1# -*- perl -*- 2BEGIN { require 5.006; } 3use strict; 4use warnings; 5use Config; 6use File::Spec; 7use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; 8my $PERL_CORE = grep { $_ eq 'PERL_CORE=1' } @ARGV; 9 10WriteMakefile( 11 NAME => q[List::Util], 12 ABSTRACT => q[Common Scalar and List utility subroutines], 13 AUTHOR => q[Graham Barr <gbarr@cpan.org>], 14 DEFINE => ($ENV{PERL_CORE} ? q[-DPERL_EXT] : q[-DPERL_EXT -DUSE_PPPORT_H]), 15 DISTNAME => q[Scalar-List-Utils], 16 VERSION_FROM => 'lib/List/Util.pm', 17 18 # We go through the ListUtil.xs trickery to foil platforms 19 # that have the feature combination of 20 # (1) static builds 21 # (2) allowing only one object by the same name in the static library 22 # (3) the object name matching being case-blind 23 # This means that we can't have the top-level util.o 24 # and the extension-level Util.o in the same build. 25 # One such platform is the POSIX-BC BS2000 EBCDIC mainframe platform. 26 XS => {'ListUtil.xs' => 'ListUtil.c'}, 27 OBJECT => 'ListUtil$(OBJ_EXT)', 28 ( $PERL_CORE 29 ? () 30 : ( 31 INSTALLDIRS => ($] < 5.011 ? q[perl] : q[site]), 32 PREREQ_PM => {'Test::More' => 0,}, 33 (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.31) } ? (LICENSE => 'perl') : ()), 34 (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.48) } ? (MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.006') : ()), 35 ( eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.46) } ? ( 36 META_MERGE => { 37 'meta-spec' => { version => 2 }, 38 dynamic_config => 0, 39 resources => { ## 40 repository => { 41 url => 'https://github.com/Scalar-List-Utils/Scalar-List-Utils.git', 42 web => 'https://github.com/Scalar-List-Utils/Scalar-List-Utils', 43 type => 'git', 44 }, 45 bugtracker => { 46 mailto => 'bug-Scalar-List-Utils@rt.cpan.org', 47 web => 'https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Scalar-List-Utils', 48 }, 49 }, 50 } 51 ) 52 : () 53 ), 54 ) 55 ), 56); 57