xref: /netbsd/share/misc/acronyms (revision 69516a83)
1*69516a83Sjschauma$NetBSD: acronyms,v 1.314 2022/09/26 17:55:35 jschauma Exp $
2d8fe3340Sjruoho10Q	thank you
3d8fe3340Sjruoho10X	thanks
43657db32Sdholland1337	elite ("leet")
5d8fe3340Sjruoho224	today, tomorrow, forever
63657db32Sdholland31337	elite ("eleet")
7d8fe3340Sjruoho4TW	for the win
8e88858a5SrodentA/S/L	age/sex/location
95ba2b765SjruohoAAMOF	as a matter of fact
10854d2720SdhollandABD	all but dissertation
11d8fe3340SjruohoAC	audible chuckle
120ab5c77eSniaACAB	all cats are beautiful
13854d2720SdhollandADD	attention deficit disorder
14854d2720SdhollandADHD	attention deficit (and) hyperactivity disorder
155ba2b765SjruohoADN	any day now
16854d2720SdhollandADOS	attention deficit ... oh, shiny!
179ae31c48SjruohoAEAP	as early as possible
18d8fe3340SjruohoAFAIAC	as far as I am concerned
19faf7d8bcSkeihanAFAIC	as far as I'm concerned
20c2d6ffb8SwizAFAICR	as far as I can {recall,remember}
21d8fe3340SjruohoAFAICS	as far as I can see
2223001b8bStsarnaAFAICT	as far as I can tell
2373844cccSmycroftAFAIK	as far as I know
24d8fe3340SjruohoAFAIR	as far as I {recall,remember}
25765dc83aSlukemAFAIU	as far as I understand
260b85b873SlukemAFD	away from desktop
271e49b882SaugustssAFK	away from keyboard
2855f0bb9dShubertfAFW	away from window
291fdf9164StronAGM	annual general meeting
30d8fe3340SjruohoAINEC	and it's not even close
314062a718SjruohoAISE	as I see it
32765dc83aSlukemAIU	as I understand
33e816d700SjsmAIUI	as I understand it
34653c374aStronAKA	also known as
350b8e8283SsevanALPR	automatic license plate recognition
36c2d6ffb8SwizAM	ante meridiem
37effa9f01SriastradhAMA	ask me anything
38d8fe3340SjruohoAMOL	a mountain of love
390b8e8283SsevanANPR	automatic number plate recognition
407196d363SmayaAPM	alternative payment model
4136b8de24SwizASAIC	as soon as I can
42e726dc8eSmycroftASAP	as soon as possible
43842696b9SrodentASL	age/sex/location
449ae31c48SjruohoATEOTD	at the end of the day
453620eef1SsaloATM	at the moment
46c2d6ffb8SwizATM	{automated,automatic} teller machine
47d8fe3340SjruohoATW	around the world
486c01b73bSsevanABV	alcohol by volume
490b8e8283SsevanAVI	automatic vehicle identification
50c2d6ffb8SwizAWK	Aho, Weinberger, [and] Kernighan
518179bf1aSjwiseAWOL	absent without official leave
5215e5ad36SlukemAYBABTU	all your base are belong to us
534062a718SjruohoAYF	all your fault
545ba2b765SjruohoAYOR	at your own risk
559cc1b260SsketchAYT	are you there
56e88858a5SrodentB&	banned
573620eef1SsaloB/C	because
584e32f54fSdhollandB/W	bandwidth
596667fc8bSjmmvB/W	between
60e88858a5SrodentBAI	goodbye
614062a718SjruohoBAK	back at keyboard
62b928b7ecSsevanBAU	business as usual
634151c851SjmmvBBIAB	be back in a bit
6484932132SmycroftBBL	[I'll] be back later
655ba2b765SjruohoBBR	burnt beyond repair
6623001b8bStsarnaBBS	be back soon
672f83e2ceSenamiBBT	be back tomorrow
68be65260fSbillcBCNU	be seeing you
69be65260fSbillcBCNUL8R	be seeing you later
70c2d6ffb8SwizBCP	best current practice
715aaa2e30SginsbachBDFL	benevolent dictator for life
72d8fe3340SjruohoBF	best friend
73d8fe3340SjruohoBF	boyfriend
74842696b9SrodentBFF	best {friend,friends} forever
7584932132SmycroftBIAB	back in a bit
7684932132SmycroftBIAF	back in a few
7715e5ad36SlukemBIALW	back in a little while
780bd17420SchristosBIAS	back in a second
7984932132SmycroftBIAW	back in a while
8084f3b86bSpgoyetteBIDI	boy, I did it
81d8fe3340SjruohoBNYA	burned now you are
824062a718SjruohoBOC	but of course
8347ed89c6SbriggsBOFH	bastard operator from hell
845ba2b765SjruohoBOT	back on topic
85598c2fc7SkhorbenBPM	beam propagation method
86598c2fc7SkhorbenBPM	beats per minute
87d26e8a12SmycroftBRB	[I'll] be right back
88a9fe0085SmbalmerBSD	booze, sex, drugs
8971360177SdrochnerBTDT	been there, done that
904062a718SjruohoBTFT	been there, fixed that
919116fff0ScgdBTTH	boot to the head
9273844cccSmycroftBTW	by the way
93c4f4c285SrodentBYOB	bring your own {beer,booze}
945ba2b765SjruohoCC	credit card
95c2d6ffb8SwizCEO	chief executive officer
96b3c3a0fdSdhollandCFV	call for votes
975ba2b765SjruohoCFY	calling for you
98a58da75eSdhollandCG	center of gravity
99e88858a5SrodentCHANOPS	channel operator status
10070393c47SsevanCIA	central intelligence agency
101b87c990cSadCMIIW	correct me if I'm wrong
1027b7060e3SaugustssCNP	continued [in my] next post
10316ee61e6SjwiseCOB	close of business [day]
104cf1150e5SjschaumaCOTS	commercial off-the-shelf
105a2b13d26SniaCPA	cyproterone acetate
1064062a718SjruohoCPC	cost per click
1071c48b0beSginsbachCPE	customer premises equipment
1080b8e8283SsevanCPR	car plate recognition
1092aabda39SginsbachCRM	customer relationship management
110be189e57SsevanCTF	capture the flag
1115ba2b765SjruohoCTN	can't talk now
1129ae31c48SjruohoCU	see you
113c2d6ffb8SwizCUL	see you later
114c4f4c285SrodentCYA	see ya
115d89014e5SpookaCYA	see you around
1165ba2b765SjruohoCYE	check your email
117854d2720SdhollandD/B/A	doing business as
1183620eef1SsaloD/L	download
119854d2720SdhollandDBA	doing business as
120d8fe3340SjruohoDBEYR	don't believe everything you read
121f62e21d8SniaDC	Dreamcast
1224062a718SjruohoDIAFYO	did I ask for your opinion?
1233620eef1SsaloDIY	do it yourself
124822b0a82SwizDKDC	don't know, don't care
12523aac043SriastradhDM	direct message
126a2b92241SdhollandDM	dungeon master
12715afb60dSginsbachDME	durable medical equipment
12815afb60dSginsbachDMEPOS	durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies
1295ba2b765SjruohoDMZ	demilitarized zone
1309ae31c48SjruohoDND	do not disturb
131960d9343SdhollandDNF	did not finish
13291a6faf9SriastradhDNFT	do not feed troll
133e79d7b3fStonnerreDOA	dead on arrival
134e3db1e61SsevanDOTADIW	do one thing and do it well
1354cbd5a3aSwizDRY	don't repeat yourself
136f62e21d8SniaDS	Dual Screen
137822b0a82SwizDSTM	don't shoot the messenger
13873844cccSmycroftDTRT	do the right thing
13973844cccSmycroftDTWT	do the wrong thing
1406eb3797aSleotDW	don't worry
14104be9254SchristosDWIM	do what I mean
142fcd2cb1fSdhollandDYAC	damn you autocorrect
143c2d6ffb8SwizDYK	do you know?
144bd71e5ddSginsbachEA	early adopter
145e402041dSmbalmerECR	electronic cash register
1464062a718SjruohoEDS	eternal downward spiral
147068e4c85SriastradhEEE	eastern equine encephalitis
148e402041dSmbalmerEFT	electronic funds transfer
149bbbbc755ShubertfEG	evil grin
1505ba2b765SjruohoEIE	enough is enough
1517b7060e3SaugustssEMSG	email message
15216ee61e6SjwiseEOB	end of business [day]
1535ba2b765SjruohoEOD	end of {day,discussion}
154e11fe6e6SjunyoungEOL	end of life
1559ae31c48SjruohoEOM	end of message
1565ba2b765SjruohoEOS	end of story
157d8fe3340SjruohoETA	edited to add
158c2d6ffb8SwizETA	estimated time of arrival
159e7bc6284SlukemETLA	extended three letter acronym
1605ba2b765SjruohoETR	early to rise
1614f580ad7SmycroftEWAG	experienced wild-ass guess
162c4f4c285SrodentEZ	easy
163e88858a5SrodentEZPZ	easy-peasy
164d8fe3340SjruohoF9	fine
1658a7d2ae8SkleinkFAQ	frequently asked question
1665ba2b765SjruohoFBOW	for better or worse
167c2d6ffb8SwizFCFS	first come, first served
1685ba2b765SjruohoFCOL	for crying out loud
169d8fe3340SjruohoFFS	free for shipping
1704062a718SjruohoFITB	fill in the blank
1719ae31c48SjruohoFNO	for nerds only
172c2d6ffb8SwizFNO	from now on
1735ba2b765SjruohoFOC	free of charge
174d739f783SdhollandFPS	first person shooter
175854d2720SdhollandFPS	frames per second
1764b099e85SniaFQA	frequently questioned answer
177ee4c4355SsevanFRAND	fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory
1787ccd9910SthorpejFSDO	for some definition of
17996320670SwizFSVO	for some value of
18031b5eda4SjruohoFTBFS	fails to build from source
181d8fe3340SjruohoFTFY	fixed that for you
182129a9f6aSjschaumaFTHOI	for the {heck,hell} of it
18359246d56SdhollandFTL	faster than light
184884736fcSlukemFTL	for the loss
185de647f51SdhollandFTR	for the record
1865ba2b765SjruohoFTTT	from time to time
187884736fcSlukemFTW	for the win
188c2d6ffb8SwizFUD	fear, uncertainty, [and] doubt
18973844cccSmycroftFWIW	for what it's worth
1904062a718SjruohoFYEO	for your eyes only
19173844cccSmycroftFYI	for your information
192bbbbc755ShubertfG	grin
1932dbdce50SkeihanG/C	garbage collect
194d8fe3340SjruohoG2G	got to go
195d8fe3340SjruohoG2K	good to know
196842696b9SrodentGA	go ahead
1973620eef1SsaloGAC	get a clue
1983620eef1SsaloGAL	get a life
199f62e21d8SniaGB	Game Boy
200f62e21d8SniaGBA	Game Boy Advance
201f62e21d8SniaGBC	Game Boy Color
2029ae31c48SjruohoGBTW	get back to work
203f62e21d8SniaGC	GameCube
204da5369c5SsevanGCD	greatest common divisor
2054b099e85SniaGCHQ	Government Communications Headquarters (UK)
206b2195588SriastradhGDPR	General Data Protection Regulation
207d8fe3340SjruohoGF	girlfriend
2082bd9cce8SsevanGFCI	ground-fault circuit interrupter
2099ae31c48SjruohoGFU	good for you
210c2d6ffb8SwizGFY	good for you
211d739f783SdhollandGG	good game
212842696b9SrodentGGA	good game all
213842696b9SrodentGGP	good game partner
214d739f783SdhollandGGWP	good game, well played
21518a1b840SgendaliaGIGO	garbage in, garbage out
216c2d6ffb8SwizGIYF	Google is your friend
2179ae31c48SjruohoGJ	good job
2189ae31c48SjruohoGL	good luck
219d8fe3340SjruohoGLHF	good luck, have fun
220e88858a5SrodentGLINE	global kill line
2214062a718SjruohoGLWT	good luck with that
222a2b92241SdhollandGM	game master
223bad53490SdhollandGMT	Greenwich mean time
2247b7060e3SaugustssGMTA	great minds think alike
225c2d6ffb8SwizGOK	God only knows
226234a5894SjnemethGOP	Grand Old Party
2275ba2b765SjruohoGOWI	get on with it
2280f8c8cf7SdhollandGPS	global positioning system
229d8fe3340SjruohoGR8	great
2303620eef1SsaloGTG	got to go
231d8fe3340SjruohoGTH	go to hell
232c2d6ffb8SwizGTSY	{glad,good} to see you
233867c8b45Sbjh21GWS	get well soon
234d8fe3340SjruohoH8	hate
235d89014e5SpookaHAND	have a nice day
2363b4a4c40SginsbachHE	how embarrassing
2379ae31c48SjruohoHF	have fun
2387b7060e3SaugustssHHIS	hanging head in shame
239ed8e8130SjnemethHHOS	ha ha, only serious
2403620eef1SsaloHICA	here it comes again
24115afb60dSginsbachHME	home medical equipment
2429e763557SsketchHNY	happy new year
2435ba2b765SjruohoHOAS	hold on a second
244e88858a5SrodentHOPS	half-operator status
2457b7060e3SaugustssHTH	hope this helps
2463620eef1SsaloIAC	in any case
2474062a718SjruohoIAE	in any event
24823001b8bStsarnaIANAL	I am not a lawyer
2495ba2b765SjruohoIAW	in another window
250d8fe3340SjruohoIAWTC	I agree with this comment
251842696b9SrodentIAWTP	I agree with this post
2525ba2b765SjruohoIAY	I adore you
2535ba2b765SjruohoIB	I'm back
2543620eef1SsaloIC	I see
255c2d6ffb8SwizICBW	I could be {worse,wrong}
2563620eef1SsaloICCL	I couldn't care less
2574062a718SjruohoICUR	I see you are
25836f5b4b4SdhollandICYMI	in case you missed it
2595ba2b765SjruohoIDC	I don't care
2605ba2b765SjruohoIDGI	I don't get it
2615ba2b765SjruohoIDGW	in a good way
2625ba2b765SjruohoIDI	I doubt it
263842696b9SrodentIDIFTL	I did it for the lulz
26442efa34bStnnIDK	I don't know
265d8fe3340SjruohoIDRC	I don't really care
2664062a718SjruohoIDTS	I don't think so
2675ba2b765SjruohoIDTT	I drink to that
268d50f3d05SginsbachIFF	if and only if
269d50f3d05SginsbachIFTTT	if this then that
27034efd254SjsmIHBW	I have been wrong
2714a90cd2dSsimonbIIANM	if I am not mistaken
272c2d6ffb8SwizIIRC	if I {recall,remember} correctly
273b7878a7bSjmmvIIUC	if I understand correctly
274cfa965d3SjmcneillIKR	I know, right?
2758532f37fSjruohoIKWYM	I know what you mean
276be65260fSbillcILU	I love you
277be65260fSbillcILY	I love you
27849c1f750SmasonIMAO	in my arrogant opinion
2794062a718SjruohoIMBO	in my biased opinion
2807b7060e3SaugustssIMCO	in my considered opinion
2811095ef69SdhollandIME	in my experience
282a3ab8847SchristosIMHO	in my humble opinion
283d184a54bSmrgIMNSHO	in my not so humble opinion
28423001b8bStsarnaIMO	in my opinion
2855eace305SrodentINB4	in before
2864062a718SjruohoINPO	in no particular order
2874c350b4aScjsIOW	in other words
288d8fe3340SjruohoIPML	I pissed myself laughing
289c2d6ffb8SwizIQ	intelligence quotient
290e88858a5SrodentIRCOP	Internet relay chat {operator,operators}
291e88858a5SrodentIRCOPS	Internet relay chat operator status
29223001b8bStsarnaIRL	in real life
2935ba2b765SjruohoIRT	in real time
2945ba2b765SjruohoIRT	in regards to
295b0556cecSgendaliaISAGN	I see a great need
296c2d6ffb8SwizISBN	International Standard Book Number
297766a9dd0SrossISTM	it seems to me
298c2d6ffb8SwizISTR	I seem to {recall,remember}
299e88858a5SrodentITC	in this {channel,chat}
300e88858a5SrodentITT	in this thread
3017d3d2d01SsorenITYM	I think you mean
3024062a718SjruohoIUD	insert usual disclaimers
3035ba2b765SjruohoIUSS	if you say so
3045ba2b765SjruohoIW	it's worse
3050e8b7c6bStsarnaIWBNI	it would be nice if
3065ba2b765SjruohoIYD	in your dreams
3079ae31c48SjruohoIYKWIM	if you know what I mean
308faf7d8bcSkeihanIYSS	if you say so
3093cdec1aaSsborrillIYSWIM	if you see what I mean
3103620eef1SsaloJ/K	just kidding
3115ba2b765SjruohoJAM	just a minute
3125ba2b765SjruohoJAS	just a second
3135ba2b765SjruohoJFK	John Fitzgerald Kennedy
3149ae31c48SjruohoJFTR	just for the record
315c2d6ffb8SwizJFYI	just for your information
3165ba2b765SjruohoJGI	just Google it
317c2d6ffb8SwizJGI	just got it
318c2d6ffb8SwizJHD	just hit delete
319e62b1ca1SadJIC	just in case
3205ba2b765SjruohoJJA	just joking around
3212b538692SadJK	just kidding
3227b7060e3SaugustssJMO	just my opinion
32394305a4dSsodaJSYK	just so you know
3247b7060e3SaugustssJTLYK	just to let you know
3255ba2b765SjruohoJW	just wondering
32602fd6c45SkleinkKISS	keep it simple, stupid
32709d00231SkleinkKITA	kick in the ass
328d8fe3340SjruohoKK	okay, okay
329e88858a5SrodentKLINE	kill line
3304062a718SjruohoKMA	keep me advised
331c2d6ffb8SwizKMA	keep moving ahead
3324062a718SjruohoKMA	kill me already
3337287003dSlukemKNF	kernel normal form
3349ae31c48SjruohoKOS	kill on sight
335d8fe3340SjruohoKTHX	okay, thanks
336e88858a5SrodentKTHXBAI	okay, thanks. Goodbye.
3374062a718SjruohoKWIM	know what I mean?
338d8fe3340SjruohoL8	late
33904e94301SmycroftL8R	later
340c2d6ffb8SwizLART	luser attitude readjustment tool
34125486664ShubertfLBNL	last but not least
342725c64f2SeladLGTM	looks good to me
34353c964dfSadLJBF	let's just be friends
3446ac333c2SwizLMAO	laughing my ass off
3455ba2b765SjruohoLMC	let me check
346842696b9SrodentLMGTFY	let me google that for you
347d8fe3340SjruohoLMHO	laughing my head off
3485ba2b765SjruohoLMK	let me know
349d8fe3340SjruohoLMNO	laughing my nuts off
3507b7060e3SaugustssLMSO	laughing my socks off
3516201d0d9SrodentLOIC	low orbit ion cannon
35223001b8bStsarnaLOL	laughing out loud
353c2d6ffb8SwizLP	long playing [record]
3540b8e8283SsevanLPR	license plate recognition
355faea2c32SsevanLSD	lysergic acid diethylamide
3567b7060e3SaugustssLTNS	long time no see
357d8fe3340SjruohoLWYL	laugh with you later
358ab41bcfbSginsbachM&O	management & operations
359d8fe3340SjruohoM8	mate
3604062a718SjruohoMAD	mutually assured destruction
361d142813fSjnemethMBA	master of business administration
362f62e21d8SniaMD	Mega Drive
363a2b13d26SniaMDMA	methylenedioxy methamphetamine
364c4f4c285SrodentMFW	my face when
3651a1b3c58SjschaumaMIA	missing in action
3660b8e8283SsevanMLPR	mobile license plate reader
3675ba2b765SjruohoMMB	message me back
3685ba2b765SjruohoMO	modus operandi
36943121a25SsimonbMOTAS	member of the appropriate sex
37043121a25SsimonbMOTOS	member of the opposite sex
37143121a25SsimonbMOTSS	member of the same sex
3727b7060e3SaugustssMTF	more to follow
373c127af82SginsbachMVP	minimum viable product
374c127af82SginsbachMVP	most valuable player
375b87c990cSadMYOB	mind your own business
376c2d6ffb8SwizN/A	not {applicable,available}
3772dbdce50SkeihanN/M	never mind
378d8fe3340SjruohoNAFAIK	not as far as I know
379ca40d770SriastradhNB	nota bene
380aca77847SchristosNBD	no big deal
381d8fe3340SjruohoNE1	anyone
382842696b9SrodentNEDM	not even Doom music
383f62e21d8SniaNES	Nintendo Entertainment System
3844062a718SjruohoNFA	no flaming allowed
385437f46eaSpgoyetteNFC	no functional change
386f62e21d8SniaNGP	Neo Geo Pocket
387a930e92cSniaNGPC	Neo Geo Pocket Color
38838febee9SwizNIFOC	naked in front of computer
389b95578e1SchristosNIH	not invented here
3904062a718SjruohoNIMBY	not in my backyard
3915ba2b765SjruohoNM	never mind
3924151c851SjmmvNMF	not my fault
3934151c851SjmmvNMP	not my problem
3946201d0d9SrodentNMU	not much, you?
3955ba2b765SjruohoNOM	no offence meant
3963657db32SdhollandNOOB	newbie
397842696b9SrodentNORP	normal ordinary {respectable,responsible} person
398673c04d3SjmmvNOYB	none of your business
399e813de52SchristosNP	no problem
400a2b92241SdhollandNPC	non-player character
401657174d4SsommerfeldNRFPT	not ready for prime time
40223001b8bStsarnaNRN	no reply necessary
403c2d6ffb8SwizNRN	not right now
404367b7cbfSjschaumaNSFW	not suitable for work
405d130e4d8ShtoddNTBF	not to be fixed
4065ba2b765SjruohoNTN	no thanks needed
4074062a718SjruohoNUNP	no users, no problems
4087296c96aSplunkyNVM	never mind
4096deaed9dSsevanNVMM	never mind mate
4105ba2b765SjruohoNW	no way
411d8fe3340SjruohoNXT	next
4126201d0d9SrodentNYPA	not your personal army
4133392edf8SsodaO2W	off to work
414c2d6ffb8SwizOAO	over and out
4155eace305SrodentOBV	obviously
4165eace305SrodentOBVS	obviously
417a23cee1bSpookaODTW	others do the work (cf. "otdw source")
4185eace305SrodentOFC	of course
419d8fe3340SjruohoOH	other half
420c71bbc85SmycroftOIC	oh, I see
421c2d6ffb8SwizOMG	oh my God
422be65260fSbillcOMW	on my way
4234062a718SjruohoONNA	oh no, not again
4244062a718SjruohoONNTA	oh no, not this again
4253d35829bSdhollandOOB	out of bounds
426d739f783SdhollandOOC	out of curiosity
427d8fe3340SjruohoOOI	out of interest
4284062a718SjruohoOOSOOM	out of sight, out of mind
429e88858a5SrodentOPS	operator status
430e88858a5SrodentOPS	operators
4315eace305SrodentORITE	oh, right
4323620eef1SsaloOT	off topic
433c1e175b9SthorpejOTL	out to lunch
434a6a973afSmycroftOTOH	on the other hand
4352a8080c9SdhollandOTP	one true pairing
4360f8c8cf7SdhollandOTS	off the shelf
437f0f3c110SwizOTT	over the top
4387b7060e3SaugustssOTTOMH	off the top of my head
439072bfa13SjruohoOWTTE	or words to that effect
440a2b92241SdhollandPC	player character
441a5774c95SdhollandPC	politically correct
442854d2720SdhollandPCB	polychlorinated biphenyl(s)
443f62e21d8SniaPCE 	PC Engine
444854d2720SdhollandPD	police department
445854d2720SdhollandPDA	public display of affection
446c3afd770SwizPDQ	pretty darn quick
4475ba2b765SjruohoPDS	please don't shout
4483547d964SdhollandPEBCAK	problem exists between chair and keyboard
4493620eef1SsaloPEBKAC	problem exists between keyboard and chair
450*69516a83SjschaumaPFA	please find attached
4514062a718SjruohoPFI	pay for inclusion
452f693a601SmellonPFY	pimply faced youth
45385ebf19dSplunkyPHB	pointy haired boss
4544e32f54fSdhollandPIN	personal identification number
455d184a54bSmrgPITA	pain in the ass
456842696b9SrodentPITR	{parent,parents} in the room
45755f0bb9dShubertfPKSP	pound keys and spew profanity
4585ba2b765SjruohoPM	post meridiem
4595ba2b765SjruohoPMFI	problem magically fixed itself
4605ba2b765SjruohoPMFJI	pardon me for jumping in
461d8fe3340SjruohoPMSL	pissing myself laughing
4623f3abfd3SwizPNG	persona non grata
463f0f3c110SwizPNP	plug and pray
4645854678eSadPOC	point of contact
4653d35829bSdhollandPOC	proof of concept
4666b99f559SchristosPOLA	principle of least astonishment
4679e7f11e2SjmmvPOLS	principle of least surprise
468e402041dSmbalmerPOS	point of sale
46931b5eda4SjruohoPOV	point of view
4709ae31c48SjruohoPPL	people
471b6e5de12SchristosPPL	pretty please
4724062a718SjruohoPPP	petty pet peeve
4733e031e36SriastradhPPS	pulse per second (signal)
4745ba2b765SjruohoPR	public relations
475d1e475adSsevanPSA 	prostate-specific antigen
476d1e475adSsevanPSA 	public service announcement
477f62e21d8SniaPSX	PlayStation
4784a9352d5SdhollandPTA	parent-teacher association
4793cafe062SpgoyettePTO	{paid,personal} time off
4804a9352d5SdhollandPTO	parent-teacher organization
4818b115e17SkrePTO	please turn over
4823cafe062SpgoyettePTO	power takeoff
483e29f908dSpgoyettePTT	push-to-talk
484e29f908dSpgoyettePTT	post-telephone-telegraph
485d864702dSlukemPTV	parental tunnel vision
4864dc68486SkleinkQED	quod erat demonstrandum
487613e5513SlukemQFT	quoted for truth
488272b9a8dSsevanQOI	quality of information
489d19361e1SdhollandRA	residential advisor
490ee4c4355SsevanRAND	reasonable and non-discriminatory
4912bd9cce8SsevanRCD	residual current device
492e4653b69SwizRFC	request for comments
493b3c3a0fdSdhollandRFD	request for discussion
494ccb4a914SwizRFE	request for enhancements
495d0302397SginsbachRFI	request for information
496d0302397SginsbachRFP	request for proposal
497d7cea8faSfcambusRIF	reduction in force
498a8de35afSkeihanRIP	rest in peace
4997b7060e3SaugustssRL	real life
50057166333SlukemRLC	rod length check
5015ba2b765SjruohoRMS	Richard Matthew Stallman
50267f778e8SwizROFL	rolling on floor laughing
50367f778e8SwizROFLMAO	rolling on floor laughing my ass off
504ab41bcfbSginsbachROM	rough order of magnitude
5054062a718SjruohoROI	return on investment
506c2d6ffb8SwizROTFL	rolling on the floor laughing
5075854678eSadRP	responsible person
508b22ef4ffSpgoyetteRPG	rocket-propelled grenade
509d19361e1SdhollandRR	railroad
5105ba2b765SjruohoRSI	repetitive strain injury
511bea0778fSrossRSN	real soon now
512c2d6ffb8SwizRSVP	respondez s'il vous plait ("reply please")
513c2d6ffb8SwizS/T	self titled
514a33cb641SdhollandSAR	search and rescue
5154062a718SjruohoSAR	some assembly required
516fe1a09a0SkleinkSCNR	sorry, could not resist
5174ef3786bSmrgSEP	someone else's problem
5185ba2b765SjruohoSERP	search engine results page
519d739f783SdhollandSFAICT	so far as I can tell
520eea53d9aSleotSGTM	sounds good to me
5217b7060e3SaugustssSHID	slaps head in disgust
522acee2151SwizSIMCA	sitting in my chair amused
5234062a718SjruohoSITD	still in the dark
5245aaa2e30SginsbachSJW	social justice warrior
525a23ebbd3SjnemethSMAP	Soil Moisture Active Passive
526d8fe3340SjruohoSMH	shaking my head
5272b538692SadSMLSFB	so many losers, so few bullets
5287aa1db02SchristosSMOP	simple matter of programming
529f62e21d8SniaSMS	Sega Master System
5302b538692SadSNERT	snot-nosed egotistical rude teenager
531f62e21d8SniaSNES	Super Nintendo Entertainment System
5324151c851SjmmvSNMP	sorry, not my problem
5337b7060e3SaugustssSO	significant other
53418a1b840SgendaliaSOP	standard operating procedure
5355eace305SrodentSRS	serious
5365eace305SrodentSRSLY	seriously
537383736eaSkleinkSSIA	subject says it all
5385ec62d99SchristosSSTO	single stage to orbit
5395ba2b765SjruohoSTW	search the web
540a496089cSwizSUS	stupid user syndrome
541be65260fSbillcSUX	sucks
542be65260fSbillcSUX2BU	sucks to be you
54343121a25SsimonbSWAG	silly, wild-assed guess
54443121a25SsimonbSWAHBI	silly, wild-assed hare-brained idea
545b250ccebSsimonbSWMBO	she who must be obeyed
546ab41bcfbSginsbachSWOT	strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
5475ba2b765SjruohoSYS	see you soon
548d19361e1SdhollandTA	teaching assistant
549e99776a3SmasonTANSTAAFL	there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
5504e32f54fSdhollandTBA	to be announced
5513620eef1SsaloTBC	to be continued
55244eb8824ScjonesTBD	to be {decided,determined,done}
553f4f7b619SjnemethTBH	to be honest
554957ca711SwizTBOMK	the best of my knowledge
5554062a718SjruohoTCB	taking care of business
5565ba2b765SjruohoTCO	taken care of
557854d2720SdhollandTCO	total cost of ownership
5584db5093dSdhollandTFOA	things falling off aircraft
559492ec784SpgoyetteTFW	that feeling when
560a2857db7SwizTGIF	thank goodness it's Friday
5614151c851SjmmvTHNX	thanks
5624151c851SjmmvTHX	thanks
563605e8fddSchristosTIA	thanks in advance
56469b65d4fSchristosTIAVP	this is a volunteer project
5653b4a4c40SginsbachTIC	tongue in cheek
566629da5e2SjnemethTIL	today I learned
5673620eef1SsaloTINC	there is no cabal
56848831f63SjnemethTINLA	this is not legal advice
5694062a718SjruohoTINWIS	this is not what I said
5705ba2b765SjruohoTJM	that's just me
571e7bc6284SlukemTLA	three letter acronym
572842696b9SrodentTLA	true love always
5734887a604SsketchTLC	tender loving care
574b0f11d59SeladTLDR	too long, didn't read
575cc41f15aSleotTLDW	too long, didn't watch
5760f8c8cf7SdhollandTM	trademark
5774062a718SjruohoTM	trust me
57875227d12SwizTMA	too many abbreviations
579d8fe3340SjruohoTMG	too much government
5804ef3786bSmrgTMI	too much information
581d739f783SdhollandTMJ	temporomandibular joint
5824062a718SjruohoTMK	to my knowledge
58398cb7057SjschaumaTMTOWTDI	there's more than one way to do it
584d4652fb7SsnjTNF	The NetBSD Foundation
5855ba2b765SjruohoTOC	table of contents
58631b5eda4SjruohoTOCTOU	time of check to time of use
587366c558aStronTOEFL	test of english as a foreign language
5882fda5ee9SchristosTOFU	text over, fullquote under (in email)
5895ba2b765SjruohoTOH	to other half
590dd802b9bSdhollandTP	toilet paper
5911896c623SsnjTPTB	the powers that be
59200cb14efSjmmvTRT	the right thing
593957ca711SwizTTBOMK	to the best of my knowledge
594d56d3ddaSmycroftTTFN	ta ta for now
5954062a718SjruohoTTM	to the moderator
5965ba2b765SjruohoTTT	thought that too
5972cab9516SsevanTTTR	time-tagged time-resolved
598d89014e5SpookaTTYL	talk to you later
5999ae31c48SjruohoTTYS	talk to you soon
6004062a718SjruohoTWAIN	thing without an interesting name
601d8fe3340SjruohoTWDT	the whole damn thing
60218a1b840SgendaliaTWIAVBP	the world is a very big place
6034151c851SjmmvTY	thank you
604e726dc8eSmycroftTYVM	thank you very much
6053620eef1SsaloU/L	upload
606e37c5d2cSmbalmerUGT	universal greeting time
60756afc7faSpgoyetteUPC	Universal Product Code
608e88858a5SrodentUR	your
609e88858a5SrodentUR	{you're, you are}
610f4cc0312SsevanURM	underrepresented minority
611d26e8a12SmycroftUTSL	use the source, Luke
612d19361e1SdhollandVCR	video cassette recorder
613bbbbc755ShubertfVEG	very evil grin
6145ba2b765SjruohoVIP	very important person
615827965b0SkamilVLA	variable length array
6160b8e8283SsevanVLPR	vehicle license plate recognition
6170b8e8283SsevanVRI	vehicle recognition identification
6183620eef1SsaloW/	with
619c4f4c285SrodentW/E	whatever
6203620eef1SsaloW/O	without
621d8fe3340SjruohoW8	wait
6224062a718SjruohoWAFWOT	what a foolish waste of time
6234f580ad7SmycroftWAG	wild-ass guess
6243620eef1SsaloWB	welcome back
62566fc26f7SsketchWCPGW	what could possibly go wrong
6264062a718SjruohoWDYMBT	what do you mean by that
6274062a718SjruohoWELC	working effectively with legacy code
6289ae08e57SpookaWFH	working from home
6293620eef1SsaloWFM	works for me
6302b734902SchristosWGACA	what goes around comes around
6317340a3b8SsommerfeldWIBNI	wouldn't it be nice if
6323620eef1SsaloWIP	work in progress
633a2b13d26SniaWLW	women-loving women
6344d63191cSsketchWMNC	watch me not care
635b09d0c71SwennmachWOMBAT	waste of money, brain, and time
636ee46ea5bSleotWP	well played
63799b43ff1SsevanWRR	weighted round robin
638f3bd0cf1ScgdWRT	with respect to
639c2d6ffb8SwizWTB	{waiting,want,willing} to buy
6406a64a9beSpgoyetteWTF	where's the food
6419ae31c48SjruohoWTG	way to go
642dd01c9b8SmrgWTH	{what,when,where,who,why} the hell
643c2d6ffb8SwizWTS	{waiting,want,willing} to sell
644c2d6ffb8SwizWTT	{waiting,want,willing} to trade
6454062a718SjruohoWWJD	what would Jesus do?
64631b5eda4SjruohoYAGNI	you ain't gonna need it
6474151c851SjmmvYALIMO	you are lame, in my opinion
648c2d6ffb8SwizYAOTM	yet another off-topic message
649e88858a5SrodentYCTAT	you can't troll a troll
6509ae31c48SjruohoYGM	you got mail
6511c351841SjschaumaYHBT	you have been trolled
6521c351841SjschaumaYHL	you have lost
65304e94301SmycroftYKWIM	you know what I mean
65479aef7d8SfvdlYMMV	your mileage may vary
6557677aa9cSpgoyetteYMMD	you made my day
6563d408c6fSjakllschYOLO	you only live once
6573620eef1SsaloYW	you're welcome
6584062a718SjruohoYWSYLS	you win some, you lose some
659234a5894SjnemethZIP	zoning improvement plan