1& This command macro builds and tests full perl using 2& the native perl build scripts. The prerequsites for 3& using this macro are a VOS Continuum system running 4& VOS Release 14.5.0 and VOS GNU C/C++ and GNU Tools 2.0.1. 5& 6& Written 02-05-05 by Paul Green (Paul.Green@stratus.com) 7& 8&begin_parameters 9 debug_sw switch(-debug) 10&end_parameters 11&echo command_lines 12& 13!add_library_path command (master_disk)>system>gnu_library>bin &+ 14 -after '(current_dir)' 15& 16&if (process_type) = interactive 17&then !set_terminal_parameters -pause_lines 0 18& 19&set_string release (before (after (module_info system_release) 'VOS Release ') ' ') 20&if &release& < '14.5' 21&then &do 22 &display_line You must be running VOS Release 14.5.0 or later to use this macro. 23 &return e$wrong_version 24&end 25& 26&if ^ (exists -directory (master_disk)>system>gnu_library>lib>perl5) 27&then &do 28 &display_line You must have S877 - GNU C/C++ and GNU Tools Release 2.0.1 to use this macro. 29 &return e$wrong_version 30&end 31& 32!change_current_dir < 33& 34&if &debug_sw& 35&then !bash vos/configure_full_perl.sh -DDEBUGGING -Doptimize=-g 36&else !bash vos/configure_full_perl.sh 37& 38!bash vos/make_full_perl.sh 39