1PF-SPACING(1) General Commands Manual PF-SPACING(1) 2 3NNAAMMEE 4 PPff--ssppaacciinngg - spacing around the prefix macro 5 6DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN 7 Closing punctuation goes .right. But .. double prefixes don't work. 8 Opening punctuation goes (left. But again, prefix () pairs don't work. 9 Even normal text gets prefixed. The first Argument is not parsed. 10 Nothing can be prefixed to the next line. Trailing punctuation still 11 counts as _e_o_s . (But it does not fall out of enclosures .) 12 13 It makes no sense at the very _e_n_d 14 15OpenBSD July 4, 2017 OpenBSD 16