xref: /netbsd/share/misc/acronyms (revision 3f3abfd3)
1*3f3abfd3Swiz$NetBSD: acronyms,v 1.60 2000/05/14 01:32:58 wiz Exp $
34ef3786bSmrgAFAICR	as far as I can recall
423001b8bStsarnaAFAICT	as far as I can tell
573844cccSmycroftAFAIK	as far as I know
64ef3786bSmrgAFAIR	as far as I recall
71e49b882SaugustssAFK	away from keyboard
8653c374aStronAKA	also known as
9e726dc8eSmycroftASAP	as soon as possible
1084932132SmycroftBBL	[I'll] be back later
1123001b8bStsarnaBBS	be back soon
122f83e2ceSenamiBBT	be back tomorrow
1373844cccSmycroftBFD	big fucking deal
1484932132SmycroftBIAB	back in a bit
1584932132SmycroftBIAF	back in a few
160bd17420SchristosBIAS	back in a second
1784932132SmycroftBIAW	back in a while
18d26e8a12SmycroftBRB	[I'll] be right back
1971360177SdrochnerBTDT	been there, done that
204ef3786bSmrgBTTH	butt to the head
2173844cccSmycroftBTW	by the way
22b87c990cSadCMIIW	correct me if I'm wrong
237b7060e3SaugustssCNP	continued [in my] next post
24d89014e5SpookaCYA	see you around
257aa1db02SchristosDNDK	don't know, don't care
2673844cccSmycroftDTRT	do the right thing
2773844cccSmycroftDTWT	do the wrong thing
2804be9254SchristosDWIM	do what I mean
29bbbbc755ShubertfEG	evil grin
307b7060e3SaugustssEMSG	email message
31e7bc6284SlukemETLA	extended three letter acronym
3278410461SdebergFIIK	fuck if I know
337ccd9910SthorpejFSDO	for some definition of
344c54af76SmrgFUBAR	fucked up beyond all recognition
3540ea06ecSchristosFUD	fear, uncertainty and doubt
3673844cccSmycroftFWIW	for what it's worth
3773844cccSmycroftFYI	for your information
38bbbbc755ShubertfG	grin
397b7060e3SaugustssGMTA	great minds think alike
40d89014e5SpookaHAND	have a nice day
417b7060e3SaugustssHHIS	hanging head in shame
427b7060e3SaugustssHTH	hope this helps
4323001b8bStsarnaIANAL	I am not a lawyer
444a90cd2dSsimonbIIANM	if I am not mistaken
45550a51c5SlukemIIRC	if I recall correctly
467b7060e3SaugustssIMCO	in my considered opinion
47a3ab8847SchristosIMHO	in my humble opinion
48d184a54bSmrgIMNSHO	in my not so humble opinion
4923001b8bStsarnaIMO	in my opinion
504c350b4aScjsIOW	in other words
5123001b8bStsarnaIRL	in real life
52766a9dd0SrossISTM	it seems to me
5373844cccSmycroftISTR	I seem to recall
547d3d2d01SsorenITYM	I think you mean
552b538692SadJK	just kidding
567b7060e3SaugustssJMO	just my opinion
577b7060e3SaugustssJTLYK	just to let you know
5802fd6c45SkleinkKISS	keep it simple, stupid
597287003dSlukemKNF	kernel normal form
6004e94301SmycroftL8R	later
617b7060e3SaugustssLMSO	laughing my socks off
6223001b8bStsarnaLOL	laughing out loud
637b7060e3SaugustssLTNS	long time no see
6443121a25SsimonbMOTAS	member of the appropriate sex
6543121a25SsimonbMOTOS	member of the opposite sex
6643121a25SsimonbMOTSS	member of the same sex
677b7060e3SaugustssMTF	more to follow
68b87c990cSadMYOB	mind your own business
69aca77847SchristosNBD	no big deal
70e266af29ShubertfNFC	no fucking clue
714c54af76SmrgNFI	no fucking idea
72b95578e1SchristosNIH	not invented here
73e813de52SchristosNP	no problem
74657174d4SsommerfeldNRFPT	not ready for prime time
7523001b8bStsarnaNRN	no reply necessary
76c71bbc85SmycroftOIC	oh, I see
77c1e175b9SthorpejOTL	out to lunch
78a6a973afSmycroftOTOH	on the other hand
797b7060e3SaugustssOTTOMH	off the top of my head
80d184a54bSmrgPITA	pain in the ass
81*3f3abfd3SwizPNG	persona non grata
826b99f559SchristosPOLA	principle of least astonishment
83b6e5de12SchristosPPL	pretty please
844dc68486SkleinkQED	quod erat demonstrandum
857b7060e3SaugustssRL	real life
86a5d95430SchristosROTFL	rolling on the floor laughing
87bea0778fSrossRSN	real soon now
8881ca9f7dSmycroftRTFB	read the fine book
8981ca9f7dSmycroftRTFM	read the fine manual
9081ca9f7dSmycroftRTFMP	read the fine man page
91acf6e3ddSmycroftRTFS	read the fine source
92fe1a09a0SkleinkSCNR	sorry, could not resist
934ef3786bSmrgSEP	someone else's problem
9423001b8bStsarnaSFA	sweet fuck all
957b7060e3SaugustssSHID	slaps head in disgust
962b538692SadSMLSFB	so many losers, so few bullets
977aa1db02SchristosSMOP	simple matter of programming
984c54af76SmrgSNAFU	situation normal, all fucked up
992b538692SadSNERT	snot-nosed egotistical rude teenager
1007b7060e3SaugustssSO	significant other
101d8fb3ad5SchristosSOL	shit out [of] luck
10243121a25SsimonbSWAG	silly, wild-assed guess
10343121a25SsimonbSWAHBI	silly, wild-assed hare-brained idea
104605e8fddSchristosTIA	thanks in advance
105e7bc6284SlukemTLA	three letter acronym
1064ef3786bSmrgTMI	too much information
107d56d3ddaSmycroftTTFN	ta ta for now
108d89014e5SpookaTTYL	talk to you later
109e726dc8eSmycroftTYVM	thank you very much
110d26e8a12SmycroftUTSL	use the source, Luke
111bbbbc755ShubertfVEG	very evil grin
11225260389SlukemWOFTAM	waste of fucking time and money
113a6a973afSmycroftWTF	{what,where,who,why} the fuck
114a6a973afSmycroftWTH	{what,where,who,why} the hell
11543121a25SsimonbWYSIWYG	what you see is what you get
11604e94301SmycroftYKWIM	you know what I mean
11779aef7d8SfvdlYMMV	your mileage may vary