xref: /openbsd/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/re/pat_re_eval.t (revision 097a140d)
3# This is a home for regular expression tests that don't fit into
4# the format supported by re/regexp.t.  If you want to add a test
5# that does fit that format, add it to re/re_tests, not here.
7use strict;
8use warnings;
9use Config;
10use 5.010;
13sub run_tests;
15$| = 1;
19    chdir 't' if -d 't';
20    require './test.pl'; require './charset_tools.pl';
21    set_up_inc('../lib');
24our @global;
26plan tests => 506;  # Update this when adding/deleting tests.
28run_tests() unless caller;
30# test that runtime code without 'use re eval' is trapped
32sub norun {
33    like($@, qr/Eval-group not allowed at runtime/, @_);
37# Tests start here.
39sub run_tests {
40    {
41        my $message =  "Call code from qr //";
42        local $_ = 'var="foo"';
43        $a = qr/(?{++$b})/;
44        $b = 7;
45        ok(/$a$a/ && $b eq '9', $message);
47        my $c="$a";
48        ok(/$a$a/ && $b eq '11', $message);
50        undef $@;
51        eval {/$c/};
52	norun("$message norun 1");
55        {
56	    eval {/$a$c$a/};
57	    norun("$message norun 2");
58	    use re "eval";
59	    /$a$c$a/;
60	    is($b, '14', $message);
61	}
63        our $lex_a = 43;
64        our $lex_b = 17;
65        our $lex_c = 27;
66        my $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/$lex_b(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
68        is($lex_res, 1, $message);
69        is($lex_a, 44, $message);
70        is($lex_c, 43, $message);
72        undef $@;
73        my $d = '(?{1})';
74        my $match = eval { /$a$c$a$d/ };
75        ok($@ && $@ =~ /Eval-group not allowed/ && !$match, $message);
76        is($b, '14', $message);
78        $lex_a = 2;
79        $lex_a = 43;
80        $lex_b = 17;
81        $lex_c = 27;
82        $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/17(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
84        is($lex_res, 1, $message);
85        is($lex_a, 44, $message);
86        is($lex_c, 43, $message);
88    }
90    {
91        our $a = bless qr /foo/ => 'Foo';
92        ok 'goodfood' =~ $a,     "Reblessed qr // matches";
93        is($a, '(?^:foo)', "Reblessed qr // stringifies");
94        my $x = "\x{3fe}";
95        my $z = my $y = byte_utf8a_to_utf8n("\317\276");  # Byte representation
96                                                          # of $x
97        $a = qr /$x/;
98        ok $x =~ $a, "UTF-8 interpolation in qr //";
99        ok "a$a" =~ $x, "Stringified qr // preserves UTF-8";
100        ok "a$x" =~ /^a$a\z/, "Interpolated qr // preserves UTF-8";
101        ok "a$x" =~ /^a(??{$a})\z/,
102                        "Postponed interpolation of qr // preserves UTF-8";
105        is(length qr /##/x, 9, "## in qr // doesn't corrupt memory; Bug 17776");
107        {
108            ok "$x$x" =~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
109               "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
110            ok "$y$x" =~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
111               "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
112            ok "$y$x" !~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
113               "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
114            ok "$x$x" !~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
115               "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
116            ok "$y$y" =~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
117               "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
118            ok "$x$y" =~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
119               "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
121            $y = $z;  # Reset $y after upgrade.
122            ok "$x$y" !~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
123               "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
124            ok "$y$y" !~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
125               "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
126        }
127    }
130    {
131        # Test if $^N and $+ work in (?{})
132        our @ctl_n = ();
133        our @plus = ();
134        our $nested_tags;
135        $nested_tags = qr{
136            <
137               ((\w)+)
138               (?{
139                       push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
140                       push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
141               })
142            >
143            (??{$nested_tags})*
144            </\s* \w+ \s*>
145        }x;
148        my $c = 0;
149        for my $test (
150            # Test structure:
151            #  [ Expected result, Regex, Expected value(s) of $^N, Expected value(s) of $+ ]
152            [ 1, qr#^$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
153            [ 1, qr#^($nested_tags)$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b a" ],
154            [ 1, qr#^(|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
155            [ 1, qr#^(?:|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
156            [ 1, qr#^<(bl|bla)>$nested_tags<(/\1)>$#, "blubb /bla", "b /bla" ],
157            [ 1, qr#(??{"(|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
158            [ 1, qr#^(??{"(bla|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
159            [ 1, qr#^(??{"(|)"})(??{$nested_tags})$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
160            [ 1, qr#^(??{"(?:|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
161            [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:bla|)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
162            [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?!)?"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
163            [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:|<(/?bla)>)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))\1$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
164            [ 0, qr#^((??{"(?!)"}))?((??{$nested_tags}))(?!)$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
166        ) { #"#silence vim highlighting
167            $c++;
168            @ctl_n = ();
169            @plus = ();
170            my $match = (("<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" =~ $test->[1]) ? 1 : 0);
171            push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
172            push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
173            ok($test->[0] == $match, "match $c");
174            if ($test->[0] != $match) {
175              # unset @ctl_n and @plus
176              @ctl_n = @plus = ();
177            }
178            is("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
179            is("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
180        }
181    }
183    {
184        our $f;
185        local $f;
186        $f = sub {
187            defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : "undef";
188        };
190        like("123", qr/^(\d)(((??{1 + $^N})))+$/, 'Bug 56194');
192        our @ctl_n;
193        our @plus;
195        my $re  = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})#;
196        my $re2 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
197        my $re3 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
198        our $re5;
199        local $re5 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})#;
200        my $re6 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
201        my $re7 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
202        my $re8 = qr/(\d+)/;
203        my $c = 0;
204        for my $test (
205             # Test structure:
206             #  [
207             #    String to match
208             #    Regex too match
209             #    Expected values of $^N
210             #    Expected values of $+
211             #    Expected values of $1, $2, $3, $4 and $5
212             #  ]
213             [
214                  "1233",
215                  qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(??{$^N})$#,
216                  "1 2 3 3",
217                  "1 2 3 3",
218                  "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
219             ],
220             [
221                  "1233",
222                  qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$+})$#,
223                  "1 2 3 3",
224                  "1 2 3 3",
225                  "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
226             ],
227             [
228                  "1233",
229                  qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$+})$#,
230                  "1 2 3 3",
231                  "1 2 3 3",
232                  "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
233             ],
234             [
235                  "1233",
236                  qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$^N})$#,
237                  "1 2 3 3",
238                  "1 2 3 3",
239                  "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
240             ],
241             [
242                  "1233",
243                  qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$^N})$#,
244                  "1 2 3 3",
245                  "1 2 3 3",
246                  "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
247              ],
248              [
249                  "123abc3",
250                   qr#^($re)(|a(b)c|def)(??{$^R})$#,
251                   "1 2 3 abc",
252                   "1 2 3 b",
253                   "\$1 = 123, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
254              ],
255              [
256                  "123abc3",
257                   qr#^($re2)$#,
258                   "1 2 3 123abc3",
259                   "1 2 3 b",
260                   "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
261              ],
262              [
263                  "123abc3",
264                   qr#^($re3)$#,
265                   "1 2 123abc3",
266                   "1 2 b",
267                   "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
268              ],
269              [
270                  "123abc3",
271                   qr#^(??{$re5})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
272                   "1 2 abc",
273                   "1 2 abc",
274                   "\$1 = abc, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
275              ],
276              [
277                  "123abc3",
278                   qr#^(??{$re5})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
279                   "1 2 abc",
280                   "1 2 b",
281                   "\$1 = abc, \$2 = b, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
282              ],
283              [
284                  "1234",
285                   qr#^((\d+)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})))$#,
286                   "1234 123 12 1 2 3 1234",
287                   "1234 123 12 1 2 3 4",
288                   "\$1 = 1234, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 2, \$4 = 3, \$5 = 4",
289              ],
290              [
291                   "1234556",
292                   qr#^(\d+)($re6)($re6)($re6)$re6(($re6)$re6)$#,
293                   "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 56",
294                   "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 5",
295                   "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 56",
296              ],
297              [
298                  "12345562",
299                   qr#^((??{$re8}))($re7)($re7)($re7)$re7($re7)($re7(\2))$#,
300                   "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 62",
301                   "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 2",
302                   "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 5",
303              ],
304        ) {
305            $c++;
306            @ctl_n = ();
307            @plus = ();
308            undef $^R;
309            my $match = $test->[0] =~ $test->[1];
310            my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5));
311            push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
312            push @plus, $f->($+);
313            ok($match, "match $c; Bug 56194");
314            if (not $match) {
315                # unset $str, @ctl_n and @plus
316                $str = "";
317                @ctl_n = @plus = ();
318            }
319            is("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c; Bug 56194");
320            is("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c; Bug 56194");
321            is($str, $test->[4], "str $c; Bug 56194");
322        }
324        {
325            @ctl_n = ();
326            @plus = ();
328            our $re4;
329            local $re4 = qr#(1)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
330            undef $^R;
331            my $match = "123abc3" =~ m/^(??{$re4})$/;
332            my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5),'$^R = '.$f->($^R));
333            push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
334            push @plus, $f->($+);
335            ok($match, 'Bug 56194');
336            if (not $match) {
337                # unset $str
338                @ctl_n = ();
339                @plus = ();
340                $str = "";
341            }
342            is("@ctl_n", "1 2 undef", 'Bug 56194');
343            is("@plus", "1 2 undef", 'Bug 56194');
344            is($str,
345               "\$1 = undef, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef, \$^R = 3",
346               'Bug 56194 ($^R tweaked by 121070)');
347       }
348       {
349            undef $^R;
350            "abcd"=~/(?<Char>.)(?&Char)(?{ 42 })/;
351            is("$^R", 42, 'Bug 121070 - use of (?&Char) should not clobber $^R');
352            "abcd"=~/(?<Char>.)(?&Char)(?{ 42 })(?{ 43 })/;
353            is("$^R", 43, 'related to 121070 - use of (?&Char) should not clobber $^R');
354       }
355    }
357    {
358	# re evals within \U, \Q etc shouldn't be seen by the lexer
359	local our $a  = "i";
360	local our $B  = "J";
361	ok('(?{1})' =~ /^\Q(?{1})\E$/,   '\Q(?{1})\E');
362	ok('(?{1})' =~ /^\Q(?{\E1\}\)$/, '\Q(?{\E1\}\)');
363	eval {/^\U(??{"$a\Ea"})$/ }; norun('^\U(??{"$a\Ea"})$ norun');
364	eval {/^\L(??{"$B\Ea"})$/ }; norun('^\L(??{"$B\Ea"})$ norun');
365	use re 'eval';
366	ok('Ia' =~ /^\U(??{"$a\Ea"})$/,  '^\U(??{"$a\Ea"})$');
367	ok('ja' =~ /^\L(??{"$B\Ea"})$/,  '^\L(??{"$B\Ea"})$');
368    }
370    {
371	# Comprehensive (hopefully) tests of closure behaviour:
372	# i.e. when do (?{}) blocks get (re)compiled, and what instances
373	# of lexical vars do they close over?
375	# if the pattern string gets utf8 upgraded while concatenating,
376	# make sure a literal code block is still detected (by still
377	# compiling in the absence of use re 'eval')
379	{
380	    my $s1 = "\x{80}";
381	    my $s2 = "\x{100}";
382	    ok("\x{80}\x{100}" =~ /^$s1(?{1})$s2$/, "utf8 upgrade");
383	}
385	my ($cr1, $cr2, $cr3, $cr4);
387	for my $x (qw(a b c)) {
388	    my $bc = ($x ne 'a');
389	    my $c80 = chr(0x80);
391	    # the most basic: literal code should be in same scope
392	    # as the parent
394	    ok("A$x"       =~ /^A(??{$x})$/,       "[$x] literal code");
395	    ok("\x{100}$x" =~ /^\x{100}(??{$x})$/, "[$x] literal code UTF8");
397	    # the "don't recompile if pattern unchanged" mechanism
398	    # shouldn't apply to code blocks - recompile every time
399	    # to pick up new instances of variables
401	    my $code1  = 'B(??{$x})';
402	    my $code1u = $c80 . "\x{100}" . '(??{$x})';
404	    eval {/^A$code1$/};
405	    norun("[$x] unvarying runtime code AA norun");
406	    eval {/^A$code1u$/};
407	    norun("[$x] unvarying runtime code AU norun");
408	    eval {/^$c80\x{100}$code1$/};
409	    norun("[$x] unvarying runtime code UA norun");
410	    eval {/^$c80\x{101}$code1u$/};
411	    norun("[$x] unvarying runtime code UU norun");
413	    {
414		use re 'eval';
415		ok("AB$x" =~ /^A$code1$/, "[$x] unvarying runtime code AA");
416		ok("A$c80\x{100}$x" =~ /^A$code1u$/,
417					    "[$x] unvarying runtime code AU");
418		ok("$c80\x{100}B$x" =~ /^$c80\x{100}$code1$/,
419					    "[$x] unvarying runtime code UA");
420		ok("$c80\x{101}$c80\x{100}$x" =~ /^$c80\x{101}$code1u$/,
421					    "[$x] unvarying runtime code UU");
422	    }
424	    # mixed literal and run-time code blocks
426	    my $code2  = 'B(??{$x})';
427	    my $code2u = $c80 . "\x{100}" . '(??{$x})';
429	    eval {/^A(??{$x})-$code2$/};
430	    norun("[$x] literal+runtime AA norun");
431	    eval {/^A(??{$x})-$code2u$/};
432	    norun("[$x] literal+runtime AU norun");
433	    eval {/^$c80\x{100}(??{$x})-$code2$/};
434	    norun("[$x] literal+runtime UA norun");
435	    eval {/^$c80\x{101}(??{$x})-$code2u$/};
436	    norun("[$x] literal+runtime UU norun");
438	    {
439		use re 'eval';
440		ok("A$x-B$x" =~ /^A(??{$x})-$code2$/,
441					    "[$x] literal+runtime AA");
442		ok("A$x-$c80\x{100}$x" =~ /^A(??{$x})-$code2u$/,
443					    "[$x] literal+runtime AU");
444		ok("$c80\x{100}$x-B$x" =~ /^$c80\x{100}(??{$x})-$code2$/,
445					    "[$x] literal+runtime UA");
446		ok("$c80\x{101}$x-$c80\x{100}$x"
447					    =~ /^$c80\x{101}(??{$x})-$code2u$/,
448					    "[$x] literal+runtime UU");
449	    }
451	    # literal qr code only created once, naked
453	    $cr1 //= qr/^A(??{$x})$/;
454	    ok("Aa" =~ $cr1, "[$x] literal qr once naked");
456	    # literal qr code only created once, embedded with text
458	    $cr2 //= qr/B(??{$x})$/;
459	    ok("ABa" =~ /^A$cr2/, "[$x] literal qr once embedded text");
461	    # literal qr code only created once, embedded with text + lit code
463	    $cr3 //= qr/C(??{$x})$/;
464	    ok("A$x-BCa" =~ /^A(??{$x})-B$cr3/,
465			    "[$x] literal qr once embedded text + lit code");
467	    # literal qr code only created once, embedded with text + run code
469	    $cr4 //= qr/C(??{$x})$/;
470	    my $code3 = 'A(??{$x})';
472	    eval {/^$code3-B$cr4/};
473	    norun("[$x] literal qr once embedded text + run code norun");
474	    {
475		use re 'eval';
476		ok("A$x-BCa" =~ /^$code3-B$cr4/,
477			    "[$x] literal qr once embedded text + run code");
478	    }
480	    # literal qr code, naked
482	    my $r1 = qr/^A(??{$x})$/;
483	    ok("A$x" =~ $r1, "[$x] literal qr naked");
485	    # literal qr code, embedded with text
487	    my $r2 = qr/B(??{$x})$/;
488	    ok("AB$x" =~ /^A$r2/, "[$x] literal qr embedded text");
490	    # literal qr code, embedded with text + lit code
492	    my $r3 = qr/C(??{$x})$/;
493	    ok("A$x-BC$x" =~ /^A(??{$x})-B$r3/,
494				"[$x] literal qr embedded text + lit code");
496	    # literal qr code, embedded with text + run code
498	    my $r4 = qr/C(??{$x})$/;
499	    my $code4 = '(??{$x})';
501	    eval {/^A$code4-B$r4/};
502	    norun("[$x] literal qr embedded text + run code");
503	    {
504		use re 'eval';
505		ok("A$x-BC$x" =~ /^A$code4-B$r4/,
506				"[$x] literal qr embedded text + run code");
507	    }
509	    # nested qr in different scopes
511	    my $code5 = '(??{$x})';
512	    my $r5 = qr/C(??{$x})/;
514	    my $r6;
515	    eval {qr/$code5-C(??{$x})/}; norun("r6 norun");
516	    {
517		use re 'eval';
518		$r6 = qr/$code5-C(??{$x})/;
519	    }
521	    my @rr5;
522	    my @rr6;
524	    for my $y (qw(d e f)) {
526		my $rr5 = qr/^A(??{"$x$y"})-$r5/;
527		push @rr5, $rr5;
528		ok("A$x$y-C$x" =~ $rr5,
529				"[$x-$y] literal qr + r5");
531		my $rr6 = qr/^A(??{"$x$y"})-$r6/;
532		push @rr6, $rr6;
533		ok("A$x$y-$x-C$x" =~ $rr6,
534				"[$x-$y] literal qr + r6");
535	    }
537	    for my $i (0,1,2) {
538		my $y = 'Y';
539		my $yy = (qw(d e f))[$i];
540		my $rr5 = $rr5[$i];
541		ok("A$x$yy-C$x" =~ $rr5, "[$x-$yy] literal qr + r5, outside");
542		ok("A$x$yy-C$x-D$x" =~ /$rr5-D(??{$x})$/,
543				"[$x-$yy] literal qr + r5 + lit, outside");
546		my $rr6 = $rr6[$i];
547		push @rr6, $rr6;
548		ok("A$x$yy-$x-C$x" =~ $rr6,
549				"[$x-$yy] literal qr + r6, outside");
550		ok("A$x$yy-$x-C$x-D$x" =~ /$rr6-D(??{$x})/,
551				"[$x-$yy] literal qr + r6 +lit, outside");
552	    }
553	}
555	# recursive subs should get lexical from the correct pad depth
557	sub recurse {
558	    my ($n) = @_;
559	    return if $n > 2;
560	    ok("A$n" =~ /^A(??{$n})$/, "recurse($n)");
561	    recurse($n+1);
562	}
563	recurse(0);
565	# for qr// containing run-time elements but with a compile-time
566	# code block, make sure the run-time bits are executed in the same
567	# pad they were compiled in
568	{
569	    my $a = 'a'; # ensure outer and inner pads don't align
570	    my $b = 'b';
571	    my $c = 'c';
572	    my $d = 'd';
573	    my $r = qr/^$b(??{$c})$d$/;
574	    ok("bcd" =~ $r, "qr with run-time elements and code block");
575	}
577	# check that cascaded embedded regexes all see their own lexical
578	# environment
580	{
581	    my ($r1, $r2, $r3, $r4);
582	    my ($x1, $x2, $x3, $x4) = (5,6,7,8);
583	    { my $x1 = 1; $r1 = qr/A(??{$x1})/; }
584	    { my $x2 = 2; $r2 = qr/$r1(??{$x2})/; }
585	    { my $x3 = 3; $r3 = qr/$r2(??{$x3})/; }
586	    { my $x4 = 4; $r4 = qr/$r3(??{$x4})/; }
587	    ok("A1234" =~ /^$r4$/, "cascaded qr");
588	}
590	# and again, but in a loop, with no external references
591	# being maintained to the qr's
593	{
594	    my $r = 'A';
595	    for my $x (1..4) {
596		$r = qr/$r(??{$x})/;
597	    }
598	    my $x = 5;
599	    ok("A1234" =~ /^$r$/, "cascaded qr loop");
600	}
603	# and again, but compiling the qrs in an eval so there
604	# aren't even refs to the qrs from any ops
606	{
607	    my $r = 'A';
608	    for my $x (1..4) {
609		$r = eval q[ qr/$r(??{$x})/; ];
610	    }
611	    my $x = 5;
612	    ok("A1234" =~ /^$r$/, "cascaded qr loop");
613	}
615	# have qrs with either literal code blocks or only embedded
616	# code blocks, but not both
618	{
619	    my ($r1, $r2, $r3, $r4);
620	    my ($x1, $x3) = (7,8);
621	    { my $x1 = 1; $r1 = qr/A(??{$x1})/; }
622	    {             $r2 = qr/${r1}2/; }
623	    { my $x3 = 3; $r3 = qr/$r2(??{$x3})/; }
624	    {             $r4 = qr/${r3}4/; }
625	    ok("A1234"  =~   /^$r4$/,    "cascaded qr mix 1");
626	    ok("A12345" =~   /^${r4}5$/, "cascaded qr mix 2");
627	    ok("A1234"  =~ qr/^$r4$/   , "cascaded qr mix 3");
628	    ok("A12345" =~ qr/^${r4}5$/, "cascaded qr mix 4");
629	}
631	# and make sure things are freed at the right time
632	{
633	    sub Foo99::DESTROY { $Foo99::d++ }
634	    $Foo99::d = 0;
635	    my $r1;
636	    {
637	        my $x = bless [1], 'Foo99';
638	        $r1 = eval 'qr/(??{$x->[0]})/';
639	    }
640	    my $r2 = eval 'qr/a$r1/';
641	    my $x = 2;
642	    ok(eval '"a1" =~ qr/^$r2$/', "match while in scope");
643	    # make sure PL_reg_curpm isn't holding on to anything
644	    "a" =~ /a(?{1})/;
645	    is($Foo99::d, 0, "before scope exit");
646	}
647	::is($Foo99::d, 1, "after scope exit");
649	# forward declared subs should Do The Right Thing with any anon CVs
650	# within them (i.e. pad_fixup_inner_anons() should work)
652	sub forward;
653	sub forward {
654	    my $x = "a";
655	    my $A = "A";
656	    ok("Aa" =~ qr/^A(??{$x})$/,  "forward qr compiletime");
657	    ok("Aa" =~ qr/^$A(??{$x})$/, "forward qr runtime");
658	}
659	forward;
660    }
662    # test that run-time embedded code, when re-fed into toker,
663    # does all the right escapes
665    {
666	my $enc;
667        $enc = eval 'use Encode; find_encoding("ascii")' unless $::IS_EBCDIC;
669	my $x = 0;
670	my $y = 'bad';
672	# note that most of the strings below are single-quoted, and the
673	# things within them, like '$y', *aren't* intended to interpolate
675	my $s1 =
676	    'a\\$y(?# (??{BEGIN{$x=1} "X1"})b(?# \Ux2\E)c\'d\\\\e\\\\Uf\\\\E';
678	ok(q{a$ybc'd\e\Uf\E} =~ /^$s1$/, "reparse");
679	is($x, 0, "reparse no BEGIN");
681	my $s2 = 'g\\$y# (??{{BEGIN{$x=2} "X3"}) \Ux3\E'  . "\nh";
683	ok(q{a$ybc'd\\e\\Uf\\Eg$yh} =~ /^$s1$s2$/x, "reparse /x");
684	is($x, 0, "reparse /x no BEGIN");
686	my $b = '\\';
687	my $q = '\'';
689	#  non-ascii in string as "<0xNNN>"
690	sub esc_str {
691	    my $s = shift;
692	    $s =~ s{(.)}{
693			my $c = ord($1);
694			(utf8::native_to_unicode($c)< 32
695                         || utf8::native_to_unicode($c) > 127)
696                        ? sprintf("<0x%x>", $c) : $1;
697		}ge;
698	    $s;
699	}
700	sub  fmt { sprintf "hairy backslashes %s [%s] =~ /^%s/",
701			$_[0], esc_str($_[1]), esc_str($_[2]);
702	}
705	for my $u (
706	    [ '',  '', 'blank ' ],
707	    [ "\x{100}", '\x{100}', 'single' ],
708	    [ "\x{100}", "\x{100}", 'double' ])
709	{
710	    for my $pair (
711		    [ "$b",        "$b$b"               ],
712		    [ "$q",        "$q"                 ],
713		    [ "$b$q",      "$b$b$b$q"           ],
714		    [ "$b$b$q",    "$b$b$b$b$q"         ],
715		    [ "$b$b$b$q",  "$b$b$b$b$b$b$q"     ],
716		    [ "$b$b$b$b$q","$b$b$b$b$b$b$b$b$q" ],
717	    ) {
718		my ($s, $r) = @$pair;
719		$s = "9$s";
720		my $ss = "$u->[0]$s";
722		my $c = '9' . $r;
723		my $cc = "$u->[1]$c";
725		ok($ss =~ /^$cc/, fmt("plain      $u->[2]", $ss, $cc));
727		no strict;
728		$nine = $nine = "bad";
729                $ss = "$u->[0]\t${q}\x41${b}x42$s" if $::IS_ASCII;
730                $ss = "$u->[0]\t${q}\xC1${b}xC2$s" if $::IS_EBCDIC;
731		for my $use_qr ('', 'qr') {
732		    $c =  qq[(??{my \$z='{';]
733			. (($::IS_ASCII)
734                           ? qq[$use_qr"$b${b}t$b$q$b${b}x41$b$b$b${b}x42"]
735                           : qq[$use_qr"$b${b}t$b$q$b${b}xC1$b$b$b${b}xC2"])
736			. qq[. \$nine})];
737		    # (??{ qr/str/ }) goes through one less interpolation
738		    # stage than  (??{ qq/str/ })
739		    $c =~ s{\\\\}{\\}g if ($use_qr eq 'qr');
740		    $c .= $r;
741		    $cc = "$u->[1]$c";
742		    my $nine = 9;
744		    eval {/^$cc/}; norun(fmt("code   norun $u->[2]", $ss, $cc));
745		    {
746			use re 'eval';
747			ok($ss =~ /^$cc/, fmt("code         $u->[2]", $ss, $cc));
748		    }
749		}
750	    }
751	}
753	my $code1u = "(??{qw(\x{100})})";
754	eval {/^$code1u$/}; norun("reparse embedded unicode norun");
755	{
756	    use re 'eval';
757	    ok("\x{100}" =~ /^$code1u$/, "reparse embedded unicode");
758	}
759    }
761    # a non-pattern literal won't get code blocks parsed at compile time;
762    # but they must get parsed later on if 'use re eval' is in scope
763    # also check that unbalanced {}'s are parsed ok
765    {
766	eval q["a{" =~ '^(??{"a{"})$'];
767	norun("non-pattern literal code norun");
768	eval {/^${\'(??{"a{"})'}$/};
769	norun("runtime code with unbalanced {} norun");
771	use re 'eval';
772	ok("a{" =~ '^a(??{"{"})$', "non-pattern literal code");
773	ok("a{" =~ /^a${\'(??{"{"})'}$/, "runtime code with unbalanced {}");
774    }
776    # make sure warnings come from the right place
778    {
779	use warnings;
780	my ($s, $t, $w);
781	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w .= "@_" };
783	$w = ''; $s = 's';
784	my $r = qr/(?{$t=$s+1})/;
785	"a" =~ /a$r/;
786	like($w, qr/pat_re_eval/, "warning main file");
788	# do it in an eval to get predictable line numbers
789	eval q[
791	    $r = qr/(?{$t=$s+1})/;
792	];
793	$w = ''; $s = 's';
794	"a" =~ /a$r/;
795	like($w, qr/ at \(eval \d+\) line 3/, "warning eval A");
797	$w = ''; $s = 's';
798	eval q[
799	    use re 'eval';
800	    my $c = '(?{$t=$s+1})';
801	    "a" =~ /a$c/;
802	    1;
803	];
804	like($w, qr/ at \(eval \d+\) line 1/, "warning eval B");
805    }
807    # jumbo test for:
808    # * recursion;
809    # * mixing all the different types of blocks (literal, qr/literal/,
810    #   runtime);
811    # * backtracking (the Z+ alternation ensures CURLYX and full
812    #   scope popping on backtracking)
814    {
815        sub recurse2 {
816            my ($depth)= @_;
817	    return unless $depth;
818            my $s1 = '3-LMN';
819            my $r1 = qr/(??{"$s1-$depth"})/;
821	    my $s2 = '4-PQR';
822            my $c1 = '(??{"$s2-$depth"})';
823            use re 'eval';
824	    ok(   "<12345-ABC-$depth-123-LMN-$depth-1234-PQR-$depth>"
825	        . "<12345-ABC-$depth-123-LMN-$depth-1234-PQR-$depth>"
826		=~
827		  /^<(\d|Z+)+(??{"45-ABC-$depth-"})(\d|Z+)+$r1-\d+$c1>
828		    <(\d|Z+)+(??{"45-ABC-$depth-"})(\d|Z+)+$r1-\d+$c1>$/x,
829		"recurse2($depth)");
830	    recurse2($depth-1);
831	}
832	recurse2(5);
833    }
835    # nested (??{}) called from various levels of a recursive function
837    {
838	sub recurse3 {
839	    my ($n) = @_;
840	    return if $n > 3;
841	    ok("A$n" =~ m{^A(??{ "0123" =~ /((??{$n}))/; $1 })$},
842		"recurse3($n)");
843	    ok("A$n" !~ m{^A(??{ "0123" =~ /((??{$n}))/; "X" })$},
844		"recurse3($n) nomatch");
845	    recurse3($n+1);
846	}
847	recurse3(0);
848    }
850    # nested (??{}) being invoked recursively via a function
852    {
853	my $s = '';
854	our $recurse4;
855	my @alpha = qw(A B C D E);
856	$recurse4 = sub {
857	    my ($n) = @_;
858	    $s .= "(n=$n:";
859	    if ($n < 4) {
860		my $m = ("$alpha[$n]" . substr("0123", 0, $n+1)) =~
861		    m{^([A-Z])
862		      (??{
863			    $s .= "1=$1:";
864			    "$n-0123" =~ m{^(\d)-(((??{$recurse4->($n+1)})))};
865			    $s .= "i1=$1:<=[$2]";
866			    $3; # NB - not stringified
867		       })
868		       $
869		     }x;
870		$s .= "1a=$1:";
871		$s .= $m ? 'M' : '!M';
872	    }
873	    my $ret =  '.*?' . ($n-1);
874	    $s .= "<=[$ret])";
875	    return $ret;
876	};
877	$recurse4->(0);
878	my $exp =   '(n=0:1=A:(n=1:1=B:(n=2:1=C:(n=3:1=D:(n=4:<=[.*?3])'
879		  . 'i1=3:<=[0123]1a=D:M<=[.*?2])i1=2:<=[012]1a=C:M<=[.*?1])'
880		  . 'i1=1:<=[01]1a=B:M<=[.*?0])i1=0:<=[0]1a=A:M<=[.*?-1])';
881	is($s, $exp, 'recurse4');
882    }
884    # single (??{}) being invoked recursively via a function
886    {
887	my $s = '';
888	our $recurse5;
889	my @alpha = qw(A B C D E);
890	$recurse5 = sub {
891	    my ($n) = @_;
892	    $s .= "(n=$n:";
893	    if ($n < 4) {
894		my $m = ("$alpha[$n]" . substr("0123", 0, $n+1)) =~
895		    m{^([A-Z])
896		      ((??{
897			    $s .= "1=$1:";
898			    $recurse5->($n+1);
899		       }))
900		       $
901		     }x;
902		$s .= "1a=$1:2=$2:";
903		$s .= $m ? 'M' : '!M';
904	    }
905	    my $ret =  '.*?' . ($n-1);
906	    $s .= "<=[$ret])";
907	    return $ret;
908	};
909	$recurse5->(0);
910	my $exp =   '(n=0:1=A:(n=1:1=B:(n=2:1=C:(n=3:1=D:(n=4:<=[.*?3])'
911		  . '1a=D:2=0123:M<=[.*?2])1a=C:2=012:M<=[.*?1])'
912		  . '1a=B:2=01:M<=[.*?0])1a=A:2=0:M<=[.*?-1])';
913	is($s, $exp, 'recurse5');
914    }
917    # make sure that errors during compiling run-time code get trapped
919    {
920	use re 'eval';
922	my $code = '(?{$x=})';
923	eval { "a" =~ /^a$code/ };
924	like($@, qr/syntax error at \(eval \d+\) line \d+/, 'syntax error');
926	$code = '(?{BEGIN{die})';
927	eval { "a" =~ /^a$code/ };
928	like($@,
929	    qr/BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at \(eval \d+\) line \d+/,
930	    'syntax error');
932        use utf8;
933        $code = '(?{Foo::$bar})';
934        eval { "a" =~ /^a$code/ };
935        like($@, qr/Bad name after Foo:: at \(eval \d+\) line \d+/, 'UTF8 sytax error');
936    }
938    # make sure that 'use re eval' is propagated into compiling the
939    # pattern returned by (??{})
941    {
942	use re 'eval';
943	my $pat = 'B(??{1})C';
944	my $A = 'A';
945	# compile-time outer code-block
946	ok("AB1CD" =~ /^A(??{$pat})D$/, "re eval propagated compile-time");
947	# run-time outer code-block
948	ok("AB1CD" =~ /^$A(??{$pat})D$/, "re eval propagated run-time");
949    }
951    # returning a ref to something that had set magic but wasn't
952    # PERL_MAGIC_qr triggered a false positive assertion failure
953    # The test is not so much concerned with it not matching,
954    # as with not failing the assertion
956    {
957	ok("a" !~ /^(a)(??{ \$1 })/, '(??{ ref })');
958    }
960    # make sure the uninit warning from returning an undef var
961    # sees the right var
963    {
964	my ($u1, $u2);
965	my $warn = '';
966	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {  $warn .= $_[0] };
967	$u1 =~ /(??{$u2})/ or die;
968	like($warn, qr/value \$u1 in pattern match.*\n.*value at/, 'uninit');
969    }
971    # test that code blocks are called in scalar context
973    {
974	my @a = (0);
975	ok("" =~ /^(?{@a})$/, '(?{}) in scalar context');
976	is($^R, 1, '(?{}) in scalar context: $^R');
977	ok("1" =~ /^(??{@a})$/, '(??{}) in scalar context');
978	ok("foo" =~ /^(?(?{@a})foo|bar)$/, '(?(?{})|) in scalar context');
979    }
981    # BEGIN in compiled blocks shouldn't mess with $1 et al
983    {
984	use re 'eval';
985	my $code1 = '(B)(??{ BEGIN { "X" =~ /X/ } $1})(C)';
986	ok("ABBCA" =~ /^(.)(??{$code1})\1$/, '(?{}) BEGIN and $1');
987	my $code2 = '(B)(??{ BEGIN { "X" =~ /X/ } $1 =~ /(.)/ ? $1 : ""})(C)';
988	ok("ABBCA" =~ /^(.)(??{$code2})\1$/, '(?{}) BEGIN and $1 mark 2');
989    }
991    # check that the optimiser is applied to code blocks: see if aelem has
992    # been converted to aelemfast
994    {
995	my $out;
996	for my $prog (
997	    '/(?{$a[0]})/',
998	    'q() =~ qr/(?{$a[0]})/',
999	    'use re q(eval); q() =~ q{(?{$a[0]})}',
1000	    'use re q(eval); $c = q{(?{$a[0]})}; /$c/',
1001	    'use re q(eval); $c = q{(?{$a[0]})}; /(?{1;})$c/',
1002	) {
1003	    $out = runperl(switches => ["-Dt"], prog => $prog, stderr => 1);
1004	    like($out, qr/aelemfast|Recompile perl with -DDEBUGGING/,
1005		"optimise: '$prog'");
1006	}
1007    }
1009    #  [perl #115080]
1010    #  Ensure that ?pat? matches exactly once, even when the run-time
1011    #  pattern changes, and even when the presence of run-time (?{}) affects
1012    #  how and when patterns are recompiled
1014    {
1015	my $m;
1017	$m = '';
1018	for (qw(a a a)) {
1019	    $m .= $_ if m?$_?;
1020	}
1021	is($m, 'a', '?pat? with a,a,a');
1023	$m = '';
1024	for (qw(a b c)) {
1025	    $m .= $_ if m?$_?;
1026	}
1027	is($m, 'a', '?pat? with a,b,c');
1029	use re 'eval';
1031	$m = '';
1032	for (qw(a a a)) {
1033	my $e = qq[(??{"$_"})];
1034	    $m .= $_ if m?$e?;
1035	}
1036	is($m, 'a', '?pat? with (??{a,a,a})');
1038	$m = '';
1039	for (qw(a b c)) {
1040	my $e = qq[(??{"$_"})];
1041	    $m .= $_ if m?$e?;
1042	}
1043	is($m, 'a', '?pat? with (??{a,b,c})');
1044    }
1046    {
1047	# this code won't actually fail, but it used to fail valgrind,
1048	# so its here just to make sure valgrind doesn't fail again
1049	# While examining the ops of the secret anon sub wrapped around
1050	# the qr//, the pad of the sub was in scope, so cSVOPo_sv
1051	# got the const from the wrong pad. By having lots of $s's
1052	# (aka gvsv(*s), this forces the targs of the consts which have
1053	# been moved to the pad, to have high indices.
1055	sub {
1056	    local our $s = "abc";
1057	    my $qr = qr/^(?{1})$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s$s/;
1058	}->();
1059	pass("cSVOPo_sv");
1060    }
1062    # [perl #115004]
1063    # code blocks in qr objects that are interpolated in arrays need
1064    # handling the same as if they were interpolated from scalar vars
1065    # (before this code would need 'use re "eval"')
1067    {
1068	use Tie::Array;
1070	local @global;
1071	my @array;
1072	my @refs = (0, \@array, 2);
1073	my @tied;
1074	tie @tied, 'Tie::StdArray';
1075	{
1076	    my $bb = 'B';
1077	    my $dd = 'D';
1078	    @array = ('A', qr/(??{$bb})/, 'C', qr/(??{$dd})/, 'E');
1079	    @tied  = @array;
1080	    @global = @array;
1081	}
1082	my $bb = 'X';
1083	my $dd = 'Y';
1084	ok("A B C D E=" =~ /@array/, 'bare interpolated array match');
1085	ok("A B C D E=" =~ qr/@array/, 'qr bare interpolated array match');
1086	ok("A B C D E=" =~ /@global/, 'bare interpolated global array match');
1087	ok("A B C D E=" =~ qr/@global/,
1088				    'qr bare interpolated global array match');
1089	ok("A B C D E=" =~ /@{$refs[1]}/, 'bare interpolated ref array match');
1090	ok("A B C D E=" =~ qr/@{$refs[1]}/,
1091					'qr bare interpolated ref array match');
1092	ok("A B C D E=" =~ /@tied/,  'bare interpolated tied array match');
1093	ok("A B C D E=" =~ qr/@tied/,  'qr bare interpolated tied array match');
1094	ok("aA B C D E=" =~ /^a@array=$/, 'interpolated array match');
1095	ok("aA B C D E=" =~ qr/^a@array=$/, 'qr interpolated array match');
1096	ok("aA B C D E=" =~ /^a@global=$/, 'interpolated global array match');
1097	ok("aA B C D E=" =~ qr/^a@global=$/,
1098					'qr interpolated global array match');
1099	ok("aA B C D E=" =~ /^a@{$refs[1]}=$/, 'interpolated ref array match');
1100	ok("aA B C D E=" =~ qr/^a@{$refs[1]}=$/,
1101					    'qr interpolated ref array match');
1102	ok("aA B C D E=" =~ /^a@tied=$/,  'interpolated tied array match');
1103	ok("aA B C D E=" =~ qr/^a@tied=$/,  'qr interpolated tied array match');
1105	{
1106	    local $" = '-';
1107	    ok("aA-B-C-D-E=" =~ /^a@{array}=$/,
1108			'interpolated array match with local sep');
1109	    ok("aA-B-C-D-E=" =~ qr/^a@{array}=$/,
1110			'qr interpolated array match with local sep');
1111	    ok("aA-B-C-D-E=" =~ /^a@{global}=$/,
1112			'interpolated global array match with local sep');
1113	    ok("aA-B-C-D-E=" =~ qr/^a@{global}=$/,
1114			'qr interpolated global array match with local sep');
1115	    ok("aA-B-C-D-E=" =~ /^a@{tied}=$/,
1116			'interpolated tied array match with local sep');
1117	    ok("aA-B-C-D-E=" =~ qr/^a@{tied}=$/,
1118			'qr interpolated tied array match with local sep');
1119	}
1121	# but don't handle the array ourselves in the presence of \Q etc
1123	@array  = ('A', '(?{})');
1124	@global = @array;
1125	@tied   = @array;
1126	ok("aA (?{})=" =~ /^a\Q@{array}\E=$/,
1127				'interpolated array match with \Q');
1128	ok("aA (?{})=" =~ qr/^a\Q@{array}\E=$/,
1129				'qr interpolated array match with \Q');
1130	ok("aA (?{})=" =~ /^a\Q@{global}\E=$/,
1131				'interpolated global array match with \Q');
1132	ok("aA (?{})=" =~ qr/^a\Q@{global}\E=$/,
1133				'qr interpolated global array match with \Q');
1134	ok("aA (?{})=" =~ /^a\Q@{$refs[1]}\E=$/,
1135				'interpolated ref array match with \Q');
1136	ok("aA (?{})=" =~ qr/^a\Q@{$refs[1]}\E=$/,
1137				'qr interpolated ref array match with \Q');
1138	ok("aA (?{})=" =~ /^a\Q@{tied}\E=$/,
1139				'interpolated tied array match with \Q');
1140	ok("aA (?{})=" =~ qr/^a\Q@{tied}\E=$/,
1141				'qr interpolated tied array match with \Q');
1143	# and check it works with an empty array
1145	@array = ();
1146	@global = ();
1147	@tied = ();
1148	ok("a=" =~ /^a@array=$/, 'empty array match');
1149	ok("a=" =~ qr/^a@array=$/, 'qr empty array match');
1150	ok("a=" =~ /^a@global=$/, 'empty global array match');
1151	ok("a=" =~ qr/^a@global=$/, 'qr empty global array match');
1152	ok("a=" =~ /^a@tied=$/,  'empty tied array match');
1153	ok("a=" =~ qr/^a@tied=$/,  'qr empty tied array match');
1154	ok("a=" =~ /^a\Q@{array}\E=$/, 'empty array match with \Q');
1155	ok("a=" =~ /^a\Q@{array}\E=$/, 'empty array match with \Q');
1156	ok("a=" =~ qr/^a\Q@{global}\E=$/,
1157				    'qr empty global array match with \Q');
1158	ok("a=" =~ /^a\Q@{tied}\E=$/, 'empty tied array match with \Q');
1159	ok("a=" =~ qr/^a\Q@{tied}\E=$/, 'qr empty tied array match with \Q');
1161	# NB: these below are empty patterns, so they happen to use the
1162	# successful match from the line above
1164	ok("a=" =~ /@array/, 'empty array pattern');
1165	ok("a=" =~ qr/@array/, 'qr empty array pattern');
1166	ok("a=" =~ /@global/, 'empty global array pattern');
1167	ok("a=" =~ qr/@global/, 'qr empty global array pattern');
1168	ok("a=" =~ /@tied/, 'empty tied pattern');
1169	ok("a=" =~ qr/@tied/, 'qr empty tied pattern');
1170	ok("a=" =~ /\Q@array\E/, 'empty array pattern with \Q');
1171	ok("a=" =~ qr/\Q@array\E/, 'qr empty array pattern with \Q');
1172	ok("a=" =~ /\Q@global\E/, 'empty global array pattern with \Q');
1173	ok("a=" =~ qr/\Q@global\E/, 'qr empty global array pattern with \Q');
1174	ok("a=" =~ /\Q@tied\E/, 'empty tied pattern with \Q');
1175	ok("a=" =~ qr/\Q@tied\E/, 'qr empty tied pattern with \Q');
1176	ok("a=" =~ //, 'completely empty pattern');
1177	ok("a=" =~ qr//, 'qr completely empty pattern');
1178    }
1180    {
1181	{ package o; use overload '""'=>sub { "abc" } }
1182	my $x = bless [],"o";
1183	my $y = \$x;
1184	(my $y_addr = "$y") =~ y/()//d; # REF(0x7fcb9c02) -> REF0x7fcb9c02
1185	# $y_addr =~ $y should be true, as should $y_addr =~ /(??{$y})/
1186	"abc$y_addr" =~ /(??{$x})(??{$y})/;
1187	is "$&", "abc$y_addr",
1188	   '(??{$x}) does not leak cached qr to (??{\$x}) (match)';
1189	is scalar "abcabc" =~ /(??{$x})(??{$y})/, "",
1190	   '(??{$x}) does not leak cached qr to (??{\$x}) (no match)';
1191    }
1193    {
1194	sub ReEvalTieTest::TIESCALAR {bless[], "ReEvalTieTest"}
1195	sub ReEvalTieTest::STORE{}
1196	sub ReEvalTieTest::FETCH { "$1" }
1197	tie my $t, "ReEvalTieTest";
1198	$t = bless [], "o";
1199	"aab" =~ /(a)((??{"b" =~ m|(.)|; $t}))/;
1200	is "[$1 $2]", "[a b]",
1201	   '(??{$tied_former_overload}) sees the right $1 in FETCH';
1202    }
1204    {
1205	my @matchsticks;
1206	my $ref = bless \my $o, "o";
1207	my $foo = sub { push @matchsticks, scalar "abc" =~ /(??{$ref})/ };
1208	&$foo;
1209	bless \$o;
1210	() = "$ref"; # flush AMAGIC flag on main
1211	&$foo;
1212	is "@matchsticks", "1 ", 'qr magic is not cached on refs';
1213    }
1215    {
1216	my ($foo, $bar) = ("foo"x1000, "bar"x1000);
1217	"$foo$bar" =~ /(??{".*"})/;
1218	is "$&", "foo"x1000 . "bar"x1000,
1219	    'padtmp swiping does not affect "$a$b" =~ /(??{})/'
1220    }
1222    {
1223        # [perl #129140]
1224        # this used to cause a double-free of the code_block struct
1225        # when re-running the compilation after spotting utf8.
1226        # This test doesn't catch it, but might panic, or fail under
1227        # valgrind etc
1229        my $s = '';
1230        /$s(?{})\x{100}/ for '', '';
1231        pass "RT #129140";
1232    }
1234    # RT #130650 code blocks could get double-freed during a pattern
1235    # compilation croak
1237    {
1238        # this used to panic or give ASAN errors
1239        eval 'qr/(?{})\6/';
1240        like $@, qr/Reference to nonexistent group/, "RT #130650";
1241    }
1243    # RT #129881
1244    # on exit from a pattern with multiple code blocks from different
1245    # CVs, PL_comppad wasn't being restored correctly
1247    sub {
1248        # give first few pad slots known values
1249        my ($x1, $x2, $x3, $x4, $x5) = 101..105;
1250        # these vars are in a separate pad
1251        my $r = qr/((?{my ($y1, $y2) = 201..202; 1;})A){2}X/;
1252        # the first alt fails, causing a switch to this anon
1253        # sub's pad
1254        "AAA" =~ /$r|(?{my ($z1, $z2) = 301..302; 1;})A/;
1255        is $x1, 101, "RT #129881: x1";
1256        is $x2, 102, "RT #129881: x2";
1257        is $x3, 103, "RT #129881: x3";
1258    }->();
1261    # RT #126697
1262    # savestack wasn't always being unwound on EVAL failure
1263    {
1264        local our $i = 0;
1265        my $max = 0;
1267        'ABC' =~ m{
1268            \A
1269            (?:
1270                (?: AB | A | BC )
1271                (?{
1272                    local $i = $i + 1;
1273                    $max = $i if $max < $i;
1274                })
1275            )*
1276            \z
1277        }x;
1278        is $max, 2, "RT #126697";
1279    }
1281    # RT #132772
1282    #
1283    # Ensure that optimisation of OP_CONST into OP_MULTICONCAT doesn't
1284    # leave any freed ops in the execution path. This is associated
1285    # with rpeep() being called before optimize_optree(), which causes
1286    # gv/rv2sv to be prematurely optimised into gvsv, confusing
1287    # S_maybe_multiconcat when it tries to reorganise a concat subtree
1288    # into a multiconcat list
1290    {
1291        my $a = "a";
1292        local $b = "b"; # not lexical, so optimised to OP_GVSV
1293        local $_ = "abc";
1294        ok /^a(??{ $b."c" })$/,  "RT #132772 - compile time";
1295        ok /^$a(??{ $b."c" })$/, "RT #132772 - run time";
1296        my $qr = qr/^a(??{ $b."c" })$/;
1297        ok /$qr/,  "RT #132772 - compile time qr//";
1298        $qr = qr/(??{ $b."c" })$/;
1299        ok /^a$qr$/,  "RT #132772 -  compile time qr// compound";
1300        $qr = qr/$a(??{ $b."c" })$/;
1301        ok /^$qr$/,  "RT #132772 -  run time qr//";
1302    }
1304    # RT #133687
1305    # mixing compile-time (?(?{code})) with run-time code blocks
1306    # was failing, because the second pass through the parser
1307    # (which compiles the runtime code blocks) was failing to adequately
1308    # mask the compile-time code blocks to shield them from a second
1309    # compile: /X(?{...})Y/ was being correctly masked as /X________Y/
1310    # but /X(?(?{...}))Y/ was being incorrectly masked as
1311    # /X(?________)Y/
1313    {
1314        use re 'eval';
1315        my $runtime_re = '(??{ "A"; })';
1316        ok "ABC" =~ /^ $runtime_re (?(?{ 1; })BC)    $/x, 'RT #133687 yes';
1317        ok "ABC" =~ /^ $runtime_re (?(?{ 0; })xy|BC) $/x, 'RT #133687 yes|no';
1318    }
1320    # RT #134208
1321    # when the string being matched was an SvTEMP and the re_eval died,
1322    # the SV's magic was being restored after the SV was freed.
1323    # Give ASan something to play with.
1325    {
1326        my $a;
1327        no warnings 'uninitialized';
1328        eval { "$a $1" =~ /(?{ die })/ };
1329        pass("SvTEMP 1");
1330        eval { sub { " " }->() =~ /(?{ die })/ };
1331        pass("SvTEMP 2");
1332    }
1334} # End of sub run_tests