1 //===- GlobalMerge.cpp - Internal globals merging -------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This pass merges globals with internal linkage into one. This way all the
10 // globals which were merged into a biggest one can be addressed using offsets
11 // from the same base pointer (no need for separate base pointer for each of the
12 // global). Such a transformation can significantly reduce the register pressure
13 // when many globals are involved.
14 //
15 // For example, consider the code which touches several global variables at
16 // once:
17 //
18 // static int foo[N], bar[N], baz[N];
19 //
20 // for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
21 //    foo[i] = bar[i] * baz[i];
22 // }
23 //
24 //  On ARM the addresses of 3 arrays should be kept in the registers, thus
25 //  this code has quite large register pressure (loop body):
26 //
27 //  ldr     r1, [r5], #4
28 //  ldr     r2, [r6], #4
29 //  mul     r1, r2, r1
30 //  str     r1, [r0], #4
31 //
32 //  Pass converts the code to something like:
33 //
34 //  static struct {
35 //    int foo[N];
36 //    int bar[N];
37 //    int baz[N];
38 //  } merged;
39 //
40 //  for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
41 //    merged.foo[i] = merged.bar[i] * merged.baz[i];
42 //  }
43 //
44 //  and in ARM code this becomes:
45 //
46 //  ldr     r0, [r5, #40]
47 //  ldr     r1, [r5, #80]
48 //  mul     r0, r1, r0
49 //  str     r0, [r5], #4
50 //
51 //  note that we saved 2 registers here almostly "for free".
52 //
53 // However, merging globals can have tradeoffs:
54 // - it confuses debuggers, tools, and users
55 // - it makes linker optimizations less useful (order files, LOHs, ...)
56 // - it forces usage of indexed addressing (which isn't necessarily "free")
57 // - it can increase register pressure when the uses are disparate enough.
58 //
59 // We use heuristics to discover the best global grouping we can (cf cl::opts).
60 //
61 // ===---------------------------------------------------------------------===//
63 #include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
64 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
65 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
66 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
67 #include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
68 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
69 #include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
70 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
71 #include "llvm/CodeGen/Passes.h"
72 #include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
73 #include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
74 #include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
75 #include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
76 #include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
77 #include "llvm/IR/GlobalAlias.h"
78 #include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
79 #include "llvm/IR/GlobalVariable.h"
80 #include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
81 #include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
82 #include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
83 #include "llvm/IR/Use.h"
84 #include "llvm/IR/User.h"
85 #include "llvm/Pass.h"
86 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
87 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
88 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
89 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
90 #include "llvm/Target/TargetLoweringObjectFile.h"
91 #include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
92 #include <algorithm>
93 #include <cassert>
94 #include <cstddef>
95 #include <cstdint>
96 #include <string>
97 #include <vector>
99 using namespace llvm;
101 #define DEBUG_TYPE "global-merge"
103 // FIXME: This is only useful as a last-resort way to disable the pass.
104 static cl::opt<bool>
105 EnableGlobalMerge("enable-global-merge", cl::Hidden,
106                   cl::desc("Enable the global merge pass"),
107                   cl::init(true));
109 static cl::opt<unsigned>
110 GlobalMergeMaxOffset("global-merge-max-offset", cl::Hidden,
111                      cl::desc("Set maximum offset for global merge pass"),
112                      cl::init(0));
114 static cl::opt<bool> GlobalMergeGroupByUse(
115     "global-merge-group-by-use", cl::Hidden,
116     cl::desc("Improve global merge pass to look at uses"), cl::init(true));
118 static cl::opt<bool> GlobalMergeIgnoreSingleUse(
119     "global-merge-ignore-single-use", cl::Hidden,
120     cl::desc("Improve global merge pass to ignore globals only used alone"),
121     cl::init(true));
123 static cl::opt<bool>
124 EnableGlobalMergeOnConst("global-merge-on-const", cl::Hidden,
125                          cl::desc("Enable global merge pass on constants"),
126                          cl::init(false));
128 // FIXME: this could be a transitional option, and we probably need to remove
129 // it if only we are sure this optimization could always benefit all targets.
130 static cl::opt<cl::boolOrDefault>
131 EnableGlobalMergeOnExternal("global-merge-on-external", cl::Hidden,
132      cl::desc("Enable global merge pass on external linkage"));
134 STATISTIC(NumMerged, "Number of globals merged");
136 namespace {
138   class GlobalMerge : public FunctionPass {
139     const TargetMachine *TM = nullptr;
141     // FIXME: Infer the maximum possible offset depending on the actual users
142     // (these max offsets are different for the users inside Thumb or ARM
143     // functions), see the code that passes in the offset in the ARM backend
144     // for more information.
145     unsigned MaxOffset;
147     /// Whether we should try to optimize for size only.
148     /// Currently, this applies a dead simple heuristic: only consider globals
149     /// used in minsize functions for merging.
150     /// FIXME: This could learn about optsize, and be used in the cost model.
151     bool OnlyOptimizeForSize = false;
153     /// Whether we should merge global variables that have external linkage.
154     bool MergeExternalGlobals = false;
156     bool IsMachO;
158     bool doMerge(SmallVectorImpl<GlobalVariable*> &Globals,
159                  Module &M, bool isConst, unsigned AddrSpace) const;
161     /// Merge everything in \p Globals for which the corresponding bit
162     /// in \p GlobalSet is set.
163     bool doMerge(const SmallVectorImpl<GlobalVariable *> &Globals,
164                  const BitVector &GlobalSet, Module &M, bool isConst,
165                  unsigned AddrSpace) const;
167     /// Check if the given variable has been identified as must keep
168     /// \pre setMustKeepGlobalVariables must have been called on the Module that
169     ///      contains GV
170     bool isMustKeepGlobalVariable(const GlobalVariable *GV) const {
171       return MustKeepGlobalVariables.count(GV);
172     }
174     /// Collect every variables marked as "used" or used in a landing pad
175     /// instruction for this Module.
176     void setMustKeepGlobalVariables(Module &M);
178     /// Collect every variables marked as "used"
179     void collectUsedGlobalVariables(Module &M, StringRef Name);
181     /// Keep track of the GlobalVariable that must not be merged away
182     SmallPtrSet<const GlobalVariable *, 16> MustKeepGlobalVariables;
184   public:
185     static char ID;             // Pass identification, replacement for typeid.
187     explicit GlobalMerge()
188         : FunctionPass(ID), MaxOffset(GlobalMergeMaxOffset) {
189       initializeGlobalMergePass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
190     }
192     explicit GlobalMerge(const TargetMachine *TM, unsigned MaximalOffset,
193                          bool OnlyOptimizeForSize, bool MergeExternalGlobals)
194         : FunctionPass(ID), TM(TM), MaxOffset(MaximalOffset),
195           OnlyOptimizeForSize(OnlyOptimizeForSize),
196           MergeExternalGlobals(MergeExternalGlobals) {
197       initializeGlobalMergePass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
198     }
200     bool doInitialization(Module &M) override;
201     bool runOnFunction(Function &F) override;
202     bool doFinalization(Module &M) override;
204     StringRef getPassName() const override { return "Merge internal globals"; }
206     void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
207       AU.setPreservesCFG();
208       FunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
209     }
210   };
212 } // end anonymous namespace
214 char GlobalMerge::ID = 0;
216 INITIALIZE_PASS(GlobalMerge, DEBUG_TYPE, "Merge global variables", false, false)
218 bool GlobalMerge::doMerge(SmallVectorImpl<GlobalVariable*> &Globals,
219                           Module &M, bool isConst, unsigned AddrSpace) const {
220   auto &DL = M.getDataLayout();
221   // FIXME: Find better heuristics
222   llvm::stable_sort(
223       Globals, [&DL](const GlobalVariable *GV1, const GlobalVariable *GV2) {
224         return DL.getTypeAllocSize(GV1->getValueType()) <
225                DL.getTypeAllocSize(GV2->getValueType());
226       });
228   // If we want to just blindly group all globals together, do so.
229   if (!GlobalMergeGroupByUse) {
230     BitVector AllGlobals(Globals.size());
231     AllGlobals.set();
232     return doMerge(Globals, AllGlobals, M, isConst, AddrSpace);
233   }
235   // If we want to be smarter, look at all uses of each global, to try to
236   // discover all sets of globals used together, and how many times each of
237   // these sets occurred.
238   //
239   // Keep this reasonably efficient, by having an append-only list of all sets
240   // discovered so far (UsedGlobalSet), and mapping each "together-ness" unit of
241   // code (currently, a Function) to the set of globals seen so far that are
242   // used together in that unit (GlobalUsesByFunction).
243   //
244   // When we look at the Nth global, we know that any new set is either:
245   // - the singleton set {N}, containing this global only, or
246   // - the union of {N} and a previously-discovered set, containing some
247   //   combination of the previous N-1 globals.
248   // Using that knowledge, when looking at the Nth global, we can keep:
249   // - a reference to the singleton set {N} (CurGVOnlySetIdx)
250   // - a list mapping each previous set to its union with {N} (EncounteredUGS),
251   //   if it actually occurs.
253   // We keep track of the sets of globals used together "close enough".
254   struct UsedGlobalSet {
255     BitVector Globals;
256     unsigned UsageCount = 1;
258     UsedGlobalSet(size_t Size) : Globals(Size) {}
259   };
261   // Each set is unique in UsedGlobalSets.
262   std::vector<UsedGlobalSet> UsedGlobalSets;
264   // Avoid repeating the create-global-set pattern.
265   auto CreateGlobalSet = [&]() -> UsedGlobalSet & {
266     UsedGlobalSets.emplace_back(Globals.size());
267     return UsedGlobalSets.back();
268   };
270   // The first set is the empty set.
271   CreateGlobalSet().UsageCount = 0;
273   // We define "close enough" to be "in the same function".
274   // FIXME: Grouping uses by function is way too aggressive, so we should have
275   // a better metric for distance between uses.
276   // The obvious alternative would be to group by BasicBlock, but that's in
277   // turn too conservative..
278   // Anything in between wouldn't be trivial to compute, so just stick with
279   // per-function grouping.
281   // The value type is an index into UsedGlobalSets.
282   // The default (0) conveniently points to the empty set.
283   DenseMap<Function *, size_t /*UsedGlobalSetIdx*/> GlobalUsesByFunction;
285   // Now, look at each merge-eligible global in turn.
287   // Keep track of the sets we already encountered to which we added the
288   // current global.
289   // Each element matches the same-index element in UsedGlobalSets.
290   // This lets us efficiently tell whether a set has already been expanded to
291   // include the current global.
292   std::vector<size_t> EncounteredUGS;
294   for (size_t GI = 0, GE = Globals.size(); GI != GE; ++GI) {
295     GlobalVariable *GV = Globals[GI];
297     // Reset the encountered sets for this global...
298     std::fill(EncounteredUGS.begin(), EncounteredUGS.end(), 0);
299     // ...and grow it in case we created new sets for the previous global.
300     EncounteredUGS.resize(UsedGlobalSets.size());
302     // We might need to create a set that only consists of the current global.
303     // Keep track of its index into UsedGlobalSets.
304     size_t CurGVOnlySetIdx = 0;
306     // For each global, look at all its Uses.
307     for (auto &U : GV->uses()) {
308       // This Use might be a ConstantExpr.  We're interested in Instruction
309       // users, so look through ConstantExpr...
310       Use *UI, *UE;
311       if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(U.getUser())) {
312         if (CE->use_empty())
313           continue;
314         UI = &*CE->use_begin();
315         UE = nullptr;
316       } else if (isa<Instruction>(U.getUser())) {
317         UI = &U;
318         UE = UI->getNext();
319       } else {
320         continue;
321       }
323       // ...to iterate on all the instruction users of the global.
324       // Note that we iterate on Uses and not on Users to be able to getNext().
325       for (; UI != UE; UI = UI->getNext()) {
326         Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(UI->getUser());
327         if (!I)
328           continue;
330         Function *ParentFn = I->getParent()->getParent();
332         // If we're only optimizing for size, ignore non-minsize functions.
333         if (OnlyOptimizeForSize && !ParentFn->hasMinSize())
334           continue;
336         size_t UGSIdx = GlobalUsesByFunction[ParentFn];
338         // If this is the first global the basic block uses, map it to the set
339         // consisting of this global only.
340         if (!UGSIdx) {
341           // If that set doesn't exist yet, create it.
342           if (!CurGVOnlySetIdx) {
343             CurGVOnlySetIdx = UsedGlobalSets.size();
344             CreateGlobalSet().Globals.set(GI);
345           } else {
346             ++UsedGlobalSets[CurGVOnlySetIdx].UsageCount;
347           }
349           GlobalUsesByFunction[ParentFn] = CurGVOnlySetIdx;
350           continue;
351         }
353         // If we already encountered this BB, just increment the counter.
354         if (UsedGlobalSets[UGSIdx].Globals.test(GI)) {
355           ++UsedGlobalSets[UGSIdx].UsageCount;
356           continue;
357         }
359         // If not, the previous set wasn't actually used in this function.
360         --UsedGlobalSets[UGSIdx].UsageCount;
362         // If we already expanded the previous set to include this global, just
363         // reuse that expanded set.
364         if (size_t ExpandedIdx = EncounteredUGS[UGSIdx]) {
365           ++UsedGlobalSets[ExpandedIdx].UsageCount;
366           GlobalUsesByFunction[ParentFn] = ExpandedIdx;
367           continue;
368         }
370         // If not, create a new set consisting of the union of the previous set
371         // and this global.  Mark it as encountered, so we can reuse it later.
372         GlobalUsesByFunction[ParentFn] = EncounteredUGS[UGSIdx] =
373             UsedGlobalSets.size();
375         UsedGlobalSet &NewUGS = CreateGlobalSet();
376         NewUGS.Globals.set(GI);
377         NewUGS.Globals |= UsedGlobalSets[UGSIdx].Globals;
378       }
379     }
380   }
382   // Now we found a bunch of sets of globals used together.  We accumulated
383   // the number of times we encountered the sets (i.e., the number of blocks
384   // that use that exact set of globals).
385   //
386   // Multiply that by the size of the set to give us a crude profitability
387   // metric.
388   llvm::stable_sort(UsedGlobalSets,
389                     [](const UsedGlobalSet &UGS1, const UsedGlobalSet &UGS2) {
390                       return UGS1.Globals.count() * UGS1.UsageCount <
391                              UGS2.Globals.count() * UGS2.UsageCount;
392                     });
394   // We can choose to merge all globals together, but ignore globals never used
395   // with another global.  This catches the obviously non-profitable cases of
396   // having a single global, but is aggressive enough for any other case.
397   if (GlobalMergeIgnoreSingleUse) {
398     BitVector AllGlobals(Globals.size());
399     for (size_t i = 0, e = UsedGlobalSets.size(); i != e; ++i) {
400       const UsedGlobalSet &UGS = UsedGlobalSets[e - i - 1];
401       if (UGS.UsageCount == 0)
402         continue;
403       if (UGS.Globals.count() > 1)
404         AllGlobals |= UGS.Globals;
405     }
406     return doMerge(Globals, AllGlobals, M, isConst, AddrSpace);
407   }
409   // Starting from the sets with the best (=biggest) profitability, find a
410   // good combination.
411   // The ideal (and expensive) solution can only be found by trying all
412   // combinations, looking for the one with the best profitability.
413   // Don't be smart about it, and just pick the first compatible combination,
414   // starting with the sets with the best profitability.
415   BitVector PickedGlobals(Globals.size());
416   bool Changed = false;
418   for (size_t i = 0, e = UsedGlobalSets.size(); i != e; ++i) {
419     const UsedGlobalSet &UGS = UsedGlobalSets[e - i - 1];
420     if (UGS.UsageCount == 0)
421       continue;
422     if (PickedGlobals.anyCommon(UGS.Globals))
423       continue;
424     PickedGlobals |= UGS.Globals;
425     // If the set only contains one global, there's no point in merging.
426     // Ignore the global for inclusion in other sets though, so keep it in
427     // PickedGlobals.
428     if (UGS.Globals.count() < 2)
429       continue;
430     Changed |= doMerge(Globals, UGS.Globals, M, isConst, AddrSpace);
431   }
433   return Changed;
434 }
436 bool GlobalMerge::doMerge(const SmallVectorImpl<GlobalVariable *> &Globals,
437                           const BitVector &GlobalSet, Module &M, bool isConst,
438                           unsigned AddrSpace) const {
439   assert(Globals.size() > 1);
441   Type *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext());
442   Type *Int8Ty = Type::getInt8Ty(M.getContext());
443   auto &DL = M.getDataLayout();
445   LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " Trying to merge set, starts with #"
446                     << GlobalSet.find_first() << "\n");
448   bool Changed = false;
449   ssize_t i = GlobalSet.find_first();
450   while (i != -1) {
451     ssize_t j = 0;
452     uint64_t MergedSize = 0;
453     std::vector<Type*> Tys;
454     std::vector<Constant*> Inits;
455     std::vector<unsigned> StructIdxs;
457     bool HasExternal = false;
458     StringRef FirstExternalName;
459     Align MaxAlign;
460     unsigned CurIdx = 0;
461     for (j = i; j != -1; j = GlobalSet.find_next(j)) {
462       Type *Ty = Globals[j]->getValueType();
464       // Make sure we use the same alignment AsmPrinter would use.
465       Align Alignment(DL.getPreferredAlignment(Globals[j]));
466       unsigned Padding = alignTo(MergedSize, Alignment) - MergedSize;
467       MergedSize += Padding;
468       MergedSize += DL.getTypeAllocSize(Ty);
469       if (MergedSize > MaxOffset) {
470         break;
471       }
472       if (Padding) {
473         Tys.push_back(ArrayType::get(Int8Ty, Padding));
474         Inits.push_back(ConstantAggregateZero::get(Tys.back()));
475         ++CurIdx;
476       }
477       Tys.push_back(Ty);
478       Inits.push_back(Globals[j]->getInitializer());
479       StructIdxs.push_back(CurIdx++);
481       MaxAlign = std::max(MaxAlign, Alignment);
483       if (Globals[j]->hasExternalLinkage() && !HasExternal) {
484         HasExternal = true;
485         FirstExternalName = Globals[j]->getName();
486       }
487     }
489     // Exit early if there is only one global to merge.
490     if (Tys.size() < 2) {
491       i = j;
492       continue;
493     }
495     // If merged variables doesn't have external linkage, we needn't to expose
496     // the symbol after merging.
497     GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage = HasExternal
498                                             ? GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage
499                                             : GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;
500     // Use a packed struct so we can control alignment.
501     StructType *MergedTy = StructType::get(M.getContext(), Tys, true);
502     Constant *MergedInit = ConstantStruct::get(MergedTy, Inits);
504     // On Darwin external linkage needs to be preserved, otherwise
505     // dsymutil cannot preserve the debug info for the merged
506     // variables.  If they have external linkage, use the symbol name
507     // of the first variable merged as the suffix of global symbol
508     // name.  This avoids a link-time naming conflict for the
509     // _MergedGlobals symbols.
510     Twine MergedName =
511         (IsMachO && HasExternal)
512             ? "_MergedGlobals_" + FirstExternalName
513             : "_MergedGlobals";
514     auto MergedLinkage = IsMachO ? Linkage : GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage;
515     auto *MergedGV = new GlobalVariable(
516         M, MergedTy, isConst, MergedLinkage, MergedInit, MergedName, nullptr,
517         GlobalVariable::NotThreadLocal, AddrSpace);
519     MergedGV->setAlignment(MaxAlign);
520     MergedGV->setSection(Globals[i]->getSection());
522     const StructLayout *MergedLayout = DL.getStructLayout(MergedTy);
523     for (ssize_t k = i, idx = 0; k != j; k = GlobalSet.find_next(k), ++idx) {
524       GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage = Globals[k]->getLinkage();
525       std::string Name = Globals[k]->getName();
526       GlobalValue::DLLStorageClassTypes DLLStorage =
527           Globals[k]->getDLLStorageClass();
529       // Copy metadata while adjusting any debug info metadata by the original
530       // global's offset within the merged global.
531       MergedGV->copyMetadata(Globals[k],
532                              MergedLayout->getElementOffset(StructIdxs[idx]));
534       Constant *Idx[2] = {
535           ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, 0),
536           ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, StructIdxs[idx]),
537       };
538       Constant *GEP =
539           ConstantExpr::getInBoundsGetElementPtr(MergedTy, MergedGV, Idx);
540       Globals[k]->replaceAllUsesWith(GEP);
541       Globals[k]->eraseFromParent();
543       // When the linkage is not internal we must emit an alias for the original
544       // variable name as it may be accessed from another object. On non-Mach-O
545       // we can also emit an alias for internal linkage as it's safe to do so.
546       // It's not safe on Mach-O as the alias (and thus the portion of the
547       // MergedGlobals variable) may be dead stripped at link time.
548       if (Linkage != GlobalValue::InternalLinkage || !IsMachO) {
549         GlobalAlias *GA = GlobalAlias::create(Tys[StructIdxs[idx]], AddrSpace,
550                                               Linkage, Name, GEP, &M);
551         GA->setDLLStorageClass(DLLStorage);
552       }
554       NumMerged++;
555     }
556     Changed = true;
557     i = j;
558   }
560   return Changed;
561 }
563 void GlobalMerge::collectUsedGlobalVariables(Module &M, StringRef Name) {
564   // Extract global variables from llvm.used array
565   const GlobalVariable *GV = M.getGlobalVariable(Name);
566   if (!GV || !GV->hasInitializer()) return;
568   // Should be an array of 'i8*'.
569   const ConstantArray *InitList = cast<ConstantArray>(GV->getInitializer());
571   for (unsigned i = 0, e = InitList->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
572     if (const GlobalVariable *G =
573         dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(InitList->getOperand(i)->stripPointerCasts()))
574       MustKeepGlobalVariables.insert(G);
575 }
577 void GlobalMerge::setMustKeepGlobalVariables(Module &M) {
578   collectUsedGlobalVariables(M, "llvm.used");
579   collectUsedGlobalVariables(M, "llvm.compiler.used");
581   for (Function &F : M) {
582     for (BasicBlock &BB : F) {
583       Instruction *Pad = BB.getFirstNonPHI();
584       if (!Pad->isEHPad())
585         continue;
587       // Keep globals used by landingpads and catchpads.
588       for (const Use &U : Pad->operands()) {
589         if (const GlobalVariable *GV =
590                 dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(U->stripPointerCasts()))
591           MustKeepGlobalVariables.insert(GV);
592       }
593     }
594   }
595 }
597 bool GlobalMerge::doInitialization(Module &M) {
598   if (!EnableGlobalMerge)
599     return false;
601   IsMachO = Triple(M.getTargetTriple()).isOSBinFormatMachO();
603   auto &DL = M.getDataLayout();
604   DenseMap<std::pair<unsigned, StringRef>, SmallVector<GlobalVariable *, 16>>
605       Globals, ConstGlobals, BSSGlobals;
606   bool Changed = false;
607   setMustKeepGlobalVariables(M);
609   // Grab all non-const globals.
610   for (auto &GV : M.globals()) {
611     // Merge is safe for "normal" internal or external globals only
612     if (GV.isDeclaration() || GV.isThreadLocal() || GV.hasImplicitSection())
613       continue;
615     // It's not safe to merge globals that may be preempted
616     if (TM && !TM->shouldAssumeDSOLocal(M, &GV))
617       continue;
619     if (!(MergeExternalGlobals && GV.hasExternalLinkage()) &&
620         !GV.hasInternalLinkage())
621       continue;
623     PointerType *PT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(GV.getType());
624     assert(PT && "Global variable is not a pointer!");
626     unsigned AddressSpace = PT->getAddressSpace();
627     StringRef Section = GV.getSection();
629     // Ignore all 'special' globals.
630     if (GV.getName().startswith("llvm.") ||
631         GV.getName().startswith(".llvm."))
632       continue;
634     // Ignore all "required" globals:
635     if (isMustKeepGlobalVariable(&GV))
636       continue;
638     Type *Ty = GV.getValueType();
639     if (DL.getTypeAllocSize(Ty) < MaxOffset) {
640       if (TM &&
641           TargetLoweringObjectFile::getKindForGlobal(&GV, *TM).isBSS())
642         BSSGlobals[{AddressSpace, Section}].push_back(&GV);
643       else if (GV.isConstant())
644         ConstGlobals[{AddressSpace, Section}].push_back(&GV);
645       else
646         Globals[{AddressSpace, Section}].push_back(&GV);
647     }
648   }
650   for (auto &P : Globals)
651     if (P.second.size() > 1)
652       Changed |= doMerge(P.second, M, false, P.first.first);
654   for (auto &P : BSSGlobals)
655     if (P.second.size() > 1)
656       Changed |= doMerge(P.second, M, false, P.first.first);
658   if (EnableGlobalMergeOnConst)
659     for (auto &P : ConstGlobals)
660       if (P.second.size() > 1)
661         Changed |= doMerge(P.second, M, true, P.first.first);
663   return Changed;
664 }
666 bool GlobalMerge::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
667   return false;
668 }
670 bool GlobalMerge::doFinalization(Module &M) {
671   MustKeepGlobalVariables.clear();
672   return false;
673 }
675 Pass *llvm::createGlobalMergePass(const TargetMachine *TM, unsigned Offset,
676                                   bool OnlyOptimizeForSize,
677                                   bool MergeExternalByDefault) {
678   bool MergeExternal = (EnableGlobalMergeOnExternal == cl::BOU_UNSET) ?
679     MergeExternalByDefault : (EnableGlobalMergeOnExternal == cl::BOU_TRUE);
680   return new GlobalMerge(TM, Offset, OnlyOptimizeForSize, MergeExternal);
681 }