1IF-BEFORE-DD(1) General Commands Manual IF-BEFORE-DD(1) 2 3NNAAMMEE 4 iiff--bbeeffoorree--DDdd - end of if block on its own line before Dd 5 6DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN 7 In an old version of mandoc(1), mdoc(7) file format autodetection failed 8 when the end of an iiff block stood on its own line before the initial 9 mdoc(7) DDdd macro. The file was mishandled as man(7) and parsing failed 10 with unknown macro errors. 11 12 If the present document looks like a proper mdoc(7) document and the 13 following display reads ``mytext'', then the problem did not come back: 14 15 mytext 16 17OpenBSD May 27, 2012 OpenBSD 18