html>`_" tutorial. Chapters 1-3 described the implementation
13of a simple language and added support for generating LLVM IR. This
14chapter describes two new techniques: adding optimizer support to your
15language, and adding JIT compiler support. These additions will
16demonstrate how to get nice, efficient code for the Kaleidoscope
19Trivial Constant Folding
22Our demonstration for Chapter 3 is elegant and easy to extend.
23Unfortunately, it does not produce wonderful code. The IRBuilder,
24however, does give us obvious optimizations when compiling simple code:
28    ready> def test(x) 1+2+x;
29    Read function definition:
30    define double @test(double %x) {
31    entry:
32            %addtmp = fadd double 3.000000e+00, %x
33            ret double %addtmp
34    }
36This code is not a literal transcription of the AST built by parsing the
37input. That would be:
41    ready> def test(x) 1+2+x;
42    Read function definition:
43    define double @test(double %x) {
44    entry:
45            %addtmp = fadd double 2.000000e+00, 1.000000e+00
46            %addtmp1 = fadd double %addtmp, %x
47            ret double %addtmp1
48    }
50Constant folding, as seen above, in particular, is a very common and
51very important optimization: so much so that many language implementors
52implement constant folding support in their AST representation.
54With LLVM, you don't need this support in the AST. Since all calls to
55build LLVM IR go through the LLVM IR builder, the builder itself checked
56to see if there was a constant folding opportunity when you call it. If
57so, it just does the constant fold and return the constant instead of
58creating an instruction.
60Well, that was easy :). In practice, we recommend always using
61``IRBuilder`` when generating code like this. It has no "syntactic
62overhead" for its use (you don't have to uglify your compiler with
63constant checks everywhere) and it can dramatically reduce the amount of
64LLVM IR that is generated in some cases (particular for languages with a
65macro preprocessor or that use a lot of constants).
67On the other hand, the ``IRBuilder`` is limited by the fact that it does
68all of its analysis inline with the code as it is built. If you take a
69slightly more complex example:
73    ready> def test(x) (1+2+x)*(x+(1+2));
74    ready> Read function definition:
75    define double @test(double %x) {
76    entry:
77            %addtmp = fadd double 3.000000e+00, %x
78            %addtmp1 = fadd double %x, 3.000000e+00
79            %multmp = fmul double %addtmp, %addtmp1
80            ret double %multmp
81    }
83In this case, the LHS and RHS of the multiplication are the same value.
84We'd really like to see this generate "``tmp = x+3; result = tmp*tmp;``"
85instead of computing "``x+3``" twice.
87Unfortunately, no amount of local analysis will be able to detect and
88correct this. This requires two transformations: reassociation of
89expressions (to make the add's lexically identical) and Common
90Subexpression Elimination (CSE) to delete the redundant add instruction.
91Fortunately, LLVM provides a broad range of optimizations that you can
92use, in the form of "passes".
94LLVM Optimization Passes
97LLVM provides many optimization passes, which do many different sorts of
98things and have different tradeoffs. Unlike other systems, LLVM doesn't
99hold to the mistaken notion that one set of optimizations is right for
100all languages and for all situations. LLVM allows a compiler implementor
101to make complete decisions about what optimizations to use, in which
102order, and in what situation.
104As a concrete example, LLVM supports both "whole module" passes, which
105look across as large of body of code as they can (often a whole file,
106but if run at link time, this can be a substantial portion of the whole
107program). It also supports and includes "per-function" passes which just
108operate on a single function at a time, without looking at other
109functions. For more information on passes and how they are run, see the
110`How to Write a Pass <../WritingAnLLVMPass.html>`_ document and the
111`List of LLVM Passes <../Passes.html>`_.
113For Kaleidoscope, we are currently generating functions on the fly, one
114at a time, as the user types them in. We aren't shooting for the
115ultimate optimization experience in this setting, but we also want to
116catch the easy and quick stuff where possible. As such, we will choose
117to run a few per-function optimizations as the user types the function
118in. If we wanted to make a "static Kaleidoscope compiler", we would use
119exactly the code we have now, except that we would defer running the
120optimizer until the entire file has been parsed.
122In order to get per-function optimizations going, we need to set up a
123`FunctionPassManager <../WritingAnLLVMPass.html#passmanager>`_ to hold
124and organize the LLVM optimizations that we want to run. Once we have
125that, we can add a set of optimizations to run. The code looks like
128.. code-block:: c++
130      FunctionPassManager OurFPM(TheModule);
132      // Set up the optimizer pipeline.  Start with registering info about how the
133      // target lays out data structures.
134      OurFPM.add(new DataLayout(*TheExecutionEngine->getDataLayout()));
135      // Provide basic AliasAnalysis support for GVN.
136      OurFPM.add(createBasicAliasAnalysisPass());
137      // Do simple "peephole" optimizations and bit-twiddling optzns.
138      OurFPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
139      // Reassociate expressions.
140      OurFPM.add(createReassociatePass());
141      // Eliminate Common SubExpressions.
142      OurFPM.add(createGVNPass());
143      // Simplify the control flow graph (deleting unreachable blocks, etc).
144      OurFPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());
146      OurFPM.doInitialization();
148      // Set the global so the code gen can use this.
149      TheFPM = &OurFPM;
151      // Run the main "interpreter loop" now.
152      MainLoop();
154This code defines a ``FunctionPassManager``, "``OurFPM``". It requires a
155pointer to the ``Module`` to construct itself. Once it is set up, we use
156a series of "add" calls to add a bunch of LLVM passes. The first pass is
157basically boilerplate, it adds a pass so that later optimizations know
158how the data structures in the program are laid out. The
159"``TheExecutionEngine``" variable is related to the JIT, which we will
160get to in the next section.
162In this case, we choose to add 4 optimization passes. The passes we
163chose here are a pretty standard set of "cleanup" optimizations that are
164useful for a wide variety of code. I won't delve into what they do but,
165believe me, they are a good starting place :).
167Once the PassManager is set up, we need to make use of it. We do this by
168running it after our newly created function is constructed (in
169``FunctionAST::Codegen``), but before it is returned to the client:
171.. code-block:: c++
173      if (Value *RetVal = Body->Codegen()) {
174        // Finish off the function.
175        Builder.CreateRet(RetVal);
177        // Validate the generated code, checking for consistency.
178        verifyFunction(*TheFunction);
180        // Optimize the function.
181        TheFPM->run(*TheFunction);
183        return TheFunction;
184      }
186As you can see, this is pretty straightforward. The
187``FunctionPassManager`` optimizes and updates the LLVM Function\* in
188place, improving (hopefully) its body. With this in place, we can try
189our test above again:
193    ready> def test(x) (1+2+x)*(x+(1+2));
194    ready> Read function definition:
195    define double @test(double %x) {
196    entry:
197            %addtmp = fadd double %x, 3.000000e+00
198            %multmp = fmul double %addtmp, %addtmp
199            ret double %multmp
200    }
202As expected, we now get our nicely optimized code, saving a floating
203point add instruction from every execution of this function.
205LLVM provides a wide variety of optimizations that can be used in
206certain circumstances. Some `documentation about the various
207passes <../Passes.html>`_ is available, but it isn't very complete.
208Another good source of ideas can come from looking at the passes that
209``Clang`` runs to get started. The "``opt``" tool allows you to
210experiment with passes from the command line, so you can see if they do
213Now that we have reasonable code coming out of our front-end, lets talk
214about executing it!
216Adding a JIT Compiler
219Code that is available in LLVM IR can have a wide variety of tools
220applied to it. For example, you can run optimizations on it (as we did
221above), you can dump it out in textual or binary forms, you can compile
222the code to an assembly file (.s) for some target, or you can JIT
223compile it. The nice thing about the LLVM IR representation is that it
224is the "common currency" between many different parts of the compiler.
226In this section, we'll add JIT compiler support to our interpreter. The
227basic idea that we want for Kaleidoscope is to have the user enter
228function bodies as they do now, but immediately evaluate the top-level
229expressions they type in. For example, if they type in "1 + 2;", we
230should evaluate and print out 3. If they define a function, they should
231be able to call it from the command line.
233In order to do this, we first declare and initialize the JIT. This is
234done by adding a global variable and a call in ``main``:
236.. code-block:: c++
238    static ExecutionEngine *TheExecutionEngine;
239    ...
240    int main() {
241      ..
242      // Create the JIT.  This takes ownership of the module.
243      TheExecutionEngine = EngineBuilder(TheModule).create();
244      ..
245    }
247This creates an abstract "Execution Engine" which can be either a JIT
248compiler or the LLVM interpreter. LLVM will automatically pick a JIT
249compiler for you if one is available for your platform, otherwise it
250will fall back to the interpreter.
252Once the ``ExecutionEngine`` is created, the JIT is ready to be used.
253There are a variety of APIs that are useful, but the simplest one is the
254"``getPointerToFunction(F)``" method. This method JIT compiles the
255specified LLVM Function and returns a function pointer to the generated
256machine code. In our case, this means that we can change the code that
257parses a top-level expression to look like this:
259.. code-block:: c++
261    static void HandleTopLevelExpression() {
262      // Evaluate a top-level expression into an anonymous function.
263      if (FunctionAST *F = ParseTopLevelExpr()) {
264        if (Function *LF = F->Codegen()) {
265          LF->dump();  // Dump the function for exposition purposes.
267          // JIT the function, returning a function pointer.
268          void *FPtr = TheExecutionEngine->getPointerToFunction(LF);
270          // Cast it to the right type (takes no arguments, returns a double) so we
271          // can call it as a native function.
272          double (*FP)() = (double (*)())(intptr_t)FPtr;
273          fprintf(stderr, "Evaluated to %f\n", FP());
274        }
276Recall that we compile top-level expressions into a self-contained LLVM
277function that takes no arguments and returns the computed double.
278Because the LLVM JIT compiler matches the native platform ABI, this
279means that you can just cast the result pointer to a function pointer of
280that type and call it directly. This means, there is no difference
281between JIT compiled code and native machine code that is statically
282linked into your application.
284With just these two changes, lets see how Kaleidoscope works now!
288    ready> 4+5;
289    Read top-level expression:
290    define double @0() {
291    entry:
292      ret double 9.000000e+00
293    }
295    Evaluated to 9.000000
297Well this looks like it is basically working. The dump of the function
298shows the "no argument function that always returns double" that we
299synthesize for each top-level expression that is typed in. This
300demonstrates very basic functionality, but can we do more?
304    ready> def testfunc(x y) x + y*2;
305    Read function definition:
306    define double @testfunc(double %x, double %y) {
307    entry:
308      %multmp = fmul double %y, 2.000000e+00
309      %addtmp = fadd double %multmp, %x
310      ret double %addtmp
311    }
313    ready> testfunc(4, 10);
314    Read top-level expression:
315    define double @1() {
316    entry:
317      %calltmp = call double @testfunc(double 4.000000e+00, double 1.000000e+01)
318      ret double %calltmp
319    }
321    Evaluated to 24.000000
323This illustrates that we can now call user code, but there is something
324a bit subtle going on here. Note that we only invoke the JIT on the
325anonymous functions that *call testfunc*, but we never invoked it on
326*testfunc* itself. What actually happened here is that the JIT scanned
327for all non-JIT'd functions transitively called from the anonymous
328function and compiled all of them before returning from
331The JIT provides a number of other more advanced interfaces for things
332like freeing allocated machine code, rejit'ing functions to update them,
333etc. However, even with this simple code, we get some surprisingly
334powerful capabilities - check this out (I removed the dump of the
335anonymous functions, you should get the idea by now :) :
339    ready> extern sin(x);
340    Read extern:
341    declare double @sin(double)
343    ready> extern cos(x);
344    Read extern:
345    declare double @cos(double)
347    ready> sin(1.0);
348    Read top-level expression:
349    define double @2() {
350    entry:
351      ret double 0x3FEAED548F090CEE
352    }
354    Evaluated to 0.841471
356    ready> def foo(x) sin(x)*sin(x) + cos(x)*cos(x);
357    Read function definition:
358    define double @foo(double %x) {
359    entry:
360      %calltmp = call double @sin(double %x)
361      %multmp = fmul double %calltmp, %calltmp
362      %calltmp2 = call double @cos(double %x)
363      %multmp4 = fmul double %calltmp2, %calltmp2
364      %addtmp = fadd double %multmp, %multmp4
365      ret double %addtmp
366    }
368    ready> foo(4.0);
369    Read top-level expression:
370    define double @3() {
371    entry:
372      %calltmp = call double @foo(double 4.000000e+00)
373      ret double %calltmp
374    }
376    Evaluated to 1.000000
378Whoa, how does the JIT know about sin and cos? The answer is
379surprisingly simple: in this example, the JIT started execution of a
380function and got to a function call. It realized that the function was
381not yet JIT compiled and invoked the standard set of routines to resolve
382the function. In this case, there is no body defined for the function,
383so the JIT ended up calling "``dlsym("sin")``" on the Kaleidoscope
384process itself. Since "``sin``" is defined within the JIT's address
385space, it simply patches up calls in the module to call the libm version
386of ``sin`` directly.
388The LLVM JIT provides a number of interfaces (look in the
389``ExecutionEngine.h`` file) for controlling how unknown functions get
390resolved. It allows you to establish explicit mappings between IR
391objects and addresses (useful for LLVM global variables that you want to
392map to static tables, for example), allows you to dynamically decide on
393the fly based on the function name, and even allows you to have the JIT
394compile functions lazily the first time they're called.
396One interesting application of this is that we can now extend the
397language by writing arbitrary C++ code to implement operations. For
398example, if we add:
400.. code-block:: c++
402    /// putchard - putchar that takes a double and returns 0.
403    extern "C"
404    double putchard(double X) {
405      putchar((char)X);
406      return 0;
407    }
409Now we can produce simple output to the console by using things like:
410"``extern putchard(x); putchard(120);``", which prints a lowercase 'x'
411on the console (120 is the ASCII code for 'x'). Similar code could be
412used to implement file I/O, console input, and many other capabilities
413in Kaleidoscope.
415This completes the JIT and optimizer chapter of the Kaleidoscope
416tutorial. At this point, we can compile a non-Turing-complete
417programming language, optimize and JIT compile it in a user-driven way.
418Next up we'll look into `extending the language with control flow
419constructs <LangImpl5.html>`_, tackling some interesting LLVM IR issues
420along the way.
422Full Code Listing
425Here is the complete code listing for our running example, enhanced with
426the LLVM JIT and optimizer. To build this example, use:
428.. code-block:: bash
430    # Compile
431    clang++ -g toy.cpp `llvm-config --cppflags --ldflags --libs core jit native` -O3 -o toy
432    # Run
433    ./toy
435If you are compiling this on Linux, make sure to add the "-rdynamic"
436option as well. This makes sure that the external functions are resolved
437properly at runtime.
439Here is the code:
441.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/toy.cpp
442   :language: c++
444`Next: Extending the language: control flow <LangImpl5.html>`_