1; RUN: llc < %s -x86-experimental-vector-shuffle-lowering=false -mattr=+avx2 | FileCheck %s
3target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
4target triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin"
6; PR21876
7; The old shuffle lowering sometimes generates VZEXT nodes with both input
8; and output same-sized types, here 256-bits.  For instance, a v8i8 to v8i32
9; zero-extend would become a (v8i32 (VZEXT v32i8)) node, which can't happen
10; otherwise.  The companion commit r223996 added those patterns temporarily.
11; This test, along with the VR256 for AVX2 PMOVXrr instructions, should be
12; removed once the old vector shuffle lowering goes away.
14define void @test_avx2_pmovx_256(<8 x i8>* %tmp64, <8 x float>* %tmp75) {
15; CHECK-LABEL: test_avx2_pmovx_256
16; We really don't care about the generated code.
17; CHECK: vpmovzxbd
18; CHECK: vpbroadcastd
19; CHECK: vpand
20; CHECK: vcvtdq2ps
21; CHECK: vmovups
22; CHECK: vzeroupper
23; CHECK: retq
25  %wide.load458 = load <8 x i8>* %tmp64, align 1
26  %tmp68 = uitofp <8 x i8> %wide.load458 to <8 x float>
27  store <8 x float> %tmp68, <8 x float>* %tmp75, align 4
28  ret void