xref: /openbsd/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/test.com (revision 17df1aa7)
1$!  Test.Com - DCL wrapper for perl5 regression test driver
3$!  Version 2.0  25-April-2002   Craig Berry  craigberry@mac.com
4$!                               (and many other hands in the last 7+ years)
5$!  The most significant difference is that we now run the external t/TEST
6$!  rather than keeping a separately maintained test driver embedded here.
8$!  Version 1.1   4-Dec-1995
9$!  Charles Bailey  bailey@newman.upenn.edu
11$!  Set up error handler and save things we'll restore later.
12$   On Control_Y Then Goto Control_Y_exit
13$   On Error Then Goto wrapup
14$   olddef = F$Environment("Default")
15$   oldmsg = F$Environment("Message")
16$   oldpriv = F$SetPrv("NOALL")         ! downgrade privs for safety
17$   discard = F$SetPrv("NETMBX,TMPMBX") ! only need these to run tests
19$! Process arguments.  P1 is the file extension of the Perl images.
20$! P2, when not empty, indicates that we are testing a version of Perl built
21$! for the VMS debugger.  The other arguments are passed directly to t/TEST.
23$   exe = ".Exe"
24$   If p1.nes."" Then exe = p1
25$   If F$Extract(0,1,exe) .nes. "."
26$   Then
27$     Write Sys$Error ""
28$     Write Sys$Error "The first parameter passed to Test.Com must be the file type used for the"
29$     Write Sys$Error "images produced when you built Perl (i.e. "".Exe"", unless you edited"
30$     Write Sys$Error "Descrip.MMS or used the AXE=1 macro in the MM[SK] command line."
31$     Write Sys$Error ""
32$     $status = 44
33$     goto wrapup
34$   EndIf
36$!  "debug" perl if second parameter is nonblank
38$   dbg = ""
39$   ndbg = ""
40$   if p2.nes."" then dbg  = "dbg"
41$   if p2.nes."" then ndbg = "ndbg"
43$! Run using "TEST." unless something else (e.g. "harness.") was specified.
44$  If F$Type(PERL_TEST_DRIVER) .eqs. "" Then PERL_TEST_DRIVER == "TEST."
46$!  Make sure we are where we need to be.
47$   If F$Search("t.dir").nes.""
48$   Then
49$       Set Default [.t]
50$   Else
51$       If F$TrnLNm("Perl_Root").nes.""
52$       Then
53$           Set Default Perl_Root:[t]
54$       Else
55$           Write Sys$Error "Can't find test directory"
56$           $status = 44
57$           goto wrapup
58$       EndIf
59$   EndIf
61$!  Pick up a copy of perl to use for the tests
62$   If F$Search("Perl''exe'").nes."" Then Delete/Log/NoConfirm Perl'exe';*
63$   If PERL_TEST_DRIVER .eqs. "minitest"
64$   Then
65$       Copy/Log/NoConfirm [-]miniperl'exe' []Perl'exe'
66$   Else
67$       Copy/Log/NoConfirm [-]'ndbg'Perl'exe' []Perl'exe'
68$   EndIf
70$!  Pick up a copy of vmspipe.com to use for the tests
71$   If F$Search("VMSPIPE.COM").nes."" then Delete/Log/Noconfirm VMSPIPE.COM;*
72$   Copy/Log/NoConfirm [-]VMSPIPE.COM []
74$!  This may be set for the C compiler in descrip.mms, but it confuses the File::Find tests
75$   if f$trnlnm("sys") .nes. "" then Define sys " "
77$!  And do it
78$   Set Message /NoFacility/NoSeverity/NoIdentification/NoText
79$   Show Process/Accounting
80$   testdir = "Directory/NoHead/NoTrail/Column=1"
81$   PerlShr_filespec = f$parse("Sys$Disk:[-]''dbg'PerlShr''exe'")
82$   Define 'dbg'Perlshr 'PerlShr_filespec'
83$   If F$Mode() .nes. "INTERACTIVE" Then Define/Nolog PERL_SKIP_TTY_TEST 1
84$   If PERL_TEST_DRIVER .eqs. "minitest"
85$   Then
86$       MCR Sys$Disk:[]Perl'exe' TEST. "-minitest" "base/*.t" "comp/*.t" "cmd/*.t" "run/*.t" "io/*.t" "op/*.t" "uni/*.t"
87$   Else
88$       MCR Sys$Disk:[]Perl'exe' "-I[-.lib]" 'PERL_TEST_DRIVER' "''p3'" "''p4'" "''p5'" "''p6'" "''p7'"
89$   EndIf
90$   goto wrapup
92$ Control_Y_exit:
93$   $status = 1552   ! %SYSTEM-W-CONTROLY
95$ wrapup:
96$   status = $status
97$   If f$trnlnm("''dbg'PerlShr") .nes. "" Then DeAssign 'dbg'PerlShr
98$   Show Process/Accounting
99$   If f$type(olddef) .nes. "" Then Set Default &olddef
100$   If f$type(oldmsg) .nes. "" Then Set Message 'oldmsg'
101$   If f$type(oldpriv) .nes. "" Then discard = F$SetPrv(oldpriv)
102$   Exit status