xref: /openbsd/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/re/regexp.t (revision 905646f0)
3# The tests are in a separate file 't/re/re_tests'.
4# Each line in that file is a separate test.
5# There are five columns, separated by tabs.
6# An optional sixth column is used to give a reason, only when skipping tests
8# Column 1 contains the pattern, optionally enclosed in C<''> C<::> or
9# C<//>.  Modifiers can be put after the closing delimiter.  C<''> will
10# automatically be added to any other patterns.
12# Column 2 contains the string to be matched.
14# Column 3 contains the expected result:
15# 	y	expect a match
16# 	n	expect no match
17# 	c	expect an error
18#	T	the test is a TODO (can be combined with y/n/c)
19#	M	skip test on miniperl (combine with y/n/c/T)
20#	B	test exposes a known bug in Perl, should be skipped
21#	b	test exposes a known bug in Perl, should be skipped if noamp
22#	t	test exposes a bug with threading, TODO if qr_embed_thr
23#       s       test should only be run for regex_sets_compat.t
24#       S       test should not be run for regex_sets_compat.t
25#       a       test should only be run on ASCII platforms
26#       e       test should only be run on EBCDIC platforms
28# Columns 4 and 5 are used only if column 3 contains C<y> or C<c>.
30# Column 4 contains a string, usually C<$&>.
32# Column 5 contains the expected result of double-quote
33# interpolating that string after the match, or start of error message.
35# Column 6, if present, contains a reason why the test is skipped.
36# This is printed with "skipped", for harness to pick up.
38# Column 7 can be used for comments
40# \n in the tests are interpolated, as are variables of the form ${\w+}.
42# Blanks lines are treated as PASSING tests to keep the line numbers
43# linked to the test number.
45# If you want to add a regular expression test that can't be expressed
46# in this format, don't add it here: put it in re/pat.t instead.
48# Note that the inputs get passed on as "m're'", so the re bypasses the lexer.
49# This means this file cannot be used for testing anything that the lexer
50# handles; in 5.12 this means just \N{NAME} and \N{U+...}.
52# Note that columns 2,3 and 5 are all enclosed in double quotes and then
53# evalled; so something like a\"\x{100}$1 has length 3+length($1).
55# \x... and \o{...} constants are automatically converted to the native
56# character set if necessary.  \[0-7] constants aren't
58my ($file, $iters);
60    $iters = shift || 1;	# Poor man performance suite, 10000 is OK.
62    # Do this open before any chdir
63    $file = shift;
64    if (defined $file) {
65	open TESTS, $file or die "Can't open $file";
66    }
68    chdir 't' if -d 't';
69    @INC = qw '../lib ../ext/re';
70    if (!defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader) { # miniperl
71	print("1..0 # Skip Unicode tables not built yet\n"), exit
72	    unless eval 'require "unicore/Heavy.pl"';
73    }
75    # Some of the tests need a locale; which one doesn't much matter, except
76    # that it be valid.  Make sure of that
77    eval { require POSIX;
78            POSIX->import(qw(LC_ALL setlocale));
79            POSIX::setlocale(&LC_ALL, "C");
80    };
83sub _comment {
84    return map { /^#/ ? "$_\n" : "# $_\n" }
85           map { split /\n/ } @_;
88sub convert_from_ascii {
89    my $string = shift;
91    #my $save = $string;
92    # Convert \x{...}, \o{...}
93    $string =~ s/ (?<! \\ ) \\x\{ ( .*? ) } / "\\x{" . sprintf("%X", utf8::unicode_to_native(hex $1)) .  "}" /gex;
94    $string =~ s/ (?<! \\ ) \\o\{ ( .*? ) } / "\\o{" . sprintf("%o", utf8::unicode_to_native(oct $1)) .  "}" /gex;
96    # Convert \xAB
97    $string =~ s/ (?<! \\ ) \\x ( [A-Fa-f0-9]{2} ) / "\\x" . sprintf("%02X", utf8::unicode_to_native(hex $1)) /gex;
99    # Convert \xA
100    $string =~ s/ (?<! \\ ) \\x ( [A-Fa-f0-9] ) (?! [A-Fa-f0-9] ) / "\\x" . sprintf("%X", utf8::unicode_to_native(hex $1)) /gex;
102    #print STDERR __LINE__, ": $save\n$string\n" if $save ne $string;
103    return $string;
106use strict;
107use warnings FATAL=>"all";
108no warnings 'experimental::vlb';
109our ($bang, $ffff, $nulnul); # used by the tests
110our ($qr, $skip_amp, $qr_embed, $qr_embed_thr, $regex_sets, $alpha_assertions, $no_null); # set by our callers
112my $expanded_text = "expanded name from original test number";
113my $expanded_text_re = qr/$expanded_text/;
115if (!defined $file) {
116    open TESTS, 're/re_tests' or die "Can't open re/re_tests: $!";
119my @tests = <TESTS>;
121close TESTS;
123$bang = sprintf "\\%03o", ord "!"; # \41 would not be portable.
124$ffff  = chr(0xff) x 2;
125$nulnul = "\0" x 2;
126my $OP = $qr ? 'qr' : 'm';
128$| = 1;
130my $test;
132foreach (@tests) {
133    $test++;
134    if (!/\S/ || /^\s*#/ || /^__END__$/) {
135        chomp;
136        my ($not,$comment)= split /\s*#\s*/, $_, 2;
137        $comment ||= "(blank line)";
138        print "ok $test # $comment\n";
139        next;
140    }
141    chomp;
142    s/\\n/\n/g unless $regex_sets;
143    my ($pat, $subject, $result, $repl, $expect, $reason, $comment) = split(/\t/,$_,7);
144    $comment = "" unless defined $comment;
145    if (!defined $subject) {
146        die "Bad test definition on line $test: $_\n";
147    }
148    $reason = '' unless defined $reason;
149    my $input = join(':',$pat,$subject,$result,$repl,$expect);
151    # the double '' below keeps simple syntax highlighters from going crazy
152    $pat = "'$pat'" unless $pat =~ /^[:''\/]/;
153    $pat =~ s/(\$\{\w+\})/$1/eeg;
154    $pat =~ s/\\n/\n/g unless $regex_sets;
155    $pat = convert_from_ascii($pat) if ord("A") != 65;
157    my $no_null_pat;
158    if ($no_null && $pat =~ /^'(.*)'\z/) {
159       $no_null_pat = XS::APItest::string_without_null($1);
160    }
162    $subject = convert_from_ascii($subject) if ord("A") != 65;
163    $subject = eval qq("$subject"); die $@ if $@;
165    $expect = convert_from_ascii($expect) if ord("A") != 65;
166    $expect  = eval qq("$expect"); die $@ if $@;
167    $expect = $repl = '-' if $skip_amp and $input =~ /\$[&\`\']/;
169    my $todo_qr = $qr_embed_thr && ($result =~ s/t//);
170    my $skip = ($skip_amp ? ($result =~ s/B//i) : ($result =~ s/B//));
171    ++$skip if $result =~ s/M// && !defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader;
172    if ($result =~ s/ ( [Ss] ) //x) {
173        if (($1 eq 'S' && $regex_sets) || ($1 eq 's' && ! $regex_sets)) {
174            $skip++;
175            $reason = "Test not valid for $0";
176        }
177    }
178    if ($result =~ s/a// && ord("A") != 65) {
179        $skip++;
180        $reason = "Test is only valid for ASCII platforms.  $reason";
181    }
182    if ($result =~ s/e// && ord("A") != 193) {
183        $skip++;
184        $reason = "Test is only valid for EBCDIC platforms.  $reason";
185    }
186    $reason = 'skipping $&' if $reason eq  '' && $skip_amp;
187    $result =~ s/B//i unless $skip;
188    my $todo= $result =~ s/T// ? " # TODO" : "";
189    my $testname= $test;
190    if ($comment) {
191        $comment=~s/^\s*(?:#\s*)?//;
192        $testname .= " - $comment" if $comment;
193    }
194    if (! $skip && $alpha_assertions) {
195        my $assertions_re = qr/ (?: \Q(?\E (?: > | <? [=>] ) ) /x;
196        if ($pat !~ $assertions_re && $comment !~ $expanded_text_re) {
197            $skip++;
198            $reason = "Pattern doesn't contain assertions";
199        }
200        elsif ($comment !~ $expanded_text_re) {
201            my $expanded_pat = $pat;
203            $pat =~ s/\( \? > /(*atomic:/xg;
205            if ($pat =~ s/\( \? = /(*pla:/xg) {
206                $expanded_pat =~ s//(*positive_lookahead:/g;
207            }
208            if ($pat =~ s/\( \? ! /(*nla:/xg) {
209                $expanded_pat =~ s//(*negative_lookahead:/g;
210            }
211            if ($pat =~ s/\( \? <= /(*plb:/xg) {
212                $expanded_pat =~ s//(*positive_lookbehind:/g;
213            }
214            if ($pat =~ s/\( \? <! /(*nlb:/xg) {
215                $expanded_pat =~ s//(*negative_lookbehind:/g;
216            }
217            if ($expanded_pat ne $pat) {
218                $comment .= " $expanded_text $test";
219                push @tests, join "\t", $expanded_pat,
220                                        $subject // "",
221                                        $result // "",
222                                        $repl // "",
223                                        $expect // "",
224                                        $reason // "",
225                                        $comment;
226            }
227        }
228    }
229    elsif (! $skip && $regex_sets) {
231        # If testing regex sets, change the [bracketed] classes into
232        # (?[bracketed]).  But note that '\[' and '\c[' don't introduce such a
233        # class.  (We don't bother looking for an odd number of backslashes,
234        # as this hasn't been needed so far.)
235        if ($pat !~ / (?<!\\c) (?<!\\) \[ /x) {
236            $skip++;
237            $reason = "Pattern doesn't contain [brackets]";
238        }
239        else { # Use non-regex features of Perl to accomplish this.
240            my $modified = "";
241            my $in_brackets = 0;
243            # Go through the pattern character-by-character.  We also add
244            # blanks around each token to test the /x parts of (?[ ])
245            my $pat_len = length($pat);
246      CHAR: for (my $i = 0; $i < $pat_len; $i++) {
247                my $curchar = substr($pat, $i, 1);
248                if ($curchar eq '\\') {
249                    $modified .= " " if $in_brackets;
250                    $modified .= $curchar;
251                    $i++;
253                    # Get the character the backslash is escaping
254                    $curchar = substr($pat, $i, 1);
255                    $modified .= $curchar;
257                    # If the character following that is a '{}', treat the
258                    # entire amount as a single token
259                    if ($i < $pat_len -1 && substr($pat, $i+1, 1) eq '{') {
260                        my $j = index($pat, '}', $i+2);
261                        if ($j < 0) {
262                            last unless $in_brackets;
263                            if ($result eq 'c') {
264                                $skip++;
265                                $reason = "Can't handle compilation errors with unmatched '{'";
266                            }
267                            else {
268                                print "not ok $testname # Problem in $0; original = '$pat'; mod = '$modified'\n";
269                                next TEST;
270                            }
271                        }
272                        $modified .= substr($pat, $i+1, $j - $i);
273                        $i = $j;
274                    }
275                    elsif ($curchar eq 'x') {
277                        # \x without brackets is supposed to be followed by 2
278                        # hex digits.  Take up to 2, and then add a blank
279                        # after the last one.  This avoids getting errors from
280                        # (?[ ]) for run-ons, like \xabc
281                        my $j = $i + 1;
282                        for (; $j < $i + 3 && $j < $pat_len; $j++) {
283                            my $curord = ord(substr($pat, $j, 1));
284                            if (!(($curord >= ord("A") && $curord <= ord("F"))
285                                 || ($curord >= ord("a") && $curord <= ord("f"))
286                                 || ($curord >= ord("0") && $curord <= ord("9"))))
287                            {
288                                $j++;
289                                last;
290                            }
291                        }
292                        $j--;
293                        $modified .= substr($pat, $i + 1, $j - $i);
294                        $modified .= " " if $in_brackets;
295                        $i = $j;
296                    }
297                    elsif (ord($curchar) >= ord('0')
298                           && (ord($curchar) <= ord('7')))
299                    {
300                        # Similarly, octal constants have up to 3 digits.
301                        my $j = $i + 1;
302                        for (; $j < $i + 3 && $j < $pat_len; $j++) {
303                            my $curord = ord(substr($pat, $j, 1));
304                            if (! ($curord >= ord("0") &&  $curord <= ord("7"))) {
305                                $j++;
306                                last;
307                            }
308                        }
309                        $j--;
310                        $modified .= substr($pat, $i + 1, $j - $i);
311                        $i = $j;
312                    }
314                    next;
315                } # End of processing a backslash sequence
317                if (! $in_brackets  # Skip (?{ })
318                    && $curchar eq '('
319                    && $i < $pat_len - 2
320                    && substr($pat, $i+1, 1) eq '?'
321                    && substr($pat, $i+2, 1) eq '{')
322                {
323                    $skip++;
324                    $reason = "Pattern contains '(?{'";
325                    last;
326                }
328                # Closing ']'
329                if ($curchar eq ']' && $in_brackets) {
330                    $modified .= " ] ])";
331                    $in_brackets = 0;
332                    next;
333                }
335                # A regular character.
336                if ($curchar ne '[') {
337                    $modified .= " " if  $in_brackets;
338                    $modified .= $curchar;
339                    next;
340                }
342                # Here is a '['; If not in a bracketed class, treat as the
343                # beginning of one.
344                if (! $in_brackets) {
345                    $in_brackets = 1;
346                    $modified .= "(?[ [ ";
348                    # An immediately following ']' or '^]' is not the ending
349                    # of the class, but is to be treated literally.
350                    if ($i < $pat_len - 1
351                        && substr($pat, $i+1, 1) eq ']')
352                    {
353                        $i ++;
354                        $modified .= " ] ";
355                    }
356                    elsif ($i < $pat_len - 2
357                            && substr($pat, $i+1, 1) eq '^'
358                            && substr($pat, $i+2, 1) eq ']')
359                    {
360                        $i += 2;
361                        $modified .= " ^ ] ";
362                    }
363                    next;
364                }
366                # Here is a plain '[' within [ ].  Could mean wants to
367                # match a '[', or it could be a posix class that has a
368                # corresponding ']'.  Absorb either
370                $modified .= ' [';
371                last if $i >= $pat_len - 1;
373                $i++;
374                $curchar = substr($pat, $i, 1);
375                if ($curchar =~ /[:=.]/) {
376                    for (my $j = $i + 1; $j < $pat_len; $j++) {
377                        next unless substr($pat, $j, 1) eq ']';
378                        last if $j - $i < 2;
379                        if (substr($pat, $j - 1, 1) eq $curchar) {
380                            # Here, is a posix class
381                            $modified .= substr($pat, $i, $j - $i + 1) . " ";
382                            $i = $j;
383                            next CHAR;
384                        }
385                    }
386                }
388                # Here wasn't a posix class, just process normally
389                $modified .= " $curchar ";
390            }
392            if ($in_brackets && ! $skip) {
393                if ($result eq 'c') {
394                    $skip++;
395                    $reason = "Can't figure out where to put the (?[ and ]) since is a compilation error";
396                }
397                else {
398                    print "not ok $testname # Problem in $0; original = '$pat'; mod = '$modified'\n";
399                    next TEST;
400                }
401            }
403            # Use our modified pattern instead of the original
404            $pat = $modified;
405        }
406    }
408    for my $study ('', 'study $subject;', 'utf8::upgrade($subject);',
409		   'utf8::upgrade($subject); study $subject;') {
410	# Need to make a copy, else the utf8::upgrade of an already studied
411	# scalar confuses things.
412	my $subject = $subject;
413	$subject = XS::APItest::string_without_null($subject) if $no_null;
414	my $c = $iters;
415	my ($code, $match, $got);
416        if ($repl eq 'pos') {
417            my $patcode = defined $no_null_pat ? '/$no_null_pat/g'
418                                               : "m${pat}g";
419            $code= <<EOFCODE;
420                $study
421                pos(\$subject)=0;
422                \$match = ( \$subject =~ $patcode );
423                \$got = pos(\$subject);
425        }
426        elsif ($qr_embed) {
427            $code= <<EOFCODE;
428                my \$RE = qr$pat;
429                $study
430                \$match = (\$subject =~ /(?:)\$RE(?:)/) while \$c--;
431                \$got = "$repl";
433        }
434        elsif ($qr_embed_thr) {
435            $code= <<EOFCODE;
436		# Can't run the match in a subthread, but can do this and
437	 	# clone the pattern the other way.
438                my \$RE = threads->new(sub {qr$pat})->join();
439                $study
440                \$match = (\$subject =~ /(?:)\$RE(?:)/) while \$c--;
441                \$got = "$repl";
443        }
444        elsif ($no_null) {
445            my $patcode = defined $no_null_pat ? '/$no_null_pat/'
446                                               :  $pat;
447            $code= <<EOFCODE;
448                $study
449                \$match = (\$subject =~ $OP$pat) while \$c--;
450                \$got = "$repl";
452        }
453        else {
454            $code= <<EOFCODE;
455                $study
456                \$match = (\$subject =~ $OP$pat) while \$c--;
457                \$got = "$repl";
459        }
460        $code = "no warnings 'experimental::regex_sets';$code" if $regex_sets;
461        $code = "no warnings 'experimental::alpha_assertions';$code" if $alpha_assertions;
462        #$code.=qq[\n\$expect="$expect";\n];
463        #use Devel::Peek;
464        #die Dump($code) if $pat=~/\\h/ and $subject=~/\x{A0}/;
465	{
466	    # Probably we should annotate specific tests with which warnings
467	    # categories they're known to trigger, and hence should be
468	    # disabled just for that test
469	    no warnings qw(uninitialized regexp deprecated);
470	    eval $code;
471	}
472	chomp( my $err = $@ );
473	if ( $skip ) {
474	    print "ok $testname # skipped", length($reason) ? ".  $reason" : '', "\n";
475	    next TEST;
476	}
477	elsif ($result eq 'c') {
478	    if ($err !~ m!^\Q$expect!) { print "not ok $testname$todo (compile) $input => '$err'\n"; next TEST }
479	    last;  # no need to study a syntax error
480	}
481	elsif ( $todo_qr ) {
482	    print "not ok $testname # TODO", length($reason) ? " - $reason" : '', "\n";
483	    next TEST;
484	}
485	elsif ($@) {
486	    print "not ok $testname$todo $input => error '$err'\n", _comment("$code\n$@\n"); next TEST;
487	}
488	elsif ($result =~ /^n/) {
489	    if ($match) { print "not ok $testname$todo ($study) $input => false positive\n"; next TEST }
490	}
491	else {
492	    if (!$match || $got ne $expect) {
493	        eval { require Data::Dumper };
494                no warnings "utf8"; # But handle should be utf8
495		if ($@ || !defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader) {
496		    # Data::Dumper will load on miniperl, but fail when used in
497		    # anger as it tries to load B. I'd prefer to keep the
498		    # regular calls below outside of an eval so that real
499		    # (unknown) failures get spotted, not ignored.
500		    print "not ok $testname$todo ($study) $input => '$got', match=$match\n", _comment("$code\n");
501		}
502		else { # better diagnostics
503		    my $s = Data::Dumper->new([$subject],['subject'])->Useqq(1)->Dump;
504		    my $g = Data::Dumper->new([$got],['got'])->Useqq(1)->Dump;
505		    my $e = Data::Dumper->new([$expect],['expected'])->Useqq(1)->Dump;
506		    print "not ok $testname$todo ($study) $input => '$got', match=$match\n", _comment("$s\n$code\n$g\n$e\n");
507		}
508		next TEST;
509	    }
510	}
511    }
512    print "ok $testname$todo\n";
515printf "1..%d\n# $iters iterations\n", scalar @tests;