1AN-BREAK(1) General Commands Manual AN-BREAK(1) 2 3NNAAMMEE 4 AAnn--bbrreeaakk - line breaking of the author macro 5 6DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN 7 inline is the default: Kristaps, Ingo, and Joerg. empty trailing . 8 9 split mode: 10 Kristaps 11 Ingo 12 Joerg 13 14 empty 15 trailing 16 . 17 18AAUUTTHHOORRSS 19 split mode is the default: Kristaps 20 Ingo 21 Joerg 22 23 empty 24 trailing 25 . 26 27 inline: Kristaps, Ingo, and Joerg. empty trailing . 28 29OpenBSD February 5, 2015 OpenBSD 30