1.Dd December 24, 2009 2.Dt BL-COLUMN 1 3.Os OpenBSD 4.Sh NAME 5.Nm Bl-column 6.Nd lists with multiple columns 7.Sh DESCRIPTION 8.Bl -column "a" 9.It a 10.El 11.Bl -column "a" "b" 12.It a Ta b 13.El 14.\" avoid "c" which means "cm" 15.Bl -column "a" "b" "cc" 16.It a Ta b Ta cc 17.El 18.Bl -column "a" "b" "cc" "d" 19.It a Ta b Ta cc Ta d 20.El 21.Bl -column "a" "b" "cc" "d" "e" 22.It a Ta b Ta cc Ta d Ta e 23.El 24.\" Probing up to the utter limits of groff. 25.\" With more than 5 columns or more than 78 characters per line, 26.\" groff .Bl -column turns completely mad. 27.\" mandoc can do more, but it's no use testing that. 28.Bd -literal 295 + 35 + 4 + 34 = 78: 30.Ed 31.Bl -column "x35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" "x34xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 32.It x35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ta x34xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 33.It a Ta b 34.El 35.Bd -literal 365 + (22+4)*2 + 21 = 78: 37.Ed 38.Bl -column "x22xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" "x22xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" "x21xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 39.It x22xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ta x22xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ta x21xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 40.It a Ta b Ta c 41.El 42.Bd -literal 435 + 16 + (4+15)*3 = 78: 44.Ed 45.Bl -column "x16xxxxxxxxxxxxx" "x15xxxxxxxxxxxx" "x15xxxxxxxxxxxx" "x15xxxxxxxxxxxx" 46.It x16xxxxxxxxxxxxx Ta x15xxxxxxxxxxxx Ta x15xxxxxxxxxxxx Ta x15xxxxxxxxxxxx 47.It a Ta b Ta c Ta d 48.El 49.Bd -literal 505 + 13 + (3+12)*4 = 78: 51.Ed 52.Bl -column "x13xxxxxxxxxx" "x12xxxxxxxxx" "x12xxxxxxxxx" "x12xxxxxxxxx" "x12xxxxxxxxx" 53.It x13xxxxxxxxxx Ta x12xxxxxxxxx Ta x12xxxxxxxxx Ta x12xxxxxxxxx Ta x12xxxxxxxxx 54.It a Ta b Ta c Ta d Ta e 55.El 56.\" Trailing white space in phrases. 57.Bl -column "aaaa" "bbbb" 58.It "a" Ta "b" 59.It "a " Ta "b" 60.It "a " Ta "b" 61.It a b 62.It a b 63.It a b 64.El 65