1*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc; RUN: llc < %s -verify-coalescing
2*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc; PR10046
3*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc;
4*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc; PHI elimination splits the critical edge from %while.end415 to %if.end427.
5*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc; This requires updating the BNE-J terminators to a BEQ. The BNE instruction
6*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc; kills a virtual register, and LiveVariables must be updated with the new kill
7*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc; instruction.
8*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
9*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuctarget datalayout = "E-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-n32"
10*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuctarget triple = "mips-ellcc-linux"
11*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
12*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucdefine i32 @mergesort(i8* %base, i32 %nmemb, i32 %size, i32 (i8*, i8*)* nocapture %cmp) nounwind {
13*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucentry:
14*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc  br i1 undef, label %return, label %if.end13
15*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
16*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucif.end13:                                         ; preds = %entry
17*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc  br label %while.body
18*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
19*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucwhile.body:                                       ; preds = %while.body, %if.end13
20*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc  %list1.0482 = phi i8* [ %base, %if.end13 ], [ null, %while.body ]
21*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc  br i1 undef, label %while.end415, label %while.body
22*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
23*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucwhile.end415:                                     ; preds = %while.body
24*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc  br i1 undef, label %if.then419, label %if.end427
25*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
26*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucif.then419:                                       ; preds = %while.end415
27*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc  %call425 = tail call i8* @memmove(i8* %list1.0482, i8* undef, i32 undef) nounwind
28*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc  br label %if.end427
29*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
30*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucif.end427:                                        ; preds = %if.then419, %while.end415
31*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc  %list2.1 = phi i8* [ undef, %if.then419 ], [ %list1.0482, %while.end415 ]
32*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc  tail call void @free(i8* %list2.1)
33*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc  unreachable
34*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
35*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucreturn:                                           ; preds = %entry
36*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc  ret i32 -1
37*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc}
38*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
39*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
40*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucdeclare i8* @memmove(i8*, i8*, i32)
41*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
42*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucdeclare void @free(i8*)
43*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc