1 //===-- llvm/MC/MCSymbolizer.h - MCSymbolizer class -------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // This file contains the declaration of the MCSymbolizer class, which is used
11 // to symbolize instructions decoded from an object, that is, transform their
12 // immediate operands to MCExprs.
13 //
14 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
19 #include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
20 #include "llvm/MC/MCRelocationInfo.h"
21 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
22 #include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
24 namespace llvm {
26 class MCContext;
27 class MCInst;
28 class raw_ostream;
30 /// \brief Symbolize and annotate disassembled instructions.
31 ///
32 /// For now this mimics the old symbolization logic (from both ARM and x86), that
33 /// relied on user-provided (C API) callbacks to do the actual symbol lookup in
34 /// the object file. This was moved to MCExternalSymbolizer.
35 /// A better API would not rely on actually calling the two methods here from
36 /// inside each disassembler, but would use the instr info to determine what
37 /// operands are actually symbolizable, and in what way. I don't think this
38 /// information exists right now.
39 class MCSymbolizer {
40   MCSymbolizer(const MCSymbolizer &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
41   void operator=(const MCSymbolizer &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
43 protected:
44   MCContext &Ctx;
45   OwningPtr<MCRelocationInfo> RelInfo;
47 public:
48   /// \brief Construct an MCSymbolizer, taking ownership of \p RelInfo.
49   MCSymbolizer(MCContext &Ctx, OwningPtr<MCRelocationInfo> &RelInfo);
50   virtual ~MCSymbolizer();
52   /// \brief Try to add a symbolic operand instead of \p Value to the MCInst.
53   ///
54   /// Instead of having a difficult to read immediate, a symbolic operand would
55   /// represent this immediate in a more understandable way, for instance as a
56   /// symbol or an offset from a symbol. Relocations can also be used to enrich
57   /// the symbolic expression.
58   /// @param Inst      - The MCInst where to insert the symbolic operand.
59   /// @param cStream   - Stream to print comments and annotations on.
60   /// @param Value     - Operand value, pc-adjusted by the caller if necessary.
61   /// @param Address   - Load address of the instruction.
62   /// @param IsBranch  - Is the instruction a branch?
63   /// @param Offset    - Byte offset of the operand inside the inst.
64   /// @param InstSize  - Size of the instruction in bytes.
65   /// @return Whether a symbolic operand was added.
66   virtual bool tryAddingSymbolicOperand(MCInst &Inst, raw_ostream &cStream,
67                                         int64_t Value, uint64_t Address,
68                                         bool IsBranch, uint64_t Offset,
69                                         uint64_t InstSize) = 0;
71   /// \brief Try to add a comment on the PC-relative load.
72   /// For instance, in Mach-O, this is used to add annotations to instructions
73   /// that use C string literals, as found in __cstring.
74   virtual void tryAddingPcLoadReferenceComment(raw_ostream &cStream,
75                                                int64_t Value,
76                                                uint64_t Address) = 0;
77 };
79 }
81 #endif