1 /*	repartition 1.18 - Load a partition table	Author: Kees J. Bot
2  *								30 Nov 1991
3  */
4 #define nil 0
5 #include <stdio.h>
6 #include <sys/types.h>
7 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include <unistd.h>
10 #include <fcntl.h>
11 #include <minix/config.h>
12 #include <minix/const.h>
13 #include <minix/partition.h>
14 #include <machine/partition.h>
15 #include <sys/stat.h>
16 #include <string.h>
17 #include <errno.h>
18 #include <dirent.h>
19 #include <limits.h>
21 #define DEV_FD0		0x200
23 #define SECTOR_SIZE	512
25 #define arraysize(a)	(sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0]))
26 #define arraylimit(a)	((a) + arraysize(a))
28 char *arg0;
29 char *dev_file;		/* Device to repartition. */
31 #ifndef S_ISLNK
32 /* There were no symlinks in medieval times. */
33 #define lstat		stat
34 #endif
36 void report(const char *label)
37 {
38 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", arg0, label, strerror(errno));
39 }
41 void fatal(const char *label)
42 {
43 	report(label);
44 	exit(1);
45 }
47 #define MINOR_d0p0s0	128
49 void partsort(struct part_entry *pe)
50 /* DOS has the misguided idea that partition tables must be sorted. */
51 {
52   int i,j;
53   struct part_entry tmp;
55   for (i = 0; i < NR_PARTITIONS; i++)
56 	for (j = 0; j < NR_PARTITIONS-1; j++)
57 		if ((pe[j].sysind == NO_PART && pe[j+1].sysind != NO_PART) ||
58 		 (pe[j].lowsec > pe[j+1].lowsec && pe[j+1].sysind != NO_PART)) {
59 			tmp = pe[j];
60 			pe[j] = pe[j+1];
61 			pe[j+1] = tmp;
62 		}
63 }
65 char *finddev(dev_t device)
66 /* Find the device next to dev_file with the given device number. */
67 {
68 	DIR *dp;
69 	struct dirent *de;
70 	static char name[PATH_MAX];
71 	char *np;
72 	size_t nlen;
73 	struct stat st;
75 	if ((np= strrchr(dev_file, '/')) == nil) np= dev_file; else np++;
76 	nlen= np - dev_file;
77 	if (nlen > PATH_MAX - NAME_MAX - 1) {
78 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: Name is way too long\n",
79 			arg0, dev_file);
80 		exit(1);
81 	}
82 	memcpy(name, dev_file, nlen);
84 	if ((dp= opendir("/dev")) == nil) fatal("/dev");
85 	while ((de= readdir(dp)) != nil) {
86 		strcpy(name+nlen, de->d_name);
87 		if (lstat(name, &st) == 0
88 			&& (S_ISBLK(st.st_mode) || S_ISCHR(st.st_mode))
89 			&& st.st_rdev == device
90 		) {
91 			closedir(dp);
92 			return name;
93 		}
94 	}
95 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't find partition devices associated with %s\n",
96 		arg0, dev_file);
97 	exit(1);
98 }
100 #define DSETP	0
101 #define DGETP	1
103 int diocntl(dev_t device, int request, struct part_geom *entry)
104 /* Get or set the geometry of a device. */
105 {
106 	char *name;
107 	int r, f, err;
109 	name= finddev(device);
110 	if ((f= open(name, O_RDONLY)) < 0) return -1;
111 	r= ioctl(f, request == DSETP ? DIOCSETP : DIOCGETP, (void *) entry);
112 	err= errno;
113 	(void) close(f);
114 	errno= err;
115 	return r;
116 }
118 struct part_geom geometry;	/* Geometry of the device. */
120 void print_chs(unsigned long sector)
121 {
122 	unsigned secspcyl = geometry.heads * geometry.sectors;
123 	int delta= 0;
125 	if (sector == -1) { sector= 0; delta= -1; }
127 	printf(" %5d/%03d/%02d",
128 		(int) (sector / secspcyl),
129 		(int) (sector % secspcyl) / geometry.sectors,
130 		(int) (sector % geometry.sectors) + delta);
131 }
133 void show_part(char *name, unsigned long base, unsigned long size)
134 {
135 	int i;
136 	static int len= 0;
138 	if (len == 0) {
139 		len= strlen(name) + 3;
140 		printf("device");
141 		for (i = 6; i < len; i++) fputc(' ', stdout);
142 		printf(
143 	"      first         last        base      size        kb\n");
144 	}
146 	printf("%s", name);
147 	for (i = strlen(name); i < len; i++) fputc(' ', stdout);
149 	print_chs(base);
150 	print_chs(base + size - 1);
151 	printf(" %9lu %9lu %9lu\n", base, size, size / (1024/SECTOR_SIZE));
152 }
154 int main(int argc, char **argv)
155 {
156 	struct stat hdst;
157 	struct part_geom whole, entry;
158 	struct part_entry table[4], *pe;
159 	int drive, par = 0, device, incr;
160 	int partf;
161 	char *table_file;
162 	int hd_major, hd_minor;
163 	int needsort;
164 	int shrink;		/* True if partitions are shrinked to fit. */
165 	unsigned long base, size, limit;
167 	if ((arg0= strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == nil) arg0= argv[0]; else arg0++;
169 	if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) {
170 		fprintf(stderr,
171 			"Usage: %s device [partition-file]\n", arg0);
172 		exit(1);
173 	}
174 	dev_file= argv[1];
175 	table_file= argv[argc - 1];
176 	shrink= (argc == 2);
178 	if (stat(dev_file, &hdst) < 0) fatal(dev_file);
180 	/* Geometry (to print nice numbers.) */
181 	if (diocntl(hdst.st_rdev, DGETP, &geometry) < 0) fatal(dev_file);
183 	if (!S_ISBLK(hdst.st_mode)) {
184 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s is not a device\n", arg0, dev_file);
185 		exit(1);
186 	}
187 	hd_major= major(hdst.st_rdev);
188 	hd_minor= minor(hdst.st_rdev);
190 	if (hd_minor >= MINOR_d0p0s0) {
191 		errno= EINVAL;
192 		fatal(dev_file);
193 	}
195 	if (hd_major == major(DEV_FD0)) {
196 		/* HD is actually a floppy. */
197 		if (hd_minor >= 4) {
198 			errno= EINVAL;
199 			fatal(dev_file);
200 		}
201 		device= hd_minor + (28 << 2);
202 		incr= 4;
203 		needsort= 0;
204 	} else
205 	if (hd_minor % (1 + NR_PARTITIONS) == 0) {
206 		/* Partitioning hd0, hd5, ... */
207 		device= hd_minor + 1;
208 		incr= 1;
209 		needsort= 1;
210 	} else {
211 		/* Subpartitioning hd[1-4], hd[6-9], ... */
212 		drive= hd_minor / (1 + NR_PARTITIONS);
213 		par= hd_minor % (1 + NR_PARTITIONS) - 1;
215 		device= MINOR_d0p0s0
216 				+ (drive * NR_PARTITIONS + par) * NR_PARTITIONS;
217 		if (device + NR_PARTITIONS - 1 > BYTE) {
218 			errno= EINVAL;
219 			fatal(dev_file);
220 		}
221 		incr= 1;
222 		needsort= 0;
223 	}
224 	/* Device is now the first of the minor devices to be repartitioned. */
226 	/* Read the partition table from the boot block. */
227 	if ((partf= open(table_file, O_RDONLY)) < 0
228 		|| lseek(partf, (off_t) PART_TABLE_OFF, SEEK_SET) == -1
229 		|| (par= read(partf, (char *) table, (int) sizeof(table))) < 0
230 	) fatal(table_file);
232 	if (par < sizeof(table)) {
233 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s does not contain a partition table\n",
234 			arg0, table_file);
235 		exit(1);
236 	}
237 	if (needsort) partsort(table);
239 	/* Show the geometry of the affected drive or partition. */
240 	if (diocntl(hdst.st_rdev, DGETP, &whole) < 0) fatal(dev_file);
242 	/* Use sector numbers. */
243 	base = whole.base / SECTOR_SIZE;
244 	size = whole.size / SECTOR_SIZE;
245 	limit = base + size;
247 	show_part(dev_file, base, size);
249 	/* Send the partition table entries to the device driver. */
250 	for (par= 0; par < NR_PARTITIONS; par++, device+= incr) {
251 		pe = &table[par];
252 		if (shrink && pe->size != 0) {
253 			/* Shrink the partition entry to fit within the
254 			 * enclosing device just like the driver does.
255 			 */
256 			unsigned long part_limit= pe->lowsec + pe->size;
258 			if (part_limit < pe->lowsec) part_limit= limit;
259 			if (part_limit > limit) part_limit= limit;
260 			if (pe->lowsec < base) pe->lowsec= base;
261 			if (part_limit < pe->lowsec) part_limit= pe->lowsec;
262 			pe->size= part_limit - pe->lowsec;
263 		}
265 		entry.base= pe->lowsec * SECTOR_SIZE;
266 		entry.size= pe->size * SECTOR_SIZE;
267 		if (diocntl(makedev(hd_major, device), DSETP, &entry) < 0)
268 			fatal(dev_file);
270 		show_part(finddev(makedev(hd_major, device)),
271 							pe->lowsec, pe->size);
272 	}
273 	exit(0);
274 }