1; Test copysign operations.
3; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s
5declare float @copysignf(float, float) readnone
6declare double @copysign(double, double) readnone
7; FIXME: not really the correct prototype for SystemZ.
8declare fp128 @copysignl(fp128, fp128) readnone
10; Test f32 copies in which the sign comes from an f32.
11define float @f1(float %a, float %b) {
12; CHECK-LABEL: f1:
13; CHECK-NOT: %f2
14; CHECK: cpsdr %f0, %f0, %f2
15; CHECK: br %r14
16  %res = call float @copysignf(float %a, float %b) readnone
17  ret float %res
20; Test f32 copies in which the sign comes from an f64.
21define float @f2(float %a, double %bd) {
22; CHECK-LABEL: f2:
23; CHECK-NOT: %f2
24; CHECK: cpsdr %f0, %f0, %f2
25; CHECK: br %r14
26  %b = fptrunc double %bd to float
27  %res = call float @copysignf(float %a, float %b) readnone
28  ret float %res
31; Test f32 copies in which the sign comes from an f128.
32define float @f3(float %a, fp128 *%bptr) {
33; CHECK-LABEL: f3:
34; CHECK: ld [[BHIGH:%f[0-7]]], 0(%r2)
35; CHECK: ld [[BLOW:%f[0-7]]], 8(%r2)
36; CHECK: cpsdr %f0, %f0, [[BHIGH]]
37; CHECK: br %r14
38  %bl = load volatile fp128 *%bptr
39  %b = fptrunc fp128 %bl to float
40  %res = call float @copysignf(float %a, float %b) readnone
41  ret float %res
44; Test f64 copies in which the sign comes from an f32.
45define double @f4(double %a, float %bf) {
46; CHECK-LABEL: f4:
47; CHECK-NOT: %f2
48; CHECK: cpsdr %f0, %f0, %f2
49; CHECK: br %r14
50  %b = fpext float %bf to double
51  %res = call double @copysign(double %a, double %b) readnone
52  ret double %res
55; Test f64 copies in which the sign comes from an f64.
56define double @f5(double %a, double %b) {
57; CHECK-LABEL: f5:
58; CHECK-NOT: %f2
59; CHECK: cpsdr %f0, %f0, %f2
60; CHECK: br %r14
61  %res = call double @copysign(double %a, double %b) readnone
62  ret double %res
65; Test f64 copies in which the sign comes from an f128.
66define double @f6(double %a, fp128 *%bptr) {
67; CHECK-LABEL: f6:
68; CHECK: ld [[BHIGH:%f[0-7]]], 0(%r2)
69; CHECK: ld [[BLOW:%f[0-7]]], 8(%r2)
70; CHECK: cpsdr %f0, %f0, [[BHIGH]]
71; CHECK: br %r14
72  %bl = load volatile fp128 *%bptr
73  %b = fptrunc fp128 %bl to double
74  %res = call double @copysign(double %a, double %b) readnone
75  ret double %res
78; Test f128 copies in which the sign comes from an f32.  We shouldn't
79; need any register shuffling here; %a should be tied to %c, with CPSDR
80; just changing the high register.
81define void @f7(fp128 *%cptr, fp128 *%aptr, float %bf) {
82; CHECK-LABEL: f7:
83; CHECK: ld [[AHIGH:%f[0-7]]], 0(%r3)
84; CHECK: ld [[ALOW:%f[0-7]]], 8(%r3)
85; CHECK: cpsdr [[AHIGH]], [[AHIGH]], %f0
86; CHECK: std [[AHIGH]], 0(%r2)
87; CHECK: std [[ALOW]], 8(%r2)
88; CHECK: br %r14
89  %a = load volatile fp128 *%aptr
90  %b = fpext float %bf to fp128
91  %c = call fp128 @copysignl(fp128 %a, fp128 %b) readnone
92  store fp128 %c, fp128 *%cptr
93  ret void
96; As above, but the sign comes from an f64.
97define void @f8(fp128 *%cptr, fp128 *%aptr, double %bd) {
98; CHECK-LABEL: f8:
99; CHECK: ld [[AHIGH:%f[0-7]]], 0(%r3)
100; CHECK: ld [[ALOW:%f[0-7]]], 8(%r3)
101; CHECK: cpsdr [[AHIGH]], [[AHIGH]], %f0
102; CHECK: std [[AHIGH]], 0(%r2)
103; CHECK: std [[ALOW]], 8(%r2)
104; CHECK: br %r14
105  %a = load volatile fp128 *%aptr
106  %b = fpext double %bd to fp128
107  %c = call fp128 @copysignl(fp128 %a, fp128 %b) readnone
108  store fp128 %c, fp128 *%cptr
109  ret void
112; As above, but the sign comes from an f128.  Don't require the low part
113; of %b to be loaded, since it isn't used.
114define void @f9(fp128 *%cptr, fp128 *%aptr, fp128 *%bptr) {
115; CHECK-LABEL: f9:
116; CHECK: ld [[AHIGH:%f[0-7]]], 0(%r3)
117; CHECK: ld [[ALOW:%f[0-7]]], 8(%r3)
118; CHECK: ld [[BHIGH:%f[0-7]]], 0(%r4)
119; CHECK: cpsdr [[AHIGH]], [[AHIGH]], [[BHIGH]]
120; CHECK: std [[AHIGH]], 0(%r2)
121; CHECK: std [[ALOW]], 8(%r2)
122; CHECK: br %r14
123  %a = load volatile fp128 *%aptr
124  %b = load volatile fp128 *%bptr
125  %c = call fp128 @copysignl(fp128 %a, fp128 %b) readnone
126  store fp128 %c, fp128 *%cptr
127  ret void