xref: /minix/external/bsd/nvi/dist/common/msg.c (revision 0a6a1f1d)
1 /*	$NetBSD: msg.c,v 1.3 2014/01/26 21:43:45 christos Exp $ */
2 /*-
3  * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993, 1994
4  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
5  * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
6  *	Keith Bostic.  All rights reserved.
7  *
8  * See the LICENSE file for redistribution information.
9  */
11 #include "config.h"
13 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
14 #if 0
15 #ifndef lint
16 static const char sccsid[] = "Id: msg.c,v 10.61 2003/07/18 23:17:30 skimo Exp  (Berkeley) Date: 2003/07/18 23:17:30 ";
17 #endif /* not lint */
18 #else
19 __RCSID("$NetBSD: msg.c,v 1.3 2014/01/26 21:43:45 christos Exp $");
20 #endif
22 #include <sys/param.h>
23 #include <sys/types.h>		/* XXX: param.h may not have included types.h */
24 #include <sys/queue.h>
25 #include <sys/stat.h>
26 #include <sys/time.h>
28 #include <bitstring.h>
29 #include <ctype.h>
30 #include <errno.h>
31 #include <fcntl.h>
32 #include <limits.h>
33 #include <stdio.h>
34 #include <stdlib.h>
35 #include <string.h>
36 #include <unistd.h>
38 #ifdef __STDC__
39 #include <stdarg.h>
40 #else
41 #include <varargs.h>
42 #endif
44 #include "common.h"
45 #include "dbinternal.h"
46 #include "../vi/vi.h"
48 /*
49  * msgq --
50  *	Display a message.
51  *
52  * PUBLIC: void msgq __P((SCR *, mtype_t, const char *, ...));
53  */
54 void
55 #ifdef __STDC__
msgq(SCR * sp,mtype_t mt,const char * fmt,...)56 msgq(SCR *sp, mtype_t mt, const char *fmt, ...)
57 #else
58 msgq(sp, mt, fmt, va_alist)
59 	SCR *sp;
60 	mtype_t mt;
61         const char *fmt;
62         va_dcl
63 #endif
64 {
65 #ifndef NL_ARGMAX
66 #define	__NL_ARGMAX	20		/* Set to 9 by System V. */
67 	struct {
68 		const char *str;	/* String pointer. */
69 		size_t	 arg;		/* Argument number. */
70 		size_t	 prefix;	/* Prefix string length. */
71 		size_t	 skip;		/* Skipped string length. */
72 		size_t	 suffix;	/* Suffix string length. */
73 	} str[__NL_ARGMAX];
74 #endif
75 	static int reenter;		/* STATIC: Re-entrancy check. */
76 	GS *gp;
77 	WIN *wp = NULL;
78 	size_t blen, len, mlen, nlen;
79 	const char *p;
80 	char *bp, *mp;
81         va_list ap;
82 #ifndef NL_ARGMAX
83 	int ch;
84 	char *rbp, *s_rbp;
85 	const char *t, *u;
86 	size_t cnt1, cnt2, soff;
87 #endif
89 	/*
90 	 * !!!
91 	 * It's possible to enter msg when there's no screen to hold the
92 	 * message.  If sp is NULL, ignore the special cases and put the
93 	 * message out to stderr.
94 	 */
95 	if (sp == NULL) {
96 		gp = NULL;
97 		if (mt == M_BERR)
98 			mt = M_ERR;
99 		else if (mt == M_VINFO)
100 			mt = M_INFO;
101 	} else {
102 		gp = sp->gp;
103 		wp = sp->wp;
104 		switch (mt) {
105 		case M_BERR:
106 			if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_VI) && !O_ISSET(sp, O_VERBOSE)) {
107 				F_SET(gp, G_BELLSCHED);
108 				return;
109 			}
110 			mt = M_ERR;
111 			break;
112 		case M_VINFO:
113 			if (!O_ISSET(sp, O_VERBOSE))
114 				return;
115 			mt = M_INFO;
116 			/* FALLTHROUGH */
117 		case M_INFO:
118 			if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_EX_SILENT))
119 				return;
120 			break;
121 		case M_ERR:
122 		case M_SYSERR:
123 		case M_DBERR:
124 			break;
125 		default:
126 			abort();
127 		}
128 	}
130 	/*
131 	 * It's possible to reenter msg when it allocates space.  We're
132 	 * probably dead anyway, but there's no reason to drop core.
133 	 *
134 	 * XXX
135 	 * Yes, there's a race, but it should only be two instructions.
136 	 */
137 	if (reenter++)
138 		return;
140 	/* Get space for the message. */
141 	nlen = 1024;
142 	if (0) {
143 retry:		FREE_SPACE(sp, bp, blen);
144 		nlen *= 2;
145 	}
146 	bp = NULL;
147 	blen = 0;
148 	GET_SPACE_GOTOC(sp, bp, blen, nlen);
150 	/*
151 	 * Error prefix.
152 	 *
153 	 * mp:	 pointer to the current next character to be written
154 	 * mlen: length of the already written characters
155 	 * blen: total length of the buffer
156 	 */
157 #define	REM	(blen - mlen)
158 	mp = bp;
159 	mlen = 0;
160 	if (mt == M_SYSERR || mt == M_DBERR) {
161 		p = msg_cat(sp, "020|Error: ", &len);
162 		if (REM < len)
163 			goto retry;
164 		memcpy(mp, p, len);
165 		mp += len;
166 		mlen += len;
167 	}
169 	/*
170 	 * If we're running an ex command that the user didn't enter, display
171 	 * the file name and line number prefix.
172 	 */
173 	if ((mt == M_ERR || mt == M_SYSERR) &&
174 	    sp != NULL && wp != NULL && wp->if_name != NULL) {
175 		for (p = wp->if_name; *p != '\0'; ++p) {
176 			len = snprintf(mp, REM, "%s", KEY_NAME(sp, *p));
177 			mp += len;
178 			if ((mlen += len) > blen)
179 				goto retry;
180 		}
181 		len = snprintf(mp, REM, ", %d: ", wp->if_lno);
182 		mp += len;
183 		if ((mlen += len) > blen)
184 			goto retry;
185 	}
187 	/* If nothing to format, we're done. */
188 	if (fmt == NULL)
189 		goto nofmt;
190 	fmt = msg_cat(sp, fmt, NULL);
192 #ifndef NL_ARGMAX
193 	/*
194 	 * Nvi should run on machines that don't support the numbered argument
195 	 * specifications (%[digit]*$).  We do this by reformatting the string
196 	 * so that we can hand it to vsprintf(3) and it will use the arguments
197 	 * in the right order.  When vsprintf returns, we put the string back
198 	 * into the right order.  It's undefined, according to SVID III, to mix
199 	 * numbered argument specifications with the standard style arguments,
200 	 * so this should be safe.
201 	 *
202 	 * In addition, we also need a character that is known to not occur in
203 	 * any vi message, for separating the parts of the string.  As callers
204 	 * of msgq are responsible for making sure that all the non-printable
205 	 * characters are formatted for printing before calling msgq, we use a
206 	 * random non-printable character selected at terminal initialization
207 	 * time.  This code isn't fast by any means, but as messages should be
208 	 * relatively short and normally have only a few arguments, it won't be
209 	 * too bad.  Regardless, nobody has come up with any other solution.
210 	 *
211 	 * The result of this loop is an array of pointers into the message
212 	 * string, with associated lengths and argument numbers.  The array
213 	 * is in the "correct" order, and the arg field contains the argument
214 	 * order.
215 	 */
216 	for (p = fmt, soff = 0; soff < __NL_ARGMAX;) {
217 		for (t = p; *p != '\0' && *p != '%'; ++p);
218 		if (*p == '\0')
219 			break;
220 		++p;
221 		if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) {
222 			if (*p == '%')
223 				++p;
224 			continue;
225 		}
226 		for (u = p; *++p != '\0' && isdigit((unsigned char)*p););
227 		if (*p != '$')
228 			continue;
230 		/* Up to, and including the % character. */
231 		str[soff].str = t;
232 		str[soff].prefix = u - t;
234 		/* Up to, and including the $ character. */
235 		str[soff].arg = atoi(u);
236 		str[soff].skip = (p - u) + 1;
237 		if (str[soff].arg >= __NL_ARGMAX)
238 			goto ret;
240 		/* Up to, and including the conversion character. */
241 		for (u = p; (ch = (unsigned char)*++p) != '\0';)
242 			if (isalpha(ch) &&
243 			    strchr("diouxXfeEgGcspn", ch) != NULL)
244 				break;
245 		str[soff].suffix = p - u;
246 		if (ch != '\0')
247 			++p;
248 		++soff;
249 	}
251 	/* If no magic strings, we're done. */
252 	if (soff == 0)
253 		goto format;
255 	 /* Get space for the reordered strings. */
256 	if ((rbp = malloc(nlen)) == NULL)
257 		goto ret;
258 	s_rbp = rbp;
260 	/*
261 	 * Reorder the strings into the message string based on argument
262 	 * order.
263 	 *
264 	 * !!!
265 	 * We ignore arguments that are out of order, i.e. if we don't find
266 	 * an argument, we continue.  Assume (almost certainly incorrectly)
267 	 * that whoever created the string knew what they were doing.
268 	 *
269 	 * !!!
270 	 * Brute force "sort", but since we don't expect more than one or two
271 	 * arguments in a string, the setup cost of a fast sort will be more
272 	 * expensive than the loop.
273 	 */
274 	for (cnt1 = 1; cnt1 <= soff; ++cnt1)
275 		for (cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < soff; ++cnt2)
276 			if (cnt1 == str[cnt2].arg) {
277 				memmove(s_rbp, str[cnt2].str, str[cnt2].prefix);
278 				memmove(s_rbp + str[cnt2].prefix,
279 				    str[cnt2].str + str[cnt2].prefix +
280 				    str[cnt2].skip, str[cnt2].suffix);
281 				s_rbp += str[cnt2].prefix + str[cnt2].suffix;
282 				*s_rbp++ =
283 				    gp == NULL ? DEFAULT_NOPRINT : gp->noprint;
284 				break;
285 			}
286 	*s_rbp = '\0';
287 	fmt = rbp;
288 #endif
290 #ifndef NL_ARGMAX
291 format:	/* Format the arguments into the string. */
292 #endif
293 #ifdef __STDC__
294         va_start(ap, fmt);
295 #else
296         va_start(ap);
297 #endif
298 	len = vsnprintf(mp, REM, fmt, ap);
299 	va_end(ap);
300 	if (len >= nlen)
301 		goto retry;
303 #ifndef NL_ARGMAX
304 	if (soff == 0)
305 		goto nofmt;
307 	/*
308 	 * Go through the resulting string, and, for each separator character
309 	 * separated string, enter its new starting position and length in the
310 	 * array.
311 	 */
312 	for (p = t = mp, cnt1 = 1,
313 	    ch = gp == NULL ? DEFAULT_NOPRINT : gp->noprint; *p != '\0'; ++p)
314 		if (*p == ch) {
315 			for (cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < soff; ++cnt2)
316 				if (str[cnt2].arg == cnt1)
317 					break;
318 			str[cnt2].str = t;
319 			str[cnt2].prefix = p - t;
320 			t = p + 1;
321 			++cnt1;
322 		}
324 	/*
325 	 * Reorder the strings once again, putting them back into the
326 	 * message buffer.
327 	 *
328 	 * !!!
329 	 * Note, the length of the message gets decremented once for
330 	 * each substring, when we discard the separator character.
331 	 */
332 	for (s_rbp = rbp, cnt1 = 0; cnt1 < soff; ++cnt1) {
333 		memmove(rbp, str[cnt1].str, str[cnt1].prefix);
334 		rbp += str[cnt1].prefix;
335 		--len;
336 	}
337 	memmove(mp, s_rbp, rbp - s_rbp);
339 	/* Free the reordered string memory. */
340 	free(s_rbp);
341 #endif
343 nofmt:	mp += len;
344 	if ((mlen += len) > blen)
345 		goto retry;
346 	if (mt == M_SYSERR) {
347 		len = snprintf(mp, REM, ": %s", strerror(errno));
348 		mp += len;
349 		if ((mlen += len) > blen)
350 			goto retry;
351 		mt = M_ERR;
352 	}
353 	if (mt == M_DBERR) {
354 		len = snprintf(mp, REM, ": %s", db_strerror(sp->db_error));
355 		mp += len;
356 		if ((mlen += len) > blen)
357 			goto retry;
358 		mt = M_ERR;
359 	}
361 	/* Add trailing newline. */
362 	if ((mlen += 1) > blen)
363 		goto retry;
364 	*mp = '\n';
366 	if (sp != NULL && sp->ep != NULL)
367 		(void)ex_fflush(sp);
368 	if (wp != NULL)
369 		wp->scr_msg(sp, mt, bp, mlen);
370 	else
371 		(void)fprintf(stderr, "%.*s", (int)mlen, bp);
373 	/* Cleanup. */
374 #ifndef NL_ARGMAX
375 ret:
376 #endif
377 	FREE_SPACE(sp, bp, blen);
378 alloc_err:
379 	reenter = 0;
380 }
382 /*
383  * msgq_str --
384  *	Display a message with an embedded string.
385  *
386  * PUBLIC: void msgq_wstr __P((SCR *, mtype_t, const CHAR_T *, const char *));
387  */
388 void
msgq_wstr(SCR * sp,mtype_t mtype,const CHAR_T * str,const char * fmt)389 msgq_wstr(SCR *sp, mtype_t mtype, const CHAR_T *str, const char *fmt)
390 {
391 	size_t nlen;
392 	const char *nstr;
394 	if (str == NULL) {
395 		msgq(sp, mtype, "%s", fmt);
396 		return;
397 	}
398 	INT2CHAR(sp, str, STRLEN(str) + 1, nstr, nlen);
399 	msgq_str(sp, mtype, nstr, fmt);
400 }
402 /*
403  * msgq_str --
404  *	Display a message with an embedded string.
405  *
406  * PUBLIC: void msgq_str __P((SCR *, mtype_t, const char *, const char *));
407  */
408 void
msgq_str(SCR * sp,mtype_t mtype,const char * str,const char * fmt)409 msgq_str(SCR *sp, mtype_t mtype, const char *str, const char *fmt)
410 {
411 	int nf, sv_errno;
412 	char *p;
414 	if (str == NULL) {
415 		msgq(sp, mtype, "%s", fmt);
416 		return;
417 	}
419 	sv_errno = errno;
420 	p = msg_print(sp, str, &nf);
421 	errno = sv_errno;
422 	msgq(sp, mtype, fmt, p);
423 	if (nf)
424 		FREE_SPACE(sp, p, 0);
425 }
427 /*
428  * mod_rpt --
429  *	Report on the lines that changed.
430  *
431  * !!!
432  * Historic vi documentation (USD:15-8) claimed that "The editor will also
433  * always tell you when a change you make affects text which you cannot see."
434  * This wasn't true -- edit a large file and do "100d|1".  We don't implement
435  * this semantic since it requires tracking each line that changes during a
436  * command instead of just keeping count.
437  *
438  * Line counts weren't right in historic vi, either.  For example, given the
439  * file:
440  *	abc
441  *	def
442  * the command 2d}, from the 'b' would report that two lines were deleted,
443  * not one.
444  *
445  * PUBLIC: void mod_rpt __P((SCR *));
446  */
447 void
mod_rpt(SCR * sp)448 mod_rpt(SCR *sp)
449 {
450 	static const char * const action[] = {
451 		"293|added",
452 		"294|changed",
453 		"295|deleted",
454 		"296|joined",
455 		"297|moved",
456 		"298|shifted",
457 		"299|yanked",
458 	};
459 	static const char * const lines[] = {
460 		"300|line",
461 		"301|lines",
462 	};
463 	db_recno_t total;
464 	u_long rptval;
465 	int first;
466 	size_t cnt, blen, len, tlen;
467 	const char *t;
468 	const char * const *ap;
469 	char *bp, *p;
471 	/* Change reports are turned off in batch mode. */
472 	if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_EX_SILENT))
473 		return;
475 	/* Reset changing line number. */
476 	sp->rptlchange = OOBLNO;
478 	/*
479 	 * Don't build a message if not enough changed.
480 	 *
481 	 * !!!
482 	 * And now, a vi clone test.  Historically, vi reported if the number
483 	 * of changed lines was > than the value, not >=, unless it was a yank
484 	 * command, which used >=.  No lie.  Furthermore, an action was never
485 	 * reported for a single line action.  This is consistent for actions
486 	 * other than yank, but yank didn't report single line actions even if
487 	 * the report edit option was set to 1.  In addition, setting report to
488 	 * 0 in the 4BSD historic vi was equivalent to setting it to 1, for an
489 	 * unknown reason (this bug was fixed in System III/V at some point).
490 	 * I got complaints, so nvi conforms to System III/V historic practice
491 	 * except that we report a yank of 1 line if report is set to 1.
492 	 */
493 #define	ARSIZE(a)	sizeof(a) / sizeof (*a)
494 #define	MAXNUM		25
495 	rptval = O_VAL(sp, O_REPORT);
496 	for (cnt = 0, total = 0; cnt < ARSIZE(action); ++cnt)
497 		total += sp->rptlines[cnt];
498 	if (total == 0)
499 		return;
500 	if (total <= rptval && sp->rptlines[L_YANKED] < rptval) {
501 		for (cnt = 0; cnt < ARSIZE(action); ++cnt)
502 			sp->rptlines[cnt] = 0;
503 		return;
504 	}
506 	/* Build and display the message. */
507 	GET_SPACE_GOTOC(sp, bp, blen, sizeof(action) * MAXNUM + 1);
508 	for (p = bp, first = 1, tlen = 0,
509 	    ap = action, cnt = 0; cnt < ARSIZE(action); ++ap, ++cnt)
510 		if (sp->rptlines[cnt] != 0) {
511 			if (first)
512 				first = 0;
513 			else {
514 				*p++ = ';';
515 				*p++ = ' ';
516 				tlen += 2;
517 			}
518 			len = snprintf(p, MAXNUM, "%lu ",
519 				(unsigned long) sp->rptlines[cnt]);
520 			p += len;
521 			tlen += len;
522 			t = msg_cat(sp,
523 			    lines[sp->rptlines[cnt] == 1 ? 0 : 1], &len);
524 			memcpy(p, t, len);
525 			p += len;
526 			tlen += len;
527 			*p++ = ' ';
528 			++tlen;
529 			t = msg_cat(sp, *ap, &len);
530 			memcpy(p, t, len);
531 			p += len;
532 			tlen += len;
533 			sp->rptlines[cnt] = 0;
534 		}
536 	/* Add trailing newline. */
537 	*p = '\n';
538 	++tlen;
540 	(void)ex_fflush(sp);
541 	sp->wp->scr_msg(sp, M_INFO, bp, tlen);
543 	FREE_SPACE(sp, bp, blen);
544 alloc_err:
545 	return;
547 #undef ARSIZE
548 #undef MAXNUM
549 }
551 /*
552  * msgq_status --
553  *	Report on the file's status.
554  *
555  * PUBLIC: void msgq_status __P((SCR *, db_recno_t, u_int));
556  */
557 void
msgq_status(SCR * sp,db_recno_t lno,u_int flags)558 msgq_status(SCR *sp, db_recno_t lno, u_int flags)
559 {
560 	db_recno_t last;
561 	size_t blen, len;
562 	int cnt, needsep;
563 	const char *t;
564 	char **ap, *bp, *np, *p, *s;
566 	/* Get sufficient memory. */
567 	len = strlen(sp->frp->name);
568 	GET_SPACE_GOTOC(sp, bp, blen, len * MAX_CHARACTER_COLUMNS + 128);
569 	p = bp;
571 	/* Copy in the filename. */
572 	for (p = bp, t = sp->frp->name; *t != '\0'; ++t) {
573 		len = KEY_LEN(sp, *t);
574 		memcpy(p, KEY_NAME(sp, *t), len);
575 		p += len;
576 	}
577 	np = p;
578 	*p++ = ':';
579 	*p++ = ' ';
581 	/* Copy in the argument count. */
582 	if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_STATUS_CNT) && sp->argv != NULL) {
583 		for (cnt = 0, ap = sp->argv; *ap != NULL; ++ap, ++cnt);
584 		if (cnt > 1) {
585 			(void)sprintf(p,
586 			    msg_cat(sp, "317|%d files to edit", NULL), cnt);
587 			p += strlen(p);
588 			*p++ = ':';
589 			*p++ = ' ';
590 		}
591 		F_CLR(sp, SC_STATUS_CNT);
592 	}
594 	/*
595 	 * See nvi/exf.c:file_init() for a description of how and when the
596 	 * read-only bit is set.
597 	 *
598 	 * !!!
599 	 * The historic display for "name changed" was "[Not edited]".
600 	 */
601 	needsep = 0;
602 	if (F_ISSET(sp->frp, FR_NEWFILE)) {
603 		F_CLR(sp->frp, FR_NEWFILE);
604 		t = msg_cat(sp, "021|new file", &len);
605 		memcpy(p, t, len);
606 		p += len;
607 		needsep = 1;
608 	} else {
609 		if (F_ISSET(sp->frp, FR_NAMECHANGE)) {
610 			t = msg_cat(sp, "022|name changed", &len);
611 			memcpy(p, t, len);
612 			p += len;
613 			needsep = 1;
614 		}
615 		if (needsep) {
616 			*p++ = ',';
617 			*p++ = ' ';
618 		}
619 		if (F_ISSET(sp->ep, F_MODIFIED))
620 			t = msg_cat(sp, "023|modified", &len);
621 		else
622 			t = msg_cat(sp, "024|unmodified", &len);
623 		memcpy(p, t, len);
624 		p += len;
625 		needsep = 1;
626 	}
627 	if (F_ISSET(sp->frp, FR_UNLOCKED)) {
628 		if (needsep) {
629 			*p++ = ',';
630 			*p++ = ' ';
631 		}
632 		t = msg_cat(sp, "025|UNLOCKED", &len);
633 		memcpy(p, t, len);
634 		p += len;
635 		needsep = 1;
636 	}
637 	if (O_ISSET(sp, O_READONLY)) {
638 		if (needsep) {
639 			*p++ = ',';
640 			*p++ = ' ';
641 		}
642 		t = msg_cat(sp, "026|readonly", &len);
643 		memcpy(p, t, len);
644 		p += len;
645 		needsep = 1;
646 	}
647 	if (needsep) {
648 		*p++ = ':';
649 		*p++ = ' ';
650 	}
652 		if (db_last(sp, &last))
653 			return;
654 		if (last == 0) {
655 			t = msg_cat(sp, "028|empty file", &len);
656 			memcpy(p, t, len);
657 			p += len;
658 		} else {
659 			t = msg_cat(sp, "027|line %lu of %lu [%ld%%]", &len);
660 			(void)sprintf(p, t, lno, last, (lno * 100) / last);
661 			p += strlen(p);
662 		}
663 	} else {
664 		t = msg_cat(sp, "029|line %lu", &len);
665 		(void)sprintf(p, t, lno);
666 		p += strlen(p);
667 	}
668 #ifdef DEBUG
669 	(void)sprintf(p, " (pid %lu)", (u_long)getpid());
670 	p += strlen(p);
671 #endif
672 	*p++ = '\n';
673 	len = p - bp;
675 	/*
676 	 * There's a nasty problem with long path names.  Cscope and tags files
677 	 * can result in long paths and vi will request a continuation key from
678 	 * the user as soon as it starts the screen.  Unfortunately, the user
679 	 * has already typed ahead, and chaos results.  If we assume that the
680 	 * characters in the filenames and informational messages only take a
681 	 * single screen column each, we can trim the filename.
682 	 *
683 	 * XXX
684 	 * Status lines get put up at fairly awkward times.  For example, when
685 	 * you do a filter read (e.g., :read ! echo foo) in the top screen of a
686 	 * split screen, we have to repaint the status lines for all the screens
687 	 * below the top screen.  We don't want users having to enter continue
688 	 * characters for those screens.  Make it really hard to screw this up.
689 	 */
690 	s = bp;
691 	if (LF_ISSET(MSTAT_TRUNCATE) && len > sp->cols) {
692 		for (; s < np && (*s != '/' || (size_t)(p - s) > sp->cols - 3); ++s);
693 		if (s == np) {
694 			s = p - (sp->cols - 5);
695 			*--s = ' ';
696 		}
697 		*--s = '.';
698 		*--s = '.';
699 		*--s = '.';
700 		len = p - s;
701 	}
703 	/* Flush any waiting ex messages. */
704 	(void)ex_fflush(sp);
706 	sp->wp->scr_msg(sp, M_INFO, s, len);
708 	FREE_SPACE(sp, bp, blen);
709 alloc_err:
710 	return;
711 }
713 /*
714  * msg_open --
715  *	Open the message catalogs.
716  *
717  * PUBLIC: int msg_open __P((SCR *, const char *));
718  */
719 int
msg_open(SCR * sp,const char * file)720 msg_open(SCR *sp, const char *file)
721 {
722 	/*
723 	 * !!!
724 	 * Assume that the first file opened is the system default, and that
725 	 * all subsequent ones user defined.  Only display error messages
726 	 * if we can't open the user defined ones -- it's useful to know if
727 	 * the system one wasn't there, but if nvi is being shipped with an
728 	 * installed system, the file will be there, if it's not, then the
729 	 * message will be repeated every time nvi is started up.
730 	 */
731 	static int first = 1;
732 	DB *db;
733 	DBT data, key;
734 	db_recno_t msgno;
735 	char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
736 	const char *p, *t;
738 	if ((p = strrchr(file, '/')) != NULL && p[1] == '\0' &&
739 	    (((t = getenv("LC_MESSAGES")) != NULL && t[0] != '\0') ||
740 	    ((t = getenv("LANG")) != NULL && t[0] != '\0'))) {
741 		(void)snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", file, t);
742 		p = buf;
743 	} else
744 		p = file;
745 	if (db_msg_open(sp, p, &db)) {
746 		if (first) {
747 			first = 0;
748 			return (1);
749 		}
750 		msgq_str(sp, M_DBERR, p, "%s");
751 		return (1);
752 	}
754 	/*
755 	 * Test record 1 for the magic string.  The msgq call is here so
756 	 * the message catalog build finds it.
757 	 */
759 	memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
760 	key.data = &msgno;
761 	key.size = sizeof(db_recno_t);
762 	memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
763 	msgno = 1;
764 	if ((sp->db_error = db_get_low(db, &key, &data, 0)) != 0 ||
765 	    data.size != sizeof(VMC) - 1 ||
766 	    memcmp(data.data, VMC, sizeof(VMC) - 1)) {
767 		(void)db_close(db);
768 		if (first) {
769 			first = 0;
770 			return (1);
771 		}
772 		msgq_str(sp, M_DBERR, p,
773 		    "030|The file %s is not a message catalog");
774 		return (1);
775 	}
776 	first = 0;
778 	if (sp->gp->msg != NULL)
779 		(void)db_close(sp->gp->msg);
780 	sp->gp->msg = db;
781 	return (0);
782 }
784 /*
785  * msg_close --
786  *	Close the message catalogs.
787  *
788  * PUBLIC: void msg_close __P((GS *));
789  */
790 void
msg_close(GS * gp)791 msg_close(GS *gp)
792 {
793 	if (gp->msg != NULL) {
794 		(void)db_close(gp->msg);
795 		gp->msg = NULL;
796 	}
797 }
799 /*
800  * msg_cont --
801  *	Return common continuation messages.
802  *
803  * PUBLIC: const char *msg_cmsg __P((SCR *, cmsg_t, size_t *));
804  */
805 const char *
msg_cmsg(SCR * sp,cmsg_t which,size_t * lenp)806 msg_cmsg(SCR *sp, cmsg_t which, size_t *lenp)
807 {
808 	switch (which) {
809 	case CMSG_CONF:
810 		return (msg_cat(sp, "268|confirm? [ynq]", lenp));
811 	case CMSG_CONT:
812 		return (msg_cat(sp, "269|Press any key to continue: ", lenp));
813 	case CMSG_CONT_EX:
814 		return (msg_cat(sp,
815 	    "270|Press any key to continue [: to enter more ex commands]: ",
816 		    lenp));
817 	case CMSG_CONT_R:
818 		return (msg_cat(sp, "161|Press Enter to continue: ", lenp));
819 	case CMSG_CONT_S:
820 		return (msg_cat(sp, "275| cont?", lenp));
821 	case CMSG_CONT_Q:
822 		return (msg_cat(sp,
823 		    "271|Press any key to continue [q to quit]: ", lenp));
824 	default:
825 		abort();
826 	}
827 	/* NOTREACHED */
828 }
830 /*
831  * msg_cat --
832  *	Return a single message from the catalog, plus its length.
833  *
834  * !!!
835  * Only a single catalog message can be accessed at a time, if multiple
836  * ones are needed, they must be copied into local memory.
837  *
838  * PUBLIC: const char *msg_cat __P((SCR *, const char *, size_t *));
839  */
840 const char *
msg_cat(SCR * sp,const char * str,size_t * lenp)841 msg_cat(SCR *sp, const char *str, size_t *lenp)
842 {
843 	GS *gp;
844 	DBT data, key;
845 	db_recno_t msgno;
847 	/*
848 	 * If it's not a catalog message, i.e. has doesn't have a leading
849 	 * number and '|' symbol, we're done.
850 	 */
851 	if (isdigit((unsigned char)str[0]) &&
852 	    isdigit((unsigned char)str[1]) && isdigit((unsigned char)str[2]) &&
853 	    str[3] == '|') {
854 		memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
855 		key.data = &msgno;
856 		key.size = sizeof(db_recno_t);
857 		memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
858 		msgno = atoi(str);
860 		/*
861 		 * XXX
862 		 * Really sleazy hack -- we put an extra character on the
863 		 * end of the format string, and then we change it to be
864 		 * the nul termination of the string.  There ought to be
865 		 * a better way.  Once we can allocate multiple temporary
866 		 * memory buffers, maybe we can use one of them instead.
867 		 */
868 		gp = sp == NULL ? NULL : sp->gp;
869 		if (gp != NULL && gp->msg != NULL &&
870 		    db_get_low(gp->msg, &key, &data, 0) == 0 &&
871 		    data.size != 0) {
872 			if (lenp != NULL)
873 				*lenp = data.size - 1;
874 			((char *)data.data)[data.size - 1] = '\0';
875 			return (data.data);
876 		}
877 		str = &str[4];
878 	}
879 	if (lenp != NULL)
880 		*lenp = strlen(str);
881 	return (str);
882 }
884 /*
885  * msg_print --
886  *	Return a printable version of a string, in allocated memory.
887  *
888  * PUBLIC: char *msg_print __P((SCR *, const char *, int *));
889  */
890 char *
msg_print(SCR * sp,const char * s,int * needfree)891 msg_print(SCR *sp, const char *s, int *needfree)
892 {
893 	size_t blen, nlen;
894 	const char *cp;
895 	char *bp, *ep, *p;
896 	unsigned char *t;
898 	*needfree = 0;
900 	for (cp = s; *cp != '\0'; ++cp)
901 		if (!isprint((unsigned char)*cp))
902 			break;
903 	if (*cp == '\0')
904 		return ((char *)__UNCONST(s));	/* SAFE: needfree set to 0. */
906 	nlen = 0;
907 	if (0) {
908 retry:		if (sp == NULL)
909 			free(bp);
910 		else
911 			FREE_SPACE(sp, bp, blen);
912 		*needfree = 0;
913 	}
914 	nlen += 256;
915 	if (sp == NULL) {
916 		if ((bp = malloc(nlen)) == NULL)
917 			goto alloc_err;
918 	} else
919 		GET_SPACE_GOTOC(sp, bp, blen, nlen);
920 	if (0) {
921 alloc_err:	return __UNCONST("");
922 	}
923 	*needfree = 1;
925 	for (p = bp, ep = (bp + blen) - 1, cp = s; *cp != '\0' && p < ep; ++cp)
926 		for (t = KEY_NAME(sp, *cp); *t != '\0' && p < ep; *p++ = *t++);
927 	if (p == ep)
928 		goto retry;
929 	*p = '\0';
930 	return (bp);
931 }