1#!/usr/bin/perl -w 2 3use strict; 4use warnings; 5 6use lib 't/lib'; 7 8use File::Temp qw[tempdir]; 9my $tmpdir = tempdir( DIR => 't', CLEANUP => 1 ); 10use Cwd; my $cwd = getcwd; END { chdir $cwd } # so File::Temp can cleanup 11chdir $tmpdir; 12use File::Spec; 13 14use Test::More tests => 3; 15 16# Having the CWD in @INC masked a bug in finding hint files 17my $curdir = File::Spec->curdir; 18@INC = grep { $_ ne $curdir && $_ ne '.' } @INC; 19 20use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; 21 22# Make a hints directory for testing 23mkdir('hints', 0777); 24(my $os = $^O) =~ s/\./_/g; 25my $Hint_File = File::Spec->catfile('hints', "$os.pl"); 26 27 28my $mm = bless {}, 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'; 29 30# Write a hints file for testing 31{ 32 open my $hint_fh, ">", $Hint_File || die "Can't write dummy hints file $Hint_File: $!"; 33 print $hint_fh <<'CLOO'; 34$self->{CCFLAGS} = 'basset hounds got long ears'; 35CLOO 36} 37 38# Test our hint file is detected 39{ 40 my $stderr = ''; 41 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $stderr .= join '', @_ }; 42 43 $mm->check_hints; 44 is( $mm->{CCFLAGS}, 'basset hounds got long ears' ); 45 is( $stderr, "" ); 46} 47 48 49# Test a hint file which dies 50{ 51 open my $hint_fh, ">", $Hint_File || die "Can't write dummy hints file $Hint_File: $!"; 52 print $hint_fh <<'CLOO'; 53die "Argh!\n"; 54CLOO 55} 56 57 58# Test the hint file which produces errors 59{ 60 my $stderr = ''; 61 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $stderr .= join '', @_ }; 62 63 $mm->check_hints; 64 my $Escaped_Hint_File = quotemeta($Hint_File); 65 like( $stderr, qr{^Failed to run hint file $Escaped_Hint_File: Argh!\n\z}, 'hint files produce errors' ); 66} 67 68END { 69 use File::Path; 70 rmtree ['hints']; 71} 72