1RS-BREAK(1) General Commands Manual RS-BREAK(1) 2 3NNAAMMEE 4 RRss--bbrreeaakk - line break before reference start 5 6DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN 7 reference on the same line: author, _j_o_u_r_n_a_l, 42. 8 9SSEEEE AALLSSOO 10 reference after a blank line: 11 12 author, _j_o_u_r_n_a_l, 42. 13 14SSEEEE _A_L_S_O 15 reference on the same line: author, _j_o_u_r_n_a_l, 42. 16 17OpenBSD August 19, 2022 OpenBSD 18