xref: /openbsd/bin/ksh/c_sh.c (revision 3d8817e4)
1 /*	$OpenBSD: c_sh.c,v 1.41 2010/03/27 09:10:01 jmc Exp $	*/
3 /*
4  * built-in Bourne commands
5  */
7 #include "sh.h"
8 #include <sys/stat.h>
9 #include <sys/time.h>
10 #include <sys/resource.h>
12 static void p_time(struct shf *, int, struct timeval *, int, char *, char *);
14 /* :, false and true */
15 int
16 c_label(char **wp)
17 {
18 	return wp[0][0] == 'f' ? 1 : 0;
19 }
21 int
22 c_shift(char **wp)
23 {
24 	struct block *l = e->loc;
25 	int n;
26 	long val;
27 	char *arg;
29 	if (ksh_getopt(wp, &builtin_opt, null) == '?')
30 		return 1;
31 	arg = wp[builtin_opt.optind];
33 	if (arg) {
34 		evaluate(arg, &val, KSH_UNWIND_ERROR, false);
35 		n = val;
36 	} else
37 		n = 1;
38 	if (n < 0) {
39 		bi_errorf("%s: bad number", arg);
40 		return (1);
41 	}
42 	if (l->argc < n) {
43 		bi_errorf("nothing to shift");
44 		return (1);
45 	}
46 	l->argv[n] = l->argv[0];
47 	l->argv += n;
48 	l->argc -= n;
49 	return 0;
50 }
52 int
53 c_umask(char **wp)
54 {
55 	int i;
56 	char *cp;
57 	int symbolic = 0;
58 	mode_t old_umask;
59 	int optc;
61 	while ((optc = ksh_getopt(wp, &builtin_opt, "S")) != -1)
62 		switch (optc) {
63 		case 'S':
64 			symbolic = 1;
65 			break;
66 		case '?':
67 			return 1;
68 		}
69 	cp = wp[builtin_opt.optind];
70 	if (cp == NULL) {
71 		old_umask = umask(0);
72 		umask(old_umask);
73 		if (symbolic) {
74 			char buf[18];
75 			int j;
77 			old_umask = ~old_umask;
78 			cp = buf;
79 			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
80 				*cp++ = "ugo"[i];
81 				*cp++ = '=';
82 				for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
83 					if (old_umask & (1 << (8 - (3*i + j))))
84 						*cp++ = "rwx"[j];
85 				*cp++ = ',';
86 			}
87 			cp[-1] = '\0';
88 			shprintf("%s\n", buf);
89 		} else
90 			shprintf("%#3.3o\n", old_umask);
91 	} else {
92 		mode_t new_umask;
94 		if (digit(*cp)) {
95 			for (new_umask = 0; *cp >= '0' && *cp <= '7'; cp++)
96 				new_umask = new_umask * 8 + (*cp - '0');
97 			if (*cp) {
98 				bi_errorf("bad number");
99 				return 1;
100 			}
101 		} else {
102 			/* symbolic format */
103 			int positions, new_val;
104 			char op;
106 			old_umask = umask(0);
107 			umask(old_umask); /* in case of error */
108 			old_umask = ~old_umask;
109 			new_umask = old_umask;
110 			positions = 0;
111 			while (*cp) {
112 				while (*cp && strchr("augo", *cp))
113 					switch (*cp++) {
114 					case 'a':
115 						positions |= 0111;
116 						break;
117 					case 'u':
118 						positions |= 0100;
119 						break;
120 					case 'g':
121 						positions |= 0010;
122 						break;
123 					case 'o':
124 						positions |= 0001;
125 						break;
126 					}
127 				if (!positions)
128 					positions = 0111; /* default is a */
129 				if (!strchr("=+-", op = *cp))
130 					break;
131 				cp++;
132 				new_val = 0;
133 				while (*cp && strchr("rwxugoXs", *cp))
134 					switch (*cp++) {
135 					case 'r': new_val |= 04; break;
136 					case 'w': new_val |= 02; break;
137 					case 'x': new_val |= 01; break;
138 					case 'u': new_val |= old_umask >> 6;
139 						  break;
140 					case 'g': new_val |= old_umask >> 3;
141 						  break;
142 					case 'o': new_val |= old_umask >> 0;
143 						  break;
144 					case 'X': if (old_umask & 0111)
145 							new_val |= 01;
146 						  break;
147 					case 's': /* ignored */
148 						  break;
149 					}
150 				new_val = (new_val & 07) * positions;
151 				switch (op) {
152 				case '-':
153 					new_umask &= ~new_val;
154 					break;
155 				case '=':
156 					new_umask = new_val |
157 					    (new_umask & ~(positions * 07));
158 					break;
159 				case '+':
160 					new_umask |= new_val;
161 				}
162 				if (*cp == ',') {
163 					positions = 0;
164 					cp++;
165 				} else if (!strchr("=+-", *cp))
166 					break;
167 			}
168 			if (*cp) {
169 				bi_errorf("bad mask");
170 				return 1;
171 			}
172 			new_umask = ~new_umask;
173 		}
174 		umask(new_umask);
175 	}
176 	return 0;
177 }
179 int
180 c_dot(char **wp)
181 {
182 	char *file, *cp;
183 	char **argv;
184 	int argc;
185 	int i;
186 	int err;
188 	if (ksh_getopt(wp, &builtin_opt, null) == '?')
189 		return 1;
191 	if ((cp = wp[builtin_opt.optind]) == NULL)
192 		return 0;
193 	file = search(cp, path, R_OK, &err);
194 	if (file == NULL) {
195 		bi_errorf("%s: %s", cp, err ? strerror(err) : "not found");
196 		return 1;
197 	}
199 	/* Set positional parameters? */
200 	if (wp[builtin_opt.optind + 1]) {
201 		argv = wp + builtin_opt.optind;
202 		argv[0] = e->loc->argv[0]; /* preserve $0 */
203 		for (argc = 0; argv[argc + 1]; argc++)
204 			;
205 	} else {
206 		argc = 0;
207 		argv = (char **) 0;
208 	}
209 	i = include(file, argc, argv, 0);
210 	if (i < 0) { /* should not happen */
211 		bi_errorf("%s: %s", cp, strerror(errno));
212 		return 1;
213 	}
214 	return i;
215 }
217 int
218 c_wait(char **wp)
219 {
220 	int rv = 0;
221 	int sig;
223 	if (ksh_getopt(wp, &builtin_opt, null) == '?')
224 		return 1;
225 	wp += builtin_opt.optind;
226 	if (*wp == (char *) 0) {
227 		while (waitfor((char *) 0, &sig) >= 0)
228 			;
229 		rv = sig;
230 	} else {
231 		for (; *wp; wp++)
232 			rv = waitfor(*wp, &sig);
233 		if (rv < 0)
234 			rv = sig ? sig : 127; /* magic exit code: bad job-id */
235 	}
236 	return rv;
237 }
239 int
240 c_read(char **wp)
241 {
242 	int c = 0;
243 	int expand = 1, history = 0;
244 	int expanding;
245 	int ecode = 0;
246 	char *cp;
247 	int fd = 0;
248 	struct shf *shf;
249 	int optc;
250 	const char *emsg;
251 	XString cs, xs;
252 	struct tbl *vp;
253 	char *xp = NULL;
255 	while ((optc = ksh_getopt(wp, &builtin_opt, "prsu,")) != -1)
256 		switch (optc) {
257 		case 'p':
258 			if ((fd = coproc_getfd(R_OK, &emsg)) < 0) {
259 				bi_errorf("-p: %s", emsg);
260 				return 1;
261 			}
262 			break;
263 		case 'r':
264 			expand = 0;
265 			break;
266 		case 's':
267 			history = 1;
268 			break;
269 		case 'u':
270 			if (!*(cp = builtin_opt.optarg))
271 				fd = 0;
272 			else if ((fd = check_fd(cp, R_OK, &emsg)) < 0) {
273 				bi_errorf("-u: %s: %s", cp, emsg);
274 				return 1;
275 			}
276 			break;
277 		case '?':
278 			return 1;
279 		}
280 	wp += builtin_opt.optind;
282 	if (*wp == NULL)
283 		*--wp = "REPLY";
285 	/* Since we can't necessarily seek backwards on non-regular files,
286 	 * don't buffer them so we can't read too much.
287 	 */
288 	shf = shf_reopen(fd, SHF_RD | SHF_INTERRUPT | can_seek(fd), shl_spare);
290 	if ((cp = strchr(*wp, '?')) != NULL) {
291 		*cp = 0;
292 		if (isatty(fd)) {
293 			/* at&t ksh says it prints prompt on fd if it's open
294 			 * for writing and is a tty, but it doesn't do it
295 			 * (it also doesn't check the interactive flag,
296 			 * as is indicated in the Kornshell book).
297 			 */
298 			shellf("%s", cp+1);
299 		}
300 	}
302 	/* If we are reading from the co-process for the first time,
303 	 * make sure the other side of the pipe is closed first.  This allows
304 	 * the detection of eof.
305 	 *
306 	 * This is not compatible with at&t ksh... the fd is kept so another
307 	 * coproc can be started with same output, however, this means eof
308 	 * can't be detected...  This is why it is closed here.
309 	 * If this call is removed, remove the eof check below, too.
310 	 * coproc_readw_close(fd);
311 	 */
313 	if (history)
314 		Xinit(xs, xp, 128, ATEMP);
315 	expanding = 0;
316 	Xinit(cs, cp, 128, ATEMP);
317 	for (; *wp != NULL; wp++) {
318 		for (cp = Xstring(cs, cp); ; ) {
319 			if (c == '\n' || c == EOF)
320 				break;
321 			while (1) {
322 				c = shf_getc(shf);
323 				if (c == '\0')
324 					continue;
325 				if (c == EOF && shf_error(shf) &&
326 				    shf_errno(shf) == EINTR) {
327 					/* Was the offending signal one that
328 					 * would normally kill a process?
329 					 * If so, pretend the read was killed.
330 					 */
331 					ecode = fatal_trap_check();
333 					/* non fatal (eg, CHLD), carry on */
334 					if (!ecode) {
335 						shf_clearerr(shf);
336 						continue;
337 					}
338 				}
339 				break;
340 			}
341 			if (history) {
342 				Xcheck(xs, xp);
343 				Xput(xs, xp, c);
344 			}
345 			Xcheck(cs, cp);
346 			if (expanding) {
347 				expanding = 0;
348 				if (c == '\n') {
349 					c = 0;
350 					if (Flag(FTALKING_I) && isatty(fd)) {
351 						/* set prompt in case this is
352 						 * called from .profile or $ENV
353 						 */
354 						set_prompt(PS2, (Source *) 0);
355 						pprompt(prompt, 0);
356 					}
357 				} else if (c != EOF)
358 					Xput(cs, cp, c);
359 				continue;
360 			}
361 			if (expand && c == '\\') {
362 				expanding = 1;
363 				continue;
364 			}
365 			if (c == '\n' || c == EOF)
366 				break;
367 			if (ctype(c, C_IFS)) {
368 				if (Xlength(cs, cp) == 0 && ctype(c, C_IFSWS))
369 					continue;
370 				if (wp[1])
371 					break;
372 			}
373 			Xput(cs, cp, c);
374 		}
375 		/* strip trailing IFS white space from last variable */
376 		if (!wp[1])
377 			while (Xlength(cs, cp) && ctype(cp[-1], C_IFS) &&
378 			    ctype(cp[-1], C_IFSWS))
379 				cp--;
380 		Xput(cs, cp, '\0');
381 		vp = global(*wp);
382 		/* Must be done before setting export. */
383 		if (vp->flag & RDONLY) {
384 			shf_flush(shf);
385 			bi_errorf("%s is read only", *wp);
386 			return 1;
387 		}
388 		if (Flag(FEXPORT))
389 			typeset(*wp, EXPORT, 0, 0, 0);
390 		if (!setstr(vp, Xstring(cs, cp), KSH_RETURN_ERROR)) {
391 		    shf_flush(shf);
392 		    return 1;
393 		}
394 	}
396 	shf_flush(shf);
397 	if (history) {
398 		Xput(xs, xp, '\0');
399 		source->line++;
400 		histsave(source->line, Xstring(xs, xp), 1);
401 		Xfree(xs, xp);
402 	}
403 	/* if this is the co-process fd, close the file descriptor
404 	 * (can get eof if and only if all processes are have died, ie,
405 	 * coproc.njobs is 0 and the pipe is closed).
406 	 */
407 	if (c == EOF && !ecode)
408 		coproc_read_close(fd);
410 	return ecode ? ecode : c == EOF;
411 }
413 int
414 c_eval(char **wp)
415 {
416 	struct source *s;
417 	int rv;
419 	if (ksh_getopt(wp, &builtin_opt, null) == '?')
420 		return 1;
421 	s = pushs(SWORDS, ATEMP);
422 	s->u.strv = wp + builtin_opt.optind;
423 	if (!Flag(FPOSIX)) {
424 		/*
425 		 * Handle case where the command is empty due to failed
426 		 * command substitution, eg, eval "$(false)".
427 		 * In this case, shell() will not set/change exstat (because
428 		 * compiled tree is empty), so will use this value.
429 		 * subst_exstat is cleared in execute(), so should be 0 if
430 		 * there were no substitutions.
431 		 *
432 		 * A strict reading of POSIX says we don't do this (though
433 		 * it is traditionally done). [from 1003.2-1992]
434 		 *    3.9.1: Simple Commands
435 		 *	... If there is a command name, execution shall
436 		 *	continue as described in  If there
437 		 *	is no command name, but the command contained a command
438 		 *	substitution, the command shall complete with the exit
439 		 *	status of the last command substitution
440 		 * Command Search and Execution
441 		 *	...(1)...(a) If the command name matches the name of
442 		 *	a special built-in utility, that special built-in
443 		 *	utility shall be invoked.
444 		 * 3.14.5: Eval
445 		 *	... If there are no arguments, or only null arguments,
446 		 *	eval shall return an exit status of zero.
447 		 */
448 		exstat = subst_exstat;
449 	}
451 	rv = shell(s, false);
452 	afree(s, ATEMP);
453 	return (rv);
454 }
456 int
457 c_trap(char **wp)
458 {
459 	int i;
460 	char *s;
461 	Trap *p;
463 	if (ksh_getopt(wp, &builtin_opt, null) == '?')
464 		return 1;
465 	wp += builtin_opt.optind;
467 	if (*wp == NULL) {
468 		int anydfl = 0;
470 		for (p = sigtraps, i = NSIG+1; --i >= 0; p++) {
471 			if (p->trap == NULL)
472 				anydfl = 1;
473 			else {
474 				shprintf("trap -- ");
475 				print_value_quoted(p->trap);
476 				shprintf(" %s\n", p->name);
477 			}
478 		}
479 #if 0 /* this is ugly and not clear POSIX needs it */
480 		/* POSIX may need this so output of trap can be saved and
481 		 * used to restore trap conditions
482 		 */
483 		if (anydfl) {
484 			shprintf("trap -- -");
485 			for (p = sigtraps, i = NSIG+1; --i >= 0; p++)
486 				if (p->trap == NULL && p->name)
487 					shprintf(" %s", p->name);
488 			shprintf(newline);
489 		}
490 #endif
491 		return 0;
492 	}
494 	/*
495 	 * Use case sensitive lookup for first arg so the
496 	 * command 'exit' isn't confused with the pseudo-signal
497 	 * 'EXIT'.
498 	 */
499 	s = (gettrap(*wp, false) == NULL) ? *wp++ : NULL; /* get command */
500 	if (s != NULL && s[0] == '-' && s[1] == '\0')
501 		s = NULL;
503 	/* set/clear traps */
504 	while (*wp != NULL) {
505 		p = gettrap(*wp++, true);
506 		if (p == NULL) {
507 			bi_errorf("bad signal %s", wp[-1]);
508 			return 1;
509 		}
510 		settrap(p, s);
511 	}
512 	return 0;
513 }
515 int
516 c_exitreturn(char **wp)
517 {
518 	int how = LEXIT;
519 	int n;
520 	char *arg;
522 	if (ksh_getopt(wp, &builtin_opt, null) == '?')
523 		return 1;
524 	arg = wp[builtin_opt.optind];
526 	if (arg) {
527 		if (!getn(arg, &n)) {
528 			exstat = 1;
529 			warningf(true, "%s: bad number", arg);
530 		} else
531 			exstat = n;
532 	}
533 	if (wp[0][0] == 'r') { /* return */
534 		struct env *ep;
536 		/* need to tell if this is exit or return so trap exit will
537 		 * work right (POSIX)
538 		 */
539 		for (ep = e; ep; ep = ep->oenv)
540 			if (STOP_RETURN(ep->type)) {
541 				how = LRETURN;
542 				break;
543 			}
544 	}
546 	if (how == LEXIT && !really_exit && j_stopped_running()) {
547 		really_exit = 1;
548 		how = LSHELL;
549 	}
551 	quitenv(NULL);	/* get rid of any i/o redirections */
552 	unwind(how);
553 	/* NOTREACHED */
554 	return 0;
555 }
557 int
558 c_brkcont(char **wp)
559 {
560 	int n, quit;
561 	struct env *ep, *last_ep = (struct env *) 0;
562 	char *arg;
564 	if (ksh_getopt(wp, &builtin_opt, null) == '?')
565 		return 1;
566 	arg = wp[builtin_opt.optind];
568 	if (!arg)
569 		n = 1;
570 	else if (!bi_getn(arg, &n))
571 		return 1;
572 	quit = n;
573 	if (quit <= 0) {
574 		/* at&t ksh does this for non-interactive shells only - weird */
575 		bi_errorf("%s: bad value", arg);
576 		return 1;
577 	}
579 	/* Stop at E_NONE, E_PARSE, E_FUNC, or E_INCL */
580 	for (ep = e; ep && !STOP_BRKCONT(ep->type); ep = ep->oenv)
581 		if (ep->type == E_LOOP) {
582 			if (--quit == 0)
583 				break;
584 			ep->flags |= EF_BRKCONT_PASS;
585 			last_ep = ep;
586 		}
588 	if (quit) {
589 		/* at&t ksh doesn't print a message - just does what it
590 		 * can.  We print a message 'cause it helps in debugging
591 		 * scripts, but don't generate an error (ie, keep going).
592 		 */
593 		if (n == quit) {
594 			warningf(true, "%s: cannot %s", wp[0], wp[0]);
595 			return 0;
596 		}
597 		/* POSIX says if n is too big, the last enclosing loop
598 		 * shall be used.  Doesn't say to print an error but we
599 		 * do anyway 'cause the user messed up.
600 		 */
601 		if (last_ep)
602 			last_ep->flags &= ~EF_BRKCONT_PASS;
603 		warningf(true, "%s: can only %s %d level(s)",
604 		    wp[0], wp[0], n - quit);
605 	}
607 	unwind(*wp[0] == 'b' ? LBREAK : LCONTIN);
608 	/* NOTREACHED */
609 }
611 int
612 c_set(char **wp)
613 {
614 	int argi, setargs;
615 	struct block *l = e->loc;
616 	char **owp = wp;
618 	if (wp[1] == NULL) {
619 		static const char *const args [] = { "set", "-", NULL };
620 		return c_typeset((char **) args);
621 	}
623 	argi = parse_args(wp, OF_SET, &setargs);
624 	if (argi < 0)
625 		return 1;
626 	/* set $# and $* */
627 	if (setargs) {
628 		owp = wp += argi - 1;
629 		wp[0] = l->argv[0]; /* save $0 */
630 		while (*++wp != NULL)
631 			*wp = str_save(*wp, &l->area);
632 		l->argc = wp - owp - 1;
633 		l->argv = (char **) alloc(sizeofN(char *, l->argc+2), &l->area);
634 		for (wp = l->argv; (*wp++ = *owp++) != NULL; )
635 			;
636 	}
637 	/* POSIX says set exit status is 0, but old scripts that use
638 	 * getopt(1), use the construct: set -- `getopt ab:c "$@"`
639 	 * which assumes the exit value set will be that of the ``
640 	 * (subst_exstat is cleared in execute() so that it will be 0
641 	 * if there are no command substitutions).
642 	 */
643 	return Flag(FPOSIX) ? 0 : subst_exstat;
644 }
646 int
647 c_unset(char **wp)
648 {
649 	char *id;
650 	int optc, unset_var = 1;
652 	while ((optc = ksh_getopt(wp, &builtin_opt, "fv")) != -1)
653 		switch (optc) {
654 		case 'f':
655 			unset_var = 0;
656 			break;
657 		case 'v':
658 			unset_var = 1;
659 			break;
660 		case '?':
661 			return 1;
662 		}
663 	wp += builtin_opt.optind;
664 	for (; (id = *wp) != NULL; wp++)
665 		if (unset_var) {	/* unset variable */
666 			struct tbl *vp = global(id);
668 			if ((vp->flag&RDONLY)) {
669 				bi_errorf("%s is read only", vp->name);
670 				return 1;
671 			}
672 			unset(vp, strchr(id, '[') ? 1 : 0);
673 		} else {		/* unset function */
674 			define(id, (struct op *) NULL);
675 		}
676 	return 0;
677 }
679 static void
680 p_time(struct shf *shf, int posix, struct timeval *tv, int width, char *prefix,
681     char *suffix)
682 {
683 	if (posix)
684 		shf_fprintf(shf, "%s%*ld.%02ld%s", prefix ? prefix : "",
685 		    width, tv->tv_sec, tv->tv_usec / 10000, suffix);
686 	else
687 		shf_fprintf(shf, "%s%*ldm%ld.%02lds%s", prefix ? prefix : "",
688 		    width, tv->tv_sec / 60, tv->tv_sec % 60,
689 		    tv->tv_usec / 10000, suffix);
690 }
692 int
693 c_times(char **wp)
694 {
695 	struct rusage usage;
697 	(void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage);
698 	p_time(shl_stdout, 0, &usage.ru_utime, 0, NULL, " ");
699 	p_time(shl_stdout, 0, &usage.ru_stime, 0, NULL, "\n");
701 	(void) getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &usage);
702 	p_time(shl_stdout, 0, &usage.ru_utime, 0, NULL, " ");
703 	p_time(shl_stdout, 0, &usage.ru_stime, 0, NULL, "\n");
705 	return 0;
706 }
708 /*
709  * time pipeline (really a statement, not a built-in command)
710  */
711 int
712 timex(struct op *t, int f, volatile int *xerrok)
713 {
714 #define TF_NOARGS	BIT(0)
715 #define TF_NOREAL	BIT(1)		/* don't report real time */
716 #define TF_POSIX	BIT(2)		/* report in posix format */
717 	int rv = 0;
718 	struct rusage ru0, ru1, cru0, cru1;
719 	struct timeval usrtime, systime, tv0, tv1;
720 	int tf = 0;
721 	extern struct timeval j_usrtime, j_systime; /* computed by j_wait */
723 	gettimeofday(&tv0, NULL);
724 	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru0);
725 	getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &cru0);
726 	if (t->left) {
727 		/*
728 		 * Two ways of getting cpu usage of a command: just use t0
729 		 * and t1 (which will get cpu usage from other jobs that
730 		 * finish while we are executing t->left), or get the
731 		 * cpu usage of t->left. at&t ksh does the former, while
732 		 * pdksh tries to do the later (the j_usrtime hack doesn't
733 		 * really work as it only counts the last job).
734 		 */
735 		timerclear(&j_usrtime);
736 		timerclear(&j_systime);
737 		rv = execute(t->left, f | XTIME, xerrok);
738 		if (t->left->type == TCOM)
739 			tf |= t->left->str[0];
740 		gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
741 		getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru1);
742 		getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &cru1);
743 	} else
744 		tf = TF_NOARGS;
746 	if (tf & TF_NOARGS) { /* ksh93 - report shell times (shell+kids) */
747 		tf |= TF_NOREAL;
748 		timeradd(&ru0.ru_utime, &cru0.ru_utime, &usrtime);
749 		timeradd(&ru0.ru_stime, &cru0.ru_stime, &systime);
750 	} else {
751 		timersub(&ru1.ru_utime, &ru0.ru_utime, &usrtime);
752 		timeradd(&usrtime, &j_usrtime, &usrtime);
753 		timersub(&ru1.ru_stime, &ru0.ru_stime, &systime);
754 		timeradd(&systime, &j_systime, &systime);
755 	}
757 	if (!(tf & TF_NOREAL)) {
758 		timersub(&tv1, &tv0, &tv1);
759 		if (tf & TF_POSIX)
760 			p_time(shl_out, 1, &tv1, 5, "real ", "\n");
761 		else
762 			p_time(shl_out, 0, &tv1, 5, NULL, " real ");
763 	}
764 	if (tf & TF_POSIX)
765 		p_time(shl_out, 1, &usrtime, 5, "user ", "\n");
766 	else
767 		p_time(shl_out, 0, &usrtime, 5, NULL, " user ");
768 	if (tf & TF_POSIX)
769 		p_time(shl_out, 1, &systime, 5, "sys  ", "\n");
770 	else
771 		p_time(shl_out, 0, &systime, 5, NULL, " system\n");
772 	shf_flush(shl_out);
774 	return rv;
775 }
777 void
778 timex_hook(struct op *t, char **volatile *app)
779 {
780 	char **wp = *app;
781 	int optc;
782 	int i, j;
783 	Getopt opt;
785 	ksh_getopt_reset(&opt, 0);
786 	opt.optind = 0;	/* start at the start */
787 	while ((optc = ksh_getopt(wp, &opt, ":p")) != -1)
788 		switch (optc) {
789 		case 'p':
790 			t->str[0] |= TF_POSIX;
791 			break;
792 		case '?':
793 			errorf("time: -%s unknown option", opt.optarg);
794 		case ':':
795 			errorf("time: -%s requires an argument",
796 			    opt.optarg);
797 		}
798 	/* Copy command words down over options. */
799 	if (opt.optind != 0) {
800 		for (i = 0; i < opt.optind; i++)
801 			afree(wp[i], ATEMP);
802 		for (i = 0, j = opt.optind; (wp[i] = wp[j]); i++, j++)
803 			;
804 	}
805 	if (!wp[0])
806 		t->str[0] |= TF_NOARGS;
807 	*app = wp;
808 }
810 /* exec with no args - args case is taken care of in comexec() */
811 int
812 c_exec(char **wp)
813 {
814 	int i;
816 	/* make sure redirects stay in place */
817 	if (e->savefd != NULL) {
818 		for (i = 0; i < NUFILE; i++) {
819 			if (e->savefd[i] > 0)
820 				close(e->savefd[i]);
821 			/*
822 			 * For ksh keep anything > 2 private,
823 			 * for sh, let them be (POSIX says what
824 			 * happens is unspecified and the bourne shell
825 			 * keeps them open).
826 			 */
827 			if (!Flag(FSH) && i > 2 && e->savefd[i])
828 				fcntl(i, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
829 		}
830 		e->savefd = NULL;
831 	}
832 	return 0;
833 }
835 static int
836 c_mknod(char **wp)
837 {
838 	int argc, optc, ismkfifo = 0, ret;
839 	char **argv;
840 	void *set = NULL;
841 	mode_t mode = 0, oldmode = 0;
843 	while ((optc = ksh_getopt(wp, &builtin_opt, "m:")) != -1) {
844 		switch (optc) {
845 		case 'm':
846 			set = setmode(builtin_opt.optarg);
847 			if (set == NULL) {
848 				bi_errorf("invalid file mode");
849 				return 1;
850 			}
851 			mode = getmode(set, DEFFILEMODE);
852 			free(set);
853 			break;
854 		default:
855 			goto usage;
856 		}
857 	}
858 	argv = &wp[builtin_opt.optind];
859 	if (argv[0] == NULL)
860 		goto usage;
861 	for (argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++)
862 		;
863 	if (argc == 2 && argv[1][0] == 'p') {
864 		ismkfifo = 1;
865 		argc--;
866 	} else if (argc != 4)
867 		goto usage;
869 	if (set)
870 		oldmode = umask(0);
871 	else
872 		mode = DEFFILEMODE;
874 	if (ismkfifo)
875 		ret = domkfifo(argc, argv, mode);
876 	else
877 		ret = domknod(argc, argv, mode);
879 	if (set)
880 		umask(oldmode);
881 	return ret;
882 usage:
883 	builtin_argv0 = NULL;
884 	bi_errorf("usage: mknod [-m mode] name b|c major minor");
885 	bi_errorf("usage: mknod [-m mode] name p");
886 	return 1;
887 }
889 /* dummy function, special case in comexec() */
890 int
891 c_builtin(char **wp)
892 {
893 	return 0;
894 }
896 extern	int c_test(char **wp);			/* in c_test.c */
897 extern	int c_ulimit(char **wp);		/* in c_ulimit.c */
899 /* A leading = means assignments before command are kept;
900  * a leading * means a POSIX special builtin;
901  * a leading + means a POSIX regular builtin
902  * (* and + should not be combined).
903  */
904 const struct builtin shbuiltins [] = {
905 	{"*=.", c_dot},
906 	{"*=:", c_label},
907 	{"[", c_test},
908 	{"*=break", c_brkcont},
909 	{"=builtin", c_builtin},
910 	{"*=continue", c_brkcont},
911 	{"*=eval", c_eval},
912 	{"*=exec", c_exec},
913 	{"*=exit", c_exitreturn},
914 	{"+false", c_label},
915 	{"*=return", c_exitreturn},
916 	{"*=set", c_set},
917 	{"*=shift", c_shift},
918 	{"=times", c_times},
919 	{"*=trap", c_trap},
920 	{"+=wait", c_wait},
921 	{"+read", c_read},
922 	{"test", c_test},
923 	{"+true", c_label},
924 	{"ulimit", c_ulimit},
925 	{"+umask", c_umask},
926 	{"*=unset", c_unset},
927 	{"mknod", c_mknod},
928 	{NULL, NULL}
929 };